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Show TflR IIftkald Bindery turna out work r ipcJiUuUily. All wurk wur-r wur-r suited. - f).J Hi'T i m Imperial Oil 150 flrn ua, the p.iresl and eel fiit oil in the markeL dj'. Call, at WOOLFS Gents' Furrmh-in.n Furrmh-in.n bufv, two doors north of inlt Lake Hnua, and fee tho old suspender tiir-.wn off f'-r tb Celebrated Pivot Ai'tiuu Brand and tmipender, tho hit i niitJt. f 13 j 1 11 1 it kuklli' prepared COCOA Ft 'id UKoMAuro "'7 healthy Itvrr- I-IliHT for the World. 10,(KO fral-lon fral-lon ot b'LVD arrived at lirvn A Cos. dl5 L' OhiriiriMli' KAGLK CUOCO-L.ATE. CUOCO-L.ATE. li is the best, jl To M fjiti a?r I have just received a Six On a v k KSTKY OKGAN, which is tin; lir.-t instrument of that kind imported. im-ported. Musicians are invited to call and foe it, as it id sold, asd will be ship-p-d it way in a day or two. You had in-ifr call at coco. V. W. btsyner, Aont. fl-' Grass Castos Coal delivered at $10.00 per ton f 11 Nulling orr Cheap, Laditu' and Children's .Shoes at coat- J. l'ayne, '2nd eiuuth Street. fob'J HX) Corps or Wo-d, and plenty of GOOD CO A I j, at bowman &, Co.'s yard, near dupoL Delivered by oi lea ins, fe5 Hayiioui.d has tho bttl VALENTIN VALEN-TIN Kb in town; to prove it see hU show window, north of Big Boot- PJ O'Kbillt & Co. keop the colobralod STAKSHlKT. dll Vandyke Coal. lam sellinjrVAN-DY sellinjrVAN-DY K.K COAL at $10 at the depot, and j-ll delivered. Leave orders at Kahn Jims., or at now box in post o dice, or dopoL Bu sure you gut Vandyke. Wm. W. -t'uujro. 1 ti K.voKLfioitCoAL, from Hock Springs Uittur Creek- Little watte; strong heat, very small trauo of sulphur. Leave orders with J. W. SNELL, Idaho blore, , jal7 Emity Bakuklls for salo at Alor, ton e; old "City Liquor LStora." fl Von Walk Top Onion Seed, in largo or siti all quantities' apply to Anson Call, Bountiful janlS) MCriT, LiunT'Liiht. Livo no lonpiT in tho dark. 10,000 gallons of It EST OIL just roccived at KKEsB & Cos- dl6 Ak your grocer for Ghirardolli'i CHOCOLATE and COCOA. do Gbnuink English Gin at Morton's; old-"City Xiiquor iitoro, fl Kki.lkr's Winis and Brandies, at Morton's; old "City .Liquor Store." Oil lfl soiling at retail at the Pioneer Lamp Store, as follows: Coturuon brands 00c. per gallon. Crown, standard 70c. per gallon. Imperial loO llrotost 7oc per gallon. noO GniRARDitLi.r'9 EAGLE CHOCOLATE CHOCO-LATE is superior to any imported. C If tuk ' opiKoot" has attacked your h'Tsce, Iosp no liino in eaUing on Win. .Showvll, rionoor stables, iind South tin et, and save money. janl Geo. Skowbll, tCftvengor for the t i'.v. C'Z For Tin; Stavvuk Livk, aU-o cakos bum, crackers, and puro homo made cmidv, wholesalo and retail, go to tho GLOUE liAK-EKY. jalii LT Year's Mnga .ine and Periodical- ii"atly and expeditiously bund at lie Ukhai.o Book UlNDEHY. f 1 j it'MMiRKK Cry for McLain's Candied Ck-i-.tOiL and Candied Vermifuge Uon-b Uon-b ni. Thi'y are delicious medicines, nod warraiito-l harmU1 9. Price cis. Kit ssle- by M- C. Al. L and all other lruggista. dl To Musicians. 1 havo just received a Six.-Octavk ESTEY OUOAN, which is tho first instrument of that kind imported. im-ported. Musicians aro invited to call and seo it, as it is sold, and will be ship-pod ship-pod awuy in a day or two. Y'ou had bolter call at nnco. U. W. tilaynor,. Agent. f 12 Tub IIkrald Bindery has an excellent excel-lent book-hinder, but ho is not a good book keeper. Y'our books will bo returned re-turned neatly bound in a few days, flii , Epizootic. Dinwoodey's mules have got it, but hia oxen have not ; thorefore ho still delivers furniture free of charge. nlO A Family Thkahuks.-The happiest and best member of a family is usually called the light of tiio household, because, be-cause, besides being h:tppy and cheerful himself or herself, he or ih.) makes all ebo happy or cheerful. Tho Cnarter Oak is such a treasure. ' J AT.ARoK'lockor FLrKlTUKE;to be sold cheap to i.iako room lor new stock, at Jokuos'p, llroesbevk's buildings. build-ings. f7 Yon Can get your Magazines and Periodicals bound on short notice at the Herald Bindkrt. Terms reasonable- m Grass Canton Coal delivered at $10.00 per ton. f n Tes Well packed rooms of furniture for sale, by H. Uinwoodey. nlO Notarial. The old firm of Gould fc S-"n, Notaries public, Conveyancers and Commissioners of deeds, havo re-oommenoed re-oommenoed business, with their office at room 4, over the First National bank'. This firm, when in business before did a large share in their line in this city. . See the advertisement. Coal, Coal, Coal, by the Ton or single hundred weight, delivered, or at the yard, 37 Commercial Street, and at the Kailroad Depot. HOOPER. HAWKINS & Co. jT Grass Canton Coal delivered at ; $10.o0 per ton. fll Caution to ilto Traveling Fublict Upon your arrival at Ogden City Utah Territory, tho junction of the Union Un-ion Pacific and Central Pacific railroads, you should know where a first-class hotel can bo found, and where the bustle and noise of the engines may be avoided; avoid-ed; also a comfortable house where the danger of fire, which is apt at any time lo occur at the depots, is averted. The town of Ogden is naif a mile from the depots, and. in tho business part of the town and its principal street, travelers will find one of the most comforlablo hotels in Utah, tho Oodbn Hodsb. It is well known throughout America and Europe, to be ono of tho cosiest and cleanest hotels in Utah. The Ogden House keeps carriages which are in attendance at-tendance upon the arrival and departure depar-ture of all trains, to oonvey passengers to and from tho depots, free of charge. It is a two-story brick building, and built expressly for the accommodation of guests. Tho Ogden House employs no runners, but employs a porter to assist as-sist its patrons and take charge of their baggage, AH visiting Salt Lake City will find it to their advantage on returning re-turning to take tho evening train and oome to Ogden, thus saving the annoyance annoy-ance of rising at 4 o'clock In the morning. morn-ing. ja24. H. Dinwoodbt is doing a lively business in furniture, and guarantees satisfaction in prices and quality to all that buy of him. nlO Batsman cb Buel are receiving Coal from the Celebrated SFIUGGS MIN E, which they otler in lots to suit. Office over Mrs. Oolebrook s, Main street. Lock Box 4t2. W. F. Belding, City Agent. j8 A Splendid new stock of Colored Leathers, Cloths, Papers, and other binding materia), just received at the . Hkral-D Bindery. fib , Nervous Debility, Y ilb its gloomy attendants, low spirits, depressien.in voluntary em missions, los ofsciuen, tperuialorrhiea, lo&s of power, di.v.y head, loss of memory, and threatened threat-ened impotence and imbecility, find a sovereign cure in Humphrey s Homeopathic Homeo-pathic Specific No. Twenty-Eight. Composed of the most valuable, mild and potent Curatives, they strikeatonee at th root oftho matter, tone up the svstem, arrest the discharges, and impart im-part vigor and energy, life and vitality lo the entire man. They have cured thousands of cases. Price, per package pack-age ol live boxes and a large s-ii vial, which is verv important in obstinate or 1 old ease. ov'$l per single box. Sold by all Drucsist-s and nt by mail on receipt re-ceipt ot price. Address, Humphreys j Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co., I ot- Broadway, New York, For Sale at Z- C. M. L and Godbe s Drug Store, Fob Parlor Sktb in end W ?s varit-tv. Call at JoELsos's, Groesbeck's b -j i : d-ing;. d-ing;. ft-; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SALTLAKB THEATRE GRAND LOCAL ATTRACTION- Thursday, Feb. 13th, 1873. Wilt bo printed Tor the first timo on any tutijo tho ihriiUns drama ia J acts, enutlod HERMIT OF THE GAVE, by Cant. John Martin, of this city. MISS JEAN CLARA WALTERS As ALICIA I FULL DRAMATIC COMPANY! FRIDAY E VEXING, FEBRUARY H, BENEFIT OF Ma. YV. T. HARRIS. INSURANCE COMPANY, Columbus, OHIO. Cash Assets. Doc- 31st, 1S72, SSOO730,76. Cash in Bank and Government Bond? (ST,VyJ35 Monaco Loans, Collateral Loans, " and bills Receivable..- 4fifi,Til OP Decomhor Premiums "3,uuu Wl Hoal Eiato, Personal Property, and A ceo i" y Balances- SS.lUl h All othor Securities.. tsi,x is inis company issues i'oiicioi insuring- against LOSS or DA MAGE by EIRE or LIGHTNING ! At rataa which will furnish indemnity to the insured and protection m iha capital eiiii.loyod. lub U ti. li. MA. dt.Co., AS(Ui,. fl. M- TRL'K, JHO. I- BUB.NS, HKJTRT MARTI. TRUE, BURNS &. MARTIN, Real Estate, Mining and Loan Brokers, 00 Kimball's Block, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TERRITORY. Ronl Estate bought and sold; Houses und Sturoa rontcd. ronU collected, and all business c ounce tod willi real estate and mines promptly aUendod to. fobltf CHAS. A. GOULD. A. s, OOULD. A. S. GOULD & SON, NOTARIES PUBUIO, - r - -' Commissioners of Deeds, Conveyancers Conveyan-cers nnd Scnrcliers of Records. HAVE REST MED BUSINESS AND FOR tho present will occupy a an oilico, Room 'o, 4, over First Xatlonnl Bank, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Applications for patents, mioinc deeds, aRrceuient? and bonds for deed;, mortices, powers ol attorney, lenses, contracts and otliur instruments of writing drawn with accuracy and disuacch- .Miniiic .-ind other companies incorpOTftteii under tho laws of Utah. AbriracU of tiilea to minins and other property prop-erty uiude in tho most complete loruu All bu'inesa entrusted to this firm will bo regardod as strictly private. loblj NOTICE. nnO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. THIS X certifies that Dr. J. D. Lamb holds my pnvrorof attorney for this Territory, and is ltlly authorized to tranract all Im-iness for mo. CHARLES I'. HA V W A 1 I). I. Salt Lake City, Fob. 12, lS7i- fcbl3 We Claim That the PRINCE ORGANS are the best ever offered to the Citizens of thia Territory. WE CLAIM The PRINCE ORGANS aro superior i to all others in Power and Quality of I Tone, - ' x , . Variety of Effects, : Beauty of Design, . Excellence of Workmanship, And Durability. PRINCE ORGANS havo been in uso in Utah for Twenty Tears, and their tone to-day ia of better quality than when first purchased. They stand tho ciimato perfectly and improve im-prove with age. To convince the Publio that thew Organs are all we claim for them, WE CHALLENGE All other make of Oreans now offered for salo in this Territory to a trial, satisbod that the judges selected to detcrmino thfir merit will return a Verdict in favor of tho Prince Organ. Tins is nn brac-tdoe'a. Yc moan what wo tifiy, an 4 from and aficr thia-day thia-day wo hotd ourselves in readiness to test our il'in. $loi, lTu, :iuu; and $'J,"iO Princo Orevi3 against any and all Organs rff-.-rcd Tor sale in Utah, at corresponding prices. J. DAYNES & SON, iiJ 2 doors oast of Godbo'a Drug Store. SlC DF MSlEt'S SALE N otice is hereby hives th tthe iin.t'.T?ncd will ;e!i mMic lo thehi(.-hwt bidder f r cash, at the o.,th ;r- nt d-r i'i tho O'ua lL-...-e. Li SjIi L.ike Citv, Snlt Lsko C--'-iii(. T.'rnt'T; ot I tah, on tho eighteenth day of February, '. at eli-t-n o'clock in llie PTcn.--B. the loll"" ins dc-enbej ! pr -certy ami re.G e.-iate. filiated in aid L.iko I'ny sud C- unty t" wu: En mn .md le- ! jcrievi a? rods .-oulh fr-nt l'y lo rcd north: j coiiimi-iicici: en tho evilh hue ol lot two. 1" j red? rasi "1 the iouih-wc;t corn it el" .-aid V !. i riir.nuitf thence n.-nh 10 rvJj. thotice cut , '. rod-, th'Msc-' s.-uth lo rwls, thence "ert rods to the iace "f !oiinmng. bcine.i part -i i-.-l 2, rc-L o; eroivcd as plvit-ed in pVt "A" ol Ss'.t ' Like City ?ur on-, situated in tho lTth Bi. h- i off Ward ot sslJ ait L.ike ,;y. the rrorery to b vt:erod :"t ?a'e at sid lisa ra i-.j.-o li tLo a:no c"nvcid to le ur. ier':r.'d a ;teois;a dav v( March. A. 1 '. bv a .P-.M --i u:-: .-s.-.-.cd by John W. J.-:-.K;r, ai.,i L.i. a .i . ak:r f. w:;o. a. ; -".ies i,; :r.e :;7-t r-.ir; ;ao -.r.d-:r;i. r.L-d a l.in.o. o! iho ,-cccr..l ,-a.-t. lo rec:i o the ; jvaor. m a f'V-rvfi.L'.ri. I"1. wh-ToinaaJ wherv sid .l.ha W. Jefc:r.H.o rear a:r .i.iie :,r val.icrcc. :.-.-,. ir..ui-e1; t ay ;.. l'ti...p 1' :;,y ot ,r.i-r.;( e. .i L.: v ', j- 1 r.i xonthVrHth.' .;!'' U lr.: L Vu'.r-ot Vu'.r-ot to be i ai i h -a:d r.- is c--w oerd-esLaaiir:d. ?.:u a.-.vl o; tr.i-t u ro-,v:,iM;n;-.:;.-.-.-rv.Tj V - k C. i fW'Lie'cC i".- -,i r.'v" r.l 7.-' r ..- :- h.-r. fy ma i; : T .-:oir i r:;r ;:ar;;y. I'.liMS ; : ; rj rr-.y w;.i L-e 1 paid -ccd licaverej iLjea.atcy sutcr .o. LEWIS S. HILL3. SIt Llio City, U. I.,lu. 4. H7k iU WJSTERX. San Francisco, 12. Prospect mining company, Grass Valley district, incorporated. incor-porated. Capital, S-iuo.oro. Men sinking a tube to supply Sacramento Sacra-mento with pure water struck an oak tree thirty-one feet below the river level, and also found gold dust in the earth brought up. K. Llewellyn, of San Francisco, was imprisoned lor failing to pay alimony to his wife suing for divorce. Raining at San FranciBco to-night. Panama steamers resume their regular regu-lar tri-monthly tervice on Monday, when the Costa Rica sails. Plans submitted here to-day for a new Gothic branch insane asylum at Napa. Hii'ldinir i- to cost 000000. First National Bank ,-QF XJT.Xi, - feSAjL.X' LAliK C I X V DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGK NT OF THE UNITED STATES. W ut&cif I1j!3iit, President. AiTBu.ri QonBB, Cuhiw. AuiDorlBcit Capital, - - 450 0,061 PAID UP CAPITAL, . 9150,000. EAttSl.NGB, - 1130,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldest Banking JiutitiUun tn Utaht A. Gteneral Bankins Business Transacted. AGKNCIES COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PrtflMPRY ATTENDED TO, 1NTKKEST ALLOW SD ON TIME; T1RPOSIT8. flfi SPECIAL AUVKKTISKMKATS WANTED. A GIRL TO I0; EN KRAL HOUSEWORK. Apply to Mrs. Alice Clairson, fourth house north of Theatre feb7 AtiIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK, Apply to -Mrs. John I'. Caino, ath Ward. fobli V WOMAN WANTED FOR A SMALL fnuiity; mutt be a irnod cook, washer and ironer. Ape from 'Zj to years. Good wares imid. A suitablo person may call at W. Uerimnn's 'Book Storo, two doora south of Post Uttice fob3 ' " FOR SALE. THE LEASE FOR TWO YEARS OF A verv di-siniblo store on Main Street, between be-tween Godi.c'.- Drop Store sod Walkor Itro'p Store. True, Burns Jt Martin, 111 Kimball Block- lebi:j FOR RENT. FIRT CLASS OI- FICESTO REST OVER First National bank. ja3U ESTRAY. FROM THEGENERAL TITHING YARD. ..no l!ny Mure, 17 hunds bu-h, and .-no smnlHIrev H..r.-e. with X n lett shoulder, ll. tb had hiilter-.'n. Any inlormniun of their wlieron'i'its ill be ihnnkiully roceiveti U thainernirnthinB Store. fcbl3 ON S ATI litlAV LAST, A SMALL RED Biul ivh-toCi.tr. briinde-1 diaumnd W on lelt hi.; biid a small ncc-o of roi-o on ll.e li"i-ps. and n siru;i on mia lec. Any person piMtiL- iiili'riinitii.n 'riiiluiL.- to her rtTurcry to 1). Wooduiaiiivc. lllh Wind, will bs suitably rewsrdod. niarl- "lA.Mi: TO MY PLACE. AT WARM K.J i rinr.-. on iho -th of January, a hi'i!r Cilf.rei :.ndliite. troy and hole in right inr. anvl hide in lelt e..r Tim uwner can have it hv i aj in,: fur jdi cmsin: and tri.ublo. fcbll Gf.o. R. Joml. LODGINGS- CTI'-ICE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR A lew liulgurs and ouiudcrs. Enjiiixo at this Umco. 2l " 1VH. GHOVKH, JiyM-g Don-lsit, Office, Second Soath Ltreet, ' Three doore tut if i)rent W estera Dotal, half s Mpckewt cf Llci-bant blore. Bait Lake r-T Oiiico hour? from f a.m. to 't p.m. mil Argcnm Lodge, So. 3, A. B. A. A. 91. OTATED C -mi'-.tiaiM-i.-'- r.f this Lodpe O held i.n tho lir-t aai lhi:d luw-lav ..f ea.-h ui'.in:h. at M,L-urnc lliii, Kti T-jmids ft root. M embers ul ti-:or L 'dros nd ff tnnmine brethren ia gwJ flic aiog are cordially cor-dially ixniled. A. W. NUCKOLS. W. M. W. IT. B1KD. . d FURS WANTED. Hifihast Cash Price Paid for Furs. ALSO Havana Ci.vn Whlosls and ReUiL THOMAS CARTER, At Sircl r.ro'i, nador Salt Lake Hoiue. o27 GEORG-E CHANDLER 3ei to i'f-r.T. y.'- rr'-"l -r.3 patrons that he i-j-iraeU a One b.ock rouih of Codar Post. It;- :;bLDV't X GUARANTEED PER FECTL Y PU RE AND OF THE HICH EST CRADE. MANSFIELD-& ATCHISON WHOLESALE AGENTS, SALT LAKE CITY. Agents In l ub for Pinct, Castillon & Co.'s COC3-3SrA.C. r Charles IItili-k' CHAMPA GIUE. URBANA WINE COMPANY, AND DEALERS IN' CALIFORNIA WINES, ENCLISH & SCOTCH ALES fc POBTEK, BAR GLiSSWARH, ctc. importa.m i)iestio.s:: wuy? why? why? Why are tlso Sa'os ofiric ., )Iason V ilnmlia LARGER TUAN THK COMBINED Sales of all the other Ten Makers offered in the Territory ? Because their Brilliant- nnd Bewitching Be-witching Tones entrance tho mind of the listener. Because all the principal MUSICIANS MUSI-CIANS and J UPGES pronounce them THE BEST. Because 'hoy have stood the Test of this trying Climate for moro than Twelve Tears. - Because they are ALWAYS recommended re-commended by Purchasers. Because they have never been SURPASSED OR EQUALLED By any Rscd Organs in THE WORLD. ; Testimonials from Local Musicians and Judges, r- - - ; v Of all tho varieties of Orcin? ft ith which wo are nc.iuaintcd. wo unheal latinpiy recommend recom-mend tho .MASO.V II Ail LIN UrK-ans a- tho BEST and iiiro to givo purchasers ported satisfaction. JOS. H. RIDGES, Do? i.ner and Builder of tho Salt Lako Great Organ. CEO. CARELESS, Conductor of tlioTaber-naclo tlioTaber-naclo Choir. ORSON PRATT, Jcs., Teacher of Music, and Organist of Catholic Church. MARK CROXALL, Captain of Salt Lsko Brass Band. C. J. THOMAS, Conductor of Thoatro Orchestra. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, Teacher of Music and UrganisU E. BEES LEY, Captain of Martial Band. C. Y. TAGGART, Piano Tuner. t Testimonials from more than Firs Hundred Purcba.ors, including our mo't prominent cit liens, can be had on application U) CALDER & CARELESS, 37 EAST TEMPLE STREET. SALT LAKE CITY. Fresh Mince Pies K VERB DAT t "WALLACE'S.' FRESH CREAM CAKES Every Day at WALLACE'S, FRESH MARRANGS Every day at Waiiee's. FRESH TOMD CAKES Evory day at WALLACE'S. FRESH BUNS Every at WaUo's. LICORICE LOZENCES. The Best Thing for Conghs and Cold's, for Salo only at WALLACE'S ', HRST SOUTH ST REFT, - SALT LAKE CITY rt Why do the People Buy the. Estey ORGAN !: AND Wliy aro all our ORGANS SOLD for three sliiuiKnts ahead? Because we SELL the best Organ in America, on easy instalment.-;, anfl l'urclia-'ci know where they make the Ix-st Bargains. Those who wish to nr the ''Estey" had Ixjtti-r ,'c.all today to-day as we shall ship them all out this afternoon. C1IAS. W. STAYXElt, 6KRRAL AGTT. No. 5. Main street, Next to sr ;Tlcry, jl t "alt Lake liy. To whom it may concern, UrK, fte nnlrrnd. claim t.1 owt iwelre h-niro-i T-1'') I'ei ir, -Inrl :nt Sis- two (2- sc3 ihr-e i'.j. in the T;t-j- i- is. it) Lit Us fVf,.-,nwood miynn. ntri bM ll.r jaair br de-ii fr-m tha orir.a; I-vt-r: sxl bars ccrlied with lie law.' of ;t dir ir;r: :n sre-r rp-i. A-id we aereby ca'.i"n ail r-:'-.?.! r.t f trad s. bar sr barur for s&id eisms. wiutost do oeujsnt. C H. BASSETT.J -A j "a "n ' FtrstTf o( th I.IV13, tituf Anij-ny Ivini I5&AL 1VLNS. CHIC1G0 ITrCEi Kiii. Ids A 170 Stale Sired, GUI G -A. GO, Maaa'ii-mrers -.f . , " ' ' V i ' SCHOOL, CHU3CH AX1 i . OFFICE FURNITURE, V . - ( A GLOBES, - CllAIKS of all style. Sehool Outline Maps. Charts, etc Every thipp in the way tr S,-ho 1. iVllesc or Lnnrch t isl:iw al l..we-t C;t.-h irico Send .for ill ust rat it! i.iMl. ne m:d !'ri.-e LWW A-.U-- A.Ni'H fciH v JB VXJ W. D. "WELLS & CO! Blanafaotartrs of and Wholesale Desars ia Boots and Slices. SIS Wabaan Ave, Cbloagn. M. D. Wells, B. J. Maefarland PAGE, BRO. & Co., 1 31 porters and Dealer in LEATHER AM) FINDINGS " OLD CITY HOTEL CORN Eft," Comer of Stala and LakuMrecLS. ( , W, W. Pape, Booton, ClIlt'AUU, Orville Case, 1P- a ILL. The Old Salamander.' REHOVAX,' VAKSORAACE, . STEVENSON & REID, ' j y .,TrftolMsJo DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, , Havo removed io their "Jew Steres, Os anu LAttK SI HKKT, corner De-irtK.rt Hireol, Ion tne old site) HU. ADD, where, with buildinga erected eiprecsij lor tht buiaess, Steum Kiev-tors, oic. tho; havi opsne-i nit an immeuse dioi'lt, unsurpaaiisd . in the nortbweft. tepsoial aitoaiion given to Toiritoria rs s -; ' . - FIELD, LEITER & CO, IMPORTERS AND JOnHEKSOl' DRY GOODS AND CARPETS' MAOISONANB M.HKTREETS, C XI I c o o . LARGEST STOCK AND LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED. Special Attention Givrn to Orders. Idlf N. E. PETERSON, GAS 'FIXTURES. Immense slock ; and low iTicoiC 147 Slats Btrecl, CIHcngo. dlS F. &'E. JAEGER, 73 Wabash. Avenue, near ltandolih, CKICAaO. ILL.. HIKIKT lUFOSTRILI 4T CrocVeiT. China, Ulaf "-aro, Lanip?. Lookint (ila.se3, Cutlery. UriinntiiH nnd Stiver i.hil.id (juuda. Tho largest lluu?u in the Won. dl ; . B. ci.at smrr, s. ovi.'05. W. H. OVL.1GIOM, t. J. u V i.Mi rojt. Scott & Ovington Bro's, ' Iinportors, Whpln!o and Retail Dealers in mini imim. PAH I AX, BHhNZK, 'VLATED - WAliE, LA.Ml'S, UTLEKl', NUUi(JKS, ax-., . So. 21U Wwt Mnilimn St-. Ch ien.t, 1IL Wedding and Iloll.ln) Ulfts, ! 4ilas and China Hrnlr tn Or.lrr. 6VLNUTO.V IIUuTMr.KS. i'l--. :'.'.' W A 2' 2 1:11 .n Slrcr-i. Hr-r.U,fi. .V. Y. Rue Do l'aradi. . i-Hnn. South ."Klc'iiiin, w-nh S-niii-lf ff-r 'l.'!o-U-nnly-l Mndi-.n Mn-t, Inn.. Ii-lii Avrnito-U'joms-ll.ii. 6A Ai-Y Alai.acer. co-l N. MATSON & CO., Jmi-ortcrs and Wti-lfaio l'cnl-:rd in WATCHES, DIAIWOKDS, - Jewelry iinil Silverware, ion .i(.it).Si,, 6i. nnHriR KTS., CHICAGO, ILLS., d.'f HERRIM-Q'S PATINT CHAMPION KIKE and fil RtlA't I'itmiK . The BiLlSsia tic TS.t HERRING k'CO.. t AO State street, arid cr,m-: r I .''.'"i t.-ar1" t.-ar1" Indiana A' ";i, O II I C A G O. i dc7 ,Iar;:is! Bwm Birffiiis , LIDDELlTFiiBOWX Gars . :i rp.-e ts I r,Tu'- ft GKXPV CL iTrUNG, i i.V .iiHi : s. LL VXKKTS i NOTIONS, lr--' e- u.aj to cl.v. oat regardlesT'lf COST- Jl.oy t .ve s'i.i T.ve-ved a ;-Ki:did line of STAPLE & FANCY rt f Or i - (i ' : ! , h h 1 j- J 1 1 W U i-. '. . - i... f, PEOVImONS, hi-b :ht.- t- ,.:;;c CKEAPIR hat the CHEAPEST. P.' - :r.-.! .!.- i :..-.. A FEW POOKS NuK 1 H o: th. t-ST OFritTK rrrll CKIOff'J T8AUt.' " JOHN V. FtRWELL & Co vvhouesale: NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, -ANll- "W OOLENS. Largest Stock West of Now York. Monroe 6z Franklin Sts , CHICAGO. . m.'fi J.VV. BUTLER & CO., . ,.Miuni:vurri and h.de.-ale PAPER DEALERS, OFFICE AND i'KT SIDE STORK: Jt 4 ollh Jc'imon Mrel, S0VTI1 SIDE STORE: 3'i5 JL 'j-i4 3talr Sirecl, CHICAGO. , rrint. B.-ok. Flat Cai-. Folios, Mediums. I'.-inV. l;,-V,l :,:i,t CoKr.-d. Print infi 1-ai-en.. Ki or erv doserif.- lion. Card Ui-nr.l.-. Mr.w and 'iar lu.unv-.. U ran iiik IV l.('t. 1-Ul.-. Hl.d i's- I -or Lass. jsjil 1LA11L1M. HAL K & CO., WH01.ESAI.K DEALERS DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WOOLENS, AND HOSIERY, 1MB N LR OV MADISUN A rUASKUN' STHEETS, CHICAGO. s:w r;n tjucTiiir-.t ALwats ronowcB, el KEW VOliK TRAltfc. BENlDICTriTAYfFCur Minu(c:uTe-(. nt.d Wholesale Dnslci lo BOOTG AND SHOES 134 and 1 36 Urtuil t., Hw ork. Corner Cri. by. on block iui of Broadway dU L. M. BATES & CO., 11 4 Broadway. 1 . s W kUHK, uirosTsas asd joasias IB Fancy Dry Goods, HOrtl!!rlY, WH1TB (SOOD8, WOOLES'.-', SHAWLS, tax Kit: xoiioxs, &C I. H. Mi'l.OIT.tl. n "Gardner Fire Extingirsher,' Tiie Lat, llest, ClirnpeHt, nnd Most KiH ell n. Din-real Iroiu.m.l t-L" VKR1 R T I LL QTM ERS OVKR A TIHM"M 1IHKL8 I't'T H V H HH J I . MORE THAN $10,000,000 WurUi of J'ri'in-rl)- Saved by it? UfC Fire. Hei niiiuci l- ir. li.n l'nm-ii-al Cilius of the L muii Imi l- tului-u d iln m. f lllin-SnF FlllF. 1 V. I'A KTM FNTS FN-V FN-V ' .lt.jM.ihr.., - .m. h.,. h I,,, l....-n an- lvoH.v tln-L--reluiv i.t the I i t.i'u ry lur eminent l.-r" h-' A t ii.'"a d n'b "it nff-'rdi "te l-l--l-.H-.il lrt.il, In,. l..-in i--adv it in 'Liiii ..(. , n ettv -inn 1- in operation oper-ation aud ii"iiii-t nud eth.'i.'iii in art ion. The "Gardner Fir Extingimher" It a l ire Dei niliuenl in iiclf. Price (with Htuo arcM.rhumksl)! 9S0.OU tilra Clior(--cj al" a,vf un hand,f7.i)(i per doicn BV-TiU ' THKIU UFAOHD. racllle lo..i ihi j-.-IKad Oflice, Salt Lake Ci1y, Utah Kimball III. .ck, Cor, l it. t f..ufh Hi-JAS. Hi-JAS. SMI I'll ., Fjued your Houses Bran Hash, 10.IJ0!) LIIS, Gr I)R1. Jul rcched ami fnr sale ii'-jov.jL.i2r:r.rs. ! (iff n -up 'y wiicn you can cud ail will Hh U j '(X0. II. OOVTLDEN, j C-ra;u Ccalcr, WEST fcii-ii UAl BIREET. |