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Show US Wi-ilS TRACE. J rrs koines Tcale Company J) . , F. R. WKST, President. -V B..SPOFfOHD, Vico-I'ft- HKO. A-JEWKTT.Soet'y. 'T W. REDHEAD, Troosnrer ' '-'-0 S- U1TCUC0CK. Sup'l. WM. n-CKHKSON, (ionora! Agent. 'o iru rr-.jniilnH iriog. nm! ran lili orders iD t- Jt.J, IjuiI nulico, tho lulluwin.: Fi?, Ccd anl Slock Scales RAILROAD, l"thciisp a Counter Scales V.'HLAT OK nOl'l'EU KCALES I rt.'ttlil AM JILTtJIIBHS1 IHCAMHI BRiL-ftfi ." Warehonae Truuki. r.'.xry article- warrnntod durable and 1 accuruto.H BCAL13 OF ALL KINDS HEP AIRED. AM:sis. for Circulars, )Jk:S aiOlNKS HfAliE co., rir,. Dos Aluinobi Iowa. fi. EJ ROBERTS 1X0., L. 1 -rl- Manufacturers o IS COMCOLFURhJITURE, OFFICE DESKS, CHl'r.CU, 11ALL, AND COURT IiOUSH SEATS . DEM MOINES, IOWA. HlwkwaU'. Liquid Simian tad Blaok Board Ordor. lisitod.-Sonil for Illustrate !nlDKiio nnd 1'rioo List, dit NOTICE. t II. SWERTMAN WILL PLEASE j l.tvonolifo tliul, lnhor to tho amount or C'lnt.'-if iloMura and sixty-six and two-third . lV i has buitu dono on tbo Relief iso i I Little Cottonwood District, fault Co.mtv. 1'nh Territory, and you aro i ,. ,I,T , ..ua to i ay said mm within ninety ,i . , t'ro- ' lu.Lo gf tliia notice, to L. L. i limit. B4u-k.oiur. B 1IKN11V 1'AIRA. , "i.li.hLLI OlT.Atl'y. Everybody Wants ONE OF THOSE NICE OHafflPIOH Washing Machines 2222 3GLD IN ONE YEAR iV:Y;:3 $10.00. Lidioa Call and sec them, Glis. W. Stayner. General Agent, So a Plain HtrefittSaltLak City Liaull 13 FB1TING. Tlio varied wants 'of the MINER, AKTIZAN anil TRAVELER Of J 03 POINTING OAK UK FILLED AT THE 1 iHALD J03 OFFICE Tio unanimous satisfaction given t1? t rork done at our office in the f .st n-a iuntificd us in continually im-pcrtics im-pcrtics a llie 1 vTest Attractions with which to plcaso mi palrotu in Elegance Style Job Printing ti .-. v, .-.-g rTOraMy with any import t;ca is. iLu iio from the iCat or Weflt SALT LAKE IRON CO. CIIARLES RO0JIB, Proiident, NEW YORK, U. J. DAVISON, Vieo-Preaidflnt and 'I""","r' NEW YORK, F. F. JONES, Sscrelary, NEW YORK. MANUFACTURERS OP ALL KIMDS OF IRONfc BR4SS CASTINGS W can olTor tho bst Indiicemon 10 al Paru.Srtbii oounuynlioK. muieawd m MINING, BMELTINQ And BUILD 1NH. IT, can furolah, at tho ahortMt notino, ORE CAES Oft o latMt improvomontJ, in oiluar Wood or Itud; OKK BUCKETS; CA.R WHEELS, of any sizo; HOISTING WINDLASSES; CAST IKON TUYERS, For Furnacofl ; SLAQ CARTS and POTS; BOT10M AND FRONT PLATES; ' CORNER BINDERS; BULLION MOULDS; LADLES and SKIMMERS ; ' WATER JACKETS ; SMOKE STACKS and CHARCOAL WAGONS; PULLEYS of all Sizes ; COUPLINGS; ' BOXES ; HANGERS ; SHAFTING; PINIONS ; GUDGEONS, and COG WHEELS ; IRON RAILINGS ; COLUMNS : SASH WEIGHTS; And ORNAMENTAL WORK For BUILDERS. Works : UJjU BLOCK SOCTII OF DBPOT. L. S. SUTHERLAND, MANAOER-Po. MANAOER-Po. Box, No. 569. m SPRING, 1873. FIRST IIN1THE MARKET. FOR THE LADIES New and Fashionable GOO 30 SJ NOW BEING RECEIVED BY TEASDEL & CO. Lace Pellerines' Laoo Trimmed Barbaa, Hamburj; Edgings and Insertion'. Lace Capes and undcrulccvos. Love and Blook Laco Veils. Silk Ties Silk Fichus, Imitation AppliqucCCollars, FANCYB GOODS In largo varitiee. Ottoman Sashes and Scarfs Ottoman Shawls, Mozambique Shawls, Lucca Wrape. iUdiee will do well by calling on TEASDEL & CO' EAGLE HOUSE, Before Purchasing elfowhero. Bices SewingMachines StUJ commanding. rapid Plei BUM E3- O. 3S. X. CLOTHIEIG DEPARTMENT, NKW ARRIVALS OF SIPHIIVG GOODS . is Mens, Youths', and Boys' Clothing, In all the Newoet Fabrics and Styles. Also all the popular Styles of SILK, BEAVER, and FELT HATS, From tho most oclebratcd makers. MEN'S AND 15 OY S ' CAPS , In great variety. We call special attention to our Stock of GENTS' - FURNISHING GOODS, - IN - ' Underclothing, Hosiery, gloves, Collars, Neckties, Neck-ties, Scarfs, Shirt Studs, Umbrellas, Valises, &c, &c. AGENTS FOR THE FAMED BURLOCK Wo are opening tho most oxtonsivo and beat assortedStook of PIECE GOODS Wo bavo over offered, consisting of tho finest qna.ities of French, English German, Scotch and American" Suitings, Vestings, Cassimeres, &c, Which oannot fail in suiting tho tastes of all. We have purchased with a view to supply all the requirements of our RAPID1Y INCREASING BUSINESS IN MEECHANT TAILOBING So that our PatronB oan seleot.from the Choioost Stook in Utah. NEW REGULATION MILITARY SUITS Made to order on the shortest notice. Our very heavy Sales of WALL PAPER & DECORATIONS iUIavo induced us to make extensive alterations so that this olass of Goods oan now bo seen to muoh better advantage than formerly, A beautiful j assortment of GILTS. BRONZH3, SATINS, WHITE and BROWN BLANKS, &o , now on hand. larpo assortment of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S TRUNKS, of our own Manufacture, beautifully got up. MEN'S AND BOYS'; BOOTS AND SHOEk HOME-MADE AND IMPORTED. Floor Oilcloths and Carpets. H. B. CLAWSON, Superiiiteiuleiit. DUNFORD & SONS. New Goods,. Spring Styles. Immenso assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, AND HATS, The largest Stook over offered to the trade. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEPARTMENTS. Big Inducements Offered. GROCERY DEP,rr z. o. im:. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, ; Hardware, ; Plows, ' . btoves, Crockery Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices, ALL OTJR GOODS .A. HIS OHBAP DEALERS IN THE SETTLEMENTS AND MINING TOWNS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL (AND ENQUIRE PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. mfl! H. I. CLAWUIl .Mparts :"M4 S T 0 V E S, AT Z. M. I. Grocery andallardware Department 3IONITOR, CHARTER OAK, NEW ERA, . LOYAL COOK, Also a great vLriety of other COOKING and HKATINQ STOVES, com-pnsiDR com-pnsiDR the largest assortmuut to be found in any stook in Utah: prioc very low, call and see, 00.20 H. B. CLAWSON, Supt. Z. C. M. I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, SISN OF THE - i a- -j o o t GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENTS' SHOES, LADIES' SnOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLIPPERS, LADIES' SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For Dno wonthor or stormy woatlior; for wnlk- inc, daneing, ivorlcinu, sparkimq, climbing, riding, fishing, mining, otc. otc. A largo and choice asaortmont of tho above, our oivn mnko and inijiortud, at tho most roa-aonablg roa-aonablg prioos,. W make to order any atyle and quality den I red and Inniri attirnctton. OLD BOOTS AND SHOES Made ai good as now almort. SELLING OFF OUH OLD STOOK BELOWCOST! Sole Leather 1 Upper Leather I Harness Leather ! Imported Calf SkiDS, American Calf Skins, Morocco aod Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, 'AMD "KIT" OP ALL KINDS I IIOHSE COLLAKS ! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail ! Order, by Mull receive apeolal rnnd prompt alteutlou. HIDES AND WOQL BOUGHT H. aiCLAWSON, Swt MM Tho World i, full O - '"".W" of Chilaren crying for '-m -JJM CAMDIJSD 7 n Castor Oil, 'v yTtr, Ltvo ani harinloM. , W9 i , Tho roimlsh'o taJt- K. V. 4f nml nmnll ufthoCoa-coiiimni, ufthoCoa-coiiimni, tor Oil is entirely overcouio- Its cathartic powum oxo Hut iui- 1. uired. I'rtoo i"i uLs. McLiiiu's Vermifuge Bonbons ro oleentit and eifeotivo. Thoy rwomblo Croam llutibons. kojit iu Confectioners nhovs. ChiLlrun lovo thuui and cry lor thoin, I'nc 2, 'j cents ,iur box. l-'or attlo by l. C W. I. and all othor Urog-gisL Urog-gisL G. F, GULMER & UllOICiiUKC'K BLOCK, GKOCERIES AT Wholesale ami Kf.Iiiil. W1SDOW CLASS Of all Sizoa. No ch:vr(ro for currisa to any UNGLIM1I AND ABIKRICAN VARNISHES Of all Kinds. Bast Unsacd Oil Pulty. ramilioa aupuliod with GROCERIES atro-ducod atro-ducod 1'ricos. Rod. Whito, Bluo, Yollow, Orano. l'urulo, Violot, Uroon and darnel htnliied GlnHfl cut to all Fancy Designs, for Churohos, oto, I ESTI&l AT.ES-G l.ViiN. m22 CE BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE AU kind! of HFAVY IURDWAR, Iron mid Stoel I j Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOO LI, And HlHlnff Tool, At LowmI Htf. OPPOSITE TUB SALT LAKE HOUS WATCHES & JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON. BEGS to Inform tho rosidonts of Salt Lake City and vicinity, that ho not onlj guarantees to properly Rojiair, Clean and Adjust Watches and Chronometers, bat ho wil. mnko thorn or any part of them to ordor. and warrant tho work. . Justrecoivod a now supply ot E!fnn,owis: Watchos, and a lino Stack of tirst-class Towolry. Prices as lo as any in town. Twt doors East of tho Dosorot Bank. dl SALT LAKE CITY SAFE DEPOSIT. Fire and Burglar-Proof Vault, In lSnsoinent of tho BANKING HOUSE OF A. W. WHITE 4 Cc. j VALUABLE t'Al'EHS, JEWELRY AND tsilvor Ware rocoivod on Special DopusiU Lock CoMrAUTuKats for rent Otlico hoars from 1 a.tn. to 0 p.m. W. II. (JlllSIIOIilfl . Co., Stuck and Money Bvokei's, L'EALEUS IN GOLD DUST, Uuilrond Tickets, otc. Stocks Bought on uiilU Margins. IjIIIMIIEIS &. R, Jones' Superior Lime. CERTIFIED 'TO BY THE BUILDERS and l'liLStorora of Salt Lako City and vicinity, to ho ouuul to any othor Linio in tho Territory. Lonvo orders at LIME DEPOT, CITY MARKET SQUARE. BSiiocial nd van tag 03 to purchaser who dothoirown hauling. DURANT & CUTTING, CONTRACTORS, Forwarding and (oiuinLssou Mcrcliauls, SALT LAKIi; CITY, i SANDY STATION GRANITE, AND ILEI1I, UTAH TERRITORY. DEALERS IN '. P U B E COilELLSVILLB COKE, Jjargo Supply alwaya on hand. AgenU'Jor the -HOWES' U. S. STANDARD SCALES, Agents for the LACLEDE FIRE BRICK MANUFACTURING MANU-FACTURING CU. Si. Louis. Wo aro proparod to Contract for any of tho abovo-nomod artiolos, including tho WYOMING HEMATITE IRON ORE, At tho lowest market ratos FOR CASH. Wo aro also SOLE Agents for tho Colobrntod C0QU1LLARD FARM AND FREIUUT WAGON, manufactured .expressly for the Utah Trade Agontfl for tho Far West Vrelgnt Co. Cash Advances mado on Consignmonta 0 Ore and Bullion. Through Bills of Lading givon to all poinU in tho Unitod States and Europo. SAMPLERS OF ORE AND BULLION. Contracts mrtdo for tho Transportation of ORE, BULL1UN, and MILL MACHINERY to any point in Utah or Nevada. - Wo also carry tlio larsost Stock of Grain in TjUib. which wo Soil Low for Cuah. Goods Forwarded to all points in Utah and Novadawith promptness and dispatch. Addross all Communications tc DURANT & CUTTING, ! Salt Lake City, Utali. mar S Sewing4 Machine. YTE respeetfUUylinvito the Publio to oall and see our oxeollont variety 01 Sewing Machines PIain,UeaulifuI and Elahorate Styles of AVorkmanship AND GREATLY IMPROVED WITH T1TU F A. 1ST T O 3ST CASTOKS. Tho lotdi Sala of the SINGER MACHINE an ma THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OP .LAST YEAR, a. s s. 9 s o An oridonoa that it is fast winning supromo favor in the household, Tho SiNOEa Comoany Bold over the other Companies, 52,734, Way Tho Chicago Rcliof Committee funuahod euffcrora by the Fire to March is, 1872, 3,944; 3,151 Singer Machines, all other makes, 793. Applicant mado thoix selection, with same discount on all. OUR SALES IN UTAH EXCEED AN OTHER HOUSE IN THA SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE OF CHICAGO. Wo courteously invito tho Lodios to bob our E3xia broidery Attaolimont, It attracts general attention and admiration, W e also desiro you to sco our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRiMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS, NEEDLE' SETTERS, SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OF SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINES, WE GUARANTEE EVERY MACHINE WE SELL TO GIVE ENTIRE SATISFAG don, as oach ono is thoroughly adjusted, tried and tested by eirariomeed Mechanic ' and all aro war ran tod to sow with eass ail kinds of goods, from the coarost to tho fin oat, Lace, Muslin, Cambric, Domestic, Deuiius, Tickinga. Ductaliig, Beaver, Buckskin and Leather. Ha?-Instruction given free of charge by oompotont altcndanta, and lorme of sale to suit all corcumfitanccs. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REA SONABLE TERMS. Wo extend a cordial invitation to all to GOME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whether they winh to purchase or not, IT THE SINGER SEWIXG MCI1LE DEPARTMENT Z. G. Ttl. I. General Agents, Two doom south of Eaglo.Emporium bALiJLAKj Cm, RAILROADS. C. P. R. R. On anil after Sunday, Mny -1, 173, Trains will leave Ogilen o followai 3i l0 p.m., (daily.) Passenger Train fur Bono (fur Carson and Virginia! Sacra-men Sacra-men to. Maryavillo, Kodding, (fr 1'nrtland, O.,) Stockton, Morcud, (fur Yossinito) Tipton (fur Los Angoloa,) 6an Joso and San Francisco. 5i00 p.m., daily.1 Through Emigrant Train lor Sacrumunlo and an Francisco. Fran-cisco. T. IT. GOODMAN, Gon. Pass, and Tiokot AgonL A.N. TOWN E, Uon'l Sup't GEO. H. RICE, AaiLtT, Salt Lako City, Oflico with Marshall Jt Roylo, fiver W. F. A Co's Lank. M NORTHERN RAILROAD. Trains run hetivocn Drisham Junction witliG.P.R.R., AKD LOGAN. On and aftor February 1st, 1873, Daily Trains, Loavo Brigham Junotion at. 7:iHJ).m- Leave Logan 8:30 a. in. to connect with trains for Ogdon and Salt Lako. Trains Run on Salt Lake Time. war Stages connect with Trains to and from Northern Sottlomonts in Cache County tiu- WESKLY. FAUESi Bntwoon T,n.rnn and Snlt T,alr S 00 Ogdon 3 00 1, Mendon and Salt Lako 4 75 Ogdon 2 75 tleduoo4 Rates to Exoursion Partiee, Passengers will ploase purchase their rickets at the Offices. For all information concerning Freight or Paesftgo, applv tc CIIAS. NIBLET.l General Freight and Ticket AgenL ;jso. w. tofsg, dll Gon'l Sup't, UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH, On and after May 1, 1HTJ. JJftiiy Trains Leave Salt Lake Cit7 atG:5Ua.m. and 3 45 Arrive at Ogdon 7:."0 a. m. and 5:45 p. m. Leave Ogdcn at K:1U a. m. and (1:30 p. m. Arrive at Salt Loko City 1CMI) a.m. 8 0 Pita In addition to th be WUl ran DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Lako City at 8 a.m. and 6.30 p.m., and Ogdcn at 5 a.m. and 6.50 p.m. Paaira will plana Puihut thlr Tlh.U t th Offla. Fifty Cento additional will be charged when tho fare is ooUooted en the tra'o. tot tl) Information ooncnrnlng freight or passage, apply to JAS. SHARP, General Freight and Ticket Ac' JOHN SHAKP, UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD On and after December JeQth, 187 it DAILY TRAINS Leave the Utah Central R.R, Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 2.30 p.m; Arrive at Lchi at 9 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Leave Lchi at 9.30 a,m. and 5 p.m. Arrive at Salt Lako City at 11.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. In addition to tho abovo MIXED . TRAINS Will run daily, Sunday excepted, Leaving the Utah Central R.R depot, Salt Lake City, at 1 p.m. and Lchi at 6 a.m. Passengers will please purchase their Tiekcts at tho Offices. I'ilty ocnts additional ad-ditional will bo charged when tho i'aro is collected on the train, , For all information ooncorniag freight or passage, apply to - J A3. 81IAKI, Gen. Freight and Ticket Agent. JOHN KIIAHP, BOPalUTJTgNDBNT, THIS WELL KNOWN lili AND -01- JAPAN TEAS -TOR BALE AT -K, XVB-a -Ha Grocery Department, 11 11. B. CLAWBON Bout. TRAVEL REDUCTION IN PASSAGE. OU10N LINE BETWEEN New York, tlumistown, uuiJ Liverpool. Currying tho Unitod States Malls. IOAIIO. ,t---fc NEVADA, MINNESOTA. N El! K ASK A. MANIlA'ITANVtU U ITWl'UMiNU. WISCONSIN, trrvrriM SAILING FROM NEWY0R1C EVERY V EUN I'iSDA Y. CABIN PatiKO from Now York 9W anj t' gold. Staterooms on tho samo deck at Saloim. STEERAGE: ?: from Now York; f:atfroiE Livonioolor Quooniituwn, iiayablo in ourronoj l'as.nigu from or to tlurmnnv, Krunuo, Nor way, Sudon, otc, ut Luwu.st I tat ox. lloiuiitiuicas tu Uroat britain, Ireland and the Continent. Apply to WILLTAMSA niirnN,2 Broadway; Broad-way; or H S, ELDKEDUE, d:i Salt Lako City. GILMER S SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES TIUlOUOIl Utah, South - vnst Ncvsula & Montana, Mon-tana, JLea.TlMQ-Sa.lt Lake City Dally, rm mIuk Noutk lu Tintio, Amorioan Fork, Mount JSobo, . Sevier, St. George, Utah ; and Piooho, Nevada ; PaaalMf throafh Provo, Springville, 8panish Fork,Pas bod. Salt Crock, Chiokcn Crcok Round Valley, Filimoro,Cora Crook, Beaver, Miner&-villo, Miner&-villo, and AU the principal town and notninQ camps in louthcrn Utah a.-id touth-eatt Nevada. Alio laave Corlnnt, Utah, dal(r( raaalag aorth to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton. Door Lodgo, Cedar Creek mines, and passing through all the priDoipal towns and mining min-ing camps in Montana, Mon-tana, PRINCIPAL OrpJCK, Wells, Fvgo S Co. Building jnn4 Salt Lake City SAlT lake, OPH1R And Tintic Stage and Express run mo oailf vnum iajlv LAKE CITY, rla LAKE TOWN, TUOKLJC CITY, STOCKTON AND OPU1R TO TINTIC. Tho ronte hfiB been re-stocked witn splendid splen-did Concord Coaches, fine Stock, caioful and attentive Drivora. and every attention is paid to the comfort E-n i oenvonlenoo of passen-geri. passen-geri. Qood accommodation on the road. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. OM at Weils, rargo . Co.'a, Salt Lakf Ctti LEN WLNES, 1 anil Proprietor TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. TO THE HAST, NORTH AND SOUTHEAST. No. 3. , Itlantio , STATIONS. Kipanaa. 'JAIL. Leave SALT LAKE 6:00a.m. p.m. " OMAHA 8:30 cm, 6:30 a.m. Arrive BURLINGTON. 5:00 a.m; MOip.m. " Golesburg(C.B.4Q.) 7:00 a.m. 10:50 p.n Menaota ". 11:15 a.m. 33 a.m. M Chicago " 3:15 p.m. 7-00 a.m. " Peoria 9:00 a.m. liSCa.m. " Ind'plisd.B.&W. 6:15 p.m. 9:25a.m. " Cincinnati - - 11;00 p.m. 1: 15p.m. " Logansport 5!55p.m. 9:20a.m. T. P. Il W.) " Colombua 2:frn.m. 5:30p.m. CfThrooyh Cars from Miss nrl River to Chicago. Indianapolis. Oinoio ntl. Lorant-ortand Lorant-ortand Columbus, Now York, L'ostou.l'hlla-dolihia, L'ostou.l'hlla-dolihia, and Woahinglon. Connections at tnose pota ti with lines leading to the East, North and South. This 11 the Ut, Sliorteat, Uulekeat and Cheapeat ltoute. Do not bo deceived, bat obtain Tickets via the Rarllngton Jt Missouri River Railroad. SAM. POWELL, ROUT. HARRIS, (WlTkL A"nL o-n'ihui-'t Oen. Weston I'aa. At- D. W. IllTCliCOrh. I READ This AdvertiBoment AND WRITE Fer our Manual of Evergroens AND SAVE in twin al,dl.luli"ul", 50 PER GENT. 10 conU-worth9-' to any troo-plantor. l'IMNEY CO., Sturgeon Jlay ,Wli |