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Show TINNERS AMD OAS FITTERS. MITCHELL & JAMES, ItcspcctftiHv aunounee to Ino Tublw tlial Iheyfaave "Kkmoved to thoir Now 1 ro-jniMn ro-jniMn on Wnt Tomiilo Street, or.polto Ibo City Mont Market, whom thev hope. 1y strict attention to business and small rrofita to merit the continued patronage w liberally beetcwed upon them. M.SHEET IRON & COPPERSMITHS FURNACE WORK GAI,VANIZErI' COUMCt. was, water and Steam Fitters WEST TEMPLE STIIEET, Opposite City Matt Market esoRss e. eeid & ca. Art now proiarort t run GAS Affl WATER PIPES Into boildinsd nt th shortest notico nd el tho fowoat rstw; and having practical rxrorioooo of over twenty years In tho buei-liWfi, buei-liWfi, gatvrfcEt ill work dn Is tho best luannor. W keep ooiiftnntlT oa hsJid ft larae iraprily tf OAS an' WATER FITE, CBAMDS-llEHS, CBAMDS-llEHS, STORK PENDANTS and BRASS GOOD 3. for !. Water cd Stwm yitUui MAIW STRKKT, Opposite Walker House BRUSHES. STBWABT'S OELEBRATEP BETJSHES, roi PAINTERS, KALSOMINERS. WHXIEVASDETIS. HOBSKMKW, A-10 GKKEIAL P A MILT USK, For Sale, TVliolle ud Retail, bj 5. O. M. I. Srocerr and Dm DerutanenU. Mum. 6odbe A Co., Uwn. TMadel k Co, . if. H. BTEWART A Co.. 1? FUtabiVf a. Pa. BUY APPLE TON'S REVISED ; CYCLOPEDIA. The Latent fdition nd most coin Hen wrt en alt frabjeut na w ablihi. OrdTf tnkoa br WESLEY S.TRESSCOTT, Aent FIRE BRICK AND C LAY. UTAH FIRE BEICK COMPANY FACTORY : Corner 4th South street and Utah Southern Railroad. OFFICE : New First National Bunk Building, Silt Lake Ojty. No 1 Fire Brick s Cement. CciMUntly on hand, We will build all kloda of FniwM t lowest Living Prices, and by the very Heft Mechanics. 0. W. BENNETT, Secretary STEAMERS FOR EUROPE. WHITE STAR LINE FOR Queenstown and Liverpool, oiRKiraainiu D KITED STATES MAIL Ken and fnll-powerfal Btearaehlpt Ociiwic, Rbpitiuo, Birno. Celtm Qt&MAmn, IBaJTunnc, Adiutic, Bn-iio Sftlllnif from Nm York on BataMy, from fe'Tepool cm Xhuredaye, calling at Cork LI ar-r ar-r Roh way. Pajmor Broom mod aliens for all olasiei) onrrralJect, oomblnuur SAFETY, SPEED ! COMFORT Baleon, Btate-TO&ms, Smr. king-room and BttLb-roomi in MID5HIP aeolion, where leaat motion Is felt. trorroona and BtetrardeiHOiaocomiiany tnuo Ittamin. rULes--Salrton, IM sold.; roturn Uekcfa 3110 gold, rjieoratto, 8-W cujrunoy. To quo wlflblnjf to fend for friondi from tho Old Country can now obi in ucrago prepaid oer-tinoaton, oer-tinoaton, tJS-rirrency. PajtHontrors hooked to and from all part of America, Parts, Hamburg, Norway. flwexl a, India, Auttralla, China, Jtt). PmfLs from 1. upward. Pot Inspection of plani arid other ftifonnk tlon, aptly at the Company1! offioea. No. 1" Broadway, New York, K. J. C0UTI3, Anont. NOTICE. Oa and after the 1st January. 1S7-1, tho "Ion-era) "Ion-era) Agency in too Itiiituil HUtm of llio Owanlo Xtoom Niviic;iti-n Couipauv (While tiw Line) will bo eondimled by Atr. H. J. l yRTId. who is I'ull7 authoriiud U Mt Id bsbAlfori.id Company. laHroadwoy. Now Y- rk, Dufl., . OCEANIC atBAM NAVU1AT10S CO., 1&9 J. n. HPAKK3, Altorn-jy. H. M. BAKN1IM, Agont, Bit.lt Lake Citr. STACE LINES. gilmeeXsalisbuey's DAILY STAGE 32$$& LINE. TBKOU011 Utah, Sontheast Nevada 4 Montana t,eayln. SALT LAKE CITY, IMILV, Kannto, Hflatb to 'Xintio. A rr.wlcan Jrk Mount Nebo. fitAt .bt. UeofKO. t'tah; and Piohe, Nova-la; FAsama liiROUtiu Pro.o, P.rinr-Uto. 6rnl"h IferV. I''""n. roll Crook, uhickon Ork. KoJN'l Vall-r. Plllaiore. Corn Cieak, ll.a'or, MlrjBrJvlMo, n4 all tbe l-rinilt.il Town, aod Mini,. Urni. IB bootharn Utah and bvulhonsl Nnada. AlnlmtOIUNNI. UTAH, UAILT. Jtonnln T'HIi n V'rrlnla Oitr. b.l.'.a. fnrt BTOt-.n. I-fr L.,1... C'u.lar 'JrnuK Mini, and i.a"in thr...iHh all Hi, Principal Princi-pal Town, and Mlnluu L'anii.B In Mootaoa. Wolt", FarRO It to. BnildinR SALT LAKE CITY. GENERAL DEALERS. EAGLE HOUSE. EAGLE HOUSE. t T B A S D E L & CO, ' t RKOEtVINO T)An,V BY EXPUFS' 1 SPECIALTIES FOR SPRING TRADE. ! t AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GRDS GRAIN RIBBONS , 01 nil Sluiilcs of t-'.ilor. 1 CHOICE STYLES OF DRESS COODS. mimi mm of shawls. i i LACF.S, COLLARS, RUFFLING, . FLOWERS, Etc By Freight CAR LOADS of ILunf. SlioiildiTf, Break : fast Bacon and Side Mont. , Crushed, Coflce A, Granulated and Brown Sugars. , Savon Imperial, German Mottled, Olive, While Riih-siau, Riih-siau, Sterling and Eutoca SOAPS- i And a full Stock ol GROCERIES, selected with care from the best markets this present season. All Goods delivered promptly and free of Charge. TEASDEL & CO, 131 JUST RECEIVED! 4,000 ROLLS WALL PAPER,! 3,000 PILCES 1UBB0XS, IILVKT & SILK. ; i TO BE SOLD CHEAP. TAYLOR & CUTLER. ; 22$y, oyff,f: ,- A The above Mlu!s prcaunt un arr.iy uf irrcfutnlilo lstimony iu favor o the following nanitd gootlrf, well worthy of thtserioiiscoiLsiilcmtion of all w'no want the best ami most economical; each mwLil rt-prcaonU a docisiun of a eeparato Board of Scientific and DisinttriUtl Juarri. No greater evidence of superiority can poaaihly bo BubtniUal. CommcnU of tho Miiinifai'tiirera can add nothing thereto. DURYEAS' SATIN GLOSS STARCH, In Six Tound H'.xm and One - Pound Paper. Try it. Oivea a Uc.nitiful Wii'n and Ciltwsy Finihli, hcaide rendenj Fabrica very Durable. -No other tt irch no easily iwed, or so Kwnuinical. t'so it once and yuu will uac no otlier. DURYEAS' IMPROVED CORN STARCH, Miumfacliin d by a greatly improved process, from the JVf fSel-tc'ed Indian Corn, and warranted perfectly purn. J'ronouueed byJUJiOTWuf (iltKAT ISTKKNATIONAL KXmSlTIOX, PARIS. jo JK Tin; "i'j:ui kci ion ok ji;ality. A trial will innurc its popularity everywhere. None genuine wit.) tout " Our-yens' Our-yens' " n every jiiu kage. Fur sale by tfrocfra generally, Jlesuro ''Duryeua' " is on every package. uiW General Dopot, 29, 31 & 33 Park Placo, H.Y WAOON3. CRIAGES AND BUGGIES Tlii'hO woll-kiujwii Vv'Ara'iNS ncctl ImL little siii'l in tlit'ir litvur. Tho tlonivo hiiIiw now ln:ing )inh: uLlcL tlit:ir iniTils, itml U"'.y un; tin- liuor'tto Wngou now in Lt.ili. rnjsr mii: riioitouviiLr WAitiu.snw fan okk vi.ak. ALL KHI'T JX LAIM1I0 STOCK. Z. C. M. I., East Branch, Sell (lie Bain Wagon al Provo at Salt Lake Prices. W'u cull further uttculiun lo tlio WALTER A. WOOD WOWING AND REAPING MACHINES, YVlik-li wo sell, "nil lire wmrrniilt.il 1" t'vu o"twliii:liuii; ih:, Iht? Ili-nt SULKY HAY KAKIiJ iu tlio Miirkcl. Wo liave U.o lrnt rtw of JJt'll' iJliS, CAUKIAllliS un.I LKillT ril'KINO WAt.lUiN'S in Utuli, nml solil fur tin; lt-usl iuon"y. full ,,,,,1 .,,. t,0 .xlerinivu Block of gooil work ul tuclt loiv irici'rt. Wo kccii tlio liiiKcl'iiiil Ijl'mI Bolw tcil slock of 1 luiJ woi.il nml Wilson Miiluriiil lit kmcr priced llnili nny lioiwn in L'lnli, lo wliicli wo cull cvi.iriiil illtcnti'.ll. Wo liiivoiiistcoiniiicttil u hirci Iwmlory W.ircliotl.io for tlio iicconiliulu- linD Of tllO illlOVC riAtld. BAIN WAdOX UIU'UT, 1'iri.t Yintl Soutli of tlio Tlio itro. HBDItEB A BODBR'i'BON.' UTAH NORTHERN RAi LR G AD I Trmins Lcavo OrIoii daily at S 30 n.m. ' Treing Loavo Lngmi rlnily nt 12 30 p.m : I CilAS. aMULKY. i Oanari1 Freight nd Ti ;'.ot Amat. j M'KS THATCH Kit, 1 I d1 (ion1 SupL, MIXED TRAINS will run DAILY, SUNDAYS KXCKJ'TKD. LMTinit SnK I,lf, City ul S;:I0 .,. nril 5:9 cm.: d1 Ogdon at feiKJ iliU, bdJ U:ao p m. or atl fnrormutlon onnoornlne froUI-ior iww, MiLlr to JAS. SUA HP" 'Jenral KrnlKlit ami Xiokoi Agent. JOllNbllARP.fciui.nrinton.Jent MINING NOTICES. I C A U Tl O N . 71CTOHtA k IMPERIAL TUNS JIj ucil Mining Comimny IjocuMon i'f 1 .Mino, Litilo Cotton wo d MtnlDK Dialrict. , Uluh Tnrruory Notice Ti, ,nl,liu nru 1 1 ouiiti"nod ru t imrohima or ni-Koiimo lor tho I fulIowir.K niiiiieil churosof h ock. an thoy with 1 r-old iti mil ut iiuliliu auction, oa THURS' dity. 'ho Llddiiy in' Aril, lS7l,or dolinauoul HsoSBmnnt No. 2 rtud cob(h fiT ndvcrti 'in; nod prtio, und will cut bo trim B lor rod by lb Cum- I ininv. 1 , 1 ho owrrr nf mid Corti Ri-nto oF cluck aro li"rol-y nDtilird, thut thoy raiiy rcd'-iu thoir 1 intuni tm Pi,id, ui uny timu wiihio tulrty d.iTHiitinr llio di( of find enlo. hv tho i-- , men I ol ilto mtionfit ofniiiJ SKUflinont mud all : t:ocl 'if advi-riiHiiii: and oxnonucH of snlo In United StJiio K.ad i.-nin. and thu lurrondor o BttidtOftiOtniOT tu tins ufllce. Xo. of No. oT No. of ' Cortit". WhnrcF. Innnmoof Bh'a Bold. ' Wl Wi S A Coburn ....Hi 1 'CU i a A uoburn ("; I U"il f A !oburn M) 1 (ins -V) SAO I.iiiij ,71 1 7'U 10 A Coburn i VM US A (Joburn : U-'.ll -1 M A t'oburn i 11(1 L'-i S A Cgbiirn 'i'i l'-'2 6 A Unburn ii '111 I" K W e'utijaiiiii:c 10 K W Cumminm .1 :)4'I 2m !; M Ciark L-"0 ;!' ; 0 1( K Clarii a.'j :t..(J in) li M U nrk lift :t-"'l l'l K M Clark 1(1" i'y 50 K M Oinrk W : n in K M Clark 2 I :- 10 E M Ular' if) I" K M dark 0 I" KM Clark 10 :h 10 K M Clark li Mi 6 KM Clark Ji m fi KM Clark 4 l"l h K M Clark .i 4'M 8 K .M Clark T, 4"! 6 rJ .M Clark r, 5 KMCla-k f. HU -' K M Clark r 107 6 K M Clark ....6 l"S 5 KM Clark 5 lir ft h M Ciark r 10 Hou i Cottrell.,. 0 10M in ti.Ki KUi ttrtll 10 7-1,1 l'Kl Win M UoWitt .mj H it -X) Wm M DoWiu : liHI ' 11 TM Marlins U'(") 10 T S U.irJing 10 !-i M 'J' S DarltQir 20 !'7 HI T S 1'arltn 10 htn 1 A P Fletcher SI lii l' J S KreU .l(j . -IH 1 J S fret. 'Jfl 4- 10 J S rrelE 10 I til 10 J S Frtnz 10 s J S Frou 5 711 fVi J y rret Ml , !Ti ir J ri l- rotz 110 !!' J Krotr.Tni-i'oo. l-v T.f JiX .1 Frcl., Truj-t'O l'i'.' 7Vi i" Mis Kona IIdou Ml I'irt 1-0 JeWi'.tHolbroo tin 0" Jlonry Unjinond .'O -V.i H-.-nrv Knyioood Tu". 1LCI wm 11 Wation, Tru.BtoB,IOO Ml 11.0 (Jco 1 J W UUt.D - HjO WM. H. WATd';N,ScorUry. Offi'"0 Pooiiii t and iJ, No, SU. Mootgoai. ory trout, t-an b'raacivn, Oalitornia-t'an Oalitornia-t'an f.-flncieco, Arnl b. 1-"7I, all NOTICE L, W1LLKTT, 70a are hereby tiotKWI that wo havo paid :ir yoo your proportion for labor dono on ho fl'st wwt ilan'ioo of th 1 nsfitailo Load, aDOJDtina tn suty dollars. J-Aij nod that. unleM ym ioi'.Iq with ua tor tLo "amo Imfuro Ma" --d, 1 7 (, wo shall ba-romo ba-romo tho owneri rtl ymr intoreit in accord-j accord-j ucco with tho law. j KliOPKXSTISE MILLER, j Jlinithsm. Jan. -kith, I The Ciieap anfl MreterD; . . j nl ; .Best, Shortest ami Quickest I 1 I 1 I u o ute ! 50 ah roi.vrs east, , V14 I'liJ.-.-iiM N.r;hw.-I.Tr. Riilway. i ' TriprnoyfuriiT Srn.i', Caxt.iaT, Sirnr ocd ; I iJir ' poniiniinicntiTii made at Omtlia and I C inHl uiufl ib tb Umoo Paciik lUiiroud ana at 1 ; t j CHICAGO I wi:h nil Railway Llnas for tho East, North ana Eolith. This line ha adnlil nil mo-tcn, fmrroTiv rr.r.n-.s in track au-1 o miiimenl. InLiudinit Hail. Uviri Hiy and MW(.1:;?Cht web .Mi Her l'!nt.,.r;L-: ar.d WctLtiKh-use j (! v Air hralrftA. ; i'lillmim I'ala.-f Drnvitri; 'ionru nnd Slcopinf I . '-irj run thriii-ii bottrc, n Ccunril liune an.i I Canono, on nil Ktrrcj Truin. I Hiii.in.0 uhockod throjgh and hamllcd with 1 ca re. ! No elr cliar- t r tmii'fcr at 0'i,ith.i m (ibicntjio i-r.j:--josoni l:nnir Thrmiph fikoi Ttaih" Cbn-aco ,t .Norinwoftern Umlwny. 1 Ihrcu b Titkni? can bu obUiin"d ut tho Rail. ; ' rund Tiukut Ojlicos ia tilt Ci y, San j 1 Frnncitco, Sarraiucnt-), Uttdon, Umiiba, Council 1 LtltiQs, an 1 all itmi-.-i, il tiokut oHictx -in th 1 f t'nnlr) -X-n 1'ni'T R-tilr- 1 St. Louis, Kansas City ; AND I Northern Short Line j i TO AND FROM SALT LAKE AND THE EAST. rV-snnKors lo and from Salt Lake ! should bear in mind that the St. Louis, KamasCily & Northern Short lino in connection with tho Kansas Citv, St. Jieph, & Council Mulls li, K., id the only lino running through cars over tho groat Missouri River bridgo into and out of Omaha. All other linos lo or from tho east, north or south iu-volvo iu-volvo a disagreeablo transfer and change of ears in transforing over the Missouri River into and outof Omaha. Thin lino is tho only ono running j through cars between St.. Louia and Omaha in diioet connection with the Union l'acitio railroad. These ar. .'important facta for the traveling pub lie to consider, ns changes of cars a i id traiifera, which other linos are ubjoel to, arc, aoure.es of great dis-eomiiirl dis-eomiiirl and ineouveuicnee to travelers travel-ers iv'neh the iniatt tl fully appreciate, Jail of which travelers may avoid by (lalting this great through lino, and ' availing themselves of tho advantages i it oilers. OO Til KOI 'till .ST. LOIMS. It in not gmerally known, but it is nevertheless a fact, that tho shortest lino to anil from .Silt Lake, and Louisville, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Columbus, Wheeling, rihSburg, Cleveland, Cleve-land, llullalo, I larri-burg, I'iiiliidel-phiit, I'iiiliidel-phiit, .Haiti more, Washington, New Vork.and Itoston.iH tlmmgh .St. Louis, over the St. J,uuis. Kansas City, A:! Nnrtheni Short Line. This line is not only iheshortest and quickest, but it allurds an additional iidvan'.agn ot pacing through St. Lniis, tho great ineti'ei.olis of about four huiulrcdand lilty thousaiul inliabilanl.s, Un- thirt largest city in the I'nion, and is most prosperous in all branches ot Irado and manufactories. Ll being located in the great Valley of the Mi-ippi.praelirally at the junction ut the iVii.-v-Hniri Kiver, it is grailuallv drawing to itself, by reason of its lu-eiition, lu-eiition, a large majority vif thy tnulo ul thu ( ucat Wil. lVnplo going (onr from tho Kast, North or Soulh, lo or from (he Croat West, by other lines, hould by nil means (ako this lmu thimigii St. Louis, and pcionally witness the magnitutle ot this great eilv. 'J ho SI. L ui is. Kansas City A Northern North-ern Short line, with its elegant equipment equip-ment of reclining chair ears, which I hoy run without e.slra charge, its inngnilicentdaj euachrs and I'ullinau keeping palm es, and e.veellent road-ivay, road-ivay, alliinlH (ho be-t avenue to or run i St, Louis, to and from tlmlo eat iVortt, . Ho, 1 NEW YORK TRADE. j j E. H. CARBUTT & CO. TEAS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, ! Ui WAKKEK tjl'ItlibT. ! nv:w vduic I J. U. DUIi'lKU.' --m j GOOD, ROOF & Co., ! Iruiiorlore of j WINKS, LIQUORS & OILS. DKOAUWAV, C NKW Youn, Fishi Clark & "Flagg, EROADVVAYi NEW YORK, .KH !HVT BKAPI 1V1TH THatlB KoVELTIi:S IS Men's F nr ni shine Goods rOK T1IK KAHLV Sl'lUNO T H A I H BENEDICT, HALL 6t CO.. MitQ'ifactiiron and Wholo&ala Dealora in BOOTS AND SHOES W A ISA OaAITD-ar.. HEW YORK, Comer Orw-hT. ,1, block art of Bioadwa- THOS. M. ARCALLfcCo.. , Men's; Youllu Boyt' and Children' CLOTH!! TC3- I AT "Wnr.LKSLR. ".11 Am. lis BROADWAT. KRW YORK, ! r... fjj JEHIAL R E A D & CO Man.ifaoiuMrr and Wholcaala Dealer! . , i'Ull AXD WOOL IIATS Stb.-.- Ououe, niti.i if rr?.. ffe. nROALWAT,lVIW OKli jo.; nr7ia. - ' . ' CM1CACO TRADE. EAGLE WORKS MANF'G CO,, Wilt furnish Engine!. Boilerfl, Mlnine Machinery, and all klcds u, itod? la tin MachLnojy lice. Sood lor dcwriplire ciri.-u)r. j OiBr:a.430UTU CA.tL dr., i CHICAGO I P. W.ti IE3. I'fiLai.fT, nii7 ! i PACE. QRO. & CO,, ! j Importers aid Dealer; In LEATHEE & FIFDI1TGS ! "OLD CilY nOTKl CjilXSK.'- I Cu"l,V"'i CHICAGO, ILLS. v, W Pace. Dooa: Orville Paz,,) . V!. D. WELLS & CO., , .'ilaAniactatm of an') Wholesale Dealer 1 Id i Boots & Shoes, Waba-h Tmine. CRICAGO- ' M. I). Wall?. H. i. Mafarlacd, It iionedir-i. mM S P. iMolniTra. " The Old Salamander." REMOVAL. Van mul Staoa & Reii, WHOLESALE Druggists & Paint Dealers, Havo Keiiwvel u. IU, Nu- .:..r-i. 92 and w L.A K E SIKtET, dnior Doarbora t-tieet. oa the old iitol ClIICArJO, the h.'ln1i,.bS'n''li?f! ''tod ojito!.;j- for tao bu-iaoM. Mcam Llevatorf, etc. tboj have S' orth.SJt. :""n"10 onan.d la SPMial attention ti.en to Territorial bnt- lr JOHN T. CAJXI. c. IV. STAYXKR. CAINE &. STAYNER, NOTARIES PUBLIC, Would rospoct fully drs? attention to the fnct-thnl fnct-thnl thof hari. wiroliod with all the require monts ot the law. having lieD Dominatwl by Looili'Toiw, elected b? tho joint roto ol tho L-MUtire Aweiably. have filed bonds and qualitio.l ae r-rencnbeJ by law, audarodoly wuimiwtnneu tr thoiiovomor. Thoi r official acta are LQexofL're borond question. OFFICE WITH SALT LAKE HERALD SALT LA K F CITV. THE ISI A P A U- WHE 12 OKI, IRON GANG PLOW, Favorite on the Pacific Coast Its tuUaiitaiiCs are; Kirat. It Is a Thivo-whppliHl PKiw; two in front and oao in thn rvRr, by meaim of which all dniR is avoided. Second. Tt In nn AdjuMsbto Thiw, (he driilV iU.-inoin msdo to do tin., work e-f rs.ir.mjj nnd lowcriiifr, witliout uy exor-j exor-j lion on tlio purl of tlio driver. Third. It i Light of JJmll; tho llghl-u.ws llghl-u.ws of drsitl. pimljios two horse to do tlie woik of Ihree. Tho plow is nwod or lowered willmiit lifting tln driver's sent, tuid thus this weuht is avoidil. l')iirlh. Tho Lino of Draft. It Isncen -Inj-dmll plow, drawing iYom Um mnin fVdni.i. An ailjiistflbhi clevis coniert-diroolly coniert-diroolly with tho beam, wliew nil Hie teniiH pull dhvetly fmm ono eontrv, mt Unit when tlio plow is working, it ndjus.s il,-olf to nnidi nnd tin, iron ground, and will plow to thu muuoejIepUi ui oithor Imrd or soli iiivjnjid. Film. La-o In Turning; hy nUuia ol tho rear wheel, the plow ean ha turned with wiso in Its own length, making a groat faving in Umo in l1,0 oourau ol n da.v'u work. Silh. It in y,!-.y on llio Honph1 Neelt. Itv lvstmg the driver's poatontho rvar nnd nftlm pole tli.) xu'uM of (lie polo in ha-hinee.1, ha-hinee.1, nnd iiliovos tlio pntsfiiin from tlio hursoH ucckn. LIN FORTH, KELLOGG CO. UDi.y Aon.ira, ;land -i, 1'ronl Sirflet. SAN 1'UANOIHCO Calllbrnla, i d.unford" VsonI . KSGAED EXCLUSIVELY AS J0Bm:"'i lt" UI' IERS IS ALL OF inr. BBSI BUSH or BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS GENTS' GLOVES & FURNISHING GOODS .AITZD LADIES' Fljg OKDKK- SOLICITED A.VD FILLED Wnn CAKE LOWEST TRICES. I TJI1EKTY IRON WORKS f EASES, CHALMEEUci, Suooeiisors of EAGLE WOHKS HAWJ-a 00 431? MASUrACTi:KF.RS Or - '' Steam Engines, Boilers, Stampfc Amalgamating Pans and Settlers Mis EoHers.liii Pimiiis, Patent Stamp Slues, Concentrators, Screens, Rock Buckets ' MtLf. Wsi M Smell fflactoeir, Retorts, Bunion ai Ingot Moulds. Slag Pots and Cars, Circular and Hulay Saw liiiis, Shingle Hills and Qensrai ISaclussr fllnsWafoi-ther-nit yj years. I'rtn..Ts and Mnur, of Eagle Work. Minuf-'cMi. 'tli'-- v!. img nw closed), and hivir.j purchaged a!! their larje stock of iMwiiwy witeJ hr.u iW ii-twt complete and Mteaiivc set of En -inc., Gcort, PuRcys. and aiKelaaa txg ft:i Went, w are prepared fjctjnnue its business in all its braucbtt wititGaj-ja4 tviktw fm 'jrdcrifor -11 (icscriptions cf-Acrl; and repairs without the usual dsby aad ejpeme a , BCn1 pAtlcrsl. ALSO, AC r. NTS AND DE.VLERS IS Srr-im and rentrifusal Pumps, Blake Cnifhcr, LelTcl Water HiUwell Heater. Blowers, Wire Bop, Wrought Iron Pipe, End Oflnl Hi., and Mill Buppllea. 130 to 145 Fulton St. bet. Union & H aisled, CHICAGO Plo-ae adore sa FRA.SER, CHAiKEBS & CO., ClUc&go, Hi, ' DIRECTORY OP SALT LAKE CITY AND UTVH TEEEITOE! A WORK OF THE CILRACTER IXDICATED BY THE im title ia orsat!y tloMiiTidcd by public necessity. A twelreraonthi? when l is unlersigncd a-iuoanced ibeir intcntioa of issuing such 3 mi another Directory vr:u presented to tho public, and tbey irmnediatelv mi drew their advertisement. There being no proposition to publish a Direcicrt from auy other quarter at present, and the importance of Salt Lake with lot growing industeries ot the Territory calling for one, tbey propose issuing, s or before the 1st ol APRIL, A DIRECTORY OF SALT LAKE CITY, ArD UTAH TERRITORY, COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY EDWARD L. SLOAN, I Wi-o?-? ftiitner Pirectory of Salt Lake gave eo much EatiffsctK, I Ti:e Dire-rtdry of S-ih -Lstkc Gtj- an Tlah Territory for 1S7. 3 conlairi A (xeiicr DLrttor,- ofSatt Ike City; It will also conUin a ChroDoicv.a! A Ba-in rs Directnrj' of Salt Lake i History of the -Territory; a dedp Oiy tion of tlie Mining Districts, fit: . . , much iutercsting and reliable ii A Busing Directory of 0on,Provo. : fotmfttbn reIatiTe to tho lafa Cormne, Alia, Lmghamaud Ophir, dcvelopmeilliaI w to the Agricultural, Manuiairtar Aji olficial Directory of every County : and Indiislrial retwurecs of the Ier tnd Mvmlcipality in Utah. ritory. Caoiviiora toliciLiiig Sabscriptions and Advertisements fill call apca biisinnss racu and others in a few days. It ia respectfully requested that every facility be extended te the Cia-vaseers Cia-vaseers for the general and business directory, by famishing them tome Dfortuation as to namea and residences. Salt Lake Herald Publishing Company. S31 Very Cheap ! ! ! Shingles 4.o0 per M. rascos'ts Lime in any .juantity. 500.C0 Hba Coarse and Ejue S dt. " j Stage Coach S'JOO. Ojctd per lb. cash paid for Pe.-rhes, j .viid uigliest rjish priew lor Thmis and Apricots. I tarfKerie?, Grain and rroyi-iotv?. " La Hollo ffngiin Shedf ami orti(c fjr 1o, with le.so, als l.ijj.i Dorot, nest to I'nln Wgon Uoi ot, b'T furthor i'f, M i.'iil axs I ri'U" to J . v ,s N Li L L, id., ho iioro. I HMOS!!1 i MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY! CLAria I ti bo drawn Ai-nl Mi, Legalized by Stat Authority and Drawn iu Publio in St. Louis. GRAND SINGLENUMBER SCHEME fSO OOONUMBEl. , 0.SSU rriiosauiouatiny to $.'100,000 1 i-iire of fw.rtin ! Mi iritJ $ ( 1 .. or 1 :..! I B ,. of 1 i or in.n'M of 1 ., ol I ,. of :-m I triM ol .vt i 9 of iii ' ,, t( 1,1 t Nfl of 'V of 1,'HV I Hfl of IV i" ,. ) :mi I is' o; i.v L) Of U-iO j &,l0 ,, ol I VICXKT3, $i0: HAl.rTIOKl.rs $5: I QV'AKTKlW. (A-m, nlur li'lti'rlw nro.-ln.rlorvi hy tlio late Mis tin it ri ilmi u nt llio U.uo u.it iol, nd al ilrairlnj i'rei tiiiJw the ai'rrri?ii-o o;'.iTorr vMiiiiiii'i,iinr. 1 -Clio oill.-!l .!i'iiu will b0 vul'liiho,l ! in tbo l. l.iHih i ,:,vr: . n i u coi'T of .li r-U'k- mnt to inircliiiSLTs m i'V(. mil tlriiiT - nimtlnr n.'hpiP (lie tlii' ovciy in.nili .itun.v r It, o vour l.'i. i "lU'init. Hi mir rink. Vv INwt ol'.Vo Monet Oi-.loiK.Hvunloro.l Lotior, Urn. or lviiro!i..' I H.'titl lor 0iiviilnr, jUro Ml UNA ", MIL1.KH A I'O.. IVaiolllcii Kos 6r, Un, Mo, I C. P. K. K. I I On and alter Monday, SP' 29. 1S7H, Tratns will Inn Osdeu cluily, foilcn: B ;BO i'.m., l'asjenpr Train fcr Siri I aid in tratciw. j 5i53 p.ia ThroofO Vmslit Triia SrtSa mcDtc ud ut Krucuov T-H.GOOPSAS. Oon. Fs. aad TW A. K. TOTTXB. Goa'l dnp't OKO. IT. TltOE, A0T, < Lik CltT, c . : Otw W. Y. A Co s Itank. j TRUSTEE'S SALE. i WnRfilHS l.KuNAKP ISrH ; bucTiBin-iool v' rnirt. iirtj '-"nii, A. 1. l7N.nrtt nvonicd is :bf. i iht Ko.vc.lor nt Hoc.ii iVrMtlil-ik'n-j lVrrila.iv of 1 ;fch. in monjic -vi i. II'im ...vmool to the ur.Jtrnrt'd ; I-illon-iriK- de---iiif J Nl estnti. si"1.' rni-i t-.in. inthoCm-oiiiU Ukt, ! - ofl iah, to wit; . I 1 ii-u c.-riKiii 'ol. or por.-ol uf erfi ato in r: id I'itv nl T.-nit.-rj, I .N.h Strco-. botw.H-n S.xvD.lit3Tbr'J ! Mrvct, more i urncvilarly ilwnMO i In :, lo Mil; A Krtinn oflol on il . I fi:tj--liro(.V,l. ,,,u ''A ' Oi.-alt UV'.',I I i'v. poninnTcirfc- nt roint on thcN- : cvrnor nl'fiui l.-l rurnir.e thct)c.' t r.vl. thunca norih ten tl'' 1 rv.tM:-" ",s -1 tli rod-, aca ihcriL-o comb, twi (I'1 r-'-, the sine or 1 iitvi of iftnd .lj.'i3iat .' n tho i-.-vt l"inv t.-n ih'i foot 1'"", au.l ;rn n .i-a-'i. nd tvindh '!,'! f I t l-n ii h'.-.V :l:iv.i .-', i-!t . A-tin-.,! Um Ouy.r.fv.rhl '7 ..,-rt-it (M1 t'di Tl -unci r , A c. M.-ial.:. i:. :l Ji,iW.K.; lh J.:..o e,oirrJ ' Ih. .-aul l.,,., .r,l nnie-. er.le-J II. ll.-n., ..-i.miJ. r. .-.T.l. .1 in bwk I Tt., ..'I-,. v.-,.L,iy lie ..r.l... v ., 1'lie ...i.l .h,.-c. ,i.-e er.- In Im-t.ff""' rr.i,iV.,s?;T.' "r? ; , nolo fi..hh1 t ... I ln.r. anJ lwi Jul. .ii.i. A. i i-r.:. I..r iln-.-iioi .'I ,ll,'v ' .l.'ll.ir.. aaj i...,.i.!o tt la" .Z " . . 1 A uiflvLy .lay ( 'V.'.-l I t..b.T nut, i.-torv.. hvm Jte.l '"'rt , o.ie ..r J ..nr-li.ll ( er cat. ref '-'sll I'-i.l. Au.t. K.irr...,. Il.e ffli.l n',7,0 i l. ne si':oe i-.-t iluo. ant reiuiin' .. I iill,li,.i,.r,m,i.Uv :..l.il... Iru-U '. v. llio un.ler.unod truihvs ei WtuNK-PAV.I'aolMh J.7ftM'v-Kven J.7ftM'v-Kven Ifto h.-.;r.. el ten -vtc-.-,--liv - . Ilial Jw. '. "in ;:iK,:!;:;r.;:!r;!;:x-5i",'s; -Ic.l ol tru,;, ami llio ,-.le here-'l- 1'll.iMAS M VS-ll.'l-'s JOSAIUAS 0. K. IHliTBK, Aut'llo"' |