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Show I U T A 13. Soap Manufacturing COMPANY, TJ. 0.,'Nineteentli Ward, SALT LAKE CITY, AWER TO THE MERCHANTS OP U 1h Territory and vipinitv several braDdsOt'Kirst-Ulasa tiOAP. including Pale Savon, Castile. Valuut Oil Shaving, Variegated Toilets, Indit'ling ilic celebrated Thomas' Patent Soap, Which we guaranty to be equal to any others in the market. Having spi-ured the fervice of Mr. JOMt"n Ellis, a practical soap mrikor, who has mrmt'icturcd all kinds for a pi-riod of twenty-tire years in the Eastern Cities and Canada, thus supplying the?c markets with lh.; above articles and all Standard Soajs known to tlie market. We would pip.'cmlly call the attention of Woolen Factories and Wool growers, that we are manufacturing the celebrated SC0UR1NC, OR FULLER'S SOAP. ALSO Adamantine, or Miners' Candles Which we o&t aiCi:iip as thi Cheapest. SiT A. liberal price allowed for all box-v rfVjrni-d. Tiie 11 1 she.-: Market price paid for all kind- of GI'.KA.E d-livcred at our Factory. Address all business order to Mr. GKORftR NSBKKKR. Supt., P. (J. Box U.'A, Salt Lake City. A. II- RALEIGH. Pre. , A. W. CAUL Of. SK..-y SPitOlAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ' BOARD. "llloTcE BOOMS AN J BOARD CAN UE ob'aiood for a few poisons ; locution con-Lrt con-Lrt nd pteaiaDt. lniuiro.t this otfi-o. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SILT LIKE THEATRE Sale LfclmTbuitr CorporatioD. Proprietors Clawsoc CiiDo, Miiat.'0M. FRESH ATTRACTION ! There's Millions in it." EDosgemeiit for Six Nights Only Uf the popular Comediia, MR. WILLIE GILL Who will ma!;e bis flrft acrearsnce nt ttiii Tboitre a OOL. SELLERS, In M ark Twain's GKELIDZEID .A-Q-El. Supported by Miss Jean Clara Walters and Entire Pr.matic Company. Monday, Ev', February 8, 1875 ; Will be present od Uio cow iIay, in 4 nets, tdnptod I row Mark i wain's i ovel, tut nil nun unci NIL UILULU riULl Col. Mulberry Sellers, Mr. Willio GUI Duo notice will be siren of the flist appearance ap-pearance of MISS ROSE BAIN. In preparation, and will be produced during Uie week, "Madqk Of 01det Bnsiacss House in TJtaa. WALKER BRO'S, ' I Salt Lake City. ' A General Banking Business Transacted. PROMPT AND CABirUl ATTINT10H 0IVEH TO COLLECTIONS, COL-LECTIONS, AND BEIilTTANCfS MADE ON DAT Of PAYMUT. Special Reference and Coi-rcspondeiits: H. B. Claflin & Co., New York City; Laidlaw & Co., New York City; .First National Bank, Chicago; Omaha National Na-tional Bank, Omaha; State SariafS Association, St. Luis; Bank of California, Cali-fornia, San Francisco; Bank of British North America, San Francisco. f7 j THE LAST CHANCE rpO LOnK INTO THE FUTURE. MMK. 1 Do Klucary can be oorsaltd, for a fow days only, at Mrs. Lovoll s rcsidi'Dce, next door to Iho City JJa;l. From ibo Pueblo. Colorado "Chieftain," of July 3rd: Madame De Klugary hss mo', with unprecedented success suc-cess in nor prophecies of tho rat.prcsont and future- Many of our be?t and most rosi-oeUble eituem ha to cod ultod hit with ntislaction. and are wall satisfied with the result- f7 Tie Democratic Committee. TUB MEMBBBS OF TH H PE.MOCH ATIC Committee are Tory icspectJully requested re-quested to meet at Ho 36, First South Street, On Thursday ovoniia. Fob. ltth, at 7 o'elook. Us order oi the Chairman. JU GuKDON, Secretary. n Home Mutual Insurance Co, OF CALIFORNIA. uapitai paid up. - sauo.uuu.uu. Assets Jan. 1st, 1875, - $571,229.04. J.F. IIOUGETOX, O. It. STORY,. Ii-C3ident. Secretary. H. R. MANN & CO., AGENTS, Salt Lake City. J m W. HOWARD, P.-JUQSLEY, President. SsuroUrr, SALT LAKE CITY IRON COPPAASY. HAVING PURCHASED THE Salt Lake Iroii Works, And added thereto the Tools and Machinery belonging to Wm. J. SILVER, are prepared to do all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings, Forpi, Boring, Turning anil FITTING UP. Wm. J. SILVER Superintendent, Half Block South of p.R. Depot N.B. Drawings, Plans and Soecifica-tions Soecifica-tions of all kinds of Mill Work anc Machinery. X'2 PAINTING! W. V. MORRIS, rractical House Painter B0IH PLAIN & OKXiHENTAL, GUARANTEES TO QIYE SATISFACTION IX PRICE AlfD QUALITY. Sliop in Alley opjKalte Wells, ihrgo (1; CVn o(ficc, 2i.B. Signs .nd .11 Hndj of GraiDing, Marbling and Gtldine don. hy himself, and in which he challenges all competition.! nl3 PHILADELPHIA TRADE. 412 to 420 Soulh Mh St.," PHILADELPHIA, PA. Manufacture a Fall Lis" WOMEN'S, MISSES' S CHILDHEN j, FINE SEWED SHOES. Onr i-odi are stamped with our nam and warranted, and are kepi bvH.C. M-I. and ail the Drmcieal stores. misT NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ITOTI03STS, Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, Silks, Satins, POPLINS, VELVETS, ljlidies7 :ftt:r,s LADIES' UNDERWEAR, Gents' Furnishing Goods, A LARGE ASSORTfUiESMT OF LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. THE CHEAPEST Arctics and Euobers WM. JENNINGS SOIS. 1875. 18757 TEASD31L & Co.. 6.J, G7 and G9 East Temple Street, V SALT LAKE CITY, T ' " - 'Clearing 'Out Sale! FOR THE KIT S1XTF . DAIS, Preparatory to a i DISSOLUTION OF CO-PAETNERSHIP, And for this cuse will sell the balance f their woll-selccUd Stock, consisting of ' i Dry Goods, Staple and Fancy, BOOTS AND SH0FS G-ROCERIES, : Hardware, Stoves, etc, Tliej will lie si at SACRIFICING PRICES for CASH I GASH! CASH! Parties who are in neett of good Goods and at CLOSING PRICES will do well to call and examine. TIHIIS IS BONA PIDE And not got up for effect. tjc2- Remember, we intend to sell as above stated for Cash. TR&SBELi & CO- |