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Show W. H. CHISHOLM A CO., Under Whit Jk MoOornlok't Bank. riTOCKS BOTJOIIT AND BOLD ASD O "arnod on mtrgioa. Kailroa4 tiaketi bouzht and mid. nii NATHAN DAVIS & SONS, I IROUAPBBASS EOHNBEEli 1 All viT)dF c A-sm isr a agents lor -GRIFFITH 4 WEDGE P.lral Vertie&i PorUbl. ENGINES AND SAW MILLS Ilall't 'tucgle and Ueadins Machlnaa, MD Cop Muwall M an afaotarint Comraji PUMPINU MACULE KitY. Wrt M -e'.. near Vartb T -an ol Stttet, j SALT LAKE CITY. NEW LAWS mot itarortaot laws paaaod by the last Los trial tr-ial ure, vii: AS ACTC0NOBRNTSO CONVKTANCKS AN ACT TO HEQULATI FhtS AND CO.Ml'KNdATION FOR ! OFFICIAL AND 0T0EK SKKVICK3 IN TUB rKHHITOUT OP UTAH; AN ACT, TO AMKND "AN ACT PROVIDING FOR INCUR POUATINQ ASSOOIATLONi FOR MINING. MANUFACTURING, COMMERCIAL COM-MERCIAL AND OTHER INDUSTRIAL PUrUlHCj. Aptrorod February lh, 1670, Rfpry Lawyer id tho Territory ihould own a ooj'y. Kvory Julr. Ccr. County Itecorder, MaM.r, Justice of tbo l'wie. .Marahal, berirf uri tbor olhcer in tde Territory ahuunl tKieM a ci'iy ro a.j t i rotoimtu hia obar,-od. There la V"v0 0 r"lt-v lor charuins fee) other than Uioao ureauxibvd by lav. Every Notary. C nvovnriccrand Roal Eatate AtfODt ahuald hare a coey. Krory Minlnr, JUnufscturini-, Com mere ial or other coiui.my ahulU hivo a copy, PRICE 25 CENTS. or Send in your ordara immediately T aa tho number is limited. ' JOHNSONS Home-made Family Mcdicinsr J Warriintcd to be bettor ihan theB4t luii'ortod.. nu,i Kive ample a'.iil'acUun. HONKKKT TILLS. Vnny vegoUhlo. 'ftiey clo(nso auj purify tho hlo-Hl, stomach stom-ach luid IhwiU. Act powerfully upon tl.-a liver, kiducyB and urinary orgnna Hnntk up fuvure, struiijrtliou diguetioa aad bring tlm rmy huo ot health to faces om-iiclntwi. om-iiclntwi. Aim tonic, cathartic, btiuiulant, and cootlm, hy removing tho causo of din oivco. Am Htilh and haraihwa in all casos whero cathartic nro nquinxi, for oithor net, for you tift or old. Try tlmm fairly, and you will mivor uno any mora im ported liilla, Trico li6 cdiiLb. KYK I1AT.SAM. For dimnces of YiKion, weak ordnHing nyolidn, iiitlainnd cyea, old iilcfrn, Mn'.i, ringworm, toltora, erackod or eoro hpa, lianda etc. Trice, l!o cunts. CONKIjTN JSALVK. For palm ol j wnaknoifi m llu! niilc, hack, hnvvit, to otlmr parts of tli.i---tnm, cuts, won n J. ' soros, Ota. i'ricts 'J'ifiriis. KSSKNC'K VV UFK cures uliolora diarrlms euinnun- eoenpUinlM, coughi 1'lielien, tiMUitctio, and in any other Trien, nil cents. Thllle. lil.ull'IHOJ nr., A, ,.,k.,L. ..I llJ rtHil, at lOM'S OO-OPFllATlVrt hUUO MTOKIfl, Halt l.nkfl Oily, and nt nio(t of thn eo oDorative Blon llirou ghoul tlni Torritory It not kept In your otorce, mk yor inercliants to snnd tor Un'io. Uo-opundivo storon throiiirhoiit tlm Tm-rllory Tm-rllory AiniL-hcd on cuiiiiiuhhIoii, or so. I nt rati:u ftdviULhgnon9 to imivhiwors. AOKNTi am author i,ui lo nvfund the money, wIiito tin) nii'diciiu-rt do not giv intkl'nclion, ami ilitril.ulrt to tho iice.linir IKn i.iln ft o.ticii:m) of propriety ll0-l.)Hli of t hi H.iioiinl li.ipo-nd of. From tho Liftlmnvtorr ol J. K. JOUNrJON, Ht, Uoorm.. Utah DRUCS, PAINTS, SOAPS. 1 IVIOORE.FIELD&CO. i I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I DRUGGISTS, General Dealers in DRUGS & CHEMICALS, OF ALL KINDS, ' And a Larie Stock ot ' ; PATENT MEDICI1TES,.- i ConjiBtinf of Amariean, Fratioh.lEDgliBh and German Preparations I , ... I I 1 PERFUMERIES, In jrreat Varety. Lubiu's Genaioe Kitraci-j, , Omdmy's, Colftalc's, Toundcahrri;', And a ffcncr&l Qtsortnient of fRKNCH, ENGLISH and GERMAN. TOILET ARTICLES. Fioe Toilet Sets, PuwJei Bore, lla-id AUrrr-nt, ruaieois. Ivory Hair Driuhe;, f tl -at P.-wders, Shell Omha, S-iet Do. SPONCES. CurtMn'. Fine Turk.j, D.th. j FINE SOAPS. j I Lubin'a ajw.ted odor. Cnodraya. - Cnljrate't aaaorted. . flaiher. j Ba-ln'B. 1. ShTiDg, I , el- I . BRUSHES. Hir. Nil!, Tooth, Shce, C'oth. ' White frMh Taint, Etc A Large Awortment of TRUSSES, BRACES, ud FEMALE SUPrORTKi:S. SUNDRIES. TarkiahDaihToirels. f Uah Ulovoa, F'oah Brnahoa, ItviMia Luathr Po.-kot Boii., Match Boies Tooth Pioka (all kinds), Card Caaor, i 6ionfro Baga, t I Dreuinr Oaaee, Tocket Flask, Combs of every dercriptior Thermometera, Ktc, etc PAINTS, OILS and VARNISHES. Collier Lead (strictly pur,)), flout horn Load (strlatly pwn 1 Rhw and Bollod Linieed Oil, VatniiheanfnM kinds, Celorn in nil and Virni'li , Whale Oil, . . ' I'ornt Oil. Neat'a Foot OH, Olive Oil, Ktc. etc. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS rn-srriplions lonipounj l nil li.iur., tv(fOi;i)l:HS II V MAIL HI.1.FD wini nuvrj:fs J.'ricoN Low. TERMS CASH. a.'i I 1 o C V LIGHT FOR THE PEOPLE PETROLEUIVl FLUID & COAL OIL Reduced to 50c. Per Gallon at Retail, I LARGE DISCOUNT TO DEALERS. Cliirm Ciovkory, GUfciMre, Cutlwy, r.moy Go j.U, k.-. lU mA REID, KINSEY fit CREELEY PIONEER LAMP STORE, "" ""-'- z. c. a, 1 ' ALL KINDS UPHOLSTERY l.j Work Tons ; A 4 S. P. NEVE, teffli'? H. D I N WOOD EY'S FURNITURE STORE, 75, 77 and 79 First South Street, Salt Lake Citv 1874. SPRING, 1874. SIEOEL BROTHERS '76 Minsr STREET, (Under Ihe SJt Lake House), Rep-tfiiUy aoiiounce to their Caotomeri and the Tuie generally thai their Stock of Spr-'ng- Clotliing, Furiiisliing Goods, Hats, etc., etc., Is Complete and will be kept so through the Season. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING MADE A SPECALTY. We call special attention to our Immense Stock for the WHOLESALE THAJDE. . , SIECEL BROTHERS. CLOSING OUT AT COST. THE GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN THE TERRITORY THE SALT LIKE FLRMTLRE COMPAM Arc cltwinc oat tbeir Entire Stock, without rtscrre, FOR CASH; roriitia of r.ivlor Suites, Bedroom. Suites, Double Lounges, Easy Chairs, What.Vfe Brockets, Plain ami Pancy Window Drapery, Cornices, Shades, Fiittra All kinds of M:it-tnisses, and Mirrcrs of even- description. ' '85 MAIN STREET, ucx I door to Huasey'a New Bank, ill MISCELLANEOUS. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE t I'etfwtei In Ten tor of Sttiriog Machines. TheOldett and the Beit ItT OOMBINJta B K. I1 TV AND KXCBL 1 LKNCEof titoh: Strath aid Dorabil-itr Dorabil-itr rti S-am; k'oo&omy of Thread: Auach-nionts Auach-nionts and wide nt 'k of atilieatioa to pur-ro.es pur-ro.es and m -icnals The HuV t is ah honest ma-hioe, and is noi suhject to Liu. POINTS OF SIPKRIOIUTY: Simplicity and vcrfeMinn of mechnnlPffl. Purabililv. Will Ian a life-time. tance oi work, m ithuutj-arallol. l'ono tioa of anteh and teninn- Ym&q of eiKratiin and mnae-monL mnae-monL elf-adjuaunf take up. A ij unable hoai. I.."1 rerscnj whi uo tbe Howo Machine in l'tah will teTiTy to tho aoova. Best eilka and th run ds for eale. SnlcsrcHMii remorcd to 31 MAIN STREKT oppoaiie t'ost Oiico. Call and Bsauiiao our Stock. TUE EOWB MACU1NB CO., TliOS, P. MLLl'KR, Manacor for llah, PIANOS AND ORGANS. The St. Louis Mercantile Co., CAPITAL $1,000,000. rplUS COMl'ANV BUYS TU El K I VSTli"-,l VSTli"-,l .1H?'r,"; dr'lj- rrcia tho lonii-itHctiirert It CA-U,n.nd are iherely enatilrtt lo toll at ; the loweH pricos i EMERSON PIANOS and NKKDUAM'S I S1LVKR-TOXHVB OKllANS ' ' ' ' A SrECULTT. j Any olhor firat-claas instruments furnished Uioixior. j The iMUer-Tonf-iie Orcnn wiw its name 1 rrooi the fuieriorii in a point whi"h ci nfti-tuitw nfti-tuitw tho dooifvo criieiicn of exoeMcnco in any lumica; in?trmniuL--viji , .upoiivnlj-ot Tho diirnhilily nf thh Orcw It ono of Its mopl rfiuarUallochi-r.iiiei isiii's, Iti innlit-itrkeipinK innlit-itrkeipinK in p'od tone, als is oao tf thi' ouwt practical imivrtnin-o, Toriua ol sale liberal. Monthly or num terly incttlnionls tv rwiHnIMi' paritnn . 1 Branch otlioc lor L'lah, fto.il .MAIN" SI, cppoaiiQ lVflt HOice. tu'JI ' TMOS. P. MlLLRR, Maonjrrr. ' A PPLETON'S CYCLOPiEDIA.! 'hi.l.atot Kditi.-n nnl mo-t wmplote work I n nil iiiKlivlB no n nubliahed, 1 Irdor Ink on iif I VESLEY S. TRESSCOTT, Aor.st-'olUfflco Aor.st-'olUfflco by, V'J, 61 WATCHES AND JEWELRY. .A. T COST' FOR CHRISTMAS A SB iEr VEAR PRESEm Tnti MOST DESIB-BUOP-rORTUNlTT. CARL C. ASMITSSES "ill !01 t Cvt, without boautitul ussortincut of fine LADIES' U01.D AND Si12 WATCIIBS, BRA0ELER r.ADIBS' A.D GK.VTU''"5 DlihXS K 1X145, ClUlW LOCKET11S i CU.UiMJ. Al flcnutnriotr ofth.bt'J'rt,u UOU) XEOKIACW. PUtXIOUfS. EAR 1UXUS, AND Fl'U-SETS. ccnji lnl. ...vimcol of tl. P AMERICAN WATCHES. h. .uct ..,11.11. for Rf"J,.T;-3 hin,on. .nd .hr.orv Kor rtait-1"'1 1 w v -n "i."J. "J "" oDjrr th&n illi ..(.a. IU U0013 1KB SOLD UIVS B0"' AND WAHRASIW. Th. ..bllo uo o,..-Jillr in'"1 B CARL C. ASMUSSEN, Jh'lfKLKR WATOtlM.tKKH-)pp. WATOtlM.tKKH-)pp. r,t 011U- SALTtAKS1- HENRY WACENER. ?m.t Uii r. I'"11' lAtlFORHIA BREWED'- l.AUBItUltSR.Al.t ASDNH'W tr.i.fcuL. .o m"- .11N1 8H'TH tfTHKKIi |