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Show SPECIAL ADYEimSEUEMS FOUXD. r AST SATURDAY, A BUNDLE CON-J.j CON-J.j tainiiis Ladies' clothing- The uivnor can obtain it by applying at I his office. slO LOST, ON THESTKEET, ON MONDAY AFTER-nowii, AFTER-nowii, a gold brooch, or pendant- Tho tintier will ba literally rowarded by leaving tho samo at tho I' iraC National Lank. &10 OR STOLEN, OX SUNDAY EVENING, from tho Lull's Head market opposite tho alkor House, a clay bank horso. Any person per-son returning iho same will bo liberally ro-wardod. ro-wardod. Iv. il. Ukifmiji. alU OUT OF CARRIAGE, WHILE DRIVING aroand 100 city, a light-colored walking cane with ivory handle, it is of no intrinsic value, bat oMoemed hy tho owner, being a gilt, i'lie lindor will confer a favor by leaving leav-ing it at this oiliuo. s6 A LAY MARE. BRANDED J. C. ON LEFT hip; bridle and saddlo on. Tho tlndor will bo rowaxded by leaving her at Lsvi Garrett's. Gar-rett's. so7 STUA1ED. YOUNG RED AND WHITE COW, LINE A back and brockle face, atruight horns, branded 110 on leit shoulder. lUe tinder shall be suitably rewarded by A. 21. ili'aabK. WASTED. OFFICE ROOM OX MAIN STREET, BE-tween BE-tween 1st and :Ind South streets, a large, well lighted room on tue lirst tloor suitable tor an oilieo. Address Luck Loi 0', l'.,U. 8 10 A GOOD TENANT FOR OFFICE ROOM, JSo. li, over the First National Bank o Utah. A:i'ly :it tnj JJah. oi3 FOIi REST. A HOUSE, CENTRALLY LOCATED, with ii rooms, suitable for hotel, on reasonable reas-onable terms. Apply at this office. Ko7 A HOUSE WITH SEVEN ROOMS, IN tho llth ard, one and a half blockf west of Winder's corner. Enquire of G. H, Taylor.cn tho promises, aii FOli SALE. A GOOD, WELL-BltOKE SADDLE Horse, v.ry suitable for a Lady. Apply to .Mr. E. Cox, N rtb Tomplo Street, opposito tho V. 0. KiLilroad depot. s3 p'N UK. GROVES, Office, Second Sooth Stroet, Three doors west of Groat Western Hotel, half a block cost of .Elephant btore. Salt Lase City. . Iifflw noun from 9 t.ni. (o h p.m. mil NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T-HI-: PUBLIC ARE HEREBY CAUTIOX-1 CAUTIOX-1 ed against buying inferior grades of Coal represented by unprincipled dealers as boing Grusa Canyon Coal, l'artics wanting Gross Canyon Coal, will please leavo thoir orders only at Bailey X Son's, East Tomplo street, ami Woods & ivoaton, First South strooi.. slO C. J. LEE, Agent, Grass Canyon Coal Company. COGSWELL & CO., JOBBERS OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, And overy thing in tho way of JEWELERS' SUPPLIES, 300 West Madison St., I UK IU" jell) JUST RECEIVED Perambulators, Express Wagons, Hobby Horses, &c, &c, &c. A F1XB STOCK OF TO BE CLOSED OUT AT "WH O H. E S -A. L E iinuy'riiEBox at cost- TEA.SU GAR, COFFEE, SPICKS & (iKOCEKS Sl'XDKIES KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. . BREAD, CAKES, PIES and CRACKERS BAKED UN THE I'UEM 1SE3 AMI SOLD BEASONABLY BY D.VNIIX GllENIG, EASTSILE EAST TEMPLE iSIHEET. Abovo Second South Street t MISCELLANEOUS. Z, C- TZ- I- WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. THIS DEPARTMENT WILL BE CLOSED ltith and 17th inst. for Stocktaking. Will our patrons visit us botbro or after. scJ 11. B. CLAU SON, St pL II. l, reed. c. s. KUtO. REED & KINO, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, rJCRST SOUTH ! Meat of Kimball . Lawrence', SALT LAKE CITY. Liberal cash advancos made on consignments consign-ments a.U STOCKHOLDERS MEETING THE FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF tho stock-holders of tho Victoria and Imperial Tunnel and Mining Company, for tho election of Trustees for tho cnsuine year, and the transaction of such other bu?i uess asuiuy properly come beforo it, will bo held st tho office of tho company. Room 5, No, 302 Montgomery Rtroel. San Kranoisoo, California, on Thursday the twelftn (Villi) day of September, 1872, at 2 o'clock p.m. Transfer books closed on the luth of September Sep-tember and until alter tho moetioft. Wit. H. WAlsOft, Secretary. San Francisco, Auitust 29th. 1872. ,a3l TRUSTEES SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TUE undersigned will Boll, at public auction, in front of the Lunking llouso of A. W. White & Co., on East Temple strooi, in tho city of Salt Lake, Territory of Utah, on Friday, tho ajth day of Soptomhor, 1672, at elovon o'ciock in tho lorenoon, tho following doscribed properly, prop-erly, to-wit: An undivided intoroat of Ono Thousand foot in tho mining properly located in l'oreupino Gulch, Diugham Canon, West Mountain mining district. Salt Lake county, Utah Territory, known as tho SiWor Hill loao or mine, containing twonty-four hundred foot in all. Tho interest offered for aalo and to bo sold at said timo and place is tho saino intorost convoyed to tho undorsignod by Doed of Trust, executed by Charles II. Morgan as party of tho lirst part, dated tho fourtoonth day orDecomber, 1S71, tosecuro tho payment of certain promissnry notes therein set out. from said Charles IL Morgan to Silo H-Loobo, H-Loobo, tho party of tho third part in said doed of trust, which said notes are now overdue and unpaid; said trust dood was on tho eauio day recorded in Mortgage Record Look C, pages 371, o72 and 'SJi, in iho County Rocordor's ollico of said Suit Lako county, (to which record roforonoo ia hereby mudo for further particularity). Said property will be sold to the highost biddor for cash, tho money to bo paid and doed dolivorod immediately aftor tho aalo, A. W. WHITE, Trustee. SaltL y, Augustas lS7i a30 STOVES! STOVES! TOE CHEAPEST STOVES OF THE- GREATEST VARIETY -Al- W. HARRISON'S I T I I I N I AND- STOVE STORE, OPPOSITE BISHOP HUNTER'S EAST TEMPLE STREET. ft" Call and Examine; you aro suro to be suited. si City Gas Works. WANTED SOME LABORERS AT THE WORKS. Apply to-morrow before 1 1 o'olock, one block directly west of Railroad Depot seS 1. LALOR SHERRY, Supt. S. L. Jo"es & Co., San Francisco, Y'ILL seU at Auction. M'edncsdayr Sept. lltli, 1S72, At TEX o-clock A.M.. FALL TRADE SALE or First Q,nallty New Crop CHINA JAP JAPAN TEAS. 6,000 Paokages, FinoToos, importations of Messrs. C. AnoLrrtE Lnw i Co., comprising ontiro inroico Ex. "Clara Bell," and lato steamer arriTalfl from Yokohama and China, consisting of CHOICEST JAPAN TEAS, .In Ono Pound and ITalf Pound papers; Five Pound Lacquered and Flowered Boxes, in Bulk; and 2,000 Packages of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, Consisting oF Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Imperial, Congou, Soncliong, Oolong and ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEAS, In assorted Packages of overy stylo suitablo for tho trade and of THE BEST QUALITY. TERMS LIBERAL, mado known at Sale, W, II. WILKINSON, W, II, WILKINSON, FIRST SOUTH STREET, Between Kimball A Lawrence's and the Meat Market. Families will do well to liny all their CiROCEKlES here, and have them taken home FREE OF CHARGE. BOOTS, SHOES, PAHTICULABLY Ladies' and Children's SHOES, SELLING AT COST; HATS & CAPS AT COST. WALL PAPER, Cheaper than oau be sold anywhere else lu the Territory. Carpet Warp, Woolen Yarn, Etc. ; DEPOT FOB THE Salt Lake City Woolen Factory. ALWAtB ON HAND Heavy nod Light JeaDS, White Groy and Plaid Linsiee. Flannel Kcrsoys, Doeskins, Cassimeres, Stocking Yarn, Etc, Etc W. II. WILKINSON, awii AGENT. WALKER HOUSE SSarbcr Shop AXD- B.lTIl ROOMS, ktow o;rEiTxr. 'lMIE MOST IMl'ItOVED HTYLK or JL Katii3, with "ovory convenionco at-Uchod. at-Uchod. J. Nl'EL.MAN . L, RILCUIL, 1 Jfroprletora, ST. LOUIS TRADE. HOW TO KEEP WARM NEXT WINTER, liET ONE OF TI1E EVENING HEATING STOVFS, THE GREATEST WONDER! THE AGBl EVERYSTOVEIS GUARANTEED TO (UVEA UOKE UNIFORM AND PLEASANT PLEAS-ANT HEAT. TO USE LESS WOOD, A1E MORE CAREFULLY FITTED. ARE MORE EASILY AND CHEAPLY MOUNTED. ARE UNDEH MORE PERFECT COS-'II! COS-'II! OIi, HAVE A ' STRONGER DRAFT, AND Give btftcr s .tisfortoii. :ind sold for a Lci Fr-'ce thait a?iy SHEET IRi'N PASLCRSTOVE in tho market. Sold by Excelsior Manufacturing Co. 1NU ALL LIVE STOVE DEALERS. my22 SEMPLE, BIRGE & Co.. S.X NT L.OUI9, Manufacturers and Ageota AGRICULTURAL GOODS, Hardware Specialties, WHITEWATER WAGOMS. Offioe and Samples: 13 SOOTH MAIN STREET, Warehouse: mrl8 IU. 116. 118 ELM STREET. HAYDEN, WILSONS & ALLEN Manufacturers and Dealers in Saddlery Hardware CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, BENT STOCK, LEATHER, Etc., So. 513 North Mntn street, mjlfl PT. LOUIS. MO. $300,000! MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. Legalized by State Authority and Drawn iu Public iu St. Louis. Grand Single Number Scheme. 50.000 NUMBERS. OlaBB I, to ba Drawn Sept. 30, 1 B73. 5,880 Prizes, Amounting to $300,000. - lpHcg of BO.OOO SOOprit-infS 100 1 priia of 13,45 0 Oprueaof 1,000 1 pnto of 10,UOO Spriioaor 600 1 priM or 7, BOO 9priz-aof 300 priieor 5,000 Qpriifwof 350 4priesof H, 500 36prlzeaof 300 aOpritMot 1,000 36priiesof 150 aOpriiofjof 500 ISOprizMot 100 40 priiM of 50 ;5,000 prizesof 10 Tloltata, 910. Hair Ticket. t5. Q.utvrtera, 3.50. Y9. Oar lottoriM bre chartered bj the State, are alway drawn at the time earned, aod all drawings are under the euperrition af sworn cornmisiioneri. MtW The offlclai drawing will be published Id the St. Louis papers, and a copy sent to purchasers of tickets. A- We will draw a similar scheme the laat day of oTery month during the year lSTi 9 Eemit at our risk by P03I OFFICE HONKT OBDBaS, REGISTERED LETTER, DEAFT, or EXPRESS Send for a circular. Address Ad-dress MURRAY, MILLER. A Co., Post Ofllce Box ae ST. LOUIS. Wo. , m?17 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. Mew LW., March 36, 1800. FOR TH; MINING AND SCIENTIFIC PRESS, Victoria and Imperial Tunnel and Mining Company, Location of Works Little Cottonwood Mining District, UtahTerrltorryt NOTICE is horoby given that at a mooting of tho Board of Trustees of said Company, hold on tho 1-Hh day of August, lb. 2, an assessment assess-ment of ton (10) cents per sharo was.lovied upon up-on tho capital stock of said Company, payable immediately in Unitod States gold cuin, to tho Secretary nt tho office of tho Company, Kooni 5, No. 303 Montffoniory street, San 1'raaciaco, California. Any stock upon which said assessment shall remain unpaid on Wednesday, tho 18th day of Soptoinbor, shall bo doomed dolinquent, and will bo duly advertised for salo at public auction, and unlosa paymont shall bo mado before be-fore will bo sold on Saturday, tho 12th day of Octobor, 167:2, to pay tho delinquent assessment, assess-ment, together with costs of advertising and expenses of aalo. By order of tho Board of Trustees, Wit, H. WATSON, Secretary, a 16 Offioo, Room 5, !W2 Montgomery street NOTICE. TUE PARTNERSHIP IIERTOFORE Existing Ex-isting betwixt Reynolds & Miller, U this day dissolved by mutual consent, said Reynolds Rey-nolds assuming all liabilities. W. R. REYNOLDS, R. C. AULLttK. Boavor, Spt. 3, sS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IX DRY GOODS. "Wishing to olose out our entiro DRY GOODS DEPABTME XT T, We will offor our largo etook of Staple ad Fancy dry goods & notions -AT- PRIME COST FOltTllE- Next Sixty Days. KIMBALL & LAWRENCE. WALKER BRO'S. CVNNINGTON Jc CO Walker Bros o.? WHOLESALE AND KETA1L UUALKKS IS WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. liavo a splendid stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, BRANDIES, GINS &c, BEST KENTUCKY WHISKIES, And aa imiuenso quantity of CASIO LIQUORS AND BITTKltS, AND HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. . Having opened an EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR HOUSE and keeping THE LAEGEST STOCK EVER HELD IN UTAH we offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. Sole Agents in Utah for J. II. CUTTKR and S. X. Suit & Co's celebrated Kentucky whiskies. ' WALKER BRO'S & CO. au21 One door Eat of Klopliant Store. BUM BOORS, STATIONERY, SETO MACUlM me fpa ism CALDER Z, SEARS. We arc Aeonts for the AKION, STEINWAY & SONS, C BICKERING & bONS, DECKER & BARNS and other leading makers, aod rcspcomiily invite our Patrons and the Publio to cail and j examine our slock of the above named instruments. Wo are also General Agents for the MASON &, HAMLIN world-renowned ORGANS, Which wc have proved beyond all doubt to be tho bc-t and most Editable organs for this climate; and have also the WOODS, E3TEY, SMITH and other ORGANS in stock. Wc have the Largest Stock west of Chicago of Musical Merchandise, INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL STUDIES, aod cvCrytWog required by Amateurs, Teachers aud Musicians. MUSIGAL INSTRUMENTS. Our Stock consists in part of PI VOS, ACORDEOVS, fOXCERTIS. DOCRLE HASSK5' oiu;a.s, iukloiuans, TIOLESCELLOS, SSAKK Dltl Mj, vioi.ixs, ;i itaiis, l '(iiioLtris, bass uki ms, BANJOS, IXIXISAS, P1COLOS, VIOLA;, He, Etc. MUSICAL MEECHANDISE. PlanoSlools. Vlollu String-B, Guitar Ktrlugs, Violin rumlsliiugs. tinltar ruriilnhins, Accordcou Fuiiiisliinys, Drum jKrulsliinss, I'milus i oi kri uud 1 li-s, lltislc Pnpcr, Bin 11 k; .Hiislc Ilooki and Lni ds, Mnet Music, Instruction Hooks for all liistruiiient, ttc., Iltc, Kie, Wb aavo soeuroct tho services of I'rofessor Carcles;, so long mid favorably knoivn in this community, com-munity, ihat our patrons may have tho benefit of his rrul'e-iunal services in making their selection of instruments and musical m ere h audi; a. BOOKS AND STATIONEKY. Our Stock consists in rnrt of Tlic Publications of flic American Tract Society, Miscellaneous nuil Subscription Sub-scription llook, lllnuk ltuoks of nil descriptions, lukslnmls, Writing Inks. Steel 1'iiis, In great vnrlciy. Pen Holders, Pencils, Lnllli Pocket Knives and Scissors, Mnuu's Patent I'arcliimnt copying Books all qualities and weights of "otc, Letter, Cap, 11111, T-eiral, Flat Cap, Folio Post, French Xotc. Initial Hole, Envelopes, all sizes and qualities, (aid Board, ft LI colors, Foreign Tissue Paper, all colors, Drawing Paper, Ilrawlug Books. SCHOOL PURS1SU1SCS OF EVERY DESt'llIPTIOX, SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTS. "Wo have a large and splendid assorted stock of Cards and Books from tho Isirjro Publishing Houso of T. A'elson i: Sons, which we oiler at their regular Wholesale and Hetail prices. L. PR ANC & CO'S PUBLICATIONS. Having bora appointed Sole Agents for Utah, for the salo of their magnificent Cards and Dooks for Schools and for tho Parlor, we are prepared to furnish tho Trade and behind Coui-mitiofis Coui-mitiofis from ourstock ol choice selections at tho 1'ublishers Wholosale and lietail irices. THE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. We respectfully iuvite the Public to call and examine our Sowing Machines before purchasing elsewhere, which wo claim to be the best, cheapest, and most durable in tho market. We guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. All aro warranted to sew, with perfect ease, Beaver, Ducking, Tickinc, Deniius, Domestic, Cambric, Linen, Muslin, Lace, ic., and will Tuck, IIcmrKell, Braid, Bind, Cord, Gather, in fact will do ali .kinds oi work. A Five Yeirs guarantee given with each machine. Instructions iroe by an expert on the premises. s DUNFORD&SONS. MAMMOTH BOOT, SHOE AND HAT STORE. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Orders Sulicifeil from Town uud Country, anil promptly mid carefully tilled at the ery smallest possible uittrsin over cost. fo PURE tA 1A WHITE 3 1VE 01 'Alt AN l'KR Till? ABOVE IUAN1 TO K l;";; l'llliK. AM) IS K1NKNKSS. WU1TKNKS8 AN I I () KKlMi PKOI'KKTIKS U' IS I'N t KliSAhLV ACKNOWi.hLH.hU 10 lih rllU STANDARD. FAHNESTOCtC, HASLETT & SCHWARTZ, 137 First Ave.. riTTSUUltGU, TA. pOK SALh. BY Q 3VE. I. AXD OI11KK DKALKUji. jo29 . SAN FRAUCISCQ TRADE. MiohilKam. T S VI' WAND, KANE 4. CO., (SuccDiion to Hunter, S nd Importer and 'Wholss&le l)leri UES IXD LIQUORS, ProprietOit of Hunter's Ca!l(ornifc Alao Atnta for Joseph fiaoh'a celebrated Pennsylvania. RYE WHISKEY 007 uid 009 FronLSt., Jclu0 SAN FKANCISCO-mrX FKANCISCO-mrX ' KSIAULISngD I86 0. Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries 218 and 215 Front Street, ' San Francisco. m PARSER, WATTSON (Suooossora to Weil 3c Co..) Importer ind OSsinufnatureri of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 223 aud 225 Front St.. cor. Saoraaon a5 SAN FIIASC1SCO, CAL. E. A. FARCO&CoT Importers and Jobborj of Brailies, fines anrl Lipr; 316 Front St., cor. Commercial p.b. syi. j25 BAN FRANCISCO JACOB UNDKllHJLl, &, CO., IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE ScleAgnta for ?nn demon Bro'i ACo't Oua.3(1 BTiSEIj JPlitt, Mouse Hole Anrlli, Colllui&Co'. C. S. Sle.lyo, PlcUa, Axe-, o. IIS l-'U ItatUry Street, San frtineUe. All JAMES A. fOLGER. O.SCHOIMAIl J. A. FOLCER & CO'S 1'IONlifciK (STEAM COFFEE AND SPICE So. aao trout Street, Botwoen C&hioriiia aud Saoramonto. alS bA?i KUANUISCC, J. BAUM & CO., Importora and MuafACtarorB af WEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. Si 4nom Kt., San Frnnclaco. So 18 Warren St., New York, ft Harness Saddlery, jueatlier. J. CO., 104 106 Front Street, SAN FKAXCISCO. ji. jrr vy permission 10 JUr. it. u Clav .011, ii,jcrlttf v.ule.it of tlie i6. C. M. 1. 3 A. B. ELFELT & CO., lUlfOKTEKS AS a J0BBKE8 QtZ Clothing and Furnishing Goods, IO& A: llOtsansome Rstreeti SA3 FaAACISCO. iLFBLT, LEVI & 00. 132 Cburcb Bt S. T. LEWIS BROTHERS, CIGAR MANUFACTURERS, 213, 215 & 217 Battery St.. SAX FKAJiClSlO, llL. Cirefal tvnd prompt ttiAtititm p&id t 1 orden entruated to oar care. u Eatablbhed in C. VENARO, Manufaotorer of the Original (Jlnirtres Coffee, Arid all kinds of Spicet and California Mustard, 625 and r'ront Street, between 3icki and Paoiuc. tiOi tKA.CkiCu. l HEOHT, BRO'S &" Co. BOOTS, SHOKS & LKATHKR 104 & JOG Sansotne St., Bam Frmmdm, Aud 6 4 Li Pearl Street, Boitc nUCKIXQHAM JC 1LECRT, MiiiinLturerj of the "EIT2A QUALin" CALIFOBNlA BOaTS All UJU.F til MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 216 Battery Street, SAN FRANCISCO. llAltXESSS, SADDLES AND- LEATHER. Ttie.best stock and lowest prlcM on the Pacific Cot. Special Bttention given to orders firor.lJ A. C, OIETZ k COT ihfosteu or JPAJCJSTTS, OILS, Varnishesand Lamps, No. 221 FRONT SIRBKT. A. J. GRIFFITH SALMON AND HERRING: 1SS Wasbtngtoa Street. All k-inda of Dried, Smoked Ftckled' oobjtuU on baud. ATADn CDCDrfi h jK. A. IX ia-iai.v Importers and Jobbers of Foreig naotit meetio 1'ancy and Si&vle DRY GOODS Depot of Goods Manufaeturtdat Mission and Padjic Mills, Qontoi M5 A 57 Market St., Ban ft ujl8 ParU : 2S Rue De L'Kf"' WiolesaJe Lipr DA U8 i ront Street, Sam rra"" Proprietors of And sole Menu for . f. CUTTER'S EXTrlA OLD 80UAB0N WH41 ConuUnUy on hand, a full aMortn"1' all the ard Brand of Wnleklta. Vine Bra1 Porelirn and Dome tic Wim RICHARDS & HARRISOI Iajporters of OILMAN STORES' AkqU for Crosst & lilaeaoeil s Jvs' e"" J. J. COLMAN' MUSTA"' Iluntlcy & Palmor's Ending B' J, S.FfiY & SON'S CHOCO'ATESP, Alim'V.O ISLAV scotch wB-' J0l,t.fc:,s TBAUB Ey3 M AL.T 1 HO l' JOULE'S STONE ALE. Tonnt' Soolcl, Ali I'l f o J'J f',t' London IVrl. S |