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Show W. M. CHISHOLNI A CO., Undor White A MoCornick' Bank. rOCKS BOUQHT AND SOI.D AND arriod on marsiui. Railroad tlokutu nirht and sold. af, BANKING. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF UTAH, HA Ij T LAKK O I X V DK61GKATKD DK?08IT0KT LHJ) , tin ASCI AL AUKNT Or TKa US1TD ajTATBf WAItHKN IHItvSKY, TrwidnDL AM I'll UM: UUDlili, Caalaior. AUI'llOUIZRD OAl'lTAI J.VXi,ir. I All! Ill Cil lTAL $IKl,iMl KilUI 1518 176,0. II DIVIDEND FOB 1B71, 60 PES CKK1 DIVIDEND FOB 1972. ftO FEB CENI In Ot.dkht BiRimo Itotititioii in Vnti, A Qouori.1 Bnnluoic Dualaav tranaaotoj. AoiiituiRd in COhOKADO Ann MONTANA. COLLECTIONS I'mmrtly attondod t" , TnlArn-t nlliw.' I nn Tim" I.ni.n.Ui nn m.mx wnv. Tlio iiuo3tL):i iH daily n.il.cxl by llious-Mids llious-Mids ol uiiroitiAoup, " Wliy is it tho 1L Hit torn linvu nchiovinl eucli popnUrily with tlm public, nnd liavo hiu'Ii nil im-inuiiEii im-inuiiEii ualoV" Tlio n'luon h bocmirto they a ru an old ami wutl e.ttivblilioJ nrliclo, nnd nro iiitulu fiom tho must choioo horbs and iwota; tlio mtniy who Imvo triud tla-m b'Mity to tluiir bi'iiolleiiil ipialiti,'?, mid lmvn nohosihitioii in rcotimii.iidiinj thorn lo their nllliotod frinidM. Tlnw nro noloiowli'ilil to bo tlw host Uinio nnd ri'i'iiponitor know: ; tlmy build up tho Fynli'in nnd impiirt ctronfjtli to tlm Wi'idt nnd cxlnm-tinl, nnd nro ondorRcd nnd m-onimnmb-d by our most uinim-nt I'liyrtiuiiuie, (ad por emlilk'titoa on o.n'h Ik.I.Uo). To Hiom) nlllict.'d with thu J)y8. popsln, Indiwi'- liun nnd Lokh of Apiiotilo an 11 blood iiuvillor Micy turpnss nil utlicr t0 cnlb'd loniv'1 whi.'b bnvo lutcly wn plni'ud iii tbo nmrkrl, Ni funilty hli'Uihl bo wUlnnit tbom. Mold i,voi'.vwlu.1i,'-, It. Kl'STIHN ft CO. ijolo I'mpiiotont, AIS, KnmtSt. mill tjnn Fnincim.'o. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALT I AKiy TIIE ALIU- SILT LUKE TnEHTRE CORP. MO'S Oluwsn. Calno am WillKran, Mnaajri JattiioH 11. Vinson, Utatru Mioxar. IMMENSE SUCCESS OF I sMrl - ll y 4; V ,--J MISS AMY STONE, Surrtod by the 1 o.i-ilnr Comedian H . F . STONE. BENEFIT DF MISS AMY STONE Hearroaranco of MISS JEAN CLARA WALTERS. Monday Evening, May 4, . 74, ' Will be (irfRontod tbe romantic muiical ii isiua. satitlcd PEARL OF SAVOY! MARtR - - MIS AMY RTONK IMorot - - -Mr 11 STuNE (Jhouc n Mui Jean Clara Walters" Anhiit - - MrJ Al Sawtollo LOOK OCT KOIt ThB Nppt of ttis LurlEita!. Adicissirn Parinette and ftret Circle. 11; Second Circle, oi'c: Third Circle, 2:,o: Uccurv-ol Uccurv-ol boats zdc. aluitiondl- rnrato Boxob 17 to VL each. Hoi o9:ce or-oi at 10 a. in to cjid taoceo ut ILiht- J. (3. JAMES. II. STRATFORD JAMES & STRATFORD, Keal Estate Brokers, OrFICE A' faTlE OF J. JAMiiS L CO., MAIN STBKET, Oi roiito tho W'a'atch Ilote1. " U'ill at'ord to ti:rc'jBs:rg acJ Fcllinf rt OPtste, roiling hM?e and .'lore-. beDicg muscv and ectriil morcy buiin-.ss. Hi l ffr.-rri.s--Tt. Iicv. Bp Tuttle, Whlti A M eCoru u-Jf , bankers; U' a It, or Lrja. auction! a0-MRB0lV.) MONDAY, MAY, 4, 1874, at 1"J a. m. , THE DELMONICO RESTAURANT. Coasijiinj of BiiL'Sit'L ' A!tPEI', CI 1- CLGTIIt, TATiLEo, 'UK CHA1HS. TABt-K UM-N. 'i;0(KKHY. Ll:TT,EIiY. ilAUHt S1LVEKWAKE TllltKh i,Lhti K N T MI Kit' i h.S. I'JCH RES, i L'-LKS, SlOVftd, r-NK FKr.NCil KAN(!K. tho bt in the riir. J-fJiiy cufti CA-N'N HI) k tV IX. Sjsr. Xt!. Ac. c. vr. tVA'iSuN. hrur- 11. A. KKbO, Auciloreer. FLOWERS! ! FLOWERS .' I UjAia'EaFllEsIFROM CAL1-orins CAL1-orins Shrubs, nnd lvwen" Ireorolected ill l-c -o d tor a few cUja.utorite W alker : Homo, Lut Icuai-le street ! J. !' D ALTON, Ab-ent. GRAND CENTRaT ICE CREAM PARLOR". Ii-b Crofin rurci-hnd ff-r panic ar d oxcit-siors. oxcit-siors. J-fi'jjlhfs and carOo!" sucylied at rhvtt totivs in. jU l-irat 6omh iujt. W. I. TUOMPSUM, ml J'rnpricto NEW LAWS IL'ST PUBISLUHD IN PAMPHLET V torm and ready for d rlivorr, tho throe mo?t iiui'Oftnnt U3 pawed by t ho laatLogLS-laturo, laatLogLS-laturo, vil: AN ACrCJNCK'tNlXO COXVETANCES AN ACT 10 ItE iULAl'E FbES AND COMPENSATION FOR OFFICIAL AND OTUEK SEKVICEi IN THE TERRITORY OF UTAH; AN ACT. TO A M IS X D "AN ACT PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATING ASiOOJATIOXS FOR .MIXING, MANUFACTURING, COMMERCIAL COM-MERCIAL ANU OTtlER INDUSTRIAL t'l'R.mCS Approved Fobrunry IPtli, l(Tn. Kvwy Lawyer in tho Territory ahould own ft oo py. Rvory JhJbc, Clork, County Roconlor, .Mavor. Jn-licoof t!io Pcao. Marshal, tborin or tfjor ollii-yr in tho Torritury ,-aonia po.?o-.j s di.y ro . 1 1 rrcmnlu Ins ohnr.'o.. Thero Is a , mjvo o iennltv tv.r char!.iD. I'ojj otior tbftn those proscribed by law. Every Notnry, Oonrynncr and ltl EfUto Ationt should bnvo a co;y, Evrr Minlcs, M unuracturlnvi, Co mis nro iat or other coiui.ikny ott.uild have n copy PRICE 25 CENTS. r Sond io your crdrs immadiatoty " bb tho number is liiaitod. ml SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, . XLh, 1.K3I0X, i:if., l or riiuitriin; It froam. I'akos nurt I'l-slry "Willi p,Tt'.'il. riliv, by ii new mrt-sfs, ivo i'Ah'iK'i. fnuii Uio tnn, w'li'ci. hVuift nnd Anninliin, t-iu'li clmriu'lurir-llc tl:i-vor, tl:i-vor, nnd pi'i'dm-o tTnrin.it ?f r,sr( n'lruc; 0 prt,u divnyth antt f-riv print if. )L-vihaoih, Kirn f!,'t,r OS r.-jiwitid. Sfi''m'f-f,-;,-?i f,n vimnre, l:Miunnoiic-hnfvumthonoihrrs ptirhrl-iitf to th'ld Siimfl quantity, t.Wni otuv, fill use ),o ot!' r. V'.'.m w,.' dt'hcttts, d-h'-i-ms jl,itir ,vr y.uiif. So flip, vut o tin- rlx-ip .-inu-K Ask t",.r Dr. Wivp'n Sp-Tinl Fhivoilinjs. Jianu Miclillt d only by BTirSlTrMr JlCiJ, lyppolti, CHICAGO niulHT. LOUIS. LIGHT FOR THE PEOPLE ! PETROLEUiVl FLUID & COAL OIL Reduced to 50c. Per Gallon at Retail. LARGE DISCOUNT TO DEALERS, dun OoHt-rr, UiaMivAro, CiUlcry, Fancy GotIj Ajaat eo4 to w REID, KINSEY St CREELEY, PIONEER LAMP STORE, il HALF BLOCK WEST 2. C. M I Jl:- ALL KINDS PWTl UPHOLSTERY V'l V7ork Done ";J L S. P. NEVE, H. D I NWOOD EY'S rURNITUKE - STORE, 75, 77 and 79 First South Street, Salt Lake City, 1874. SPRING, nSS. SIEOEL BROTHERS ' 76 ZMIZtsT STEEET, (Under the Salt Lake House), Respectfully anuuunce t) their Customers and the Trade generally thit their Stock of Spring Clo thing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, etc., etc., Is Complete and will be kept so through the Season, FASHIONABLE CL0TH1NS MADE A SPECIAW, We calJ special attention to our Immense Stook for tbe WHOLESALE THA-TE. SIECEL BROTHERS. ap3 CLOSING OUT AT COST. ' I THE GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN THE TERRITORY. TIIE SALT LAKE FURMTURE Are closinc; out their Entire Stock, without rcsen-e, FOR CASH; cona4ing of Purler Suites, Bedroom Suites. Double Lounges, Easy Chairs, What Sett, Brackets, Plain and Fancy Window Draper.-, Cornices, Shades, Fiitnrei All kinds of Mattr.isscs, nnd Mirrors "of every description. SS MAIN STREEr.1 ues t door to Hussey's New Bank, ill MISCELLANEOUS. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE As TorfeotH UY ELU8 UtOWJE, JH. iDTfiotor of So wine Machine!. ThoOIdon and the Boa- TT COMBINES BBM'TY AND KXOKL-1 KXOKL-1 LENCK of Mitch; Streocth aM Uurabil-itrofbam; Uurabil-itrofbam; k'eoQoiuy of Thread; Auacti-ment? Auacti-ment? mid wide rajo of pplictioa 19 pur-lO'M pur-lO'M and m terial. Tho UOIVK is an hoDOJt ma-h'me. asil is no' subjoct w &u. POINTS OF SPrSRIORITY; Simplicity and porfo.-tioa of mochanirm. Dumbilitr, Will la a lifo-timo. hugs of work. W ithout pnrallol. Toriojlion of sutoh and tension. Kaso of operation and nwni-(s luont- elf-adjusan lako u.v. AJJustabU boul. 1,." porwn whnfo tho TIowo Mnchino in 1'tnh will testify to tho aoov. Bust silks anJ threads for sale Salesroom roiuovodtoSl MAIN STREET opiwito Post Uili.'o. Call and ax am ino our Stock. TUE HOWE MACHINE CO., TUOS, P. SIlLLJtR. Manaserfor LUh, PIANOS AND ORGANS. The St. Louis Mercantild Co., CAPITAL $1,000,000. rpiirs COMPANY HUYSTllKlHINSTlin. ! L iVKSLs direct It IYim tho m vrn-fs.-tuior 1 Iit pAhll.nnd uro Ihcruhj- enubU-d to sell at BMKRSON PIANOS and NKKDHAM'S SILVKK-TONOUE ORUANS A SPKfJlALTY. Any other first-claea instruments furnished to orilor. Tho Siljor-TonptieOrrivnreociros its name iniui tho superiority in a point which iviiMi-tiitosthe iviiMi-tiitosthe decis-vo frherion cf escellooce in Qn.raU"Ca' iD!lri,1"0DU-"v'1 Supoiiorily ol Tho durability of this Orrn is ono of It luont reamrkabloeharaotoilMic, Iti i"!itv olkoopinirin nnod tm., also, is ono of the niojt prm'fonl nni'ortnnoo. : Terms of siilc Hlwnl. Monthlr ir unrlcrly 1 instsliuents to ror.poiiMl.le parti . I lirnnoh ellioe tor Utah, No- ;U MAIN ST cppoMito Post Oflico. TUOS. P, MILLER. Mnaanr. A PPLETON'S lllilVISED CYCLOPEDIA. rho l.nle't Vdition nnd m.wt oomplojo work I on nil siiltioot. ihi W publhbod. 1 Urdoni tnkon by j WESLEY 13. TRESSCOTT. Aunt t Posiottioo box, H-V4. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. A T COST' FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW TEJR PRESEm THK M5T DESIKABLXOP-rORTUNITT. DESIKABLXOP-rORTUNITT. CAUL C. ASMUSSEH will si'U nt CVsl, without nwm, wbb.Sa to CAll siHvial alusmion lo bosiitiful ussortnuait of fine LADIES' GOLD AXD EIlTO WATCHES, BILiCELEtS, LADIES' AND GE"TLEMEf"8 TRKS RIXGS, CH.UX3, LOCKETS i CHARMS. Also "eraat rarieij of the bt ! UOLD NECKLACES, BKtXWHK, EAR KIXGS, AND FULL A corai-loto Mwrtaioal of tha bart i ri AMERICAN WATCHES, fto mr.t inllabl. for Kailioad Knrtuoni and Mmerp. t'.r msnith wi Lbau than ay otLor waK-b. ALL U00D3 AKS SOLD DIMS B00, AND WAPRASISD. Th. nublio aro cenlially invitaa to toro- CARL C. ASMUSSEN, JKtfKLi;il tF.VTCUSlASaK. t.t- lV't OiVo, SALT LAKK O". as . S. AHLSTRAND, BOOT & SHOE MAKER, Hoiito! ti. lofotn hi. friend' uJ ralr.li lliat ho fca! rcmorad to NO. 22 SECOND SOUTH ST.. On..-..lio W.vLKK.i DRi'S'. tt'horo ho "III oontlniia to m.l.e Untl '1'-'' lloot ol tJood LMther nJ A HOOP FIT WAliHAMK1'' |