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Show PROCLAMATION l:V TIIK MAYOR. Mflvm'-J OmiJK, May 'J, 17:J. T.i-h tow, May '.'M, hemy the day oiH.M'cui. -I throughout the eountiy for the d-e 'r.ilioii of the graves of the noitfiiTN lio have fallen in delenso of thi ii ci'iin'iy, it is defined desirable to afford in citizens whu winlt (o tako ; part in i liK-r v i ag iliu sauie an oppor- : luniiy of uniting in honoring tho gallant gal-lant dead ; it m. therefore, proclaimed as a general holiday in I hit) eiiy, and all ciliz-Ti- arc requested to close their places of bui-ines.-;. All liquor dea'ers in this city aro required lo clfu their f-a'o'jns. and to refrain from disposing of liquor during tho day. Daniel IJ. Wei.ls, Mayor. FKANK FULLER, JAMES Al . S.MIT. W. BULL HARKLR. THE fXDERSIG.N'ED ARE PREPARED tolJuyand Soil Roal Ectato on CoiniuiB-iion, CoiniuiB-iion, and tonogutiato Loans. Five doors nurtb of Post OCicu. niLi.Kii, smrn .t uakueh BUILDINSBEICK. MOREIIOU8 & CO. llAVEDHlCK ON 1IJXD Tu SUPPLY THE K5!LLSO?J! Get your firo-i roof !ioii-l" up. Prico reasonable. reas-onable. I.euvonnhT' i.f tho o!!ko in Kahn PnS tilvrc, Muin ircuU wib SPECIAL ADVERTISE.11EMS FOlTsALE. rS K SPAN OF LARGE SIZED WOUK OR f earriuK Ikt.-os; al.-o 0110 himcy and a di'iiblo r-i of baron--;. lniiiiro at I)r. .1. J'. P. Van lenller;;ti. ollii-e Pir-t South .-treol, threo blocks wi'.-t "1 Kimball and Lawrence. iu27 ON ACCDliNTOF REMOVAL. A KIRST-cta-.-! Piano (et I WJ- Prico Si.'-O.OO-iMi-mito at lint i-L-.-idouee ul'Rev. T. W. llus- kius, :it Su M arli's School, or of Tacuart, Eau., Piano Tuuur. F. Wu. U.oiuit.i. "il'ii'L A FINE S011ll10a.1t cornor lot. ten rods siiuare, situatod tour blocks East and one blouk Norlh ot i'oseret News Oineo. Hii,-h t; 1 iiitiil. witti a purled view of Lako and East and W(M Al'miiUuu-i. Abundant supply of piiro water. Un tho whole tho best aud most divirnblo site ior a rosidenco now in market. Applv lo FtiLLElt, SAHTHi HARKER, Real Estaio AkoiRx, ui2:t 5 doora Aorth of l'ost Otlico. mil UEJiT. ANEW 111UCK HOUSE, BEAUTIFULLY situated, turoo bloc Us norlh ct'Post Otlico, coiilainuif nino rooms, two cellars and out-hou.-e. Jtiont tw per month. Apply J. A. 171, Post Ullico. or this Oliico. ni2S BOARDERS WASTED. A FEW HOARDKKS CAM HE ACCOA1 nioilated with lioard and Kooius, in a line location, two blocks eaat of Theatre lixiuiro at this ollicoj mm 27 fcas5a UK.. GiKOVKN, OfUoo, 6000 nd South Stroot, Throo doom wosl of Groat Western Hotel, half a bloek aant of Elephant Store, Bait Lako City. Oflioo hours from 0 a-m. to S p.m. mil U O TJ O E. ryliK ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCK -J. holders of tho Utah Contra Kail mud, for tho punuit'o of eloctinu diroctors, will tako place on Monday, Juno 2nd proximo, at 11 o'clock, at President Young's Oliico, Salt Lako City. GEORGE SWAN, Sec'y-Salt Sec'y-Salt Lako City, Alay mb, 1873. mi:i BERLIN BAZAAR, J'iist Soiitlt St., near tlic Thenlrv. Alri. BeckerUdealorin ovory variety of Ladies and Children's Clothing. Tho public aro rospoctfully invitod to ox-aiuino ox-aiuino Iho stock. ... inay26 PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. '1MIEFIRAI OF If. S. JACOBS St. CO. II A V-JL V-JL inn boon dissolved by mutual consent, on Iho 27 th of February, lb?;!, by tho withdrawal therofroni of H. S. Jacobs, tho business will hereafter bo continued br tho undersigned, luidor tho linn namo of Lilly, Loisonring Jt Co. f WILLIAM LILLY, Sh:skd JOHN LEISENR1NG, (.A. W. LE1SEN RING. Munch Chunk, Pa., May 12, 167. in28 J Tho World is full jteb of Chiloron crying for aMjNI McLAlM'i Jt$zL .jMJ. candied ' fA.Castor Oil, ' jfe , . yc&, .A, It is dolicious, ofToc-tivo ofToc-tivo and harmless. ' WW l10 repulsive taste 1 1 IL lj5tiAf of tho Cas- . ovorcomo. Its cathartic powors aro nut im-pnirod. im-pnirod. Price 2-"i cU. McLaiu's Vcruiiruge Bonbons Aro olocant and offoctivo. Thry rosetnblo Cream lionbons, kopt in Confectioners' shops. Childron lovo thoia and cry for thorn, Prico 25 cents per box. For sale by Z. C M. I. and all othor Hruff-giata, Hruff-giata, myli SUMIYIONS. In tho District Court of tho Third Judicia District of tho Territory of Utah, Salt Lak County. Groonwoll & Wright, Plaintifls, vs. Goorgo Forbos, Dofondant. Tho Peoplo of tho Territory or T'tah send frootins to Georgo Forbes, Dcfer.iiant-i'oa Dcfer.iiant-i'oa aro hereby roiiuirod to apponr in an action brought agninst you by tho above named l'laintitls in tbo Histriot Court of tho Third Judicial liistrict of tho Torritory of Utah, and to answer tho complaint lilod therein there-in within ten days oxclusivo of tho day of service after tho sorvico on you of this summonsif sum-monsif served within this county; or, if served out of this county, but in this district, within twenty days ;othcrwiso within forty days or judgment by default will botakon aftainst you. according to tho pray or of said complaint. Tlio said action is brought to recover tho sum ol tlUSD tgold coinJ and JAMU.S-I, alleged to bo I duo from Dofondant to Plaintiffs for hogs and : coin sold and delivered by Plaintiffs to dol'ond-: dol'ond-: ant, and for 111011 oy paid to tho U. P.,R- R. Co. by Plaintiffs for defendant's benefit and uso. ' us soL Id tiiu uuuivliuoL tmiilu lioiuin, and costs ofsuit. And you aro horoby notified, that if you fail to appear and answor the said complaint as above required, tho said Plaintiffs will tako judgmont against you for said sum of $HJ&y, gold coin, and 82U1U.S1 and costs. Witness, tho Hon. Jamos B. McKean, Jadso, and tho seal of tho District Court oT tho Third Judicial District, in and for tbo Torritory of Utah, Ibis 2Stu day of April, in tlio year of our Lord Ono Thousand Eiat Hundred and Seventy-Throe, JOS. F. NOL'NNAN, Clerk, Ey Edw'dB. McKean, Deputy Clork. my27.-lt CRACKERS! CRACKERS! Crackers ! SaltLaie Steam Grack Factory NEAR R. R. DEPOT. T AM MANUFACTURING tho best OUAL- I 1TV nn,l iSU M ATI.MT VAKI li'.'V of J ITY and GREATEST VARIETY of KAlIfc-JtS, over producod in tho Territory, Terri-tory, which I odor to tho Trade and Publio gonorally, at tho lowest posstblo prices. M ore h ants and frionds aro roquostod to call and oj amino my goods and prices, before purchasing. OQico at Thntohor k Elk ins'. JL Y.ANDERSON. Salt Lako City, Jan. i, 1873. Utah Territory. CHICAGO BOCK ISLAND, AM) Pacific Railroad. THE GREAT CENTAL ROUTE HOW Ol'EN DIRECTrro Chicago and the East. VIA OES MOINES, DAVENPORT, AND ROCK ISLAND, . Cunnoclinc at Dos Moinss with Des Moines Valley R,P. TOR KEOKUK AND ST. LOUIS. At Davenport with DonU lor all ioints on tho Upiier Mississippi. At La Enllo with the ! ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R, WORTU AND SOUTH. And at Chicago with all tho fast linos East and tiuulh TWO FAST KXPKKS3 TRAINS Leave Council BIuCs Daily. TIJIIIS III 01 CHICAGO Til. This road buins thoroughly equipped with KLKOANT MOW COACHES ANDKhW-H'tNGCAKS Ami bnvinc tlio ndvnntai,-n oT a snimiih, wi-11-ballastud trui-k, oir'-ri io the trai-oliti;; public an Eatti-m lino uat'iuallcd lur Sl'EKD. C'iMKOKT. AND SAEETV. ThrmiKh Tickru n U Line to all l-ni-crn Cities cim bubad at th'j Comi'iinr'-J Ticket Utlices, intcrnati'jnul Jl.,tol, Om:tia. J'a-cilic J'a-cilic lluujo like!;, Council RIuiLi, and al tho Depot, BAGGAGE CHECK KJl TIIKiifGIl V ALL P1UNC1PAL EAbTER-N 1'GlNTij, 1 NOTICE. rpO JOHN H.CAMl'E AND JOHN OLSEN. L v.ui und each of you will idcasi tako di-tico di-tico that lahor to tho aniuunt nf 1 luu been dono fur John H. Camp.- and SIl.'JJ for John Uliii-n, en tho Maria Mine, Mluatwl at tho mouin of Emigration Canyon, in Salt Luke ruuiitv, Territory of Utah, "nd that unless tho fiamo'ispuid it)iin ninuiy days from Gie dale of this notici' vunr intiii'-t Mill be sold, 111 "C-cirilanco "C-cirilanco with tho act of congress to pay fur said labor. , J. V. Ul,iMiM;lSl Kalt LakoCily.U.T., May Hh. l"7 ..M svml'I:i. roon.u. wii.i.um foori.i:. COOI'KR r.KO"S, Real Esiaie and Loan Brokers, EI-;V DUUll.S NnllTll ul' WALKER SALT LAKE CITY- Real Estuto Bou(;!it und Sold, and Money Loaned. mayai (NM.UM-IK RIIU'S. NOTICE ToWSiC. HAVING HEAR D Til AT CKiiTAIN PA lilies li-lies aro omlravorioR to mako miIo ol a certain mininp claim, now fallal tho "Nuyos," situal-d in Dry Canyon, Upliir MininR District, UUih Territory, tho .-anio beinu a juinpiiiB hc ealion of tho celebrated "HaMer"' Lode; tins, therefore is to warn all persons from neKOtial-itiR neKOtial-itiR for, or purchasiiiK the same, as said lode is tbo snlo property of tlio subscriber.-!. Salt Lako City, Mny Wth, IXi'-l. 11. II. T5AXT15R, THUS. II. RATES, T W PA UK, NTKI'HEN I,. RA'L'l'M, JAMM. Sl'.l.nvER, .lo.S. E. M't'NNAN, A. A. SKl.OVEIl, L. DVKES KII EUS HATCH, M. W. NUUNNA, . C. K. GAUR1SU.N'. iuiiv-J) CHICAGO TRADE. M. D. WELLS &. CO , H an of oa tor en of and Wholtla Doaleri la Boots and Shoes. 018 W1hi At, Chic bro. K. D. WoltB. JUL. J. Maofarland Ji.BnodioU W S. P. Molntyrn. Cogswell( Weber & Co.( JODUERS OF Watches' Jewelry AMD Jewelers' Supplies. Wo ffivo nromnt attontion to Ordors by Mail. 1'rico Lists sont on apiilkation. 105 and 107 STATU STREET, Chicago, hekking's patent champion KIKIiaud BrJUOiLAU I'ttOOFJ IS5 Jk. JF" JH3 ! Tbe Best Safes in the World I HERRING & CO., 46 State street, and coroor 14th Btree and Indiana Avcduo, , o h i o a. g o. 07 The Old Salamander.' REMOVAL. YAH SOHAACK, STEVENSON & REID Wholoaa DRUGGISTS Paint Dealers, IIiivo removed io tholr Now Stores, and 9 LAKH HTIIKIGT, oornor Dearborn Street, (on tbo old site) Oil 1C AGO, whore, with uuildiDgs orootod expressly for the business. Steam Elevators, oto., the; hare opened np an iininenso Stock, ansarpassed in tho northwest. 6rcoinl &ttentioa nivon to Territorial basin oes. jyl PAGE, BRO. & Co., Importers and Dealers in LEATHER AND FINDINGS' "OLD CITY HOTEL CORNER," Corner of State and Lako streets. V. W. Pako, Boston.l CHICAGO, C. R. PaBo, Cni"BO. N. MATSON &. CO., Import era and Whalosalo Doalora in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Jewelry and Silverware, Cor. MAUISOX at MONHOli: ST8., CHICAGO, ILLS., Opposite Palmer's Grand Uotol. d21 F & E. JAEGER. 73 IV a bas It Avenue, iienr Unndolph, CHICAGO, IL,L,( IMREUT lP0l(TKIi8 OY Croekory, Chinn, (Hn.stvnro, LRmr. Lookinir HlaMos.Cutlory.Uritanniaand tiili-or plated Ooods. Tho larcost Ilouso in tho U'osL dl 1, II. ANDREWS. & tO. 106, 108 4170 Slate Street, Oi'i'osito Palmor's Orand Uotol, O 3HE I G -A. O- O , Manufacturers of I if llli1 SCHOOL, CHURCH mo OFFICE FURNITURE, Y tjj.oiii--s on ai us of all (tjloa. Scliuol Oullino Maps, Clmrts, etc. KverytliinT In tlio way f Srlioul, CoUette or Church Fixtures :l I,i,ivi-,t (.!a."h I'ricos. SpdJ for llliutraud L'utalujue and Price LifKla &. U. AKDKKWS .1 CO- SIVilTHSO&WARD IMPORTERS 0 $s wiiimiiswii,!- ENGLISH. IRISH AND SCOTCH iiliES PORTERS AND FOREIGN WINES ANDSLIQUORS For Salo io Bond or Daty Paid, at SM1THSON Sl WARD'S, GOO Nnurnmiilo 8t ret I , Sutt l-'rnncUcu, ESTA1SMSHKD lfiVJ. v. KSTAULiailKD WALKER BROS. JOBBEllS IN (jfKOCKKIES, CANJNEI) (iODDS, MAIMS, HA(JON, CJ IKK NIC, TOJ5ACCOKS, CANUlKiS, rte, ,. Wo kocp (lio Largest Stook ol'tlio ubovo Goofln io Ibo Tctrilcry TO THE TRADE. Wo aro prepared lo fill Orders ibr all kiDdH of S "X" A. 2E IL. E5 S , At Eastern Vrico", Freight added. Give us a Call and Examine our Goods and Prices. T O MIN E It S . We keep a full assortment of Miners' Tools, Blasting Powders, Fuse, Candles, Etc.. etc. ai.fl mm j ? Q jsi. Erg SrW I'OR A OOOD RELIABLE WATCH, A CORRECT TIME KEEPER, GO TO CARL C. ASMUSSEN, Opposite Foet-Ofttce. Qe will rofuad tho moricy if any should urovo to tho contrary. Call and aoo his fine soloction of tlio most BEAUTIFUL JEWELRY, A COMl'LETK NEW STOCK, Conttstlng or Brooches, Kur-rlugs Fingcr-rtnirA, Studs, 81cve-uulloiiB, 81cve-uulloiiB, 4JHiu, Locke ts,1 Full Seta, etc., etc. A eplondid aaaortciont of , LADIES1 ANO GENTS' GOLD AND SILVER , WATCHES, American Watches a Specialty. A I arse and coiuploto stock always on hand. CARL C. ASMUSSEN, Opposito Post Offico, Salt Lako City, Notice. All Ooods loft ovor ono year will bo sold to defray oxpooeos. dlii THElllwipOTRED THOROUGHBHED DEVON BULL Young Washington, Is ooe of tho; fin oct brod Dovon Bulls in the country. IElIJItICEt Cnlvod Aiinust II. 1S70; Sirod by Yminit Wiuhinnton, 387, American llnrd Hunk; 1 2d by (Jonoral Urant, 22fl, Air.orican Ilord Book : ;id by Uayujra. 9)2, Eneliwh Ilord Bonk; ltli " Tocuuiaoh, abfl, " " DAM EI'FIE; 2,1 by I)on Podro. 2J0, American Ilord Bonk; 2d" Edio, KnKlih Herd I(,...k; by I'wum- soli, fm. English Ilord B-iok; 3d" Imi-Ttod Eveline, Encli.'h ll-rd Bonk. by Eurl of Eiolor, 35, EDghsh Ilord Bonk; 4th" Iluby, Iftr,, EnRlisb Ilord Bonk, by Eavorito, 4."1, English Ilord Jjook.. Half breed Devon Uows arc sjtleiidid milkers. Half brood Devon Oxen for work and flpeod aro unsurpassed. Those who wish to imiTOvo thoir stock can see this splendid animal at tho stablos of Mr. H. li. ClaiTson, north-ivoat corner of tbo 1-tn Ward- Torui, SI in advance. Enquire of Mr. Smith at tho Stab I o. al'J SALT LAKE CITY SAFE DEPOSIT. Fira and Burglar-Proof Vault, In Bajoinont of the BANKING IlOl'tiE UE A. Y. WHITE 1 Cc. VAl.UAlif,K PAl'EKS. JEWELRY AND Silvor Ware received on Special Itoisit. Lock CoiirARTHKXTS for rent UOico hour! from 7 a.m. to 0 p.m. W. II. -Hlt)lIUL.t it Co., Stock ami Muney Hrokri'H, DIA LICKS IN liUl.D DUST, Hnilruad Tickets. t LStucka Houiiht un aiiljj Maritins. To whom it may concern. WK, the un.lorsigm-d, claim and own twolvo hundrel (lif1) fot. including Nos. two (2) and thn- ("). in the Tilut lode, in Little Coitouwiini. canyon, and hold the oj by docd.i Ifi'iu tlio oriuioal Ivcators; and have eoraphed -Uh tho laws of the dii- i tr it t In every rc-'pr't- 1 And we hereby i,uMi"n nil portoninotto tradr, buy or bartei for said claims, without j our conKfiot- i C. H. BAbHBTT, I Adrn'ohtratrr fl th-I.IVINf. th-I.IVINf. ' Ki-f - "r m .! i,-, . j (r't BL T -ilj. M U SIC SCHO O L. HI cbd times JKcCAKTHKR A DUOWN IrAVINfl oponod a Music School, will rivo L lessons on Piano. Gran, Jlarp and ( uitar. l'a'ticulnr attention wilt bo paid lo tlio oultivBtinn of tho voico, and siDninK'n Italian and English. Hoaidonco at the housa of John W. Yonna, Esq., onposito City Hall. ai22 Jlavinc bought out a Stovo Storo wt are no SELLING Hotel STOVES, A FULL StT OF Tinners' Tools, MEETING HOUSE AND PARLOR STOVES, AT EASTERN (OST AND FKKltHT. A KI on didS lock of DRY GOODS AND Groceries ON II4ND. G1U0DS DELIVERED Fit EE OE CHAKtiE. I TAYLOR & CUTLER, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. T II GRAND DISCOVERY I A Kcw Article of Hniiiifc(tirer P. MARCETTS UAS FOR SALK Mi Patent EiiM for Utah For tlto Alanufacture of all kinds of MARBLE, GRANITE, l'aving aud liuiMiug Stone. r- Call nnd seo Samplca at bin Alo VaulU. SU Kiinhall illock. THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY. TS Til K PrONKi:it'K0l'TK lmtwoon OMA-l OMA-l 11 A and CM I0. 0, coiniiloli-d four yi-iirs ago, inco which timo tho Coiuuany liai .-fared nuitlmr iain.i nor oj'on.o in i.prl'wt-iiiE i.prl'wt-iiiE iu nnd bed and track, and o-miwintt it with rollinK ri"ck. of the wxt inndorn iui-jirovciiiL-nld; iliu, together with tho fact of Hi bivriK iho wiiouTKsr lisk, olTura to (ho Travolini; Public a litmto uiisurpa.-si.vl in this country for soeod, comfort, Hafuly aod Buro conncctbni- PAKTICULAUCAl'TIONihould bolaVen by iiiuwoiiKors in acl'-cting thoir route, and nut bo di'ceivud by fulao ndvortiaouionts and rcjirc-i'ntatinn by inlor.';lpd I'artiot ol ("iiii.eliiij! liner, in record to time, distances, rati!, otc. 'lliia i -i ml.ir route rdiuiro- nn fal a l atonic u l. rub inir on iu tmo moritn. it irlvLs only to ba knoivn by tho traveling . public lo be ai'ireciati:d. TIME: S.in Frar.ciico to Omaha, fuur daya an rev in hour;. 'ia Cliicairn and Northwestern Railway, Omaha in uhicaso, tivcnty-lhrco bouia. tluialia to -N ow lork, ei.ty hnnr.'-. Uiuaua to Boston, eixty-four hours. PULLMAN PALACE. 1 1 OT K L AND SLKUI'INi; CALLS aro run on all through trin? from Omaha lo Chicau. How to Sei-lt.k Si.kkpiso Li.utii.s IIkick Iti. h'iiis; Uh.hia: PaMeciieiB tii-simu' o! n'ourinj,- .Slccinn' licrtln, i.vtinns or .tato Jtijvuis in tho olcoi'init Oar fmiu Omaha c-i J. can do so by tolc-hTftidiini; iToiti any ol tliu .-tatb.ns on Iho Union Pacific Kailrv.iJ. to H. A. Ciri-entor, tiunural At;on(, C ' Itailway, Omaha, statins vrhnt t""V want. This in nil llioy need to do until ttiny reach tlm U. .t N. W. lUihvay Dojiot. on tlio oa.it side of llio iMi'.iouri river, tli K. looiinu Car Coiuiiu-tor, and ivo luui llioir names, us iir tolocraiti, and ihoy will Hud that ho has their borrni r."orvcl l-.r Ihom. I'aoiiKi'ra Koinw east ml consult tb0lr oiyn intnen by necorini; Thnnicli I'rl.i'H via J'lii.'A.in .uunnvi:M'KivN kaii.- A V, which can bu rrocurod al all (irincii-al ticket n llio 0.1 in California and tho V ot, 'id al"rilru:td vfwu tu Francisco. Suit Lako City,UrfvloU. Umaha and Council lllull. JNU. 0. UAULT, Otmorat tiav't, Ch icao. 1 U.l'. STAN WOul), (Jouural liukct Aeont, ChUiiu. |