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Show IfopifiOODdisli ot ice mam go to Grand Central Ice Cream Parlor, I So, ;!0 First iSouth strei'L ml . The Salt Lake Ice Co. have :), I nXl tons of the celebrated Coriune rM which Miey will deliver to all ; puis of the city at all hours of the: jTvuidin any cimntily. Depot at ou tnMi. No-30 First s,u'h Mks. J. K- Ciawsox. ml Wasmnbtok Hui;se to rent at a nryinodernte figure. a30 Jib Eiciivm some elegant poplin patterns very low at . Auerhach & Bra, 53 E:ist Temple street. 29 Attention, Ladies. P. tiehwarz, from Now York, has this day opened a new dry goods store at the Mathies-scn Mathies-scn Block, opposite Wasatch Hotel, j Ureal bargnilis in fancy and staple j , ilrv go 1 . a21' i IDraraRD & SoNv.-Our uractical . Imttcrs and boot titters. 29 J. II. Ladd i, Co. pay the highest iricc for furniture and household goods of all kinds, A few doors west Kimball & Lawrence's, First South streol. r ll2! CiESr.s' ' ASD boys' fashionablo clothing, hntB and caps, boots and llioes.at panic prices at F. Auerbach ft Bni:, 50 Main street. 2lJ .Vmy StovC fights 0 terrific uroad-woni uroad-woni combat at the matiuoe . today. Coscohd Bccuv Uakxess. Twenty Twen-ty five seti just received. Richest ever brought to Utah. Walin & Tan- ncr, Groesljcck's Block. n2S I Tahiti s a message nt the Western Union telqrnip'i oHico for y. y. Hall. Redcctiox ok 51 per ton in price of Rock Spring Coal, S'.l at the yard, (10 delivered, 3S.oO by the car-load. The only coal of thu kind fresh from the mines is shipped to S. W. lirown, office Main street, opposite Wasatch Hotel. Also Evanston coal, $7 at yard, 8 delivered, $0 75 by the carload, car-load, : "20 Units wiM-javp money by buying their Summer dress gwods, ready-made ready-made suits, parasols and fancy neckwear neck-wear at F.. Auerbach Ji liro., 55 Main street. HocfE 0:0ns, new goods, Barratt's. , aiS ; I Ice Cueam at the Delinonico, a-3 1 Woou ! Wood 1 ! Woon ! ! ! Cheap j est in town.. Yard and olfice at the depot. Leave orders at the Rocky Mountain Coal office, Kimball Block. 0. B. Durst. " n'2 Man. Caidkr's drawing of Wax Flowers will take place this evening , t 7:30, at C. R. Barratt's store. A few tickets still for sale. oil ViSEuAB.-t.iood strong Cider Vinegar, Vin-egar, 12 per barrel, ol forty-three gallons, at the factory, 38 Commercial Commer-cial street. Orders from the country prjmptlf attended to. Joseph Steller. 14. Fietees thocsaxd rolls of wall paper, ornamental aud decuratiug, at H. Dinwoocley'B. nt." Old Mas Besuek's Photographs can be obiained t Carter's Callery, opposite Hussey's hank, cai-d size, Kcts; 6 ? 10 50cts, Agents wanted. Orders by mail promptly attended to. a'JO TviKY say Diuwodcy has tlie cheapest cheap-est baity carriages in town. a2'2 Geo tfHowsLi,, Bcavenger for the city. 02 S'j.mel 111NU AiioiT Starch. A poor tarch is a nuis;incc to thc laundress, to the liousckccpcr, aud to every one who has taste enough to enjoy clean linen. Not only does the lady or gentleman who sutlers common starch to intrude upon their clothes deny themselves an important luxury, but they sutler iu other ways, for common starch being impure, yellow, sour, or musty, discolors or destroys their lineu. To satisfy any person what a pure aitiule really is, let them try Duryeas' "Satin Clossotarch." It is euy to use, gives a hcautiiul, clear finish, i bnow wiiite, and goes further fur-ther tbau any other staich made. The Pioneer Lib East. If you E are going to Chicago, Detroit.Bufialo, 1 New York or . Philadelphia, you ' should buy your tickets via the Cuica-D Cuica-D eV. North Western Railway. It is thc oldest, shortest, quickest and beat rou( between Omaha and Chicago. PuUiuaii Palace cars ou all trains, changes of cars. Tickets for sale at White & McCor-uyk's McCor-uyk's bank, at Salt Lake City. W. . ItjmctyGencral Passenger Agent ., . . , . i-' ! DO YOU WAST TO BAVE MONE"? ? IS a question ftaked by Messrs Liddell & Brown in their new advertisement, published elsewhere in our issue this morning; and they invite Lthe public to call at their etore north of the Post office and buy groceries, provisions, Ac. They keep a large stock of general gen-eral groceries and provisions, besides several specialties not generally fouh8 at other stores, such as Edinburgh oatmeal, Loch Fine herring; finnan haddies; Dundee marmalade; lime juice; cordial and champagne, entirely entire-ly free Ironi alcohol, and highly recommended rec-ommended ns a cooling drink; and last but not least the celehmtr-d 1HH bug buster. I Messrs. L. &, B. warrant all goods ! purchased at their store and dohver them to all parts of tlie city. Sec iulvertisemcnt. Bierstadts Stokm in the Rocky Mountains, aud thc beautiful new ehronio Love, or Duty, on exhibition iit C. 11. Savage's Art gallery. all If you want to lumish your house, call at J. M. Joelson's, Groesbeck'a ' I'uildmg. j24 j . . The best aud cueapeat Weber Coal in m:irket. $6.75 per ton by the oar! luiid. Call on George N'ebekcr. tl For a nice oyster stew or fry, go to Dyor A Arbogast's, at the old ice crcun parlor, 1st South street. o22 Davis HoueE, corner of Second South and First East streets. - Board per week, $7; board and room per day, $'2; board aud room per week, i'i-oni0 to $12; moals 50 ceutd . Shell Davis, proprietor. ao Live Geese Feathers at H. Din-woodey'a. Din-woodey'a. a22 Amy Stunk p'mys a cornel solo at the theatre tliis aftmnunn and evening. Blank acknowledgments adapted .v any ohicer, for sale at the Herald office. au21 Ou.Mli ONE, COME ALL and tilte tl drink with Sangio ifc AVilton to-day until 12 m. at the Old City Liquor Store, . id 1 U. Dlswoodey has removed his furniture (rom Main street to his thrce-sUiry brick building, 1st South street, half block went of the Coop, clock, where he is prepared to do a wholesale ns well as a retail business. f27 Deei Walnut Oval Frames for wax flowers, crosses, fcc., and a large assortment of frames of all kinds just received at C. R. Savage's Art Gallery. Gal-lery. &7 ! If Mug. Andrew Lancaster will call at Carter's Gallery she will hear of something to her advantage. a28 R e Cream at the Dclmonico. 23 Coal, Coal, Coal! The celebrated celebrat-ed Crismon Coal, the best in the mar-' ket, at S per ton at depot. Leave orders at yard south of depot; Z. C. M. I. Drug Store j residence, 14th Wivrd ; and P. O. Box 909. fetop ullc 1 ffiigona and give orders to teaniBters. 1 Fi.ii-MTCRE, Barhatt's; furniture Barratt's. a23 ' , Fi-owehs. A largo collection ftf , choice flowering shrubs aud everr ! greens, selected expressly for this cli-j cli-j mate, have just arrived from Califor-1 Califor-1 nin, and arc ufleied for sale on East j Temple street, opposite thc Walker j House. Wee advertisement. KEIIOVEU We fipfiro iu tbo nltonfiori of our aut-tomorn aut-tomorn and t!io i.yblio at laefo that wo hoTe removal.' to thu nre 0 .mn;r)dioqs Blflro of Lho IVaaatcb Hotel b itldi-?. whors are now oi-ening out our S.riiB and dummtir siook of C:otlUog of ! Ji Ialor-t Sljic bd pattorD. all of our own mannfaituro, bioh ooabloa in W I noil our goods from 1 t' l-or cjnt. Iosb than any other houso in tbia oity. Manufactory ) L. Qi-' "''' Cn.:- . H) ' Leonard bt-. ) Wasatch Uotol Buildinw. j SwYnr. 1 Bj ai;ek & MCBPIIY. Mai the bset TOM aud JERRY and all drinks wbioh Don but experienced BA.R-KBEl'KM BA.R-KBEl'KM know bow to compound, ' Li-iiiors and Cins aro uDurpaao(L ihoro forolheyamnow roadj to auit the most fi-iXu.atbVOCCIOiiNTAL, fi-iXu.atbVOCCIOiiNTAL, 5 fit South Street. . , G. WIUIAMS A: f'O. Have for sale at thotr Wine and Liquor Btore,No. 25 First South streoU corner of Lom-meroial, Lom-meroial, puro Winos and Liquora of the ohoicost brands by tho gallon, bottle, or Drink. Families supplied reduood ratea. tin Yhy BulTor from Dyspepsia, IiidlgoE tion, midloasof apputito, wbtja you can, by ualnK '-Dr. Uuuluy'i celebrated I X L UitWre," ettuct a peri'ect euro; Uioy aru a pluasutit and iaviguratltnf tonic, and cn-durscd cn-durscd and reoomnnjndud by our mot uminuut physiciaiu (aa pur cortilicates 011 each buttlo) for all complaiuta of tha Liver and Digestive Orgaus. As a family medicine thuy havo uo equal. iSeo ftdvcti5omcatia anothor column. CRAND CENTRAL ICE CREAM PABL0R. Icu Croam furniihod for iiariiea nr.il exm-iiioDJ. exm-iiioDJ. families nnd parties mop) led at short botico. No. ;i0 First South atroet W. P. THOMPSON. ml Proprietor BANKINC. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF UTAH, S A. 1j T I A l Sil CI X "V DESlftNAlT.D DKFJBIT0BY Fina.iuia.!. Aar.nr pk tuk L'sitku tiT-iKB WAKKHN' HljSSKY, President, AJSXllU-NV UUJliE, Ctialiiof. Alv'UlORIZKD OAPJ'l'AL eW0,(HIU up Oai'itai f 1 ji'.UOn laNi.NQS fclTo.U n DIVIDEND FOB 1C71, &0 ?XBL CEN1 DIYIDERD F0H 1873. 60 FEB CENT thk Oldkbt LUNKiPfi iNdriTeTK.s m Utah. A (ibuori.t Jianliiug l-ufinos transnclsd. Aokxciss Li COLOKADO xxt MU.NTAJi A. Cl)i.LB(.'TIONS l'romi'tly uttendod tf Innrl ii II I r. T(, I.ri.nsitfi NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SALTjillllll salt w.i i .:eai re corp. pros 1 1 C n t-1UQ. II, vinsuQ. mu.tu .MDriHuo.-. IMMENSE SUCCESS OF - " N k f ,vt . kW Y " i f T MISS AMY STONE, fc'uiT'.rlcd hj the i o;'ilar Comedian H . F . STONE. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, N ill hi i.ro'enlei CIC; RETT E ! Cin'irof.e Misj AMI' fl'uNE ljor? oron nt 1 o'jlock, prro'tnioeo cera-uieiico cera-uieiico (it 1: (0. Mali n-o i r i - o Ad mi'tion to nil parts ef l ho houso 6Uc, ctiillron '.J-jj. Friday Evening, Miy 1, '74, CIGARETTE! CtCM ItE TE - MPS AMY f-TOVK lihalifulldoriin - Mr Jl f SI'U-E BENEFIT OF MISS AMY STONE When will bo iroflcn'.od THE PEARL OF SAVOY. Admissicn Parquolie aua first Circle, f 1 ; Socund Circle, &ic: Third Uiicle, Z o; Itofl(.rr-. Itofl(.rr-. od hoa'fi lia. additional. X'mato lioioe (7 to il'i odoh, lks udioo open ut l'J u.m. Uooro open at llalf-pajt bevon, lerformonco lo cuu.iuonyo at KL'Ut- FLOWERS! ! FLOWERS M JUST AHH1VBI), I HEslI FllOM CLI-lornia, CLI-lornia, a lurg culled i n uf cboioo Flu-eriog Flu-eriog Shrubi, nd Erore.-.ien luof, selected txi ruly lor ihii cliuifila fiom Jim iro Nur-fl.rr, Nur-fl.rr, Suerom.i-to. l'KL'l',ti KUNZ. Prop. ill liL' fold lor a Tew d i s, C'lusio ulkor liuso. Kii!-t 'i'emplu st'i;et ml J . P. DAI. TON, Atfcnt. UMDRir BttOTBPS, a MAIN fi'HEET, ai.t LiAJtis ci'rv, Manufacturers k Importers OF MINING MACHINERY AND IE02NT QOODS. .'.l;'')ll,'0 thc Mlvwing Cdfbnttf.F. ManuaciwtS : - Blake fc Knowles' Stenni Fimps; A. S. llLiHidio'ts Wire Uojioaud Tram way; Dlnkc io Bralio's lio.'k Breakers; P. II. Koot'e Rutttrv luirnuco Blower; titraub Mill Co. Flouring Mill up-plies; up-plies; Burleigh K-jek Drill; Ulicii ftcam Engine A. Portuble Kngines, Stalioii'-'ry Engines and Sawmills; Council B'uflj Iron Works. All classes ot Machinery on order; P. Ji. Pul lis k liro., St. Louis, Iron work for buildings. Wc make a specialty of the mauu-fiipMiro mauu-fiipMiro nl - . -' ' .- I "OR - Stamp MilisaM MMi hnm. And are- prt'iiarul to contriict for the erection, complete, of either. in2 WINES, . LIQUORS AND BEER! JOHN BOULTER KuritirW o? KJd'n' ta'oDn, lia ooi loft the cits, tjut huf ttartfd bu-liie.i La biunoll ttroc iloors r.'itQ of V H. I.t d (.tlicj aadtwo duurs "o.ith of Uddina' uld tfind. ui) CONSOLIDATION & CO-PART-NERSHIP NOTICE, rpllH UNDERFKISEI) JAKV. 1M.EAHUHE J. in iincu mo. us lu Ibtlr Iritcda Tid Iho put'lie KL-ncialiy, ihut lln-y hi o ihii day c ntulidalud thn i-IJ e Uhli-ho 1 hcuao' vi th.o. K. Kv.ii" At Co. v. i!h lim pr U. II Kii-bkv, Kii-bkv, f ueecantir tu tl- H use .V Co. . nud loruiud tift-irtitorslilii imdor llio iirm uumo ul Huid K'usty Ai UroJey. unl m i 1 1 L-oLtinui.' ItusinojBUt tho old hiaadd, Main (itroot np-joito np-joito Wnil;tr .Uousu. i.ud at 'u. b7 iret tioulh St rod. Fcot'ng crntpful fur i-ait fiii'nr iro most res UPC t fully y licit u uout jpnuuco uf thelibcrul patiucaa-o hoicluuro csundtj tu ui Ui'. iir.iLt, D. VI. KIK8EY. II. S. U It 13 ELK V. Salt Lake City, May 1st. IbTl. mt CAUTIOPJ. rpHK M0LTKE & IfXTK-VMON 01- DB-X DB-X tiun;o Miuirjg Co. L-uuti-n (vonhody Di-t t'i puri'hase a cuTtaic oiininir cltum located locat-ed by Charles Kautiia or Jiai.tinti--and Ajtdi-ow iilior, unJcr ihu r.uum uf "Lolf' rt Li.dc," on tli.- ounurt) sIupo of tho l'oruviac Dill, LL-lloOittoui'u-'d; nor an; Pro thoroof , as snit uliiUn ti on llioarutul ot tuo u'jgiu-mi'Dtiuucd u'jgiu-mi'Dtiuucd L'ojuracy. It. 1). IlrKN', Stc'y. Salt LakoOHy, April 2, lan. SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS Advortlsemonte under this lioadlns 10 cunlJ per lino por day; nothing iiisertod for 1ms than 50 oonta for one timo. REWARD. TUU PEHS0M WHO TOOK TWO h'indlos from tbo Mining Huiofiu aide-walk aide-walk is iinon'n. 1'loaao loavo them at this o'Jiooaiid toiowordiid. In'u ijueslions nsliol. ml WANTED. AT THE NORTH KTAIt HOTEL. A XV KitohoQ and Chamberiunid. ui'J rrwo CIM MUKIIMAIDS. L At tho Ovci lund llouao. BOARDING. j MltS. S. p. KINO HAS RE0PKNKD lior I'riiato hoardinir hou-o uno block ro t of W'alkor I!rOP-i nr d ij r.-urtrcd jur. nish liatrjcs wi'.ti 1 L-nrd, with orwitliuut ruumv, ai LuiruJ. u'V FOR SALE. Ajo-imnsii ifi'itmiir noirn, all cuuii'uto. AUo, a new HoriKoittl Tubular Uoilor, I"horfi i-owcr Ain h' to .IoIin Sli.an A: Co, Unit I.ttko City boiler Voikf, i.urih of 'JnwniOQj liuuso. a.M FOR RENT. POMS UEAi: riFHLLY SITUATED IN JLV ihe Tivnnlioth Ward. Linjuiro "f 1. May, Iwo lib U ard Mint Market. m'i CTloon T 0 itlS.M. V A S II l"Nt 1 1 ( IS KJ ilouso. Ecauiro Overland Huubs. i27 DISSOLUTION. "OTtCE IfEUfCfJY U1VEX TO AT X iho oo-!ittrtnerh'i licrilo'or. ostinc undar tboftylo andfirui of l1'. W. KHLMAN .V. Co. is Ibii day dissolved bynritul cm-went. cm-went. Edwin Tiitfanrt will nny 1 11 detita of to firm und is alone auttiorir.id to otllcct all bills, iio t os aad uccouuts duo eaid lit m. F. AV. EI! I.MAN. EUW1N IAUUART. Tho nndeniioed will continue tho tlnm b'jalncfiB al No. !'S Kact 'i'eiuii'o street and solicits u cdDtiouanao ol'iho inLrouBga bo bka before roooircd. EDWIN TAUOA11T. Bait Lake rit. AitU 2L-t. a'U j C. L. TURNER'S EXPRESS & STiliE LLE 7ROH Llilll TO T1KT1C, Via Camp Floyd, llomansvillo. Euroka, 611-vor 611-vor Oitf. and liiamond, ruunins tri-ffuokly, tri-ffuokly, on oiii'vite days to Uiltner i tSalubuiy. Express Matter and Light Freight Promt ii)y attondol to. Itunnlng firrt-ola?g lour-hurse Block. ronue.:tinK at Ltbi with Iho trains. Also a fast freight running from Lobi OFFICES White Ilouso, Salt Lake City, liurant A Cut-tiDK, Cut-tiDK, Lehi. Jonas' Jlotol, Diamond City-Mark City-Mark all puokages oaro G . L Turnur, LeM. oc!5 FOR 5 ALE 1 ON KE160NABLB TERMS CLIFT HOUSE BILLIARD TABLES ANU COOKING 11 AN OB, m6 Eujuiro at Walkor House. M. KELLER'S l'UBB WINES AND BRANDIES For Sale at Z. G. M. I., And all iho Principal Store! In the Torrilory. THE TH0R3UGKBRE0 ilSsSS STALLION . " WAO-EH'BE,; " Will atand for the Souon, COMMKNCINtJ APBIt 1st, 1S7, At my placo on tho Hta'.o road, Opl'Oiite 110 W A It D ' S Liquor Store. Terms Hcaionablo, a9 H. T. BUHT0B STEVENS & CO., Wholesale mil Retail Stationers Offor tbo dot edition of CHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPAEDIA Bound In library Stylo, 835.50, Beat and cheapen EQcyolorreiJia O7or pub-Itsbod pub-Itsbod in Amorica. fl removalT""' MADAM DAVIS, 0r the Soond Ward, tm Iloruovod to tbo i tur of SQUIRES' VAUPER .SHOP, Mil in stroot, whore tbo wilt bo joaecd to foo her foriDor frionds and (.an bo consulted on bus in oss of tbo vast, urcioul and future. fl5 NORMAL LSQ ' ACAUKMK'AL SCUUOL. M0KQ.AN C0LLEUE UUILDISfQ, Ui) Staira. lnt ruction cWon in tho common and hirh pr Kniili'h branches, Latin and t'reuch, 'donas moderato. LUNA SNELL FOUJ-SON, PriEoipeH MR, GEORGE W. OLCOTT, OF TDE E? Srr,HS tJTATE9, Has permanently Icoalrd in thie citv, and dulroti to iolorui tho rutdii thu t he j pro i-nrd to do til klcdiof PLAiy AM) OIUfAUK.VTAL PAINTING, GRAINING & GLAZING, AT M0DHRATE KATES, OWTfo will aim initio ortlnia'cB End 'ako ooutmo.n for work inhislino. tul "the iium wliTT Tho uo;tioti h daily nekud by Uious-tiuda Uious-tiuda ot yurtiitizurii, " Why is it tho 1XL liittura havo achiuvoJ such popularity with Ihu public, nud havo svicb an ini-iucubo ini-iucubo talc 7" Thv ivu?on is becaflo tlicj-aro tlicj-aro an old and well cstublishui arlic'c, aud aro uiadu from the moit clmiuo liorb and toots; tlio many who havo triud llioir. testify to Ihuir bcnutiiiil qualiliw, aii'J have no limitation in iuconiiii.'nJmg lliom to their ulllicted frioinls. They nro acknowledged to bo tho best tonic and rccujiorator know; ; they build up Iho pyetcin and impart Etrvngth to thc weak and exhausted, and a-o endoreed and rccomnicudcd by our. u;o;t eminent Physicians, (as por curtilloatcs on oacli bottlo). To thob ailiiLled with tho Dyspepsia, Dys-pepsia, Indigestion and Loss of Appetite as a blood puriliur thoy surpass nil other to cailud tonics which havo lately been placed in tho market. No family ehould bo without them. Sold everywhere. H. EPSTEIN & CO. Bole Proprioloiu, .018, Front St. mlS aan JjVaUv-isco. ' Do Jon Want To Save Money ? call JLT L6DDELL & BROWN'S Scotch Sic i-o, North of (ho Post office, and buy jour Groceries, Provisions, Ao. io- Bopidos Ihuirlarco Hnd carefully roloctcd Ftock ot Oroeorioa and IVvvisiucj, thoy keop tho finest EDINBURGH OATMK h .MUIKS' FTN'NAJ. HaDI'IKS U EN U J N ii D I a I, he M A K KhA DE At -AUo- L. Ii03H A VO'o LJMR JIiroK, CORDIAL" And CHAMi'AUNii. J Fiilirolv fr'n from Alcohol, nxcolloct tonloi nnti-tcorbutio. highly braofiLiiit in rheumatism, rheuma-tism, and 8tronK-.v rccoujiuondod as ccollni drinks for hoit in bloui nud fkin- All t'oods "UL-L-haod nt thei1- Pliro warrantor.) aid de-Iivortd de-Iivortd Bed Uuk Uuttur; try a buttlo. m3 J. A. MONKS & S0NS, Eatabllsbtd 1817. VVUE COPPER DISTILLED Kentucky Bourbon Whiskies . 711 NOKTH BKCOXD STftRKT, ST. LOUIS, MO. WM. JESSOP S SONS. Steel Manufacturers, tllKFKIKl), EMiliXD. Kciili (oaglintly on Iiiinl a well ujortod Block ol boot Oast Stoel. At their WnriLouaf, 711 Nurth tiooond Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. an i Dissolution of Partnership Salt Lnko Ciij, I li b, Ai-nl !b j 1 74. THE O-PAKTNERSUIP HERliTO FORH ciistlne uDdor thu naow of Pfovti k Uoilett, tor tho Pilo of ' Weed" Sowint Ma-liine?, Ma-liine?, ib this diiy dis olviKl by tuatuat ood-aonc ood-aonc All o'alaia aaiast lbs nail firm &r aRfumed ht In l'fouti, and alt debta das iheui uiuei bo paid to him alouo, IRA PFOFTZ. WILL 01H61.ETI, Tlie unda-Mfno j will conttnna the sale of Ihe "U'ood" Sj "ias M wiiooj at No. 11 Kait 'J'uniflo b root, sod fo'iiita a coQtin iano of tho I'a'ronBe ho has bofore roioived. a!9 IRA PF0UT7- I Estate of James M. Carter, IiKClTASED. XJOTinE IS IIEREBV GIVE1! BY THB X. UTdorni)-nod Ad'uins'rntora of the above named ottate, to tho crcditori of. and all per-Buns per-Buns havinff claims anlnit said doouasod, to cibiLit tbo sama with necessary vouohen, within two years from the &cb January in-rtant, in-rtant, tthe UQ leriUued, at the office over first Niitional flank, Main street, Salt Lake City. LOKfc.NCli J. rt K1KH, M. A. CARTER, jill AdmiDistrators. SAMSOU BROS. & CO. Wasatch Hotel Btiilding, lmnortera of HAVANA SEGARS, WHOLESALE TOBACCONISTS. t2t 1-i.llElJ TO TUB IKADE. NOTICE. THE GENERAL MEETING ofthtt SIOCK.UULDKRS Zion'f Co-Op. MercaiitilG Tustitntion Hold SATURDAY, APRIL 4th, lS7i, at the OLD TAliEltNACIiE, Met and adjourned to SATURDAY, WAY rd,lf7J, at 2 p.m. At same ulnae. BKIGIUU YOUXG, Pres. T. 0. WKBBKRj SeCj. halt 1,-iho Uity, A.ril 2, 1S7J. a3 " Make Home Beautiful." I AM WOW HEOKIVfNO ORDERS FOR a UrEo variety of OJIOICB K05ES. nuit-j nuit-j able fur Ilouso culturo, aUo for tho Uardou.at I oxtromely low ratea. FIVE HEALTHY lxANTS FOR j ONE DOLLAK. I a-n also (on'Jinjr Tor a varictv of HARDY F1IKL US, llonoynucklo, Arbor Vitae, Aspo n. Almond. Iry, etc , oto , at tn ilerite ra tos. All orders Drouinlly attended ta, and satisfaction satis-faction euirasteud. wM J-J- DUKE, 7.. 0. M. T. SPRING FASHIONS 'now arrived. Grraiicl Ojpening AT ait rinT.vnnfinTT'Q Temple of Fashion. LADIEH, Pattern Trimmcil Hals ui Bounets, Of tho I-iitcEt diodes from Taria, New 1'ork aiij bun Francisco. Groa Grain nnd AVftlercd Kibbous, in all Shndcs, Ostrich Feathers, Lnco Falls, linL-els Kt-ts, Fiowers, Laces, Etc., ao. A iii-.-e uEsoitment of very Cheap Trimmed HATS, SL'NeiIAI)E, '23 MAIN STKEET. c in24 IMssoluiion of Co-Partnership. VOTICL IS IIFKBUV OlVliN THAT 1 1 i ho ro-iinrlnt'r.ihiii iiorctoluro oxisting between Uc-bar I'- Kimball and Lin Winoi, unditr tho lirui nniuo ot Winos & Kimball, aa caUIo-dculorn.ie (bin duv rticurdvoi by mutual comwil All debtn and linhiljtios of said firm nil boeottlui byil. P. Kimball, who will ouuliuuo tbo busioegt). I.EN .1VINHS. LKBKH P. KIMBALL. SaU Lako Cily. Mar 25, 1K7 I. m26 S. AHLSTRAND, BOOT & SHOE MAKER, Desiroj lo Inform his friends and patrons that bo i.as rcmovod to NO. 22 SECOND SOUTH ST., Op.cllo WALKBll BR03', Stor, Wlioro he . ill enntiuuo lo mak. A First'Olau Boot of Uood Louthor and A GOOD "TT WAHEANTED, 2l |