Show Call Of Cel tt erville Called Dais Mis Alzma T Tinge pissed p wa away at hen hei home I in Thu dl l h 26 1927 She had been in poor health for about t two tand 0 and a half s ei Wind ind bed bedfast fast for about fifteen v w eks She was as bor borr in ut Iowa Io August 12 of Josl h and an I 1818 the ui d-ui ter Item letta Willi d ms C ill arriving to III SnIt Salt Lake L Valle V in the fill hll of 1849 settling in Dou Bou She went wits wit i her patents to Fill Fillmore Fillmore more at the cal call of President Young Her fol fa heras her was as killed by b the IndIans The amity Famili then TO Bountiful W wl re lived and went through the hi h and und the pion pioneers rs December 27 2 1803 she in m tried ned ft Tinge in m the old meat ment House They mo mow mo cd cd tto o 0 Centers Centen the IIII I shortly after where She he has resided ever since e ch children ren eleven eleven boys an I Ion IOne on One girl erel were nere born born- born to them Her and ind even sven even child en ln pI pieced eced ed her to ro the treat threat beyond Those living are arc Pen Pen- PenG G and William WIlham W Wo of o Gray Idaho C of EVanston on-ing on 1 o 11 y y 1 I and Ir Mrs Nettle Nettie A of C nten Centerville 1111 She She also also raised four grandchildren She Sh Sh retires s cives forty two grin en and eight tv twenty eight enty great preal gl grandchildren In 1888 1838 she fret ps as s to act as counselor in m th Society m in which which capacity she he acted until 1901 when hen she was as lIed called to lo preside SheI She I u was honorably released 1910 after long and faithful service She was as beloved beloved by all for her qualities s and wis w i i minister minister- ministering ministering ing mg inel to the sick and Ind to those m in distress Her trample cample before her IS OCI tte He an ani 1 friends w HIS IS as it 1 il w Wiy S one of loyalty faitH futH pence lose lo of the gospel and I She leaves i host of relatives Wind frIends to lossI loss Den l Mother mini mine with Ith 0 owe io e dc ene thou hast bast led tIlls this wandering heart I of micro minn and md taught ht to u us the truth and rl right ht and tae nay ay to gun gent eternal life May l we e h ld ld last to the iron rod be faithful and true to the rod pre pre- precepts precepts pre of God and ind when we e join that heavenly sphere may m we nc meet yo 0 I there my dear c vices will be held in m the Bountiful bundi May Ma l at 3 p m hI 2 |