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Show t J." DESMOINLS TRADE, jES MOINES Scale Company -fy? f- H. WEbT. President Jt'l S.F-BPOFFUKD, Vico-r"t. S 11 KU. A. J L W ETT, Bcot'y. l&eaJ57$k W. REDHEAD, Treasurer SffiLTi "'VTLfi- S. 1I1TCJICOCK, bup't " "WM. D.WKKUfc.ON.tlenoral Anent. We are itJriiifnctiirinC, and ran fill order! on .ahurl uuUco, the lollowiny: Hay, Coal and Slock Scales KAILHOAU, Warehouse & Counter Scales WHEAT OKriOl'I'l-IIiyC'ALKai t VLiil IJIl AND 1IUTIHCU8 IAMM URfRnKc mid Warehouse Trucks. I Every article warranted durablo and . .'. accurate.! aejfed 8UALKU OP ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Add r MB, for Circulars, OU.H B1UINUS Ht'AIK CO., no20 Dos Moines, Iowa. A. E. ROBERTS 4 CO., Manufacturers of SCHOOL FURNITURE, OFFICE DESKS, CUUHCII, UALbt AND COURT HOUSE SEATS . DliS MOINES, IOWA, lilaokwoll'a Linuid Slating and Black Board OrdorH nolloltod. Soml Tor TMimtratod iCfttnloKiioand l'rloo Lint, o&i JOB PRINTING. The varied wants of the MINEIt, AKTIZANiiimI U'AVUI.ER OF JOB PRINTING (JAN H H F I i . U AT.Itlln: HERALD JOB OFFICE The unanimous satisfaction given by hiio work done at our offico in the past lias justified us io continually im-portinfi im-portinfi all the . Newest Attractions wall which to please oui patione in Elegance and S t y l. e and perforin Job Printing . ' MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. Legalized by State Authority aud Drawn iu Tublic iu St. Leuis. Grand Single Number Scheme. 50.000 NUMBERS. Olaae K, to biDrawn Hay 31,1873. 6,880 Pnza, Amounting to $300,000. 1 prtie of 30,0001 tOOprlaMoft 100 I prize of 13,450 Oprlwaof 1,000 1 prize of 10,000 prizes of SOO prii or 7,000 OprlEMof 300 4pruool ft.OOOi - Qprizoeof 0 4 imiM of 9,300 1 30 prlwe of BOO ftOpniwul 1,01)0 .f Borises or 190 0 pni(of SOU1 180prUwol 100 lOr-mMof 30 5,000 prize of 10 Tickets, tlO. Half" Ticket!, Uuiirtiri, S-i.ftO. Onr lotteries ire chartered by the Stat, are Iwsya drawn nt Uia time OAnioJ, and all drawing ere noder the iimiton af sworn commissioners. Bf The official draw in t will be poblhbwl Id the St. Louis plcr, nJ a copy o' drawing let-l to purvtuuers of tickets.; Af W will'ilmw B similar scheme the I tut dyofeTery month dnrlim the year ISTIt. Remit at onr risk by POST OfFICH MiNKY OKDKKS. BKOIBTKRKD LKTTKR, DAAJiT, cr KXI'iiKPS (eud for s, circular, Artel Art-el r It IT k HAY. To., A.5tOllicoBuili. T. LOuIS. MO. inyl7 MEDICAL. The Human Eye. 1) C. WIL&ON, M. D.. Oculist and AurUt, -1- Oflice near Uodbo'a corner over Dun- ford'3 Shoo toro. aprJT is. iiPiima. 1 1. Graiuslo of tho Venn. Medical I'ni vorsitr. of Philadelphia, Pa., dwires to iniorin her friends ami tho public that i. she is pri-par-wl to roliovo Qio ,-ick and nfliicted. of hor ses, also cbildruo. i i'roia ovor ; TWENTY YE. MIS OF SUCCESSFUL TKACTICE. She is qualified to treat chronic casos of long 6 1 an ding. Obstuterio c&sos promptly attended, Dj-fpopsia, tumors, obi'.inate ulcers, tettor, opthalinia, ihuinaiijta, etc., otc Oilice opposito'new Tabernaclo, South 'Ituijjle Street, fait Lake City. apr!8 NEW MEDICAL WORK ! !'Tho Philosophy of Marriage," forth Db1Ilttd Hrroni Syatem. TB. JORDA!f,of the Acatcralcsl Mawnm, 818 1 Mmtc-ni. ry sU-t:,(aear Cl:fornf,J SAS 1'BANOItCiJ, CeJlfwrtii, hi pnbluhpd four of bis mmt imi-jr'.uit aji'l liuilructlTe Lectnrw, in a neat vluiue, for iIimo h'i caunut attend the Lectnrw at Hie Movib. KTiry nnniarrled and married man iltoutd read atiil stii'ly UitM Importaol Loo-turea Loo-turea for Hie jpiod Ol hi in, !1 and odsprln(. lij fldrenuJuft tho swjuUry of the Anatomical W'lascin, Bull friiiclito, anJ eucloiltig Twenty-Viifl Twenty-Viifl J-'i ta In pvt.vK" UiBp to pay p(.itK", tlie wj!I L fcjiwarded Ui any poll of tho btat Dr. Jordan cu be KBnltt by r. d7 SALT LAKE IRON CO. CHAKI.K.S ROO.ME, Preaidoot, NElf YORK, 1!. J. DAVI.SON, Vico-PrwiJent and 'Xreaiurer, NEW YOKE. F. Y. JONES, Secretary, NEW YORK. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF IRON& BR4SS CiSTINaS We can otlur (ho bo.t ind'ioemon to .1 l,artl in thi coaitry n" are imereited 10 II 1 J I S , 8 M E L I I N a And B UH h D INO. We can furnlah, at the ahortoBt notice. ORE CABS Oft o latest improvoniontfl, in oithor Wood erlruo, OKK BUCKETS ; CAR WHEELS, of any sizo; HOISTING WINDLASSES; OAST IRON TTJYER8, For Furnaces ; BLAG CARTS and POTS; BOTTOM AND FRONT PLATES; CORNER BINDERS; BULLION MOULDS'; LADLES and SKIMMERS; WATER JACKETS; SMOKE STACKS and CHARCOAL WAGONS; IULLEYS of all Sizes; 0 jUL'LIV U ; BOXES ; HANGERS; SHAFTING ; PINIONS ; GUDOEONS, and COG WHEELS ; IRON KAIL1NQS ; COLUMNS : SASH WEIGHTS ; And . ORNAMENTAL WORK ForlBUllDERS. "Works i ONK BLOCK SOBTI1 Of DU'OT, L. S. SUTHERLAND, MANAGER, To. Box, No. 569. "2 SPRING, 1873. FIRST IN THE MARKET. FOR THE LADIES New and Fasliioiiable Gr O O X JS NOW IBE1N0IRECE1VED.BY TEASDEL & CO. Lace Pellerines Laco Trimmed Bar baa, Hamburg Edgiocs and InaerLiorn ' Lace Capes ana undcrelccvop. Lovo and Blaok Laco Veils. Silk Ties t SUk Fichus, imitation App'itiucCCollars, FANCY GOODS Inl largo varitiea. . Ottoman Sashes'and Scarfs Otfoman Shawls, MoEanibinuB Sbawlf, Lucca Wraps. JLa-Heswill do wol by calling on TEASDEL & CO- AT.THK EAGLE' HOUSE, Before Purchasint; clscwfcoro, Blees SewingMachines "'till corjjmaDdioff.a rapid PMci tut H 2. C X. CLOTHING DEPflRTIVieNT, NEW ARRIVALS Ol' JRJEt-HJSTGr GOODS m- Mens, Youths', and Boys' Clothing, In all the Nowoiit Fabrics aud Stylefl. Alao all tho popular Styles ol' SILK, BEAVER, and FELT IIAT, From tbo uioat oclcbratcd makCrH. M UN'S AND I J () S ' CAPS In great variety. Wc call special altonUon to our Stock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, - I.N - Underclothing, Hosiery, gloves, Collars, Neckties, Neck-ties, Scarfs, Shirt Studs, Umbrellas, Valises, &c, &c. AGENTS FOR THE FAMED BTJRLOCK DIAMOND .SHIRTS, Wo are ojicninn the most oitonnivo and bout, assortodiStook of PIECE : GOODS Wo have cvor ofl'crcd, consisting of tho finest qua.itieB of French, English, German, Scotch and American Suitings, Vestings, Cassimeres, &c, Whioli oannot fail in Builing tho tastes of all. We have purchased wilh a view to supply all tbo requirements of onr RAPIDLY INCREASING BUSINESS IN MEHCHyVKTT TAILOBINQ So that our Patrons oan sclcot from tho Choicest Stook in Utah. NEW REGULATION MILITARY SUITS Madonto order on the shortest notice. Our very hoavy Sales of WAIL, PAPER DECORATIONS J) Have indueod us to make extensive alterations so that this class of Goods can now he seen to much better p.dvantaco than formerly. A beautiful Uassortniont of GILTS, BROiNZE, SATINS, WHITE and BROWN BLANKS, &o , now on hand, largo assortment of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S TRUNKS, o our own Manufacture, beautifully got up. MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOEk HOME-MADE AND IMPORTED. Floor Oilcloths and Carpets. H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. DDNFORD Z SONS. New Goods, Spring1 Styles. Iinmcnao assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, AND HATS, Tho largest Stock ever offered to tho trade. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEPARTMENTS. I . marl7 iiig inducements Offered. GROCERY DEP1 Z. O. HVE. L WHOLESALE AND KETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, ' Moves, Crockery Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Fricus, ALL OUR QOODS'aBE CifH.A.I1 . ' . . : ' DUALEKd IN THE SETTLEMENTS AND MINING .TOWNS WILL FIND IT TO TnELR INTEREST TO CALL . (AND ENQUIRE PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. BI31 D. I, OLAWIOI, laiMrti "ad.. ST 0 VE S , z. c. I. I. Grocery ancQHardware Department MONITOR, CHARTER OAK, NEW ERA, LOYAL COOK, Also a crcatitricly oCmr COOKING and HEATING STOVES, comprising com-prising the larCHt awortment to bo found in any stock in Utah; priow very low, call and see. oi -M a. B CLAWSON, SupL Z. O. M. I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, BWN OF TUB -j I O- - O O T GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS. GENTS' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLIPPERS, ' LADIES' SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For One wonthor or stormy wonthor; for walking, walk-ing, dancing, working, bi-akkiho, oliaibiDK, riding, lishinc, minici,, otc, otc A largo and choico asBortmont of tho abovo, our own mnko and iinnortod, at tho moat roa-Bonablo roa-Bonablo prico3. W' irnvhe to order any (! Eri1 quality desired ami litB'ir i antUfactlort. OIjD BOOTS and mom Matlo as gtxxl aa now almost. SELLING OFF UUK OLD STOCK BELOW COST! Sole Leather I Upper Leather! Harness Leather ! Imported Calfskins, Amorican Calf Skins, Morocco and Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, "KIT" OF ALL KINDS I MOUSE C0LLA11S! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL 'AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale imd Retail 1 Order. I,y JTinll recel v apcclnl nitil I,rouiil allcutlDii. HIDES AND AUDI. SOUGHT ii. il, (JLAWSO.V Has btfm hrtoro tlio American pmuiu OVEli T11IKTY" yenrs. It n.us never yci 1:iiletl to give piiriect siiiikiiicikhi, mm mw justly been Etvlcd the panucen for ftli ex-terniil ex-terniil iVoumls, Cuts, liurns. Swellings, Sprains, lniist:H, &c &c, for Man mirl Uca-st. 'N:" fmi'ilv sboulil he n B'mgle lnv HAGAK'S Magnolia Balm V- . A TEW APPLICATIONS MAKE A Pure Blooming Complexion. It Is Pnrply Tcpctablo, and Its operation IB Bfcn and fdi n ouco. It docs away with tho tlusbcd Appearance causod by Ucat. Fatlfrno and LiciU'iuout. llcalaaud removes all Dlotchcu nnil PiuijtlcB, dispcllinrf dark and nneighUy opolo. Driven away Tan. IrecklcB nnd 8un-luru. 8un-luru. and by Its Rontlo but powcrlui tnflneuc maiiUcs Uio ladod chcult with. 0 . ; (youthful bloom and BEAUTT. T Sold hy oh Dmirn'"'" and Fancy tStoreB, Pa. I ot. C3 Park I'lnco. Kcw York . ; Ij-III3MCIE5I! i G. R, Jones' Superior Lime. 1 riERTIFJKD TO BY THE BUILDERS 1 l and 1'lustorors of Salt Lalio City and B vicinity, to bo onual to any othor iiiiuo in tho Territory. T Leave onion at LIME DEPOT, CITY MjVBKET SyUAKE. y r ffB"Si)ocial advantages to i urchaaor Tfho c dothoirowo hauling. a o TO THE TRADE, - .Tflhn Rnssfill taktorinn Cn . (tbadk HACK.) J. RUSSELL & CO., GREEN RIVER WORKS, Works and Warehouses, Turner's Falls, Mass., Manufacture tho finest and largoat varioty TABLE CUTLERY In tho World. Thoir Goods can now bo found upon tho Lists of all A 1 Jobbing Ilousos. Office and BaiiiTile Room. 80 CUaiu-JjerBStrccl.NEW CUaiu-JjerBStrccl.NEW KIIIK. Juo.UusscllMTs Co. janlO wit lion t thia Liniment. Tlie niniicy to-lmnicii to-lmnicii unless tno Liniment is ns renre-pfiucii. renre-pfiucii. iw Pine aii' i (at in TdnninB MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. Sold ly all Di'utTjrlsts aii'l Conutrv Stores, nt 2'"ic. , JjOc. uixl $1.00 ir Bottle. Notice Blvlc. find ol .tmltle. &c. Everybody Wants ONE OF THOSE NICE G HA HI PI 0N: Y - ' -'- j nt c h i g 0 p!-tft Washing Machines 22 000 SOLD IN ONE YEAR Price- $10.00. Ladies Call and sec them Chas. W. Stayner, Ucueral Agent, No 5 Alain Street, jSnltLivk.. lty ti.nll R0SS& m MP AMY Doalora in Family Groceries AND PROVISIONS. Ilrut Bona. Street, Just West of JLvJiialjiill it liivwreiive's. Frosh Vegotablosand Fruits rocoivod Daily l'amilios suppliol at tho choapost rates. Goods dolivorod froo of charge to all r-arts of tho oity. iuarl3 SIWGER Sewing1 Machine. K roaiicollvillymviio tho Public to oall and uco our cxocllurjt vnrletv 01 riaiu,Beautiful and Elaborate Styles of Workmanship AND OllEATLY IMPBOVED WIIU III K FANTON a.A-STOHS- JVie 'louil So in of the SINGER MAOB1NK are now 1'HltEE QUAUTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, 281,260 An ovitlonoo thilt it is faat wianiQK auiiroiao favgr in tho uwiwohold, Tho SlNOEll Coninouy old ovor tho other ComuauicB, b'2,TM. InT Tho Chicago Kcliof Coiumittoc fumidwd suflcrcra by Uio Fire to Maroh 18, 1872, 3,all 3.151 SillSor Blacllilies, "11 othor makes, 793. Applicants mado tlioir selection, with same disoouut ou all. OUE BALES IN UTAH EXCEED AiN 1 WJllJitt 11UUS1V ICS rija SEWING MAUHJLNH 1JNK THIS SlUrS OF CillUAUO. Vocoiutocu!ty invito the Ladiofl to aoo our It attracts caneral Kttontion and adiniratioa. Wc also dc-Mro you to too our TUCKERS, CODERS, itUFFLEilS, E!iiDti;RS QUILTERS, HEIVlrVSERS, TRIMMERS, PLEAT ERS, SEL.F-3ASTERS, SEAM-RiPPERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, 8UITACLIS FOK ALL S1HUS 01' SHUTIL1S SfWLNQ MAOiLLNBa. WE OUAHANTKE EVKl'.Y MACHlNli WIS BEI.L, TO 01VE K.NT1KE SATISFAC tion. aa onohono is tlioroUKhly nitjutod, tiiod mul lo. tpti by emianoacod Mechanic and all are warranted to flow with case all kinds of auods, from tho coarsest to tho iinott, Luce, Hluoliu, Cuiubsiu, JJuuicetic, IH-niuiH, Tickings. Ducking, ileavcr, Buclttliin and 1-ciitlier. pgr Inst motion pivon I'rco of oharo by oompotcnt a(tcadanti, and terms of paJo to Huit all oircuuislanccs. OTHER SEWING WIACH1S1E3 REPAI5JED ON REA SOMftBLE TERW13. Wo extend a oonlisl icvitation to all to GOES ASD SEE CUE, MACHINES Whether they wish to pureha or net, mn mm mm wmm nnmm, J j i ,- . ih ii' Eiirlc lvi!!lrinm aALTS'-AK CllT RAILROADS. C. P. R. R. llu nutl nfter Snuiliiy, niny l, 1873, TinliiH iv 1 11 lenvo Vg'leii nt fnllovfi 5i 10 p.m., (daily, 1 Pii3,inn,or Trnin for Rono (for Uarunn mid Viruinin) Saorn-njpnto, Saorn-njpnto, Aliirvevillo, ltoddint;, Her I'urtland. 0 ,1 (sti-oktun, Worod. 1 1 or Yustiiiiito) Tii'tuu (tir Ansolos,) jan Jose and Sun SiUU p. in,, Iduily.) Thrvmgh Kmifjraut Trnin r tMLcnuui'iito and i-nu 1'iau-cii-co. V. II. OOflliMAN, Gon. 1'a.ts. and Ticket AkodL A, N.TOWNE, Uon'l Sur't Gl-;i.l. II. ltLCK, Aqkat, Salt I.nko t'ity, UHko with JMarahnlt U ltoylo, Hvor W. F. A Co'fl Bank. iJU UTAH NORTHERN RAILROAD. Trains ruu between Brieham Junction with CP. R.R., AND LOGAN. On and nftor Fobrunry 1st, 1873, Dnily Trains, Lenvo IlriKham Junction at- 7:(M) p. in. Lonvo LoKiin 8:'J0 liq. to oonnoot with trains for 0doa and Suit Lake. Trains Run on Salt Lake Time. " SUros connect with Trnins to and from Northern Settlements in Caoho County tki-wkbkly. tki-wkbkly. J'ARKSi Botwoon Logan and 'alt Lako 95 00 0Kdon 3 00 Mendon and .Salt Lako 4 75 Oirdon 2 75 ttcduchl Kates to Kicursion Parties, Passe libera will ploaso purchase thoir Pickets at tho Offioos. For all Information concerning Freight or ' awago, op.. I tc CIIA8. NIBLKY,! Goneral Freight nnd Ticket Agent. :jiso. w. Totriv, dll GonT tiuii'U UTAH CENTRAL UAILItOAD. ninurro i imp nr iitbi, PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Slay 12, 1873.; Daily Trains . L-sav Salt Lake Oity at 5:60 a.m. and a, 45 Arrive at Oedea 7:"i0 a. m. and 5.-45 p. m I Leave Oeden at 8:10 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. ! Amiut Bait Lake City 10:10 a.m. and 8:30 p.a In addition to tie above Will ran DALLY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and 6.30 p. ol, i and Ogden at 5 a.m. and 6.50 p.m. Puiiajrn will please Prhu their Tleketa t the OfReea. rtfty Cento additional will be charted when the faro ia aolleoted on the train, for al) Information oonoerninc freixht or passage, apply t3 J AS, KIIARI1, better) Freicht and Ticket A(t JOHN SHtEP, "TTp B I NTS M DH B T UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD ytuKtuWJtlCktai. art On aud after December 30th, 1 87U DAILY Tit A INS (jcavc the Utah Central B.R. Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. Arrivo at Lchi at 9 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. lcavo Jjchi at 9.30 a.m, and 5 p. in. Arrivo at Salt Lako City at 11.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. In addition to (ho above MIXED TRAINS Will run daily, Sunday excepted, Leaving the Utah Contral 11. R. depot, a alt Lake City, at 1 p.m. and Ljhi at 6 a.m. PadricnKcra will please purchase their fickots at the Offices. J if ly cents additional ad-ditional wilt bo charged when tho iarc is collected on the train. lfor all information conccruiojt; lreicht or paHbagc, apply to jas. t H A 111', Gen. Freicht and Ticket Agent. JOHN HI1A11P, BUPliUSTEMDINT, THIS WELL KNOWN BRAND -or- JAPAN TEAS - FOR SALE AT -K mZZm ! .Jala Grocery Departmout, I ml, 11. B CLAWSON Sopk TRAVEL. REDUCTION IN PASSAGE. GUIUH LINE PET WE EN New York, mimistuwn, and Liverpool. Carry inR tho I'nitud Staloe Maiia. , ,M A Nil AT T ANVJ. JTI VoMlNtlV SAILING FIHi.M NKW YOltli EVhllV WEliNKajUAV. CA1UN Pa.vauo from Nnir Vi.rk (M) ft,,, g'io K'dd. Slatoroouui on tho itauiu deck ai Salm. STKKRAdH: X from Now York; foirron Livori'ool or tiiiocnslown, imi-alilo in curronpj l'a.-tfaito frum or to Uurtn;,ny, Franco, Not way, Sodon, oto., at Lovriwl It at on. Roniittancod to Uroat liritaia, Ireland and tho Contiiiont, A.,lyto WILLTAMS.lt 0 11171 N ,2) Broadway; Broad-way; or U S. LLDKKUGH, Salt Lako Cltj. GILMER A SALISBURY'S lAILV STAGE LIHES rtlHOUUII Utah, .outli - vast ,,-V..(3it at Oll-l.tllia. Oll-l.tllia. LtRvlttg Sttll lk Clip DatJlr, ran. Mliif( South to Tintio, Ames-ioan Fork, Mount Nobo, Sevior, 8t. George, Utah ; and - Pioohe, Nevada ; Panlaff throe;li Provo, Springvillo, 8panir)h Fork,Paj aon, Salt Crock, Chicken Crook Hound Valley, Fillinoro,Coru Creek, Beaver, Min?ra-yille, Min?ra-yille, and AU the jrrincijtal town and nrtiang campi intoiithtm Utah and loulh-eatt Nevada. Also lea-re Oorlnm, Uteh, dall jj, rtanttlng Korth to Virginia City, Holena, Kort Ronton Doer Lodgo, tJedar Creek minos, and passing through all tho principal towns and mining min-ing oampa in Montana, Mon-tana, primcipali orrrcE, Wells, Firgo S Co. Building " Inn4 Salt Lake City SAlT lake, And Tintic alCaaa Stage and Express KUNfflHO nAJLT FJK.OM A1 JLAKK CITY, via LAKK TOWM, TOOELE CITY, BTOCUTOII AMD OPIIIK TO XIMVIO. The route has boon re-stocked with srlon' did Concord Coaohoe, fine Stock, careful and trttontivo Drivers, and every attention in paid to the oo m fort ani aonvonienoa of passen-g-era. Good accommodation on the road. .THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. UflUe at Welle, War go Co.'m, Salt Lake CUi LEN WLNES, anil froDrieton .TABLE. BUELINGTON ROUTE. TO THt LAST, NORTH AND SOUTHEAST, Ho. 3. . STATIONS. KPaMal MAIL. Leave SALT LAKE 5:00 a.m. 2:45 p.m. " OMAIIA 6:30 p.m. 6:30 a.m. Arrive BURLINGTON 5:00 a.-n. S.W.v.tn. " Galoaburn(C.O.JuQ-) 7:00a,m. 10:50p.ia " Menuota ' lL15a.m. 33 a.m. " Chicago " 3:15 p.m. 730 a.m. " Poori a - 9:00 a.m. 12:50 a.m. - lnd'pli!(I.B.W. 6:15 p.m. ft25a.m. M Cincinnati - - ll.-fOp.m. 4:15p.m. " Loinu!-ort 555p.Bi' 9-.H0a.in. T. P.itf. " Colomliua 2:.Sa-CJ. 5:30 p.m. rT"Throrjfh Cars from Mis url River to Chionito, IndianarinllB. Cinom neti. Lornni-ortnnd Lornni-ortnnd Colmnhu. Now lurk, Uvston. 1 hlla-ddi hlla-ddi bia, nnl Wa-hint;t'.n. Connections "t tnoso pot-, it witn linei leading to the i'Mt, North and South. Thia m thn MliorteiL, HuLvkeit and Cheiiii Houle. Do not be deceived, but obtain TiokeU via the Darlington A Mtwouri Kiver Railroad. SAM. 1'OWKLL, UOBT. HARRIS, Gon. Wodton Tas. AbL D. W. UITOUCOCK HEAD This Advortisomcnt AND WHITE For our Manual of K vers room AND SAVE in buyinu and iJotIsour ll0M' 50 PEH GENT. 10 cor.ta-rrortli;.i to any troo-i-lantor. i LiKiit co.-,i wan Hlur(.oi .wl" |