OCR Text |
Show Old fiovERSMKMT Jar Coffee, at Kim-Ijsll Kim-Ijsll & Lawrence'. 31 For Mirrors, Larg and Small, go to BarriUt'a. Jl6 Basmeut to Rest under Tatlor A Cutlir'i. (ikieiT vanirrr of Fancy Bracket inl Clock Shelve, at H. Uinweodey'a. aull Window aLAfta or all iizei at Kim- I ball & Lawrence's. a31 I For Matrasses and Curtains go to I Bftrratt's. jl6 Barratt's stock is noxt door to the j?ost Office. jylG The best Family .Mackerel at Kim- j ball & Lawrence's. a31 To outfit Your House, go to Bar- ratt's. jl6 Via New Orleans, China and Crockory at JJarratl's. jyl6 We will Issue our Fall style of Silk Hats, Wcdnosday, September 4, 1872. Ddhjord A Sons, We Notice Dowford & Sons are receiving large quantities of Goods in their special line. Call and seo them. selO IIames and Harness trimmings, at I Kimball & Lawrence's. a.31 M. B. Callahan has received two car loads of Eureka coal oil, which he oUVtb to dealers at the lowest market rates. THIS OIL has gained a reputation reputa-tion in this city as the safest la uio. a8 Fink Chamber and Parlor tietts at iinrratl'H. jyl6 Buffalo Meat, in canvass, at Kimball Kim-ball & Luwrence's. a3L Call and bee H. I)inwoodey's new st.vlo of Bodroom Furniture beforo you purchase olsowhore. 81 Jast Temple aud 76 First South streets. &u!4 Bkjt Bed Out. Tho wonderful! WOVEN W1HE MATTKBSS for sule at Henry Dinwooday'i, 31 Eat Tomplo and lit First South. treas. alr For Fine Furniture, go to Barratt's. Charcoal, Charcoal, at the Utah Fuel Sheds, noar (J. (J. Depot, wholesale whole-sale and retaij. al3 For cokpletc mining outfit, go Jo Kimball & Lawronao's. a I D. B. Allen's famous XXX and XX FA JULY FLOUK for sale at Z.O.M.L Frodu Department, first door north ot Bank of Doerat wy'jU Knives, Forks and Spoons at Bar rail's jylti AVatson'sBook Clamps Tho nicest thing in the world to carry books to school. For sale at Campbell & Fatter-son's, Fatter-son's, se7 I For Cheap Furniture, go to Bar-r&tt's. Bar-r&tt's. jlti Episcopal Prayer Books. Just received a splendid assortment of hand-somoly hand-somoly bound Episcopal Prayer Books from l. 25 to $18.00, at Dwyor's. si IBeer Muob, Bar Tumblers, arrived at Barratl's. j 16 Street Cars. The public will please take notico that tho - trout cars aro now running regularly botwoon tho railroad dopot and Third South stroet. Tickets $7.00 per 100. Single fare 10 conts. j2 Lton's Tooth Tablets are tho perfection perfec-tion of neatness, delicately flavored, and please tho most fastidious. ee7 The Problem Solved In Uio manufacture man-ufacture by fleam powor of the PKE-MIUM PKE-MIUM FRUITS AND JELLIES of P. D. Code & Co., San Fraueisoo. Doll Do-ll cious and Unique. a 13 For tour Family (jrocories go to Kimball & Lawrence's. u31 Cutting & Co s California Canned Fruits, Jolliw, Jams, etc, are far superior supe-rior to all othc-r brands. For sale ty all flret-class grocers. my 14 Ornci Chairs a-jd Desks at Far-ratf Far-ratf s. Ji" 1 " fForSupir Eitra Japan Tea, goto Kimball & Lawrence's. n-A Pfior. W. H. Kager will re-open his School in tho LSth. Ward At-iemb'.y rooms, September Din, ltti2. Thost. .j-tereited .j-tereited in tho advancement of students will do well to see him. s3 Is Malarial or Foyer and Ague districts tho Mosquito Nettings placed in tho windows, should be sprinkled with Bromo Chtoratum, diluted one part to six of water, so as to decompose all noxious gases in the air a3 it pasios through, ana sptmgoi or cloths should bo suspended in various parts of the houso, especially in the sleeping apartments. apart-ments. For Sale at Z. C. M. I. Drug Store. sel2 ITheQuken truitjaailgiaES, at Kimball Kim-ball & Lawrence's. atfl Robinson's Best Wkbkr Coal sold by J. II. Stalling!?, at the U. U Depot Leavo your orders on the slate st G, H. Knowklon'a, Main street, or P. O. box 762. Delivered in all parts of the city. tO Utah Fuel Co. have constantly or hand II in ton coal, Stove and cord wood. Order hoxc3 at Dwyer's Book Store, Post Office, and Wells, Fargo t Co. O-ders promptly attendod to, Offico No. 103 Kimball Block. J2 The oreat advance in Iron luii made many manufacturers of iron gnoili very careful about accumulating larg stocks, and it is generally undorsli(,L that all articlos made in psrt or wholly of iron, ara icnrco Tho Exeelsioi Manufacturing Company of St. Louis, having faith in tho growing demand foi their celebrated Chnrier Oak Stoves, have kopt their works running full nl tho sewon, and are now ready fur Uu Fall trade with a large and well assorted assort-ed stock of stoves, adapted to tha fue used by western people. Dealers wil be wis to see their new price list befort purchasing, as tho very low freights h river gives St. Louis greatly the iwf vanlago over Eastern markets. 6cl2 plARRHRA, Dysentery, Cholera Mor bus, Cholera, c, certain and iniiiicdi a to cure. Hognmati's (formerly Val fiau's) Diarrhea Kemody, used with un. ailing success slnco tho Cholera of 1SI; Sold by druggists nenerally. Pretmroc only by Ueukman& Co., Now York. m2S Take Courage, In-valid;, Pain and weakness produco despondency, despond-ency, and the .invalid who is laboring under bodily torture, debility and mental men-tal depression, at the same- time, is indeed in-deed in a piuabio condition. Li..t let all who aro thus situated Uiko heart. A balm is provided both for taeir physical and mental in tir milks in Ho letter's StoiBAcb, Bitters. Among the common si urccs of pain. unea?ir.es and melancholy melan-choly aro the diseases which aiy.vt the stomach, the liver.lhe alimentary car.al. tiie nerve, and mo muvic, such u iiv-popi, iiv-popi, bilious disord'TS, conslii'.iii, : ; hi'Hilai he, hys-lona and rheunirui-in. ail j of wiiicb yieid rvadiiy to the riuhiiing, j invigoraling asd puri:ying ijiil.i- ikc ii' I this peerless vrgel.sMo li.io. s imui.tr.t j ar.d roriorativi'. li.i;e . c urn go, sorrow-i sorrow-i , ful invalids; you will rind tho help you . iwd ;r H".f.i"ner's rimers. M-'lil I 'l'HlGKi'CF.IiY I'Fr.lKTMFNT.C. M I. I will tf rl.1. cJ on Vo-..Uy 1" r-, Tiioj.; s l"lh r. i Wcdni.'iUy T.i h n ptcii.b r, to iL e ncnouiu of hock. Wo nv t'cctiuiiy i:.w ; ; our cuEo'tners nd fn-n.li ;o m-ko tbrir , TJrohases bctoro, of dd'er uniil iiHor Uio above Utcs. Jl. J. CLAWSuN. ' i5 SiipcrimtaJenU First National Bank A. L. X- LAKE CITV. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Tai HrfiT, C. L. DiHLis. Proaident. Viet Prast Axthoxt floofii. Cashior. Antborlzed Cplt.l, . - SaOOtOOO PAID DP CAPITAL., - 1150,000. KARS1SG8, . tl36,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldat Baidcing Institution in Wtahi A. Ctneral Bankins HnHlnesi Trsvnsacted. AQENCIB8 IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO INTKHRST ALLOW KD ON T1MK DRPOSITS. Hfi ff? DR. GROVES, ffgSffirA Dentist, ' ' Office, Second South Street, Three doors west of Great Western Hotel, half a block tut of Elephant Store, Salt Lake City. ODoa Hour fram t un. Is i p.n. mil NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. Jfw Law. MnrcU0, 18G0. FOR THE MINING and scientific press. Victoria aud Imperial Tunnel and Mining company, location ot Works Little Cottonwood SUniug District, Uiah Terrllorry, NOTICE is hereby eivon that at a meeting ot tho Board oi Irustuca oi aid Coiuiony, hold on tho Uth day ot August, IS"-, aa aiesa-muQt aiesa-muQt often UU) cents par sliuro was levied upon up-on tho capital stock ol said OouiDanj-. pnyablo ituiuudiaioly in United Status gold coin, to tho Secretary at tho ollioo of tho Uotupauy, Kooin 5, .No. wz ilontsoinory atroot, San 1'ranciaco, California. Any stock unon which snid auossmont shall romain unpaid on WeiLuusuuy, tho loth day of SojUouibor, shall be doomed dolimiuont, and will bo duly advertised lor salo at public auction, and unless payment shall be m ado bo-fore, bo-fore, will bo sold on Saturday, the Uth day ot October, le72. to pay tbo dolimiuont assessment, assess-ment, to go th or with costs ol advertising and expenses oi salo. By otJt;r oi tho tiourd 01 'i'rusieos, Wu, 11. W A 1'aUN , Secretary, a 16 Uffico, Kooui 5, auii Monigouiory street "Advertising is tho Oil which wise men put in their Lamps. ilohKas Phovejiij.; L P. riSHZR, ADVERTISI NG A. Gr XI PS" T, Roorns 20 & 21 Merchants1 Exchange, CALLFOHXIA STREET, SAN FRANCISO, Solicits Advertisements and Subscriptions for tho Salt Lake Daily and Semi- Weekly Herald And for papors published in California, Oro-si.n Oro-si.n and Nevada; Washington, Utah, Idaho. Montana, Colorado. Arizona and adjacent Territories; Sandwich Islands', tho JJn h Possessions, Moxican Ports, Nicaragua, Panama, Pana-ma, Valparaiso, Japan and China; Now Zealand Zea-land and tho Australian colonies, the Atlantic St at 03 and Europe. ADVERTISING Tfas created many a now tmsinoss: lias enlarged many an old business; Has revived many a dull business; lias rescued many a lost businoss; lias saved many a failing business; Has preserved tunny a largo business;, . And insure success in any business. GIRATtD'5 SECRET. St oph on Girard used to say innisoldaKo; "1 havo always considered advertising liberally and long to bo tbo groat medium of succoss in business, and tho prcludo to woahh. And 1 bavo made it an invariable rulo to advcrtiso in tho dullest times as woll as tbo busiest, long experience having taught tuo that monoy thus spent is well laid out, us by continually keeping my business beforo tbe , public it has secured many sales that 1 otherwise other-wise would have lost." Advertlio your Business. Keep your name before tlie Public. Jndlclous Advertising III Insure a Knniuio. If Business Is Dull, Advertise. I Business Is Drlsk, Advertise. rtfT Tho man who didn't beliovo in advertising adver-tising has cono ""to partnership wilh tbo aharitT, and that olbcial duos tho advertising. THE fflS BUSINESS. News Agents throughout the West, and all others whe ' contemplate engaging in the business, are respectfully requested re-quested to send lor one of the Price Lists of the "WES-TEEN "WES-TEEN NEWS COMPANY,' Chicago. Pull information in relation to tlie nature of the business will be found therein. Druggists, Postmasters, and others- who have a little spare room in their stores, will find that they can add the News ; Business with ease and profit to themselves. It will pay of itself, besides being a ben- efit to their other trade. Individuals In-dividuals who wish to procure any Books or Periodicals pub-; pub-; lished in. this country, can i obtain them free of postage . by forwarding the retail price 1 as above. We refer to any of the Newspaper Publishers of ' Chicago. Address , HE WESTERS HEWS CDMPA5Y. 1 X. W.Cor. Randolph. Jefferson Sts., , CHICAGO, ILL aii I I crackFrIakery, 1 Main Street,! Near Third South Strut, ; SALT LAKE CITY. CON'STASILY on hand and maaufaetar-er maaufaetar-er of 0 Butter Crackers,; 1 boda Crackers.) D Picnic Crarkers, Itotton Crackers, " l.r Grand Ulacnlls, k Milk UlscuM, 0 Abernrthr Ultcult, f Clnfrer ntpi, Lemon bnaps, And Pilot Bread, s Which orr tn t!i trade bt! rublic generally. Wholesale or Retail, AT LOWER RATES 0 than the same ran to imported- n W al?o Frantee onr Crushers to bo q Fubh and the hE.tT in the market. .1 )WRT(I. CO. y 30 -. e 1 W.J. HOOPER & CO. H IIOOI HKBOI Ab, IIUII. PITTSBURGH TRADE. ESTABLISHED 1SS.J, Win. McCully & Co., Manufacturers of tho Standard Brand! WINDOW CLASS DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE. Make a rpecialrr ef lars tii of Window Glasi, and all odd siics c-it u order. Office I 8 luid 20 Wood street . PlKiborgh, Fean. P. S. HarinR tho most ertensiv factories in thi? eoumrv. and tnaking a larcer line of pjodf. dealers will find it to their interest to jot our .juuuuions before purchaaing. PHtsboj-gn Union Glan Works. STEWART, ES TEP Si Co., Manufacturers of WINDOW CLASS, All sizes cut to order. Ho. 8 Smlthfletd street, j2U PITTSBURGH) PA. H. a WYE S3, D. H. AKMOi. ECONOMY WORKS. MYERS! & ARMOR, Manufacturer of Shovels, "des. traln Scoops, Sole manufacturers of E. W. Moore's thret Ki'-et Mi ing hvels So. 1(J, Water street, PUtsbnrg, PsSJiSTLVA!!.. Factory, at Beaver Falls. Pa, j21 AMEKICAN IRON WORKS. Jones & Laiighlins, L i ttsbur s i-' Poiina..) Manufacturora of Iron and Nails, T. Rails. Fish Bara and Bolts, Patent (Jold Rolled Shafting, Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods, Couplings, Pulleys, Hangers and Collars Warehouses and Office Second Avenue, Try stroot and Third Avenue-. Branoli flouao os. 190 to 106 Sout li Cau-xl street, CUtcoso, Ills. Wb mk only Slricllj Pure Goods! liihi7o' ifH Prtt- Lead, mflMSij Putty, Evi-rj- Uc- of uur Wliltf Load i'fflre tile following warraiit, ninl ivp jnirirnutoe a dt'greo of flnencas &n4 wliilt'iit-ta un.-iiri'iLv-i J : this package contains I Pnru 'Vhii J..tu', 91 rrls. " LinfcoU Oil 9 " I '100 Ji IN-COLD will I i. towivoii flni- the rojiii-nu of iliio ; il;Qcri-nt from tbo abuTC HDU1)P1I(. I li.WlS, CU MHr.K3 4 CO. , SOLD BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE, ic--io -' ' ' NOTSCE..-. nf in-: punr.ro arehkreey cautiox- I odaeain?t buy ins inferior (jrada of Coa reprosonted by uniirinciiiled dealora as boini Grass Canyon t'nal. l'.irtioa wanting Uraaj Canyon Cosil, wilt pleaso leavo thoir ordon only at Bailey Sc. Son's. Ka-t Totunlo stroet and Woods ii Koaton, first South atrooi, slU C. J. LLE, Aeont, Qrasi Canyon Coal Company. NOTICE. 'I MIE PARTNERSHIP 1IERT0F0RE EX 1 t'ting betwixt Reynolds i Miller, ij thii day di-olvt'd by mutual cunsont, said Key nolds assuming all liabilities. W. H. RRVXOLDS. It. C. MILLER. Boavor, Sept. 3, IS7i aS I BUY YOUR OFFICE DESKS From Manufteturors direct,. A. H. ANDREWS St Co. 110 A 11 Wot WaHlilngton St., tlUCAOII, Manufacturers of SCIIU0I-, CHDltCr It ALL and FIXE OFFICE F UBNITl'RE win ship SCHOOL DESKS AXD SEATS. , STTEE or Churcw orHotot. OtTice Ucsks und Ccmnicr Kitting, from our Stink, or 'undo to nrl.T in tbo mtt e-cRnnt " manner. DIttECT IMCCST ) hR-in Ciah. ' Colorado, or ottior westorn S'ales Bnd Torri-torii-s. seu--i' k thi very li'wnn1 f-cights, and SAVING RETAILERS' PROFITS. .-end for illustrnto t CalnioBuo. Sent freo. , Address, A. H. ANDREW S & Co.. 119 and 121 West WasbinKton stroot. CiiICAGO. liirlVj WAGENER'S BOTTLED BEER, ; ALE AXD PORTER, ; At the Cheapsst Rat ei and on the shortest notloe. Leave your orders at tho Dorot of tbe ra ifornia Brewery, No. 54 Commercial STOVES! STOVES! THE CHEAPEST STOVES -OF THIS GREATEST VARIETY -AT- W. IIARltlSOX'S I T I I I N I AND STOVE STORE, orrosiTE BISHOP ni'XTEB-3 EAST TEMPLE STREET. rr Call and Examine; you are sure to be suited. i ANTI-DYl-iPKPTIC, COMPOUND BONE-SET PILLS liome-m.'uie acd purely vagctakla, TbeyTc!:eve -Tinn'ii.-o, DrFi.epfia, Icdittn-li- a. L-.vor C":a.i.nt, ueada'-he, Lom o( A i i iitc snd F-1 Su-a-.i h. will break up C- ids, Fevcr.. Cr.uchn. and Purify tbe Blood. Try -'1 '"i'-ld-i -h( S'."rn:tch, Renovate t c --v; ."-ni, nr.d -.i-ol I 'i --ease. Are boo d id al! e'er n rzrr P'.yne i ret- lei. Try a br,x, Y'ib i! l'.se ihr-x, a:,l nrvcr want any other I srt. f-ej :e io&io, Catharuo aid Ezpeo- I toranc Twer ty-f vece-.t-' rer b-t Twrnty- five Pill. Warrattca :o cii-e latif faction. I .1. K- JOIISSOS. hi- Mtarc, I ts Ar.-3 '.Id atZ;.-t't Co-n; eralive Storw i J hi other xfc.-j tjr. the Terriim. a!.o (ciid a; wriMfale or furni.'V.pd on com-mi?rion com-mi?rion to rvi"nihleiM.'OTils. If tneis mod-feiafts mod-feiafts we not kef. at ymr itorei, uk yooi dftrahut le oidu iAa 4t ono. 3. C5. B. S. JFL ! T J. I Xi DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, October 1st, 1872. Grand Fall and Winter ope :bt e rr & . Seasonable and Fashionable G-oods, Shawls, Cloaks, Sacques, and other desirable WRAPS. FULL LINE OF COLLARS. CUFFS & I ACE GOODS. SHOE DEPARTMENT WILL BE FULLY STOCKED. For more complete enumcratioD see our description circulars to be issued in a few days. . , m29 H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. UTAH NORTHERN Trains are now Running Daily, BRIGHAM JUNCTIONwith CP. R. R. HAMPTON'S 7or MONTANA. Dis GOING SOUTn I A.Tt. I p. m. ! Faro Dis. QOFNG NOHTII a.m. p. m. I Fare. Leavo Hampton's at 4:00 12:45 Leave Brigham at 8:i5 1 DewoyviU" 4:5 1:20 50 44 " Box Elder " 8:30 iiSi i5 U , " Eoneyville " 4:,W 1:35 75 LI " Calls Fort " 8:00 6:00 60 18 " Calls 1'ort " 5:00 1:45 90 14 " UonoyvilU " 9:10 8:10 75 20V " Box Elder " 5:30 2: 15 145 18 " Doivojrille" j 0:25 8:25 100 25 .Arrive at Brigham 5:4-5 2:30 ; 1 30 i5j Arrive at Hampton's j 10:00 0:00 j 150 i " : SPECIAL RATES TO EXCURSION PARTIES. ! PaBeonpora will ploase puroliase their rickets at the Company's Offices, Oi ! 50 cents additional will be charged when the Fare is ooU oted on the train. Amirjcements have been made with tlio Central Pacifio and Utah Contra! Ruilroad Companiofi whereby vmiriKcrs can purohiso Tickets at tho U. C. Offioe in Salt Lake City or O. V Office at OfS'len for B KMcr or Hamptoo'e on tho U. N. R R , and from Hampton's or Box Elder to Ogden or Salt Lake City at greatly reduced rates. Through. Connection as follows : GOING SOUTH A. M. ;P. M. GOING NOTtTIT. A. M. P. M. Leavo Hampton's at i:'K) 12:45 hoavo Salt Lake City, TJCRll., at 5:i 2:45 Arrive at Brigham, U. N. R. R. 5:4-5 2:30 Arrive at Ojtdon, ' " 7:00 4:45 Leave Brisham. C. P. K- B. at 0:10 2:30 l.oavo Offdon, C. P. R. R., at 7:15 0:00 Arrire at Ogden, C. P. R. R. 7:00 3:50 Arrivo at Brigham, " " 8:15 7:00 Leave Ogdon.U.C. R. H, 8:00 5:30 Leave BriRham, U. X. U. H., at 8:15 7:15 Arrive at Salt Lake City 10:00 7:30 Arriro st Hampton's " " 10:00 9:00 THE TIMI3 TABLES ARE CALCULATED ON SALT LAKE TIME. E FARES, Hampton's to Oirden, S2 "O I Snlt Lako City t Rnx FMt 2 loSaltLako City, 4 ,50 " " " lUiuiilun's I Box Eldor to " " 3 45 Ogdon to llaMiton-s 2 'J- to Ogden 1 45 " " Box Elder - 1 4 II. G. Miller & Co's Express loaves Hampton's every morning for Loac on arrival of tho 10 a.m. train, aud .tri-wtinkly, Monday, Wednesday auc Saturday, for principal FClllcmcDts in Cache county, returnirg daily fro a l Logan to conneot with the 12:45 p.m. train, and Howe's Express every Tn(.s. day morning from Franklin to Soda Springs, returning therefrom ovcry Fri . day morning. - - - s JOHN W. YOUNG, Gon'l Supt. J ixliixs Bauer tSs Co., MANUFACTURERS OF THIS DIPROVED BAUER ORGANS AND 1VE ELiODEONS. Everj Instrnment FULLY WARRANTED for FIVE YEAES Upward of 26,000 now in use, CATALOGUES sent FREE to ny aJJross Ua application ALSO IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN PIANOS anil ALL KINDS of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE JULIUS BAUER & CO., 650 Broadway, 390 392 394 & 396 Wabash Ave. NEW YORK. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS J. DAYNES.& SON, Agents for Utah, 1st South St., jj19 TWO DOORS BAST OF I'OST OKFICI NOTICE I Tio Genuine Offic Salt Lake City Gal Company, mn mm ton 42?"kS1".JHV-,"',7k" IliOM DITTF.lt CHREK. TUB pnb'ic ire hereby notified ihfct tbe A f5.HLakeCit7tJMComj.n7 will Pro- V"OW VH At.K t tc f.C. R. H.lDepo 1 hm1 forthwith to ereettieir work, icd will - ilHO Pr iwi iln 1 be prepared to farnifh Gu for iciipral ue EVANSTON COAL ftbont tbe lt of Januir? aexu Thoie de- ' i lirinic to use Ou in their itoret, office or A Per ton, by the : air C'' "I Wyomtni! ( oal 4 MInlntr.Con.p-, rkDremeou for metres s,nd strTi-e aj be metie. The price of Uu will be four dollar . , . , Dcllvereil to my part of tlie city i per one thousand cobio feet. KttitiaWt ( gc. DANIEL II. WKLL3, l President, i T a t at) cnvTytyw Ordcri roeiTed bj A KTHPR fiTATNE I . LALOH SHLURLl, ,u m n . w. Sl.t.,'. Bior.. o ' SapcmitCDdcDti door soalb oi Sarax... Pho.oKraphio O jfl2J lorj. a,21 CHICAGO TKADE. JOHN V. FARWELL i Co., WHOLESALE 3sr o t i o 3sr s, DRY GOODS. -ASD- -W- OOLENS. Largest Stockt of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sts . CHIC AGOJ my,s WHITE LEAD 170 t 172 R.WDOI.IMI STREET. Offer Spcx-ial irdnoomcntJ' to Urs buyer and'the Joboins Irad of I' tab Texritorr. i-lt K?tablhhed ISAM Williams, Miller A Olmstead, (Formerlv Fitch, Willismo i Co..) Wholoaie Dealers in Hats, Caps, jura aw Goois, 1 and VH MAKKKTSTKKKT, auslt "' . PACE. BRO. & Co., Importer ane Dealeri iol LEATHER AXD FINDINGS, 35 31 Konlb Cn .tr.fi, W. . P.st. Do.lon. rilH AKO, juris1 H. M. KNICKERBOCKER, (KormorlT f (1 Q. & L. LaFLi.t) Wh..le-ale PAPER DEALER, 80, 84 W. Randolph St., CIllCACKl, IL.LB PAjront for the ?ale o OWEN PAW.K Co's I'Al'KiiS, V.otid i'ni'er. 'Mho bet in tho world," 1'rint 1'ai'or, white and cnl"rtd. Flat rapors of all descrii'tion., Knvolni'os, Card Board. Bill. Lettor and Hot lleada, Slalom outs, otc 1 A Most Complktk 1'ri.stkrs Stock. SATISFACTION QUAHAS TEED iuy SEEBERGER & BREAKEY, Wholesale Dca'cn 111 HARDWIRE Si CUTLERY, 38 anil 40 Luke street, CHICAGO, tft. Order by mail solioitcd arid satib taction guaraDtccd. j7 Damon, Temple & Co., .Importen, Manufacturors and Jobbers of JSTEGIC-TIES And allOoodsfor GENT'S NliUK WEAR, LINEN AND PAPKR COLLARS AND CDFfS, III ai-d 113 AVaba.h Ave. jr: ciiicAoo, 111.. . "Tho Old Salamander." REMOVAL, VAN SCHAACK, Sl'VVtNSON & K'hiD, DRUGGISTS and ; Paint Dealers, 1 fluve rcio.iv-d to thi-ir 'ew Rt-rw, U'4 aiid U4 LAKK SMILICT, c-rncr Onarburn Sirnoi, tt,i, tne old nr.) n I Jt, wr,nre, with liuil'hi.KH ero.-iod eiirraxiy tur the hii-iHFM, Sir-,.ii K ttv.t r. oto.. they have to iho miri lnu'ti. l.-iai attoutiof, given to Territorial buMuees. j y 4 tA. D. WE-LcS c CO., Maoafaotureri of aud Wholesale Uealen i Id .Boots and Siloes, OIH Wxbiili Ave, CI.Ica.Ko. M. D. Welti, U. J. Martarlanal. H. Benedict, oM b. V. .Motuiyre. i KIRK, COLEMAN & CO. W anufaoturen and doalon la IRON, NAILS, IIea,Vj? llRnlwart, 1 Wagon .nd Carriage Wood block, And Woetern boadnuartert for BURDEN'S HSRSE AND MULE, SHOES A.Dtl ly'orthtvcXcrn Uorae Aa.Ha, etc. 31 and .ttt South Canal Stroot, vn UHJCAOO. PIONEER MANUFACTURING CO., Manufactureri of Perfnine! Toilet and 8 JI A V I J u SO A I' S, .11 and H 8011th Canal atrooT, OIiIcko. Till 9. F. Sw.i,l're..lenl. Ii 1:011 (J. W.iur.,rtei;ieUry. A. JI. Meeker V Co., PIG IRON AND COAL 1 At Lowen Market Hatea, Wabaah ATenne. J" OHTCJA O ( t '. beerihb's mm mm KIKE and r.l IK.I.AIl I'ROOK Tha Beat Safe In the World. HERRING & CO., 46 Smlo utrcct, tnd oorncr 14 th .tree! !' Indiana Avcnuo, o ii i c a o . wtV '! No. 716, 717, 71ft aDd 721. t, LNDIANA AVE. CH lCAt.O. A III lit ir mill I'millc f- TOBACCO WORKS. lt lt of a few of our leadini brand. FIN' CUT IHiW'NG FlM UT SMOKING V' A- I-. bent Hr.mo. AUnntic, B -lnofl Purine, Wild Htmm. Champli.lt. i Ilohart, Dwellr k to., Proprletort. |