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Show ojU, Estate Brokers. Messrs. J. ,-8.udH. Stratford, under the to Jame3.& Slratfbrd; commenced bu.m8 real . u,si and hye Pened an estate taoVen, Jamcs& office at the .tor. oi J lch Hotel, luey iraudeeneral ngency buemcw. "T Bi.bop TMlta. Messn, w I ",ld w,ker 11, see advertisement. V CoM: KOT.CE.-Tho Over-, Over-, lttm.se ('" 2x1' ch0''P 1"C"1 ..jlIV'c 'iavo lemnveil to BET-IJ Keel's building, whore we .1...U b plelu ,', oid nistnmran. J. U. Jaince A W- ' s tiDiBian invited to attend tho ,ction te of Cr0CkCry- t,'C'lUn'S; 1' , ' llie Del.nonk'o, First S,l'S.reet, .... Mcmd.y, M,y kh, 10 a. m. H- A- nwJ -u'ul'0"ecr. KlBN-ircBK, .'.USA, crockery, t-.blt-mTt ,! house gcwls generally. My is new and complete, M' 1 am ,r,ialSell. dUBAMATr. Stock Ekchasuk. The adjourned Itw of the Stock Exchange, will eld on Monday, May 4th, 1374, "o'clock, n00I1 at tlieoffit;eof JttnieaS. Mathews, E-H., over First N4tiuallnk. S.S.Walker, President; Presi-dent; Frank Fuller. Secretary. To the LADns.-r-Mw. Wilkinson Ukre pleasure m informing the ladies 0f,U Lake City and vicinity, Unit she" will, on Wednesday, May Gth, : open mi elegant assortment of the latest Mid most asliionable style- of, the teaeoc, consisting of lace braid, , French chip, Iftt, and other fancy I hate and bonnet, together with a full aiid complete line of the nioat desir--aWe millinery goods. Ladies' bazaar, 1st South street, west ofZ. C, M. I. mo Fok A good dish of ice cream go to Ihe Grand Central ke Cream Purlor, No. 30 first South atrcet. ml The Salt Lake Ice Co. have 3,-000 3,-000 tons of the celebrated Coriuue Ice, which they will deliver to all parts of the city at all hour of the day and in tiny quantity. Depot at the old stand, No. 30 First South street. Mrs. J- R.'Ceawsox. ml Wabhisutos Hoi.sb to vent ai a very moderate fignre. 3 Ji;st received some elegant poplin UHltcms very low at F. Aaerbuch & Pro., oj East Temple street. a2U ,tte.stios', Ladie. P- Schwivrz, from Xew York, has this day opened ii new dry goods store at the Mathies-6cn Mathies-6cn Block, opposite Wasatch Hotel. Groat bargains in fancy and staple dry goods. Dl'.vtokd i Son?. Our nraclieal nutters and boot fitters J. H. Lwd& Co. pay the highest price for furniture and household good of all kinds. A few doors weot Klml)ll (t Lawrence's, First South Etrcc. Uest.9' and boys' fashionable clothing, hats and caps, boots and ilioes at panic prices at F. Auerbach U liro., 55 Main street. a20 Concord Bi'Ogy if a iprHS. Twenty Twen-ty -Ave seta just received, Richest ever brought Jo UUh. Walin & Twiner, Twi-ner, Ciroeabeek'a Block. a28 Mrs. Andrew Lancaster will call at Carter's Gallery she will hear of somethiug to her advantage. a28 LAbiB wjLLsave jnoney by buying their Summer dress goods, ready-made ready-made suite, parasols and fkney nock jrear at V. Auerbach & Bro., 55 Main ((rout, a29 HortKtjOOjM, new goods, Barratt's. .. Ice Cre.m at the Delmonicu. '-'-3 Wood 1 Wood I ! Wood ! I ! Ch eap fatmUjwn. Yard and oftice at the depot. Ljjve orders at the ltocky Mountain Coal office, Kimball Block. 0. B. Durst. VisttJAR. Good Btrong Cider Viu gar, $12 per barrel, of forty-throe galioug, at tho factory, 3S Commercial Commer-cial street, Orders from the country promptly attended W. Joseph rjteller. all. FirrKEN thousand rolls of wall paper, ornamental and decorating, at Jf- Pinwnodey's. a2- Os.d Ha" Benijr's 1'hotograpbs can be obi ained at Carter's Gallery, opposite Lu6sey(3 bank, card size, 25cts; 8 x 10 50ct5. Agents wanted. Orders' by mail promptly attended to. t0 Tme'i' bay Dinwodey has the eheap-st eheap-st hahy tariai "j town. a22 Geo. EjrtowEu,, seavenger for the The Pioskkk Link East. If you are going to Chicago, Dctroit.Buffalo, New York or Philadelphia, you should buy your tickets via the Chicago Chica-go & North Western Railway. It is the oldest, shortest, quickest and best route between Omaha and Chicago. Pullman Palace cars ou all trains. No changes of oars. Tickets for sale at White A McCor-.'ck-' bank, at Salt Lake City. YV. lennett, General Paawenger Agent j27 " Attkntiox, Ladie-i! Dickey ' Cronie-.De Lis, for cleansing and preserving the teeth, beautifying the complexion, and removing freckles, eruptions, sunburn and tan. A new combination, equal to the best French preparations, and free -from their poisonous ingredients. Invented by Geo. S. Dickey, Chemist. Sold by all Druggists. Ik you want to furnish your house, call at J. M. Joeleon's, Groesbeck's building. j24 The best and cheapest Weber Coal in market. $0.75 per ton by the car loud. Call on George Nebeker. il For a nice oyster stew or fry, go to j J oj ui -au unjginn, a, aii hLiu uiu li; cream parlor, 1st South street. o22 Davis House, corner of Second South and First East streets. Board per week, $7; board and room per day, $2; board and room per week, from 9 to $12; meals 50 cents . Shell Davis, proprietor. a5 Live Geese Fcathern at H. Diu-woodey's. Diu-woodey's. a22 Blank acknowledgments adapted any otneer, for sale at the Herald office. au21 Come one, come all and tane a drink with Sangio it Wilton to-day until 12 m. at the Old City Liquor Store. ml H. Dinwoodey has removed his furniture from Main street to his three-story brick building, 1st South dtreet, half, block west of the Coup, clock, where he is prepared to do a wholesale aa well as a retail business. f27 Deei' Walnut Oval Frames for wax flowers, crosses, &c, and a large assortment of frames of all kinds just received tit C. R. Savage's Art Gallery. Gal-lery. a7 Ice Ckeam at the Delmonico. a23 Coal, Coal, Coal) The celebrated celebrat-ed Cribmon Coal, the best in tho market, mar-ket, at $S per ton at depot. Leave order at yard south of depot; Z. C. M. I. Drug Store ; residence, 14th Ward ; and P. O. Box U99. Stop our wagons and give orders to teamsters. i7 FcuNirunn, Bauratt's; furniture Barratt's. "23 rkhovi:i. Wo deetr tocif-H fie n'tpntion of oar cus-tomora cus-tomora and tho j.iibtic at lanto that wo niivo rmoveil Id l tin imiro uom Qiodinus More ol Low Ya?atub llolol lviilUiofc. ivhera wo are pow O.oning jut our Sprir.g and iuiumor stock of CiotQiDR of tho IfttoKt acyltsu and attorn, nil ofour oim man'iriicturo, liioh onublos to soil our jfuoda fri'iii to ior cant, loss than jiny olbor huufo in this oity. Msonfastorr. ilo-w?Cn. ,. 8irLeoDiwd SL. (fne&iah lioiol Buildmes. Now Vorte. ) - AllK & MUttl'HV. Maka tho boat TOM and JKRRY aod I all drinks wbioh none but, osiiorienuod LA-ly tEE?IiH.b know how to compound, fhoir Liuuors and ClgUTe aro uniurpausud- Ibaro (orthoy aroooar rodj to Bi)it tho moat fae-tidioua fae-tidioua it tho OCCIDENTAL, 35 Firaf Sooth Stroot. ILi-i SPECIAL NOTICE. , Why EulTor from Dyspepsia, Indigos tioa, und loss of appetite, when you can, Wjwuw'-Or, Uouloy's celebrated liL UiLUire,') (.Jiect a rjerfeet t:uro; tboy aro a pleatiuit and mviKyi-atiu tonic, and oii-'loraed oii-'loraed aud rccommuadud by our modt oiumant pliyaieiuua (aj per eerlilicates on oq;jIi bolt U) for ttn complaints of the Livur aud Digcstlvu Organs. As a family moditliifl Lhty bavo no Stual. bw advurtiMiiuent in another column. (TOQC will purchase a seven octave 4)ujJ rosewood piano whieh has been used only a short time. Caldcr &. Careless. mZ Aldlni:. Bring your Mdines and ect them bound at the Hekald bindery bind-ery at eastern prices. a3 SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS I Advortieoni&nts -mdor this heodine 10 cants per line per day ; nothing insortod for lcds than 60 cent for ono timo. LOST. t REWARD. LOST. OK FRIDAY, A SO Pocket Book, containing two cliecws. 'I ho abovo reward will bo paid to tho licder on returning same to this ollioe. m3 REWARD. TUE PEHSON Will TOOK TWO bmdiod from the Mining Bureau sido-wnlk sido-wnlk is Cnown. Plenfto l-iava tbrm at this olfioeand be rowardni- Xo questions uekort. WANTED. AT THE NORTH RTAft lIOTEL, A Kilcbon and Chambermaid. ui2 WO C II MBKU MAIDS. At the Overland llouso. i30 BOARDING. MRS. ti. V. KIN'O HAS R.EOPBN ED her iirivntn boarding housa oun block wo-tof W alitor Bros., and ia jTouarud to fur-ninh fur-ninh patrnn with board, with ur without roumr, as doMrod. aJi' FOR SALE. FRENCH AND HOWOARIA GTUPP Vines,. U Paul A. Sohott.or's l'-'lh W ard. ma AID-HOUSE UPRIGHT B0II. R, ALL complete. Alfo, a now Humon u 'J'unalar Boiler 12-horno pnwnr An ly to John Sloan A Co., halt Loko City Boiler Works, north of 'iuwntiend Houso. a2ti FOR RENT. ST, CHARLES EOT EL. WITH TWEN'TY--cvon furnished reoms. 'Ann l.i.nfo ii furnished fur-nished throughout, and in Kn,1d ordir. l''r fur. her inloru. e-tUn apply to Go; tin .t lienor a, tit, Charles iiotoV m6 ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED IN the Twnntioth Ward. Krtiuiro of 'F. May, Twellih Ward Meal Market. ni2 A LOON TO KENT. WASHINGTON O Uoubo. Eniairo Ovorland lloiue. j27 DISSOLUTION. TsJOTfCEHS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Xi tho oo-tmrtDorshjp Leraofur- cxistiits under tho iUie and firm of V. W . H1LMAN JcUO. is this dny di-aolvcd by matu. connect. con-nect. Edwin 'Ligeart "ill piiy-H d'lts of tho lirm and is alouo authorized to c licet all bills, notoa and accounts auo said firm. F. W. E1ILMAN. EDWIN TAU'JAKT. Tho undcr'igoed will continue tho dn'R IjuMneeH at No. i'S Kast letup' o e Inset and soU-jlifl a continuance of iho patrunacu lo has uo-Jic received. SiUVIX lAUQAKT. fait Lako City, April 21at. aii BOOK AGENCY U?S ifi $.'9 ft dl,?- Asantu warded Sid 3wU All cl-vdos ol wi.rkiiit people, peo-ple, of citlior boi, youns or old, uia.io cj-uo money at wort' Tor na iu tboir spu o uiorjoot" a'l tbr- t:mc, thnn at anythina o!-o. Pcr.iiv uiara froo. Audrees (i. Ltinson Co.. m, jiaingt Bj Yci Want to Save Money ? CALL AT LIDD5LL& BROWN'S Scoich S:oro. North or iho Port offir,, and buy jour Groceries, Provisions, Ao. 1 Slo. Ac. HwM,'" i llieiriiirco and carefully cdPatcd rtook of Groceries and Pronto. MhVUep tho finest EDINBURGH OATMEAL .WHS- FIVNAN- HADV&'EUEltRi-V0. HEX DINE JjL'NDKE AI A it MA LADE. 4o. -Aho- L. EOSK i GO'S l.IME JVlE. CORDIAL! And CHAMPAGNE. Fntirolv free from Alcohol, osoollont tonioi anli -fcor btil ia. highly biinofiriril in rhouma-ami rhouma-ami Klronc: y recommended an oroltng drinks for heit in blooi and si. in. All goods hrc-rd. Bed Lug BjfUr; try a botGo. m2 S.1ML. V. HOWIES. J. A. MONKS & SONS, Established 1S17. riJIlE COPPER DISTILLED Kentucky Bourbon Whiskies. 711 NORTH SECOND STREET, BT. LOUIS. MO. a7 WS!. JESSOP & SONS. Steel Manufacturers, 6HKFHKLI), EXGUX'D. Keen cojettDt'y on banl a woll uorti atocii ol beat . Oast Steel, At tboir Warihousc, 71-1 North Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. aU Dissolution of Co-Partnership. N-0TICE 13 HFKt7lV GIVEN THAT iho co-partnership horctoloro ei Is ting botwoen Hebor I'. Ivimball ad Len U iuu, under tho firm namo ot Winos ,t Kimball, as cattlo-doalors.i.i this day iiinsolyoi by mutual ooa-ent All dub'.s and liabilities of sail Hmj will be settloJ by H. P. Kimball, who will continue tho busineis. LEN .WINFP. LEBER P. KIMBALL. gait Lake City. Mar- 25, 1&74. m2 Dissolution of Partnership Salt Lako City, Ttah, April 1S.1&74. millS COPARTNERSHIP HERE TO E0RB X oxistioic u-idor tho namo of Pfbv-U k Uuislect, lorthesil" of ' Wood" Sewing ila-chiD. ila-chiD. is this du? dis olvod by ni'itnal oon-sont. oon-sont. All claims axaiast the said firm are assumed by Ira V'fotiti, and aU debts du them must bo paid to htm alono, IR rFOUTZ, WILL CHISLETT. Tho undo-BKnod will continne ho salt nf tho "Weed" Suwing M-mhinei at No. 11 Kait Templo v reel, ana Bolieim i contin'ianoe of tho patronage ho has boforo re-eived. a!9 IRA PrOUTZ. Estate of James M. Carter, DBCKASED. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVBI BY THB U5dnrsignr,d IdainsTators of tho aboTB named o-Ut to Lho creditor of. and all pr-senH pr-senH having olaims asain-t. said dooeajad, to ohiiit the same with nooossary vuachor8( witbln two yoars from tho 6th January In-rtaut, In-rtaut, Dthe underlined, at the offiue over Firtt National Bank. Mam stret, Salt Lake City. i'LORbNCE J. aKIER, M. A. CARTKR, jal4 Administrators.. - S ALISON BROS. & CO. Wasatch Hotel Building, Importers of HAVANA SEGARS, WHOLESALE TOBACCONISTS. f!t5g GREAT INDUCEMENT 0F-AK3 0F-AK3 EERED TO THE TRADE. am I AM NOW RECEIVING ORDERS FOR a lartre variotv of U1I0ICB ROKS, euitr-able euitr-able for llouso culture, also lor tho Garden, at eitremoly low ratos. FIVE HEALTHY I'LAXTS FOR ONE DOLLAR. I n-n also sendini- for a varioty of HARDY SHRUBS, Uone-sucklo, Arbor Vltao. Aspe E, Almond, lry, oto , otc, at mudoraco rates. All orders premutly attended to, and eatls-faction eatls-faction guaranteoa. mZ J. J. DUKE, Z. C. M. T. DBNDRIE BROTHER 33 MILS STKEET, , , SALT LAliC CITY, Manufacturers &. Importers oi- MINING MACHINERY AND IBOIT O-OOIDS. ,--1011(5 for the following Celebrated Manufacture : Blitke &. Knowles' Steam Pumps; A. S. Hallidie's Wiro Itopeand Tram- way; Blake & Brodie's Rock Breakers; P. H. Root's Rotary Furnace- Blower; dtrtuib Mill Co. Flouring Mill Supplies; Sup-plies; Burleigh Rock Drill; Utiea Steam Engine Co. Portable Engine, Stationery Enginea and Sawmills; Council Bin fid Iron Works. All classes oi Machinery on order; P. R. Pnllis & Bro., St. Louis, Iron work for buildings. We mako a specialty of the manufacture manu-facture ot MACHINERY FUR Stamp Mills ani Smelting Furnaces. And ro prepared to contract for tho erection, complete, of either, m2 CONSOLIDATION & CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE, TIIE TJMDERS1UMED TAKE PLEArTTTPB in anno -noing to their friends and the public Kenoralty, that tbey have this day cnntolidatod tbo old ortablishcd house of Lito. E. Rxiti A Co. with tbat uf D. H Kt-hev. Kt-hev. fuoees-or to IS. Rr ono A Co., and formed -a. cn-p-rtnorship wnilor tbo lirm namo of 1'oid K'nsey ic Oroi'ley, ant will continue ba'ine.-sat tho old etunds. Main Stroot, or-posito or-posito Walker -lloue, und at Wo. S7 iixst South Street. Eool;ng cratoful for naat favors wo most r'-npectiiillv lolici; a continuaneoof thelibcral tjr.truDbge horetuforo ejttcndud to utv GEO. K. HEID, p. H. KtNSEY, II. S. GREELEY. SaltLnio City, M-U 1st, 1671. OX |