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Show THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY. 1 d TUK I'inNlIKi; HOIiTK lntwoon OM A-l A-l II V an.i I'll 11 AilO. i-oiurlotod tour yc.tr' mim-ii tiA tiuio tlio iViurany li.no i'.rifi ni'Uli-T I'.ilni mT oxrenae in rcriivl-ins rcriivl-ins it r-'ii.l b--.l im.l int.-k. ami cuni'i'tnt- it mill olliiiK- Mov-k.of Iho ui-'J iii-vK'rinui; iiruvtMii.-iil; tbi, lojf titer "illi Ino laot of it. b,-in tht unnr.rrvf l.isr. itTrnt to tho Travi'liHi I'ul'ho it Uuuto unttri'ftM-t in tni inuntrj for toJ, comfort. alty anil sure lAUTUM't.AU CAVTT0N 'hould bo taken hy i-A0Ohir in .ololia ihuir routo. :ud not do ,l.v.M.o;l by Ul?o a.horiisotnont.i ;imi (in roll nc lino. In roc tr.l to timo. ili-t.tni'w. rato. pio. lliii r' T'il-'r tvnto rivnuri no fal-ostiitotuetit.'. rolvina on itj true uienW. it no.-i only to bn knona by UiO txavDluig public to bo apiTociatixL TIME: x.nt Francisco to Omaha, four Jays and in CliK'uiro ami Nirthnrp.'tcrn Railway. 0 in a li U Oln'itK". twcnii-ihroo hours. iMuiilt to N ow Vvik. hour". Uiiiaha to Hoelon, siiiy-K'itr hours H'LLMAV r A I. A 0B, H0TKL AND M.KUMNi; t'AKS ar tun on all thrvUKQ, U, ui7 Horn Oiuiihi to diK-aso, How to S'.l i t;K Si.nriMl Rxftiw TIkfokf; It i . ii i i. ' m u : r.iMottsm dojiroii fl uvurio Mooi-1 " V'lTib., .vtiol or lato ;. ..in-in tlu'ltmii i'nr 1Y.mu Urnahlo'!. can .! ,o by loltfutaiihin Horn tiy o triL' nations on tbo I'nton Vi. i;lc Itailund. to W. A. Cincnl'T. i'iu-r.d Asont. C. A N. W. K.ilF. 1'iuibi, miing whst th-y wint. The tii -ill ihoy n.'.i t- Jo until thov reach thi A N. w. Kaiiwiw iv-rot. oo tbo ot fiio of tho MiMonn river, thon co to tbo loei'iim Car tVrnim'tor. an.l no him thi-ir nitruc. aJ v"t tolct.tm. and they will und lli.it he h.v- thotr bottu ro'.TM :or thuin. V,'fvEy't (jvire va-'l will coult their on-n tnltuvt by uvutin lhroiwl T-ekout via fllii' u" A N-'KUIH i..LKKN KAIL- . wliichcaTi bo i-rocuri-d a: .til principal ticket oi'i.-o? in t'aliiornia .1:1. 1 tho o:. .ir.A ai rili'M'i oiln'i1 .m rrnnoi.v. .--.lit Laka C ity.Oa'iCB. Out'. 1 atlti Council liliiU. JNtK C. ;A1"1:T. lionet! Sap't, Chicmto, II. 1 ST 'U PD. Uenorsl li.kot Acnl. Chiciw SAN FRANCISCO HOTELS LICK HOUSE, Ojraer. M in'.,-; jicry ac J Sutter .V.reet. SAN FRANCISCO, . "j-ik" ofen up-in a.el aewtr.moda; havir.s hore carj ior a.i i.nj oi iiu cits' raj-mx raj-mx iu if.,r. In ruos a.-.i aro ua- e-i-ailcJ :"ur ec-fu.-t. c;io ;j D:ri-liall ii accwiwi-i :,j .iio la-.-it alcaci rn ci kind ia Am;rici, or tho Cor. us cel. lu c'j:-udo U iw.Ll to co ic-tuutiun of itakiad. every luxury of -.ho i';ii .n. 1 reared by iLt ablca-. 0:" ceo .-:s Leir. di.y rlMed on iu tbl. In act tio "Li';" 'j'JlTs w LheTourift a hoice, wijuro e.erj-i::oti'jn is Ktia-ranteed for lit ptmr'.rt of iu gut-u that lo mvrt careful jU'i.-:uent of exj '.-.-itcctji men in tiioir MTcral eaJlLLga, uo auid. mnt GUANO HOTJ5JL 0a Market, Hew Montiomerr acd BAIT 3TrlAHrCISCO, CJA.XJ. J0HNS0M & Co., FROPMiroaa. n MORTON HOUSE, POSI STr-fcfci", ABOVE KtARNtY. NASI FUAXC1SCO. Tho beat accommodations cuaraitcexL Location ctr-traL Terms, $4.00 to -J.jU per Cay. W. G. Graham, SAN FR AN CISCO TRADE. MACONDRAY & CO., Impoittrs of CULM & J1P1N TEAS, SHIPPING COIVHYIISSION MERCHANTS 20i and 206 SANS0ME STREET BAN t'KANCISCO. Wo aro cin?tantl in rocoijit of fraah in-voicea in-voicea 01 CliLN A imd JAPAN TtiAS, and all donc'rioiioDS of Kst iauu and 6ijlits Pro duue. dS DALTOS At GRAY, Commission Merchants ! Arid wholesales dealers in GREtN AND QMIQ FfUi:S OF ALL KINDS, At"- Produce Nut, etc., otu., I "d WnnhiiiKtoii aud'jucknou, Suit. I rmiclnco. C0-01'EKATI'E MAHDLE WORKS. JOHN DANIEL & CO., (Successors to 0. jri.) M nnufacturora of and Doalor) iu Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, MAN'TEL PIECES. TABLE TOPS, CUL'NTER TOI'S, l'LU.MUKKS SLAIJS. IMl'oSlNti al'uNLS, EU:., at luwojt j rices. Particular attention paid to rack inn goods for shiimionl. Urdors ro'i'CcituUy solicited. 421 Plrtc fit-, liftweeri Monipnrocrjr ou.a lirnty, tsaix Jt'runttaco. atr Ld JOHNSON & BEST, Manufacturers of OFFICE DESKS, DOOK CASKS, WRlTrN'G TALLiiS, JlluW C A slid, and allkindsof C A 15 II E T VORK. Orders solicited ani Batisfaction guaran-tcod. guaran-tcod. VVnrcraoius 3 1 1 l'iiicSI Mnimfacto- 1 ry 111 Mm LSI., Snii I'ruacUco. arrl7 PAPER&STATIONERY ' WAREHOUSE . JOHN G- HODGE & CO., Importers, iliuiu fact uiorSi and Wholesale Stationers. Kooii a full lino of STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, SCllUOLL'n.iKS, PKLNTEUS' STUCbl. B'HIK 11IN UK US' MA L'HKIAL, WKAPl'lNU, BUOK. and NEWS 1'Al'EKS, iic, iiC Acentfnr tho Carow Cyiui'any's fluporior Loiter and Flat Papers The Xrado suiiIic-d at loss than Chicago prlcos. nutl 3 31 Sacramento St., Inn Frauclitoo, aprltJ Einstein Bro's &. Co., Manufacturers and importers of BOOTS & SHOES, And dealers in LEATUKK, FINDINGS, Etc., 40 and ai H.vrrcitY sntuKT, dU SAN flUVNCiSCO. ESTABLISHED 1SW. Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 213 ami 2 Front Street, San Francisco. o26 X. J. UHiiriTH, Dealer In fiSI l k,nJj PICKLHD a BMOMmn SALMON AND HERRINGS, 111 WaatilMRtoat fltraet. All kind of Dried, Smoked and Pickled Fieb OonataDtly OD haad. 1 murphyTgISnt&m. Importer J of Amoricau hnd Karopeaa Maple nntl Fnucy DRY GOODS, C Alt VOlt Ml A, Call tha ateriUon of las Tra U to theii tarsi and 00 mole to stock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS' Wbli'h thfrjr are now reoeivioc dire-l from European Manul.tctarers, compnsini ia rrl Franatl Uerlaoa, Wool Sallaee, Wool rialtle. Trench and a-rnsan, Irtata aad k'reHcrt Fa ill a, Kmprm Clothe, Taoatie, black and eotored, VeWtat, Alpaeai, tlack and cole red SILKS, VUVETS, RIBBONS QLO "V" E S , KM,Pat-V. B.-rlia IL,.!'..". Miw'. l.aul Gents' Underwear And all iicdj of ' Gents' Furnishing Goods. noilirf.c-rrVi la all Iti traicbe lilt tiiio.li, " Ilenilk.erclilef, Ihlrdnc Llualli, tinllia, tv.; n.1 coli-rr.' lti:iiki, t--vn 'o -m and :.')led Towel. Ho-. r ;'t, Trrk,. eiiklHi mA Uoyllaa, df., mt, ' SAjjFRAjjCSCO TRADE. A. W. WHITE A; CO., ' ConiiuLssion Merchants, And deal en in all kinds of GREE.V AND DrtlED FRt'ITS, BITTER, CUiliLSE, E'j.iS, HAMS, ic Shin ing orders sciicited. E-HiT: t, ) WnlilDEton It , J.'J. Al.i.vs V bu Frtndtco. A- W. Warn. J a; rl7 ; S. P. HOLDEN i CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j 33 SAKSOUE STREET, ; SAN FRANCISCO. 1 H. IHail. J Mew Tort. J. BAUM & CO., Importers and Mano&ctoreri of I MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. 218 A 220 laniomt t-, Ban Fruiciaco. No 18 WaxranSt.. Sew York. S L. A- Sanderson. T. L. IIorB. SANDERSON & HORN, Importers And Jobbers of CIGARS AND TOBACCO, (Proprietors of La Eapanola Cigar Factory,) Eole Manufacturers of the Celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 113 FRONT STREET, Between Washington and Clay. San Franoiaoo. apO-i S. A- MA ASH ILL KOBEBT HAIQHT. MARSHALL A BAItiHT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Wholesale Dealers in EGG?, BUTTER, CHEESE, Etc., 20S and 210 Clar Street, ap2) SAN FRANCISCO. E. A. FARGO & CO., Importers and Jobbers of Braniies, fines ani Lipors, SIS Froat St., cor. Commirclal, B. B. mm. i2S BAN TRANCTSCO NOTARIES PUBLIC. NOTARY PUBLIC. HENRY M. TRFB, hnvins boon loyally appointed Notary l'ublie by bis Excellency Ex-cellency Governor Geo. L. Woods, is now pro-pared pro-pared to attend to all businoas connected with tbo Uflico. Minini! couipanioa incorporated under tho laws of I'tah. Soarchin? of Records, Convoy an cine and fioneral Noiarial business attondod to with accuracy and dispatch. Offico hours trooi 6 a in. until 6 p.m. Office of True, Son & Martin, at No. VJ Kimball Bloei. - apna C'H AH. W. 8TAYNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, Drily qualified and commissioned by the Governor. Office 1st door south of Savage's Photograph Qatlerr. Salt Lake City. ni-' GOOD NEWS AS EASY WAY TO SET A PRINCE PATENT II It in AX . Wo will Rent ouT Organs by the Month and when the price is paid in Rout, tho Organ will bcoomo the property of the llontor. Thia is Dofc only tho easiest way to obtain an Organ, but you will have the Best Instrument made which J. H. RIDGES, Organ Builder, C. J. THOMAS, Conductor of Thca-. Thca-. tro Orchestra, And many others will testify. Mr. J. J. DAYNK8 will give threo month's lessons FREE to any person renting our Organs, as well as those who pay the full prioo down. No distinction. dis-tinction. Send for illustrated ciroular and price list. aS SuowRooms up stairs. J. DAYNES & SON. Tub Only Exclosivs Musio STORBj j In tho City. I o at nut of (Indha'i ilmar store. NOTICE. THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY GRAIN, PROVISIONS. Al- tiltANS, YELi EI'AIILE anil BIRO SEEDS. AM) A FULL LLNK OF GROCERIES, CALL AND ZJCAKtlNI At Geo.H. Knowidon': WKSTS1DK WAIN STREET, HOTELS, ETC. lMRIfi" DOTElT First Class Quiet House, ONE ELOCE EAST OF Til E AIRE, SALT LAKE CITY. Terms, $3. 00 pr Day. Weekly aud Table Board at H(od aljlc Katc!i. J. C LITTLE, bo2-I Prcurietor. WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, XT T A. IX '"PUIS HOUSE IS THE LARGEST AND X bast appointed House in Utah Territory, and hai accum'Ji jdiLi'jn :"ur ihxeo hundred and fifty pMoeis. ttree: car acd carria;ei ecEec:-ed ecEec:-ed with the White ssulj-bur II at hi. Kuadicg Rooms, con taininn paparj front all ioic'J. BauLs. Bar, Tele.-rai h, News and CLsar iand axiached to the Huu-a. 1L S. GREELEY. CO., aov2l i'roprietors. TO WNSKND HOUSE, SALT LAKE C1TI. v THE LEADING HOTEL OS" UTAH. JAMES TOWN8END PROPRIETOR. This House Is centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has aocomiaoda-tionsfor aocomiaoda-tionsfor 13 cneiu. THE PROPRIETOR is now prepaxint tft boild larre additions to his Hotel, whiah whes finis bed. will ren'-er it the Jfo4t Complete Ettoblithment In the ROCKY 3J OF IV TAIN REGION mil O- S. ERB. C S. S ELLIS UNION DEPOT HOTEL RAILROAD DINING HALL Situatod on Railroad Platform. Junction U. P. aJid C P. Railroads, Ocdrn, l lali. marll ERBiNELLIS, Proprietors Pulaski Hotel, Known as tbo Chicago Rotniirantj Oppoiito tho U. P. and C. P. R. R- Depot, OGDEN, Utah. P AVENGERS wi;hinc to remain over a fow dan can obtain ploiuitut rooms and lira l class accommodation. Terms S'-i. 00 and $4.50 per day. A SAMPLE ROOM attached to the House. Lunches put up'for passcngcrs- J. B. CiACU ERT, aplfl Proprietor. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, tA5l ItlTlfLt 0 I nc.L I . A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. my 11 Washington House NEW ADDITION. ANOTHER 100 NEW SF1UNU BEDS, NEW TABXF. Third MoutH Street, HALT LAKE CITY Bo.rd na I.lg.g, P",7u'0-kto , BX,"d t0d8'"K' P"l 00 lo 1 Dy Board, per week, 8 OS Betla, per week, - 150 to 2 50 ad., per Might - 5 to 50 ttaaOa - - - - aa Thirty copies Eastern, Western and Local lhuly 1'apord. ill GREAT WESTERN HOTEL Second Sooth Street, Se.lt Lake City, With ampacity for VO guest. Fir?t-claas acoommodation for familioi and travolors. Ronmi per dny from r.flc to tl.OO. Boom-per week from iJ. 00 toflO.OO. Board par week) il.VO, Btaals, BUc. FREE OMNIBUS TO 1I0TEL. Barber shop and Laundry connoted with tho Llotol. Ice for sale. Tor rarticulsjs apply to tho Office. S311TH BIOA7E, mylT Prorrietora. WHO WANTS Fire Brick? Messrs. MORRIS & EVANS Bog to inform their numerous patrons that thoy aro prepared -o fill all orders for their Celebrated Fire Bricu At their yard in roar of Theatre. Office near Savane's photograph palkry. P. 0. Box 1005. MORRIS c KVANS Arealso preparod to estimate for tho EUKCTtON OK SMELTERS RoASTKR. CALCINERS, Ac, and find all material-, on the sh r:o?t notice. Fire Cement For Tarn pi a alirys on band, i arrl NOTICE. Orrtr i Tioskkr Mii.T. a5i TrxKi.:sa Co- Thcro will be an a-in-ial njc'inu of tho tc-.Li.-'. lers uf Ihe a'.-jve r.i ar.y h" I at ev?'a;nc. Mar i -h. i fiVre:lh;- ef;ln! VoarTin'i1 feVVnrt-k'-.-i't'i.-f -"h' other bn-inew as mar o :ne fc:;re th- mwion. M tf rii-J5.il. SKA L5. arrlj Te;Arr. NEW GROCERY STORE. ROSS L lMPANYi GROCERIES Wbi.-h they cL'ar :o :ai..et J AS CHEAP AS TIiTJ CIIHAPE8T- BANKERS. SALT LKE CITY NATIONAL BANK lilt I.4tho Oity, Utah Tcr. Authorized Capital - $500,000 Benj. a. Dull (J, freaidcnt. jotcph 31. Burkm, Caiklir. HaxriTsuj A KiaaM-aTEicr. Attornexa. CORRESPONDENTS I wpw vi-idtt ' National Park Batik. NEW YORF Tjc--" Uwn 1 Co. KUTON-National Bank of ionh Ame- naiICA;O...Tbird National Bak. Sr. Lvl"Ii...l: ;rd .a:i,:i! tak. O.MAHA...t'::-.ai:a National Back. . SAN l'i:ANL"l2L0..-SiUL.nal uold Bank LuNiJONJay Cv-ok, McCoUoch A C A. W. WHITE & CO B -A. XT e s KANT TEMPLE STKKKT, Salt Lake City. Dealers ia GOLD DUST, COIN AND BULLION, Exchange on all tKe Principal Cti of the United States and Europa Particalar attention given to Co'leotions and prcceeii remitted at Current rale .of Exchange on day of payment. GEO. E. WHITNEY, Attorney COfUlKSPOSDEJITSi Bank ef California - - Ban rranciaoo Lc-e Waller - Sc W rk Oouk CouutT National Bank - - Chic-spu Haskell Batik 8t-U.nl State Bank of Nebmaka - - Ouiah PTU WELLS, FARGO & CO.. EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Baukersaiid Dealers id Exchange Drartion Europe. Korcpean Colleotiotu promptly alien a ei to. Kilt Temple Street, Salt Lake Cite. nil3 Thio. F. TRiOT, Agen'. First National Bank of Utah SALT LAKE CITY. Special 4.drrrtamrt on TMnl DESERET National Bank OF SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Paid up Capital, - $200,000. Authorized Capital $1,000,000. SVit. II. 1I00PKK. President, 1 11. ELDltEDti E. Vice 1'ros't, I B1U0UA.M YUL'NO, Wa. J ENNINGS,, 1-Direoton. JUUN SUAltl'. 1 J. T. LITTLE. j L. & HLLLS,, Cashier, I dkal is bold nrsT, tiv, Kxcn.tion MM) VAHKl.TN. UUi: at ill 1, etc. Oolleotions made and promptly re- 1 mi t ted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE . INTEREST PAID ON Snvlugs Uoposits, nl ' LEGAL. J. X. CARTKK. C. C TtLBOS CARTER & WILSON, ' ATTORNEYS-A T-LAAV, OfficoererlstNftt.Bankj Mt8 EA6T TEA1VLE STREET. C. E. WHITNEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office over D. tirenig's Store, MAIN STREET, SAL.T LAKE CITT. BATES & OR MS BEE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. A cents for Purchase and Kale of Mines . Lands, Charlkb W. OniiSBEK.J Ll.li. WD.r lull 1- a. Bnullu EAKLL S. SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT OtTT. First Scnlh Street. Rooms 11 and 12, Ho Kimball Block. J.B. Rosborough, S. A. Merritt Rosborough & Merritt, A T T O H N E Y 8 A T L A W , Malt JLake Cits, Ctah. Oflice, 1 South Ftroot, first baildinf- east Deserat Bank com or. oct JOiStPU UOKLIM4H-I, . CIVIL 33 N G I N K K R U. 6. MINERAL AND DEPUTY SUR-VEYuKFuR SUR-VEYuKFuR UTAH, Office: f irrt South Street, nearly orrorite. St. Mark's Uburch. w. UXXDO. c. I. aiLCUUBT HA Y DON & GILCHRIST, TTORNEYS-AT-LAW HALT LAKIC CITV. OEco over 1st National Bank of Vtfth. a!3 0. H. Hempstwl, M.KLrkpaLriok, HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Aitorneye-1-I-w, Main Street, oppopite y c$. Fanro Jk Oo. B.klJ OITT. alO B. K TRTtr, W. II. Tkl l, HBT K.RT1. TRUE, SON & MARTIN, Real Estate, Mining and Loan Brokers, 00 Hlmb.ll'. Jllock, . SALT LAKE C11Y. VTAli TEUHITORT. K.nl Ijunla b-UEht nd .tiM; U..u.w Mtl ' ei-ro. n'nif U rcr.L- c i..MJ. ur.J .11 ou.-il. .Kt-tulw. T1U'E, fON MAKTLN. llTill FIRE-CRICK CO." f W u. C11WIL.M. ! C. W. BENNETT -i FrermcsL. I Irea. A sec'j. t Wm.I. -MAillEWi, Sjpermiendont. f t .1)111 Slo.k, 30,000. ' We man-ifact-ire atait Lake City and Lehi Make tire-iiriclt. 1-ire-CessenU J'ront t hau l-1 Tewed B-iMin Brick, Mere , Brick. CrueiD'.as. Keurts, iwv, Ae-J e I'lTSjMeri nit -i rr-af M in any part r. y th-tur.A. e ir L-Zi. i..-ioam acd oLQe C ! C"v. T M:b'""'' :! -:riintendBBt has ha .e ! ,. 1 '.a-A:.' ; U r.s ' -e o.' VJ. Mi rn ' .... -hr'i, - .ir 1 !l- ' "i- an r' ;.- -. . x.rc--,:.-.s.s ir.ie l i j K.icted- 'i ('' ' I" -if :-. .VATjiK''-a is a;er,tf-r 0t S. B, Wunsoi. Jun., & Co.' " ' c-.-. Mir. a.-j a; ""' ' "'" to .. .j, t.- c -act. l' a a.ie. L C. W. iiEJSNETI. so MISCELLANEOUS. WALLACE, WHOLESALE AND KET.UL CONFECTION E R,! 1 ret South Street, Salt IkelCltr. FRES11J TIES, CAKES, CRACKERS. And CREAMICAK.ES, EVERY DAY. . W E DID INC CAKES Made to Order. TUB HKAYIKST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF IT UK C A N D I E S IS TEE TERRITORY, Country dealers should call and eiarmno. ORANGES AND LEMONS. Special Attention Paid to Orders. SAVE YOUR MONEY By Purchaslufi the HtSOISEff Mill SEWIIB MACHINE. It will do all kiDils of wrk, runs easier, is more durable and costs from EIGHTEEN TO THIKTY-i'IVE DOLLARS LESS than any other FIRST-CLASS .MACUINK Calder & Careless, General Agents, 31 EAST TEMPLE ST. Where- vou will also find the LARGKST.BESTAND.OUEtVl'EST Stock of Musical Instruments in the Territory. a4 WATCHES a JEWELRY I O. L. ELIASON. BEOS to inform the residents of Salt Lake City and vicinity, that ho not only fuaranteos to pnniorly Kopair, Clean and Adjust Watches and Chronometers, but ho will make- them or any part of thorn to order, and warrant tbo work. . Ju received a now supply of E Ijnn. Swiss Watchoe, and a fine buck of tirst-claes lewelrr. Prlcos at 1st as any in town. Two doors hast of tho Deserot Bank. dl C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE AU kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE Iron nnd Mtsel. i Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, atrlealtara) laaplemeata Awd M tola, At LowmI Rate. OPPOSITE TUK SALT LAKK HOI'S MEDICAL. The Hiunaii Eye. DC. WILb'iN, M. D..Octtht and Aurit Office near (Jodbo's eimer over Don-ford's Don-ford's She Store. afr.T Mi 1 L FAISTEB. M. D. OraI-iate -f the I'"nn. Medi-t Vni ver-itv. "f I'h i i dl t L ! . 4 irM lo ir.i"rm ber fri'sr.-i an 1 ttio imt..i? ual eh- i i T-i-T-d t- r-:i-i. - th- -i--k ' nd 'vi-"d of h-r sen. alj chiidxun. .From mcr TWENTY l'Fti:? W M CCK-SFUL i i'iiAf"ri'K. She is lualifie-l ' tma; (Lr-nie ca.o if ;ag SLuuJinj. OWnleric eaee prftnptlf atl'TiJ-l. Iici,ria. t-niiT". (tt.nt ulcer. tte oi tainua. rbumatif in. etc., c-.c Office or roe it new Tabemai-la, ( HoDlti Temple Htreat, lalt Lake III: r at rift ; m mm wgrk - "The Philosophy of Carriage.' ri : Forth Debilitated lrTMi Kyatei IT IL JRPAT. rrf th Ant .miel tlo-'in., ' - - - " .' V'.'V ; V, ,". '. r r ' c ai" tirM-;--.- V-'. rlzr; O nu ii r:i iwl a:.l rii',; iw ... !-l 1 e j v,,. I(,rwh.--1 U- ai,) Jrt c! U,t CM i"Ir. Jortaii eaa he eontcJted mj keUT, A I MISCELLANEOUS. WVOIIIXU COAL AND MINING CO Y. .Mines at Evsr:os ar. J 11 -vk Sprigs. The Best Coal for Smelters, I Sroitiis and Household Purposes, WEST. OF iiLK XIS'.'i"Kl. K K 1 V i K 1 K V T V. S. 0ce and Yard. Noar tlio Oas Works A. L. MOlE. tJereral r!. El IS im. 3 U. City. Civ o?.'e at R Lyons', two dvors si'Uth ot Post OS.-a j o S S "a "c n HI H S g l I ? rin o IS H g Hat Olim liiS- u"' Ui 1 I Z "z 5 un . t-i i t- ' o -S si I IRON, STEEL, HAROWARc, STOVES & TINWARE. SCOTT, DUXimi & CO., D EALElld IN WRICHT'8 PICKS, IRON BARROWS, - AND ALL KINDS OF - MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, FIFE A- ALL Kl.M.N ri Iri.UN rem ri kna. ks a- mills. HARDW ABE, BUUDKN'S 110KSK & MI11.H 8HOK3, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS, RUBBKR PACKING. AOENTS FOR Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Hercules Powder, ALL LOW FOR CASH. Have wrll n iirttn( nl Mlmii, ami are repnrctl lo lo all kliula of Sheet Iron & Tin Work, I'nuiii'lly and at roawrmble rntr-a. m EAST TEMPLE; or MAIN STKL'Hf. dec 1 EST m Y m;! i I THE FAVORITE 0 11 U Ai The follow inn i ttio ojuuinn ot I'rok, C- J. 'J'iiiDiM, wiio Lu" liiiity-"njtar"' liiiity-"njtar"' experi'ns as a M uniaii, a LaJtr of Orclic-lras and L'boiii in KuroiHi and Amenta : Pmt hKf. TlTT, V. T., April 0,1 ; -7 r. rt. ( W. Ftayni.h, Haviiu an expTiciicc of llnriy-onn llnriy-onn V'rf a- a M'i"i' wn, a pn ai nh;.:r t whi-li tnn I t'.avr tffT Jz-a-ifr ol t Jrrlir' tra ami Ci.oir in Kunj"; and AtucrioR, aid b- ipit w.li':iifd by yu to r paf" ny Hi'lpiDf-rit on tiic " h-t-'y ' Urirann," lor which you arc airent. atd havmc tri'.d and '.'xatijiiied ti'.ru thor r- ouphiy, I cirifidf-ntly r'-cou.m'Tid thrm to I h" i-itr"Ti of tli if T' rnlory.Ior tli' ir ,'"iTK")RT':sr.--the Xnx .1 t t ; t i ,sir. iK-up a tint ii;,rfttion 'if thf 1'ip" :- 1 pr-.n ' .T 1 - r-Mf-f-TII A'T1''V f'l , iT.-r.-r. ''' ' ii, :.r.- r. f I : r itj tl" ir "-. m Jand il:'.ir r .;: M, Kr.i.;Ai;::.rrv.ni :-m. :-m. inr a; l, that fun hk d- -ifd in OrttiH ' r ir H -irr-h or I'ar.or. ' V,U"rC-;r:;.LTHOMAS, l C.t-.'ir - o! n,"rr' OfU.-n. "J! CHAS. W. STAY.NLH, Lse. iJdam Neit v ar'i Uallerr. 7 I iaJt LAJi UtJ7 MISCELLftSECUS. Paeifio Assay Office. L siM V. h:u- J. Ct'- li.v... X..e r. A. ..:o..lu iiOTice:. TLN, C0PFEJ& SHEET IRON tHNliltiui; and riunibintr, ti.-..c A. ,ur Mr. .1 L ..M.r.jv o o. r: i- M1TCHKLL & JAMES, North Side in" l'ir-t S-.;;h S:r.fi. boiwoe.i Ei.-l ar..i U t, .,- Sail Ln i i. t ( j . j,j 17 O. jVL. I. granFoFening Paris, London and New York FASHION , IN Ladies Hats and JJounels llechcrt'lie Uoods, AT MRS, COLEBOOK'S TEMPLE or FASHION, ori'osrrr ,!;. op m mt.l s. All lvlt4ls Hr l.lllllln-l- DOORo, 'N.OWS Hl.l.NLlS. 51 'IHMNGU, BHlNol.K. , l.AI'luS, JONES 4 FORM AN. HLNDRIE BaOTHEfiSi 33 XVE i u. Mtroot Salt Xftko City, Contract fur Iho ureclkni of ST AMI ill ILLS, ami IS.MK1.1IMJ Ft KNACKS Cti.M I'Li; I K In any ol'ttlio miiiiiiK di'tin-ls (uf 1'lnh. Atoiib fur Ihu I'nlWwiiiu M.mulacturuif; HlHH h Ktitary lllii-! Itlnwor, Kluke Kii,.m,V ttt-am l'um,.H Ncw ork Wire Hope M'I'k IV. Tunnel Kail Ium, Fue Itm-li, and uiiuinj; Mipp r Ki-mjiiilly ai mauu-LiCtoiy mauu-LiCtoiy pnciH, luilit iiddi-d. Sulo AtionLx.tur Ibu COUNCIL K L II b' VS I KUN S (Jlilvo, roaiiUliK-iurure- ot all kinds ot' iMathiLL'U' and Cullutfi) lu oidur. ATLAcs I KUN WUKKS, iiiaouJao-luicrrtul iiiaouJao-luicrrtul Hut Air Kmnt i'ui uaoos aud Jiulliti Mill MucliiLitjjy. UI1CA Sl'KAM KN(j 1 NK CO., i-ul ebfitlud 1 Villi lli! I'.iinn.' , Hiid Ituil-iTn Ituil-iTn and Saw Milic. T.oini u,.w i(1 use. ttuok uti iiuuii lur iiuincdialo dell de-ll Vclj. T. K. l'ULl.18 HlvO , fit Luum, njUIIUUUlUKTM Ot llull 1'roillri, ClipH, oVe., lur Liuiuiitj-i, uuti tli uuiiil uUtl il IUU S Ul k ul Ull k Hills. Itolllioll" liall Pulverizer 1-T CIN-llitll- Sill fl .- ill V. ill , l, u inucu - if j-ij in . i i-t, Hii'lj M I ui ..ii-,, 11. :lt ASCII . Ul Pji I. ftmi I'mii,! , I 1 1 j , I ! in !,( unit, 1 1 111 ti II., .t , AMLrilCAfe l'I.M.iliLllli',llu;ilil()1 Cnia On i' ..: I l"i Friii, klu, Arviit, hi'. I.4M IS. MO. CAPITAL. fcliOO.OOO. L IM II , tl. H IK I ItS ji i.'.f v v. n !m ! - !'. i.'i u i.i i.. '-it- W. 1 . -1.. . - r 'hiv i.nj In mirti. Th" SAI I' IWI IMI M "I I I M'S in ll' ti'lj 'r L'jun" i-t, KhI l,M.,ie K--u-ity I-r r.i.iu.i-t-..! Llllf ,.i, . h i r,-,- . i- i. M-v.nI !!' 1, L.J .Ul In, .li,.-.. "il'Tn It tlie i- .i-lit.-.. .( If-' ''In-- Ir,- Car.-'.il 1, t-'.-r. 1- lit- " i ' O.ururr !'!. '-J )''. -! Inire-allowed Inire-allowed uu Lrilt A '-futiL. Y"-ir l-u'ir."" ia tln ;u- i r- i" oh? ned. bj tl." l.' "H-r '" '1 III llt.t lUKm 'J ) ... . .,f -, , . I A - , I. . , J .. . i I ' . - - A ) . 1 -.-.'." V. ..... ,,- i , ; r ;,.. , , i.Ui ,1 i. -J v.-;- I.I I'.- ) t -. M ..,.,i, ) ,,. L.t. , o i : ;):! . i .'.. I, .1. II ; 1 w ; i .-, 1'.;- : : y- : L'.nh r t , 1 . f - ,., j f,H. jt 1 .' " i ." L 1 m- i-. ir , - i, n.(,. w v. v. ! - r r-- v .. ; . i. ...j ai -I . |