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Show Watii.-AJ imitlreis nuiksr wnu-l. Apply I.- U- K- Ba rratt, A LAK Iiid of California vcino a;id alo ju.-t rw t.-iveJ choap at iSaiigi'j s. lu'J Rni'jVKD.-Nfiwinn Co.'s Wood Yard, U center of first blotlt iouth-eaat of depot. nr Salt Lako Cracker factory. fac-tory. Call and o a stock of nice tjakenaip, very cheap, m"; To Rc5T Two ir'urniabed Uwms, on Main street, niyi-lf U. 11. Bjvhratt. tun a nica bruaitut or an elegant French Dinner go to Lbo -Uelrnonico. alo Tub Cki.k ii rated Uan. Hammock Kentucky wbi ky for Bale at Morton'i olil City Liquor Store, corner south Walker Bros. mZMf Tahle Cutlery and tilvorwaro, at Barratt's. in'jS Bar futures and hotel waro, at Barrtttt'f. mvD Oao. Khdwill, HcavonRor for tho City. o-2 Malloky'h Select Oysters in every stylo, or by tho can, at tho Uolmonico. al(i For tiik HTArror Lite, also cakos buna, crnekors, and pure homo made candy w1io)c?k1o and retail, eo to the ULOBK BAKKHV- jtCi Ghirardelli's EAGLE OHOCO-L&.TE OHOCO-L&.TE is superior to any, imported 6 Giurardkixi's proparod COO O and BHUMA arc vory healthy bevar I Cn i ttx, crockery and glassware, at liarratl'fl. m28 .iiinT Uki'RIVkh, a Pplenditl lot Ol" bed-riKjiu, ptirlor and bar-room mir-rorfi mir-rorfi at .loolsou's, (jroesbeek block. Call and see tliom. mityl7-tf ' Ask toI'k groeiT tor tihirardclli's ' , CHUJOLATK andCUUOA. do M tTTRAS?KH and 1'illowj, all kind, nl lUrraU's. ui ' V 1 't'R. I'auis wishing Ga iM'l"'-M m their buildings, a,- hereby iioui-."d that tho undersigned are rro-twd rro-twd with a full stock of Piping, 1 li (t ti ili'l tort, ote., and are enabled to do work at the. lowest rales. Ail work warranted and full satisfaction gnaran- K. Ubkb & Co. ap"'l Fubnituue; an immense stock, at BarraU's. ml Gkt your good Horses hod by Wm. Dowling, at Sayles & Fralick'a all on. nua4 KxoblsiorCoaIt from Hoek Springs Bitter Crook. LiUlo wasto; strong heat, vory small traco of sulphur. Leave orders with J- V. fc' &LL, Idaho tiloro. ja!7 Tnn N kw ftoririient of 1'arl'T and lied room b'uniilur-vst H. Umwoodey', ii viry cheap, and those wishing to purchase will tfad it to tliir iniered to give him a call. KsauinkC. K- BarraU's stock before purchasing. m' year. 1 would recommend that for one year no attempt be made to enlarge tho preFOot capacity of tho hospital or to introduce any change that will involve a Inrge expenditure of money. At tho beginning of another year we shall, I trust, be in a condition to appeal ap-peal to tho public for generous assistance assist-ance towards erecting a suitable hospital hospi-tal building in thia city. Throughout the year thcro havo been daily prayers at the hospital, and a service on Sunday afternoons. There havo been nine burial services, and tho saoraraont of holy baptism was administered admin-istered onoo. Thanking you for the trust and con fidonoe that havo been placed in mo I remain, liespeotfully yours, 11. M. KlRUT, Salt Lke City, May 1, 1S73. I will skll, for ono month, Tenia and Wagon Covors cheaper than they can be bought anywhere in this city. T. Curtis, 2d Eiouth-sL, opposito Commercial. Com-mercial. DlS Tint Victor Sowing -Machine pleas cs everybody who sees it, being elegant, aasy of operation, and ha all tho iatoil I improvement C. W. STAYJtSR, m2S Agent. Walnut Luunaa at ii. Dm-wood Dm-wood ey ' s. ni 4 Habt Carhiaos-'s for sale by II. Diawoodcy. niar2.' Caution to tlie 'l'ravcllnc Public! Upon your arrival at Ogden City Utah Territory, the junction of the Uti-ion Uti-ion .Pacific and Central Pacific railroads, you ebould know where a tiret-class hotel can bo found, and whero tho bustle and noise of the engines may bo avoided; avoid-ed; also a comfortable houso where the danger of tire, which is apt at any lime to occur at the depots, is averted. The townofUgden is half a mile fram the depots, and in the business part of the town and its principtil street, travelers will tind one of tho moH comfortable hotels in Utah, the 0hkn Houms, it is well known throughout America and Europe, to be one of the coziest and cleanest hotels in Utah. The Ogden House keeps carriages which are in attendance at-tendance upon the arrival and departure depar-ture of all trains, io convoy pa-seng'-re to and from tho depots, free of chargo. it is a two-story brick building, and built expressly for the accommodation of guests. The Ugdon Houso employs no runners, but omploys a porter lo assist as-sist its patrons and tako charge of their baggage. All visiting Stilt Lake City will fiud it to their advantage on returning re-turning to tako the evening train and come to Ogden, thus saving the annoy-anceof annoy-anceof rising at 4 o'clock in tho morning. morn-ing. j&24. Frimskth'h n.'w Map of Little Cot-t.'nwood Cot-t.'nwood i.s for sin nt .lames Paver's, V. V. Kvboi:U'i a'.d CHtnpbell oC Pallersoh's" aplO Fa..tsKTt; 5 new Maps of Little C-t-! tor.w.v.! ii::.:: g l.-tn.-; h.- arr.v.d; secure one wiii.e yu ran. ap'.O" LID DELL Sl BROWS, North ofth3 Post Office, Aro noir rocuiving a larwo clock of STAPLE &. FANCY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, Etc Etc Etc., Which they aro " 1) ETEKHI3 E I) TO SELL CHEAPER than any olhsr Hou ClTiT AND COUNTRY DEALEHS, HOTEL, KKSTAU UANT, AND UOUSE-KEEtEUS, IF YOU WANT BARGAIN'S COME AND SEE US, AXD EXAMINE OUR STOCK & PRICES maySl LIBRARY GIFT COA'CERT. 90 Days' Postponement. A FULL DRAWING CERTAIN $500,000 in Baut to Pay Gifts. 19,000 Cash Gifts Paid In Full. 8100,000 FCR ONLY TEN DOLLARS. INOVUIl of the lW.Oou ticket) iwued for the j Tmiui ;bso (Jut Coiumr. in aid ol. tho Public Library of Kentucky, having bcun .-old lo insure a full drawintt, and iho wifh bavins been univursslly cx-tirt'ed cx-tirt'ed ih:it tho 10,rxJ0 cx-b pin utliTod should bo draivn id full, laid in full without any 5calinc down ai herc-toiorc, herc-toiorc, tho manftceioeDti with tho coneum-ncc of tho tru.-tw.-, hiivo detoninnel to all" ninety daj more for tho .'.ilo ol tho remnant nt iK-ketf left on hand. Iho concert and ill mbulion ah erti.-ttl lur Airil t, is therrf'To pi-t ii ned lo lue-Jay, July-T.j, on wbirh Jut, und no oihor. they will i-iitii ply and mie-luivK-ftlly tako plaeo in Public Library Uall. Loui.-wllo. Kentucky. At tlii? trAnd concert lbo followinn c.i.h Kills will bo distribute-! by lot and t'Ald in full to tho tik;liot-holduri n houraw them; LIST OF UIFT5. ttmr- lirnlltl t nnll tUfl SI 1X1 linn Oite ii-nii(l l n-h Ulfl rll,oilO One (irAinl f'noli ii I ft 'j;, U Out trnnil tn-h U I ft Mll.liol) One irnnr. nsli illi lO.oou Ulir t.ruiid (H.li t.ift ,-,(liill I I n-l. -1 f ( Jl.lMUl ca-h i I'iiiiu 4 H.h Ulfi-of ro y, Otl Ml t Ann tilfin of 10 0 " 3-1 nun Hill n.hlJlfu of :tim 3U.DUU 1 Ml i itli (iiriiof -illit ti J 1 1, IK Ml ."'.Mi noli ;ifi Of lOO " r.'J.lliMI i y.uou cU uiriii of io o,ooo Tolal, 10,000 Gift nil nslt f AOO.OOO Tho money to pay all th"?o tail in full i now ui-vn Jei-o.'ii in ttif h'ariuor.-' and Hr rr' il.inkoi Uniii ille, and-ct a-ide tor ih.it rur-i rur-i e. and can oniy bo u-evl lor that I '.iriio.'.-, a.-will a.-will be soon by tho iolluwing certiacato ot tho L'mliicr. Ol PICK Of FKKR3' Provfks" IUjk' 1 LovisviLi.r., Kt., A.nl 7, 17 1 Thi- is f certify that ;!ieroi in tha rTrm'-r'' ar.J iTn'ij' liank to ti-o ctt-nt ii ;ho li.ird ni.ind iMft (.'nceri, ! r ;ho ben.-Lt of th I'.ib.i- Library ol Kentacty. iio h-indn-i liio m.ir,;tr.i ! i-ay t!.-1 mU m will bo hf. 1 b the b.ir.K acJ i .iid out fvrthu jur (i;0 and thu 'Uri"j.-e usiy li. s. VELCH.Cwhier. The'pwty. IhTcfero. who hoid the r-ket ir.i'vir; tlia n; ital w; .1 cr S r. sre-nbackj. and o ct the '.v l--,;!. th.-t:-.-I."-' O. the-: '...i. ;heS. aLi all iho r!!;T suus V'.sM in Lumber, aiiioant- ibp ;eaicnt ef usidd li-k will be furnt'hed M tb--e "2) hrf. ai ply . a:i.-.:f.ia:e.t ly t::e ic ney ai-'iys hainc 1" Ii. ar.'i di-x.LDt on iiit- ivc.cn and '.-.r; 1 y...C cf .-.-ia ;!l be-cia be-cia at " icii-ck oa luo- Jay i;i rain;, .' .liy in Vl'.i: Library liaJi. ar. 1 u.e W-.. - ir.t be -.be oraer I ;-..--e lt. X by (Th-.jUal ti.-.d. -. i. i ,a;;r; of . , ze rr ej.h ticket .-civ .3 lar-s w..eL r j uis if .-i-u- .r. 'a.i Micr.. 41a. Ma.-jc bt- .r.b.tral b.izd. . ;h, l.xrl.U.ry r-Tzvsi r-Tzvsi oy iTfi.-ec:. fa. Lra-c Jl f-r 7:h. ic bv or .,tkI .-io. 1':j.ss c:"1--ia:: .:r 1' c- ol ,atc w.cel "-.-.h t-i ia has I e: . a- : ' i ri'ed by iiLeacc l;.- i:; n , ..-cc -. -n wW, l " th? ':. '. '." 'Tt. i r ,V-' s'ar'i V: ir"i..e "."'i'V'..-": 1 '. 7 Xiios. E. Bramiette. ajr lj'iM.iwn i.J- First National Bank OF UTAH, SALT L, A ItK CITY UJ&1UNATKU UKI'USITORY AND FINANCIAL AG it N T OP TUB UNITBUSTATKd. WiEIlIS Hcspbt. ' PrIdBDt. Akthoxt Qodsi. Ouhiei. Authorised Capltnl, . $500,09') PAID HP CAPITAL) - tlBO,000. E.Ul.lIMjS, . . tl30,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldest Bor.king Jiistitutijti in Utah. A. Ocnoral Hunlnujj liualncai Transacted. 4G1NCIBS IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. C0LLE1TIUNS PHt'-MFTl V AIIENDtD TO INTKliKiST ALt)WKI) ON.TlMB DKiniSITS iiTAMPFD ".J. WRIGHT, Extra.' SCOTT, iSlill & CO., Having boon anuintcd tolo AscaU for WRIGHT'S WASHOE PICK, . Willltcop alnrcon-.rtmont nn hnnd ,1 nt rnun.-: lhi-y nro m:ii3 a ft or tho I olil iftvlo-Wngifa J'attt-rn-aud aro t I'uint,..! with m..ro Ih.in iho usuaJ ra qn.intilv t lo-l Lntli.-li Sto ol. Pj .Minor- and liikr.- --o tliat von buy M thusu staiuiiod " J. Wiiyht, Ultra." Al.'j Dealer in Dlrou, S(erl, Slovrsjnvware MIS1XU TOOLS, r WIUJUUHT Tl'YEIli, Pipe mid all kind of flttl ngu r'l rr 1'iirnacca and Si iXllK VJ wabb, "I EI ItDFN-5 IIOKr; AND MU'.E M dll'.'LS, DLACK.-M1TH It Ql& ' ;"'DS. liVUBi A AUKNTS FOH Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Hercules Powder. ALL LOW FOR CASH. " i Hurt a it. II nppln.ri Shop, ind It prrpnuil to dn all hltxll wl Sheet lion & Tin Work, P r m i 1 j- sr.i at reannM8 rni. W II.ii'i.L; or .MAI.N Si KLLT. dac 1 rionciT ?hunz, A Tunnrlin; (0. l.--'i r -T IV..;-. L:;i!e r,-t i--r'v- I- Mit,c '" -v-- t:- ;- v.y.: v "ivj v tipt ,u - ' .o I" -ri J - ! ; - .:.:..:. V, .? Vr.-" " t' : li" t-"ii p.i :CLD i G tei ,i it er.'ccib" I tie ari'vl tie h;h MilSflELD, ATCHISCI k STEELL fcHi'SJlLE AGENTS. SALT LAKE CITY. We have now in . v csry n OLD Bourbon Whiskies Consitini"L't old;crow. hekm1tagk, ; g. w. taylor, K. O. BERRY, AST) A FULL LINE OF EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THE LIQUOR TRADE.) For aale low uid ou liberal term ojt It costs nothing to investigate. Pltae examine onr Wood and Price before purchasing lie re. fol Saint Louis Stamjinj Ccmpany, coB-iii or CA&S AVEXL'E:AND second street, ST. ILOUIS. MANUFAOrUttS t PLAIN AND TINNED IRON, Pressed, Stamped, Platii.-heJ, Jijan-i Jijan-i rjed aDl Galvauizod TIN "NV ARE. Abo a full assortment of Tinners' Stamped Materials Constantly on hand. A full JLlne- of our Manufactured tiooda can ahraya be 'found at tHe Ware rooms of z. o. im:. i., SALT LAKE C1TV, I'T.Vll. D)t lltICJl SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, VAMLL.l, LEMON, ETC., For Flavoring Ica Cream, Cakes aud Tasfry. TVith prc.it carr, by a new process, woextmet from (he frw, pclort Fruits and AnimiUics, esith cliiinictorisiic 11a-vor, 11a-vor, and produce Fiat'tring of rare exfrUrnce. Of great stroi-jlh and jvrriW purify. jo jxtitoiious oifa. JZ'rrtf ftirr as represented. Ai? dreit-each bottle full urc, holding one-half more tJianoihrr purjvrting to Aof sumo quantity. I're Vie tn once, vill ittc no other. The tnort dth'eatf, th'Uaau furors f?vr made. So snirior to the clic:ip extnicts. Ask for into -'i"u Aiuiwiuya. luiuiu fucturcd only by STEELE & IieiCE, DepoW, CHICAGO and ST. LOUIS. Manufacturers of Dr. ricc,8 CWam Raking lirder. I P. FISHZR, ADVERT1SI NG Rooms 20. & 21 Merchants' Etching CALIFORNIA STKKLT, SAN FRANCISO, SoliriU AdTertisomenU and SubscriptioDH for tho Salt Lake Daily andSomi Weekly Herald Ant for papers published In CnlifiTnin. Hre Bi.n nd Kovndu; V(uhincU.n, I tab. Idnho. lontHn, Colorndo, AriTna ai.d acurit lorhtxriw; Sundirich bland?, the lirnnh Po..owi..n!, Mexican 1'i.ru, Nirnr.ij.-iia, l'.ina-mn, l'.ina-mn, ValiiaraiFo, J arnn and Cbima; Now,o-laod Now,o-laod and ihn Australia ooIodim, bo Atlantic btaiet and Kunh. ADVEltTISING Ha crcatod many a now hnir; II m elnrc-Ml innnr an rld bninw; Hiu revive! many a dull tinMn.v-; llu rwcued ninny a biifine": llu dftvod many a failine tiu.-ini-: Ha rrefcrved many a Inrtu liiK-irmM;, And iniurnt cuccujv in any liiuinou. Ujay in his old nun: "I iiivt- iilw,i rinidiTid advrriifirui lihsrtilly nnd lnn I" bo l lie tri-nt niednim of nuccos in buinm.", and tlir rrclndo tn wpitltb. And I bav mado it an iDrmtlilo nil to ailvprtio in the dnlUi-l timw w well aii tho busiwt. Ii'iic oxiorienc limine tauclii me thfit urnnny thun "i'ont ii wrll In j d fiil.at hj continually keeiunii my buinoM bnfi.ra the pullir it hiu locurml mony Bales tbatlutbar-wuie tbatlutbar-wuie would have loL" Advertise yonr Duilncn. Keep j-ottr name brfor (lie Public Jnillrlnui Arivf rU'hi will Ilia lite a Knrliinr, IfBnalneaala Oull, Adveriiav. I Bailncii la Brisk, Ailr erllae. The man who didn't h"lirain idr '"" DM e lt)Xr" t nnrrf Ijtp wit h t BOOKBINDING i UTZ ar- i-T-ri'd t jr h .-ilnuntj,, an'l 't. mar.l.ko roni-r. in itie Bindery connect! wita our a.-iaihib3jen BOOKS, k. kr., i.c. HERALD OFFICE. HEW YORK TRADE. Tenedict. HALL i Co. Maaatvrtnrtr? ari Wboleeait .Daajart ia SOOTS AND SHOES 1S4 aad IIS Grand St., S w ark, CrarCrwbj. one Mo.-i art of BrojUj ilt THOS. M. ARfiALL & Co., Men 'a, Yihi' Boys' aad Child ran ; OX.OT HING, AT WHOL1M.LI. SIS - 1 Broadway, w l ata. a. wtui. frr JEHIAL READ & Co., Maaoiaotttren aad W kolenaia lMjn U ri'K AM) WlOL MATS, o. 1(1, BroiHwtj, NKW YOBK. : la. Jim Uaa .sr. Je i L. M. BATES & rO., Ml Irotdwi.;, KW a f Fancy Dry Goods, BOSlBKf, WU11S GOODS, V'H LEX'S, SHAWLS, yaxkes yo noxs. ttc in. m i.ntR WASATCH COAL Ui'A. KtlkkCK bas aed th Was atch coal miae, and if rreparevl to tarnish th BEST WEBER COAL At $7.60 per Ton AT TUS IHTOT. Leave order? at the Perot with Js Ties Latham La-tham or t m oil'k-e at the I in and Kit-tins Kit-tins jtvi-o of .SliTCUKi-L A J mi s. Kirs t S.utb street UKO NKULKKK. GOOD NEWS AS KASY WAYTOOKT'A .PRINCE PATENT ft'e will Hont oar Organs by the Month and wlico ttio price ia paid id Uool, t tie Oriao will bcootuo the property of the Kuater. This is not ooly thy pa-sicst way to obtain an OrRao, but you will havo the Best Instrument made which J. H. 1UDGKS, Organ Buildor, C. J. THOMAS, Cuoduotor of Theatre Thea-tre Orchestra, And triauy o(lien will tocti y. Mr.J. J. UAVNKS will ivo tliroc tnoath's !ePWD9 FKKK to any or9un rvotiDg our Orgaua, ajt woll as thrwe who pay tho full prion down. jNo distinction. dis-tinction. bond fur illulratod oiraular and onoo list. K&" SU0WfcK00MS Ul' bTAHW. i J. DAYNES &. SON. Tiik Oklv Exclusive Music 8TOIUI la tho City. 1H 3 doon oast of Oodbo'i drug itoraB C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All klndj of HEAVY HARDWARE Iron imd Nleel, Stoves and Tin Ware BL.4CKmiTII TOIILI, Acrlavltaral lapltnixi km tMlt, At L.wai Hint, OPI'UKITK 111 K HALT I.AKK IIlM'ii NOTiCe. THE CHEAPEST P1.ACK TO 11VY CHAIN, PROVISIONS. AIM) (.HANS, V El. ETA BEE Hixl 1)1 KU SEED JSf. AND A FILL LINK OF GROCERIES. CAIX AND EXAMINE AT Geo.H. Knowlden's Oi i-o.ii. w.ii.. i.ir, k C'.. 4 WEST SUJE MALN ETKELT, i. ' GEORGE MAN WARING HAS A Fl u. usk or GEiOCEKIES ANT5 PROVISIONS, I1KSI OlTH STREET, j Bal: KLtI v- of Kimball A Lawreaco. VFr.;l :w rLiYKKtD kkek ok tiiAKuti. aaj-10 EST ETsr tfl THE FAVORITE The fo'lowias is tha opinion of Prof. C. J. ruomas, who.hs? thirly-ono thirly-ono j-cars' ciixrinjs u a Musician, as leader of Orohestras.aaJ Choirs in Kurvpe and Amcrioa : t'ALT Ikk Crrv, V, T., Aririi 5,TS. Ma. 0. YY. Stay.nkr, ; Hanns an experience of thirty-one thirty-one years as a Musician, a preat share ol whioh time 1 have been Leader of Orchestras and Choirs in Kurope and Atuenco, and betni; solicited by you to paxs my judctuent on iho " Ksley Oriians," lor which you are aizem, and havitli: tried and ki: ami n.vl ili.m irmr- ouphly, 1 oonlidently rwouimend them to the oitueus ot this Territory, tor (heir Sui'SRtoa Tons the Vox Ji uilanti being a tinn imitation of tho l'lpo Or-tarj Or-tarj their nteo Smooth Aitun and l'KUOATB i'oUCU, K.Xv'KULENOS of V ORKMANsuti'iu thcirCoNsmi CTION and their G kmkaL KtUAHiLJTY.mai.-them KtUAHiLJTY.mai.-them all that can UK de.ared ia Organs either tor Church orl'arlor. l ours respectfully, c j. Thomas, Conductor of Theatrical Oroluvitra. k. Call and the Ortani you will bejiur W bus yno. CMS. . STAYAEK, tKN URAL AGKNT FOR I'TAH, No. & Main Street. Nest toSavam'a t all tj, a.S Mali Uki my M. T. BURCES8, Civil Engineer and U. S. Mineral Surveyor, Will promt- tho nwessiry rarrrf and Diagram Dia-gram lur 1'atunu and rrviwU, Office tn ltuiMInc oocuidod by turvyr (Ion oral. iuii 1873. z. c m. i. Our Slock of the yoaM'niiblo I 'reus Uoods in tho New .Sliadon Iibh arrived, and in ofterod lor inspeotiou and Sale, WRAPS, In Cloth and Catdimcro. SUITS, In Liiico aod Alpaca. SHAWLS, In all appiuvtMl Si kp. SIX, KS, Uoj-uipuwdio K-lin, q Hy hud J'nw. G L 0 V E S IS KllK 'XIlltl.ALi.t'.'.'J JijN And ibe CKLKIlKA IKD b A , I l, A K Ku L'j ? K. HOSIERY LAMI, MJS Ki, AM) CM I LMiKf.'V We juntly oiaitTi rmrwlvoa Uyotui cinjpttitmn. RETAIL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. 5lo .0. :",";.:'.'; ; -. ,'. f -r y-.ur r ,.f ,.), m. . i. r - jK f , u. ,r rrr ,!,,,.,..,... 'f " ' V" :"' at'"..r.ci.i. i-a'ti- unr ,t-. Aaaaj U, btUJfcB A U. iaad.jKaix, m |