OCR Text |
Show ,., o-.-E,cME AU' a,1(i t"ltc a -dr t tfce Old City Liquor nouU-'"- ml , .,,' drawing of Wax .III Uke pUito tins uvuiuug, kB...B-".f? -U.ro.. A ,ld-keUfill)'!i- ml ,. j r,10D dish ot ice cream go to .hetoMCeit"110"1' l'"r!or, M pint South street. , nil The Sali Le k'B -'- mve' M ions "f a'1""""1 Cormuc ,:. hich thev "'ill deliver to all aid the city at all hours of tbe L,mllunJ-'l'"ntil.v- DePot ' Z ol'l 'anJ- No- 30 Fire' t'OU"' WuiiBOIOS Hoi.be to rent at a ' moderate figure. "30 jlfr KKEtvtn some elegant poplin pllcrmvery low at F. Auerbach & BBiw East Temple street. ir2'.' iriESTlos, Ladihs. I'. beliwar., iom Sew York, has this day opened , k,w dry sooJs store at the Mathies-Kn Mathies-Kn Block, opposite Wasatch Hotel. Grot IW'115 f""cr lm1 6ti,P!e -rods. Dotohd Sons. Our bractical intlcrs nnd liojt fitters. 29 J. H. Udd & Co- Pay 0,0 highest price for furniture and household goods of all kinds. 'A few doors rat Kimball & Lawrence's, First South alree'. '. i ' GlM.s' AND tlOYS' fashionable t'lotuioB, liats auo caps, boots and shoes at panic prices at F. Auerbach i Bro., 55 Main street. 29 The Urakd Cesteal Ice Cream Saloon is now open for the season, and prepared to famish ice cream to partioi and encursians; families and parties also supplied at short notice. Hemembcr the old stand, No. 30 First South street, just east of the Hebald office. 3eo advertisement. If Mks. Akduew Lancastf.k will tall at Carter's Gallery she will hear of something to her advantage, a'28 Concord Biwy IUuness. Twenty Twen-ty five sets just received. Kichest ever brought to Utah. Walin & Tanner, Tan-ner, Groesbcck's Block. a2S Redl-ctios of 1 per foil in price of Itock Spring Coal, $3 at the yard, 110 delivered, ii.SO by the car-load. The ouiy coal of this kind fresh from the mines Is (hipped to S. W. Brown, oflico Main street, opposite Wasatch Hotel. Also Evanston coal, i at yard, S delivered, $6.75 by the carload. car-load. , n2 Laoiks will save money by buying their Summer dress goods, rendy-inade rendy-inade suits, parasols and fancy nock rear at i. Auerbach & Bro., 03 Main street. a-"9 Hqj'SE goods, new gcjoda. rJarratt:a. loE Ckkam at the Delmonico. -: Wood I Wood 1 1 Wood ! ! ! Cheap est in town. Yard and office at tho dopot. Leave orders at the. Jiocky Mountain Coal office, Kimball Block. 0, B. Durst. a2P. Irve Geese Feathers at l. Diu-mjodey's. Diu-mjodey's. a2L Notice. To whom it may concern, all parties indebted to E. Kecso 4 Co. lull please take notice that all accounts ac-counts not paid or settled by note by tho 1st of May, will be placed in the hands of an attorney and collec ted with costs. Come and settlo up. D-H. D-H. Kinsey, successor to E. House Co. a-21 VlSEGia. Good strong Cider Vinegar, Vin-egar, 512 por barrel, ot forty-three gallons, at the factory, 88 Commercial Commer-cial street. Orders from the country pranptly attended to. Joseph Stollor. 14. Fifteen thcusaxd rolls of wall paper, ornamental and decorating, at H. Dinwoodey's. a2- Old Mas Bendeb's Photographs can be obiained at Carter's Gallery, opposite Husaey's bank, card bizc, 25cU; 8 x 10 SOck. Agents wanted. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 20 They say Dinwodoy has the cheap-ait cheap-ait baby carriages in town. aZI Geo. Showgcx, scavenger for the city. 02 Obnamental Painting, 4'j.-Hr Geo. W. Olcott of the eastern States, announces in our advertising columns this morning that he has permanently permanent-ly located in thia city, and is prepared o do all kinds of plain and ornamental ornamen-tal painting, graining and glaz ing at moderate rates. Seo the advertisement. BlElioTADi's Hloiui iif the Rocky Mountains, and the beautiful new cliromo Love or Duty, on exhibition at C. R. Savage's Art gallery. all Iv YOU want to Furnish your house, call at J. M. Joelson's, Groesbeck's building. j'34 The I3f.st and cheapest Weber Coal I in market. $6.75 per ton by the car ! load. Call on George Nebeker. ll j Fob a hicb oyster stew or fry, go to Dyer & Arbogast's, at tbe old ice cream parlor, 1st Ejouth street. o22 Davis IIol'se, corner of Second South and First East streets. Board per week, $7; board and ruuru per day, $2; board and room por week, from 'J to $12; meals 50 cents. Shell Davis, proprietor. iw The Pioneer Line East. If you are going to Chicago, Detroit, Buflalo, New York or Philadclphbi, you should buy your tickets uiti the Chicago Chica-go & North Western Railway. It is the oldest, shortest, quickest and best route between Omaha and Chicago. Pullman Palace cars ou all trains. No changes of cars. - Tickots for sale at mite i. McCor-nick's McCor-nick's bank, at Salt Lako City. W. H.Stviinett,Genoral Pjw.-.ouger Agent . . i27 H. DiswonDEV has removed bia furniture from Alain street to his tliree-atory brick building, lat South street, half block west of tho Coop, clock, where be ia prepared to do a wholesale as well aa a retail business. " f27 Deev Walnlt Oval Frames for wax flowers, crosses, fcc, and a large assortment of frames of ail kinds just received at C. K. Savage's Art Gallery. Gal-lery. a7 Ice Cueam at the Dehnonioo. a23 Coal, Coat,, Coal 1 The celebrated celebrat-ed Crismon Coal, the best in the market, mar-ket, at $8 per ton at depot. Leave orders at yard twutb of depot; Z. C. M. I, Drug Store ; residence, 14th Ward ; snd P. 0. Box 999. Stop our wagons and give orders to teaoiBters. )7 Flknitlre, BAiiiiA-rr's; furniture I BarruttV a23 KEMUVEO. We desire to call Iho attention of ourcun tomert and tho public at large that ivo have ririziOTed to tho more aom modioli store of tbe Wasatuh Ilotol buiMing, hofa wo are now oponinijf out our ."iiiritu; anil Suramor atock of UiothLjK of tho Ifttort styloi and pattern, all of ouAith uiart'ifaetvira, hioh enables ui to soil our k'oods from 15 to ft) iror Dent, leu than any other house in this oily. Manufactory. ) L. Goi.hiurG k Co., 84 'Leonard St., ftVasaloh Hotel Buildinci. I New i'orfc. ) HKK & MtUPHY. Mako the bent TOM mcI JERRY and all dnnk whioh none but oxperionood 1JAH-ItliliPEUS 1JAH-ItliliPEUS know how to compound, Thsir Lt juors nnl Ciirara aro uniurnaaaed. rhero-forethoy rhero-forethoy areuow rea'ij to uit tho moat laa-tidious laa-tidious at tho OCCIL)JNTAL, 35 first tfouth btreat- du jf. G. WILLIAMS CO. Have for aalo at thoir Wine and Liuuor Store.No. 25 i'uat South street, corner of Coni-morcial, Coni-morcial, pure Winen and Liouora of the ohuicost brands by tho gallon, bottle, or Drink Families supulied at reduooa ratoa. dl4 SPECIAL WOXiCE. Why suflur from Dyfpopsla, Indices tion, nnd low of itpputito, when you can, by miiiiK 'Dr. llunloy'a calebmt.jd I XL iiktcre," eiloct a perfect cure; thuy arc a plfjiiniit Rid invigorating tonic, and endorsed en-dorsed and reeoii. inunded by our m0!,t ominont pbysiciaun (ad T ourtrUUiBtcs on each bittlu) for all coraplainU of tluj Liv.-.r and Difrostivo Organs. As a family medicine they havo no erj,ual. Sw; ndv-t;ra-oi,i'iin anotber colunin. BANKING. FIRST7 NATIONAL BANK OF UTAH. SALT J- A. HI C I T Y DE510SATKD DEPJSITOKT FWUIOIiO. AOKKT 0 T3 U3"T" STATM WARRRN BUSHEY, President, AKT110NY GODIiU, Cashier. AUTnORX.KD OAPITAL 500,0I Piincr C.mu. Jlan.lWO EUasiM&B - 8i76,u DIVIDEND 70B ' 1871, 50 PEJt CEHT DIVIDEND 70E 1872. 80 PEK CEST. Xhb Oldsbt BiSKrao InBTmmon ut Utah. A Uonerul Banking Bualaeaa tr ansae ted. ' Agcicim w COLOKAOO jihd MONTANA. COLLECTIONS Promptly attonded to 1 Intorojt allowed on Tlmo Leposlta. NOTICE. Il ie advisable th;it our bdttlcmcnUi take immediate steps to raise the molasses, producing variety of Sorghum, Sorg-hum, also broomcorn and mustard, and prepare in time for dryiug, canning can-ning and otherwise saving the differ- : ent varieties of fruit, and for making pickles, that, so far as possible, theso j products may bo supplied without importation. im-portation. Brtghah Yovxii, George A. Smith, Dasiix H. Weli. Matinee. j Don't forget to give the litlie folks a chance to attend the May-day matinee mati-nee at the Theatre to-morrow afternoon. after-noon. There will b-j a spUmdid bill presented fur their rnteitaiiimeul. NATHAfi DAVIS & WX. mnmm wmm Ac kinds of a Kent i tor (iRjr'FITH-i- V,rE!J8E ENGINES AND SAW KILLS! fiiil'e ShiDRto no t llc idiu MKuhiuus, Coca -1 MaAoJ! Mrtti-ife'.'tuiiin Co rai !.) P V .V i ' N ! i A A C li I i; v, Vifcat strsst. a.-nr v-ih Tei!;i!j ::tiest, B4LT LA HE CITY. WINEST'LIQUORS AND BEER!' JOHN BOULTER l'uruiorly of Kddlns' bhI'iou, h:vt not lolt tho clt?, but stnrtol bus mow i- hitiuolf throo doors iifi'ia f V-t. Lnuit UCiuq nndi70 duord auutb of Edilirs' old tUtind. tV-TJ SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS Advertisomocts ondor this heading 10 cent , par lino por day ; nothing insortcd for lea than 50 oonts for uno Lime. REWARD. THK PKH0N ' TOOK TWO limdles from tho iMininn HtwottH fckle-J fckle-J walk is known. J'leMo loavo ihcm at tLis o'hci and 1 o mwardid. u u ligations uako--. ' ml 3 WANTED. j HTWO CMAMBKHVjUns. j i Al Iho Uvcrlactl House, BOARDING. rjiyrus. s. p. kino h.as iusoi'nkd hor u?i vat's haaniint; houso. ona block 1 no't of Wallior Ihos . find is i miuirrd to furnish fur-nish rilroiH ivi'.li I uurj, with or wille-ut ' rooaif, ai do.-iruJ. a30 I - FOR SALE. A lU-Itt-lWE Ul'lUiilil' 1)0IM It, ALL J QUIUl- UtO- ArU, 11 DO'.V il'Tln&tO , 'Jiioulur Builor, U-borw tnm-t;r Ai. ly tr Jr.lci fclouii i C- , r-ult. l,aUo Ci:y Ufilsr IVoikf, mirth of 'Jownsonii limine. uJj ROOM AND BOARD WANTED. AQl lUr YOl N'tl OMNTLEM N tHic a )lf'U:ant. mnoy rjnm tr Finull suite in i m "to iauniy, iviih bnard if convenient. I'Ilhj inldre.-s W. (., Klhis i-liico . a'Jo FOR SALE. CUKA1' KOU CASH, A NO. 1 WA.llfNU-10 WA.llfNU-10 N Iuu-iTiiil rriutltur 1'roiF, S, i'. K-uinif. Maiinructuror. wil I'rintimr Materiel, Mater-iel, Jul' Tyro. etc.. complete, buinti tho t-oui-Hete ' Uinnhara Pioneer" outfit. C. V. Kfn-. Kfn-. noU K'l Main at root. fi21 FOR RENT. IJOliSK OF iSIX ItvOM. FUIIN18HKD, IT Ci'llar, Stnblo nnd Outturn's.', Full Lm . with Fruit Troas. Ap(iy on iriiii-:ef'. Fif' h -;iutb street, be'-wuau Fir-t and Second W'.-st Btr-tt, or to C. M. Evan, at F. Littlo'a oU;oq, uotitcon huiua oi l) and It a.m. j OA LOON TO KENT. WASHINGTON O IIouso. Enauiro Overland IIouso. j27 TO LEASE. fTlUE PRUMISKS LYtNO IMMSDIATB-5. IMMSDIATB-5. ynonhof tho Seventy's lln.ll, an 1 half blooK south of thoatro. Aoi-ly to A. C- Py-pci. Py-pci. at Constitution JJuildings. ill DISSOLUTION. T0TT0EFId II EKE II V GIVEN THAT x thi ca-;nrtniTfh'p bcrct'troro eiistinc under thontylu and u-ni of F. V . FULMAN ! & CO. is thi.i day dissolved bp uiutml ccd-flent. ccd-flent. ICdwio Tiwusirt will par nil di:bta ol I tho firai ndis nlono aulboimd to collect 8)1 bills, notoi and accounts duo esid lirin. F. W. FIILMAN. EUWIN 1AUUART. Tho undcr-Unvd will euntinuo tho drop 1mirBS at No. K-t TouipJo atroot Hnd no lid a ctitinuati'ju of (.ho iiationa'j ho has butorc received. ... Jin WIN 'i'AOdAKT. rait !,Hse i'iiy, Ai-rit l.st, ali C L. TURNER'S mm & STAGE LLE XjIZHI TO T.tiNXIC, Vift Camp Vlovd, HouittntvMIe, Eureka, fill-T9t fill-T9t City, and Uiauiond, ranning tn-R'oeslj, tn-R'oeslj, on opposite days to Oiluior & lialUbury. ! Express Matter and Light Freight Promiitly attutnfo to. Kutinin.? Grpt-c'.ars I iour-hotdi) ctueit- rouncotifi,; t l.nbi with tho I trains. Also n fan froiKht ranninit fro-'u I-ohi I j OFFICER 1 I White Honso.Salt Lako f'hy. Dp-.rant & Cut-j Cut-j ti&K, L':Ui. JlJni!, Ilotol. Diamond Oily. Mark all parsw: omoG. L. Tumor, Lelii. I oolo j FOR SALE ! ON KEVSONAHL.K TER.MS iCUFT HOUSE BILLIARD TABLES AXU COOKIX'U HAS6B, ml En'iuiro a'. Walko.' llo use. M. KELLER'S ! WINES AND BRANDIES ! For Salo at Z. C. M. I., AcJ all iho i'rinoiiiKl Sto-OJ in tho Territory. i ial THE THOROUGHBRED fr-KENTUCKY STALLION " "W AGBUEB. " Will ttand fur t ho Soason, COSUUVmii AVKIL 1st, 1S7, Al my uliiuo on tho ritato road, Opiosito HOW AMD'S Ltnuor Slcre- Terms It-.a1 oiflble, t'j P, T. liUKTON STEVENS & CO., Wholesale aud Retail Stationers 1 OlTar tho ne.v odltiun of CHAMBKItS' KNCl'CLOPEDIA j Bound in library Stj lo, VltLfiO, ; Best and ohoaioil Enovylurtudia over pub- j litihod in Amorica. fl j REMOVAL. ' "'AHAM DAVIS. ' Lbn So-und Ward, iji h -a hoiuovod to tho roir of j SHIRKS' UARHEK fiUuJ'. I Muin itroi-t, whoro fhw will ho p'c.ved to b ' hor lbnuor Oicnds ar.J enn bo cur.i.ultcd iJi i buciuewof tli" i-ist. prtv-ozt nad luli:ro. 115 XOKMATi AM) ACADJiMUAI. fitUOitt.j MOKU N OOLLECB BUTLDIXU. I d Stairs. Instruction vi-.-oa in iho cjciicun and h'.her Knxtih braucuoi, J.utiu aad irt-.ch. Toriu-uirticrnte, Toriu-uirticrnte, EUNASNKL1, I'Ol'I.SON, Principal1 THE R1LWIW Will. TUu qiiuaUon h Uiiily ii;kod by ihoiia-atuUofourciti...:i-:, " 'Arliy id it tho IXL BilU-ra havo acbi.:'o.l tuch jiopularity witb tho public, and h;iv audi nn im-munsu im-munsu enfo ?" Tliu rcafon U bccftiteo llwj ftro sui old ami wdl citabliiliLii arti':!o, rtiid aro miidu from Lh-j most clioieo hvrhi and i-oots ; tho many who havo tried their, testify to thuir boudlcia.1 qualities, and havo no habitation in recommending them to Uioir alflietcd IVicndj. They aro ockuowludgad to bo tho best Louie iiud recuperator know: ; they build up tho Fystom und impart strenRlh to tho weak &ud oihauited, and aro endorsed aud recomuicuded hy our mo.t otnincnt I'liysiciam, (aa por curlilicatea on oaeb bottle). To those afllietod v;ith Ibo Djb-pepsia, Djb-pepsia, ludigestioa and Lit-s of AupelUj &s a blood purifier they surpass all ut'ner bo called tonicd which Iihvo lately been placed in tho market. No family should bo without thom. fSold everywhere. H. EPSTEIN & CO. Sole Proprifjluvd, ;"IH, Front St. mlS tiui Pracciiico. ' LIDDELL & BROWN , EAST TEMPLE STREET, : North of the Poetoffice; ( WnOmWAL AM) 1IETAII. GROCERS AJVD Commission Merchants' Ample Rt)ffiiiointiin forStornjro M rcwo ablo rata s. bKLKB i'KL'JT WAT2D. J 8. . Hfj.VK.-1. TTM. fl. UOlfKH. SiML, T. KOMKS. J. ft. HONKS & SONS, Kitablihd I1H7. WEE COPPER DISTILLED Kentucky Bourbon Whiskies. Til 011TH SECOXD STRKET, 51. LOUIS, MO. .7 WM. JESSOP & SONS. Steel 3IiUiufacturers,." SHKFFIELII, EYGLAND. Keep cunatinily on hand a wlj s;ortd stcek ol best Cast Stoel, I ! At their War-jhuuip, 711 North tiooond titrut. ST. LOUIS, MO. aM Dissolution of Partnership Suit Lako I tsh, a,ti -)!) .f.:. riTDB C'M'ARTNEUSiltP HERETOFORE I pxistini? umtur tiic niiaio ot' Pf.-i.tr. U CtiiJlctt, Kir tho : il" or ' Woait" Sovr'.nn M-chiDo?, M-chiDo?, in i.hie dm Jis-olved by ik'HuI oon-sont. oon-sont. All c'tiiuiB B?ttloEt tha n&ii firm nre assumed by Irn lfotiti, and all do bid due thom bo pajd te him aloao, . IRV I'FOTITZ. 1 The mi oTii .rood trill conttniio tho nalo of thu"'oi;d" Sosinii .Unchtooi aX No. H Must "I'oaii'ln 8 ruot. Biid Fu'icit.-. coalinaunos oC '.ho parroDno hoh't1' boioro roaoivud. a;;i IRA PfOUK. Estate ef Jatnes M. Carter, I'ECKAoED; X'OTIOE IS HEIU:iJY CUVJiW T5Y TUB 1.1 unriordiiicod "idmins'rotoH of Iho abovo Buiod o-:itc. to tho tiToditora of, find nil ier-HCns ier-HCns havitiBcldinn ai,-iinit e.iid, dooasnU. lo sxhtlit tho sauio with nocossary vouohers, witbia two years lrom tbo jth Junuarr in- Unt.tithn uodor-ucoi. at tho oUIl-o ovor I'ini iNiUiorial JSank. Main 'treat, Unit Jittke City. l-LUllivNCH J. - K'f KK, M. A. CaUTKU. jali rtdniioistrntors. SAMSOH BROS. & CO. Wiisntoli Hotul Building, - . i' Iiniiorttra of HAVANA. SEGARS,-: 1VIKH,Et"AbE TOBACCONISTS. - CJ i'ilt U) JO Til t T1L4'U; j j NOTICE, ' THE GENERAL MEETtN'C " ofibo SrufKilOLifJHH-i Zioif?- tlo-Op. Mercantile liistitation Hold i-ATUKllAV, AI'KIL 4ih, U th& . OLD TA HEU VOX,!', .Met and ndjournod to SATURDAY, MAY :d, if-H, ati-.m. At dime jiiaoe. T. G. WEBRKR, Scc'j'. Salt Lnkfl Oity, Ai.ril 2, IS71. 42 ''Make Home Beautiful." 1" AM WOU' '.iliCEIVFNU OKUKItS fOR . I a U-.rxH vurioty of CIIOICK UO.ES. eml-ablo eml-ablo fjr ilouso culiuro, aluu for tho Gardon.tt oxtrouioly low rates. FIVE HEALTHY PLANTS FOR ONE DOLLAR. I am also londinit for a varictr of HATtDY SI I HUBS. Houaysueklo, Arbor "Hao. a spa n, Almond. Ivy, olo . etc., a; inu.lflrita ra toa. All ordora iirniuntly attciidod ro. aud satisfaction satis-faction suaraDtecd. roM J. J. IiT'KB, L. C 51. 1. SPRENG FASHIONS yo ir. ARinvEh. Crrancl Opening MRS. COLEBROOK'S Temple of Fashion. Faiteru Trimmed Eats and Bonnets, Of tli-j Ll.j.t Mmlos 'rom Pari, New lork nnd San Fraucifco. Gro.s dr.iiji anu "Watered llibbur..-, ia nil Sliiides, 0trii.li Fitlicre, Lnoo Fails, Jiniisola Nets, FioWnrn, Lficcs, Etc., -A--. A iii'-c ii-ortim:rt ol vory Cheap Trimmed HATS, W I" N tt J.l A. ) E Hi , lli MAI K STREET. 11121 Disstiliilion of To-PaHnersIiip. V'OTIOi: 13 UFKHllV GIVEN THAT IN iLo i-o-i' jr'iior.bii hcrctoloro oxtHU)p but'vi'fti Ii?bi?r 1'. Kicib'ill h-.1 Len Wiou. jn.If'r tho lirui name ot Wiaos .t liimbntl, ao cattle-dealor-". i. loin .lav fMtsolvoi by mutool L'onionl. All du'iild and liitbilitioa of said firra will bo ecttl.r.t bj-H. 1'. Kimball, who wUl oontlnuo Ihe tuiiueis. LEN .WINE.-. iiuuhK v. Kimball. t-:alt Lfttn City. Mar- i". 1t-74. ro2ri S. AHLSTRAND, BOOT & SHOE MAKER, Dosire tu inform his friends and patrons lh:it ho has removed to NO. 22 SECOND SOUTH ST... Of.poj.iU) "WALKER BROS', Store, Vboro Lo vill continue to mako a Virst-olws Boot of Uood Loothor and . A GOOD FIT WARIiOrTED, |