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Show SflK FRAHC1SCQ TRAOE IMPORTANT WORKS -ON MINES AND MINING l,,ClTlllt. o Jllnlns Claim, and H.l-r UII.I11.. llyUrcaOnrlala. . J. Pra of "a,. '"'".''.V lr.clion, lotU'i""1 '?,'& sflp'mrcli. Wliat l'r '"',,"7 A...'"1' .ad U.w WorkcdlU, Tlio"1' ffViTiNrji and Metallurgy of tiold and silver. By J.Aiihur Ph- TUc'jI.l.ll.'rRy of Lead, Incl ...1 1 MK Ic.llvcrlallou, and Cupellalloa Airo? Practical A..."-: Uv J.,hn Mitchell. K. C. h. Crooked ..ill IloI.riK'- TrMll on Silver ai.U t.ei.it. V ol. ; ' P . d iroa. Vol. HI. titeeland fr uel. F k-h vol. soIJ .ei-arately at 510 1,1 per vol. The .nctc.llu.Ky Mlnlugof Cop. A lrt.H.r on Ucpo-Ue. By Bern-hard Bern-hard Yun Coiu. . t i A fc viltui of Mineralogy. By J.iniea D.D.M.A. . Any of ho above works ent by mail on receipt re-ceipt of uriee in ouin, or iui equivalent in UWoa.uJrj hftvo In addition to the above, a Inriio assortment of Scientific, Standard anil Miscellaneous Books. Blank Books and Stationery. Caialoijiiei lurnishod on apph- CtiuQ- A. HoVl AS CO., rnblUtiera, Uuok.clltii, Importers and SIR l loner. No. II ilontuduiory St., Lick House Block, bun Francisco, California. ao" nWNT&CO. Importora of American and European Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, CALl,OUJ.lA, Call Lao attention of the Trade to their large and ooinploto stock ol FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which they are now receiving direct from European Jlanufaoturers, comprising in part S-rencb Merino, Wool Sfttlnee, Wool Plalda, Trench and Gorman, i IrUn and French Popllna. Kmpreii Clotbet I.mlii, black and colored, Velveteens. Alpacas, black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS. A.LBO GLOVES, Kid, Back, Berlin (Ladies', Misses', OenU') Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hosiery, complete In all Its branches W lilte Uoodi, Ilaudkerctilefa, Slil r ting L..nna, tiullta, whit ud colored,; Utinaiki, brown loom and bleached, Towels, Unci, Diaper, Tnrkiab, napkins and Loylls. a-ic. Kta., EU. BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, FOil WHOLESALE TRADE, Weaver & Taylor, US Front Street, San Francisco, California. aL" B, ClUXLOVICQ. WAX US BOO I. H s. HUXX. Jfcl. Ci-lIilliOVIOH eft, CO., Importers and wholesale dealers in FINK WINKS A- LKJUOItS, SOLS AGISTS FOB JESSE, MOORE & GO'S FINE OLD BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES. siaiCT from Logmrini, n, 601 Front SL. bAN FRANCISCO. ap4 Lu A. Sanderson, I. L. Horn. SANDERSON & HORN, Umportera and .Jobbers of CIGARS 1D T0B1CC0, (Proprietor cl" La Ed pane la Cigar Paclory,) Sole manufacturers of the celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Front Street, Between Washington and Clay, SAN FRANCISCO. ap4 TUJB IMPaoVaCD FRENCH RANGE. Th i lnos t complete Cooking Apparatus in use The Eureka Range, Stands unrivalled by any other Portable Range. Guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. satisfac-tion. Locke & Montague, 112 4 m Battery St., alO Sab Fa-iSCiBOO, ROSENBAUIYI & FRIEDMAN aa . Battery St., San Fran, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Freneh, English, German and American DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Hosiery, Corsets, Hibbons. And fol line of tnallware. m6 CRAY, JONES &CO. DB P 0 T OV TUB SANTA CRUZ TANNERY, MANUFACTURERS OF OAK SOLE LEATHER, Mo, 418 Battery Street, T SAN FRANCISCO. ap5 GRAND HOTEL. On Market, Sow Montromcry and BCCODd Sirosi. oi-rv FHAITOISOO, OJa.1. o JOHNSON & Co., Peopeieioes, A. P. HOTAXING & CO. SOLS AGISTS FOB TUB J. H. CUTTER OLD BOURBON WHISKY, AN'D IMPORTERS OP FI.MC WINKS AND l.Iq;UOUS, l Jacluon at., San irancl.co. aU J. H. CUTTER OLD BOURBON WHISKY. U. 1'. MOORMAN & CO., LiuUcitlc, Kentucky, Distillers. ,J??kT''?',c,,,Jtc",""","" notiSed tnaf tlio above is the only Keuulne brand el Cutter wtmkr. and that the undersigned a.e the aoloAKcnu for the same. All other brandj elaimnf to bo "Cutter" buky are onlji.o0r imitation.. In 0rd to pi ,t!Z'"d' th Of the Agent. !Sr? ? v - "lrac..lmll. .Una. oTlit? i n V theoorU. Aoiac Salt Lalt. and Utah! CO-1 XO XHK TRADE. For Sate In Store ana War.hon.e.t 2,M barrel, J. H. Cotter whi-lty. ."" barrels Daniel Boone wbiai IV ba.-rc t.:j,.raie aj35y ' 1 .; !"'": " "-'hall whisky. b ''ii cl'l'. 1 "u".' """ brands Kj. " n.-'W ca-es J. U. Conet whiasy. Al.o In Store anU Bond, oi"; "." brand, French brandy -'! .r:' !T Holland Gin. !?' Port F'. "sorted brand, . o'eta;;,' vJ" :: A T ."r""""'elteU. TRAVEL. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES j T11UOUGH Utah, aoath - east .evada & Montana, Mon-tana, Liavlne Salt Lake City Dally, run-ill run-ill lift south to Tintic, American Fork, Mount Nebo, Sovier, St Gcorce, Utah ; and Pioohe, Nevada ; Passing throngh Provo, Sprbeviile, Spanish Fork.Pay-son, Fork.Pay-son, Salt Creek, Cnioken Oreok, Hound Valley, Fillmoro.Corn Oreok, Beaver, Minera-ville, Minera-ville, and AU the principal towns and mining camps in southern Utah and south-east Nevada. Also leave Corlnne, 17 tab, dally, running nttrth to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Door Lodge, Cedar Creek mines, and passing through all the principal towns and mining min-ing camps in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL OFFfCK, Wells, Fvgo & Co. Building' Jon Salt Lake City Leo Winea. fl. p. Kimball. SALT LAKE, HaPilllfc Tintic Stage and Express RUNNING DA1LT FROM HALT LAKK CITY, via LAKE TOWN, TOOELE CITY, STOCKTON AND OPHIB. TO TINTIC. The route has been re-stooked with aplen-did aplen-did Concord Coaches, fine Stock, eaiefni and lontive DriTers. and ovory attention is paid to the oomfort ani oonvenienoe of patenters. paten-ters. Good accommodations on the road, THROXjGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Offleo at Welle, Fargo Co.'s, Ball Lake Cltyj WINES & KIMBALL, apH Proprietors. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. J-t4-Jlaflrtr Hi On and after Augn.t Otn, ;i87fl MIXED TRAINS WILL K.XJ3ST DAILY. Leaving the Utah Central R.R. Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. Sandy, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 8.10 a.m. and 4.10 p.m., arrive at Point at 8.50 a.m. and -L50 p.m. Leaving Point at 9.10 a.m. and 5.10 p.m.; -Sandy at 10.10 a,m: and 6.10 p.m; arrive at Salt Lake City at 11.00 a.m. and 7 p.m. Bait Lake to Cottonwood Station, SOoti " " Sandy ;jl.00 ' " Draper ' 1J Point " " L75 CPajsengora will pleaso purchaao tickets at tho oilice. M. H. DAVIS, Qen. Frefsht and Tioket Agent. FERAJHOHZ LITTLS BUPMBXNTXITDINT. UTAH CENTRAL ilAILItOAD. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. Ok and after Monday, July IT, 117 1 Daily Trains Leave bait Lake City at 6 a-m. and 2:15 pun ArrlTe at Osdon 7 a. m. and t.-i5 p. m. Leave OgJon at 8 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Arrire at dalt Lako Ciu 10 ,in. and 7:30 p.m la addition to the abot TVTTTi' S3X TRAXJNTS Will mo DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leavini bait Lake City at 5.30 p.m, and Ozden at 5 a.m. Msenfferi will pleae Parehae tbelr Tleketa at the OtBeee. Fifty Cents additional will be charred when the tare is ooUoeted en the train. Tot all information eonoernlas; freight oi ; passage, applj to n. ii. DAVrs, Qeuexairreixht and Ticket Axt JOHN SHASP, STJPsUlUfTlKDMJfT MISCELLANEOUS. SAVE YOUE nAVIXG II HARD MAN Y EXC01IIU iiS COLBY'S LITTLE WASHER AND W 31 INGE Ti , By thoso who have used thoin, aa boing exceedingly ex-ceedingly oasy to handle, durablo, and cheap, I have secured tho Agency for Utah. A shipment has just arrired and may bo seen at my store, next to Savage's Photograph Photo-graph Gallery, nVTctin street, SALT LAKE CITY, ClIAS W. Stayner. A largo and splendid assortment of goods espeotcd daily, duo notico will bo given of their arrival. a aa - 1 W a a it J H o s F o u r ri 1 d a 4 a. g 2 s I" 5 a ft J S g 3 A i s 3 I I 3 H 2 a a a? - I G ; a y s LOGAN DAILY STAGE LINE CONNECTING WITH UTAH NORTHEBN E. E. AT Hampton's Station. ROUTE TO SODA SPRINGS. Daily Staco leaves Ilampton's Station for Logan on arrival of tho lUa.in. train; Connecting on Monday, Wednesday nnd indayn-ith Stases to Franklin. Wollsvillg and all intormedidto towns in Cache: and ConnocliiiK. with stago lor SO OA SPRINGS, Which leaves Franklin every Tuesday, H. G. MILLER & CO., aulA Proprietors. JAMES M. SMITH, R.EAL ESTATE AGENT, REID'S BUILDISQ. Alain Street, Salt Lake CI! v. City Lots, Houses, Stores, etc., sold and leased. A choioe lot of city property always al-ways on hand. Parties who buy through me can roly on getting good bargains. my 15 City Gas Works. The undersigned is now opening up he largest and meat complete stock and assortment of Gas fixings ever brought to the western country. Store 42 Hain street, third door north of Deaeret Bank. Gilt, Bronze, and all the latest stylos of Chandeliers, Brackets and drop lights of every pattern to suit tho purchasor. Have now on hand and will continuo to keep the largest stock of Gas and Steam pipes to be found in Utah or on tho Pacific Pa-cific Coast, and am now prepared to contract for the piping of houses, offices, ' buildings and dwellings generally at rates that will defy competition. Over 60,000 feet of gas piping now on hand and am receiving it daily. ily Gas Fittings and Fixtures will bo supplied to tho inhabitants of Salt Lako City at tke lowest possible rates. I also keep on h-ind a full and complete com-plete assortment of tho latost improvod pumps for mining and domestic use. The Celobratod Knowles Steam Pump with boiler connections completo always on hand. All work connected with Pumna and Plumbing of every description, and with Gas, "Water and Steam Fittings will bo done with dispatch. B. LYONS, 42 Main Street, Throo Doors North ol Dosorot Bank, Offleo of Salt Lako City Gas Company. jn6 ICE CREAM. ICE CBEAM ICE CREAM. SODA WATER. SODA WATER. SODA WATER. Tub :Uesi in Town at II. WALLACE'S. at MISCELLANEOUS. z. oil Clothing Department Having secured the exclusive sale for Utah Territory, of the CELEBRATED BURLOCK DIAMOND SHIRTS, Now offer to the trade WHOLESALE & RETAIL, A full stock, all sizes and qualities, for & BOYS, Of the latest styles and best make. The Superiority and Unrivalled Excellence of these SHIRTS are Established by the following reasons: 83? The materials are the best standard Irish linens, and first class, highest cost muslins only New York Mills, Wamsutta, Williarusville, Bates, The count of linen and quality qual-ity of muslin in each respective shirt are always uniform, and tho standard is never deteriorated or varied. Jfcaf The workmanship is the finest and best, and such as a olass of labor better than usually employed, and the most careful inspection, can only produce. pro-duce. The Lauodry work is unequalled un-equalled in beauty ; bodies soft finish, not decoptive, heavy and stiff with starch. Ez& In the important pardoular of perfection of patterns and fit, unequalled un-equalled excellence is claimed for these shirts. Cut on scientific principles attained at-tained by experience, their correct proportions pro-portions arc warranted to bo evident on examination, and guaranteed to give satisfaction on trial. Burlock Man'g Co., i Bridgeport Conn. Sole Agents for Utah. H. B, CLAWSON, Sup't. ij31-3ra GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. JAMES GALLAGHER. J0KS GALL ACE KB WILLIAM GaLLACHKR. TRIUNE BAKERY JlAIN STREET, Oao door boloir tho Walker House. Ice Cream, Refreshments. GALLACHER & SONS. Pure Bread! PnreCaMj! 1 'HE ESTATE OIIA RD QOLIGHTLY beg to inform; o Publio, that they still carry on tho business of Bakers and Confectioners, At the old stand of Tlao "GLOBE," EAST TEMPLE STHKJET, Adjoining tho Co-operative Grocery Department, Depart-ment, whoro can be foucd everything in their lino of businusa, and they hopo, by striot attention to tho wants of their cue to men, to continuo their patronago ana support. Pare Home-mniie Candles tileclelty, ORDERS FILLED WITH DISPATCH. 610 DUTY OFF T E A S JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK GF BEST ' BRAND OF GUNPOWDER AND Japan Teas AT REDUCED DUTY. Our TEAS for quality aro'provcrbi-aL aro'provcrbi-aL AVo make it our special study, bo that the publio can always depend on quality and prices. u C.W-DAVIS. BICKER'S Little Washer, THt BE T AND CHEAPEST 15 III V. MARKET, Only 87.00. J, G. COLTRIN, Agent, Si ximons, Mth Ward Co-oporative fctoro. Tho hii,ao t rHcfin C-i. inil fr HideB anj 1 til-. j. ti. t Ol.TlllN fc CO., i"J 'At P.l'agiloy's Tannory, lUlU Wu4 Mi l if ' S v3 f Ij ' s . i i vif y z. c. Isl. I. The largost, tho cheapest and tho boat ASSORTMENT or Watches. Clocks AND FIZSTE JEWELRY to be found in the West, by CARL. C. ASMUSSEN, East Temple Street, Half-a-block north of the Eagle Emporium. !EtJ"A large Sign; 2 solid Mahopany Door?, and a fine Silver Show Case, plato Ela.3, for sale. aii(tl7 IMPEEIAL. Having concluded arrangements with, tho largest Refinery iu the east to manufacture man-ufacture for us a special quality of CARBON OIL for our trado Wo hereby givo notice that wa now have forsalo tho i IMPERIAL CARBON OIL, Which iB far superior in quality and safety to any cvor offered in this market It is water white and stands 150 firo tost. Wo recommoud it to those that want a Good Quality of Illuminating Oil. CALL AIVD EXAMINE. E, REESE & CO., 87 FIRST SOUTH ST. my3fi BALTIMORE TRADE. WIYI. LANAHAN & SON, DlSTLLLElvS AND JODUEIIS OF RYE WHISKEYS, WsxtheuH Ho. 310 LI gl.t Street, DALTlS10R.lt.. mill . MISOELLAMEOUS. UNITED STATES OF AMEHICA, DISTRICT OF KVADA, Iu the Office of tlic Clerk or t lie V. S. District Court, '.-. , lneinno r i d, ".: . - - -( Tli nt on tho ; . ;.:-.. ' iliy ff-i-to- r . .""A""'" ;--'t-1V M 1 Jhumm-r V : - - '-.:.' f tho r-:iid t IintrK-t,h;ih label entillwl "11 AMMER'S 001 J, A IU-'aLL (ll.T.MK-NT'." tho rL-ht wliuriii-r ln cliiims us rroiriolor. in enfonuiiy with an Ai t uf Ouii-proJ Ouii-proJ omit led "An Art to amend tho .several gi- ii, I t'tork uf raid District. V S T-i-tii.-t Co-irt, byti;:o. IU AuM'iMi, District uf 'Nevada. I Dei'iity. zZfi). For Collar Galls. I'muallcd for tlio mic-r-s-rul .-lire of Collar ti.ilh, Sor. Kmv lllrmir-lu-.s fraclii-d M, 1.-. C i Hint all 1 ivuMi reinu Puri'f . Hi' Tiii- Hiiitiii"tH lot-- not mill ("or. t'lit drii- tip, nml ln'uli n rnvn I'rom llu-botiom. l'roii-1 il.-iluMt-.-iot f.rni v. Ihtl-it Ihtl-it is u.H'.l. XltT- J'rri'jrtd wiy ,y KING & CO., Proprietors, Carsou City, Nevada, f.Timthcre.:iiwnf.iclctiri:i''l rjii-liVi-tfrliiarii,n Redi2gton & Co., Wholcsalo Agents, J. D. LAMS & CO., CENERAL ACENTS. SALT LAKE CITY. Olio Br. J. P. P. TAOEMRGH, FROM PRUSSIA. First South St., opposite THcntrc. 823 Oxyruis Worms Expeded From O. A. AMY. FOR a long time 1 bivo been alllicted with different pains and me'tei, and could not find the caiuc o my ailments, uaiil I consulted Dr. J. P .P. Van UeLibergh, nrJ auer an examination hf tnM "i j Lnat my -t-m:i h -.v...- u luurilitig place for worms tu live and regineratc in a luo expanse of my health and life. I a.-ked the Uoctor if hs CL-u:d enro ine. He said bo would expell tho worms in tiro or six hours, and auer lupine four little powd-rs,, they all. 83 in number camo away, and in tact I feel like (."other pLison onco moro. I hereby ex-pro;i ex-pro;i my sincere gratitude towards Dr. J. f. i. V:n DenberRh. First t-'ast street, be-tween be-tween first and Second south streets, O. A. AMY. Salt Lake City, Utah, June 11th. lsTi Cttrd from Juilire Frier, of Folk County. DE. J. P. P. VAN DtSlitUU : Dear Sib: I tako pleasure in thanking you publicly for tho restoration of my health after nineteen years of great Buffering mentally men-tally bid bodily. I doctored a groat deal; was atllictod with almost every imaginable pai; and despaired of seeing a well day again. When I came to soo you at Salem, you said you would remove the cause of nineteon years' Bufforinc in Eve hours. I ooul-i hardly believe it, but alter taking the five tasteless powders you save me, anout yuO worms passed from me, and now, lour-toca lour-toca Jaxb aitorwirdE, I feel lib another man, and am able to follow my business without pain or inconvenience, I remain. Yours respectfully, A. H. FRIEft. Bethel, Polk county. October 10, 1671. Card from Doctor II. Smith. DR. J. P. P- VAN DEiHliEKUii: D bar Sib: I deem it my duty to make the following statement: for the last three : years I nave been Buffering with constant gnawing lain and a quivering sensation in . my stomach, also pain in my chejtand he-vrt; 1 my food would not ditcesi.and I was so nervous nerv-ous that with dithoulty I could follow my occupation, which has been here in Salem for the past ten years as a practical dontieu ' In fact, trom the constant pain and misery I 1 had wasted away to a more skeleton. I had , boon dootoring a great deal without any i benefit, and believing there was no help for mo but to linger on until death would relievo re-lievo all my suiloring. Some of my friends thought I had worms and had better see Dr. Van Donbergh. lie told me at once that worms were the cause of all my troubles, so he gave mo five small and tasteless powders, ana in four hours about 700 worms from one inch to one and ono half inohes long, came away from me that day, and tho following night some more came, and now I am happy to say I foel like anothor man again, and am gaining, strength from day to day. H. SMITH, M.D. Salem, Oregon, September 2oi, 1671. Another Great Slaughter I We think it our duty to make the following follow-ing statement, in hopes it mny do bo mo good to sick children : Our child had been sick for some time. Thinking all tho time our litlto no was troubled with worms, wo tried many doctors and agreat many remedies, without any relief. Some neighbors told us we should go and try Dr. Van Denberg, the Worm Doctor, in Saloui. Wo did so, and he gave us one bottle of his celobratod Worm Syrup, and after giving the medicine, to our groat astonishment about 6a worms parsed awa. from our dear child, and now, thank heaven, she is well again. I. D. GRIZZLE. Salem, Oregon, October 3d, iSTl. 1,500 Worms Kxoelled. After seven yoars of sutlering, palu and dobiluT) and doctoring for many ooniplaints, now proved that I did not have, and taking diflorent kinds of medioino from many eminent emi-nent physicians, I gave up in despair, thinking think-ing it was no nse to dronoh my poor stomach stom-ach any longer, and that 1 must waste away until there was nothing loft of poor mo. But hearing of the astonishing cures that Dr. J. P. Van Donbergh has performed in bo short a time, o fleeting cures in a lew hours, and djt friends advising mo to make one more effort, I consulted Dr. Van Donborgh.and ho told me that my mis erica were caused by worms, and ho would expel them in about five hour3. After taking uve small powders, about fifteen hunOrcd worms passed away from mo, and I am happy to Bay that I am better than X have neon lor a great while. P, K. EVES. Subscribed and sworn to bolore me, this IS day of S.M.a,b.r. p Gratitude compels me to make the following follow-ing statemont, thinking it may do sonic sood to my follow sufferers. I have been aiilictod for a lonk number of yoars witn tho following follow-ing complaints : I could not oat anything unless It would produco groat pain in my stomach and bow-oln, bow-oln, always palpitation of tho heart, sevoro swelling and rhoumatlo pains in all my joints; also neuralgia in my head, no sloop, always restless at u it: lit; in fact, I was re duoed to a mere helpless skeleton, not ablo to walk alono. and gave up iu despair. I must also state I hud boon dooioring nUn tho most omincnt physicians of this Suio, I also with the beat doctors of San franciseo, and God only knows, without any relief, till I heard tho great cures Dr. X P. P. Van j Donborgh had porformed in and around I Salem. I applied to him for help, and may God bless him for tho restoration of my i health. 1 havo only taken his medicine two months, and have gained, during that time, 1 twenty-five pounds in weight, and am ablo to do all inj housework and more. JAInE POTTER. Linn county, about hirty miles oast of tho fool of the Cascade?. Salem. Oregon, Dccombor'Jo. Ml. a 10 OB COMPOUND BONiS-SET PILLS Home-made and puroly vegetable. They relievo Jamtlico. Dypci'fin, Imlih-ev t. a, Li.er C-iupli:.t. I.-elu. l,,,a cl Appetite and l'uul i. ;A In- .r. up Clds. .Vver. CVughl. and r.irilY tVe Uloo.f. Thoy will Cle-ic.-L- tlm Sie:;::.o!i. llcnuvato the Syntom. ami -li-pcl Uue.-'n. A i:, ;n all ca?ci wnrrr Phy.-p; u n?e Ir l. ir-a box. You it ill like :iom,iLaiJiiu or nan; -.nv oi u-.-r sort. They .iro Tnic, Caih ;r Lie r.nd Expec-toranL Expec-toranL Twonty-flvoeonls per W Tv.tv-i re Pills. VVarraiiioU to ivo litu lac'.iou. J. K. JOHSSD.V, Ht. O.rtrK, t'(a And cold ntZion'" Po-rper -.tive S:nri ..d by other a; on is thr-unii.'ui 'ho l'errit-ir. alto sold at whole-tie or lurnisl.od uu mm. milieu to rc. pons! bio ug cat j. I f tut". md- 1 leinfVrenotkita( your "teros, askyourl stenuaat u crdex than. st obco. i i MISCELLANEOUS, I . DCDLSY II. 8TKF.Lt. BAK'L E. JOBU80I STEELE & J011NS0X, Wholesale dealers In Staple ai Fancy UROCERIES, LIQU3RS. FLOUR AND BACON, Bt5.'JiSj, Council Bluffs, la. Sole Agent. for the Oriental and Dupont mv IS Powder Companies. THIS WELL KXOWXLRAXD -OF- JAPAN TEAS - l'OR SALE AI ccz:. IDS. a a, Grocery Department. .14 II. B. CLAWSON.Supt W.T.KKYN01.DR .t CO., E. B. ZABKISKIB, 6un i'raDclaco. Salt Lko Ciur. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAVE FOR SALE A FINE LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call tho attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. SOLE AGENTS FOR STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST 33 A. IR, IN T II K CITY CONNECTED WITH THE HOUSE. 64 MAIN STREET' Two doors south of We Us, Fargo A Co's Bank. m5 Furnaceraen, Attention. A i Fire. Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. ARl iGBSTS FOB THI OOL.DILN CITY FIBK BRICK, Which are egual if not superior to the best English. Sr-tyml ratns citod by the car load, ootia MUSIC I MUSIC! MUSICAL IA'STRMEm Of all kinds, including tho BAUER IMPROVED ORGANS, Cheaper than ever. J. DAYNE3 & SON, Fiiist South Street, Two doors east of Post Office. augll THE "ANALYSIS" OF THE VAN DYKE COAL AS G1VEX BY THE HOUSE-kcepor?, HOUSE-kcepor?, blacksmiths und Smelters of Uuti, (not of Massachusetts) is that it is the best for Family Use, and the only Blacksmith Coiil in tho country, that is a success. Ask our leading Forgemon. A choice supply always on hand. W. V. FIXUE, aug 1j Agent. Hersliey's Torsion tap Spring. This is tho best Wagon Spring in uae, and was aivardod the 1'IIt.NT 111 EM I L' M AXD HE DAL, over the Elliptic and all other competitors, t iho American lustituLo in tho city of Now , Yorn, in No vein her, IsTO. It is no being applied ap-plied by tlio W aH DtPAKTMEXT to UoT-ernmont UoT-ernmont Wagons going on tne Plains. It Is Lighter, It occupies less Spnce, It rulnes lUc M agon less than any other Spring, and , it utilises the most perfect moans ot olastk-icy in steel. I namely tho torji m principle, carrying capacity capa-city i rum 4W. Co 20,M) ibs. With all these advanUiKes tho jiriuR is sold at a much low or price for iho same carrying capacity than any othor Spring in use. 1 or full particulars apply at D. Hutchinson's Hutchin-son's wagon shop, 2nd South street, next doorwes: of Willard Jt Orr's livery stable. Siuiplos can also bo seen at Scott, ijun-ham ijun-ham Jt Co s. and at Kahu Ltro's stores. lltXCH fc IIENDEK.no', jy 2. Solo Agents for Utah. LUMBERYARD. All Kim!' of Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, T. R. JOI1ES Pure Manilla Rope; WE HAVE boon appointed by Tubbs A Co, agents for tho a-ils of their roie. To mi ii era it i' particularly rect.'uimonded, beinnall pure .Mi.i.lUn iUid not mii.ed with ; tial or vther inferior material. riicUl price given to 111 Tri.dc STURTEVANT BLOWERS. Several on liuiuL Site not in Slock ordered or-dered at lowwt rnto.-i by the ajients. htOl T, Dl.MIAtt vt ( o, Golden City Fire Brick. A Stvek of Areb and S Onro Brick now on hand. SCO IT, DI MUJI Ai t, GROCERY DEP'T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, Stoves, Crockery, Glassware, Supplies. We do not throw out auy Bait3 by Advertizing a few Leading- Articles at Low Piices, ALL OUR GOODS -A-3R.I3 OMEA?) DEALERS IN TillO SIOITLEMENTS AND JJIXIMQ TOWN WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL ANU KXQUlilK PRICES 1SEFORB 1'PKCVJASINO. g, (t. . ri.AW tluitarlHt.an.M Sewing Machine. "j"yE respectfully invito the Public to call and see our excollaDt variety d Sewing Machines, IN Plaiu,Beauliful and Elaborate Styles of Workmanship AND GREATLY IMPROVED WITH THE PANTOlSr CYSTOUS. The Total Sales of the S1XGER MACHINE are wow THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. TUB SALES OF LAST YEAR, "2. S 2., 3 O - An evidence that it,is fa3t winning supremo favor in tho household. The Singer Company sold over the o'.hor Companies, 52,734. t&" The Chicago Relief Couimittce furnished sufferers by the Fire to March is, 1872, "3,944; 3,1jI Singer Machines, all other makes, Applicanta made their selection with same discount on all. , OUR SALE 3 IN UTAH -EXCEED AXlf OTHER, HOUSE IX THE SEWING- MACHINE LINE THL3 SIDE OI? CHICAGO. Wo courteously invito tho Ladies to aoo our Hm broidery Attaolament, It attracts general attention and admiration. Wo also desire you to see our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS, QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OF SUl'TTLE SKWLXG AIACUIN'Ei WE GUARANTEE EVERY MACHINE WE SELL TO GIVE ENTIRE SATISFAC-Lion, SATISFAC-Lion, as each ono ia thorouhlj- aJJutod. tried and touted by oiporioHeed Median mi, and all are warranted to sow with e.vio all kindi ofs-jJ;. from the coyest to tho dot. lace, Musliu, Cmubric, L)ouietic, JDuniius, Tickin?, Ducking, Beaver, Bucliskia and X.eatlier. . li Instrnction given free of charge by competent attendants, and term ef sale to suit all circumstances. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON RE A" SON ABLE TERMS. We extend a cordial invitation to all to GOME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whether they wish to purchase or not, AT THE SLCEtt SEMI. IIICUIXE DEP1RT.MEN7 Z. G. M. I. General Agents, Two doors south of Eaitlc Emporium, Salt Lakk Cirr. IMS C:1M! EVEU JJUOUUHT TO UTAH. HAVING JEST RETURNED FROM THE EASTERN SWlj whero I flclectoil with ;rcat care and a knowledge of the rchjuireiiK11"; this rcpioD, an imnicusc Stoel ol Euruiture, I am now prepared to offor im5-inducements im5-inducements to purchasers iu the following articles : BEDROOM SETS I GREAT VARIETY, I'ARLOR SET?.Ll'r PATENT BED-I.Ol;NGE3. TURKISH PPRl.N'G-RACo, CEIA1US, SIDEBOARDS, BUKKAUS. HAIR, HULU and SPRING MATl'KKSSHS 1-ATENT BED-SPRINGS. The bast Stock .T.r introjaewi ia tkl, market. I am a!st prapan4 to eU SHADES, VALANCES, DRAPERIES, and to LAY CARPETS AT TEN CENTS PER YARD. I have a complete line of OJMPS ASSLStKi:r& TMUiY-GLOTUS 4' BROCKU' Which I will sell in nu:vntitics to suit purohaier. Call and examine my Slock before purcliasinS 3 elsewhere. J. 31. JOELSOX. Grjesbcci'. Buildina Main 6troejs1' |