OCR Text |
Show i HENRY WACENER, Salt Lake City, Utah, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, LAGEB BE KB, ALE AXI PORTER, I fYip:vra STREET, three doors ein CONSUjLTM, scbofea! X: Ocstmin'j Gtaalut Cod Liver Oil SUiaiA SD1ILIBUS CIMSTIR i HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS. ! HAVE PROVED, FROil TUB MOST nmplooxporionco, an ontiro success: Sim-PloProinpt Sim-PloProinpt Eiliciout and Koliablo. They aro the only inodieinos porfoctly adapted to popular uso so siiuilo that uiisiakoa can not bomado in u3inK thoin; so hannlosa as to bo free from danger, and so ollkiont as to bo always rohublo. Thoy havo raisod tho high-oat high-oat commendation from all, and will al trays rondor satiflfacticn. 1 -. No.B- . : Conts. Cure k' 'vc"9 Concostion, InflammationB..25 A ,. Worma, Worm i'over, Worm Colic. ..'25 .' t-:'lufi-CoUour toothing of inf.inL8...25 5 "jrVttt"py,Wri"ilB-lDiliouB Colic-.Si 6, ' J-Uolera-MorOiut, VomilinK . J25 7, rottghi, Colds. Bronchitis J& n" . 1 j ' lt,0taacho, Facuuoho 2g A, jleaoacbea., Sick iieadaoke, V ortigo 25 ! 10, " nysj'cpaltt.BilUous Stomach :S M' or Painful Periods 'i5 T' .. yy UlL" Proruao 1'oriods i5 l,j, (roup, CouKh, lfiiiicult UrL-aibiiiK 25 b Kll"n'- Erysipelas, Lrupiiuna.ii ?.- "l,euuaL '- Kbauuiatic I'ams '& lb, ever ail Ague, Chilli' ovor. Agues , 50 ! 17. " Piles, blind or blccJins.... .". ' 'm , IS, Ophtliluiuy, andsoro or weak Eyoa .if '!urr'3clltoor aruoielnlluouiaiJ ID," Whooping-cough, violoiH coughs : ... . V) 21, " kMT llscluirgi;B, imi-airud hearing ; jQ ' Scrofula, onlarod glan'iVliweTi- ings ; i, , Uunei-uJ Dobiliiy,- physical wouk , nesa Z, " Dro,.y and reanty Sc.T't:nn ji, hMckiiw,, aicknosa frum ridnif.. ?'a""-,.,""-',t:' J , l.SieryiiiiK le 1)1 1 1 y, s't: in I It a I Kwmllui,s, involuntary Di.-chari;cs m . live K nc, witi, ono g-viil f ; powdot, verv necessary in Kor-Ji, Kor-Ji, ' .SoreloutV;;"(Akcr'' " 7) ' J"rl"S at euan5o of life I'-'J JJ, ,ui itp0y, ijj.ajiuia, Vitus' -Dance pj ii. " DlptUtrln, ukuiutud To'tiiiat. ! pAMILT CAStS Or J5 to GU JLargc vials, morocco or rastnumUax.-, cnualiiiiiK a hptniic fr every ordinary Ol sense a. Ininily Jd hulijut x.u, mij boolu of tlii-octlon8,...fr,jU1 S10 to S35 Smaller Family anj Trnvcl- l"K caaos, miii:ftj 10 vials, fromf 3 to $8 Sreti:io for al! Private j,""' b":,h rorturii.aniif..r jCTcnilvctri-iuent,invula and Pocket caica. to 5 lJuua8 Extract, Curca Burn, Vrul.ti, LamfncM, Soreness, Sore Tl.roAl, .Sural..., loutliAchc, ijirrtehe, 3reurlsiI JlbeivuiAilsin, Lum biio. PUu.lioilt, . -.w njccUlii" ol me l.unu;, So.e, siomwli, or of Pllea: torn, lltera, OM aorta, Qwlr"' Si3i5 centsi ilt, 1.00 acj p-n A tne country. 0r"eij"rwV, dresa4 ce' &n'iU'i"f ico i hce. Ad- Humphrxys' Spacif.o - Hcmeopaiiiic rnedicina Co. I iOKJi. i t't.'R SALU EY ALL LP.r-i.-TS, ' All : Z. C 2L I. ard.iclbo-j lrz. l- d.ieuae. uja ai"a-"j:i:--else."" l'a-ic- 'TT1II riRG-BRICR CO," W. II. ClUSUi'LM. I C. W. BENNETT, I're.-iJiit. I Xreaa. A ii'y. Wji. T. .MATHEWS. Sui eriQiendcnt Cijjlial Motk, S30.000. We RiABfacfjre at Salt Lake City and Lehi Mako i'lre-Hriok, r'iro-Ceaent, Front lanJ-pressed Building iinek. Mu e UriL'k, Crucibles. htiorn,4&i4c.; Haw material not surpaiied in any cart of the h urld. a iisv Lchi, Lmham and vthor cUv;. W. T. Maihews the ?uieiintendent haa had ovvr thirty t-jri mi cri.-nfe. I'kicy o! ivorss in L.iHCi:r. near J.-hc-'"B' hitanlim M itK. vti.so Su. w, Alain itn-et. a'. W. L'yniu-li'soilH-e.) M e will furni-h 1 ire-BrK-k and all fire ma-tenal ma-tenal ehetiiier than thoy can be lmiortwd. uid lu cjII. t'ire-lirieka made to rlan. Urdor. tohcited tchl Our Mr. AlATUEWS U agent f,r S. B, Munson, Jun., &, Cos I'atent Ctrmcatel Metalie Shinirlw, Iron K'!)t)c, 'nrni.-ated Irun looa, Shutter, etc, eio. Wanuiai.tiiroilai Chicago, llhnow. SlwitJiens can ho seoi at the offii-c of the Cuuiitany, where contract." ean be uiade V. W. UEN.NKlT.Jjoc S500.000 1)IST1UBUT10NT Grandest Scheme of the Age. ua cash Ss $SDU ! Capita! Cift$ 100,000! $100 000 foroniy $10 Iy authority ofn Special Act of tho Logis-iBtviro Logis-iBtviro ot .March I'ltti, lbl, tho Till BEA3D Birr COSCERT ! For tho benefit of tho 1'1'DLTC LIltRAUY OF K KNTl'UlvV. ia hereby announced to coino oil in the groat hall of tho Public Library building., ax Louisville, Kentucky, on TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1873. At this Conoorttbo host musical talent that can bit procured from all part) of tho country will ho employed, and the enormous sum of $500:000 IN CURRENCY! Will bo distributed by lot among tho ticket-holders ticket-holders in lUjlKA) (.Jifts, every ono of which will bo cash. LIST OF GIFTS. OnoGrand Cash liifl glOO.ftWI Ono Urand Ciuh tiit't 5ti,uuo Ono Urand Cash (lift 'J.,OW One (irand Cajh (iilt i,t0 Ono Urand Cash Uift lU.LHJU Ono Urand Cash Uilt fi.UOU 2-1 Cash tiil'Lfl of 81, OUO each 2i,m.) CO Cash GifUof fW each..... 2.0.UIX) 1 W Cash Gifts of each tfJ.otK) JIHJ Cash (lilLs of IM) each ao.iMjo J.CaahUittaof 2) each 3J.U00 r:) Cash Uilts of HM each 6:,ooo OMJO Cash Gifts of 10 each UU.uuo ToUl, 10,000 GifU, all Cosh, S00U.O00 Tho object of this Third OiR Concorl is tho onlark'omont anU ontlowmonc 01 tno I'uouc Library of Kentucky, which by tbo special act authorizing tho ooncert for its benefit, is to bo forever froe to all ciliiona oT every state. To provide moans for this magntlicont and praisoworlhy undorUking.Ono llundrod Thousand Thou-sand Tickets, and 00 more, will bo sold at tbo following prioos: i PRICE OF TICKETS. WholoTickets 810, lTnlvos 35, nnd Quarters S'J.."0. Eleven Wbclo Tickets (or 6100; ;w for illVi; .Vi for S'iOO; li:! lor Sl.noO; for K,W): fi?') lor S.'i.otui; 1,1(10 for glO.OW; 2,) for SlM.OOO; and ti.iXK) lor S.'ill.ooO. No discount, on loss tban SHU worth of tickota ala lime. This Third Uift Concert will be conductod liko tbo lirst and socond horotoforo given, and full particulars of tho mode of drawing tbo gifts and payinic them and everything no-coi.-nry to u th"ruu);h undorstanding of tbo siiliumo, from beginning to ond, are now published pub-lished in Iho fur ui of u circular, which will be furnished, free of cost, to any ono who won ta it. Tbo ontiro m'tnagoiuont of this undorlaking luuhnAii 1 .niihnil livllin 'IViml.nix In HON. THUS- E, JJHAMLETTli, lato Govornor ol Kentucky, to whom all communications per-tiimint; per-tiimint; to tho Uift Concert snouid bo addressed. ad-dressed. Jt. T. DURRETr.ProBidont P.L. K. . J JOHN S. CAIN, Secretary P. L. K. T'or further information enriuiro at Zahris-kio's Zahris-kio's Saloon, Hull Ltilto City, or to R. 11. THOMPSON, il'l Virgiuia. Nevada. JBT fi BR CHEAP BOOTS" . . GO TO Taylor & Cutler's AS THEY ARE CLOSING OUT THEIR WINTER STOCK VERY LOW. ! CHARTER OAK COOKING STOYES '. CHEAPER THAN ANY 0TI1ER HOUSE , IN TOWN. - : A FULL STOCK OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS WHICH THEY AHE Ol'FEKINH Sl'ECIAL .. INDUCEMENTS OS. . Groceries AS LOW IN PRICE AS THE LOWEST. 2j lb Cans fresb PEARS and PLUMS 35 cents. ; , ; TAYLOR &, CUTLER, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. .Of it Everybody Wants ' ; ONE OF THOSE NICE CHAMPION :cltmS'.WA5BW tSI k Washing Machines 22 000 SOLD IN ONE YEAR. Price $10.00. L-idiea Call and ecc them. Clias. W. Stayner, General Agent, So 5 Main Street, Salt Lake City tianH FLUX FOR SillLTEJls: Xl:e under;:2Tcd. having been aproirued Act-nta for L'cah, of the celebrated Hem-atiia Hem-atiia Iron Uie of Wj ominK Terrii jry, eoli-dt I the nairosaj o: the TrioE; farcacea, beliov-1 beliov-1 ir thtJ to be ih Iron llux erer orered 1 die i.nblis. 0;Ji iild ai -hvii zlcx Aj..l;- 10 GORDON &. MURRAY, Hair Block South II. iu Depot, Salt LalteClty. j21 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. FOK THE SPRING, 1S73. lUviug coiiii'lcicd our csiCQpivo Altoratioti. in tlic EETA1L DSY GOODS DEPARTMENT OF s. c;. mK. ic. Ai d made anaiiti-meuts for i:ai:lv .iki. ri i:cii AM, c It: tu u: sure imr nutucrnus Patrons wo sh ill Mxliiliit fur tlu ir luiuctiuii A SKLKCTION OK SKASONAIU.K DRESS GOODS, SATINS, TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS. Also Staple Dry Goods, etc. Wo Lavo added to our varied Stock Ladies' Underwear, etc. And placed this Department under tbo oaro of an accomj li.slied Lady Clerk. 11. B. CLAWSON. Hupt. :DUNFORD. & SONS Oiler to the Public a choice Stock of 1 Boots, Shoes, Hats, CAPS, GLOVES, & LA I) li:' At a small adv ance O M". 3 O S T , To make room for SPRING PTJliCIISIiS. llig Inducements Oilcrcd. G-reat IFLcductiori IN THE riUOKS OF Winter Glothing1. CLOTHING DEPARTIViENT, j Will dispose of the balance of their atock ol'- Winter Clotlnog, oooaistiDg of HEAVY SUITS, PAINTS, ESTS, OVERCOATS, AND URTB and ORBS, At greatly reduced prices, to mate room for their spring puroLaecs. , . AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OP SLEiail and CARRIAGE RUGS, ' At low Cpircs to closo tlicm out. A FINE LOT OF HORSE BLANKETS?, To meet the demand created by the provalcnco of tlio Epizootic. Fn'i!.,iCi1.' l'"slisil American Suitinirs, Coatillirg Iq"2,",","'e-4a S variety ! latest Myles. Men's and i t n. tilts off the liitewt fasliioiis. from flie nrst .7.:es in New York, JJoston, Cliieago and San Francisco. A FULL STOCK OK HOMK MADE CASS1.MKRKS AND JEANS 1, ,..I1,1,IHCH WK INVITO INSPECTION. H' S DIJICTUING. HOSIKUy (iLOVES, UMBRELLAS, COLLAKS AND GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks Valises, Hugs, Blankets, , Capes and Overccsais. ' MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHUh BA8TK1IN AND 1JOMB MADE. AM. Till: HE WEST t, 'V!,ES(ii-nATS AND CAPS. PAPS?. DECORATIOKS IN CHEAT VAItiliTlT. ,J e jrrc.it success which has al tended Our Merchant Tailoring Department r . H-' induced us to tuake "?f,rChaSC3 f r0nr FaU "d Winter Trade, i2.ilors Notions and Trimmings of the best1 quality always on hand. H- CLAWSON, .Miei inleiide.nl."1 JOSKIJl (iUKLI.VMil, O I V I L j:; is- o i x j.; j.; Si , U.S. JINRKM, .'M. t.c-t.cty - SALT LAKE CITY BOILER t;rnrf 'ci UAO, IVf! , I. or C:y Mc.-i: .. AH kit-Is of a iimrr. U;ri?.:T, BOILERS, eni TANK3. EEAPFR" AM' vo-,rF;a jvm Taiijji.-ixfi h;u ;.!, ' I:ii I an-1 j r. in .--r.:-r Orf-n br Iolcr-'v'"h''.';:'-.:aIl - --r.-l-rl . ' ' " a JCHS iLuiUJ CO., J-w.rl.ton. -tTiu. djvis & mv IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY :-'0Y IS OJ'KBATir.y. All kindj of Castin g- Done to Ord r or, !,c hones! naicc. - i-oo (T.i :rnnto--d. ALSO AW.3SH FOR TUB CIIIFFITJI & WEDGE VtfiTiCAL STEAM ENGINES SAW MILLS, ?teRJ" 2: l fading Machines Uis!.c;t i'tiw Erau, O,:,,..,, f'II'. T v.'tvr KTKKCT. NKAK KOKTU NOTICE. yK MOST KKSl'ECTVULLY CALL of tho City Ordinimco in rolntion to uutntmo IrtlijioJ'AuKUSt Itli, 1S71.; J i.tkk' Ci.iiiTo.i, ) Onarnnlino Salt L&ke.l'iLy. i'uh. 6, S):.-. X That If any I'ornn or rorsima shallbo t'uiLiul in n unbi-altliv cuiutii Inn frmu tiay oonlii(!..u5 iliM'iiso. "iltiln lh iiHtoihl iUar-nuiiuu iUar-nuiiuu 1 1 mils, Mhu.ll. ii in llio jiiiisoineni of thi mi lil I'lt'tu il el t'uiii uu 1 1110 tbu mlrty of tlio ' lBkvIod, t.t llio intblif, (dm ll r0Iui6r Mith tu;h-n invtviMiry, bo rtMuuwl lu rtuOVo it.tilm illi. tu Midi rluco, within ad limi iimuJ mj- dnoa; wid lfuuj auuh ,iurua shull iiDUrt i.r roiuso li. iuiily ibpronuh il .-imll bt ib tltiO' ot nil i ikmnl to bave it .ti.no tit tho oxi'enr-o of nuiil .er.-.im; nn,l iftn :lnijiiiiiiitiii ni sunt iHiuril U Ktmll bi iiootuc-1 ,i.h i-iiblo lor tho i.iTst.n ku itilcvUHl li roumin in hi usual iln.o ol nbi-da lur care am) troi-inoiit, troi-inoiit, llio Mini Ilunr.l ftutll ciui.ol i ,,1 n .t .liiiirnnliniiiKiif faul I'lafft of ubinlo, by oumr I.. In- kort diniiluyixl oi'it-i-ioin.iily during tlm l-crioii il dLUiKur, a yollt.w (l.tK U10n iToun-ofi, ai well as by twitibUihine h gunnl iituriianr iho tun no, liytiniiiK n-moo in lit, uiit 1. 11 bin- iimiiiuT .nioiii'tililu ihut nit id ,ro-inis.u ,ro-inis.u uro inuvu'd ; nnd lurilior by rptinliilinc mid prulnlnhiiK inurtu unit osro.4.i to mini tnnu find iiri'iuisoa, until alt datijtr irom iiHociit1 llivtoiii .ihnll bu o i-i'ii.soil, and Lhu imui (Ulir. muh nioiiMiny i'ur di.MLl-oiiuit sunl iirouimoi nbull Ituvo boon Ink on. And if tho etlo-t. of tiny I'orsun bo linind in a oondiiiun hkblo to oniti'iidor ountHKitiUB daioaao. thonnio nlnill at iLo diacroii,.!! ,.f tbo mmnniLino i-hxiciaS, bo roui od or dwtroyod lit tbo oxionio of llio uwnor iboroof: and iu tho i om ol tliu romoi a i any i.orMUi so iiitootoJ. iho iironuM-a irum nbioh hois rouin id, nnd tho hinimhnhl I hut oMHod, nbtill )o ntriutly iiun rant i nod until all Utuik'er f infocti'iu chilli hiivo 'tti.iol; and Mi. ti tu.'nsuroji lur tlio nliontioii u sajj litouii.io.-. r.li nil bo laktin, u in thojiidiEinent of llio (luuruiitiuo iihyaioiana dim II bo noctu-oury. noctu-oury. Sk J. Tlio nanio-t of nil (niarntine nby. sioiiins flhull lio iiublixbtkl in tumio nun nia)or pnutod in Suit l.uko t'ily, tltirlni; tho cMntinu-tioio cMntinu-tioio uf tbo coiiUkIoii, All idiyaiciuni or nlhor oraotu bm mu any knonlodno ol tho oiitoiioo li I any inuliii-nnl CuiiUh'itms dn-ouii, dn-ouii, nr lluvinii rfiwun to boliovo any suoh ilinoiLso oxiii.i, ore boroliy roijuirod tn roi..rt tho euiuo fiTimvilh to a iiuarantino ih)gician and ihyMoiiina, niirOM or any mhor iionium, who Inu o boon, or lmll bo oiKstd tu nuch contiiKiouii iliauiue, uro horoby lorbidduu to iuiiikIo H'ilb, tir bo in I ho iire.ionco .il'uthuri, ?ubj.vi to tlnu'uniiitfiiin, in eiu-h clutbini iu may buto boon mod wbiro there tvaa mcli diou.10, or t'Llionmo OAjiuao any iorou to jiuob conliiKion. ficr. ft. Any jiorson noBtpctinn or rofusing to euiiily with tho ubuvo riiiiroiiionls, ilinll bo liublo li a lino not oxcoodina ono hundrod ih.llur.H, or bo iiiipi inonod not to oxruodiix monthUi or both liuo and iuiribuniuont. faU EAGLE HOUSE Tkasdel. & Co. Tlio plaoe for tlio publio to buy, Teasdel & Co. Winter Shawls and Dress Qooda, Teasdel & Co. Flanocle, Nubiaa, ani GIovcb. Teasdel & Co. 1 1 odjo -mad o BooLa and Shoca Beat in tho Tcaritory. TEASDEL & CO. Sugars, Tcaa and C'offcca, (Jhecso, Buouu uod Lard. TEASDEL &, CO. Mcn'fljClotliinR, Hats, Bliirts and FurnibhiDg Gooda, TEASDEL & CO. Oarpctfj, Hupp, Mats and Cur-tairiH. Cur-tairiH. TEASDEL & CO. , ; Blcoa Sewing Machines. Wch longer and arc less liable to pot , out of order. Tho best in the World. No troubla to show Gooda. Careful attention to orders and goods delivered de-livered to all the trains and any part of the city free of charge. TEASDEL & CO., Kurt Temple Street. Opp'JMtc Salt Lake Ilouae. iUTISTS, iTTEXTIOX! THK HOAKD OF DIKKCTORS OF THb iJOMTct Ajrrkiiltnral and .MainifcturiB( ri'ficty oftora .r"iniuiii of uftyd'jUaM ,bfl Ani-i o I ub Territory I'-r tb h'-l dfin f'.r a Diidoiiiu. Tho li-.ard of Dirocf-ri in m th'-a-..;irdmi: O'.-miriitt. p-Trinif (lio Hot ti. withh'ild thoHuard if in their iodnnont d;-ivi mi'li.-ivnily mril-r i? ood hr HNp' tttum. J'T-irn.- will bo r(-etvi oniN April M. AwH I" hn unnDiiDce'J Ai-nl Ma-i'-y "rdcr of tbo H-sird, jan a-i K'Ujr. U CAMPHRU-. bctrcarr. ili'ROVE'rWrSTOCK. THE IMPORTED 'JilOltOL'GIlBEED DEVON BULL Young Washington, Ii ono ( tho anctt brri Devon Jiulli in ll'" count iy. Pedigree full and Complete. Hair breed Dcrou Cows arc srle"Jili milkers. Half breed Deton Oirn for w'k and pccd are unsurpai-Md. Th'n who i-i'b to imiTOro ih.ir Jtoci clD 1 ijoil.i, .,lon.liami:oal ttrtM 6 il; H Olaw.-on, nortti-wct corner I '-lu I "'frra., !l In J-.nc. Eoiuir. of Mr. 1 Snum ot Uu Subloi. |