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Show Tiik Ct fhrated In. Hummock K-nlui ty wln-ky f,.r mle at Uortun'i oi l Jty Liquor Store, corner south W'nlkvr br.-3. mitf 11 ATTRA(srs and PUlow. all kinde, at liar rati i- A.hk ruu k grocer tor tihirardeUi'i CHUCOLATK and COCOA, d6 Kkhqtkd. Newman ': Co.' a "Wood Yard, to center of first block louth-east of depot, near Salt Lake Cracker .Factory. .Fac-tory. Call and sea a stock of nice tuakeiiasp, very cheap. m'Sl A Car Load of California wine and ale juot received cheap at tiangio'i, KxcELiiionCoAL, from Kock Spring Biltur Creek. Little waete; strong heat, very small trace of sulphur. Leave ordord with J. W. KLLL, Idaho . titore. jal7 (iter roua good Horaes hod by Wtn. Lowling, at Sayles fc Jb'ralick'a ehoD. mn4 Tnn Victor Sowing Machine pleas es ovorybody who Hoes it. Doing elegant, 8K.-y of oporiitiun, and has all Iho latest iiuprovumunta C. V. Staynkr, m'JS Agent. .Iost Kkckivkd, a splendid lot of bud-room, parlor and bar-room mirror mir-ror at Jmilson's, Groeaboek block. Call and itjo thorn. mayI7-tf Gas Notiok. t'artios wishing Ga iippliod in their buildings, are hereby nulillod tli fit tho undersigned aro prepared, pre-pared, with a full slock of l'iping, dituuleliora, etc., and aro onnbled lo do work at iho lowoat rates. AH work ; warranted and full enlisfnction guarau-leud. guarau-leud. ft. lits.SU & Co. p Foil tiir ISta fk of Litis, also cakes buns, orm-kors, and pure homo umdo e"iiuly, whiltvalo and retail, go to tho Vi)A)UK BAKKltV- ja'-Si Walnut Lumukr at II. Din-wovdi,'y'. Din-wovdi,'y'. nial Kor a nieo break fft.t or an elegant Fn-ncii Dinner go to Uio Dolmonico. Mallory's Select Oysters in every styU, or by the can, at the Delmonico. alti y urnituuk; an immense stock, at Barratt'a. WJti Socosusco Ciioi:ola.tk is t ho best in I ho world. Uso Chikardeixi's. 8 I wti.T. PELT, for ono month, Tenia and Wagon Covers cheapor than they ran bn bought anywhuro in this city. T. Curtis, -M South-st., onposito Com-morel Com-morel til. Oio. i? ito well, tcavongor for iho City. itB " " MonoC It ra v k?." Uol'TO buying your 1ihU, caps boot, and th.'M where thev eell mol5etvs and crow-bar?, look at the tock of Rood- ft our lialt-rs and boot-hllor. DcsroRo A toss. wy 1. The Siw uwnment of F&rlor and Bedroom Furnimre,at H. Linwoodey'E, is very cheap, and those wishing to purcnae will nnd it to their interests to give him a call. m8 Taule Cutlery and silverware, at E&rr&tt's. mis Bar fixtures and hotel ware, at Barratt's. niliiJ Stobmixq at Alia. Tho fol owing, ow-ing, written yesterday by our correspondent corres-pondent at Alta, will show that winter still has a firm hold in Little Cottonwood. Cotton-wood. Wallowing through two feet of freah snow is pleasant to contemplate upou, but the reality isn't so pleasant, this 25th of May, A. D. 1873. Alta, 24th. Editors Eerald: It is snowing up here in regular January style, and has not let up for the last forty eight hours. Two feet, at least, of new snow is now on the level, and as a consequence business is dull. It is still enowiog hard and fast. No teams have come up tho oaoyon this morning. Archibald. Wanted. A good mattrcsi maker, also a man to handle crockery. Apply to C R. Baktiatt, ffi'21 40 Maiu Street, Caution to the Trtvclinff Publloi Upon your arrival at Ogdon City Utah Territory, tho junction of tho Union Un-ion Pacific and Central Pacific railroads, you should know where a first-class hotel can be found, and where the bustle and noise- of tho onginoa may be avoided; avoid-ed; also a comfortable house where the danger of tiro, which is apt at any time to occur at the depot, is averted. Tho townofOgdeu iBbalfa mile frem tho depots, and in tho business part of the town and ita principal straot, travelers will tind ono of tho most comfortable hotels in Utah, the Oodbn Hoc ait. It is well known throughout America and Europo, to bo one of the coziest and cleanest hoteli in Utah. Tho Ogden House keops carriages which aro iu at-tend&ncoupon at-tend&ncoupon tho arrival and departure depar-ture of all trains, to convey passengers to and from tho dopots, free of charge. It is a two-story brick building, and built expressly for the accommodation ofguesu. The Ugden House employs i no runners, but ariiptoys a porter to as-' as-' gist its patrons and take char go of their I baggage. All visiting Salt Lake City will bnd it to their advantage on returning re-turning to take the evening train and I coma to Ogden, thus saving the- annoy-I annoy-I anceof rising i 1 o'clock In the morning. morn-ing. ' j4- Kor alt Localities and Cllmo. A true iptciic is adspted to all localities local-ities and ciimes, and for this tcasoh. that it strike u tbe causative principle of the diseases which it is admini'trred to euro. Hosteller's C?t'"meh Umers, for esimplo, is a true spwiiic, not only beca'iseit iorti;'. the body against the oUsrnal ict'.vienc which prompt di-but di-but bva;isi wh-n tKn as a rrmedv instead of as a preventive, it rsoulrali tho infective pr;nciplo in the b;oM a;.d ihor.y destroy the primary s.Mirceot the ailment. 1 1 "nee as an antidote an-tidote t-' epidemic disorders, and to all coniplair.Ls which Aro prod. iced or Ag-j Ag-j grAvated bv miasma, or the presence of I anything deleterious in trio air, the water or the soil, it is as nearly infallible infalli-ble . Any medicir.al preparalu'a can bA In our cwn country as a remedy for ic-teriuiltent ic-teriuiltent fevorA.bil.io is atI ec ti on const. con-st. nation, dyspepsia, nervous weakr., rheumatism and general deci'-iiy, it is unrivalled, nor is it less celebrated in the tropica as aprtventive of malarious ivrSt Id China, crockery and glassware, at Barratt'a. m28 Hotkl FoaUiENT. Apply at the Colorado House. Use nokk other but Giiiraruilli's KAGLE CHOCyLAXE. 7 I En am i Nit 0. K. Barratt's stock before purchasing va'2& Badt CAJiHiAuits, for sale by 1L Dinwoodey. mar29 LIDDELL & BROWN, North of tho Post Office, Aro now rocoivinB a largo stock of STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, Etc. Eto. Etc., yhicll thoy aro LETEIOIINED TO SELL CHEAPER an anyolhar House. CIT1" AND COUNTRY IiKALKRS, HOTEL, KKSTAURANT, AND I10U3E-K.EEPEUS, IF YOU WANT BARGAINS COME AND SEE US. AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK & PRICES A G O N S , Marmf.ct.ircd l.y tlio Celel'r.tod STAR WAGON CO,, CKI'AK KAPIl', 1"VA. Tilt O.WANY GUARANTEE BEST' WAGON la t.-rr Rert. t;,:r-.:oi z 1 T'-r lc '-r n. c. iv.atthieson, A.ri FOR UTAH. ri.vk. y'.s treeti ve s1a ti ! LUO UtJ. First National Bank OF UTAH:, BALr i A. Ii. Ill CITY DKSTONATKH DRPOHTTORT AND FINANCIAL AGENT OF THB UNITED STATK3. Wbbsf Bosbbv. Prwldent. ASTHOHT QODBE. OuhlU. Authorized Capital, - - 9500,099 PAID DP CAPITAL, - 1BO,0OO. EARNINGS, - 9130,000. ' Dividend In 1871, 50 per cent. Oldest Banking Institution m Utah. A. -i onirnl i tivnlilnu Itutlnoii XincictQd. AGRNCISH IN CULCltAnO AND MONTANA. COUEITICnS PROMPTLY AllENOtO 10 1NT7.UKST ALbtWKU ON ;T1MR nmiwprrt STECIAL AKVEIlTISEMKMS WANTED. A pTM WAL1.ACK Rl'PORTf.r.S. TIIK I J porj"n who borruwfd iho above hik fntn ihciindorfiimivt will conOr a very froit favnr bv returoius it ioiuiciJilply. uiay-ij W. UAYDON. TANTKD A 1'IRT-ri-ASP. STRAP Y VV Ouiii'itir. AJJross "A. I).," b"X K, i-alt Lake IV-iiHi.-o. myll I'OUM). RY A TllnK'TiillhY CnMPKTKNT EN-cinwr, EN-cinwr, a piluiilu n to Uke charpo ol a ftmionary encine. t':in do hi' own black-(Mii black-(Mii :hirir. Hniri-n-", Ci-t..'i)th Lnwrcnop. Addri! Samuel .M a;kall, Salt Lake Cily. P 0. FOll SALE. ON ,CnVNT HKMnVAL. A FTR5T-cla.- Piiini) 'c-t .".'"). 1'rico SO'."". Knqtiirn "l thn ro-i'lence ol Kev. T. W. lln-kins, lln-kins, at Sl Mftrl.'s tchuol, or nf Taccsrt, l'iono iuncr. t'. Wii. Ga h k ; i. ai-r-W Al-'IXB r.uth"i-t C"mpr lot. tell rode s rare, .-iliiiir.- l f-K hhs K.vi and . re W. -ak S-TTh i.f l'.?-roi N-s Oilifs. Jh.-h cr ijn.l. with a i'rtU-; virw uf Lik aod tl And Wr J .-i-it.iin-. Al. mdant f is ri'lr of .ire "raier. t'nltiu whulc the bt-t and mf"t d"iraMo silo for a rwiionc now in market. AiiVllli;r, smith iut:kkr. liral K'r.ito Acento, mil 5 dirs North of Po Ufflee. fr$& I K. GKOVEN, Office, Second South btrt. Three door? wt f Oroat Weften Ilotsl. half a Meek W. of Ki bnt blort, bait O :':'.; boon from a. b. f o 5 p.m. mil NOTICE TO ALL BUTCHERS I-i'rrrh i th' Siieiro caeraily a-iarV i .;r. - - t - .a..r.jk5 ts m lU tr-.- :.-,r;. -o i::.,wa ttat ar.y i: -T."r :r Irr. .: f !tn !:;.;.-. .-ire - -ii oa,--l oa ';- Be t:. !ian;e :.. r i r t-rr, r.f i'r Lt.o Ci;y, m rtiation -e.i.c; j;eaM - KvtP.TCUIP'F:!,r r tF Her as.; l Lko CiW. Maj -d, JK mi Flowers! Flowers!. Flowers! . -.m -r-v. 1 -..lili f f w' I " ijb'.-' 'i- t -l I; .. -1 i : i ; - rt-. ' T. :i.--ax'r- ' k. - ' r V.:I4. Lai- i i: .' ts,ia w ia:.- NS. ?r-.-rr:-,.r. ! if. .;CLD V Gtaiartecc perfectl- rare ard of th hiirh Grade, MAISIELll raiSCI STEELL iC!.SSl6 AGENTS, SALT LAKE CITY. We hare now ir. u;k ec-me vr 5r OLD Bourbon Whiskies ;Cnirtis5 of Oi.I CKOW. HKKMITAK, . G. W. TA Y lAA. E. C. BKKKY, A FULL LIVE OF EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THE LIQUOR TRADE." For sale low aud on llbernJ ttriut M It costs nothing to inveoiisaid. "vm Plcaae examine our finotU and Prloei before purchttiug clc htic iVl ne wXd vert Fs e m ets. DTDT TV 1 T 4 T) BERLIN BAZAAR, First South St., near the TUeoire. Mrit Becbert.iealor in every variety of Ladies and Children's Clothing. TherufeHc are rcsrectl'ully in tiled to oi-uaine oi-uaine ihe stock. a. &y- AUCTION SALE OF TEAS BV S. L. JONES & CO., SAX FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA. Thursda.v, May 'T;$. AT TEX O'CLOCK, A. M.. FIFTY-TWO III NDBF.DI'ACKAOKS FIXE JAPAN AND CHINA TEAS. Including fine Comet Oolong, FINE JAPAN TEAS, In a-'aortod I'ncVarM, coi!ipri?in.c hulk, Ono Pound and LU1T Pound I'aoera, Lap.iiiorLHi Boxos in Tnree. Four and a luif, i'ivo and Ton Puundj Pmckagos. FIXE SHANGHAI GREENS, Co nib ting of Giinpoirdor, Youhr llyjon, and Iintorial; a!?o nncai Amoy and Formosa Tea, ! In Bulk tied Paperi. TEEMS LIBKUAL S. L. JONES ,t CO., AUCTION Hl'lLS, tnT2 San I'rnuclico. SALT LAKE THBifP! Monday Ev'g'May 2Glh, '73. COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT MR. FRANK HUSSEY AID MISS BLANCHE CLIFTON. Tho popular Ethioiinn Comedian Mr. LEW PARKER, HAS KINDLY VOLUNTEERED. PERFECTION, OR TtIK MAID OF MUNSTER. Nan, The Good-for-Nothing. C3-H-A.isrr olio. The MASQUERADE BALL. STAMPED "J. WRIGHT, Extra.'' scott, ii & to., II a Tine been appointed Solo AgenU for WRIGHT'S WASHOE PICK, Will Veep a larco a"ortnicnl on hand l atalltitn5; Iher aro rando aflr the if old Slle WriK-l's I'm Icro - aud arc hi lHiinlwl wiih tnuro th.in tho usual M QUimlitv ot ho't Kneli'li Mecl. H Minar and doalrr" that you buy flf tbuto 6ianiied " J. Wrifbl, Eilra." n Also Dralen in ii- Iron,S(fcl,Slov(s,Tinwart t J MINISO TOOLS, jj WJtOUallT TI TERS, rjj Fle antl all klnila of nillogi H for Fnrnacra nil Mills. W H A K I W A JE. W . fl BrRDPN'S HORPi: AND MI LE U SHOE., r.I.ACUMiTU TOOL, H brass (inons. nniBJ;R A0KNT8 FOR Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Hercules Powder. ALL LOW FOH CASH. H a ti a. -wfll wjipolnl'rt Khr.,,, and arc prepared 1 lo all kind of Sheet Iron & Tin Work, Prrort'r and at rea'naMe rai-. (fi EAST TtMl-LE ; or MAIN si KELT. dc I NOTICE. TH 7. A IT NT" A I. MKCTIV'; 'F -T'"K-1 bn'.ler. of -. I"'-.:, L-r.! Kir n-.Ur the ,,urpo- -f n 'I '" : !:.- r.0 M-.rUy. J r.d - rr. . at li o eifc. at 1'rwiacDt Uuui ' 'Uice, sail Lk r,K. .r.'.B AS, 5T. Salt Laka Citr. May i- -- ai.i LARGE AUCTION SALE (,y HousclioM Furnitnro, rtj, T- at 1" -.'? I-ek. : No- " C:i t K' "f: -- ai; )KLi( C" HTEFL. Ao-ti'.nr. Dioiitlf)nior Partner hip. yHr C'"'-rA?.T"TT7 ;c vy-yrv it? V'l.::, d'".''s t. '-. ''r',''. - ;!"; 'p'-v'TaJ .Vat.'.lliM 4aiac.iiaai.-a. Tl,y::, - 'TF, CCHIU OT I CASS AVE.NTEJAND SE:0ND SIKEET. j ST.'LOUIS- : MASVFACTL'SE t PLAIN AND TINNED IRON. Pressed, Stimpei. PlaDisiil, Ja&a-neu Ja&a-neu avsi Gairauiied TlX AV A K K . Also a fall x& :i--rt ol (Tinners' Stamped LMaterials A full Line of our Mannfkctnrd ; 6ooda caa atn-avi Im rand at lU j TTartroomt of z. o. jn. i., I salt lake cirv. mn. H. R. MANN & GO,, General lasuranca Agens( EIRE and LIFE CAPITAL RLTUBSKNTEIV. - : OiSo in Raakias Houie of A. W. AVhiteJt Co. MAIN STREET. Salt Lake Citr. IS Information Wanted Of the irherMbont-i, if li -in(t. or nro'1 of t"" diuth. oi" Siecl. who o c. im inire.t ic te Lfrdire, in Noantian 'a ley. Boar Lakr-.Miiiins Uirtrict, lilaho, Terriivry. T. R. MILLER, inv-i Rlx 11M Postofticv, Sail La City. JohnSi-ruanMi-S. L. Stanloy.-C C. Chapman SPRUANCE, STANLEY & CO., iuoessorstP H. Hetvtfr 4 Co. and J. A J. S.ruance.) Importer A Wholeaalr Dralrn In WINES AND LIQUORS, So. 4 10 Front Si.. SAN FK AX CISCO. ma.vii "LTAU FIRE-BRIfR CO." FtRK BRICK! FIRE CEMENT ! FIRE CLAY ! 0;b' SUPERIOR QUALITT, OR SALl BT THE UTAH FIRE-BRICK LWY. Standard No. I Brick $100 TEK THOl'SAXD. Factory corucr 4lh $oulh Ntrf rt and Utah Southern K. K. Salt Uke City. OiUce No. t)U IUId StrreC. Mr. T. P. Thomas, (a furnaco hnildar Into Trinn Swansea, W alol, is a.vi'ciatod ruh the ciuni any. and will inae rlnns nn,l wtiinau'S l".rrht. iT.vtii.a of. and h:hM Cl'I'Ol.A. KE-V KE-V E lUi E R A 1TX ti , C ALCLN IX ij and all kinds of Earn ace liThe Company is asont for WL'XSOX'S liA-oni CorruKiitod Motnl hitik-Io. fobl C. V. lil.i NETT, Soc'y. WASATCH COAL UY.U. NKBfcKER haa lo.uod tha Was atoh coal mine, and u propurod to lurniih tho BEST WEBER COAL At 87.50 per Ton AT THB PEiVT. I.enro orden1 at the Doro' witli .'nj La-thnmorai La-thnmorai mv oihoo at iho 1 in a., d tia? it tints Horo of Mitchell -.m. I'i- Sm-ih BirooL GEO XEUl.kEK. fUllY. 1 GOOD iEVS AN EASY WAV TO UET A PRINCE PATENT ORG AX. Wo will Rent our Orcanfl liy tho Month and when tho prico in paid d Rrnt, tho OrL'ftn will bcoomo tho property of tho licDtor. This ifl not only tlio easiest wny o obuin an Organ, hut you will have tho Best " Instrument made which J. 11. RIDGES, OrKttQ Ruildor, C. J. THOMAS, Conductor of Theatre Thea-tre Orchestra, - And many others will testify. Mr. J.J. DAYNKS will nivo throo uonth'B lessons FHEK to at y person renting our Organs, aa woll an those who pay the full prio down. No oil- L1DCUOD. Send for illustrated oiroular aud nrice list. IUST SlIOWlU)OAIB UP HTAlItb'. J. DAYNES & SON. Tin 0lt Exclusive Mcsic Btori Lq the City. 13 2 di-on eaat of c..ll.' drui Blra- hew yorktrade. 1ehedict7hallT"co. Manalacturrrf and Whole alt i Urai.ri in , BOOTS AND SHOES lit and 13" OriBrt it., HiwTora, Jornar Cmby, one block eaat of Br'.adwy dU . THOS. W. AH6ALL 5t Co., Mm'. Tonthi' Boji'and Cfcildrau'll CLOTHING, AT WHOLtfALI, HZ Si 211 Broadway, M.wVoik. a. iiwi,i. f- JEHIAl REO & Co., anofetgrT and WaMwaJe Daaierf in KIR A.M AVOOL II ATN, titrate Goods, Umtrdlas, &c, NKW VOKK-Je. VOKK-Je. Jim Ilar.w. J L. M. BATES & 0. Fancy Dry Goo--, HOSIERY, WHITK GfXJDS, (VOOLEf, SMAWT.W, IANKEE h'Ol.QSH, dec SB. irLOKR. J1 FKAXK m-TTTt. JAVT? ii. SiQTH W. EL HAKXEX. THE rNPr?vSTt";NK" AF TFEPARPT) t :;sy &ni S?-. tioal to Coils: if 1 :a aivrs acni o Pcwt 02c. FCLLtR, hJllTH b HiKKER- GEORGE Ma;-. A'ARING HA? A FULL LIN K CT GROCERIES ."R OVISIOKTS, riRST SOI T H STBIET, , '-o:s pELiVE.;r fksb or THE FAVORITE O llA'X The followinc is th opinion of Prof. C. J. Thomas, who ha? ihirty- one wars' (nmwi'n.is ai a Musician. s Loader ol Orchtv-iras.and Choir in Europe and America : Salt Laks City. V. T., Ai ni S..1S73. Mr, C. W. Stays tR, Havini; an eirn'rienoe of thirty-one thirty-one years a a MuMoian, a great ahare oi whioh lime I have boon Leader of Orchestras aod Choirs io Kuropo and America, and betus Mlicuod by you to pass my judgment on iho " Kuy Organs," lor which yeu are arent, aod having tried and examined thorn thor-oi'.chly, thor-oi'.chly, 1 Cv'ntidently recommend lhm to iho citizens ol tins Territory. tor their Superior Tosk the Vox Jtrilantx being a fin" imitation of the Pipe Or-uan Or-uan their nice Smooth Action and 1'Kl.lOATB TOV'CH, KXiiRLLKNOl of oKKMANsmvin their Cosstrl oriOM and their Gknlral Ral.lAHlurY.mak-inf Ral.lAHlurY.mak-inf them all that od hi desired in Organs either for Church or Tailor. Vours respeoituUv, C. J. THOMAS, Conductor of Theatrical Orchestra, i. Call and S iho Orsant you will b lurt to Liy ono. CMS. W. CTAYAER, UKNKRAL AtJENT I OS " TAII, No, 6 .Um otroat, Nvt (oSb i.e'i Oall j, a n.i( uit : ty Civil f'-.yineer a'i ". S. Mineral Survuyoi,, Will iTCparc Iho n-c'rr I'm and X)ia a'luiub or I'n'-i.f and i loieila, L'l'-e In Luili"(i ;lod ly Snrrtrei Uenerai. lanl IS73. z. c. m. i. O'lr Slock of the Seannnahlo I'roa , (JooiIh in tho Nuw Sliadn haa arrived, and in nfl'ercd for ItittpcctiOQ and Suio. In Cloth and Cash moro. SUITS, In Jjinco and Alpaoa, SHAWLS, I In all appiovod t'tyloi. CnFurpa'tod 2'n '''r" len,",,iLiuatitj and i i""". GLOVES IN K I L. TIL. i. .1'.: And tl.a C'iii, '.,)' A J I. bALJi' 'IKIXL0TE3. H 0 S I E RY LA ML'. MIS LS AHU CHI MiUKKf Wo j'-lly c'aim "tiri rJvo 1 ryonrj O'lllJ' tit I'll). RETAIL DRY GOCDS DEPARTMCTiT. |