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Show C Q Comj&eroljLl. 'n, Salt Lake Crrr, Spt. 0. 'u Gold Buying 111; eelliDg, 113. K Old Ootsrhuvht Jr Coffee, t Kin- , ball i Lawrence's. a-'Sl ";tj Wi Notice Dt7!roBD & Soifi are rfeivinjr large quantities of Goods in j y their special line. Call and tee them. . ' selO '-S Co a i The pab;io are cautioned apainHt buying inferior grades of coal, represented as Grass caoyon ooal. See advertisement. V';. (iitmT taribtt of Fancy Bracket Ctr,'' nd Clock ijhelvw, at II. Dinweodey'a. W will itmie our Kali style of Silk JIttU, Wednesday, SopUmber 4, 1872. . Dunford 4 Soxa. :0,t. IUrratt'b stock is next door to tti Poet Office. jy io "0, Bakers. Tke Notice. A jjood I hand can find constant employment by . applying to Danikl Oeesio. 0 TnK hkut Family Mackerel at Kira- , ball & Lawrence's. a3l Wanted, Ton Colliers for Coalville; , . nl?o, four Charcoal Burnen. Apply within three days at 103 Kimball Block, so 7 ct. For Clohkt3, Stors Rooms, Meat Safes, Refrigerator! and Kitchens. i n Saturate cloths with one part "of Bromo U Chhrafum to ten of water, and hang , up or All a dih and put it on shelf. I For sale at Z. C. M. I. Drujr Storo. i MO To oottit Your House, go to Bar- rail's. 16 Davis Tjcas and Groceries cannot be equalled for quality and price. se7 Hamks and Harness trimmings, at . Kimball & Lawrence's. a-31 i AVatsos'b Book Clamps. The nicest :p thing in thu world to carry books to l)i pchool. For sale at Campbell & Patter- aon's, ae7 Fine Chamber and Parlor Belts at Barratl's. jy!6 Soxdat School Rewards. A largo J variety rocoivod at Dwyer's. si Bovfalo Mrat, in canvass, at Kimball Kim-ball & Lawronco's. a31 Tub Best and Largnut Assortment of FAMILY OKOUEKIKSin the city at O. W. Davis. so7 Call and kkk li. Dinwoodoy'a now utj In of Bedroom Furniture before you purchase olanwhoro. .SI East Temple and 76 First South streets. auU Wv.-r Bkd Oct. The wondorfull WOVEN WIUK MATTHBHS for i phIo at Henry Dinwoodey's, 31 Enat Temple and 76 First South streets. al4 CnARCOAL, Charcoal, at tho Utah Fuel Sliode, noar U. C. Do pot, wholesale whole-sale and retail. al3 For Finb Furniture, go to Barratt's. jio tit. For comtlrtk mining outfit, go to Kimball A Lawronco's. al Basiukxt to Kxnt under 1 sa Tailor A Outlkr'i. D. R. Allrn'b famous XXX and XX FAMILY FLOUR for sale at Z. C. M. I. Produ a Department, first door north ot i Bank of DoseroU myi Knivko, Forkg and Spoons at Bar-ratt Bar-ratt s. jylfl Via Nkw Uri.ca.ns, China and Crockery at Barratt's, jylfl For your Family Grocerie go to Kimball & Lawrnce's. a3l School Books. All kind of School B.'oks for the fall term, Kubbor corner Slales e.:d Copy Books tor sals at Dy- M. B. Callauas has received two car londs of Eureka coid oil, which he oilers to dfftlera lit the lowest market rates. Tills OIL lnis gained a reputation reputa-tion in this city as tlio safest in use, ao Of kick Chaihs and Desks at Barratt's. Bar-ratt's. jylG For SurxR Extra Japan Tea, go to Kimball & Lawrence's. uol Window glass or all sizes at Kimball Kim-ball & Lawrence's. a31 For Matrassos and Curtains go to Barratt's. jlG Utah Fukl Co. have constantly on hand Hinton coal, titovo and cord wood. Order boxes at Dwyor's Book ritoro, Post Utfico, and Wells, Fargo & Co. Orders promptly attended to. Otllco Ho. 103 Kimb-ill liloek. j2 CuTTivn & Co s California Cannod Frui', Jollies, Jains, etc,, uro far superior supe-rior to nil other brands. For sale by all tirst-class grocers. myl4 Bpeer Mugs, Bar Tumblers, arrived at Barratl's. j kj Diarrhka, Dyserm-ry, Cholera Morbus, Mor-bus, Cholora, certain and immediate immedi-ate cure, llt'tfemnns i formerly Val-pau's) Val-pau's) Diarrhea Iteiuedy, mod wjih unfailing un-failing success since iho Cholera of lsti'2 Sold by druugisti ffinirrallv. Prepared only by Ueukmam a Co., A'ow York. mlS For Cukap Furniture, go to Bar-rail's, Bar-rail's, j 10 Kobivson'b Hkt Wkbkr Coai.V sold by J. II. fcilaliniff. at tiui U. I'.' Depot. Leave ymir orders on tho slate U, 11. Ktiowhi.Mi's, Main stret, or ! P. O. b'I 75-. Delivered in all parts I of the city. s6 Tur Choh-kst Kkimt- axd Bkrt CKCSHKl) si'dAi; vi-.-d in the nian-ul'ai'tiir.i nian-ul'ai'tiir.i of P. P. C-Jo A, Co's Pronimm Fruits an-l Jelii... Ri Prof. W. H. Baqkr will re-open his School in the 13th Ward Assembly rooms, September 9th, 1872. Those .J-terested .J-terested in the advancement of students will do well te see him. e3 Episcopal Pbatkr Books. Just received a splendid assortment of handsomely hand-somely bound Episcopal Prayer Books! from $1.25 to $16.00, at Dwyer's. si The Queen fruitjar, all glass, at Kimball Kim-ball & Lawrence'fi. a31 Wanted, in a respectable family, a woman, who is a good, Compktjcnt Cook. Apply to a. j. Lees, at Walker Bro'a. g& Street Cars. The public will please i take notce that tho troot cars aro now running regularly betwoon tho railroad depot and Third South street. Tickets $7.00 per 100. Single fare 10 conta. j2 For Mirrors, Large and Small, go to Barratt's. jig Lvos's Tooth Tablets are tho perfection perfec-tion of npatnofs. dolicatfllyllavored, and please Iho mosl fastidious. io7 Take Courage, Invalid!. Pain and weakness produce despondency, despond-ency, and the invalid who is laboring under bodily torture, debility and mental men-tal depression, at the same time, is indeed in-deed in a pitiable condition. But let all who aro thus situated lake heart. A. bim is provided both for tseir physical and men La I in fir rallies in Hosteler's htomach liitters. Among the common : I s- urces of pain. unea.-ino5s and raclan-! raclan-! choly are ibe diseases which ajiect the 1 stomach, tho liver.tho alimentary canal, ihe nervM and the muscles, such at dyspepsia, dys-pepsia, bilious disorder, conelipalion, headache, hy?loria and rheumatism, all of winch yield readily to the regulating, invigorating aid purifying iutlunce of llns peerless voetaalo tonic, stimulant and restorative. Tako courage, sorrowful sorrow-ful invalids; you will find tho help vou n.vd in Hosteller s Bitters. se'lO speaker majority in every ono of the twouly-soveu towns in the county. Six of these towns are usually Democratic-New Democratic-New York Intelligence. Now York, 9. Tho applica'.ion of James Burns, accusad of tbe rnurdor of John Halioran, and sent to the insane asylum, and who applied to the supreme court for release on tho ground that he had r-i-ovorod his reason, was denied by judge Leonard to-day, and Burns was remanded to the asylum. Tho rato of the city tax for this year, fixed by tho board of supervisors today, to-day, is 28 1-10 conts on tho dollar, amounting to about thirty and a half millions. Nearly a hundred printers aro on strike here against a violation of a law of their league in relation to apprentices appren-tices by former employers. A special from Constantinople says Mahmoud Pasha is condemned by the SulUn to banishment and his estates confiscated, for appropriating public ! money to his own use. The Supposed Ntthtn Murderer, "Washington, 9. Detective Farley arrived ar-rived hero this morning to tako Billy Porresterj the alleged Nathan murderer, to New "i erk. To guard against an attempt at-tempt at rescue by Forrester's friends, he was heavily ironed, hand and foot, and placed aboard a special car. Farley, Far-ley, when asked what connection Forrester For-rester bad with the Nathan murder, said that he would not give three centi for his neck if ho got to N cw York. .Now York 9. Billy Forrester arrived ar-rived from Washington this evening and was taken to prison. Centennial Commtuloncri. Philadelphia. The following members mem-bers of the Centennial Commission left this evening for Cincinnati, the guests of the public authorities : D. J. Morrill, of Pennsylvania- James Birnoy, of Michigan; Wni. P. Blade, of Connecticut; Connecti-cut; K. A. Lamborn, of Wyoming; John L. Shoemaker, solicitor, and Col. Meyer, assistant secretary, who make the visit with the object of inspecting the workings of the Cincinnati .Exposition. .Exposi-tion. Railroad Collision. St. Louis. A freight and a cattle train on the .Missouri Facihc railroad collided forty miles from here this morning. Both engines were nearly ruined, four cattlo cars were broken; forty cattle killed, and two cars of merchandise mer-chandise were smashed. Loss, ikl,iA)0; Cause, misreading the time card. Imrrmt in the Mftln Election. New York, 9. No such excitement has been witnessed horo since the open-; open-; ing of tho campaign, as that at the 1 various political headquarters this evening. Tho 5th Avenue hotel, the Gienbam and Spinpler hotels, were thronged from an early hour till this evening, by crowds anxious to hear the ! rotor aa from Alamos SALT LIKE THEATRE Tuesday Eve., Sept. I0th,'72. ENGAGEMENT of the popular young actor Mr, Geo. D. Chaplin; Miss Jean Clara WALTERS as H art ha and Bctaey Trotrrood. Will be presented for the last time in this citr, a drain atiifltion of Charles E'ick-0DJ' E'ick-0DJ' great novel of David Cop-perllcld" Cop-perllcld" cDlitlod LITTLE EM'LY. New Scenery! New Appointments! New Music, Etc. In preparation, th. lart now sensation drama, onutlod STRATHMORE, OR WROUGHT BY HIS OWN HAND. First National Bank SALT LAKE C I T V. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND PINANOIAL AGENT OE THE UNITED STATES. WAEaiS HUSBIT, C. L. DiHLKE, President. Vict Prost. Ajithoxt 90DBB, Cuhier. Authorised Capital, - 9900,000 PAID UP CAPITAL, . 150, 000. KARHINOS, - 136,000. Dividend in 1871, 5Q per cent. Oldest Banking Institution in Utah A. G-eneral Banking Business aqkncik3 in colorado and Montana, COLLECTIONS PR3MPTLY ATTENDED TO, INTRBE8T ALLOW KD ON TIME DEPOSITS. nfi . "-Advortisine ia tho Oil which wijo man put in their Lumps. AIodeen i'liovsjui. Ij p. fisher, ADVERTISI NG -A. G- i-: IV Rooms 20 it 21 Merchants' Exchange, CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCIS O, Solicits Advertisements and Subscriptions for the Salt Lake Daily and Semi-Weekly Semi-Weekly Herald And for papers published in California, Oro-pin Oro-pin and Nevada; Washington, Utah, ld:iho. Montana, Colorado, Arizona and adjacent Territories; Saodwich Islands, tho iin h Possessions, Mexican Porta, Nicaragua. Puna-ma, Puna-ma, Valparaiso. Japan and China; New Zealand Zea-land and the Australian colonios, tho Atlantic fa tat os and Europe. ADVERTISING Has created many a now easiness; lias enlarged many an old business; Has revived many a dull business; lias rescued many a lost business; i Has saved many a failing business; Has preserved many a largo business; 1 And insures succoss in any business. j GntAHD'S SECTCKT.topnen Rlrard useii I to say inhisoldago: "I havo always considered advertising liberally and long to bo tho groat medium of success in business, and tho proludo to wealth. And I havo made it an invariable rulo to advcrtiso in tho dullest times as well as tho busiest, long oxporionco havinc taught mo that money thus spent i3 well laid out, as by continually keeping my business beforo tlio public it has secured many 6iUos thatlothor-wiso thatlothor-wiso would iiavo lost." Advertise your Basilicas. Keep j our name before the Public. Judicious Advertising will Insure a For nine. If Business la Dull, Advertise. I Business is Brisk, Advertise. BS-Tho man who didn't believe- in advertising adver-tising has gone into partnership with tho sheriff, and that official does tho advertising. NOTICE. THE GHOCERY DEPARTMENT Z. C. M. I, will be olesod on M onday Itich, Tuesday 1th and Wednesday ISth September, to ta'io aooount of stocs. Wo respectfully iavi'o our customers and friondi to mako their purchases beforo, or defer uniil nTter tho above dates. H. B. CLAWSON, M Superintendent. WAGENERS BOTTLED BEER, AI,E AWD PORTER, At theCheapsst Rates and on the shorten notice. Leave your oHrrs at the Depot of tho California Browery. Nt. 64 Commercial From Manufacturers dirctt.I " A. H. ANDREWS & Co. 119 A 131 West Washington St., (HUAtiO, Manufacturers of SCHOOL-. CHURCH HALL and FIXE OFFICE FURNITURE. Will ship SCHOOL DESBfi A.VD KKATH, SETTEES for Chan-hos, nails of"'!!. i Office Desks and Countor Fittinci from our Stock, or made to order in the mut elernnt manner. DIKECT TO CTSTO M KH- in Utah. Colorado, or other western States anil Territories, Terri-tories, securing ihe very Inwnut freights, and SAVING RETAILERS' PROFITS. tend for illustrated CataloKue. Sent free AddreM. A. H. ANDREWS Jt-O. H9nd 121 West Wuhington Street, CHICAGO. loyl9 Herald Bindery. OUR BINDERY IS PREPARED 10 Repair, in a workmanlike manner, Albums, Old Books, etc., "etc., And Bind MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS. dC&AP SG0K3, etc PITTSBURGH TRADE. ESTABLISHED 16T0 AVui. Mc Cully Co., Manuaecorers of tho Standard Brand! WINDOW CLASS DRCGGIST.? GLASSWARE. Make a ?;-?c: nlty of larre sires of Window Glaii, and ail udd si:oi cut to order. Office IS Mid JO Wo-d atrcet, Pittsburgh, Pcan, P -S. n.irins the tuon extensive factories in thL; c "umry. .ml ru-iking a larger line of goods, d oak' r will inJ it to their interest to get our guutaiions buforo purchasing. Pittsburgh. Union Glui Works, STEWART, ESTEP & Co., Manufacturers of WINDOW CLASS, All e'uos cat to order. No. S Smltufletd street, j2l PITTSBURGH, PA. B. II. MYERS. D. 11. ARMO&. ECONOMY WORKS. MYERS & ARMOR, Mannrnciurers of Shovels, () dc. l-rnln Scoopi, Pule manufacturers of E. W. Moore's three Ri'-et Ml'-inp Snivels. Ao. 10s, U uicr street, Pittsburg, PKXNSYLVA'l. Fuctory. at Beaver Falls. Pa. j21 IROIJ WORKS. Jones & Laiighlins, Manufacturers of Iron and Nails, T. lliiln. Fish Bars and Bolts, Patent Cold Rolled Shaftbg, Patent Coid Roiled Piston Rods, Con flings, Pulleys, Hatsgerd and Collars, War oho us os and Office Second Avenue, Try stroot and Third Avonuo. Branch Ilouao Xos. 100 to ; 19G Soar u Canal at re tit, Cblcngo, Ills. We mab only Strictly Pure Coeds! Red Lea. v.r-y,is.:is)fM: tit- ' " -i X3 Etvry i in ii run' Ltiifl i'imm iiie following wnrniHt, aim cl,.,r,1IlU.0 a aegro c-f fineness and nlili"in :s i i i THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS i j Pin-.' Wt.ii,. T.,..i,i 1, part ! 100 5J.". IX HOLD Mill le jMiJ io any onn find- I ' bu"""' r""""'s tlf l'1'3 kl'K ""erfut frum the j I DAVIS, CnAMDERS CO. I SOLD BY DEALERS EVEBIWHEEE. T1IS NEWS BUSINESS, News Agents throughout the West, and all others who contemplate engaging in the business, are respectfully requested re-quested to send lor one of the Price Lists of the " WESTERN WES-TERN NEWS COMPANY," Chicago. Full information in relation to the nature ol the business will be found therein. Druggists, Postmasters, and others who have a little spare room in their stores) will find that they can add the News Business with case and profit to themselves. It will pay ot itself besides being a ben efit to their other trade. Individuals In-dividuals who wrish to procure any Books or Periodicals published pub-lished in this country, can obtain them free of postage by forwarding the retail price as above. We refer to any of the Newspaper Publishers of Chicago. Address tsi FEiitPj mi mmi f. W, Cor. ItninlolpUA. Jefferson Sts., IIU AtiO, 11,1, 3. JP. H.. FL. February Sth, 187a, SAN FriAMISCO AND PACflAMtNTO L-svi- ciug K li. Arrive fn.m Kart luup m 7 ij h- ..bau Fr-n.. S. Hipoi f- u pm " " I 7 50 " . Jo a.30 j a 10 2j I 7.18 " 12 tt-57" ii,: .. , , " 0Itioa . " i 9 07 " l" ll-iupni -iacramento. i 2 M pro' 7 lam Arnvo from W.i Leave goins West SACRAMENTO. COLFAX, RENO AND Ol DEN, LeaTc goinr Bjwt : ArriTP ftal But . 3t';p'u;.Sacrmonto. 2 WJ pm I ...Oi.il...,10 uni IS 14 sm ..rm.,... -i i. ; " fflua-mRcn 16 pm I i in i-l.:iiMoQiii ' 2ft " 4 Ui,,n, . ,k,. I s Uiq 3 .0,j.lea .J-Jpn.- ! Arrlrprrora iiito going Wit Sumlays excepted. tSundays only. Kiplanntlon, Pur tr.-.infl runninit "from" San Franoisoo, take tho hift hantl columns and read downwards, down-wards, or "E.is;ward." , For trains runoins "towardB" San Fran-0i?co. Fran-0i?co. take tho naht hand oolmann and read upwarda or "Westward." A. W. TOWXE, r. n.flMMN. 6-a.Bnpt Geo. II. nice. Agent. -nlt Lake Cltj-, n . u,:1,c;; "utl -Marshall k Carter Ovar W.F. A Go's Bank. TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. TO THE EAST, NORTH AND SOUTHEAST. No. 3. ! STATIONS. 'ii'rBMBCl "All,. I Leave SALT LAKE j 5:00 twin J 2:45p.m. " OMAilA ! 6:,T0p.mJ 5:30a.m. Arrive BURLISGTON 5:00 s.m. 8:40 p.m. " GJebarK(C.B.A(J.) 7:00a.m.' 10:50 p.m. " MendoU " 11:15 a.mj 33 a.m. " CLiaco " 1 3:15p.m.J 7rf1a.m. " Peoha - - j 9:itia.m. 12:50 a-m. " Ind'pliiI.B.JtW.j G:i5p.ii. ia.m, Cisianati - - .U.-'Op.m, 4:15p.m. Lgan'i.nrt ! S5."ip.m. :20a.m. T. P.iW, " Cfl"amha 2:.r.a.m.: 5-Vlp.m. tf-Throoirh Car from Mi;r.nr) River to tai.-arr, I-,.i.r.a:.r.,j. Cinuinnati. Losans-por: Losans-por: ar. J U,-. itj, nu?. C..n:.ec:;s a', thoie pointy with lines lea-i'.ncto ths Ka-., orth and Son:b. Tn.' Ht. -lirrtt, Unickttt mil Cht pm Ronic, Do n.,t beaeciT..d. nt obtain Tickets ria the BorlmBion k Missouri Rivar Railroad, A.B. TOUZALIN. 0. E. PRRKIN-Seal PRRKIN-Seal f ass; AiaU aaalflor't. m d. IS. E. H-IiST AIXj DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, October 1st, 1872. Grand Fall and Winter O IE3 IES 3! 33" G5- Seasonable and Fashionable jOrees G-ood, Shawls, Cloaks, Sacques, and other desirable WRAPS. i FULLLIKE OF COLLARS, CUFFS k L AGE GOODS, SHOE DEPARTMENT AVfIL BE FULLY STOCKED. For more complete enumeration seo our description circulars to be issued io a few days. m29 H, B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. UTAH NORTHERN JJXx CD Trains are now Running Daily, BRIGHAM JUNCTION with C. P. R. R. HAMPTON'S for MONTANA. Dis GOING SOUTTI ! a. m. i-. m. Tare. S DiJ flOlXfl NORTH . k. r.M.Fare. Leaco Hamilton's at 4:00 ,12:4.j,j jLeavo Brighaiu at 8:15 7;15 7 " Devroyville " 4::3 M i. " llox Eldor S::M 7:30 ii 11 " llonoyvillo " 4:V) l :rv '; ". ll! " Calls Fort " 9:00 8:00 00 13 " Calls Fort " ,"i:00 1:1. :j ji0 llj " lloaoyvillo " 0:10 8:10 73 30! " Box Eldor " ; 5:30 2:1.", 127, iSj " Dowoyvillo" 0:i5 8:25 1 00 5 Arrive at Brigham '. .'r.l'j, 2:7l:l."i9 2-i'Arrivo at Hamilton's 10:00 0:00 1 0 SPECIAL RATR3 ''O 10KCUHS1ON PARTIES. Papsaneors will please purohao the r lickeis at the Cotupany'a Offioos, oi 50 cents additional will be oliured when hn Kar.; c'l- cfed on the Kam, Arrange merits havn been mndo wjth 'he tn'ral Pnoifio ad Utah (.Vntral Railroad Companies wherphy pasi'ni:3r cm p'lrehi-e Tickets at tho U C. Office in G't take City or C. p Otfioe a', O.-in )'r J?ix Ivfer or Flnnpton'c on the U. N. R R , and from Hampton'. or Box holder to Ogdeu or Salt Like City at greatly reduced mlf!. Through. Connection as follows: GOING SOUTH jA.T 1'- M. GOING NORTH. A.M.T.M. Loaro Hampton's at 1:00 I -: 10 Leave Salt Lako City, UCKR., ot 5:00 2M Arrivo at Bricbam, U. N. H. It 5:45 2:; Arrive atOden. " 7:00 4:45 Loaro Brighnui. C- P. It. R. nt 0:10 2::t0 Loavo Ogden, C. P. R. H., at 7:15 (3:00 Arrivo at Ogden, C. P. U. It. 7:00 :t:50 Arrivo at Briglium, " " 6:l'i 7:00 Leave Ogden, U. C. K. It, S:00 ."i::aj Leave Brigham. U. N. It. R., at S:15 7:15 Arrivo at Salt Lako City 10:00 7:W Arrive stllanintn's " " 10:00 0:00 THE TIME TABLES A HE CALCULATED ON SALT LAKE TIME. FARES, Hampton's to Ocdon ,M) I Suit Lake City to H..x Elder. ):) "5 w Suit Uko City, I Ui Hamptun' '. 4 50 Box Elder to " ...;- 1 Ojdea to Hnniplun's... I i W Ogden, l 2.', u.x Elder l 25 11. G. Miller & Go's Express leaves (Tampion's every morning for LoRan on arrival of the 10 a.m. train, and tri-wkly, Monday, Wedoesdav ftnd Saturday, tor principal settU mcntH in Caohe oountv, and weekly on Monday morom for Soda Spruica, reiurnip diily from Wan at 10 a m., to conncot with tbe 12:45 p.m. train, aud leaving Soda Springs every Friday morning. iis JOHN W. YOUNG, Genl Supt. JTialixxss Bauer k&s Oo., HLVNUFACTURERS OF TWO IMPROVED BJiUEH OMANS AND IVtf! s : X "- TTi xr; tvt- a . Every Instrnmsnt FULLY WARRANTED for FIYE YEARS. Upward of 26,000 now in use. CATALOGUES sent FREE to any address upon application. ALSO IMPOIITEKS AND DEALERS IN PIANOS aai ALL KINDS of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. JULIUS 137VU35I1 & CO., 650 Broadway, 390, 392, 394 & 396 Wabash Ave NEW YORK. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. J. DAYNES & SON, Agents for Utah, 1st South St., jylf TWO INK IPS KAHT OF POST OFFICE. NOTICE. Offic Salt Lnke Citu Gng Company, iZ Min Strc-t. Jun-1, 1-72. T'HB pub ic are hnrebr Dt i V d that the Salt LakeCiip O Cf.nii.any will pro-wed pro-wed forthwith to erooi their w.rkF rid will be prepared to farniab i)a fur teneral ute about the lit of Janaarr nejt. Thf.se de-Irirjtr de-Irirjtr to use Gm in their stores. ocw or dweLin. would do well u ntifj tbe enm-pan7. enm-pan7. at the ear.iet day ponniblo, thai ar-raoffemeiiU ar-raoffemeiiU for metrpit and erri-e may be mabe. The prire of Uaa will be four dollari per one thousand cubic feet. DANIEL H. WEI.I.S, Provident. 1". LALOR SHKEREy, 8apcrui!cndonti The Genuine i:u(h SPRIMiS COIL, j Htr.M niTTKK CltRKK, j Vf,w L1- " r"C- K.fD0Iot, i a- i O per ioii ' ' EVANSTON COAL, At 87 per ton, fey the Wj (lining (oaliMlnlnComp'j-. DfllT.rrrt in ny p.n f Ihe clfr Kt Itt.MOn.blc h.rfte. OrdrrerrreiTodby ARTHTTR BTAYNER A.nl, oar. ,t , , w, Sl.rmr'i Btor'.. . d.or loath ol 8.tM.'i Phoior.phio O 1 j CHICAhP fKAOf. " FAfiWELL S Co., JOHN v. . ALE WHOLtw NOTION-, DRY GOODS. ASD- W OOLENS. Urgest Stock West of New York. Monroe fe Franklin Sts . CHICAGO. mr,f WHITE LEAD 170 &. 172 RWUOI.I'il STREET. Offer Special inducement to lnriro btiyera nnd tho Jobbing Trade of I' tab Territory. iylO . E.-tRblihed lSv Williams, Miller 4 Olmstead, (t'ormerlv Fitch, IVilliam i Co..) holwalo Dealer in Hats. Caps, Furs ana MGoofls, 135 ind 117 MAUKKTSTHEKT, ,USH CHlt Ai. PAGE, BRO. & Co., Importers and Dealrrc io LEATHER AM) FINDINGS, 35 A 37 South Cnl trert W. W. I,.. H,.,ini I'll" AliO, Orrillo Pae, ,Vi,. H" jujlJ . H. M. KNICKERBOCKER, (Formerly ef Q H. Jt L. Laflin) Wholwale PAPER DEALER, SO, . Hanriolpli !, CHICAGO, ILLS ' Afont for tho pulo o OWEN PATi.ri I'-Vi'KiiS. Bond Paper, ' " t h ln-i in iho world." h'rint I'apM. whit" and euWnJ, flat I'apersofall iU.-cri,.lions, Knveloiicf, Card Hoard, liill. Letter and Not Heads, tiutemonu, etc. A Most Comilktk 1rimkr9' Stock. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED juj-l SEEBERGER & BREAKEY, Wlmlemle Deader In U.1RDW.1RE & ILTLKRV, 38 and 40 Llio streot, CHICAGO, Orders by mail solicited and. satislaotioo guaranteed. jy 7 Damon, Tnuplo & Co., Importers, Manufacturers and Jobbers of NECK-TIE3 And all Good? tor GKNT'S NKUK WEAR, LINEN AND PAPKR COLLARS AND CUFKS. Ill and 113 Waba.h Ave Jy3 otllnAcao, 111.. The Old Salamander." REMOVAL. VAN SCB.AACK, STEVENSON 4 REID, Wholei ale DRUGG18TS aod Paint Dealers, Si", 'Z'Z"Z"i ,h"r "" r.. oa ,,,d f irj.i i io old .i) .'.mLIj,';,";,?;;" buildinm .rooted oi,.roi,l, Vo, ih. bu.i,..,. .S,..m K.v.lr,r..'oic. tbw hivl in!Srn.Unb"r''"' 6'"k' u""l""d bSnoii' Ulmli" "iY ' T.rrllori.l M. D. WELLS &, CO., M.nur.etnjen of and Wbolwal. Dul.r, Id Boots and Shoes, 18 Witub iit, unic.o.. KIRK, COLEMAN & CO. Manufacturer and dealers la I ROUST, NAIJLS, Hea.TF Itarilwur.. tttod tnck, ADd Woittorn headnuartors for BURDEN'S H0H5E ANU ftftuLt SHOES ;nd Norihwcittrn liar tie, ete, 84 mid 30 South Canal Street, - OHIOAOO. PIONEER M4NUFACrUaiNQCrj.t Mantirncttirern uf Perfumed lollet anil H A V I u M,As 61 and W. South Canal reot, ChlCKK. ' In co. J'. Kwa, t're-i'lnnt. Uruii U. Wnjvjs.Sucrourj. .b"4,",."'" ""n ta J-bb. and A. U. MITaT, PIG IRON AND COAL At to.,,, M.rk.i K.I.., m W.baah A.onuo, MIII&'S FATEir CSiUflDI FIRE ;:nd BlKtLAR TKOOF Tb. D.,t , th. Wcrd- HERRING & CO., 46 Stato ,troet, and corner 140, ,trMt and Indiana Avenue, SincAGo. No. 715,717,7m and 721, INDIANA AVE, CHICAI, O. Atlantic bimI Purine TOBACCO WORKS. bitofafow ofonrl,ln, brandil CUT CHEWING flN rUT SMGKB ldW Ch.ar'lon. Hobart, Dwnif I n., roprletott. |