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Show MR, GEORGE W.'OLCOTT, ' OK TUK STERN KT AT Iln porinancnlly locnlcd In Ibln c'lv, nrnl di-rilrori (i inl'irm tho luiblli I tint bo i-i pto-larod pto-larod to du bll kind) of l'lALV AND OltNVHCMAI, PAINTING, GRAINING & GLAZING, AT MODliRVU U.U ES, "H will alrto iniko nutioia'ri io l lake con'.rao fur nork in bin lino ml EXTRA-I'KDINAKY OPPOR-Xl OPPOR-Xl Nl'I'V FOIt THE DISEAS-ED DISEAS-ED AN" 'OR1IEO. Owing to the hard times and the inability uf many ol tho uuiTering to visit the National Suhgical Inbti-! Ti:TH A'fJ I NDI ANATOLIft, lNDIANAfthrec' of the surgeon!) of the Institute have yielded to urgent Kolicitationa and will revisit Salt Lake City, atop- pint; at the Townsend House, May J'Jth,2()th.wJ:2bt,lS74,vith all kind- of Biirpcal apparattin and applian-1 ccs and lully prepared to treat euch caaes m may call upon them for re-j lief, and alnn tn roe.vamino their old t patients and furnish and direct for their future treatment. I They will come especially pre' pared to treat all surgical cases, j paralysis, all kinds of deformities . of the face, Hpine and limbs, ditiiase-d , joints, diseased eyes, catarrh, private diseases, piles, fistula, etc. No, cases will be undertaken with-' out a fair hope of relief, j l'ricea will be moderate. It t is neeeilesb to say that thia Institution 1 i id entirely rcspoiii-iblc and the larg-! larg-! erit and most popular of the kind in America, curing tliousanda of cascti annually. Cumo the firit day, if; possible, thus avoiding the peat rush t of the last day. Hinu mdcr the time and pl-irr. I Kcnd lj the Institute fur circular. J m i : W. M. CHISHOLNI A CO., L'adcr ATbJtv A WuComlok" Bank, STOCKS BOt'OIIT AND SOLD AND urnod un tut-Tgim. Railroad tiehaU buuebt ud icild. a.15 j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- SAIJ LAKE THlilTHE I SALT L'.E THEATRE CORP. PBO'S CI a t in, Oaine an I Williu. Manvtars Jam oi U. Viupun. taiago Mauaxor. ' IMMENSE SUCCESS OF V- MISS AMY STONE, Sui'porlod ly Iho i opalar Comedian H . F. S T O N E a Friday Evening, May 1, '74. WIN ho .-rc--ntol,fnr tho firot tiin in tbH my, tin lu m i "he drin 1 by 1( m L'n icf- f; Ul, 00 1 Hied ' - MltS AMY BTONE Hub Kv-inr- - - Mr J Al Snwtelltt To couoludo with ( SKETCHES IN INDIA ! Selly Scr-ivKd - AMY RTO1' T. lo n Ui - - Mr U K STONE iV"'iiai',i, (.'rniiri Mat, nee.' MONIMV, BENEFIT OF MISS AMY STONE A.linlfl-lrti--rlir.tiunu fir.it Circle. II ; fwi.il. I tirolo. fi"o: I'lilnU'irpl.. 2:c: Kcnorv- c. l t.ji H J-w. mldilinmil. I'rivnlo lloxw 7 lo tV2 Oi-.h, Hnx t.ncn ill 111 ft.iu. J'i..i'n..pm m IhiH-pftflt yovon, icrfbrmDoe lo '.i-u'iiiotico ut lu,rhl GRAND CENTRAL ICE CREAM JfARLOR. I-i' Crf-ini fieni bed In pnrtiwi nrd wxooi - 1 d. 'i.a. 1 uiuil ic mid i artiot; undiod hi short nil. i, n. :.( I- ii hC Jul lb .uroot. iv, i'. Tnou rsi tv, ml I'ropriotor CONSOLIDATION & CO-PART-NEflSHIP NOTICE. milBUNm-HPJilNlCl) TAKK Pl.K Sll H 10 J in npniMiieniK t.fi lliir I'rlrn.lM nd thu pul.llc mineral I v, lli,U diov liv0 Ihh dnv oniiiplidnt.iJ Uin old o-tnblinbod liou-o- (i' Hk.i. F. liMi-A t it. w i l h fin uf Ji. 1 Ki- n rir.''ttnprbl(i imdur th.i tirni uamo o llul.l K'lPO- A ' rmdoy, mil ,iU curatlnua 1. i-lno-- t lit" "''I itiipdn, Muln "Strool, pp. p.imNi Wmkcr .Miuiru, t,nd at Ku. & irtl ticulli trli Jtl. l-'cel rif i'i lUfiil fur int fnvr.rn wo meat r- Huo.'i lul'r ii '"niini-iinooiif tho liberal pntr.'D'iiiC li,,"et"1'iip e.vtei,dud to im (IKO. K. HKli), P. 11. KINHKY, H. K. liHKKLKV, Bull -JUt. Muy 1st, 1871, m c ? IVI00RE,FIELD&C0. i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, I DRUGS & CHEMICALS, OF ALL KINDS, Ani a L,Rf 6tosk ol PATENT MEDICINES,'' ' Coiuiftlnt f Amirieaji, Frin-ib.lBoiLUh and 1 Otr jian Preptrttlmi- PERFUMERIES, In (Tr-at Varie'r. L'll-in's Genuine EitraeU, ' Coudmy'i, j C.KAtea, Aod b x-.uvn aiiortment rt FRENCH, KNGLHU nnd GERMAN. TOILET ARTICLES, Via Teilot Bati, Powiei Uaid Mirrors, Fuaienia, Irory Hair Briah. foilat Powderi, Sb-!tiaS 8a;i Do. SPONCES. Csriaoa'i F ini IoiVij, Baii, Mi-lltarrueas, Tarn', et. J FINE SOAPS. i- Lubji- assort id oJorf. Coudnyi, CoUatt's ijjrled. , Wblu Catiia, Barboia, Bario'e, ! thariDB. ! Eie-, Bit I I BRUSHES. j Hair, Tcth. h;e, Clcta. White Warh ' 1'aJot We. i A Larf f Am -.rtaipot ff T K t 5 6 E 5. BRACKS, id FEMALE SITTORTERS. SUNDRIES. Turkiih B b TotoIs, ITeih OFjvm, Flub Bruabea, Kosiia Lov.hw l'oskst B ike, Match Boj-, Tooth Pioki (nil kinds), Card Cuar, Sponxa Hag, Drowlni Cun, I'ockttt b IuL.i, Combs efavory defcrtrtlon Therm oiuotar, PAINTSOILS and VARNISHES. Colliar LaaJ (utriatly para), Soiitborn Lal iilrietty pur!. Kaw and Boiled LinMd OU. Yarn lib 6 of all kladj. Colon la Oil and Varnish , W halo Oil, Frarm Oil, Noat'i Foot CHI, OliroOil, Ktc ot. PHySICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS 1 rvMiriptions eAinpfundi'tl al nil hour Livy or Niflht, liv C'3iiij'"lvut DniRift. nun ritoMj'rxicss. l-ric'fs T.o-. TERMS CASH. to LIGHT FOR THE PEPLeT PETROLEUM FLUID & COAL OIL Roduced to 50c. Per Gallon at Retail. ' LARGE DISCOUNT TO DEALERS, Chirni Cw-ry.l.wMre, Collet-, Fancy tloods,caltf(oclo(e REID, KINSEY II CREELEY, PIONEER LAMP STORE, ml ' HAIJ BIX3CK WEST Z. C. It. all kinm in fV4 l,pholstery IPf 1 Vi Kll Work Eons f 8X4 s. p. , pjeve, 'yi;A H. D N WOOD EY'S FURNITURE STORE, 75, 77 and 79 First South Street, Salt Lake City. 1874: SPRING, 1874, SIEGEL BROTHERS 76 MAIlsT STUEET, J (UnJer the Salt Lake House), I Bttper tfully nnnc-uiice in their Castomeri and the Trade gsneralij (Ul I - thf-ir Stock nf jSprjng Clothing, ! JTurxiishing Goods, Hats, etc., etc., Is CoQtpleto and wiil be kept 80 through the Season. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING MADE A SPECIALTY, i j - , "e call special attention to our LnmenEe Stock for the WHOLESALE TRABE. SIEGEL BROTHERS, . cpS CLOSINC OUT AT COST. , THE GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN THE TERRITORY l THE SALT LAKE FIRMTLRE COM! Are clo&in? out fheir Entire Stock, without reserve, FOR CASH; consttin; of Parlor buites, Bedroom Suites, louble Lounges. Easy Chairs, What "ct Brackets, l'lain ami ':iuey Vi.'Jov Drapery. Cornices, Shades, Fixtures. All kinds of Matlra&jcs, and Mirrors of every description. ?3 MAIN STREET, ucstdoorto Hussey's New Bauk. ill MISCELLANEOUS. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE As Piincctej 13V ELiB UOWIi, xlll. Inreator of Suwing Machines. The01dn and tbc Bwt- IT COMBINK-1 nwi'TV A ND ICXKL X LENCBoi Mitch; SiraeLh l'jrabll-lo- of S-am: hVooouiy or Taiwl; Attach-tneiiti Attach-tneiiti aud itiJs ra o.1" RpplicaLioa tJ iiur-Lonee iiur-Lonee mid m -toriaU Tho HuW t ie m honest, inajhlae, ind i nci nbot to Bis, POINTS 0? Sl'FEIUOMTY: Pirurlicity and vartatiot if m wnnM,-!. Purabilitv, Will nu a hf-(iiu. i. a as of work, w ithout parallel l'ori'ejtion of mtoh and toni.t- Kasu of cprli.in und minro-iubdL minro-iubdL SeLt-adjiuunK lake up. A U ailabl i hoa-l. J."M pcrsen wh-iao tho Uona Mahlna iu I'tah wili toainV to tho aoui. i:crL silds axo th roads for B.ile. Salssro-iin rotuovol to SI MA.IV STRKKT oppoFito I'oat Oiioe. Call and Eitrnmouur tto.-k. THE HOWE MACU1NL' CO., TUOS, P. M1LV.XR. Manajtw for It lb, PIANOS AND ORGANS. The St. Louis Mercantile Co., CArrr.u, $i,ooo TUISCOMI'ANY tU'YSTitKM 1VTRM. , pulV IS ,fiir,K'!'lV IY',n- 'lie n'n iwotuiwa rr C;MI.ndarlBcrcby cnnWcj to oll at Lhe loivoit prions. FMKttSON PIANOS and NKEDUAM';5 SILYKR-ThNl-IUK ORUANS A Sl'Kl-l ALTY. Anj-nthor fiYst-vlaas instruaienli f -iruishevl i to order. loo tfiTrer-T.inruo 'lri;an rci- i-o- it csiiif mai tho auprrtorily in n i fint whi-h o n.li-tutustho n.li-tutustho dcci-. ni crilcrion i ( aoc'lniro in "or muiiva. iusjuun:iii.--vii., Suioiuritj- ol Tho diirnhilitj- f Uii' Orrnn t "no of it-most it-most trunikatl.otir:Pt.i'u. U .jiiHlitv of koit'iiiK in Kvt tona, iiljo, 0110 vf h iui't prarlvnl uli -urtunrc. 1'or.naol salo liberal MoimMf or nacr'.orlj-inftliuonlf nacr'.orlj-inftliuonlf to rc-ipi nlMo imrii . Urnnoli oltic.' 1ir I tah, Ko. dl MALV ST piwiio Poat UiIW ' n)i!i TWOS. p. MlLI.LTt, Muinr. j NO MORE BED BUGS I I ! BAKER'S BED BUG DUSTER, Jfk5.' ti.-vfrtl.-l'.'-.- JM.Y( ).,.v,,( J. ill tin' fl.Jli'i;'. Ci'rljMii iloatli to Tul liuv.s. Mire. iK-k-roiK-lK-i ami atcr itiiL;. ;:- ;,'i- itvri.n mm. i. r.v.j l' SjIo. tUolwi.li. lloutl, It j LIDDELU & BROWN. ... n 1 ( WATCHES AND JEWELRI. JlT COST' , FOB CHRISTMAS AST U VE.tR PBESE.VTS." THK MOST DKSIBAHLS OP-rORTCNlTY. CARL C. ASLIUSSES will tc'.l at CVl, without wishw to call ,iwi)l llawo 1 boauulul asiortiuont of fino UDIKS' OULD AND fiU-VB WATCHES. 13RACOER L.UHES' AND OKXTLKMEi'S WiBSS KlXlW, CHALNSi IX3KETS CHAKMS. Also agret -ariptr of th. rtlKli OOl.P NK0KLACB3, BRlWCHft EAR K1XHS, AS1) FUU SKK. A ccairloto a.vorUuwii of it. bw tnH AMERICAN WATCHES. lh. ,-.,i(.l I. f.t Bllc.J VMiiun and M l" C 1 lnsor thao i.y clnor Hauh. ALL HOODS .1KB SOLD tOTIi Bu AND WABSAKISD. '1 bo rublioara NrJiallT lirfMa l"t CARL C. ASMUSSEN, JEWKI.liR WATOBMASI tl'. Odicc, SALT LAKK tillT-il ! HENRY WACENEBi I H.ut Li., tfitr. ll""- CALIFORNIA BREW"'1 ! l.AllKllBKKK.ALSANPIV81"' JKOONP SIHITII frRKSI. IW ot auiiaii. t?ln. |