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Show RAILROADS. G. P. R. R OS ASO A FT Kit HKITKH ItKK US tli, 17 4, T H A I D HII.L I.KtVt; ViilH.X 11 AIL. If AH llll I.O WN I 0fl:wKi I'lLM-nr Train f..r T-m,, (.'.KlilJ, W JjJ..:ili'i':.:i, U J.i.iwofl!l, tn... Mar,iilli, ll-xLim -.r r,t,:lIn), r.A. r.iiu-.nlu, .if... k t-.m, L,.iiir.t'. M'if.-.Ml n. r Y',-iimij, 'In r.,(i l'-,r AnclMj, .-..m J ..so ; an.l .-.an i-riiii.:ui;.., - - - VJI r-M- 1 OvorUful h'fiiyht and Ar.mnK.da- ti.,11 Irani l;c ;un I 1 - - .VAl r.. A. N. T'JWNK. T. if- OOOhWAV .lu'l 3ui,'t (inn. I', 1-4 uini Ticket AtfciiL GE;. 11 hh:i:, Auor, .-' lt f.ak f.'if?, (jiih-.i uli M joliall A Cartor, ftyor W. V. AO JJ UTTili RAILROAD. Trains run between ISiiidiani Junction will. C. P. 14. K., LOGAN. On ari'l alir 1' '.ibruiirv ll, 171, Dnilv Truim, I.-nvn l!ri-'liii liin.lioii i 1 !" Arrive HI M.Tiiii.li, !: ' An. .a ..i. i.-iU I" tl I,.miy.i I ,..!..; ii Arrm..- M ion :' Arr.vn hi Itutl.niM I-J; I'.-m- t. ci.nncct with train for Jndun and 3ult LnU. Trains Run onJJalt Laka Time. om" Stiiire'i n.nnfiet with Trains to and frnm Norrlnsni sottlmauiiU ia Caohn L'uuuty Tiu- W1.KHI.Y, I AltliSi Butwoon Unn undult Luka f;"i M !! Miml"n and .Salt Lako I OiM.-ti 2 7 Hcduco.l Kate lo Eaourniou Parties, Pa.saei.KorH will pleaHC purchase their Tickets at the Oflioort. lir all Information concerning- I'roiidit or llUaltu, mil l" t Cfl AS. NIItl-KV. UeiiM-al Front lit and Tiukot Aent. JNO, W. YI'N, Jl i llen'l Suit. UTAH CENTRAL KAlLHOAI. PI0NEEI1 LINE OF UTAH. IkuIEy Train Leave Hull Luke City at r. a. in. and 2:46 p.m Arrive ot n-lcD 7 n. n. mid i: lf p. m. Laura Ou'litn nt -4 it- in. and ".:.'(" . ill. Arrive'? !t Uko (Mt in i.m. and 7::I0 p.m la addition to the abova 31 x rase oojo rrxxj-x.jsxm WLU ran DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEiTKD Leaving Salt Lake City at S a.m. and 6.30 p.m., and Ogdcu at 5 a.m. and 5.50 p.m. lMiKr will pls Pnrhi tlxlr Tlkta t th UfDa. Flftj Centa addittottRl wfll bo oharcvd nhon tbo (uro ia oollitcted on the tru'n. For all Information ooneornlnt frelfht of pMiaico, ai'vly to .1 S. NHAItl', 4jDrairreitit and Tioket Ax't JOHN SHARP, UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. On unit ntXcr l)cccmbr ttOtlt, HA1JLV T ISA INS Loavo tho Utah Central K.K. Dopot, Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and p.m. Arrivo at Lohi at lJ a.Di. and 4. oO p. uu Loavo Lohi at 9.oO a.ui. and 5 p.m. Arrive at Salt Lako City at 11.30 a.tu. and 7 p.m. In addition to tho above MIXED TRAINS Will run daily, Sunday excepted, leaving the Utah Central R.K. depot, talt Lake City, at 1 p.m. and Lohi at ft a.tn. l'afeiners will please purchase their Tijkots at the Offices. Vil'ty cents additional ad-ditional will bo ehargoi' heu tlio i'arc is collected on the uain. Foralliat'oituatioa coneerniof; freight or iaa;e, apply tu JAS. SHAK1'. yn. Freiflit td Hoat Atent. JOU. MIA Kl( SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Harness Saddlery, Leather. j. c joifssox d- CO.. 10-1 .)' lOti Fr,tnt &r,; t, Kr r pwi...Wt. la Mr. II. It (7mc-Ol (7mc-Ol $4imnienirU u' IA . C. Jf. I. olb Einstein Bro's &. Co., M.infiwtn.Tf Mid I in porters ft" BOOTS & SHOES, AcJ J-ale.-i in LEATHER. FINDINGS, Etc., batter Y sT t:trr. du t.U k'UA-N CISCO. 3. P. KOLDEN & CO., COMMISSION MEKCILVSIS, K3 SANSOME STREET, 8A.N FRANCISCO. iOBJgTING. Tho varied wants '.of tne MI.1ER, ARTIZAPf anil I K AVKI tK to JOB PRINTING CAN BKJ FILL F. I) T TU HERALD JOB OFFICE. Tho unanimous Katiufaction givoo by tlio work dona at our office in the past had jtufiGod tu in coDtinually importing im-porting all the Newest Attractions with which to please our patrons in Elegance 4ND Style, and perform Job Printing to oc mimrc favorably with any importation importa-tion in ln line from the East or West, Anything in the nature or VAMPHLETS, l'OSTEUS, snow CARDS, , . MINING BLANKS, BUSINESS BLANKS, CERTIFICATES, ' HANDBILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BANK CHECKS, COUNTINGHOUSE WORK! RECEIPTS, BALL TICKETS, . CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS, CARDS. ETC., ETC., done to onler in black, colors or.fgold. We do not profess to work kclow ooet, nor work for the sake of working, nor give baits of any nature, bat by a system of calculating prioea, make a rule to compete with outside Quality & Figures Salt Lake Iron Co. CHAS. ROOME, President. IlJN'HV J. DAVISON, Seoreiary. MANVI Sltf.Ei.; UK MiMNc: x nr.Li(; .iac'iiinkisv. Engines and Boilers Mad and Repaired to Order. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, MODEL WORK. Agricultural ivrfxcliinox-y-. Orion l'romMly Lx;u'.- I Ln a Wi rV m ar Nl.e iUllir. Old Cat liva Buuht at tho liiSl.it ilar-t i'tuv. - 1. Y. SL'TIIEliLD, Manager. jH , VOKki : Ulotkbouih uf itrut- P. O, liux, M, irxxliULiS Bauer c? Oo., GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED KNABE PIAMOS. 9 THE.'BEST for Touch, Tone and Durability now in use; ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF THK FAVORITE BAUER PIANOS. EVERY INSTRUMENT FULLY WARRANTED FOR FIVE 7ST EARS. HLVNUFACTDREUS AND IMPOIiTERS OF BAND INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF ' ' MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. CATALOGUES AND PRICE LIST SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. JULIUS BAUER & CO., 650 Broadwnir. . 30. 392-3B4 &. 3f Wabash Avenue NEW YORK. CHICAGO. jyl8 ... :' v Grocery and Hardware Department MONITOR, CHARTER OAK, NEW ERA, LOYAL COOK, Also a great variety of other COOKING and HEATING- STOVES, comprising com-prising tho largest assortment to bo found in any Btock in Utah; prices Tory low, onll and see. ooUU H. B. CLAWSON, Supt. GROCERY DEP'l Z. (D.'lL. X. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, . Hardware,1 ; ' Plows, " ' " J !;' Stoves, -. , : -. ! Crockery ' ' Glassware,-, Tinware, ! Miners' Supplies.' . : We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a tew Leading Articles at low rnces, AIL 'OUB GOODS AEE QjrfEAP DEALER! IN THE SETTLEMENTS AND MINING TOWNS WUJ. FIND IT TO TDELR INTEREST TO CALL AND ENQUIRE PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. .',",.. MSI II. B. CLAWSOI aBn.rj). Z...C. M. I. Slt Lalie City, GENERAL MACHINERY wagon"dep6Y,J COUNCIL HOUSE YARD. NEAR THE TEMPLE BLOCK. Pitt's and other Tlirasliing Machines, M ood's Mower and Combined Maeliiue, Excelsior Mower and Header. AVorld Mower and lleaper, Champion Mower and lteaper, Suiky llakes. "Welcome" and "Superior " Turbine Wheels "Eureka" Sniutter. Cane Mills, Machine Extras .' ! ! iS.Uark the Place- COUNCIL HOUSE YAfiDT. SALT LAES CITY. We arc cspscric;; an ini3ie4.a:o shipm-.-nt ; hs well tnowo anJ "SGHUTTLEXl WAGON," I The factory having ju? ?! f ir'y rizrir.z ?ir :c th v RFAT CHIOACO FIRE I H. B. C 'WSON.Snperintendent Z. CM. I. SIIOEFACIORY ; DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, or THE - )t I G -gOOT GENTS' BOOTS, i - . LADIK3' BOOTS, ".' . . . CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENTS' SHOES, 1 ' ; ! LADIES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SUPPERS, , LADIES'" SLIPPERS, i; . ;' CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For fin weather or stormy woathor; for walk-inn, walk-inn, d line in c, workiog, sfahklio, oliubing, nding, iiahinjt loinini:, etc.. eta . . A Irto iwid cbcico lusortmont of tho iibovo, our own miko and imported, at tho most roa-aoaiiblo roa-aoaiiblo uriuos. . .. We make to order any atyle and quality desired aud Insure att faction. OLD HOOTS ;, ASD SHOES Made, a? good as now alinoat. SELLING OFF OUR OLD STOCK BELOW COST! Sole Leather 1 : Upper Leather ! Harness Leather! Imported Calf Skins, Amerioan Calf Skins, Morocco and Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, JJT3 "KIT" OK ALL KINDS!! HORSE COLLAES! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail! Order, by 51.11 receive .ptel 1 md prompt attention. HIDES AND "WOOL BOUGHT. H. B. CLAWSON, Sap 't Sewing Machine. "y7 K respectfully invite thb Publto to call and see our excellent v:uleiy o. Sewing Machines IN Plaiii,15eautiful and Elaborate Styles of "WorknuMisliIp AND QREATLV lMl'KUVED WITH T11E FANTON CASTORS. The Total Salu of the SINGER MACIUNU are num THREE QUARTEUS OF A MILLION. THE WALKS OF LAST VLAH, ' 181,260 Ad evidenott that it ia fast wLatiiDif suiirouio fnvor In Iho hirusohuld, Tbo SlNUKU Comvauy sold ovor the other Companies, W,7;u. $Kitf Tho Chicago Relief Committoo furnished aullerers by the Fire to March 18, 1872, 3,94-1; 3 Miigcr Itlat'llilies, all other makes, 7-J3. Applicanti made their Belootion, with same discount on all. OUR BALKS LN UTAH EXCEED AN OTHER UOUSE IN Tliift BJflWLNQ MACUIISE UNE THIS SIDE OF CHICAGO. Wo coortoouBly invito thoLadioato sue our Hmbroidery .ttaolLimoiit, It attracts general attention and udmire.liuu. We also dcsiio you to boo our ' TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS QU1LTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, SUITABLE SOR ALL KIH1I8 OJT B11UTTLK SJJWlNa MACLUNJSS. !AM7"K GUARANTEE EVEKT MACniNE WE SHLL TO GIVR T-lNTniK HATrwRA ( TT tion, m each one is thoroughly austod, triud iirnltoMlod by o.xporiuucoil Moohiuiioe aDd allaro narraolod tosowith onso all knida of svodg, from tho coaraoat to tho finoHt, K-ace, Musliu, Cauiliric, Domestic, Deuims, Tickius. Ditckiug, Beaver, BucUskiu auil Leather.'. IHr Inslruotion givon free of charge by com potent attendants, and torms P sale to suit all circumstances. OTHER SEWINC MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASON REA-SON ABLEJTER MS. Wc oxtend a oordial invitation to all to COME AND SEE OUR MACHINES t Whether they wish to purchase or not. . IT THE SINGER SEWING MMIMB DEPARTMENT 2 Cm Tfl I. General Agents Two doora south of Eaelo Emporium, Sat.t IjAkb Cmr. MEDICAL. NEW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage," j ' ' ' ' ! For tlie DeblllUtcdflervoiu Syrtm. DR. JORDAN, of tte Anatomical Uoiwnm, 818 Montisomory Btrooi, (near Califoruia,) BAN FRANOISOO, Califoruia, bu palilinbeu four ofliia moat imirorlnut And itjaLractivo Loctnrea, in a mt To In me, forthoB who oannot attend tho LecturuS St tbo M'ltonia. . Jtrerj maiatrled aud inn mod naa shonld rMd nd tody these impo-tnut Loc-I Loc-I turae Tor tho good orLlmaflTftad ofTuiiriiig. BjaddreatliiK tho secretary of tho AaAtomical I Museum, Bun Pmnciaeo, and enclosmg Twouly-! Twouly-! I io Ceuta In puatago b tamps to pny TioataKo, the Book will tie for warded to any pert of thodtuteo ; or Torritoriea. I Dr. Jordan can bo oonvnltod I '' d7 UIVIOIS PACIFIC RAILROAD TIME TABLE. DNT1L further notice, Trtiins will leave and arrive at Ogden Dnily, us follows: j Litivi. I Arrits, Daily Bpreas.8-30a.nl. Daily Eip's.a lOr.m. Mixed. - 6-: p.m. Mixed, - 2-35 p. m. froiffht, - lO-'ii a.m. I Freight, - Mo a.m Daily connoctione mado at Ofiden with Utah Central Pacific lioad from Salt Lake city and all points ia Southern South-ern Utah, At Bryan with stages for Sweetwater mines. , . At nhnnnn-Killli Dflnra, Tof.;r, Railroad for Denver, Central city, GoorRotown and all points in Colorado and Now Mexico. At Omaha with Chicago and North Western, Chicago, Koek Island and Pacific, Burlington and Missouri Kiver, Kansas city. 8L Joe and Council B lulls Railroads and Missouri KiTer Lino of Hummers for all points East and (South Tickets for sale to all points East at office of Wells, Fargo & Co., East Temple Tem-ple street, and at the office of Utah Central Cen-tral Kailroad, in Salt Lake city; also at Union Pacific Kaitroad ticket office in Ogden, at which office bertha on sleeping sleep-ing cars can be secured. Arrangements have been made whereby where-by passengers desiring to visit Denver on their way East can avail themselves of an excursion rate from Cheyenne to Denver, and return at greatly roduced ratea. H"or particulars and all information in regard to passage, apply at Ticket 'Offices. 'Of-fices. . Passengers should be careful to secure their passage tickoLs to all Eastern and Southern points via OMAHA, and thus avail themselves of the advantage of a through sleeping car, comfortable accommodations ac-commodations and quick time. TUOS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket A gonL T. E. Sickkls, Chf. Engineer and Superintendent is Herald Bindery OUR BI3TDBRY IS PKEPAFED TO oepair. ia a workmanlike manner, Albowi, Old Boalca, etc., et., A ad Bind JLAiiAZLN& PERIODICALS MINES FOR SALE. DR. PAUL GREGORY owne four oicollont sih'or minoa within ono milo of oath other. Wood and and water idontiful on all of thorn. Tho minoa nro rioh. Uros running from C 100 up to t;7UU por ton, can bo outninod from ouch of tliom, in payiaB (Uftntity. Tho crorico of tho UrUrtory lodo i3 twonty-sovon foot wido;a Htroiik of four fcot will run SOUU nor ton. Uoinif desirous of aondinp homo ti nico prodont from Utnh, i will soli an intoroat in ono or nil, orsolliillat lHiruguroa. Each lodo contuinR Ir'W foot, and tho UioRory lodo is down 1UU feotnnd looks lino. This lodo ia directly up tho Kuloh Irom tho Ontario ono-liulf milo, and tho sauio distance below tho liowlimd lodo, in Jiluo Lodge Mining- dialrict, Wasatch County. I havojust inovod my camp to tho Wild mil cabin, wuoro I shall bo ploasod to show zoy They aro nch now claims and but liltlo known, and Lho Joaloujy, I rorot to say, ox-laLing ox-laLing umongatthoao oivninn claims horo, to a groat extent, havo koj.t thoso Booking such property from calling on mo. I ask capitalists to jmo anii fleo" aklv y011 3,11 promiao i i "I PAUL GREGORY, M. 'D. louruiilos from tSuydoririll IRON & STEEL. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., '' DEALERS IN . '' WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, AND ALL KINDS OF MIMING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PIPE AAU. KIXI OF 'ITT1NJS I'oit ruir.vAtxs .t 3iii.i,.s. HABD-W ARE, BURUKN'S ntmsio Mrrr.m ! ' ' - ' SQOKS, BELLOWS, ANVILS, ; " ' AND OTHER ' BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BEASS GOODS, ,'..'.". RUBBliRPAUICNO. AGENTS FOK Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Hercules Powder. AU LOW FOK CASH Ammonical Preparation For lho Proroati ,,, Komjval of Uoilor do, tcait- - FAB WEST FPiEI&HT CO. Uaad liunrLera, St. Louli, Mo. OUUANT &CUTTLNC!, l'OltWAKDIAJi .1I1 CO)DIISSIO. )!EiU'IlA.Ti , AGKNia ALT LAKE C1TV, UTAH. SrET JT'1'31''"1 1,1 c";,'ir'".'' ' hii-LiBebaisB hii-LiBebaisB E.viV- rT'V'-iu' lit ni fli.Et-ij iraa-p-rt.ni.jt.' -,f ,', Fright fr-x Nr.-' V- rk. L j. L-, ;,r. ,-o f.h.caifo. tt. Lou i'.l Extern CttiMJ''n sal;Lake-;:j. fbir-cciat of Ore oad H-l.- n to" ;i"r:i.rn poiau. 'Jrncx 4 isK.i fr-Kirn ijiotk outh nf Ltiot, Kr.ll i.aUr ( it y DLUAJIT A r( X J l(;. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. BMACONDRAY & CO., Importers of MSA & JAPAN TEAS, SHIPPING ANX' C01YIIY1ISS10N MERCHANTS A' I and .V'. SANSuM E STREET tiA.N 'RA.NL'LCO. Wo uro con-itantlv in receipt of (Vosh in. voii-o-- ul I'll IN A and JAI'AN TEA, and nl( Div-i'iii'tii'isa ol Eur lnuii and Siaiiiti I'ki. BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, Kllil WIIOL,h:SAl.K TllAUK, Weaver i Taylor, .r"l Murkol Street, Ban JranoUoo. t'al. al2 E. A. FARGO & CO., Importers ana jobuen oi Brandies. Wines and Liquors, 810 Frout St., oor. Oommrctal, D. B. T. i SAN FRANCIPCO J. BAUM. 1 R Wr.npl. . BH1R. H.aimiia, J Sh Franolso- NUW York. J. BAUM & CO., Importer! aud Man nine turn of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. CIS A ?JJ Sftttaome Hi., Bun Frnuclxro. No 18 Warren SL. New York. ft ' 11KCUT, BKO'8 & Co. HOOTS, SHOKSM KKAT11 Kit 104S: W6 Saiwtnne .St., Su V.mt-(.-(y. And H&VJ, I'oail St liontun. IiUC'XlJiOUA.31 it 1IJCCIIT, Mauiifitotnrvra of tlie "E1TRA DOAtlTY" CALIFORNIA IO0TS AMD SHOO. A. J. tflUFFlTII, V11 In all kinds of , PICK I. Til DO () NMOH lilD SALMON AND HERRINGS, IBS WuhlnKtoB Btrttt. All klnJ of Dried, Roiokod nd Pickled Tlin eoaaUntlyonhand, ji PaRKER, WATTSON & CO.; (SuocMSorn to Well k Co..) Importer and Maitufaoturra of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 223 and 225 Front St., oo r. Sacramento, ivS HAN JVItANOISCO, CAL, 1 , oin ilo vi 'in. WALTia noor, u. a. duwt, , u. cxzzsixovioii: (fa CO., I importers and wboloaulo dealers In riNK WINKS . LltiUORS, HOLS AQiniB joa IESSE, MOORh Sl GO'S FINH OLD BDUHBON AND HYE WHISKIES.. DltlOI rnOM LOOIbTJLLI, II. 601 Jront St.. BAN FRANCISOO. aiM Eatablishod in 1851. G. VENARD, Manufacturer of the Original Chartres Collcc, And all kinds of Spices and, California Mustard, 625 and G27 Front St root, betwoon Jaoltion and Pacific. SAN Fit AN CISCO. tJi j iSSTABLlSIIED 1850. Importers of Teas, East India goods ami general groceries, ; 213 and 215 Front Street, San Francisco, i o20 12 HAND IIOTjEI On Market, Now MontKomerr and Seooud Utreeta. Aar 33'ar. a.nrcjxajoo, ti i. ,. JOLLNSO-N &, CO., PROPRLKTOIIB, ; flfllcsale, Lipr Dealers, 0i rroat 8trt, 8 rraaslico. Proprietors of niLLKU'n KXTAA ULD UUDKBOM And sole agents for i r, CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES ConHUntly on hand, a full aiiHortment of i ' all the Stnmltrd Drtndi ufWhliklti, Sine UrstndlfM, VoralfiM Md Domntlo Wlati, m5 Blttra, Cordlali, Jl L. A. SauduntOD, " T. 1. liorn. : SANDERSON & HORN Importers and Jobbers of MM IAD TOBACCO, (Proprietors ol La Kspanofa Olnar yacLiry,) Sole manufacturers of the ceUbrt-.Ud j 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR ! ; -3 Front Wtrcef, Mitwttn Wailih.gton ami Clay, RAM FIIANCISCJO. ap4' UURPH Y.GRANT & CO.' Importers of American and European Staple nnrt Fancy DBY GOODS, CAiilFOItSriA, 011 theattonUon of taTrad to theh Una and oonpieie itook of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS Which they are now receiver direct from liuropoan Manufacturers, oomprisin in part rraoch A1rlos. Wool UUMa, Wool Plmlils, Treiich and Gernian, Irish aid Knnch Popllna, Kmpraii Ctotha, Tftmlae, black and colored, Valrata.na, Alpu, Llack Ld colored, tlUS, VELVETS, RIBBONs! ALEO ' GLOVES, Kid. Back, Borlin U.diM'. Mie,',onuT Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. ,IC.",.Vr'Sr",,I'Vla lo M lta tches Whit Condi, IlindhcrcliUfi, fthlrtltig L.lin,, ttIH, Lii-anJ coL-)i, ' U.I0..k.,Lrr,wBir,.mB(J tithed, nd Uoylloa, -f., EU., KU, StuTncetThley&cou Iini-orlcrs and Dealers in Fine Old Bourbon RYE WHISKIES, Brandie3, Gins Wines, e!c, 410 TRONT STREET, JJ SAX 1'KANCISCO.- TRAVEL. REDUCTION IN PASSAGE. Ol'lON LINK BETWEEN New York, Queenstown, and Liverpool. Carrying the I'nitod Suto Muila lhAIUi. p--- NHVAIl.-v, M IN N I-UTA. 'iri-P"' KHHASliA 1ANI1AT I'AMVX. EL LTWVUMIKU, WlSCOXtflN, lTTrtOt y.MLINO Flt"M NKWYUllK EVEKV Wt;i)NlIAV. CAIUN I'lvsia.i from Nuw York an 8''i" K'ld. Staluruotus on tho siuno deek.ai "sVkKIIAME: : rrem Now York; fcttfrott Lii'eriKudor tJuoontown, imyabUi in curn-nej ll..LKo Iroin ur to tli-riiianv, franco, Kur way, Sudi-n, iilc, al l,mvpt Itatw. lUiiiitt;ini-ia to Lirout Bnuin, Ireland an J tlio iVntinont. A..lyto WILLIAMS nurox.-jy Broad' wav; or 11 6. KLPKKhOK, dJI Salt Lake Gil. THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Is tr-o PlONBKK ItOUTE betwoon UM-iHA and C1I1UAU0, coiutlotod fnur yours hk'1, Binco which time tlio Company linvo ai(iroil neither ptUnsimr uxpnnt.0 Hi jHirfucUiiR iU road bud and truck, And ouiipiiig it with rolling BUt'k,of tlio most modern iinitrovomonU; this, toKtlier with tho fuel of its boius; the Shurte.it Line, oilers to the Travel-iiiK Travel-iiiK 1'ublic a route unniirpusaod In this country lor Bpoed, cum tort, safety and turo connections. f AKTIUULAK CAUTION should bo tnkitn by pnaAmiKtiro in snliKlinjr, tlmir route, nd not be deceived by lalso HdviirtiKumonto and ritpriwentatioiia by intirutitd pnrtioa of computing linus in rojKrd to lime, diiiUiicoa, ratea, etc. This popular route requires no false statenicnte, rolyitiff on its true merits, it nut'ds only to be known by tho travol-Injr travol-Injr public to bo approciatod. TlMJk Sim P'ranciMCo to Omaha, four daji and so von hours, Via (Jhit-HKO and North "WohU.-j Hailway, Omaha to Chicago, Iwonlj. ttirco hours. Omaliatc Now York, sixty hours. Omaha to liobton, sixty-four hours. PuHiiastu'" "fines, Hotel, and gltsp. liter Can Are run on all throunh tralm from Omaha to Chicago, How to Socuro Slooping ItorthB Uo. fore Kouching Omaha: PrifisonorB duriirouu of securing Sloan, ine llnrths, Hoctions or (State Kuums In M, Rl, . ,.;., ( Up frrn (linhB Vf...Dl I do 8o by LohjgruubinK from any of llio stations on tho Union l'acifio Kailroad, to W. A. Carpowtor, General Ajjoiit, (J & N. W. lUilway, Omaha, stating what they want. This is all they nood to do until they reach the 0. &, N. W. Kail-Way Kail-Way Depot on tho oast side of tho ilii-souri ilii-souri Kiver, then go to tho Sleeping Oar Conductor, givo him their naiaoe, u nor telegram, and they will llnd that lie kafl thoir berths resorved for thoin. l'assougors going iast will consult their own iiitorotft by securing Through TickeU via C1IIAOO & NOKTU WiCtiTEUN KAIJjVVAY, which can bo procured at all principal ticket Olflcofl in California and tho West, and at railroad oflloR to tan Francisco, Halt Lake City, Ogdeu, Omaha and Counui' Blufl'a. JNO. U. OAULT, Ooneral riun't Chicago, H. P. STAN WOOD, G an oral Ticket Agout, Chicag. R GILMER & SALISBURY'S S)A1LV STAGE LINES 'Ilifth, SM!i - east iXevmfla & Woh-taiia Woh-taiia LtavlaK tjnlt l.akt GHf Dillr, nluK South to Tintio, Amerioan Fork, Mount Nebo, Sovicr, St. Gcorgo, Utah; Dd rioohc, Nevada ; Passing through l'rovo, Springrillo, Spanish Fork,Paj' bod, Salt Creek, Chicken Creek, Uound Valley, Filim ore, Corn . Crook, Beaver, Minert-viilo, Minert-viilo, and AU tlie principal toums and mining campt in southern Utah and wutJt-tast Nevada. Also Ir Cor I mi, Utah, dally , ranaljig north to Virginia City, Jiolcna, Fort Jicnwn Door Lode, Cedar Crook mines, and pawing through all tho principal towns and mining min-ing oampn in Montana, Mon-tana, PltlHCIPAL ovwpcm, Wells, FvgD & Co. Building Inni PaltLaktClty Leu W)nr. h. P. Klmbslli SAlT lake, And Tintic Stage and Express x.IIrE, Huaamo oaii.1 rHua L,KE CITY, yla LAKK TO'1 TUtieL C1XV, KTOCKXO . AMD OPIIJIi TO V1MV10. Th room tu b.en r-llot"f "'".ff''j did Cneord CoubM. lino Suk. c.i 'Jf ' ti 11 til. jomfort mi oonrwil.iic. ol Good aaomnwdalimu on On n1-THKObGH n1-THKObGH BIT DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. US.. t W.1U, IT.rRO CO.'. B.H ". WLNia t KIMBALL anil mwi |