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Show ?LT LAKE HOTEL8. ON THE SVROPEAN PLAJI, Centre of bfeek. wBt rid Eait Tempi rtxeet. , Rooms 50c. to $1.00 per Day. $5 per Week. A riHST-CLASS RKGTAUHANT, TAJLOH i CUT L FIR, Propri.Mr, 10 . townsend" house, SALT LA RE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH, JAMRS T0WN9KND. Proi rietor. VALLEY HOUSE. oircat KedtK'Uun iu Prices to ' Suit Hie TimcM. Board and rotn, !r Jaj....t 50 t.j 00 -Do. do. per week.. 8 (l0 to 10 00 Sinsl; mcnU W) 6;iirIc' bads v 50 Sinjrlw room., per day 75 16 I 00 m7 PAUL & SO REN SON . - THE RICHARDS'. H0DSK Furnishes all tho Tunvenier'-aa of a inKST-CLASS TtOTEL, Restaurant and Lodging, SAl.OuN.witb choice WiQM and Liquor . ROOMS fiirnished nd unfttrniahoj, 3ai South Stroet, oppodto W.lkor Dro.'B. J19 ' 8. W. K1CUA11DS i CO. OV E RLAND HOUSE MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE OITV. First Class AccomGdatioii for Ladies 1 and fiettleien. Rooms per Day .... from 80 50 to 1 00 Koouia per Week - 2 50 to 6 00 Board per Weok 6 00 Barber f hop and Lanndry connected with the Uotel. Good Reading Room. Eastern, Wea-tora Wea-tora and Local Nowapapera. no23 HHNHT BRUNTON, Proprietor. OGOEN HOTELS. " II IZ - OPEN IK D . THE Ogden House, Well known throughout tho " United States as a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, le now open for the accommodation of tho traveling public, having boon re-fnrnisbed And Thoroughly Renovated. BOAIO BY THE DAY OR WKEK. vJarriajtes ready at any hour, for ploaauro ! partio to Ugdtn Canyon an 1 othor ioterost- nig place, yreo hies to and from the depot. de-pot. -A porter in attendance- aM T. SU ALLY. Prep'r. UNION DEPOT HOTEL R ILROAD DINING HALL, OGDEN, UTAH, Situated on Tlailrond Platform, Junction oi U. P. and C. P- lUilroada-marll lUilroada-marll G- S. EfiU, Proprietor. SAN FRANCISCO HOTELS. Grand Hotel oa Market.New Montgomery A Second Streeta, SAN FRANCISCO CAL. fo . JOHNSON k Co., Proprietors. ST. LOUIS HOTELS. SOUTHERN HOTEL! Frontiflg on ith.otb, and Walnut Sti., i I SAINT LOUIS. MO, LAVEILLE, WARNSR Co.. Proo'l. TUB SOUTHKRN HOTEL b . fir,t-oIe,i il oil its aiiDOiDtmontfl- Its tables are at a .imo, .upplio.1 in tho uroatoflt abundance wiu all the delioacios tho markets allord. Jt clerks and emuloj-o. are all vol.t. and atton tive to tho wants Of tho puosl, of tho botol. There is ud improved Klovator leading rron the Qr.-t floor lo the upper one. KailroadandMeumboatTicketOfficos.no. Btand. and Wostorn Union Telegraph OIBoe i V rotund!, of tho hotol. he3 OMAHA HOTEL. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL Omaha, Neb. rpuE LAROEST AND FINEST . BOTE X between ChioMO and Sun Franeiaoo. OPENED, OCT. L IS73. OBO. 1 HE ALL, Proprietor. 0029 CRAND ANNOUNCEMENT. FINE DISPLAY OF CONFECTIONERY, BEST AND CHEAPEST COODS, AT First Sonll Si, Salt Late City, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. JOHN & THOMAS FITCH, A 1TORNBVS AND COUNSELORS AT A Law, ;it5Iiroudw-iy, Now York. Parti-oolnr Parti-oolnr attontioo sivon to arpliuations for patent, for mining ground and othor business J-eforo the L". S. Land Office at Washington, D. C. nl7 M. THOMPSON, (Author of "Tho Dieest of the Lawa of the District of Columbia,") ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR at LAW ((.'Bice in M. Thompson's Law Ituild-iog.t7ll(l Ituild-iog.t7ll(l Slroot, opiiocito Indian liuroau, VI asbingtoti. D.C. Vraotices in all tho Courts of tho District of Columbia: U. P. Su promo Court, Court of Claim',, .Suiithorn Claims and International Claiiua CommjeHiorn, liovcrn-montal liovcrn-montal Departments. Gonoral Land Otrioo,nnd do votes attoniion to Indian Depredation Claimn. KefiTB to tho Judttna, Mom bora of iho liar, Doimrtmonlal (Jtlioial!", IlnnVors. .Merrbant? and liosinosi .Moq ot tho Disirit of Columbia, and will gladly civo special re-(erenoeB re-(erenoeB il doairod. m2u c. T. nKsaKTr. eico. i. whitkbt. BENNETT A WHITNEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, OFFICE OVEH D. Uronig'a Store, Main streot- Salt LakeUitA-. fc20 C. C. CLEMENTS, (Late U. S. Survoyor General for Utah), --LAN D- AMD ' MINING ATTORNEY, Papers for Patents and Adverse Claims earolniLy prepared, and patents procured. OrFic. Over White & MoCornlck's Dank, Salt Lake City, Utah. fS WHEDON & SPICER, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. PARTICULAR attention given to examining title; of mines and other roal ostato. Office, Room i'o. 1 Groosbeok B!ook,8ocond South Street. D. P. Whedon, I Welh Spicor. Late Register in U.S. Commi.-wioner Bankruptcy. ' I and Notary Public. f!7 .. f U. W. PafiLKT. " 4.UARTEB. PERLEY Sl CARTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE OVER First National Bank, East Temple atroot, dl7 jTcThemTncray attorney-at-l aw. office, no. 5, Kimball's Block,.. First tSoutli, street, Salt Lake City. oZl OSO. TT!TA BLR SMITH B. J. JOSAS80W SMITH Sl JONASSON, ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS AT-LAW, Main Street, Salt Lako Oity; two doors south of Salt Lako JJouso. N. B. A Notary always is tho office auc2 HOB BA BT01JT THKOUOHK BCnMESTSB STOUT & BURMESTER, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Office on Mait sfroot, nearly opposite the Tribune Offioo, Salt Lako City, Utah. ali a H. BKIU'BTKAD. II. KIBKf ATD.ICK. HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATR1CK, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, MAIN STREET, Opposite Wells. Fargo i Co.. Salt Lako City. HO MEDICAL. SEYMOUR B. YOUNC, DUYSICIAN AND SURGEON, KESID-L KESID-L enoe. 12th Ward, half block south of Bishop iShurp. Office in front of Seventies' Hall, holf block south of lb.oa.tro, IVtf J. D.THOMPSON, M. D.,' OFFICE FUIST DOOR SOUTH LAMB A Co-'s Drug Storo, East Temple Stroot. Resides at Walker liouso. s2S MINING ENGINEERS, ETC. wTb REDE MEYER, MINI KG, CIVIL. AND CONSULTING Engineer,, Dopulv U, S. idinoral Surveyor. Sur-veyor. Particular attention paid to underground under-ground survuyf. Oltioo : Kimball Block, KoomNo. S. Firat Souih Streot. oL2 S.M. MAXWELL, WM. C. I1ESDRIE, London. Eng'und, Ei-Supt, Sun Krunciaco. Flagstaff Mine, Utah. Cal. MAXWELL, HENDRIE & CO. Minis &MeclaEal Supers, LONDON, ENG. , And.!' AN FRANCISCO, Cal- fc'.S.A. Bu(M OfficKH Salt Lako City, Utah, Donver, Colorado. Aropropart-d to inspeot, surcor and value iiines, undortiko thoir manairomont, lur-niah lur-niah speciCcationa, drawiaes and estimates esti-mates for all Clowes of mining . Mnchinery, and for all doMrtiUions of work in 1 connection with mininit, Cuoola and Beyer Be-yer boratory FurnauoH. Cruahing Mills, Reports carefully mado on Mines. E. B. WILDER, MINING ENlIipiEER AND U. S. Mineral barveyor. Surveys for Patents, Pat-ents, and maps of undoruruund workings aecuratoly made. Addruss, P. U. Boxo'J ) WELLS SPICER, MINKNG ISNGINEEH. Salt LakeCityi Utah, TTrn,L eiamino nilnos.mako roports.maiii, W plats and diagrams of mines, and fur-B fur-B nish reliable abstracts of title. n O fito in Groesbeck' n Block.' J . ill CEO. M. BOUTELLE, CIVIL ENGINEER, U.S. MINERAL SURVEYOR. L Office in tho building occupied by the Surveyor Sur-veyor Uonoral's office, opposite thoTownsend Uouse, Salt Lake City. jAMKB H. UAUTIaSKAU, HYDRAULIC AND CIVIL ENGINEER, and LAND SURVEYOR, LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY. Mineral claims survived. olO mTtTburgess, Civil Eiigiiicer Mi U. S. Mineral Surveyor. Office in BaUdlngooonpied bf Survey Jeperal. SPORTSMEN'S SUPPLIES. "BIG GUN" STORE. HACUE BROTHERS, Importors of arid Dealer, In Guns, Pistols, Ammunition ADD , Remington Sporting Rifles BALE. The bast In ufle. CAUTION. PPBi: MULTKK & EXTENSION OF DK-L DK-L finnco Mining Co. cauti-jn r very body nnt In juirchoie a certain minlnir claim located locat-ed by Charles Snntioa or Ilaotipn--and Andrew Tiller, under tho name of "Helfrt Lode." on the caf torn filopo of the Peyovian Hill. 1 ,11 tie Cotton'nod; nor any ore thereof, aa aai.i claim ia on tho ground of the ol)07c-meni ol)07c-meni ionod company, K. B. 11011N. Sec-y. Salt Lako Citr. April . 1574. n?J LIME AT THE PIONEER PERPETUAL KILNS CANNOT BE EXCELLED. The WHITEST and Best OEM FATING Lime over burnt. ul at. Vi'-r fa J'-J'y CvuqKliHon. EKJUTY 1'OUfiDS Tn the biirihol : weighed on the premisef. Delivered t all parts of tho oity and any point a'ong tho railroad. Special ratos to dealers and contracture. Termf, C O. D. Pure Limestone Tor flrixine oroa in any unantiiy, cuhod it dsirod, furnished 13 dhortsst notice Address: PASCOE & SONS, V. O.Boi, !'7j, SALT LAKE CUT. Kiloe r.ir oi Warm Sluing Smoking Works. a2.i RESTAURANT. WATSON'S DELMONICO RESTAURANT AND SALOON, NO., 8(5, FIRST SOUTH ST. Half block West cf Emporium Corner. SALT LAKE CITY. A Parlor Home of Kloaanoe and Luxury io Stylo cniurpasced West of the. Kookv Mountains. LOWER DINING SALOON ; conducted on the ropuUrSAN TRANCISOO PLAN, choose from an oxt-jniivo BILL OF FARt, AND VAY FOR ONLY WUAT YOU OKDiK. FULL MEALS, Sored In lbs LADIES' DINING SALOON AT MODERATE PRICE-.. FRESH OYSTERS. FISH AND GSB1E CONSTANTLY ON HAND. BAR "ROOM Furnishod in mo-t He.;herche6t?lo a Hot real of PALATIAL MAGNIFICENCE, Smirlied witS Uiioict Branda ol Wines, Liuuf-ri and timrj, and where only ean i) 1 io'ind mo cPiui.rateU brands of Ooldon nij.t Tea Kettle Whiskies. LUMBER. FJUUD'C MATERIA L f - h' i f & z i H t PL, fO " 1 H I 3 3 w - lt s - x B - t 2 h i " 1 o 5 S rh j 1 H 1 o . I - o S H - s 4 H g b P 00 - & I ; LUMBER YARD. j All binds of LUMBER O00RS, WINDOWS, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles. Laths, 1 JONIB yORMAN. l?ONFOUNDERS RDMUND WILKES Lwa.. SALT LAKE IU (10, Manufaotursr of all klu'i, of Iron and Brass Castings, Mining, Stilling nnfl Smelting MACHINERY, Will contract to erect QuAlrrz Mills &. SmLTQ3 complet? Naesow Gauge Railkoau Woiiit. SWITCHES, FHOG8 and WATEH STATIONS 8 RAT, HAND, PUSH, and MINING OARS, BUILDING f BONIS, ORNAMENTAL HOUSEWORK, And BUILDINGS, Era Wo&ks: On. block South of tho U.C.U R 1 Boptombor . lo70. Z. O.M.I. COLUMN. SPRING TRADE OF 18 7 4. THE KETA1L DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT or Z. C. M I. Have opened and now display dis-play an unusually large and elegant Stock of Ladies' spring and summer goods ol' all classes. Elegant lines of plain and Fancy Dress materials and Dress Trimmings. A mil stock of the most popular styles ol' spring and summer Shawls ever offered in the-weet. - Silks and Kibbons in itll the most fashionable shades from foreign and domestic looms. No effort has been spared in our preparations for the trade of this season, and our patrons in town and country can feel assured that unsurpassed unsur-passed facilities have enabled us to anticipate every want. We itru also determined to t'ive our euatouiera the advantage in price derived IVom our ability to handle these goodB in lar;e quanft'He, and to purchase them wherever and whenever when-ever they can be bought nioft favorably; favor-ably; ail lines of nierchandi.se for this department havbig been carefully selected se-lected by our resident buyer in New York. Patrons ordering merehaudisc through nicsseugers or the mails eau rely upon having their orders as faithfully oxecuted and upon the same , terms as though they weie pcr:oiailly ' present. W H. HOOPER, win. mVi 1 SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. L. Q. HBT,X U0RJUS1,EW70. NEWTON ERO'S & CO., IMPOaTERS & WHOLESALE OR0CEHS 111) and 121 front Stroot, Sas l-'iuscieco, Vny especial nitPiiliontoSr.lt Lfiko CVy trade. l'rio" givofi in Coin or Currurwy n desirFd-jl EiSTADLISHED IN 1851. vi;aiit), IMnnufnoinror of the ORIGINAL CHAKTRES' COFFEE And all kinds of Sp'ict and tnlif'-irnia Mustard, fi'j;. PRO NT ST., bet, JncliHon & PaciGo SAN FR AN CIS CO. JO A. J. GRIFFITH, Dealer in all kinds of PIOKLED AND ISM0KKD SALMON AND HERRINGS, WAt'lIINOTON STREET, between Front nnd Davis. i All kinds of Driod, (Smoked and Ploklcd Kinb constJintlv on hnud- i s. P. HOLDEN, General Coiinlssioii Mercliail AND MERCDAND1BE BROKER, No 321 Front St. SAN FRANCISCO-. Morohandino and Produce of all kinds bough! twid ?ul d on Ui nimisaion. J 18. OT19. W. A MACO.TDRAY. F. V. II ACOnUR A MACONDRAY & CO., Shipping aud CommLsaiouJIorclirtntfi ( Importers of CUINA AND JAPAN TEAS, And all Dept:riiitlonfl o( .TtroiU Produce, m S 205 SiNSOftlE STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Agents tor tho Yang-tie Insurenco Aesooia-lion Aesooia-lion of ShanKhfit J. B A u r.i & CO., Importer; and Mnnatuoturori of MENS' AND BOYS' CLQT3INS, aiSand -M banHorce-rt., Saw Frascisco, fS Ho. Ib Wan-en-eU. New Yob. EINSTEIN BROS. & CO., Mauulaotiror, and luioorlors of BOOTS, SHOES, FINDINGS, &c.,Ae. 211 and 1 BiTTEBr BTKET, II SAN fliANOISOO. CAL. WOOLEN GOODS. AGENCY OF THE Stockton Woolen Mills, 63 NEW MONTGOMERY ST., SAN FKANCISCO. Blanket". Platinoid, oic, at wholesale to suit-llorno suit-llorno BlnnKolitiK a Spocialty.. Salt Luko Trado Holioitod. GEO. M. MAIN, Ai;cnt. G. W. CUKoLET. E. J- VAH ?0'iKHJI3. j. s. joauj. G. W. CHESLEY i CO., liniortoM nnd Wholesale Doalera in Fine Wines and Liquors, Solo Proprietors ol ' CUNDURANGO BUTERS, f 14 Front Strcut, Suu Fnvncidco. 51 Front Street, Siicr;imcnto. ii , Castle Bro!s. nlhm Brand JAPAN TEAS. FOH iiVLE AT Z. C, M, I, Grocery Dept. UI W. n. HOOPER. Sunt. Cutting &, Co., World-K4no.v noH Packers of Cnli-fornia Cnli-fornia Prulis, Jolliea. Jains, Veite-tftblee, Veite-tftblee, otc. Cutting &. Co.'s, California Fruits; for Balo hy all First Class flroeer?. Cutting k Co.'s (banned Salmon a DolioioUi Artiole Cutting k Co.'s California Peaohos packed in Bjiup, in2;-ill, Cum. Cutting & Co.'s Jollies und Preserves are made from tionuino Fruits and White ReUnod Susar. Cutting & Co.'s Orpgon Champnano Cidor iB a Good Wholesome BoToraje. CUTTING & CO., OPflClS AMD SALESKOOM, 415 Front Street, San Francisco ANGORA GOATS. FOR SALE AT AUCIIOX SALE .POSITIVE, ON WEDNESDAY. MAY U, 1&74, at Two o'clock d.ie.. I will ou'or at Public Pa'e, fothohirfhost bidder, Mui'cijty heud of 'sill-bloodeJ 'sill-bloodeJ Anffora ijutta, iwuurted dirctiy fron Asia Miuar by their owner, Mr. A. Euty 3bidt '. I havo f-ir Puio A ) Jaruoy, ,1 orn?y ne Ar-hiro Cattlo" aljo. iiilo-siurj nod Hi.ai.ial-Merino Hi.ai.ial-Merino Hliceti fit tlm purti.t. brood. Terms Cash, in boiled Stutea sold coin. Sacramento i Marott lltb, 1S71, mw host. beok. i BUSINESS CARDS. Shoht EuaiSEBa CiBna Inserted In this column, under their respootive hoadins, at iS cents por lino per trook, or 75 eenta per liae tor month. This in A excellent opportanity for n-iacollBnooua dealers and mochanioi tc ifaco thuir buflincss proininontl; bofore the publio at a very email oo.Tt. TENTS &. WAGON COVERS. T CURTIS, Asont id South, opposite Com-. Com-. mcidal St. looU from 8 to fJM. &M JOHN BOLSKK'S Sail Loft, Eiut Tomidtt Street, thrco dooia of W alitor iiro.'s. Toolt froniSi'J upward.. il2 BOOKSELLERS A STATIONERS TAME- DWYEK, il East Tomple ptreet, Vf Doak-r in lilank Books, School Book and ''i.'.o French Htationory. FU RMITURE. H1UNW0ODEY, No?. 31 East Temple . M.Mct and 7o 1st South Stroet. ictXi i BAKERS. - CI LORE BAKERY: fresh pics, bans, cakai T brca.1. d Oliver cd in all parts of the city every raonuug. ol0 j BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. WJ. DOOPEU. No. ST Commercial Stroot- Boots and Show made to order je& BANKING. NATIONAL BANK or SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL ..2M AtnuoiuzsD oaphai.. n,..oa;i Wu. fl. HOnpK. Prw..nf, -' -li. S. ELDIliSDUE, ViM n Wu. JEN"NrROS, VDixacton J0I1H 8ILAHPI I F. IJTI LK. I i,. a iiills, ciiv., J BlitV Gold Dust, Coin, Eichangc, Land Warrants, college Scrip, etc. t,OI.LECnrjHS MAD;-; i?.D rROJIl'TLT KKirj:ri:D. FOREIGN EXCH5SGE FOR SALE. Interest Paid on at . First Mijl Bank of Utah SALT bAKECITY. Jee Special Advertieomeat on Third Par, ma SALT A. 11 CITY NA'TIONAL BANK, Anthorised Capital, - $500,000 . , P. ,M. DrRELL. Pre'.idrnt, - j-i5:pli M. iiKKf.TT.Ciiflhior. HiMl'STEAD A KIllKPATRICK, Attornera. CoHK KHrOB LUBTS t uttttu v.iiiir J Xirtioa,iJ Park Baai. BOS IOK. Nation Uftalc of North Ant rica. uHlCAUU...Third KstionBl BAnk. Sr. LOUIS... Third National Uact, OATAUfVi'muh" National Bank. S !i FRAJJ CISCO ...Natifrifd Gold Sank n1 Tr-wt Co. LONDON. . Jr Cook, McUullooh A Co. a, w. WHim. w. a. K COESiat, 1 WHITE & fflcCORWICK, (3u.;.'vra to A. W. Wiito A CtvJ Eab?t Twi.b-it., Six? Lita Ottt. Debtors In Gold Dust, Coin and Bullion Eh.ch.ange 'on all tht princiiKil ciii? o; Vie Untied States and ihtrc arf ionlar ftttoDtion ci?on to Collections and proaetdfi roinittol at nor rent rnto of Kt ahnr.ge on day of pay moat. GEO. S WD1TNEY, Attornpy. CoHSxeroituGnTB- Canlt of California, Kan Francirto Liiidliry .t Co.,t.D.iDk of .'ala. Now York Childfl &P;U;co -Chlcaco St. Lou is Omaha National Bank ..... Omaha SALT UKE CITY BOILER WORKS HUlLJCJtS OF ALL KINDS, UFRIGHT.LUCQMOTIVE OR STATIONERY Made and Repaired. SMOKE-STACKS AND TAMKS , Built to order, and Sncot-lroa work promptly prompt-ly duiio. ?? OA DQvhR FOR VAULTS OU A FES, ;id Irou aiiuttorj of overy dowription mado Umlor and flues bought or taken la part .'ftyi.iu:it lor work. Ord:rp by mail or tolosraph will roeotv i-'-uicdtato attouiion. JOHN (LOAN A CO. MINING SUPPLIES. NOTICE. SC0IT, I)IT1IABI& Co, ' :o tho Acn.iiji io Utah Territory f.,r tho sal ifr.iv Piclij. Pic; atnmpod "J Wrbtht," tr "J. Wright, .ttra,'- cojuirut tbrouuh ftn Uypioks arc I'in'.cd with an mfa ouactlt i.bcpt cii't ct eel, and aro thi' Oriuine.' Wachoo PiLit. Dated Julyit, 1N7;1. J. WliKlU'C San Frarjolrci?. ATi-o Ih-uWn !n STEKLXOVES.TIXWARK MINING TOGLR. WROUGHT TUFEJtS, Pipe and all kinds of Kittinz for IhirnacoeajK haiuVWaiie. BUKDEN'S IlOViSR ANDMrfLE 8IIOH-8 ' BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GUODS. HTHijKK (joopg. H70 a woH-ap-nVtii -"hntv and BI0 pro. paiod to &11 kisdj of SHEET IRON AND TIN WORKJ Promitlj and at reasonable rates. No. 93 Kaat Toinplo, Main Street. 1 FOR SALE ! The Furnitnre and Leasa Twelve Rooms ONE AND A liAI.T BLOCKS FRO ij id bo's oornor- Kor t of house the low inth'ciiy. Mu-t doinibio locniion for pr ate butrdimt bouo ii Suit Lake. Aidrf P. O, bos oUl, Suit Lalto City. BiU |