OCR Text |
Show Arrival and CIosiuk of Mails. ARRIVAL. IMI Through umII, dully, T:P P-m- Lucl Ok'Icq, Kcbu Oily, WaMtob and MorKon ooonly, dally, IM " Smnmll and Wonntch coouUe, Taenday, uid lliarvdky, 1:10 " Weet Tbroogh mJI, dr.ily, )r-40 jn Lacl Wwt Jordan ud Jlerrtraao, Tbarwlmy, T;10 pja. Tuoele r'y, dully, rxcit bnudsy , 8:00 p.m. QranUTllla, Bturdy, 8;W pjn HorUi ldftho, UoalADM, Oregon and Washington Wash-ington Tanitory, dally, 1U-.10 a.m. lural Davli and Buz mder oohuUm, diilj, 10:10 Oacbeocantj, UoDday, Tbnnday and (Utordiy, 10.10k.ro. Alob ooooty, Monday and XUimday " H cath In Pioohe, dally T.10 p.m. BU Qeorge and Artsona, allernaM dty, ":10 p.m "net ocniitj, Tuesday, Tbanday and Batnrdny, T;10 pjn fall 3rld and Olnr Valley, Friday, T:10 p.m liMI Throngb tiisll, daily, 9 pja Local OfCdru, Morgan t iXtolJ, Bcbo Oily and VVualcti, daily, 0 " Bummlt and Waaatch oonoMoa, Monday and WetlnredAy, 0 " WmI Oallforuii and Ncia.la, Through mvll . and OKdr-n, dally, 1:30 " Local WmI Jordan and II wt I man Tburaday, 6:30 m TM-els Stockton and OrantaTlIla, dally, ic-pl HudJuj ;i0 " MoribIdaLo, Montana, Wanhlngton and Orficofl, Ully, 1:00 P-- , Local DaTu) and Webr cooallr, daily, W " ! Uux Alder oouuly, dally, 1:80 , Oaoha conntj, ijanday, Tntalay and j Ttmrwlay, 1: " I Rich county, Tneeday and Thnra. 1:00 " oath Ploche, etc, dally, 6:30 a.m 8L QorK aod Arlaona, alternate day a, " D-r.pt con"1. Sunday, Tnraxlay aJ Tbiirid.y. 6:30 " ralialdandUdarV'y,neilueday,a:BO " 0FF10I HOV RB. (Ii nrtal DvlWvry opn ironi 6 a.m. ;to 0 p-tn giiTvl.ty, 18 to 1 I'.w. M upy Onlrr and Roglilry Dcpftrtaipnt open rn.m a.m. to 4 p.m. )iinie door oi-eu from 0 a.m. lo 9 p.m. J M. M'"V"nH, MASONIC. Aifitnta Lotlge, No. J. A. F. A. A. 3t, S l'A rill) Onuinunlefttion.i l.odco tioKt un Iho l-'irt tnl Third Tuiinys if e.v-h uu.rtth. nt .M.vvnio Hall. Kil-i Ii'iuplo itrvt. Mombors of Xi'ler L-k-oe and o-iminuiK o-iminuiK liroilirun ia gwd stamliag aro cor W.H. 111UL. Soo'T. iU V trill l'Knttr 1, K, A, 91. t-T.ri;n nNViH'.Ti"xs or this r O.iiflorlH'l.l :t M-xni IUII, K.ut Tom-I'le Tom-I'le Mi cot. tlio Ftft nn.l third Mitnrdaj-8 of t-h uivntli. at hali-rs--l soon o'tUvk p. ni., nli;irp, i nr ri i ooiui'&iiiotis id giiod stand-itiK stand-itiK ar cordial ly invito.!. i ui;o. v. iiiAOV. n- t. T. B. CLUllIX V.tocroUry. fa SPRING OPENING SASH, BLINPS NOULDIN'Of rtCKKTS, I.ATII, HK.l'WODD, SrOAli l'UNE, 'JM'tKKF,, BUILDING MATERAL IX FULL STOCK AT 'LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO.'S LUMitFK YARD AND SASII AND DOOR tfAClXhiV. One Hl vlt K.W Jt Dorot. tuar.U HENRY WACENER, Rait LnheCltri Vth fALlFGRNIA BREWERY, l.AUK.R HKV.K, ALU AM I'OBTKRi WUOLJLiALE AS ICTk'l.. SKvND South STHKSC.ithr d'on oast Vltraaa Uitor. laptti SAN FR ANPISGO HOTELS' LICK HOLJS, Corner MdL'jui.tj-aa-J ii'Jt'.er it rec SAN FRANCISCO, G AL IFOR 1ST Ik.. ! TLo "Lkk" o!Tcn unfuri.a.e-l aewmmoda-ti'jn aewmmoda-ti'jn for 'l'uarifu, buic cectraliy lati and hvin hor-o cits or ill part. ol the city r as-m as-m its doir. Its rooiu atd iui:a are im-.i:alk-i f-r eomfort. wnllo ita Lilc ir.s ilall U akr.'iwlo.Jii lu o'j the m' it elear.t roum o! ilj kind in America, or the Con un eat. Its cui-'ino is jocund lo co iniiuution of iukiad; evL.-y luxury of tha eeajn, iretarod by ino able-toi eooki iei .UUy rlaced L.a iu tables, In fict tbo"Li'-it" Liieri to tie TourLii a home, where every attcn'.ion Li iruarantwl for the comfort of its guo--j that tho no:t careful juoi-meot of exj crmocod men in their aeveral raii i tip, Ban aHold. muti mortgTn house, POST STFEfcT, A30Vc KEARNtY, fcAJl I'UAMCINCU. The beat accommodations Kuaranteed, L'jcaiion coniral Tcrma, 94.00 to $4.50 per Day. W. G. Graham, a.r29 Iroririetor. UllAND liOTJEL, On H.rket, Mew MoD.fomoi7 uid MAJM AJJH CauOO, i : J I. J01LNS0N 4 (Jo., Puoi-airroas SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. UALTOi Ac UlUY, Commission Merchants ! And wholesale dealers In GRtfcN AND D'.kO FF.UIIS OF ALL KINDS, Alw Produce, NuH.otc, etc-, luii uavla ulrcrt, bttwetn WnnlilnKton and Jackion, hail FrnucUco. MACONDRAY & CO., Irai-ortOTi Of CULA & JAPAN TEAS, SHIPPING am CONIMISSION MERCHANTS 201 and aw SAN SOME STRKET SAN FRANCLSUO. IV o aro constantly in receipt of froah in-voices in-voices ol C1II.NA und JAPAN TKAS.andalJ dorc'riitioris of East Xdia and Straits Iao- JOHNSON & BEST, Manufacturers of 0FFICR DESKS, BOUK CAriES, WRITING TABLED, &1J.UW 0ASE6, and allkiniUof CAUI N EX WORK. Orders eolicitod ani satisfaction guaran-tood. guaran-tood. W nrrrooma 311 I'lne SI t Jlniiufac lory- 3 17 aiurkct St,( bull I'rautUco. , BprlT Einstein Bro's &. Co., Manufacturers and Imiorters of BOOTS & SHOES, And doalors in LEATHER, FINDINGS, ETC., 40 nml 31 BATIKJIY STHKKT, dia fA I'KANOISCO. C'J-Ui'EIlATXVJS MAKULE WUKKS. JOHN DANIEL & CO., (Successors to 0. (lori.) Manufacturers of ondifoaiors in Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, MANTEL PIECES. TABLE TOPS. CUUNTER TOPS, PHi.MKEK.V SLABS. lMl'OislNii STUi LS.LtC, at lonoitiTiooa. Particular attention raid to raokinjt goods for dhipuiont. Or dors rodpoaUulLy dolioilod. iai IMiip St., between Montgomery iiid iioKi ucy, ban FrancLoo, aprlo PAPER&STATIONERY WAREHOUSE. JOHN G- HODGE & CO., Import or?, Manufacturers, and Wholesale Stationers. Keep a full lino of STATIONERY, Bl-ANK BOOKS, SCHOOL HOOKS, PRIN TERS' STOCK, liotiK RINDEKS' MATERIAL, WKAI'PINO. HOOK, and NEWS 1'APKIU, Ac, Ac Accnt for tUo drew CouiDany'a auperior Letter and Flat Papers, The Trade suiiliod at loss than Chicago prices. 347, 3i0, mid 331 Nixoramciito St., an Franoiaco, aprlS ESTABLISHED lboO. Importers of Teas, ast India goods arid general groceries, 2li aui 216 Front Street, San Francuco- o26 A. J. uii 1 F F i T if, SALMON AND HERRINGS, IB WaanlMfttnai 8trt. All kind! of L'.led, Bwoked and PlcaleJ fhb ovnataullron haud. J MURPHYRANT&CO. Import of American ind BuropoftA tSlnpIe niul Fnncy DRY &00DS, MyVt Iflt.YINCItSCO, CALironwiA, Call th fcwlenUon of t ie Trade to theL larct and oom plots stock ol FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS! Yi hlch Ihcy are new re-'eiTlna direct from Jaarovou SUnnfAOt uteri, oompriiiB in pari rriah nrtmo, Wnol latlnea, Wool Plalda, Frenrh and Of rtoaa, Irlah ad k'retteai PopUi, Kllraaa Cloths, Tamil, L!aok and colored, VelTataaati, Alpa, black and cclered, XIUS, VELVETS, RIBBONS O L, O "V E S , G8nts' Underwear AcJ til Hail of Gonts' Furnishing 6oods, rjniUrr,"n-Vv In ail la hraocbta - hit t;o-tia. rTUiUir(liiri, Shtrilna; Ulntm, HtHa, wh'.: ar 1 PCloml,. L'.mkUi, br.-Tjie.-m ad M-i ToTtilj, Uc-k. Dvaivr, Turki'h- ,,.kl and Dojflti .... SAN FRANCISCO TRA C IE. Jcha.-(jruacce,-S. L. Stinlc.-C. C- Chapman' SPRUANCE, STANLEY & CO., CSucce-v.rs to It. Web-ttr k Co. and J. A J. Sruance.j Imperlend: Wholesale Deale ra In WINE8 AND LIQUORS, S. 10 Front Si- SAN I'LANCIC". L. A. SanderKin. T. L. llorn. SANDERSON & HORN, LtaporUrs and Jobbera of CIGARS AND TOBACCO, (PropriejUin of La En anolaCLjar Factory,) Sole Manufacturers of tho -Celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR J1S FRONT STREET, ltween Washington and Clay- San F x-A xi c 1 s o o . ap25 E. A. FARGO & CO., Importers aal Jobbers of BraMies, Wines and Lipn, IIO Froatt St., cor. Commercial, D. s. Hti. i25 SAN FRANCISCO A. W. WHITE 0., Commission Mercliants, And dealer? in all kinds of GREEN AND DHIED FRUT3. BUTTER, CHEESE, E'iOS. UAMS, Ac SbippinK orders solicited, B. HaTihi, ) au2 Whln(:ton R(., J. 0. .Mm 33, ban Francisco. A. W. Whit.) aprl7 O7WLDEiiTC0 C0M3IISSI0N MERCHANTS, 33 SAN50MS STUEET, SAN FRANCISCO. J. BAUM & CO., Importers and Hao a facta ran of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. 218 k 220 Banaoma St., Ban Francisco. Ho 18 W arren SU N ow York. f9 S. X. M1E511LLL. BOHKBT HA10HT. MAUN1IALL A; HAIU11T, COMMISSION SIEUCHAXTS, And Wholosalo Doalors in EtiGS, IIITTEB, CIIKKSt, Etc., 3)8 and 210 Clay Stroot, ar.20 SAN FltANCISCO. NOTARIES PUBLIC. NOTARY PUBLIC. nBNHY M. TRUE, having been logally appointed Notary Public by his lii-culloncy lii-culloncy tiuvcrnor tioo. L. Woods, U now pro-pared pro-pared to attend to all biisinow connected with tho OfTice- Minint: companies incorporated under tho laws of Utah. Search inp of Records, Con-Oyuncini! and general Noiarial business attondoil to with accuracy and dispatch. Otlico hours from 8 a.m. until 6 p.iii. Offico of Truo, Son & Martin, at No. VJ Kimball itloca. aprJJ CHAt. W. 8TAYNEK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duty qualified and commissioned by the Qoveroor. Otlico 1st door south of Savago's Photograph Gallery. Kali Lake OiU SAVEYOURMQNEY By Purchasing the fflLfflW B! SEWI8B MACHINE. It will do all kinds of work, tudb casior, is moro durable aud costs from EIGHTEEN TO TllIUTV-l'lVE DOLLARS LEc?6 tbaD any other FiRST-ULASS MA0ULNK. Calder & Careless, General Agents, 31 EAST TEMPLE ST. Where you will also fiDd tho .ARC KST.BKST AND UUK AHKST Slock of Musical Instruments in j the Territory. a4 It. E- ' Hl"H H. R. MANN & GO,, General Insurance Agents, FIRE and TIT. CAPITAL REPPKSKNTEl ?i .V'.O) t!lico in Hankinn U 'Uio of A. W. White A Co. MAIN STliEET.Salt Lake Cily. ell Information Wanted Of tho whoroa'-onl', if livine.or rr-f or hc death, .'f -tee). wh..o-n intrc-t in tho .-tt.M l.ed.-f. in N.-.mn.m Tl.-y. bear Lako Mining l'i.-trn.-t, ldahis Territory. Adiirotfd T. B. MILLER. iuv:.! Fox 11 '7 Pot"'Tu-e. Salt Lake City. "ITIII FIRK-DBU'R CO." FIKK BHICK! F1RKCKMKNTI FiKK CI,.Y ! OIV SITE8I01! CI MLII Y. 1CBS.V..B BY TBI UTAH FIRE-BRICK COM Y. Standard No. I Brick $100 TtU TIUU'rVSD. F.clorjr cnrn.r 4th Snnth Si rr.l .nil V,h Soulh.ru K. It. S.ll I.nk.Cit)-. OftiC . '.0 Jlaln Strr.t. Mr. T. P. T h "v.v. t fur-T? I :i:i-r li- i'V.'i' '':i.!N''-i. -ir. i ail kir.ii oi Euntao Tho C-mrmy '" "-- ' MUXS0X-S HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEKD HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITT. THE LEADHG HOTEL OW D T All JAMES TOWKSEND PROPRIETOR. This Hods 1b centrally and plewailj located, lo-cated, well furciihed. and has aoco m Lao data da-ta o as for 10 raw-j. THE PROPRIBTOKU now praparint tJ build Laxv additlooi to his HeteL whith hsi ftnuaed. will renJr i: the Moti Complete EttalAUhmaU In the ROCkV MOfSTAlN REG 103 mil WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STRELT, SALT LAKE CITY, UT A. XZ . '"pIIIS HOUSE IS THE LARGEST AND X beet arpointed llouie in Utah Territory, and has accomm-jdatiun tor three hundred and filty iruostA. Siroot cars andcarriao3 eonDOCt ed with tie White Sulphur lJaths. tveadiDg I Rooms, containing radars from all r'inis. . Baths. Bar, Tolerafh, Nowi and Cisar Stand , attached to tholLouio. U. S. GREELEY, k CO.. no ! Prourietora. TAYLOE'S HOTEL, EAST TEWPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. , myll O. B, KBB. C. 3. BBLLIS UNION DEPOT HOTEL AMD RAILROAD DINING HALL Situated on Railroad Platform. Junction U-P- and C. P. Railroads, Ocilen, I t ah, marll EKB k N ELLIS, Proprietors Pulaski Hotel, Known as tho Chicago Restauniiafj OpiKtsito tho D. P. and C P. R. R. Depot, O GDEN, TJtali. I)ASSEN()li!S wishinc to remain oror a few days can obtain j Ionian t ruom3 and llret cla-Ef) accummodation. Terms S4. OO and S3. 50 per day. A SAMPLE ROOM alUchod to the House. Lunches put up" for passonKors. J. B. C.ACUERT. aiil9 Proprietor. AMERICA HOTEL, First Class Quiet HouSe, ONE BLOCK EAST OF THEATRE, SALT LAKE CITY. Ternii, $3.00 per Iay. Weekly and Tnble Bonrd at Btusnn-able Btusnn-able Kale. J. C. LITTLE, no24 Proprietor. Washington House NEW ADDITION ANOTHER IW NEW SPK1NU BEDS, NEW TARiF. Xlilrd Soutli Ntreet, HALT JjAKK: CITY Board and Lodging, par Wk G 00 to 7 00 Board and Lodging, per Uny, 1 00 to 1 33 Day Board, per week, 6 00 Beds, per week, - 1 50 lo !4 30 Vrta, par Hlght - to 00 a..i. - as Thirty copies Eastern, Wotorn and Local Daily Papers. iH GREAT WESTERN HOTEL Second Month Street, Salt Lake Clly, With a capacity for yn Ktiwt. Fin-t-class aocouimodutiun for familioa aud travolora. Itnnma per day from r.Oe lo tl.OO. Iloomsprr wee k from f 3.U0 In 10.00. Hoard par weak) (7.00, Oleala, OOe. FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL. Barbor shop and Laundry connetod with the Hutol. Ice for Me. For particulara apaly to thu Ouico. SMITH . DIUAZ1C, mrl7 PropriMor. "THOKOKiHBKKD OR AY STALLION Faugh-a-Bailagril (Cle& thk W.t), Foalocl 10G8. This splendid Stallion was Sired by Lightning and Iiiphtnitig by LEXINGTON, Hcnco he is the Grand -ton of that FAMOUS RACE HORSE So widely known on tho Turf. FAUG U-A-UALLAG H'S DAMwa? the a-lebratcd impurtcd Thorouchbred ! Urct CICKIA" JOiJSON: Sired by, WKTUKKliir-bv LIVKHl'UOL by HAMILTON IAN and -n d-wri to tho wondortul HUKTON BARB Marc, nineteen ceneratin?. 1 liiwo who wii'.i ti ii:iprove their a.T-e" cpo oe thi'fi'leadid t-lh-'D at the stt..' .'f II. P. CU.'.'n. n. ;;jw-t c-m.-r ot Uin ward. Terms rca.-tfiablo. Kn ;'ur.i Mr. I iil.O. M1 ril. .i.rlT At ma Mable. G, fTgUlmep, & CO, tiKOIvSUb-CK. BLOCK, GllOGERIES AT Wliolf'ule nml Helnil. wi.i)iv t;iiVs Of all Siios. N'1 rh-z r a 7::5ti tc any r.XOLISU A.M AHIRH AI VARNISHES Of all Kind-. Best Linsafd Oil Putty. Families TOrrliM '-CEiUKS at Ire-Red, Ire-Red, r. :e. Yn"-t. oTv--. Pi-rle. Vi, -,7C.,-. ar.i i 't iinrt ""EaTl.'MATiKb LiJiVh.N. MISCELLANEOUS. DURrNT&-"GUTTING, coxrsioroRs, Korardui4 and riminlson lfrr!uilis. SALT L.!U. LilV. SA-M'l" tfTATl'J liliAMTE. .1 N L ILfUI. UTAH TERRITORY. DEALERS IN F XT R. K tO.VsELLSHLLE COKE, I trgg Sujii'l" alwny on hand. HOWES' LT. S. STANDARD SCALES. Acenti lur t i,u LAfLKPK FIRK MUCK MANUFACTURING MANU-FACTURING CO. St. Louis. We are prci-ared to Contract for any of the auova-ii.iuit.-d ankiu, including the WVOMIXO HEMATITE IRON ORE, At the lowost nicrket ratos 1-VK CAU. We are al-o SOLE Aironts for tho Celebrated CoyLlLLAKK F A KM AND FKFiliT " AtiuN i . matiuiactmod ex prosily lor the Ltah Trade. Agents for the l"r Went k'relght Co, Co.-h Advances made on Consignments o Ore iiadljuihun. Throuph Dills of Lttdinc pivon to all point! in the I'm tod Muto; and Lurupo. SAMPLERS OF ORE AND BULLION. Contracts uiado for the Tran-corLation of ORE, LT LUu , and .MILL MACHINERY to any ioint iu I'tah or Nevada. We al.o earn- the lormvt Stock of Grain in Utah uhich o Sell Lew lurCasU. tiood ForwardoJ to all points in Utah and Nevudanith iruiniinou and diiiatch. Addroii all Communications U DURANT & CUTTING, Salt lbe 'lty, L'lah. ;ar 'J S ? : 6 "HI . C o "I 1 O S S. 5r n s 50 S H i S -3 s B s iCURES un; rniti:TS noiinoi'A t;uc specifics UAVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST auii'lo exi'crionce, an entire succesa: Sim-plo Sim-plo Prompt Eiliciont and lieliablo. They aro tho only medicines perfectly adapted to popular uo so einiplo that mistakes can not bo mndo in using them; eo harmless u to bo free from danger, and so eiliciont aa to bo always reliable. Thoy hare raised tho high D.t common Jution from all, and will always render satufaoticn. Nos. Cents. Cure , ".lvem. Conposlion, Inflammntions..25 , ".WoniHi Worm Fever, Worm Colic. ..Iff , " C'rytiiii-Ct-licor toethinit of Inf jntl ...2' 3, " lUnrrliicn.uf Childron or Adults lii 4, " Dy.rnttry, Oripinp. Bilious Colic. ..'ii 5, " I'Uoln-a-.'lorbusi, Vomiting 3 6, " Oi'Uti-, 0-ild. Ilronohitis 'ii 7, " Ncuni I it. In, To-ithac ho, Facoacho. 23 8, " Henilneliea, Sick iloadacbo. Vertim 25 10, " Dyaiirpntn, LillioiiB Stomach '-l 11, " Suppressed, or Painful Periods "25 12, " Wliltea, too Ppfujo Periods Sr " t'riii. Couch, UiL'ioult liroathinn !i' H, " Suit Klieum, Erysipehis, Eruptions..2i I. i, " KlieuniKi I m, Kheumntie Pains... 25 Ifi, " sr crer n ad An ue, Chiil Fever, Akuo ..'i0 17. " Flic-. Mind or blcedinc 50 18, " Uphilil&mjr, and sore or weak hye. .sn l!l, " "ni nrrh, acul o or rhronio Influoaia..iO 20, " W hooilng-lougli, violent 21, " Ast l in oppreod Rrcnthinir.y.i JJ, " Enr OiHCiiarfjea, impaircM hearinR 50 23, " Scroiula, enlivrod flands, bweli- inc. 60 4, " General Debility, physical we ne,s fin Z't, " Drop-j- nnd scanty Secretions ...) s;, ' Si'n-.Stc kn rt, -irkne," from riding- 17, " Iitic--Ilee, I, ravel ,iU 16, " Acrvtiu. Irllll,y, Srmliink We.iknoso cr mi oltintary Dis- rh..ri;e' Cf, '' Sore .MoiKti. Canker .si, " I Hilary W cbKiu.i, wcltir.fi bed"'' ;!. " I'mIiiI'iiI Period, with i nsms .y, " Nuiit riiiit m chance of life 1W " tiii-p-" 1 Si o-'uifl, SL Vitus' Dance 1W S. " nipH.rrla, ulcerated Fnre throat Jo .A, " t liroolr. ConSc sttona and Km 1 ti-ns ..r- Vials .'0., ejicopi , .11 and Si 1jm FAMILY CAStS Cn-r. M T..,-r,. n-irh ahnvn 33 Inrro Tiil and .M.-.nn.il .,t .liro ;,on m rtr. Coac, Mi tp. cu. ol J l:ir.-o viah ami book b Uo 1 " Th 9 re:Rdi': nre frnt by the ca-e rr -n'le Ooi. to any lirt "f me country, free of cnrc, oq reccu t uf tho pneo. Addrerf Huiniihreys' Homeopathic MoiJtclne Co. 1 ir.i-eaij Do; i. No. .V.J Uhoai-wii, Kuw t E i'.Y ALL L'IUiii..--TS. Arjd:ZC. M. I n-id (i.-dbe's Drn Store, ,V A G O N S , M jnu(a.;t ir. d -.- iho ColebrateU STA W.G0N CO., li.Iiai; l. iuwa. Tiii. I vi'ANV GUARANTEE est'wagon N. C. MATTKIESON, j A.i X aR UTAH. 1 V-.- - a:. i.-.-.-.-r V-L Man- !" : -. - ,--;e-.;, .-,! e J; .14, ' .-a,t .iii j MISCELLANEOUS. MEAT AND COAL 11th 1VAKD CO-OlKKATlVi: MEAT MARKET A COALPK.rOT, 1 Stm-h &.,'.('.. 6: '.C-T.'i e will oi-n iho bove rl.ee rn 'Saturday, May 21th. 1S"3, !-nd will keep eon-'tactly on hanl the rery best CUTS OFCii'.'ICE MEAtS, CHEAPER than ths CHEAPEST. We are also i'i-e;.ar-.l to f;;r-i?h c,.al ic any doirab!t iaart:::er.de'iM're.it: ad I p r: i r tt,v. i.sveiLsa trial and wo will suaxantev sa tisiacuon. J. U GRI'NPHANP.rrttt. PAL L STARK, Supi. may;; H WALLACE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CON F ECTION E R, First South Street, Salt I.ke ,C"y FRESH PIES, ! CAKES, ; CR,CKERS. And CRE.VM;CAKES, EVERY DAY. WEDDING CAKES Made to Order. THE HEAVIEST AND REST ASSORTED STOCK OF PURE C A N D I E S IS THE TERRITORY, Country dealers should call and examine. ORANGES AND LEMONS. ' Special Attention Paid to Orders. co ? t t c J -I 1 " s i-o JS 2 a a 1 " 5 IN J S N hi iS? .i Ui & H "s " M t , I N o mm lJ 2 i u Ul F W o:I 0 fills H II15H R, n ilillo 1 o a L, o Htr m ( S -5 S.3 I SALT LAKE CITY BOILER WORKS, (Wot side of City Market) All kinds of Stationary. Upright, or Locomotive Locomo-tive BOILERS, and TANKS, Made or Repairod. REAPKRS AM") MOWKKS AND THREHINH MAOHINLa. Repaired and put in Running Order. Work done on the Shortc-t Notice. Boilers and Flues bought it taken in oi change for wnrk. Ordon by Teleeraph or Mail premptly at tende.1 t- iV JflflW SLOAN A CO.. Prr,,,Hre- WATCHES & JEWELRY O. L. ELIASON.; to irf.rtn the rnid-rt of Fait Late i City and viei"ty, f.at he ml r-n I-fiiarajitiMf I-fiiarajitiMf p pr.p.-rly Rpir. fl-an aid A'U'--: WaU-ht ai,d Ctin.r ii.ei.r-. b-i; tie i I ml ih"rn or a-'y part of thoai to ordor, ajd t.Trar.t the w rk. .1 u'l rereii ed a D" nipt Ir of K'r;n.Swi W'-,pj, and a fmi M - '( l -n-r:; IowpItt. pri' a ) a- any in town. 1 i doon Lart of ttie I'n-erW lUnk. .11 NATHAN DAVIS L SONS' IRON AND BRASS Founders- All kindj of 0 oi s,t in g To order. CKIFnTII k VDGK I PATENT VERTICAL P' K1 MLK ! ENGINES AND SAW MILLS,! 1 HULL'S j Shingle an! Heiding Machinej i C'.PK KAXrr;.L .VA::i f(qrlMi jC 'Mi'A.'.ya i-L.v.ci.. , .:a'Ji..n i.i:y. i ITLEoI WK'T -TKET. rfAH B'jUTB I j BANKERS. ! SALT LKE CITY NATIONAL BANK I eialt Lake .ity. Vt&h IVm-. Authorized Capital - $500,000 BenJ. S. DnKill, f reeidewU Joxph M. BurWrlt, t'aahter. Uanr8Tiu A K'.ag-iTaica. Attorceja. ;CORKCSPONDENT8l ' vpw voiif 1 Sational Park Eat. K" 1 D..ncr".. Law.r Co. i POSI'N...NaUvnai oi North Ame- , inCHlCAC,0 ..Tiiifd National Rsr.k. St. W IS -.'1 turd Nat;a: :r.k. I I'M U. . Ni;.. RiA- 1 SAN ruANCiM.'.ii-l vi'ld Dank ("loNDNJv t-ok. MeCulloch A Co. A, W. WHITE CO. B -A- KT E R S K AMI TklPLK STHKKT, .lt Liki CUy. Dealer la GOLD DUST.COIN AND BULLION. Exenr.n$e oh ait tne Principal (tU o tfu Vntted States end Kurvpei Particular attention given to Collection! and proceed; rctuiael at Current rate I of Exchange on day ol pajrmtnt. ! GEO. K. WH1TNKY, Attorney OOtUt aC b P O N 1J aC S T S i Biik ol Cnhfvrnia San frwicu Le A W..,lpr - Wrk i,vk C'liuij Narional Bank - - CL;a,si- !lkell BuV St. L-uu atate Bank oi NelTMaa - - Omaha ml WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPRESS FOJt H'ARDERSf Baukers&ud Di alers iu Kxchausf Drafts on Rurope. Vuropean Co Hoc lie tu promptly attended to. tCtat Tempi fetreet, SU Lah Cltf, m3 Thio. ?. Tuot, Agent. First National Bank of Utah SALT LAKE CITY. Joe SjXUU Adn-rtirmenl on Third J-'ine. mS DESSRET National Bank SALT LAKE C1TYJ UTAH Paid up Capital, - $200,000. Authorised Capital, $1,000,000. V. 11. HOOPER. President, 1 11. S. ELD REDO K. Vice Pros'. URIUllAM Vul NU, Wx. J E.N N I N lis. Directon. JOHN SHARP, J. T. Lli'ILE. L. S. ULLLS, Cuhier, DSiL in UOl.U IH'NT, rol.N, KXl IIAJtUt, LA.M) W A K K V - TS, tl'",. iavtiE SIKH', etc. Oollootions niado aod promptly ro-I ro-I mittcd, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE I INTEREST PAID ON fjAvljlfiaj H epoasltflk, n i LEGAL. J. U. C k HT K B. C O WlU)0H CARTER & WILSON, ATTOltMEYS-AT-LAW, Offioeover Irt Sat. Punk, OcUi EAT I KM I'LL STREET. C. Ea WHITN EY ATXORWKY-AT-LAW, Office orer D. Orunlti'g Store, MAIN STREET, KALI I.AKK till, BATES & ORMSBEE, A t TOHNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, Afrnt for Purchase anil ,Sle of MlncsA Lands, Qbo.0. RaTku, V Nail Luke Ity, CHA.Bi.R8W. OaWSBKB.J I toll. Earner SarlL t. M. Smiiht RARLL X SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ALT UII CITT, First South Street, h.mm 11 and LL No K6. Kimball Rlock. J. B, Ro borough, 8. A. Merrilt Rosborough & Merritt, ATTOKN R Y S A T L A W , Halt lke City, t'tah. Office, 1ft South Street, first bulldin east Dosorot Rank corner. oct JONEI'II UOKI.I.VhKI, OIVIL Iri NGINKEHi U. B. MINERAL AND PEPl'TY BUIU VE10RFOR UTAH, OITire: Firrt 8"oth Street, nearly opi""ile 3l Mark's Church. gjt Fa. 11TIOIl. c a. utM ltHlBT I1AYL0N k (JIJAJIIKIST, TT0RNKY8-AT - LAW 8 A LT LAKE CITT. USice otbt 1st National Bank of 1'li.h. al2 a. H Hempstead, U. Kirkpalrick. HF.MPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, A t torneya-nt-lja w, MaioPtreeC orwite Wells. Faro k Oo, ii.T ma nil. alQ H. TUfK. W, H. TRtT, NKT HABTtR. TRUE, SON &. MARTIN, Real Estate, Mining and Loan Brokers, BV Kimball's n, , SALT LAKE CTI V, I T. MI 1 ERKIloRV. Reil t-.-iMe h'-tcbt and P-dd; jr-.u.M St-re. rt.tp 1. rent.- '(.II - :i. ..-) all l-i-r . p. 1. 1 h ul rii aii'J liiinea pn.iupils ; ;. ip.J to. "m TKI'K. S'-N k MARTIN, FOR SALE. K1KTY VOKIi or OXE.N ONE UL.NL';l.D VOKK 'if 1'iur .n i i.o Vi.r il l S T K 10 It w , f 'N K iirvr. 1-1-ri : rr .r m,. jr 11 A U 1 1 A i; J, -. At the Pioneer htablw, Mnd fa-jtb MrooU at r'i tVif. ' T! ' IV I"',,. GOAL AND MINING CO Y. IMinr at Ev&'.'l'-i' n'l Hjik .spni.it. The Bfft Coal for Smc.Ws, Smitbs and HouBohold Purpose r, vj.- ;i - int. y.i: it i: i i i; f ic a t i; s. '--p ar.J v-1, NotarlhoOanWorltpi A. L. M'.'i:-E, 'i.-.pr;.' rp-, Cur ' "'.-e at C L7IA1'. twb d'n igftUioJ MISCELLANEOUS. !I. T. Slliv. a. C- tifaTKJt Pacilio Assay Oifiee. I'nderm hue X C.v RarA.'Maia Stroot. Salt r ari .'ret- .vynd. Ar,ai.es made o: a.: . C:. 1 Vl-.-. H'a;e:. a.1 t. A, airv-ukLU PAMl'JikKS. NOTICE. j-k. Tut. i M'K:;s.. ki. have this Tf ,.1.0 t.ir,-t.-r the riw? :' ::- '- ' t'sicoai of ra, coppeSI&etikoh "W -A. R E ; Gasiitliiig ami Plumbing, Etc-, oto. As our Mr. -1 acv? ha t e:.nsive ei(eri-ea.-e in u.o:. :!,;-.- l-;i.n: i-i:. e Pn.ll 1. ..no 1:...: i-irt ... ,.r b.5:i:.f a M-evtalit'. Irva K, , ;iii.k-. v. 1 urta-e Srk, an lu'l-ir.i to rxvt ne a lit-oral -hare ef vublio ).::,:.... e. 1,...:muV,u, akto be d-ae in the t..v-i ai;j ut'.-Unul manner, and MITCHELL & JAMES, North S:de of V-r-t South Street, between) Ea.t ar.i e-t 1 4 '.e tri"W, Salt Lilt . U) . ailJ 25. O. IVTl. I. GRAND OPENING OF Paris, London and New York FASHIONS. Ladies Hats mid Rounds Ull OTBBB, Recherche. Goods, AT MRS. COLEBlOOn TEMPLE FASHION, OPPOSITE R1SUOP IILNTKR'3. aiar.W LULIBERYARD All Kinds of Lumber DOOllS, WINDOWS BUNUS, MOUUUNGB. SHINGLES. LATHS, JONES i FORMAN. HNO,ilBhOfHr 3U TVX uiu staid 00 1. Salt Lar.e City, Contract foi the onvti.m of S1AJIP MILLS, IS.MIiLTl.NU Fl -KXAl'lii CO.MIXIilK In aus of .Ibo uiiiiLiiM limlint., ,y lluu. AkccLs fur tho following -Munul.cliiror,: H wt'B Houry Jlinsi liiuwcr, illakc ,V Kiii,l,V Si,, J'uiim., ew loik U ire Kun Wl Tuuuol JiU Iron, riro llriuk, n,l uiluniK bujiiiiim eiicnilly , t iuanu-i.oluiy iuanu-i.oluiy puooB, liuiKlit. nildod. fcol. Akdu lur Iho COUNCIL H L U F I'S IKON V OKlva, DianufBciureri. ol nil kiuda ol iVUuluricrv and Cmiiiisb lo oidor. ATLAS IliON WOUKS, u.Boiif.o-luicr u.Boiif.o-luicr oJ Hot Air 111 hi 1'uruBoo. Bud itolliux Mui flUoljiuer. UIIOA BTKAM KN01NB CO., col- coruicd I'on.lilu hiiiuo. d D01I. Cl BUUO.W .Mill,. 7.1J.HI no , us(. bioclt od liud lur iLimudialo dt-T. dt-T. K 1'ULl.H & JIUO., 6t Uu, nj.LUlBOlOd Ol llUU i'HMllH, (J.,,rtl io., lor buildiUKn, od OriiHuiool.1 Irou Yi oib ol .11 kiudn. WiHuufMiinn .ml rn..H.:,.r. oflh. IloItlioU' Lull Pulverizer lor oni.liinK SI I, 'it ", J, y. Millrro.h j-ivA,i,ji yi tj( jjs ; Nun Prnn. turn, f n I , irntrnl City 1 iiIiiimiIii, mumil IJluiu, Iowa. ' aiTlH AMERICAN fLMMULl'ORI'OIMTION Cuiar ijr, iuk: jc-j Haohlin Ai-enue, NT. IHM IH, mo. CAPITAL, :00.OOO. LIMIT, 11 ,m' ,'. l I l I RK , im miv m n.jo:, iv, . ,.),,,! L .1 ll'i, IUM , ,, , I F(,i,,, " Li ..(,(.. A-,.,,,.,, " " J. . I.. . -i. uua 7,,,Mul. TI.e ; Al I. INN i; TMI.N'I m j l M-S in R'-t-d' -r I.mi- on i t t bounty lr LaniU'.i t- -f li.it bt.'I ttei oi:i, ! a retrial hrau-.h ol our Innn.wi.. Or I..r f-r the i .1. ho-e ..f I'ir.t Cli In-j In-j vn.-ui-nt . e. .ir,'.- ... all m i -ill rtKira Catelul aVet.ti -n siipri Vi thft hiiii.io O.-ir.trr J:;iT,i. l,,., .) h.wim allowed on Luck ,. ;-.. oW. V-vr l.u.h,.,. in n-.y u T.,.. olieited. 7 li" lin- ine-i -if i li i i i.ri '.f ali'.n ii rtianaw1 hj Li, d )..il,r i Mim.-d iiihi.i iimi i JMI At -Pi.re l."T-.f (ha RnnVifv J..I r. i .'sir'. ..' '.."."' .'; '.!:';;;,: . J" ' ' " '- M'. ai.d J r.: i ..... J-!...:,.. j;,if..,.d. jl T WIM.C !,-', IVi.., n i n i j. i H LUdii, .- a. iiik" Larn,. U-iuW"',Vr''' 1'if'yt''r V'"''t.-o1i ''' I'1 'a'-'j . !; ;-' '' L' 1 T " ri "in w V V.-J-V v -i;. r:. ;,;,T K. , ..., m -ir,,. i.,.., : i . .r h m. v,..ui . mi, Lai.-, i a i u..,'.rn j, Jjafc.. sU-ti |