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Show SPECIAL ADVERTISEMEXTS WASTED. A WOMAN TO COOK. Enquire of Mrs. Jos. M. Taylor, East Sin street, second sec-ond house north Ihoatre street, cut side. sl2 OFFICE ROOM OX MAIN STREET, BE-twocn BE-twocn 1st and 2nd South streets, a large, well lighted room on tho first floor suitable for an oflico. Address Lock iiui iiai, P. U, 8 10 TEN GOOD HANDS TO WORK IN THE Canyon. Apply at tho Utah Lumbor Yard, Third South a trout, J. J. Thay.ne, SOU LOST. OR STOLEN, OX SUNDAY EVENING, from tho Bull's liond market opposito the Walkor liouso, a clay bank horse. Any person per-son returning tho samo will bo liberally ro-wardod. ro-wardod. 1C. M. Uriitith, slO FOR REST. AnOUSE, CEXTRALLT LOCATED with "Jo furnished rooms, suitnblo for hotel on reasonable terms. Apply at this otlice. so NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALT LAKE THEATRE Thursday Eve., Sept. 12th '72. ENGAGEMENT of tlic popular young actor flirt Geo. D. Chaplin. By rcnest will bo repented tho dramatization dramatiza-tion of lennyetm'i beaut ifdl poem, entitled ENOCH ARDEN. To conclude with Brougham's great burlosquo of PO-CA-IION-TAS Friday Evening, Sept. 13th, 1872, BENEFIT of Mr. CEO. D. CHAPLIN, Will bo presented tho last now sonsation drama, entitled STRATH MO RE, OK WROUGHT BY 'HIS OWN HAND, and tho great burlo3iuo of ; At tho old stand of riao "GLOBB," EAST TK QUALE STREET, tdjoininfr tho Co-operative Grocery Department, Depart-ment, whoro can bo found everything in noir Imool business. and they hope, b y strict ttentton to tho wants of thoir customers, to ontinue thoir patronage and support. Pure JUome-mnile Cumliei Hietllty. )RDER3 FILLED WITH DISPATCH. DUTY OFF T.E A S JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF BEST BRAND OP GUNPOWDER AND ' Japan Teas AT REDUCED DUTr. Our TEAS for quality are'provcrbi-I. are'provcrbi-I. Via make it our epeoial study, 60 lat tho public cau always depend on 1 uality and priocs. C. W. DAVIS. RICKER'S kittle Was her, T,ll BE T AND CHEAPEST is im- MARKET, Only $7.00. . C COLTRIN, Agent, irimoni. l;lth Ward Co-opomtivo Store p'i,Moy' laaoory, inh Ward MISCELLANEOUS. b. a. Rm c- REED Sc KING, AUCTION AND CCMMISS'ON MERCHANTS, FrHST SOUTH HTHUBT, Wcat of Kimball A. Lnwrtace'i, SALT LAKE CITY. Liberal cash advancoa mad on consignments. consign-ments. -a TRUSTEES SALE. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIIAT THE IN undersigned will soli, at public auction, in front of the Hanking Uouse of A. JV. "hue Jc Co. , on East Temple street, in the eitj ' of alt Lako, Territory of Uah, on Friday, the Mih day of September, at cloven 0 clock in tho lorenoon. the following described property prop-erty to-wit: An undivided interest of One Thousand feet in tho mining property located in Porcupine Gulch. Bingham Canon, t Mountain mining district- bait Lake county. Utah Territory, known as the Miter mil ldc or mine containing twenty-four hundred foot "V'ho interest offorod for sale and to bo sold atsaidtimo and place is the same interest convoyed to tho undersigned by Deed or Trut, executed by Charles II. Morgnn as party of the first part, dated tha fourteenth day of Decombor, lS71,tosocuro tho payment of certain promissary notes thoroin sot out, from said Charlos II. Morgan to t-il" R; Boobe, tho party of tho third part in said dood of trust, which said notes aro now overdue and unpaid; said trust deed was on the samo day rocorded in Mortgage Record Book C, pages S71, oTi and j73. in iho County Recorder's ollico of said Salt Lako county, (to which record roforonco U hereby mado for further particularity). , . Said property will bo sold to the highest bidder for cash, the money to bo paid and docddolivored immediately after tho sale. A. W. WHITE, Trait tee, i SaltL y. August aatq lb"l a30 STOCKHOLDERS MEETING THE FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF the mock-holders of the Victoria and Imperial Tunnel and Mining Company, for the election of Trustees tor the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business busi-ness asmay properly come before it, will be held at the otlice of tho company. Room 5, No, 3U2 Montgomery ttreet, San Francisco, California, on Toursday the twellth (12th) day of September, 1872, at 2 o'clock p.m. Transfer books olosed on the lUth of September Sep-tember and until alter the meeting. Wk. U. WATSON, Ueorotary. San Francisoo, August 29th, 1372. a31 YOTJRj LABOR. HAVING HEARD MANY ENCOMIU MS PAB3LD fro-l COLBY'S LITTLE WASHER AND AV E I N GBR, By those who have used them, as being ex-ceedingly ex-ceedingly easy to handle, durable, and cheap, I have secured the Agency for Utah. A shipment has jost arrived 1 and may bo seen at my store, next to Savago'a Photograph Photo-graph Gallery, Xtlxi Street, : SALT LAKE CITY, Chas. W. Stayker. A largo and splendid aesortmeot oi goods expected daily, due notice will be given of their arrival. soM WJ.WILKIXSON, W. I. WILKINSON, FIRST SOUTH STREET, Between Kimball A Lawrence's aud tlic Meat Market Fnmtllei will do weU to Imy all their UnOCKKIKS lierc, and have tliem taken home FREE OF CHARGE, BOOTS, SHOES, PARTICULARLY - Laths' and CmLDRr's SHOES, ?2ZAVlf AT COST; 'HATS & CAPS AT COST. WALL PAPER, C lie ape r titan can be sold anywhere elie In the Territory Carpet Warp, Woolen Yarn, Etc. a " DEPOT FOR THE Salt Laie City Woolen Factory. ALWAYS ON HAND Heavy and Lipht Jeans, White Groy and Plaid Linsies. Flannel Kerseys. " Doeskins, Cassimercs, uStookiog Yam, Etc, Eto. W. II. WILKINSON, 801.1! AGENT. r JUST RECEIVED hPerambulatots, Express Wagons, jHobby Horses, w &c, &c, &c. sa l; " A FINE STOCK OF CIGARS TO BE CLOSED OI T AT "WHO LES A. Xj E OR LY THE BOX 'AT OOST- CTF.A,SUGAR,COFFEE, SPICES fc GKOCERS SUNDRIES KEPT CONSTANTLY ON BAND. BREAD, ?r CAKES, PIES and CRACKERS W 11AK ED UN THE PREMISES EVE XV Y ID J- "ST JJ AND SOLD REASONABLY BY Daniel. Gkenig, EAST SIDE EAST TEMPLE STREET. Abort Socood South Street. I aujti . . ' ST. LOUIS TRADE. .A,'!!-:J.7., AltK L"ilXn!TKILY THK Cheapest to Buy, Best to Use, 1 Easiest to Sell, and never fail to give entire satisfaction. HAVZGt A FULL STOCK OF COOKING & HEATING STOVES FOR TIIK USE OF BOTH WOOD AND SOFT COAL. and especially: adapted TO THE WANTS OF THE WESTERN PEOPLE 1 We me prepared to nil order promptly at prices that will be at-tufactory at-tufactory (o the trade. Our stock, and niisortmrnt of STAMI'KD, JA- ( FAXXKD and FItENt'U WAKE, and 1 TINNERS' Stock U one of the lnrg-rt lnrg-rt in the Wt, and we GI'AHAN-TEE GI'AHAN-TEE OI R PRICES as low as (he same elaas of goods can be purchased anywhere. any-where. New Prlce-Ust now ready. Addrsiiti EXCELSIOR MFG. CO., 612 & 614 Main Street, ST. LOUIS, IY10. SEMPLE, BIRGE & Co., B-A-HNTT IjOUIB, Manufacturers and Agents AGRICILTLRAL GOODS, Hardware Specialties, WHITEWATER WAGONS. Office &nd Samples: 13 SOOTH MAIN STREET, Warehouse: III 114, 116. 118 KLM STREET. HAYBEN, WILSONS & ALLEN Msnofftotaren and De&len in Saddlery Hardware CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, BENT STOCK, LEATHER, Etc., No. 5 lie North Main atreet, m7l9 ST. LOUTS, MO. $300,000! ' MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. ' Legalized by State Authority and Drawn in Public iu St. Louis, Grand Single Number Scheme. - 50.000 NUMBERS. Olatt I, to 1 Drawn Sept. 30, 1873. 5,880 Prizes, Amounting to $300,000. lpriM o(950,OO0 SOOprizNofS 100 1 prize of 13,450 Spriiwof 1,000 1 prim of 10,UOO 9 prizes of 5 00 1 price of 7,800 9priz-sof 300 4prisor 5,000 9 prizes of 250 4prisMof a, 500 3Gprizeaof 800 90priteot 1,000 36 prizes of 150 I Opriieof 500 lSOprineaot 100 ' 40 priiMof ' S50 5,000 J-nieaof 10 Tickets, SlO. Half Tickets, S3. Quarters, S3. 50. Our lotteries are chartered bj the State, are eJweji drawn si lbs lime named, and all drawing are under th inperrulon af aworo com raiaaio ae nt. 43- The official drawing will be pcblished in tlie St. Louis papers, and a copy lent to purcluuera of UckeU. Ay We will draw a similar scheme the last daj of eTery month during the year 1ST 2, . Kemlt at oar rink by P03T OFFI0E MONEY ORDEES, REGISTMiRBD LEIIliB, DRAFT, or EXrRlSSS Bond for ft circular. Address Ad-dress MUHtlAY, DULL EH. A to, ' , Post Offlce Box a46. ST. ZWfSf &0 mrn . , WuSWELL & CO., JOBBERS OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, And 3 very thing in the way of JEWELERS' SUPPLIES, 306 IVest Madison St., CIIICAGO. solQ LOGAN DAILY STAGE LINE CONNECTING TVITII UTAH NORTHERN 11. B. -AT- Hampton's Station. ROUTE TO SODA SPRINGS. Daily Stago loaves Hampton's Station for Logan on arrival of tho IU a. in. train ; Connocting on Monday, Wednesday and Friday with Stapea to tranklin, Wollariilg and all iDtormodiito towns in Cucho; and Connecting with a Lugo fur SODA 8 P R I N G S i Which loaves Franklin every Tuesday. H. Q. MILLER & CO., aultf Proprietor!. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS -IN- DRY GOODS, Wisbiog to close out our entire DRY GOODS DEPABTMBNT, W will offer our largo stock of Staple ai Fancy dry goods & notions -AT- PRIME COST -roil tii E- Next Sixty Days, KIMBALL & LAWRENCE :alkerbros. ctNNiNOTONico SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. UUalker Biro's & Co., s;'KaNe; (Successor to Hunter, w Co WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL DEALERS IN Importer and Wholesale Dealer, WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. 4SB' rt Also Arenw for Joseph 8. Finoh's " celebrated Penaarlfaai - - - RYE WHI8KEY , j i , i r 807 and OB PTontSt., near Jaeb.. Have a splendid stock of ban vkabjcmco. :0REIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, BRANDIES, GINS &C, E1",L in rTTTT BEST KENTUCKY WHISKIES, i,,,,, lulia goods and general groceries . . r 213 and 'Mb Front Street, ' And ao immense quantity oi c n. 1 san rranasco, an DASi: LJQUOllS AND 15 ITT Ell S, AND HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. Having opened an EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR HOUSE and seeping TLTE LARGEST STOCK EVER HELD IN UTAH we offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. Solo Agents io Utah for J. II. CUTTER and S. T. Suit & Co's celebrated Kentucky whiskies. WALKER BRO S & CO. au2i Ono door East of Elephant Storo. BUM POORS, STATIONERY, SEWING MACHLXES. m HB ii CALDER & SEARS. - ! We aro Afreots for the ARION, STEINWAY & SONS, CUICKERING & SONS, DECKER & BARNS and other leading makers, and respectfully invite our Patrons and the Publio to call and examine our mock of the above named instruments. We are also General Agents for tho MASON & HAMLIN world-renowned 'CABINET ORGANS, Which we have proved beyond all doubt to be tho best and most suitable organs for this climate; and have also the WOODS, ESTEY, SMITH and other ORGANS in stock. I Wc have the Largest Stock west of Chicago of Musical Merchandise, INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL STUDIES, and everything required hy Amateurs, Teachers aud Musicians. MUSIGAL INSTRUMENTS. Oar Stock consists in part of PI 1NOS, AC'rOItnEON"S, CONCERTINAS, DOUBLE II SSES, OIU. VNS. I-lKI,tUIANS, V!OLt.( tl.UKS, NAltK DKUh, VIOLIXS, UL'ITAKS, FL (iKl,ET IS, B,! D1CIMS, BAAJOS, FLVTINAK, PIfOLOS, VIOLAs, Etc., Etc. MUSICAL MEECHANDISE. Piano Stools, Violin Strings, Guitar Strings, Violin Fnrnlshtngs, (lultnr lurulslilngs, Acoorilcou Furul-inings, Drum Eurnisl.li.es, Tuning Forks and l'lpis, .Hunlt Pnpcr, BluiiU Music Hooks, aud lards, Mutt AIuslc, Instruction Books for all Instruments, Etc., Etc., fe.n; . We aovo secured the servicc3 of Professor Carcle", so long and favorably Vrn in this community, com-munity, thai our patrons may have the benctit uf bis proteiiiumil trvice3 in making thoir selection of instruments and musical iiiiv-nandise. BOOKSTB STATIONEET. , Our Stock consists in part of The Publications of the American Tract Society. Miscellaneous and Sub- crlptlon Books, Blt.uk. Book of all description!., IuktnnU, Mrltlug Inks, Steel Fins, in trrcnt variety, Pen .Holders, Pcneils, EnsllsU Pocket Kulvcs and Scissors, Mnuu'a Patent Parcliiuvut Copying Books) all qualities and it eights of Note, Eettcr, Cnp, Bill, Legal, Flnt Cap, Folio Post, French Note, Initial Note, Envelopes, all sixes and qualities, Card lionrd, all colors. Foreign Tissue Paper, all colors, Drawing Paper, Drawing Books. SCHOOL FlliMSUlXiiS OF EVERY DESIKIPTIOX, SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTS. Wo have a largo and splendid assorted stock of Cards and Books from tho larco Publishing House of T. Kelson . Sons, which wo oiler ai their regular Wholesale- and lletail prices. L. PRANG & GO'S PUBLICATIONS. Having been appointed Solo Agents for Utah, fur tho sule of their maeolfieont Cards and Books for .Schools and lor tho Parlor, we aro prepared to furnish tho Trade and chuul Committees Com-mittees from our stock of choice selections at tho Publishers Wholesale and Ketail juices. THE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. We respectfully invite tho Publio to oall and examine our Sewing Machines before purchasing elsewhere, which we claim to be the best, cheapest, and most durable in the market. Wo guarantee every Machine wo soli to give entire satisfaction. All are warranted to sew, with perfect case, Beaver, Ducking, Ticking, Denims, Domestic, Cambric, Linen, Muslin, Lice, &o., and will Tuck, Hem, i'ell, Braid, Bind, Cord, Gather, in fact will do all kinds ot work. A Five J'urs guarantee given with each machine. Instructions tree by an expert oa the premises. s3 DUiWf?DESi!S. MAMMOTH BOOT, SHOE AND HAT STOKE. WHOLESALE & HETAIL. Orders Sulioited from Town autl Country, nntl promptly ami cart-fully filled nt the very smallest possible itia.'Siii over cost. M WHITE 8) I'UOI'KUTIKS IT IS UNLVKHSALLi! ACK.NOW Bt-Dt.hl) 10 HI. rUK STANDARD. FAHNESTOCK, HASLETT & SCHWARTZ, l;)7 First Ave.. UITTSBUHGlf, PA. FOR SALK Br G. LL I. AND OIUKB DKALKltS, jc2'j PARSER, WATTSON & CO. (SucoeAion to Weil k Co., Importers and Manufacturers of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 223 and 225 Front eU, cor. Sacramento. 15 SAN FUANC1SCO, CAL. E. A. FARGO & CO., Importer and Jobbers of Branto, fines aM lim, 310 Front St., cor. Commercial, D. B, mt. i'-i5 BAN FltANCIfxi JACOB UKDEKIIJLL L CO., IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, Sole AgMiu for EanJora-iu Bros 1 Oo'i OA8T fcj.'X'iJJfcJX l-'Uesa, Mouse Hole A nvtls, Collins, tt Co's C. S. sledges, Picks, Axes, Ac. 118 120 Mattery Street, Han J-'mneUn, all" UMESA.fOlCtR. 0.SCHS11A1I. J. A. FOLCER & CO'S PlU.NJsibK bTKAAl COFFEE AND SPICE lM 1 L L. aS, No. aO rroui Ntrcet, Betweon CaU.orata and Saoratneato. I a!3 SAN KKANClSCt, J. BAUM & CO., Importers uitl MsJiufkctnrera of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. HA'A Dsuiome it., San Francisco. No 18 Warren SL, New York. ft Jlumiess Saddlery, -Leatlier. J. C. JOHNSON & CO., 104 if !06 Front Street, SAN FRAKVJSCO. JCer by prrmListon lo Mr. II. B CJute-won, CJute-won, AitjiertiUcndmU of Z. CM. I. atf A. B. ELFELT & CO., impost Kits xso JOBBEaa of; Clothing and Furnishing Goods, lOtt AcllO SniiMOnitj (street, SAM FRANCISCO. SLFfXT, LEVI i CO.- . W Charoh Bt H. Y. all LEWIS BROTHERS, CIGAR MAfiUFACTURERS, 213, 215 & 217 Battery St.. SAJi FKA.WISIO, tii. Careftil and prompt atleouoD paid t 1 orders eatruauMl touurcarn. . ai2 Bstablishad in 1851.J C. VENARD, M aoafaotuxer of the Original (Jhartres CoiTee, A?td all kinds of .Spices atui California Muntard, 6i5 and 627 From Street, between J action and Pacific, bAH FB.A.CicCO. ii HECHX, BRO'S & Co. BOOTS, SHOKS&. LEATHER 104 dt 106 Sansotne St., San J-YanrUco, And 8 A 12 Pearl Street, Bostc- "trnt- tjDAun" caiifskhia sojts anb tKJii.f aU MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 216 Battery Street, SAN FRANCISCO. UAllA'ESS, SADDLES A N D Ij jb j t h e r . The, best atock and lowest prlcea on tlie Pacific Coast.. Special attention irivea to orders fromUtak. ali A. C. DIETZ & CO. iMro&Txss or JPJLISTTS, OILS, Varnishesand Lamps, No. M FHONT STHEKI, BeLSacraoDtCaUlomU, Sasa If ranelMS A. J. OB1FF1TU, Dealer la SS " U""' FICJaljJOD ca. KM OKBX SALMON AND HERRINGS, 11 Washing ton Street. AU kinds of Dried, Smotsd aud F:cilcd f Jb oouudUj on haud. li LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of Foreifn aod Do-meauo Do-meauo 1'anor and upla DKY GtOODS. Depot of Q-kU Manufactured at th Mission aiut racijic MUU, aWoit-iaWi 645 4L 543 Alaxk.t St0 Vr njl8 Paris : SB Kae De L'SchiflB E. MART. ft & CO. Wholesale Lipr Bealeri, 408 fe'rout Sireat, 8v Vraaeli" Proprietor! of BIIH.F.K'S KXTKA OJ-0 BOVKBOi Andiolo aeenUfor , r. CUTTtR'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WKlKW CoMiantlr on hand, a faU etorUBtf all the ard Brands of Whiskies, Vine Brandls rorelfjn and Domestic Wines. m5 UllUrl, Cordls-l- (. RICHARDS & HARRISON, J to porters of MALT LIQIOK OILMAN STORES, 314 dt 310 Battery 8t.,S Fraael' Awits for CVoet BlaclcuKi: Z;yUii OrW J. J. COLMAN'S MU5TARD. Huntley i Palmer's Reading BittV I. S. FRY & SON'S CHOEO. ATE CCCCA. AKDllKU ISLAV SCOTCH WIU51, ( JUt LK'I TitAUki cfj HK': M A 1, T 1. llj U O s-JOULE'S s-JOULE'S STONE kit,. Totincn,'., Sotoli Airs mod's lr'!fjl'1' Cham.tn. Ale. 1! 1 t N ' " ir1si",..tluinno." loblij;l"L llv,,.' l.on.lon l';.er, Tor.-Boat's Tor.-Boat's XXX tout. linos, s Loudon t'orlsx. ror.tgsi l.l.r. I cw.s, ft3 |