OCR Text |
Show DEERE & Co., "'.V..' ManufacUirrre of tho ooulno MOLINK PLOW. lhe-o now h.ATo fvr tho i'wt quarter oT a re- inr;- to Aint ,itul tho roultKn oi the Im-I. l1ov li e. All vnuinn M'hno I'lowi boar tho brand a. shown in tho abovo cuU dli WATCHES & JEWELRY 1 O. L. ELIASON. 11'(IS to inform thn rwMor.t.i of alt L!0 C-tv and virinitv, that ho not only uar.in t.- t- p-o- Koi.ur. Cle.m nr.A Aii.iii.s-t Wniehr." :id I'lminnmiMors, bm ho wi make : ho in or :iny part of lhotu,to order, and warrant thy work. dn.-t rivo ud a new (uppl)' of Elpin.tfwijs Wftt oho, niid a lino M -ck of lir-1-.-la.'s 'ewolrr. I'riros as lw ns any In toira. Two doors hut of the tKsarot JJruik. dl BARKERS. A. W. WHITE & CO B A N K E K S Sail Laka iCIty. De&lcrs in GOLD DUST.COIN AND BULLION. Sxcnattffe on ail tr.e JJr:nd7)"l JlJ.k of tne United SOitis ami J-.irope, Particular attention irWen to Collection; and prucecda reiuittei at Current raio .of iiioljAijgo ud day of iidjuiGLU GKO. . WUITNi.1', Attorney COKUfclSI'ONUVXTSri"; Bank of Cliforuia - . 8i, Kr.u,, -tci Lt k Waller - - hrti V..tk DA.k Ciiu.y National lUnk - Cin- l iliwkrll K..uk Bt, Uuis Bute lUult vf NrbrAnk:. - . Umitb VELLS, FARGO & CO.. EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Bankers aud Dealers in Kxrlianse Draluon Kurope. l-.urpe-in C!lcoiivni promptly Aiteudud to. K it Taiupla .trl, Salt L.a.b. uttj . ml3 Ti.xo. JP. Tkaot, Ansnt. First National Bank of Utah '6ALTLAKB CITY. - Special Attrrrtlcrnnt on Thirtt 1 '- mft SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK tet ult Lake City Ut-ah Ter.; Authorized Capital - $500,000 Ben J. SI. Dultell, ITeaident, IlugU White, C&eliler. Hbhpstiad A. KiBiriTKict, Attornoys. ;CORRESPON DENTS I vdw vftiiir J NatiooftJ Park Bank. SAN P.iANCIsCO-Ca.iforaia Truet Cc, LONDON Jar Ooko, MoCultoch i Co. ri-i8 DESERT National Bank SALT LUKE CITY UTAH Paid up Capiliil, - $-200,000. Authorized Capital, $1,000,000. BlUlillA.M YOUNM, Vrcsidont,! U.6. l'lLDKKLx.ili, Vico Pros' l, ! W si. 11. Uuul'Ell, I W n. JENNM-VUb, f Diroclors. JU11N rill A UP. ! J. T. LITTLE, 1 L. t. UlLLb", Cashier, DKAL IS uuld nrsT, roiv, kxchasue, LA 1 WAltltATS, IC.'j-LKUt IC.'j-LKUt st Kll, etc. Collections matlo and promtJy remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOf? SALE INTBllKciT PAID ON Savings Uoposits. LEGAL. D. S.DANA, ATT 0 K NE Y-A T-h A W, 1'rovo, I toll. JAMES M. CAHTEK, ATT01LNEY-AT-LAW, Otlicoovor 1st Not. P;ink, octf E.BT rE.MPLK bTKEirr. G. E. WHITNEY, A T 'X U 1UN K 1' - AT-LAW, OfBco over Dunford .t Soni' Sioro, MAIN ST KELT, HALT LAKE C) TV. THOMAS FITCH, A T T 0 11 N K if - A T - L A W , 010(1 Street, lVtisliliiytoil, O. . Especial kiyntion Riven (o obtaining PalonU tu Almos. imv 15 BATES &ORMSBEE, ATTORNEYS AN J CUUNStlOilS AT LAW, AKPHUlor 1'urclinHC and Sulu of .III lies t I.ntida, (.Iko. C. Dates, 1 Suit l.nkc City, CHARLKd Vt. UltUSHKK.J l ltill. Warner Sarll. F. M. diuub. KAKIX & S3UTU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT OtTT, Fint South StrocL Kootnit 11 and 12, N o L6, Kimball Block. TiLt'oKih s- ma:;s. T1LFORD & MANN. A T T O It N K Y M - A T - 1. A W Nq. 30 l'lrst SoutU street. oO J. B. Kosboroush, S. A. Morritt Rosborough & Merritt, ATTOltSSY S A T L A Y , Unit Lake City, I'tnU. OtUco. I-t South Street. Brst buildini; o5t Dosorct itauk cur nor. vci WM. HAVDOit, f. K. U1UURI3T UAVDON A-GUX'IUUST, ATTORNEYS - AT- LAW SALT LAKt CITY. OllicooTcr lit National Dank of Utah. a2 0. U. HompstoaJ. M. Kirk tMtriok. HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Allot lie s-nl-Lnw, Main StrceU orro.Mto Well. F.irco A Co. TRIUNE BAKERY Craclcr ffiannfetory, o 111, alalia Slrccl, tSatt Litko i uy. Wo tiavo now roceivod our CRACKER MACHINE With all the latt impr. .-n- onl ;. n-d" aro rn.tl.ini VH-TY Dli'l'LKtN T KlNl'SOP CKACkKKi. GALLAGHER & SONS. Send for Frice Li.-t. at Ad lrowP. O.lloxH. rOAL! fOIL!! COAL!!! 'imik pc mar ak:: nrr.i'HY ti;'ii:p rii.tt I a ill t''." A r.t lor the uraf Canyon O.tl m : l.iko County. Uhvcm can obtain thts plortdid Co.il by tho t.n or cur load by apr-h ins to m. a: : ho oil: ;o of Jo,. A. Voun, Salt Lako Ciij'. ft J. Lst. Salesman l-CK R. I .p. t. 11. M. PARK. P. 0. Uox. 3i iia NOTARIES PUBLIC. CHAH. W. STAYNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, Daly qualified and commies ioncd br the QoTi-rE'ir. UtVioe 1st door ,oath of SaTae's Photopraph liallcry. bill Lao L'iu. mJ TM. II. 01 LLUPIE. W. W. VOODS GILLE5PIK and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, -AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. Arnsowt.F.TGitiiKNTS tii ken for tho several STATtB AND lESBlTOElEa. Office hour?. 9 A. H.. to 9 t. ic. Rnon N. 5 Aver Pint National Honk, alt Lake Citj, l"t.-ih Territory. s5 j i I 3 t o I Q 2 r1 " H S ti x z y- c mi a ; " aj -7 1 P a i MEW CONFECTiONERY. Tho uudersipned wishes to in form his numerous Friends aud thu Pubiio generally, that he has everything every-thing in tho above lino, CONSISTIXli OF THE F1NES.T ORNAMENTED CAKES COFFEE CAKES. TEA CAlvES, Al'IKS, MACARONIES, LADY FINGERS. KTC, KTC, KTC, FRUITS, NUTS, AND THE BEST HOME jSEA.DE In tho uiarkot, A FULL STOCK OF STAPLE AND .FANCY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS AND VARIETIES, Usually kept by him, are now Sold as Cheap as any House in Town. DANIEL CRENIG. EAST SIDE EAST TEMPLE STREET. Above Second So"th StrooL augll Suit Lake t'lty. W1YI. LANAKAN X SON, DISTILL El AND JOBBERS OF RYE WHISKEYS, WKt-slious Ho. 'JO Llttht Street, IIALTIIDHtt. mrll AT Til K New Auction House, Wojtof KiiubnllA l.awrenco's, all kinds ot j HKlUlXt; in til I.IIIXOIM M :i.1Mt onlor. C;irrotf Mnde. Cloajii-d and i.m ilnnn, Cortiioo iniido. 1 urnititro i.olisho-i. Minn-hod and rifrairod. I'm uituro and I'muoi hii'M-hI, 11diu-o Pai'Dimx and CulaomiuinK- More Liglit 20,000 GALLONS Of tho celebrated IMPERIAL OIL, 100 Firo TcsU ASH c b o "w -tr , Ml' Stan.J.v.J Fuo Tcs:, tVK SALU. I!V THE ljAKHEL UK CASE. IN L"TS TO SCI r. PETROLEUM Xon-E.ploslve FluiJ, SIXTY CENTS l'EU GALLON. LIMPS iD LIMP GOODS' FOR THE M1LLJ0X! AT 711 K Pioneer LamDStore Nearly opposite tic Market, "dEESE & CO. nil I HOTELS, ETC. fTREATWESTERN HOTEL OS TI1IC tL'HOPKAS FLA 9. PUu'.l-J in Wine-5 r:". of tic witi aeooa.ujodaJon for iJ sn es t. FIRT CLA?? accotaiQjdailoD for Familie and Traveler-. Uoomi, 50c, 75c., Sl.UO stud 4l.SU Dining Hall and Restaurant under the management of M. fi. lleardlej, late of the Morrison II o rue. Qua ha, amd lichaor donee, Lincoln. Neb. Board pr week, 97) meals, 3 0c. FREE yllMJJLs TO UOTEL. Stacej leave dail v for the mines. Laundry connected wiih the hotel. saiTn BIGAZK, tnyl7 Procrietora. Washington House liirtl Houtli Street, (SALT LAKE CITY Board and Lodging, per Weak 97 00 Board and Lodging, per day, 1 45 Day Board, per week, 5 00 Single French Spring Bed, ! per week, - 3 50 Bads, par Xlfjut - - 50 sleala - - - - 25 ' ' ' 1M TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL "OF UTAH, JAMES TOWN8END PROPRIETOR. This House ia oentralLy and pleasantly ! oated. well furnished, and has aooommoda-Uoiufor aooommoda-Uoiufor ISO BQoaU. THE PROPRIffTOR is now ppepaxins; o build large additlotu to hij Hotel, whiah when fioiahed. will rea-or it tse . Mott Complete Establishment b the BOCKY AIOVNTAIN E EG ION mil - TAYLOE'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIllST-CLASS U0USE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. myll WALKER HOUSE. EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, ' pHIS HOUSE IS THE LA1UIEST AND 1 boat aiu-ointod House in Utah Territory, and baa nceouimdaliun lor throo hundred aud liilv (taoiL. Strout cars andcarriagoi connected connect-ed "irith theVbito Suli-Uur Luihs. Reading lioouii, cunuiiiung iamrs from all poinu, Datbs, l!ir, Telocniph, Jiow and Cigar fiumd attached to tho llouao. H. S. GREELEY, k CO., nov2I . Prunrietora. TiMWCUi flOTBL WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, PRICES REDUCED. Tirmi-I'3.50 per day, ;"Vecfely Board and Room; 1J,00 to flJ.OUj Table Board, S.Ul). A foiv cirstClass tamUios can find pleasant quarter. Salt Lako City, November 1S72 . J. C. UTILE, no24 Proprietor. . W.T.REYNOLDS k CO., B. B. ZABRISKIE, ban IxanoiMO. Salt Lake City. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAVI OR SAL! A FINE Lim O? WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call the attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfac-- Satisfac-- lion Guaranteed. SOLE AUENTS FOR "IIOUSEIVS" STKAIUllT WHISKIES. T II K FINEST IB J . IN THE CITY CONNECTED WITH THE ntHTSE, 64 MAIN STREET Two ilnori eontli of Welt, Knrgn A Co's Hunk. m S 0. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kindj of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron nnd Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Afrrt wltaral ImplimiHii Ad Mlala Toole, I At Lowest Kataa. I I '.-PPi-'silii IilE SALT iaUJ Uvl'ifi. 1 u INSURANCE. mn imiMTE to. J. B. HEWITT - - President. B. U. Ulr - - hecrcury. Cincinnati Ohio. AK.NETS, JINE 30, 1&73. Cafh on har.d. i" hank, and in cour-e !" tran-iui-ion. I1II.WS ST ftmed suttee liunda, market value lA.loS 09 Jrti.ru-.ifoj Sri..t ST Collateral Loam LS.-k-.T ( Aoeruod Interest 6 Bills Receivable . 15 State Ki.ndj und MUcelLmeoiii. 5f,!-17 9s) Due from Aenu . Jfe.wT 6o LIABILITIES. Outftnndirjc Losfee 'and other Lia bilitioe 177,711 04 I H. R. Mann & Co., Agents, Ofttcet Banking llonae of A. W. Willie, Co, J. O, Boi, 55. irCS AGEITCY or THE Home Mutual mum, imp am, or CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL - - - - $650,000. JOHN 11. KED1XGTOA', Pre.ld.nt., CHABLE5 B. STORV, Scer.t.ry. fWipai Office, 433 California St., SAN FRANCISGO. H. R. MANN & Co., Agents, Office: Banking House. A. W. White Co. a2 Prospectus for 1873. SixthYeab. THE ALDINE, An Illustrated M oil till y Journal, universally admitted to be the handsomest Periodical In Uie World. A Representative and Champion of American Ameri-can Taste. Not for Sale in Book nr News Stores. T11KALDINK, while issued with all the ropulariLi', hn none of the temporary or Urn ely interest characteristic of ordinary 1'oriodicnls. U ia an elojntnt miscellany of pure, lustit, and graceful literature; and a collection col-lection of iik'turej, the rarest specimens (f artistic skill, iu blm-k and "bite. Although eachsuccoediiiB number ollords a fresh floaa-uroto floaa-uroto iu triondi, thu real value and boauty of Tilt; ALDLNL irill bo most appreciated after it h.ia boon bound up at tho close of tho year. While other publications maj claim superior cheapness, as cum pared with rivals of a similar class, THE ALIU.N'E is a unique and original conception alone and tmapproai: hod absolutely abso-lutely without competition in price or character. charac-ter. Tho po;so.-sor of a cumploto volume cannot can-not duplicate tho quantity of tino paper and engraviUKS in any other shnpo or numbor of volume tor It utlmt 1 1 h cost (and then, there arc the cliromoi Ucaldca I ART DEPAUTMEM. Koliruhstanding tho increase in tho price of subscription .at fall, when THE ALliLN JS osdumeil iu prtvont nublo iroi-ortion? and rojt-rosontattvo rojt-rosontattvo char at tar, tho odition waa more limn doubled durinj; the yadLyoar; jirov-Lug jirov-Lug that tho Amorican public appreciate, and will support, a.-inoero otlort ia tho cause of Art. i'ho puuiiahers, anxious to justify the ready conudunoo 'bus duiuonstrated, have exerted theia-'ulvos to the utuioit to aovelop and improve iho work; and tho plans lor tho a.' miiHi year, as uniolded by tho monthly issues, is-sues, itiII astonish and uulighl oven tho most sanguine irieuds of IilE Ai.Ul.NE. Iho eubUshurs aro authoriied to announce desigus irom iniuiy of the most eminent aruau ol America. In addiuoa, THE ALDINE will produce ex-aiupliM ex-aiupliM of iho buat luioign masters, selected witn a view to tho hij;tioi artiaUi; succa-s, and greatest gunoral interest; avoiding such as Itavo bucumeiikuiiltar, through pbutographa or . copies ot any kind, , Tho nuunorly tinted plates, for 1S73 ' will reproduce re-produce lour ouuund, LiRvios' inimilnblo ciiiiu-iKcionos, tpproi nate to the four seasons. I Tboso I'lates, appearing in tho issues for January, Jan-uary, April, J u!y , aud October, would bo alone worui Lbo price 01 a year's subscription. I Ibo popular leuturos ui a copiyuab illustrat- I d-Uiru-ttuas" number will bo tuniiiiued. To possusa such ii valuable opitomo of the art worlu, hi a cisi.-o tnuiug, itiII couiiniunl the I subsoripnona ot tbousajnis in every ewtiun oi l to u cuuuiry; but, as me usftulnoss and attractions attrac-tions ot iuh iijUlAc can Do onbancwi, in pruportiuu tu thu numerical increase ol Ita aup-porton), aup-porton), tno puDtisoers irooso to make "ai-junmco "ai-junmco double sureH' by the tol lowing un-paraiielud un-paraiielud ollur uf lKLailL'3I CUltOMOS FOK1S73. Every subscriber to THE ALDTXE, who pays id advance lor tbo your 157.S, will receive, with, ut anaitioiial ciiargo, a pair 01 boautnul oil chrumos, alter J. J. mil, Uie eminent Jifig-Itsh Jifig-Itsh painter. The pictures, entitled "lbo V illago iU," ami "CruMing tho Moor," are Hi JJ mcltes are priuti-J trouio difforont plates, re';uinn(,-iuiprcisions and tints to penwt eacU picture. Hie sumo chronios are sold lor per i-air, in Uie art sUros. As it is tho del eriui nation ol its conductors to keep lUh aLKIA , uut ol tliorvucli ot compotitii-n in o cry dci-ariuient, mo clirmuoa will bo lound ciTroipotiiHiigiy ahead oi any that can be uttered by uluer periodica Is. Lvery subscriber sub-scriber will receive a eertiactto, over tba signature sig-nature ol l He publi.-Ucn,, guaranteeing thattbe chromof delivered --ball be eual tu ibo samples lurmsucd Uie aent. or tho money will bo re-tundod. re-tundod. The distrumtiiui ot pictures of this grade, free to the subscribers tu a uvo dollar peiiudical. will inarn an epoch in the history ol Art; aud. cviuidenr.g tbo unprecedented cheapness oitlioprue lor HIE Al.lJl.Nt ilseli, tho marvel Kills little short ol a miracle, oven pj tboso best acquainted with the achieve mcnta il inventive suuiiis and improved mechanical me-chanical appliances. For illustrations i.f tboso chrouios, seo 'ovcmbox issuo vl T11E ALULNL-J TIIK L1TKKARY DLPAKTUEXTS will conttnno under (he care of M r. KICH AMD Hi-Mi tmULtAltlr, agisted by the bi-'t writers aud p'jols ol the da v, who will nrive to hae the liUTJture ut 1I1E ALU1.NE always al-ways in keeping niui iLs artistic attractions. TKlL.ns. I5 per an u u in. In advance, rllh Oil t'liromot free. THE ALMXE will, hereafter, ho obtained only svi''-'-rn tion. II, ore w ill bo nu re-1 duced or club rate: cnh for subsiTiptions inu't bosom to the publi-a'.Ts iLrect, or banded to the li'-al a--wliliom i t j.oin,l bl it t to the publisher-, exi-i-pl in r.-vw it hero the ccrttiicate is cm en.bearmt: tho fac-lmlle signature ol Jmu si iiu.i i Jo. AGENTS WASTED. Any l er'-'D. wifhinc to act permanent ly a a lc-;al aeent. ill ri'-.-eive full aad prjmi't U-foruiativii U-foruiativii by apply int.- Iu JAJlESSLTIO.Vdt'O., lahltshrra, llALDtX LA.NE, L YOKH. W. H. Harrinotom, Aceot, Heraid Office. ni5 LUMBERYARD. AU Kinds of Lumber d00r3, ' windows bl1xd3. mouldings. ehi.nglj:s, laths, 'T. R. JONES fialX soiiU oi U. C K. Depou DESMOIDS TRADE, DES MOINES Scale Company I i r-- F. K. WEST. President. li S- F. SroiTORD, Yieo-r-t 9 GKO. A. JEW EXT. Secr'y. fjJK W- REDHEAD, Treasurer. VSjSS. S. HITCHCOCK, SupX AVil. DICKEKOX, General AgonU We axe manu fact urine- and can fill orders on short notice, the following: Hay, Coil aid Stock Scales! RAILROAD, Warehouse & Counter Scales WHEAT 0B H0?rER SCALES ! FLOUR. AND BCTOHEBS' II AM 1 Baggage and Warehouse Tracks. Erarr article warranted durable and aoc orate. SCALES OF ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Address, for Circulars, DES MOINES SCALE CO., do26 Dos Moines, Iowa. ft. E. ROBERTS CO., Manufacturer of SCHOOL FURNITURE, OFFICE DESKS, CHURCH, II ALL, AND COURT H0USB SEATS. DES MOIXES, IOWA. Bltckwoll'a Liquid Slating and Black Board. OrdoTSaoliiitod. Sopd for Illustr<Ml WISCELLftNEOUS. JLT COST! 3P O CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR PRESENTS TELE MOST DESIKABLE OPPORTUNITY OP-PORTUNITY I CARL C.lSMUSSEN WILL SKI.I. And wUhea to call special attention to his beautiful assortment of tino Ladies' Gold and Silver Watches, Bracelets, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DRESS RINGS, CHAINS, LOCKETS and CUARMS. Also a groat variety of tho best selected GOLD NECLACES. BROOCH. ES, EAR RINGS AND FULL SETS A complote assortment of tho host urades of AMERICAN WATCHES tho most auitablo for Railread Travelers. Farmers and Minors. For stronKlh nd uood going they aro unsurpassed, and will keep longer than any other watch. ALL GOODS AB.E SOLD UPON U0X0R AND WARRANTED. The public aro cordially invited to inspect- CARL CASMTJSSEN, JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, S. L. CITY. dn CRACKERS! CRACKERS! Crackers ! SaltLae Steam Cracler Factory IBAR R. R. DEPOT. T AM MAMTFACTIMtTNtJ thelt (JTAL-1 (JTAL-1 ITY nnd UHEATlT VAMIKIY of. t'RM liKK, over produced in tho i'erri-tory, i'erri-tory, which 1 oflVr tithe Trade and Public generally, at tho lowest ntihlo prices. Merchant! and friend" are re'iuwted t entl and cxamino my goidi and priced, belurc purchaaing. R. Y. ANDERSON, Salt Lako City, , Jan. , IbTX I tah Territory. CHICAGO & ALTON It. It. The Only Flrat-Claaa H4 In., the Wmt, LOUISIANA, MISSOURI K w Short Koute frnn Kansas City to Chicago, Wlthont ChsnKf t Via Pt. Lonl-, Kmn'OF pitr and N'Tlheru (Uie North Miniri) an.l i hip(fan.l Alt.n Railroads, crowing the M t-i- at Louisiana, Lou-isiana, Mo., ai. ! p.tnK ihriuuh Jackon-Tille, Jackon-Tille, Bleouinston and John. The Shortest &nd lict Route to the East. Tla Chicago! ELEGANT LAY CAR 8 PIIUMAI PALiCESLKPISB CAES Bin thronrh from Kb-i -lt7 Bu aJI Lottos to Cluaacs, without ehang 1 mm mi iisi boom AND SMOKING CARS Ob all daily Lralai : the only. tine ru&nini thus can from KaaiuCllaDd Bt.LonU to Chtcstaju' No Line makes as Good Time, Or cinder conneen?m. na? center w?'".tn'no dstiuns, better track, more elegant daj L'd. m'.re lojarian: and f"m fpirtu r!e f.in card. Trainj of K an.'anI'o &c and allWswte-n rcadf eoEceel rlr.e.y wr.h Lraiaa of this line, il Tnion Depot, Kaaisj city. JAS. HARLTON, SeneraJ Pajienrr and Ticket Aieat, C. A A- IL It, C'nicaio. J. M:MULLIN, 9 1. 8npv, C. k A- R. K.. Chicar. FRANK HIGH, Wtern Tramline AxexuC. ia.H R. .aoau otj. H o. jlA MISCELLANEOUS. S ELLIN GAT COST. Grrat Sacrifice ! Eobin.-on".- talviUe CVal, .( pert -e at the I'- 0. K. It l't-wt. Ll al delni-d in all ran-of the City at tli'.- por too. t'rder receive! at Tc.v-del A t Duniurd A Son's mi: !'.'. Uoot and ibie ?toro. and Ih-x in the Post I'lV-ce- fi,;,, FOR SALE. I IS R.iRSR-l'OWFR "L1TTI.K iJlANT" Kr;;re inJ Boiler cMOirlete, ia :"uu oik- i in,; condition, i!e by j G0RD3N &, HURRAY, Half bloca south K. Depot, Salt l.ke City. jji M. T. BURCES5. Civil Engineer and U. S. Mineral Surveyor. Will prepar the neciv-aTy Paper? a:;d Diagrams Dia-grams :or 1'atonLs tmd I'u-te.-'ts. Office in Huiltlins ewui-ied by Survevpi General. mnl TO TDEiB TKADE, Join teUSWictnriiiiiCo., J. RUSSELL & CO., OPtEEINJ' KIVEK WOKHS, Works and Varehntips, Ti-rntr s FLU!. MASS:., Manufacture the finest and largest vanetj- TABLE CUTLERY In tho World. Their Good ran no" found upon the Lbuof all A 1 Jobbim Houses. Ofllcc nml Knmph' Room: Sf, Chambers Cham-bers Ni reel, . tC M 1IIKK, Jno. hussell yiVa Co. janl9 b m 6 3 H S cn H o CJ e - I S 0 s , pi i ; 5 1 B S a s . s I ; s 1 (-Tj ? a, W . I I a. af " S o Oi ! la, .s " 2 " - t; 5 I H z .it 8 i ! i A l 3 S 3 3 fea r Z3 S 2 S - 1 I (J u a CZ? H g M 1 g , S CORN, OATS, BURUY, r'L0L'K,CUHN-MKAL, BL'CK WH EAT FLOL'K AND 1'lllMS BETTER. For (ale cheaper than any other house in tho city, by tiORDOSA Dlt'HRtY, ClS"A'SliSai,i.0.f.B-B- D'"""'S IKOxN AfOAL. BED ROCKS OF NATIONAL 1VEALTTI Iron and CvhL Captialiata call on mo! I own iL 1 will divide Address, S. M. UI.AHI, 819 1. U. Box ISO, Salt Lake t'lty. WANTED t2.rtXl CASH, FOR ONE l ear V, il dirlde the finMl mininK lDtaroat in Utah for the ufe of tho money Address, S. Al. ULAllt, Salt Lake City, P. O. lioi ibo. NOTICE. rllE UNKNOWN OWNEHS OP FIVE Hu ml red and Fifty (."wOlloW it. the U'en A Oardner lodo, and our Him red i H' i-t in tlioi.-rphau Uov lode, will tao n nc-iiat we have di'iio labor (in tho al'ovi! mini cliiims to I ho tmiount of One llundro-l f Un Pml-.n: eiirb. The Miuie bein ,vun nod uiio--o. cnth 11-.) renti for loot on tlio Unen .Vtiimiinr. and eight and on-thiid i l-3i cerm i-or (,-ot orplmn ly. .-aid claim loin; mm-atcd mm-atcd in Littlo Cii ton wood Ui-uiol. S-.lt :.e County. I tnli 'IVrrid.ry. And jo.i Mod i.ji.-h ut you iire hereby nolihed Io pnv vuur poripm hf ii(nc s-tated, m hiu tniift. ' j (1a.s iioui date of tlii noiico, to A. W. Whit, .v C. ,t Salt Lako City. II EN h Y vWi.S, S. S. EVANS. Salt Lake Cut, Dec. 7. l&7i d-J HEAD Xliis AdverU'etnonl AND WRITE For our Manual of Evergreens AND SAVE ii buying and I'lantUiK jour tree, 50 PER GENT. I'rico 10 cents worth t" any tree-planl; r I'lSSLY k CO. i 7 Mtttrgrmt Uty, Wli. TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. Ili THE. t AST . NORTH AND SOUT Ht AST. No. 3. BTAT1QK3. alr'a.a. MAIL. Lot a S A LI LAK B i VtMa.m. 2:1. p.m. " OMAHA 1 S:lJp.in.' 5.'a.m. ArrlTt BUHLLh'QION j tWfta.m.' MOp.m. "Galefburr'C.D.AQ.)1 VOlb. lO Vip.m. msDdou. " lLJ5a.ni. 3;Zia.m. " ChNi-i " i S-.Up rn.' T-fdft.tn. " rejrifc a.tn. Ii. Via ic. " Lnd'plil B.AW.1 p.tn. i.j,',a m, " Citicinna.i - - Ur'ii.tn. 4: l.'-p.m. " Lofani; ort J'V p tn- ft 3ia.m. T. r.iW., " '-tn"j ' -'"..' 'i r-Thrnnrh Car rrom Mi n-t hirr Chi'wri. I tiiimr.m.-lu, Ci r. - in n L"st. r laaliac to the Kia!. ' r:h i'tM kl aaid rhnpul Kont. Ia 1W he H hnt nTi TV!-. Ti the Burlinftoo A Missouri Kiver Kairos4. A. JL TOl'Z A l.IN. C. K.PKPKI:-!-; esn'l ia;AaU ttai'l tjt. S T L 0 U 1 ST R A D E . py-f bj y. jii. mm mm mm STATE LOTTERY. I Lrralizrd by Snif Auilioriiy and j llraHu iu 1'uMic iu St. Louis. Grand Sing's Number Scheme. ! 50,000 NUMBERS. 1 Class O, I a b. Itb. US, 1MJ, 5,SH Irizes, Anwiiatr.ijj to f3t0.tXK.. I I ol $M 0"i 5 tU-o! $ 100 1 pn l.I.4.nt U) i,.n l.UOO 1 , - .t 1 i', .... v ,.- , ,i itm I ol I. Ml V , ru ...f 3l0 4 ,.. ifru ..I 3. mm . wm) 4 . ,,,.!- W..M.H 3ft ,.r-t.-..( MOO i,i-.i,,.i 1 ci'ii .if-. .w do tl !! , i Mi t .i ,, 1 CO 411 priu tI HjO Ji.tJOtl j.ntor 10 Tlck.n, Jul, Holt I'li tviti,!), U.arteis. I...MI. a Ot-.r ! tr.r. r h.-t.i.i i., (h, jUt are ' - i"he ufli-iiU Jrl p iM .Mi-IkvI ,n St l,ci ..-'-. -1 o. ) yf Urina; i to turvtiwn tioL.:. flj,- M .ill .ir .is-.i;!r , J.r-m- the lat J,, ..tf-vry u,..i.tl. n;n,.v U... lTi ,V ' ''Of -'- IV-T OFTld liS KV OKI'F 'i kK . :s I K iKP It. IT t-H, L-R .t-'T, ir Kl'i.K-S , ,1 ,-.- . ,-ira-eti.r. Ad. Jits .! I KivA V, niLLKU PoiOfi B-i 16. ST. LOUIS. Me, EvfelniMKE WHO WANTS A lUlTV VAM1LY, EVERY HGTEL KEEPER Who A I way Want a Fnll Houm EVERY STOVE DEALER WHO MEANS liVJINKSS, ivehy mum oa child Who doMros Health by OvVsi Llvlne. t-Hori.1" Ht'T fNT 01" lit CELEBRATED ASK YOUS TlNNEB FOR THEM If hodoasnol bavo an anjortment, SEND V01-K OKDEll TO ExciMiiiffiicnaiiici SAINT LOUIS. Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of TINNERS' STOCK, And all LIVE STOVE DEALERS. not-M ;iks im: ix:i:'f4 SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, Mi ftl VAMLLAi LLM0X, tlf., Tor Klmuriug he Cmim, nnd Fntn AViili (Mi'iil hi iv. a ITU rl(os?, w.Mr.ul 1i:,i il, ,..-, 'ru:.i nnI Ali'IlLi'it-, .1- : : (,!.:t!r-i U lihlW fl.'l- vor, iin.l yv ' lnrn ,,, of tov t-n--HthC' Jf fj'f-it tlirnylfi and tH jur,h. .V" o . .( .'.nor as nj-trt, , I..'. Jv.-;,le.i-h !?:. fhll nifU'tirt, ifl'h'"f7 h,i'fntrrf t?:in other )'itrKv(ing to hvld M id quantity, 1' V" ut oit tr-'l Ti.r r,o ol!.r. 'J'.'.e wM UfltOltf, trVS if t;.-r T7.lf(", Ho stijH'rinr to Uie r!np rytrticis. Ask for I'r. J'ri'.'f's hM iiil FJ.'ivunuxft. Mftuu' fm lurcJ ouy y STEELS PTIOa, UPivtfi.ClllCAUO niulHT. LUL'lH. Mmvjwtu-rnt of Jr, J'noe's Oram H-iking lrdrr. Epizootic ! EPIZOOTIC ! I EI'IZOOIIO I I Circa! I'l-fMvcr.r in Veterinary Medicine FOUN D AT L A S T 1 A f-i eci'V for t hr H' 'V. - V. I" N I"T.M1''. Curo dieted in rr-nitbr-toi...ir d Price tl per btlle. Wli. l-nle f ,.. r d'.r-n. HIPPOCRASTUS ! W !, 1- a'l l :..(.,! I.v ' C. F. CULIY1ER Sl CO, OI'.UKHUK( K -Ml.fM-K, Suit l.nk i;ir-. lot "in I- I t.j' , r. ... " ' '' ry THIS WKI.I, KNOWN LiltA.M) VK .V JAPAN TEAS- yon sale a r ' z: r & Mm Grocery Department. alt U, B. t LA W bON , bup t |