Show I 1 ED TWENTY FIVE YEARS TEAKS and wow palillo E jones soaks a 6 DL di dorco philo H r jons jones after twenty alive years tt of married life he Is a tetter after freedom trini front the marital ties that have bound him for that length of time to tn A gitary T ary jong jones and has accordingly niad file fin fill fiction action for divorce in the third district dl court sir air jones al alleger legel that ho he still nl tho defend atit were at white 0 0 in 1869 and have alve it ve children ranging in ai age from 23 to 6 yram years on june 1 I 1892 his wife doi d lira him and lias has ft nep declined to hare his rit t and heard board wherefore ho he prays for or a decree ot of devoice ind and an equal cal division of the four mtnor minor children |