Show HOGE PEERY WEDDING one of salt lakes belles and a loading young ann of oad odan on united lc in t duly T I 1 cyz I 1 1 1 I W A wedding of unusual interest to society of salt lake and ogden took place last evening when miss luacine hose one of the belles of this city was snarr married led to mr joseph joselph peery one of 0 the most por par ular young men of 0 ogden the wedding was not a large one but a beautiful home affair and who were present presented en jobed 10 ed a most sociable time marked by its lack of 0 formality tor maHly the ceremony took place promptly 1 at 6 the marriage marriaga being performed by sir F r S richards Klc hardg a relative of 0 the groom the bride and her maid of honor bonar silas MISS baarle alff fornies for nied a picture they were gowned in dainty costumes of white or oran gande dlo and boio lars large white hats hata trimmed alth ith white and black plumes tho the groome best man was sir mr D IL peery jr of 0 tills this pink and white hite were the colors used I 1 in I 1 tho the decorations of 0 hall drawing room and dining room in the draw ing room across the upper part of 0 the bow TIn window dow was stretched a broad pink satin ribbon from rom ono one side of 0 which N aich was draped a a falling curtain 0 of sweet peas and carnations in pink and white iwhite lo 10 battla Is of snap dragon were arranged ceic anti and while over the plano piano was it a pretty colo combination of pink eaten libbon entwined W with I 1 11 pink pinac atia anil and wh while te cRe carnations nations hollyhocks mere enre ethely used in the dining room while to in tin tile effect pain nii sn im ilex und anti plumose wore are added A I brier riot reception followed the guesta numbering gumbei anc about thirty five mostly relatives of ill hie bride end and q groom it m anu and save several ra I 1 of atif tile the brida I 1 girl I friends delicious nato 9 refreshments serve berged d and the half hour given to congratulations anil and wished tor for the happiness of tile ilia bilde anil and broom arouni ilass alss eloge Is n daughter of jud budare and M mrs r a I 1 E D cloge of this city ind bic peery la is tile attorney of county and a son of lion hon anti and mis n D 11 II peery of ogden at p m the bride and groom with the mald maid ot of honor and the baft man were wen driven to the alta alia club where they were entertained by mr it 1 II 11 peery jr at a an A elaborate cla borata dind dinner ner and front from the club they wore driven t to a tile the rio orande grando depot tot to tahe it tile train for a months trip through light the noted results ot of colorado co orado anong those who iho came down from oad ogdon on for tile the bedding ved dIng were vere ilon hon and mrs mra D 11 pecia miss louise perry peery boraca 13 and harold J I 1 peery was miss bathanne Cat hanne haime cranahan Cri nahan 7 1 mamia bloss cira ilass nannie mannle hoy and mr J W V hoffe the three list last named being from virginia miss anil and mr aioge are relatives of mr peery but not of the bride 71 it rn I 1 i IV L |