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Show MEDICAL. NEW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage," for the Debilitated Servona Sftttm. J. T R. JORDAN, of the Anatomical MaKam, 818 1 J M,t.u..iuT7 ilrrrt, (nor C-Jifornla.) BAN IV.ANCISCU, Jifurni, hj jebhtil foarof hi Ci'-: inip-.ftit koiI luatructiie LCtara, In Tnlfimi". for tho who cm not tlnd to Lnctarea t tbfi Mafim. Ery anmnned od mar nod man sIi-juM rtvl and Xailj tbew Important Lecture Lec-ture fur lli" jCMjd if hinwclTand offiprlng. l!j BiMnninf crlsrj of tho Anatomical Mu-nra, tUn franc iico, and enclodag Twenty, fiyo CvnU la pcxUice turn pi to p7 Ptag. the Book will be forwarded la any pert ol the dlalef or Territories. Dr. Junl&a can te consalted by Utter. j6 W.F.ANDERSON, M.D, H, J. RICHARDS, M.D, Surgeons and Physicians, Offices, for the present, at their TetpeetiTe residences in the 13th aod Hth Wards; luS 0. C. ORMSBY, M.D. PHYSICIAN. SDKGBON AND DKUGGIST, - - RKIOI1AM OITV. UTAH. HOTELS, ETC. TGWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OV UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR.. This House U centrally and pleasantly lo-( lo-( ated, well famished, and hM aooomraoda- tioDifor 10 ruests. TUB PR0PRIKT08.il now preparini o build larce additions to his Hotel, wbieh wh ea fl nlahod, w Ul rnJ-er It the Most Complete Establishment In the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil WALKER HOUSE, East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Open for liic lieccptlon of Guests Monday, Sept. 2d, 1872. II. S. GREELEY & CO., l'RUIMUCTORH. n2) TAYLOR'S HOTEL, West Side Main fUreet. IMPROVEMENTS Constantly being made for the accommodation accommo-dation of Guest. HOT AND COIJ) BATHS. TAYLOR & CUTLER, my 11 Proprietor!. AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. OMM BLOCK EABT OF TUKATBE, SALT LAKE CITY. Termil3.00 pr day, Board with, out room la.OO per week. Dkthi free to gueata J. O. LI T.", innM Propria tor. Washington House a.' I lira Hoiitli street, HALT L AKK CITY Board and Lodging, per Week 7 00 Uay Board 00 Prtuoh Hprlng Deda 3 00 Beds, per Might - SO Aleale - ... BS JH New Commsrcial Loipi Rooms, 45, Oomraorcial at., Salt Luke City. 0. W. TAP PAN. Proprietor. O P 10 N ALL NIGHT. Spring !!, as, 3TU and SO ote. per llit 11.00 to a.0Q par Week. Single Itooini, SO and 75c. per Nlght a.UU In I4.SU pr Week. Double ilooma, 91.00 to 91.90 per . GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, O.X THK KUKOPKAH PL All. Pita ted In buslne part of the olty, with accommodation for 200 guests, IMRST-CT.AHS accommodation for Families A and Travelers. Uoami, 00o., 7fo, $1.00 and 91.80 per (Uy. Dininc Hell and Restaurant under the DiiininioinoiU of M. U. Uoardsloj-, Uto of the Morrison Houso. Om.he. and Tlohnor lUiuro, Lincoln, Neb. Uoarder weak, tT Meala, 00o. Ptaitwi leave daily for the mlnee. Laundry oonnooted with the hotel. SMITH dL BIOAZK, Proprietor. Right About Face I Co-operative Store Keepers! AND 0THKRS. VVhoIwUh toiuauin thoi.br wkmrtl.bor 7 Live I BUY UP THE WOOL! thor.br ...a toai-MU. ot th. Bon.yyou ll h.o t paj for irouod-.o h.U. rui. etc.. to th.ih.r. of Cloth. Itom the .mi. WILL PAY YOU TUB IHOUEST W HAKKSr PRIOB FOR Wool? .Id .oltrou Oooda for tho Lowost Cwk Iric .nju.rwit.o tj ixtiol., m r.pnoaiW "'..llio; EXCHANGE CLOTH roi PHOVX0IONS, Whore we can make them available for oar indjtasd receive tlteoi and the Wool at roux otorcj. We are making, aad tare oi hand. READY-MADE CLOTHING, MINERS' SHIRTS, etc, FULLED CLOTH, of firt-elM tyl and quality: alio Jcane, Ltn.ey., bottl pI(lin and f.inpr: K anels 0f Sn eoior?: t'ot-tonndr, t'ot-tonndr, tVnon Covert, Table Cloth- toweling, Ducking, Btyckliig Vkin, all wool snd part ontton. Knncy woof 'arn, for Kntttinc, t-tott t-tott Uniting, and Carpet Yarn, to., He, etc Pndo ountlrM on Lnnff tlo bot aojored otoeioolfoT1"4 WOrkm,Q Vha JOSEPH iilRCII, A"aCofa 2 Ri0 Vi1W ManufMtoriM jgjj0- oU Goo rge and WaahLufloa. NOTARIES PUBLIC, WM. V. GILLItFlt. W. W. WOODS GILLKSFIK and V00DS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. AcKXowi,KD;KiHfN'TS taken for tho several STaTEjJ aSU I'KIIKI XuLlHi, Office hour, 'J i, f., in 9 r. M. lioo-" N'o. 5 ever First National IJank, calt Lake City, L'tah Toiritury. i5 Jas. W. Stainourn. Ch.u. A. Gould. STALNBURX & GOULD, NOTARIESPUBLIC, Searchers of Records, xsu COlIJIISSIOXERd OF DEEDS FOIi Now York. Mae.iehaso't., Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, luw l. Ncbraaku Wyoming, Wyom-ing, iluo'ii"a, Scvadiu Ciiliforoia, Orecin Tc-x-a, Colunido, District ol CoiuuitiiLi and L-(.ii or ti tales and Torriturios- Bie Applications for PatonU, Minim Deeds, Aaroeiuenifl and liunila nr Do ode. MortKftiros, I'ownrs uf Attorney. Lbo-im. Contriicts and oLhor instruments of writinr drawn nb nd lisiiatoh Mining and otlter o -u mala In. iorpor.n" ilia Liwinr Utah, Abstract of Title- to Miuina and other proi'er'y mudn in thB mo t i.mputo form. Bl In In k property examined and re- PoVfick0"t B KID'S BUILDING, EAST TEMPLE dT.. bALT LAli.ti Cll'Y. U. X. A Notary Public always in tde Office irum 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Transcriiitfi furnished f am tbo r"t Mining Records in the Ouumy of 3lt Like, to ifit; these el" the jl'mutain Lkeilinii-e District (now Bill and Ll tie Co Hub wood Districts), and from the- uf ihe big Cotton wood M m-ihk m-ihk Di-irlot. ui;21 CHAS. VV . fjTAYNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qualified and couimiwiiouud by the Onv-rnor OfGcolst door south of Savao's lhot0(rriih Oallury. auk L.ikoCitv. inS2 NEW Y0v FhAiifc. Cochran, McLcaii & Co. Importers und Jobbora of DRY GOODS, Wkl.e noil s, Il .sUry, IVotions, W colons, Linons, Ltnbroidorios and 462, HH and liki JJKOADWAY, t b. n. wmujir. SLW Yoitli. iuya) RICC, GOODWIN, WALKER & CO., Importers kind Jobbors of SILK AflD FANCY DRY GOODS, 0 and tTiiJi liroadwar NhW YORK. W. Q. BAKNKY. jab L. M. BATHS & CO., 4S1 Broadway, SEW YOK11, nroBiiKi i!Ti joDBise in Fancy Dry Goods, HOSUIllY, WHITE eOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE KOI IONS, ic. J. H. BU1.QK11. Jol BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers and Wholssalo Doalers In BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and I3S Grand St., Kw York, Corner Crosby, ono bluok oast of Bicadwa dU JEHIAL READ & Co., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in FUR AAO WOOL HATS, Straw GoqUs, (finbrdlis, tfcc, Mo. 40H, U roadway, t NEW YORK. Jo. Jim Hunter. fa THOS. fti. ARGALL & Co., Men's, Youths' Boys' and Children's O Xj O T H IW Oa AT WUOLKSALE, 313. 31i Uroadway, ,nT York. J. I. OOWLKB. f27 HOWLANO & ASPINWALL, 54 South Sti-eet, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. Will advance liberally on coualgn-menta coualgn-menta of Ore ami Uulllun. Bullion iurcliaaed at lilglieat market ratfk 27 I LEGAL N0TICE. VOTICR 13 HKHKIlY (UVEX. that wo. Xl UoorRo Ufnr,-t. ,l...b II."?, t'vriH U Uawlof and lt..ln-rt C Cti'iiubcr.-. d." clnitn Iwentl-twu tiuti iTi' 1 teel iu lonstn. by two hundred fact in widtb. n tho HmorMc;.'! .MiniDg Claim ibeirik- nM.vor b;irinit vom ni" rwk in pliiooj and tin- Und and i-r onuses appertaiiiiiiK to mid tuino, -ill situutod ui tno Ohio MiniK Dittriot, 0 nty Piulc. Territory ol t.'tiib, tlio loo.itiu-i and otont ihorrot boms uiut la. ly di:nbed m fvllows, to "it: Cu-minonoiut; a; a p.,irit smith soventy four dosroo- amt thirty uiinntc cajl, tw.i thousand thous-and f.'ur luiiidiivl mid o-tflity iJ,Im) foot from V S. .Minctnl .MunuimiH 'i. i. thence nortO twrnty-two It 'in .red ( :.-U ) feet. Thence oust two hundred iJi tror. 1'honce somhtwonty-tivo hundred .J loct. 'L'ncnco west two hut d red i") toi to iho place of be nmnii'h'. t'on auunn ten and ton hnn-dredth hnn-dredth UtUiXi) ncirn u -rt i jrth in thu diagram; dia-gram; arid wp do hereby Kivo further notice, that. havniK occupied and uu-rrovd uu-rrovd tbo fa d K Jo and rr mi?cs, according to tho lo;al custom and rulcV of miners in f.;id AtiiuriK Di-iciet. aud hariDK exren.lcd in ao u-l labor and improvements im-provements tlioton, an jiuocut not iott than Ono Thou. and Do lars. and having at 10 is time actual icoeab!o poe?Flon ot fa id I minim property, wo have andicJ for a j patent for tho said jitouiisc. uinier tho Act ! ol' Conitrc euiitlod "An Aci .-ranl'iiK the 1 Rieht ol Vt'y li Hii.-h and Canal Owners J over tho Publlo Lur.d.. and for other i'ur ! P0'e,'' apiin'vcd July lU, lvk. and the I amenda'ory Act, approved Ju y 1.i7l. at ! A.'t of Con.Ttc.!. approved Miy U', lST. entitled "Aft Act Li vroiuca tho aovoiop tnent ot tho Mineral rotourcos of iho L ciied States.'' Wunfs our hands and soais this twentj-fouiLb. twentj-fouiLb. day ol August; bTA tilOBv.t UlLl&aT. J.v uo 11:--. by R. C. Chauiii rs. his u y in fact. I'd.'. P. AL1.V. by H. C. L han.ber-, ins at t y m fact. li. C. Cuambi.!;. MSi r. s i.u,d utiicc. I f '':e'- ty. t t .f. AJb-. -. l.;. Icerliiy th.it ; ..o ,ib-vC n.-ticc ar.d a -i iiih-i am ofthoM 'l Mi:u:ik t'i.iuu ihn d.i y lilea I in ill is l't vi. tc:!icr u i: i a n.'e .i m ten I lj..a to apply !u.- u p..' cut .hu,e ..r ir.ua tho I UovornL.0111 ol thu I tt.'-i st.i;o , s pro- I Titled ill :n Act or. ill od X.'.i erii;ini thu Kir ti; I .iy to li.tch an J t'anmtWiiors.iVLT tiio V :i ' u- Lids and l-r i other i'urpo-c-," ,i j.-.iv.d j,,,y j., v.., Ji .miciitl'd by Ait of f":i-re-s aiT.vo,i lily U. !"''. a:: Ac; t' L n ct app r q i M.iy It liTi cnii!i..i "Aa Act to ; r.'u:.te ' Lhe ovoiopnie::t of the Miamt resources cl tijo I IlitCd mt.c ;." I I dirrct 5::ni not i.'j to bo nricted in tho (Alt Lako "Hcrlti,' a nowp.ior published aoaioit tho tooation ol tho cuiw. GEO. R. MA-VKLL,Kosiiter. LEGAL FRANK TILFORD, ATTORNEY -AT- LA W. Office at present with S. J. Jonasson, East Temple stroot, just South of Quit Lake House. at J. B. Rosborough, S. A. Memtt J. M. Carter. Rosborough, Merritt & Garter, ATTORNEYS AT L A W , Salt Lake City, Utah. Office. 1st South Street, first building oast of Petrel Lank corner. ag 2i WIL HATD03, c. K. Q1LCH1I8T. HAYDON & GILCHRIST, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, SALT LAKE CITY. Office over 1st National Bank of Utah. al2 TH03. liARSIULL. J. C. SOTLE. MARSHALL & ROYLE, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W. j Office over Wells, Farfiro A Co'i Bank, Salt Lake City, Utak. al A. MINER, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR. Quito Kesidm.co, Second Sonth street SALT LAKE GITY, UTA1L AH kinds of local buaincaa promptly at-ended at-ended to. i2u GKORGK C. BATES, ATTORN EY-AT-LA W. C. MY HON H&WLEV, Attomoy at-Law, Clerk of the 8n preme Court and fern to rial Librarian. J. W. HASK1H8. Office in Kimball's bLooa, near 0.S. Mor-jU Mor-jU shal's office. CHARLES G. LOEBER, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW. Offioe Room No. 6. over First National Bank, Salt Lake City. my!2 C H Uompstead, M.Kirkpatriok, HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorneyi-nt-Lur, Main Street, opposite IVolle, Fargo k Co., SALT LACK CITT. alO P. L. WU.LIAM8. LI OSANB YOU K0 WILLIAMS & YOUNQ, ATTOENEYS-AT-LAW, Office, half-a-blook south of Thoatre, Unit Lake City. jl2 Z, SNOW. t D. HOOa. SNOW S. HUGE, Attorneys and Oonnaaiora sit Law Salt Lake Oity, Dtah. OtQceat Snow's corner, lit Kast Street Joi IHOB. PITPH. Q0. I. WHITSIT. FITCH X WHITNEY, ATTORN KYS-AT-L, A. W, 36 First Sonth Street. f20 SALT LAKB CITY. ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW, No. 36 First South Street, & Bait Lake City, Utah: JOHN B. MILNER, AT10RNEY-AT-LAW, Provo City, Utah. Collections made La the 1st and 2nd Judicial Judi-cial Districts. Special attention given to Mining eases. Office at residenoe, Coutre SL Provo City, ib Warner KarlL F. M. Smith. EARLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT LAKM 01TT, First Sooth Stroet. Hoomi 11 and 12, No 106. Kimball Block. DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORN E Y-AT-LAW, Bait Lake City, Utah, Office west sido of East Temple Street. d27 D. OOOPER; ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOB, Kost Temple fltreet, Colebrook's How Building, ap-etalra fn28 C.LT Lill OTTT. . Sarsaparilla a la widely known "sr Su as ono of tno moat y fl flwh. eu"ect'llfllron:iedies r m 0 v 8 r diacovored --' 'fffijp system and puri- 11 haa 6t00d th0 TgS test of yeara.with a constantly grow iiiR rojiutation, bnsod on its intrinsic virtues, and suEUtinGtl by its romarkabto euros. So mild as to bosafo and bono-Ucinl bono-Ucinl to children, and yet bo searching as to eltectiifily purge out the grat corruptions cor-ruptions uf tba bluod, such as tho scrofulous scro-fulous and syphiltic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in tho syptom for years, soon yield to Miis powerful antidoto and disappear. IIitco its wonderful euros, many of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, ,4nd all scrofulous diseases, Uterrs, Eruptions and eruptive disorders of tho skin. Tumors, Blotches, Boils, Pimplts, Pustules, Sores. St. Anthony's Fire, Kse or Erysipelas, letter, Sa t Rheum, Seatd i Head, liinytoorm aiid Internal Ulora- tinns of the Uterus Stomach and Liver. It also cures other complaints, to which it would not seem especially adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, female Weakness, )-' bility aiui LeucorrfuMo, when thoy are mtkmfe&tations of tho scrofulous poisons. It is an oxcollont restorer ot healtL and strength in tho Spring. By renewing renew-ing tho appetite and vigor of the diges-tivo diges-tivo organs, it dissipates tho doprossion and listless languor of tho season. Even whero no disorder appears, people feci hotter and live longer for cioansing the blood. The systom moves on with ronowed vigor aud a now lease of life. PREPARED BY Dr.J. C. AVER & Co, Lewell.Mass., Practical and Analytical Cbomi.t,. . For Sale at Z. C. M. I, DBUQ STORE. 2j PATENT S NOV 30v-' 135fl - WITH roRCrXAt-VLI-NED CAP, Trt. aoit Kelt.bl. FRUIT PRESERVER Known. For Sale at loo Qrocery and Hardware DEPARTMENT, S25- O. JVE X. H, B. CLAWSON, Sap't. iil9 INSURANCE. AGENCY OF THE Home Mutual IflSniiXCE C0MP1Y '' OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL .-- - $650,000 JOEX If- REDINGTOX, Prcaldent. CHABLESB.NTOBI, Secr.tarr Principal 03a, 433 California St. SAN FRANCISCO. H. R. MANN, Agent, Office: Banking Ilotiso, A. TV. White Co a2 TRIUMPH FIRE IXSITOE CO.'S, CTNCINNATr. Capital ' - - $3,000,000 Reliable Underwriting. Perfect Indemnity. We ask Fair Ratca and Promise to Tay Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah II. It. MAiMV, Affent, SALT LAKB CITY: OtBcei Banking Houae of A. W. White it Co. P. U. Hi 1 FIRE INSURANCE. HUME INSURANCE CO., Columbus, Ohio. M. A. DADUUEHTY, JACOB PEETRi , PrciUoou Soorotarr. Casli Assets - - $S71,1j2.S1. By reason of a heavy cash capital and a large business, well distributed, we offer to the pnblio indemnity that is second to none. Our Chicago r coord is a guarantee of prompt and oquilablo adjustment and payment pay-ment of losses. H. R. MANN, Agent. Offlcei Banking-House of A, W, White Co. Post Offia Bo, No. SM. mrlO mm INSURANCE CO, J. B. BEWETT - - President. B, I. WE.SX - .' Secretary. Cincinnati, Ohio. ASSETS, JUNE 30, lbT3. Cosh on hand, in brink, and in course of trans in is." ion. $111,308 57 United etatoslionds, market Taluo lii.liif 09 Mortsagos 36U.W0 H7 Collntontl Loana.1. 12S.4S7 01 Acoruod Interest , ; aJ,iiJ2 5S Hills Keooivablo . M.1M7 15 State Bonds and Miscellaneous 5i,iil7 W Duo from Agents 38.0b7 63 tsso,uoa to I.IAIKMTIKS. OntsUnding Losses and other Lia bilirios $77,711 W H. R. MANN Agent, Omcei Bank Inn; Ionse of A. W. WlilteACo, 1, O. Boi, 354. iy28 S "HI Si, CD W f O a J a'Jei -I ! m P g 2 aaai 3 C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSH1TH TOOLS, AsjfTteltral Implements And n In tap; Tools, AC Lowest Rates. OPPOSITE SALT LAI HOUSE RAILROAD EXCHANGE, NOW OPEN, Southeast corner of Sooth Temple and Third Went streets, opposite the Railroad Depot, Earlj Broaifast for mornins trtir,;. . Vano Lnnoh from 11-30 to 2 o'clock. Lands Baakots for travelers furnished on a few minutes' notice. ice aEAM BUJIMEH UItI-IvS. r. HAJIERyiCK, j" Proprietor. BOOK-BINDING. TN CONNECTION WITH THE HERALD 1 Office is a Bindery whore all work in that line will be attended to aiptdiuoaJjj &ad In good. iubtafiiuU.itil.. his high calling. He claims, with many arguments appended, to sbofl the justue-s of his claim, that marriage and priesthood are by no means an tagonistic, and that his step has not been inconsiderate or hasty er fron noforiery peekine. MILLINERY. NOTICE. Great Reduction In JIILLLINERY GOODS ! SELLING OFF! MRS. C0LEBR00K. Palace of Fashion, Wishes to lnfoiTn tlie. tad lea that she la now offering her cholee assortment of Hats Sonnets, Incladicg tho fare ri to DOLLY VARDSN, At cost price to make room for il.Xj ooouds. JUST ARRIVED LADIES CAPS, BLACK H.N'GLISII CRAPE, BABY HOODS & NOTIONS. ray 17 SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Special Notice. CARD TO THE TRADE. TUB Mission & Pacific ffoilen Mis, Depot, "oa. GIT A- 510 Market St., SAN Fit AN CISCO. CAL.: Offer to the trade a Lvce and Well selected Assortment of Woolen Goods, Manafao lured at thoir celebrated Milli, , Contiatiog of . BLANKETS of every (fcacription; HORSE BLANKETS and BUGGY HOI1ES; HOUSE and SLUICE Bin-ti lectins?, various widths and dualities; CUO Tlld, CASSIMERKS and TWEEDS of every description; GENTS', LADIES'. MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SHAWLS' in grout vnrioty ; OPERA and FANCY" FLANNELS; SHIRTING FLANNELS ; TWEED, CASSIMERE and FLANNEL SHIRTS and UNDERWEAR, WATER PROOFS and RE-PELL RE-PELL A NTS, various ah .das and stylos. Km it All-Wool und Merino Uxukkwear and Hosiery for man, women and childron, K3 FKCIaLLY adapted for tho PaciLio Curs I. Woolen Yarn in all shades by tho package. All Goods in our lino manufactured "to ordkr" at short notico, and at tho lowkst market jiricod. FriooLbu sent on apiiliontion. MISSION aso PACIFIC WOOLEN MILLS Depot, Nos. 017 A 510 Market St., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. S. L. Stanloy, 0. C. Chapman, John Spruanoe. SpruancB, Stanley & Co., Suroeaiors to H. Wobjtcr A Co. aud J, 3c J. SjirtuncQ, Importer an i Doalerj in WINES AND LIQUORS, 10 410 FROXT STREET. HENDRIEBRO'Si rTETH for Churches, Milts or Hotel. co Desks und Cciuntor Fining, from our f?k. or made to nrl.T in the ni"n o ennnt nncr. DIkECT rOCt'ST ) rt bit- in Utah. orado, or ott.or western S'atca and Torn- irs. snu'i- it thi very lnwtw freights, and SrviNG hi;tai LRUS' pkofits. .end for iltustnito i CiiI.ihihuo. Snnt free, idtiregs, A. II. ANDKKU S & Co.. 119 and Went tt'whinKton Btroot. Ca ICAGO, ivlH (Jon S WAGENER'S OTTLED BEER, ALE AND PORTER, the Cheapest Rat os and on the shortest ;ice. , .eave your orders at the Depot of the j ifornia Brewery, Sa. 54 Commercial bu U6 0VES! STOVES! rjIE CHEAPEST STOVES ofw -OF THE- ""'reatest variety llO AT wuV. HARRISON'S s, TIIINI lis; -AXD- yjTOVE STORE, Ira, OPrOSITE BISUOP HUNTER'S ;;;AST TEMPLE STREET. " Call and Examine; yon are sure to be EST'-1- A Th?' LiiMTOUND BONK-SKT PILLS An Uomm.le and purel; wct.tlh J iy r elieve i-ini ; -e. Dy?j-eri, Icdieei-i. Icdieei-i. Liver C'wnat, Oca'ia'-.iiB, Loin ol fl, ti:e find F-.i.l h. will hrek ap x,Jl'. Fever. C.-nsh. atd Purify the Blood. er "--'I -he M'lnr.ca. Rcnovaw Is n-yFL'm, aitd 'ii'j'el Dijens. Arejoodm P-'cf whsrr Pfirne if reeded. Try box. iu; :u wli lise tbcrc.ar. 1 never wantany other t. -ey re Ionic Cathartjo and Exreo-Cl.Unt- ertv-eveee-itr rer b-x Twcnty-fi vaPiUi. ft'aTTaf.ea ;o sire mtufuctlon. K. JOIt.SSON, ht. Otorc, L't d r-.'.i atZicL- Co-o; orative Storw i J "'-"f-r a.-r-.,y t'r i-jut ihe Territr,,. :r lo .'uiJ a: tvn-.te-ale or furni.'bed on coai-ision coai-ision to irfpfnitilerjoTiis. If theae med-fulti med-fulti are not ken at yr-ur stores, uk yoar rahsat u ordu them t ono. ; ARRIVED THIS DAY A BIG STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Consisting ofEverytliins In the Staple Line; also LATEST STYLE LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Which wo ire offering- at VERY LOW PRICES. OUR GROCERY STOCK IS NOW FULL; AXD EITHER Wholesale or Retail WE WILL SELL AS LOW AS ANYOXE I.N T11E TKADK. Taylor & Cutler, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. GOODS DELIVKRKD FREE Oif CHARGE. N E W OA BARLEY AND WHEAT, CRACKED CORN, STATES OATS AND CORN2 Extra Family & Common Flour, AND ALL KINDS OF FEED, BY THE Car Load, Wagon Load, CUEAPER THAN EVER AT KNOWLDEN'S, Where all ivantlug clienp grln go, he luakri it point not to be wide mold In the mrket and nttenda personally to ahlp ping to all points of the KdllroaA, mining . cam pa ndcltj FREE OF CHARGE. Iealcra should nliraj-a learn hit prices before piircbnwl njr. Ilenps of grain dtc-, ttvna on hnml. bee him. O.U. KPiOWLDEiV, OPPOSITE W1XW, FAItUO A CO'i Expreaa Olnec, Mln Street, SALT LAKK OITY. a!6 BULLIOItf. Hijiliest Price paii for Billion, OrKvery Oracle, by w. t.;richmond k co. iuyl7 Offioe. 16 Kimball's Block Summer Resort. THE PARK HOUSE. TWKNTT-FIVK MILKS EAST OF SALT Lake City, is now opon for Guests. Mr. Wm. II. Kimball bos porfooted bis law stage lino to tho PARLEY'S PARK MINES, Blno Let" go, MoHonry, Uintah and Xlowland OiBtrioLs; also to Maj. Gordon's Military A oaeh will leave Wells. Fnrgo k Co'a fRoo dailF. at 10 a.m., eoinmoacing on WeJ-lesdav, WeJ-lesdav, Julf 21;h. A Hues will oonneet it Kimbai's Park llmno, tho followinK nomine, with tho daily o ach tu tho mines. Saddla animals furninhod to order, fishing and Hunting abound. - IV M. JLi. Kill BALLt Proonolor. JOTT, DUMIA3I z & CO, OLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS If iON & STEEL, ICHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, - AND ALL KINDS 07 - ININC TOOLS, rought Tuyers, "'E ALL RI.NDH OF FITTISOS FORFl'RXACESA HILLS. UARDWARE, CA3ELL0WS, ANVILS, AND OTHER - p'ACK SMITH TOOLS, N PIPE. ?1PB FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, 65l RUBBER PACKING. AGE5TS TOR looker Pumps, ,yl'airbanks' Scales, j -ireproof Safes, i. S. Lubricating Oil, ojortable Forges, jALL LOW FOR CASH. whom it may concern .boi lirii. and.Ttinwl. claim .nd' own d tw.ivo handrJ Jceu iuclndm, .0 w Dd ibrfe ( ). in the Tilur It.do, Pnil, Coiunwood. c.n,OD. and bold lb. TuiOiT doM from tba origin., loc.torm. .v. crmpli.d vilh tb. l.H, of Lo du i btoit r. pwit. Pof m. h.r.bj o.Dtioo .1 p.r.oB, notto or b.rur lor i.id ciftiu.,, wilboal BASSETT,) Admlni.lr.lor. oi th. " - J utAU of Anthony Ivto. , o decoded. . 10.5 "rss. Z. C. M. I. Shoe Factory-iD Factory-iD EP .FtTIEKlSrT, 99 East Temple Street, SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. We respectfully In rite the att ntion of the Public to the DISPLAY OF BOOTS and SHOES, All oux own make in oar ' XXAXDSOHE NEW SHOW WINDOW Earing esUbliihed a reputation for E13CODE1IjIj31IVOEI in Stjle, Quality and;Fit, We Intend to mainUtn it by continuing to manufacture roods that wo can GUARANTEE. BOOT and 8UOE MAKJiRS, You will find hora 1 EVERYTHING Required by the trade. In the shape of LEATHER, FINDINGS AND KiT, At tho lowest rates, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. ' SADDLERS A U iUN ESS MAKERS Remember wo make a specialty of Horse Collars, Of which ire always keep largo .assortment of the boat" and cheapest; ILARXtSS LEATHER, and all other kinds, at Lowest Tricos, wholesale whole-sale and retail. YEaresMlingtaoabovo classes of goeds Remarkably G'heap, at present, preparatory to renewing our atoe.lt for Antnmn anwt Winter Trade. Orders by mail rocoko earoful and prompt attention from Mr. CBOMPTO.V, ' whoso lengthy experience in the trado enables him to aoleot roods that will satisfy obx patrons. . REPAJRINU DONE. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT. H. B. 0LAW80X, 8np't. JUST RECEIVED -BY- TEASDEL & CO., EAGLE HOUSE. 65, 67 Sc 69 East Temple Street, URGE AND W(LL SELECTED STCW OF STOVES, STOVES, STOVES, WHICH WE ARE NOW NEM.INO AT THE VERY ,OWi:st MARKET PRICES. We lied to call the attention of the Public to onr aiiortmtnt. I THE LOYAL COOK STOVE. THE GARDEN CITY COOK STOVE. THE FAVORITE COOK STOVE. THE ARTIZAN COOK STOVE. The Peri Parlor Stove. The Opal Parlor Stove. The Cirri Parlor Stove. The Orion Parlor Stove. Complete with all dcnriptlona of Store Purrjichiogs at Teasdel & Co's. BANKERS. First National Bank of Utah SALT LAKK CUV. 8 Special AdrrrHtrm'" o Third A. W. WHITE & CO, BANKERS, EAST TEirbl STIUCKT, St L.k. cur DejUen in GOLD DUST,C0IN AND BULLION, Exehanoe on all tne Principal Otiict of the United Slates and Europe. Particular attention fiveu to Collections, and proceeds remitted at Current rate of liicnanse " day of payment, GEO. E. WU1TJS KY, Attorney. COHKK3PU.tOEl.TI1 BDkofCdirortda - - - k.Vo-V CwTk CAtmtv National Bank CblcKO HtU Bnk V Bute Bank oi Nebraska - - 'f iMkTdkereti Sal; LakeCity, Utah' Tol iJank has organised a SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. ndwili receive deposits M one dollar nd uowards. on which in afost "ill be allowea t the rate ft eihi er eonL (r acnuaa uouipottndedsomi annually. SALT LAtK tlU'K KatioiSal a lull .lt JUa-lte City, Llul 'rr. Authorized Capital $500,000' Beig. .M. Otl'ifU, i'.e..ilen. IumIi W'llt- llrr. tliufSra. Kimt'"' "ifs tt.irnoys. CORRCSPOMOlnTfcl NEW TOKK -i!;T "I'c,. dAN PKANCIiOO Cal.f .rm- ,. ut t-o. OUNDUN-Jay Cwoko. Mci-uUvon A O-. WELLS, FAKGl) &. CO., EXPRESS FOHWAliDEKS, BiiiUersaud Oealnrsiu KaClian?e UraKc-iw Kuro,ie. r.un'uen Collections promptly tto...lod to. ID .at Temple street, Otty m12 iHio. if. rsAUT. Aent. " Bank of Deseret t.'OOPER, ELOREDGE & Co., Ooreet xt Temple and Wrt Uoath 8treeU 8AL.T LAKB CITT, UTAH. PMD PPCAPITU, . lSn,O0O UK 10 HAM YOFNQ, P'oii,lent1 H.8 RLDKRDOE, Vioel'res. WM, H. HWPKH, JOHN HHAKP, weetera, FKttAMOKZ LITTLB, .I.UlLLa. Cashier. Deal n GOLD DC81, COIN, KXCHANUB X.AND WARRANTS, COL. LBQK SCRIP, 4o. CollootitiQS made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. MORE ARRIVALS. "ff ffr Different Sizes and Styles of DOORS. 27 Difforent Sizes of WINDOWS. The most complete Stock ever brought to Itah, AT LlTIMRjmoiUCO'S LUMBER YARD, SASH and DOOR FACTORY, FAR WEST FREIGHT CO: Head Hurten, RULouli, Mo. DURAXT &CUTTLNG, KORWARDITO COMMISSION MRCHim AGENTS! ALT LAKK CITY, UTAH-. WE are prepared In contrast for uhlp- menu from all pnrts of the Kant, onr Linahavins made peoial arrannaonts for w, .re offerinr extr. Indao.m.nta for th. poiLU10 ""illlullion to all Sutorn 0ica iB w4,not)ni! Plr.t block outh of Depot, .sic L.k. Cltr. DttttAST A CUTTIUC. |