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Show Git tour Rood HonM thod by Vm. Uowling, at Sayles i J'ralick ( Plow cheap at al'J ' Taylor Jc Cutler's. Tuebe s a metoa.K2 at the Western (Joioo office for Martin Conrad. Silt LiKi H..Mr at Georjre Man-a-srinj; ' i, 1st 6-juth street, wett Kimball A Lawrence wyl-iit Those wuo looKcd for rain a few diya o now cry "Hold, erjoagh I " And there is reason for the cry. M inRiSsw and 1'iliuwi, all kinds, at Barratt s- m-M Fob a nice breakfast or an elegant r'rencn Dinner gj to Uie Delmonico. aHi L'tah Mikes I si London. The Mining World of April 20 th quotes; Ktnma, 7; Flagstaff, 121; Laat Chance, 61; Mammoth Copperopolia, 9; Camp Fioyd, U; Tccoma, 10$; and L'tah, 1. Examine C. K. BarraU'a itock before purchaser. maj MaLt-omr's Select Oysters in every tyl. or by the can, at the Uoltnonico. Walnut Lumhkr at II. Din-woodt-y. ms-4 A Cah Load of California wino and alejut received chwap at tiangio's. iii 'j Bar fixture and hotel ware, at Uarratt'a. m2G Tn Thoroughbred iStallion "Waq-oubk," "Waq-oubk," (ltil hands high; 1.3(JUlbs.; mahogany ma-hogany bay,) stands at Willard & Jack-iMfj'i Jack-iMfj'i Ktablo, 8U Lfiko City, until July lt. Turma reasonable' - liigbv Ss White. China, cruckury and glassware, at Burratt's. m28 Arrival of latont spring style of HhIp, Ties &HJ Suite, at SeioelBros. For Ttiit tiTAFir or Iii fb, aUo cakes bum, crackers, and pure honio made candy, wholesale and retail, go to tho ULUUK BAKE K V ia23 Scroll Sawinu. All kinds of fancy KmckoU on hand, and made to ordor, at Lttliinur, Taylor Co'a. my It) Fkkrh Arrival of M. Keller's celebrated cele-brated Wino and Brandy, at Morton's (lid City Liquor fcjloro, corner south of Wftlkur lUon. my 7 KxuklhwrCoal, from Rock Springs BitUr Crook' Llttlo was to; strong boat, very small trtico of sulphur. Luave order with J. W. BN ELL, Idaho fcjloro. jal7 Fuhnitukk; an iinniouso stock, at MarrnU'iJ. Tin Victor Sowing Maohino picas . ovorybody who sees it, being elegant, a.y ot' oporalioii, and hivs all tho latest tmiirovcmonU. C. W. Htatnkr, m'JS AgonU KR KLl'RKi'oa Kko's Haar Lako mml and ciprtud notice, in another column. A-Kvot'u grocer tor ChirardolU's CHUCOL.Vl'b and COCOA. do VJk i r vnimu i's prepared C OCO and BKOUA aro very heaithy bvr IIotkl roa Kent. Apply at tho aU-1 Colorado House. Ladiks call on (Jeo. Manwaring for your Groceries and Provisions, you will bo woll served. mylO Oas NoTicB. I'artios wishing Ga supplied in their buildings, aro horoby nolitlud that tho undersigned ara pro-pured, pro-pured, with ft full Hock of Piping, Chandeliers, etc., and aro enabled to do work at tho lowest ratos. All work warranted and full satisfaction guaranteed, guaran-teed, E. Kbkmk ii Co. ap3 Just Ariuvkk at Joelson's, G roes-bock's roes-bock's block, two car loads of splendid Parlor and Bedroom Set. myti OiiiRARr.KLi.rs KAOLK CHOCOLATE CHOCO-LATE id superior to any , imported 1 0 I will sell, for one month, Tenta and Wagon Covers cheaper than they can be bought anywhere in this city. T. Curtis, 2d South-st., opposite Commercial. Com-mercial. m8 D. K. Allkh'h Urand of Flour t. Geo. Manwaring'a. Warranted and delivered, de-livered, tf Lkavk ordkrs for Newman & Co.'s Stovo Cord and Kindling Wood, with I W. W. Fungo, at tho ofllcoof the an-dyko an-dyko Coal company, in the Post Oilieo, or order box saino place. at24 Table Cutlery and silverware, at Barratt's. mS Tna Naw assortment of Parlor and Bedroom Furuiluro.tU 11. Dlu woodey'a, is very cheap, and those wishing to purchase will find it to their interests to give him a call. ru8 Baby CaRRiAaita, for sale by H. Dinwoodey. mar29 Geo. Showbll, Scavenger for the City. o2 TES MOINtS TRADE. PES MOINES Scale Company jj, F- It- WEST, President. FTj S. F. SPOFFOltD, Vico-P't- 5j GEO. A- JKWLTT.Soct'y. jTS VV' REDHEAD, Treasurer ISS. S. HITCHCOCK, Sup't. WM. DICK ElfcjON, General AironU We are manufiwiurio. ami rn fill ordon on ahorVDOtice, tho iullowii)?: Hay, Coal asi Stoci Scales RAILROAD, Warehouse. & Counter Scales. WHEAT OR HOrrER SCALES 1 FLOI R ASD BLTCHERV BK(C Wrhone Tmtki. Erery article wsrrsn'M durable and 6CALES OF ALL KI'Dd REPAIRED. Addrew. frr Circular. t)K M" I.F. rO . no j) Das iloia, Iowa. A. E. ROBERTS & CO., SCHOOL FUR SITU RE, "VViCi: I'ESK. CtU'KCH. HALL, AKU CvL RT HOL'iE m ;nj. ic-tt'A. B:eok.eli"! Liiu-.d ?:tir.f ad B'.ackE.-arJ Orders f 'i-ti- Iiianrw , First National Bank OUT TTTA.PI, f- A L. r LAKK CITY DKSIGNATKD DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AG K ii T OF THE UNITED STATED. Wasin llfiT, Preeident. AaTnoBT Goon. Caskler. Authorised Capital, - 500,009 PAID IP CAPITAL, . tl8O,OO0. CAIlIf l?(G3, - tl36.O00. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent 0''fff bmf-nQ liMtitvtLm m L'taKt A (icmi-ul lirtnkma Hamncu AQBNCitM I N CObOKA IX) AND Montana. , CXLfcCTlOS rV.-VPTLl ATUNDiD TO. l;.T".:.r.IT AMi'-n oN ;TIKB yti.: i v : .'.:: rr.iAi.m a.-.i :.. -'-v t.;c i. .-.- i ire i'-- r o rt5 o: Pot "ffi-a. FI LLER. S1ITH BARKER it -OLD y Grmle. MAISFIILD. ATtHIsEI & STEE1L SALT IAKE CIY. We have new in Si.vk .me vrry nn OLD BourbonWhiskles ;Consistinc of OLD .CROW. HERMITAGK, G. W. TAYLOR, E. C. BERRY, ' A FTTLL LINE OF ETERYTHING PERTAINING TO THE LIQUOR TRADE. For aala low and on liberal terms S" It costs nethinc to investigate. "a Plea' (xamlnt otir Good and Price before pnrchuinc tln htrt. lVl kiw TyorFtrade.' BENEDICT. HALL 4 Co.? MannfatarEra tad Wh"lal iJoaiert in BOOTS AND SHOES 114 tad 130 Grand St., Nw York, Jornar OraabT. one block east of Broadway dl . THOS. M. AR6ALL &. Co., Man's. YouthB Bore' and Chiidrcn'i CLOT H IN O, AT WHOLKSaxa. SIS 31ft Broadway, Haw York. a. OOWLKF. JEHIAL READ & Co., Manafactaran and Wtolasala lalor in UU AJVD WOOL HATS, Straw GoaU, UmbrdUy Bo.46 8, Broadway, NKW YORK. I. Jim Hon.ar. L. M. BATES A CO., aai aS Broadway, IBW VORJi, wpoavaai inp oaaxu at Fancy Dry Goods. HOSlBKi, WHITB 800DS, VOi.Ei'S, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, tc NOTICE. THE ANNUAL MEKTINO OF STOCK-holdcrs STOCK-holdcrs of the Utah Central Kailmad, ur tho purpofo of t'lociiDg diroclore, will Hike place on iionday, J oca 2nd iroximu. at 11 o'clock. nEORiiS PWAN. Boc'r. Salt Lake City. May Hih, ml3 THE IMPORTED THOROUGHBRED DEVON BiUL L Young Washington, Il one of tho fioeet brod Devon Bulla ia the fediuki:ei Calvod August 1. lfa: Sired by Voung Washingua, G., American Herd Ik-ok; "d by (loo oral Grant, 22" , Amorican Ilord Book; 3d by Cavtipa, 602, Enclih llord Bok; 4th " Twumsoh. 6C, " DAM EFrTK; 2d by Don Podro. 2W. Auioriciin Uord tln-.k; id " Kllio, KtiKlifh Herd liouk; by Tecum soh.M'. End ish llord Hook; 3d " I minrtod Evehne. Encli'h Hord Book, by Earl of ilxotor, lingliih llura Book; 4th" Kuby. llU'i, English Herd B..ok, by favorite, 43, Engliah Hord Buk, Half breed Devon Cows are splendid milkers. Half breed Devon Oxen for work and speed are unsurpassed. Thoae who wifhto Imrrove their stock ean aeo this splendid animal at tbo nabloji uf Mr. 11. U. Clawson, north-west corner of tho 11th Ward. Terms, SI In attranoe. Enquire of Mr. Smita at the Stable. ajlW GEORGE MANWARING HASATULLLIXE OF GROCERIES xO"rxsioxsrs, FIRST NOUTII NTRF.ET, Half Blo:k woat of Kimball & Lawrence -00i,5 DELIVERED 1 KEK UF CHAKUE. mjio TO THE John Russell HmTactarini Co., J. RUSSELL & CO., OREEN KIVKK WOHK8, Works and N'arehnti.ucs, TrRNFR'a Falls Mas., Manufacture tbe utiot and largest variety TABLE CUTLERY Jn the World. Tbeir Or-?d can n"w hn f-und m-m the LiiU of all A 1 Jobbing lle. OfBce anil Sum pi' Knnmi (hi m-bra m-bra Ktrecl, M. W 1UHH. Jno.Ku.vHll .l f n to. iaol9 MASONIC Argent Lodgt, So. 3, A. F. A A. tf. STATED C'.mmanica-i'.r,' cf tbi L'.drf held cTi lie i i-t at,i ird Tt',-r u', earh mo:a. t Mbholic iia.l. Kan J-:r,iie IliHt Mtm b-n ol I.'.lraf ai-d ir-iircm brouiran ia gvoi iianiina are cor-diaily cor-diaily iritd. A. W. NUCK0L5. W. V. W.H. BIRD. See . 1J9 lUh Cliaptcrj I, H. A. M. C-T'TET) r'l.W'iriTI' fY DWi-O DWi-O L'r.aiier h;j at ::.,- IU.I. .nt 'l-w- ili are obri.a.u Tfi r-'i. F TRACY. H- P. H'"','! w v r i -.- - - --. NOTICE. r IT. SWlTiVAV WM, T'LIr j us .i - ' ..:t -- J . f i'.ilj m k: , . t.v l.'' 4 .r, ::,-.(.. . U-i. 1. 1" C 1 ! , " . I.aie 0,,;.- . I :a) .7., I .-r i i,-' r - n -1 t ; i -. rn w t ." : v .a.t La L.17- T - -' .1;,;-rl .1;,;-rl i'w If i ' - f'TT, A-.t y. EST. LOUIS TRADE. iUlA Ll'luO lli ULilil.j, couek cr CASS AVENUE AND SECOND SIUEill. ST. LOC1S- MAXVFACrt'.-ia . PLAIN AND TINNED IRON. I Pressed, Stamped, Puci-ht-J, Japan- nid aud GalvimiiM TIX "V ;V. li K . Abso a iuil a&jta:oni of Tinners' Stamped Materials Cocsiaatly or hasd. A full U of our XannUclDrrd (ioodi can alraye tx fonnd t ihf Ware rooms of Z. C. JL. I., SALT LAKE CITV. I'TAH. 1HS I'.UICJI H SPECIALJLAVORINGS, T WILLI. LEMON, ETC., For Flavoring Ice Cream, Takes and TiL-lfy. "VTith crftit c:iro. by a now pnxvss, Trocxmiot frvun llii1 tnn pt liM '-..(.'. ana Arm:no. ciwli clur.ii-u-risiic flavor. fla-vor. rikI pihiit f.i'-i: cf tr, ex-"i-uoc. of crx rt &rfj;h 'a'-.d iy- us: purify, y0 JVty'z-.'iM oi i. J ; ry r',ir., as n-pnwi.is.l. j rinvr--t,-A '.'.'.V r'u.' mid. 11 rv. hMir.o out -h.i'f more ih.n o: rf purporting to ?ud :.:m (p.uia.'i'y. l 'n ti.t-m once, iritl 1,0 oi? r, Th t!. & dciicite, diii-ious ji.irort ?tr tn.iiV. S.'1 superior to tho ohoap eMr.u-is. Ak for Dr. rrioe's Sjx'ial flavoriiipx. 3iauu facturcd only by STEELE & PEICE. Dej-ots, CHICAGO ftiid ST. LOUIS. ManufaciurtTS of ir. iViVvV Oyi Baking Incxicr. fflSSOURI STATE LOTTERY. Ipsalizod by Stale Authority aud Drawn in Public in St. Leuis. Grand Single Number Schema. 50.000 NUMBERS. Olaea f, to b !) .May 31, 1873. 5,880 Prize, Amounting to $300,000. 1. prlte of $50. OOOI aUOpMtoacf 9 100 1 ln of 13.4.M) y;rttoof 1,UIU 1 pnw of 10.I.MIO Vjiritwiof SOU I pnie of 7.50U Uprnrjof 3U0 IpntNol 6. UOO Si.niwof 80 jirliiw of a.SUO anniwol HdU SO i-ntf ot 1.0 Uli Bfl immNof 15U l!pnuof 500 lhOpniouot IOU 40 nntw of SO 5.000 riiMof 10 Tiekata, 10. lUlf Tlck.u, l. I duarlara. I'i.AO. Our lotterie art obrlprrJ t'j the ?tt, ar Iwy drawn at Dip time oanivd. and all Jninp are nnJi-r tbp nfiTiiioD f nom cmniiwiourr. Tue official tlrawloy mil U' lnMlLrJ id Ibr 8t. loni pajHTS, arid a cop; o Jrairing e -1 It pnrcliawri of tiefcrt.; 4T Wb will draw a itnftlar hcIiptub tbe laM dBjr of etfty monlli durinj; ill yr l'S. Remit t out rUk l) PifT OFF1CI U JN KV ORPERU, HKillTKKKl1 LKTTKH. DHAFT, Cr KXIMl K.-Jfl fcnJ l,r n rircilUr. k&. dr-i Ifl'RHA V. Ml LI-K II A o., tost Office Box a-H tt. n r. L001S, MO, Everybody Wants O.N'K OF THOSE NICE CHAMPION pi Washing Machines 22 000 SOLD IN ONE YEAR Price -$10.00. Lad i 08 Call and pco them. Chas. W. Stayner, (Jenoral Aeut, Kn A naln N( rrl ( I.aka Vilf 'AdTprti-iriB i !he nil whv-h win men ra their Laini8. MoukK-i 1'K.jTKKa. L P. FISHER, ADVERTISI NG Room W.dt Jl Merchant Ex, c CiLlrUHNIA tllll.LT. SAN FRANCISO, F- li'-ita AdTarU'MnanU and riobtcrii'ti'jni for iL Salt Lake Daily and Semi Weekly Herald An f-T I'M' ,,-,". In r'-' t,1. "rf f .n i: l S- In: -k irr'-n. 1 !h. M--'.. V r-- n. L . r . A: - n l. I ll --DM J',,.,..., ,V.., 7,r, I'-.r, r s. r j . J j.r.a-n,s. j.r.a-n,s. Vkif.niai.-.. .In; in ai 'I ' vit. ,.-U: ,.-U: 'I i ; : " A uiiuliu Iolim. ht Aliaiuc Bialai a&d hujji. ADVEKTlsJN'J Km rrii-' 1 mrr a nw wiiii: i:.- r. i, r7 -1-1 Ji r-y,-.- 1 n..: y a .1 ..i r. , Ji -l u, ' a f-i..- rV J... , -.r."J :.,Krr a I. -.-..; filial -' -':) n. '.ra-r . . : ! ; j r . -1 . - ' .-) : i . v i g k. . , ' 7 : -V'rrr ' J' . J- trjil wu-ji'i Date I '-" Adverlli rr tlnlnf. Ktrp Tn"T ""m lh. rnhllc ;'r "lt..rp ' ' II lluilntt. Ii Lull, Aili'Hif. iinalnvaa la Brlak. A'lverllaa. 7 ' ec in -iii - 'i -' ir a-Jr r i If c r.e --. h-t'Mi w.-ti 11,1 larX ut uja ofh'il (kt Ui aia aua. Bircia! Ei::ai! Brzirs liddellT"broo iiavf jLJi rKiveJ a'..--iiiei;t of GK.N'T.-.' CLOTHING, PKY 6001'S KL.VN KKTS r;a NOTIONS. WliK-h tie. Iia. c ir.t-.-u.. to cl.is o-t REGaRDLEsTOF COST. Thej have aLo rv-eived a silesiiJ licco ISTAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES '& PROVISIONS, CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST, AFKWriK-u:iLliofili IvSTol cn i M. T. BURGESS, Civil Engineer mid U. S. Mineral Surve or, WUI r-r;-ar le rtv-ary Vai ir and lta-i-Tace.-al. lKr BEAR LAKE I111L & EXPRESS L1.E Eldredga Bro's Express. lM NNiNM :Ml- i:;:ki.v i;v:iukk I fcvar.-t.a. r ,i S; v'- I.iaho, -:.:rviu I. .'U.I-. I'-i.-.-:.;-,' Liht Vr,.!;;. o:.-.; i,- -.i.- ara Snt.-a-.v-. ni.w;.:,, i;:t L. V- iiT,-; , v', i..i.v aua Susda.' le o luvajo- t,i i .uWs- Or.-:l-s:-Booili MoLVnli's Hotel. t. anj-'0". anj-'0". " i aiO G. F, GOLirua&GO.i UHOKSUKI K BLOCK, GltOCUKIES AT W holesiile ami Ketuil- VIl)OW CiLASS Of all Siros. Xo oh.irpw Tor ci ttinv to any ) M.ai-rt.J rULlSII AM) AMKKll AN VARNISHES Of all Kind. Best Linseed 01 Putty. Faniilias uinliiJ wuh t'.tiOCKlUKS at r .ducoii I'hcus. Rod. Wliito, 1'luo. Y.llow. Oran.,-0, VurpU. Violi't, lir.'in aiul iJunn.i NtnUtil ;Jla cut all Kaii.-v l)tun, lor Churuhos, olo. KSTljM AT.KS D I V KN. 1873. Z. C. fVi. f. Our .Stunk ol iic S.H-MimMu liri-HS li.-,.,, .,1 (!-,, ., lV Ml ail.Ti'il, Ilt;il I- i. It. H'.l I'm-Inspuutina I'm-Inspuutina and ISalr. In Clotli and CuHliLLicrc. SUITS, In Lini'u ao'I A ao. SHAWLS, In all ftj provrd lylcB. Unrarpased in Ktiidlmiw, Quality GLOVES JS Klb. uii;i;ai 'J'-'ylT .N Aud ibt CKLKUKA I i.D hAL'I1,Ai; li'LU V Jia. HOSIERY L.AI'II.-. Ml' l. A N I' CIHJ.I'f'.K,''S VS'c ju'ly c'linn f-tir.-lvi?i 1 yrmi c-hj -'Ltl i'ln. RETAIL D.1Y GGCOS DEPARTMtrJT. I 7 XI. li. tLAWiON'. Eui'l. |