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Show RAILROADS. G. P. R. R. OH ASO AFTKR MKPTKMHKM Kith, 174, i It 4 I S H HII.L LKAVK iKiitt.X DAILY AM OL-1UHN1 OL-1UHN1 Ov f land Pa.'Hnar Train f..r Tam., fJarlin, VV uuuim'i:, U ... 1 , w.r.h, 'na, AIar,n.ill.J. Ko-Mji. I L.r urwVn-'.r yV.,-.')','",'1; "i'li'ij.n 'f-f l-" A nulled), ..m -J'-bo and sua r rtuicmcu, - - - - 5. 'Jit r-H-Ovorlan'l Frninht ami Arisen taoda- il'jfl lt-ilO t.,f ,THD t'rilLLi-iOj, - - 5.11 r. A. N. TOWNK, X H. OOOh'.fAN'. .ijun'l iup't (ifln. hH. iuid Tlckftt AaenL GEO. ii- KILT, ' Auaar, rialt Lakn fit, ((!!..-.) Aii.h Marshall 4 Crir, Tor VV. F. 4 i Uank. J ft ufllil RAILEOAD: CT I? Si-SE sUerwii sii. Trains run between Unchain Junction .with C P. JUL, LOGAN. Cl M nfW Kotirnnry HI, T-, Dtiily Trriinn, leaf a liruliAin .liin.iioii at- l- ini'i i Nli;jni"ii ' Am fa at. Loifiin " l..h, "-'o- rrln ai. M .union 11 Arrive ul Itrul.m '-: ' r ri?" fc (idtx:t with Uttind I'ur Undun una smi Traits Run onjfalt Lake Time. 'fitBgM connect with Trains to and frr.m KoiOifrn bouLouiuuUi In Cache Cuunty thi- W1J-.M.LY. I'AII K!f I Between Lugan and -nlf Uko 'tK.L.n Mondun und rilU.iiku Kcduood ltatcH to Kxoursion l'artics. l'asflcrjfcors will pleaao purohtwo their Tiekota at tho Oflioufl. Vnr all Information concerning Froiifht or tuteago. apj.lv to CHAS. N IHIjKY,' Goneral Freight and Tiukot AanU 'JSO, W. YOl'NtJ, dll - Uun'l dvip't. UTAH CENTRAL 11AILUOAD. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. 0 and after Iiooombor ; ttO,;i iTtf. Iisliy Trnflua 1 eavo Salt Lake City at 5 a m- and 2:45 p.m . Arrive at Oitdon 7 a. 111. and i-Ab l. W. J.oAve Oudon at 8 a. ui. and 5:30 i. m. Amvaat tSalt Lako City 10 a.m. and 7:30 P.m In addition to tho above Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and 6.30 p.m., and Ogden at 5 a.m. and 5.50 p.m. VllHltlTI Will plfc PaMllMI their Tlkts at tli Offloi. Jlftj Cent additional will be charged wheD tho faio ii oollooted on the tra. n. oi all information ooncernlni fralght oi pasias, aiuily to J AN. SUA 111, gnoialFrUlit and Xiokot At JOHN SHABP, nDriBIMTlNPBHT UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. Oik and After UtccmbtrHUdi, DAILY TliAlISS Lcaro tho Utah Central K.R. Depot, SUlt Lako City, at 7 a.m. and io0 p.m: Arrivo at Lelri at 'J a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Loavo Lchi at 9.30 a.m. aud 5 p.m. Arrive at Salt Lako City ut 11.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. lu addition to tho abovo MIXED TRAINS Will run daily, Sunday excepted, Leaving the Utah Central U.K. depot, alt Like City, at 1 p.m. and Lehi at 6 a.m. Passeo.scre will please purchaso their Ttckots at tho Office. Viity cents additional ad-ditional will be charged when tho tare 13 collected on tho train. For all information concerning freight or passago, apply to j as. sua nr. 'dan. Froii ht acd Ticket As eat. SLIAKP, vv innrrxs pint. LUMBERYARD. AU KiuiU of Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS BL1KDS. MOULDINGS. SHINGLES. LATHS, T, JOKES SAN FRANCISCO TRADE, Harness Saddlery, LcuHicr, ' - J. CJorissoxd- ro r 104 4- 106 Print Sfrc-t. SAX FRA . CISCO. NEW YORK TRADE. "BENEDICT. HALL & Co.' Mjjaciareri aid Wholial Jjomieni in BOOTS AND SHOES 114 and 130 Grand lit., Maw York, Corner Croabr, one block tut of Broadwiy dU L. M. BATE8 & CO., 41 A 4J ria.dwr, IK W IfOtttt, turoiTtM a 10 am I Fancy Dry Goods, WOOI.KSN, MIAWl.M, YANK UK NOJ IONS, Sec. J. II. BUL.OILH-. I"l TH0S. M. ARGALL &. Co., Men's. Youthj' Hoys' and Cbildrsn'i AT WHOLICiiALli, 313 A 31 liruulway, Mew York. a. n(jyi.ea. Rfl JEHIAL READ & Co., Mttnufit:ta:n and W hnlMale Dealers in FLU AND WOOL HATS, Straw Goodt, Umbrella, &c, Mo, IdH, Broadway, NfclW YOH.K. Je. Jim llun.jr. J DIVORCES. a usoi.ttk nivoitri:s lkhai.i.y or- V tiun.'d in diirl:riit Mated. LuWnl ovcry-wlioro ovcry-wlioro duMirtioO, khiiit.i1 ini!tcoinlui;t, iilc, ciiiirrfo unlil ilivi.ivo nr.iiiid: udviuo t'ruo. Cull uQ or adilroaa JOHN FULTON, L'i)uniollor ut l.inv, No. IS) I1RUAUWAY, NKW VUKK CITY d" 500,000 DISTRIBUTION Grandest Scheme of the Age. 101 CASH lis ,50010 ! Capital Cift $100,0001 $100 OOO for only $10 ty authority oFn Special Act of tho Legis-laturo Legis-laturo ut' Alarun Itilh, lft7l, iho THIHD KfilSl GIFT E0IQ1T I tho hon, of tho riiULrC LIBRARY OF K KM'l'CKV, is boroliy announced to como nil in tlio Krual bull of tho I'ublio Libraij' huildinit. at Luuiavillo, Kuiuuoky, on TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1873. Al this Concert tho boat musical talent that tun ho proourod from nil iarti of tho country will bu ouiidoyud, and iho unuriuoua a um of $500,000 IN CURRENCY! Will bo distributed liy lot arnonfr tho tipkot- ImliltTd in LU,UU0 Gif lb, ovory ono of which will bo cash. LIS'f OF CJ1FTS. OnoOmml Cash (.lilt 8100,000 Uuo Urund Caaliliilt SU.iMO Uno llrand UilhIi Uil't 3'j,U00 Ono (iriind Cfi.4i (lift IW.IIOO Uno (iniud Cu.-ih liifl JII.LHW Ono (Iriind Ciish tiilt 5.1HJU ;i I'ush (iiitd uf SI.ihh) cuch 2l,uw ii)Cali Uifuof M) oui-h ii.UU) Ml Culi tiifiawf Hi") uuch :('J,iN0 .10(1 Ciuh (iifld of ;ail oath 80.0U0 KjU Cii."b lliltH of UH) ouuh S),LKMJ fl!M) fiu-ll (lifts of 1UU OllL-ll 5H,IKJO O.wuL'ashLlituof 10 oach tU,u(Xi Total, 10,000 Gifts, all Cash, SOOO.OOO Tho object of this Third 'ift Concort is tho onlurtrouient and ondowuionl of tho Public Library oi Ivuntuoky, which by Uio special not iuithorinoK tho eoncort for iu bonolit, s to bo forovor froo to all citiioos of ovory atato. To inovido uiuans for ihid miiBBiticont and praise worthy undertaking, Uno 11 undrud Thousand Thou-sand TickuU, and no nioro, will ho sold at tho following pricos: l'KXCE OF TICKETS. WholoTickets 810, llalvos 8, and Quarters i-2,:). liluvun WholoTioliots lor S10O; for S-J.V,; r-i for S-"i00; 11H for SI.UOO; 'JS'i for t',500: oT.ifor S'-.noo; 1,16(1 for 810 uOO: 2,:t"j0 for g-JO,000; ami ti.OiNJ for SX),i""i. No discount, on logs than SHii worth of ticket atu liuio. Tbii Third Gift Concort will bo conducted liko tho tirst and second horotoforo given, and full particulars of tho uiodo of drawing tho gills and payinK thoui and everything necessary ne-cessary to a thorvuKb understanding of tho schi'iuo, from beginning to end, aro now nub-lished nub-lished ia tho form of n circular, which will bo furnishud, fieo of cost, to any ono who wants iL Tho entire mnnngcniont of this undortakins had boon cwiuuii tied by tho Trusteed to ilUN. THUS. K. liHAMLKTTH, lato Governor of Kentucky, to whom all communications pertaining per-taining to tho Gift Concort should bo ad-drosaod- R. T. DURHETT, Prosidont P. L. K. JOUN ti. UA-LN. fiecrotary P. L. K. For furthor information onniiro at Zabris-kio's Zabris-kio's Saloon. Salt Lako City, ur to li. Ji. TUOill'dON, j22 Virginia. Novada. AT T11E New Auction House, West of Kimball & Lawrenco's. all kinds of ltKUULVG aud LOt NQE Mado to ordor. Carpets Mado, Clonned and put d"wn, Cornices made, furniture polished, varnished and repaired, Furniture and Pianos moved, Houso Paporint;and C also mining. Episootic ! EPIZOOTIC! ! EPIZOOTIC I ! Great Discovery in Voterinary Medicine FOUND AT LAST! A Specific for tho HORSE EPIDEMIC. Cure" effected in from three to four doses. Trico Si per bottle. Wholesale HQ per dozen. Ask for HIPPOGRASTUS ! Wholesale and Retsil byZ C. F. CULM E Ft & CO, QROESBKCK 'BLOCK, Salt Lake City. Order? fnm a distance by letter or tflecraph will ro.'iMv,. innue.ii.no aitonlion. Medicine forwarded by express. noT More Light 20,000 GALLONS Of tho celebrated IMPERIAL OIL, 150 Fire Test. AS D c r o w nsr, 110 Standard Fire Test, FOR SALE. BY THE BARREL OR CASE. IX LOTS TO SUIT. PETROLEUM Xon-Espluslve Fluid, SIXTY CENTS PER GALLON. LJirSlD im GOODS; 3 T?E MILLION! IT TH K j Pioneer LamDStore Nearly oppo;::o:'.h Market. I. & CO. SL74 Salt Lake Iron Co. CHA3. ROOME, Peailcnt. ' HZ-NEV J. DAVISON. Secretary. MA-St'IACTTRElIS OF JIIMAU Ac MIE.Ll.VG rACIIIEKV. Engines and Boilers Mad? and Repaired to Order. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, MODEL WORK. Agricultural Maclilnory. Or-ier, I'romi tly Ejeoute-l in a " '.rkinjrlH ttirrr. Old CiiJl Irvn Bought l'tu I,. V. SITUKKUND, Slanaser. j.o Wol'.K.S: LlockSoLith of Depot. P. O, Box, oof'. Julius Bauer dtb Go., GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED KHABE PIANOS, THE BEST for Touch, Tone and Durability now in use; ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAVORITE BAUER PIANOS. EVERY INSTRUMENT FULLY WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. '-' MANUFACTURERS AND DIPORTERS OF BAND INSTRUMENTS, STRINCS, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. CATALOG UES'AND PRICE LIST SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. JULIUS BAUER & CO., 650 Broadway, 390, 392 394 6c 396 Wabash Avenue . NEW YORK. CHICAGO. jyis STOVES! Grocery and Hardware Department MONITOR, CHARTER OAK, NEW ERA, LOYAL COOK, Also a groat variety of other COOKING and HEATING STOVES, com-prising com-prising the largest assorfmonfc to" be found in aoy etook in Utah; prieea very low, call and sec. oottO H. B. CLAWSON, Supr. j GROCERY DEP"I z. o. hve. x. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, Stoves, Crockery i '. '. Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a lew Leading Articles at Low Prices. ALL OUR GOODS -A-H.33 OHEAPl DEALERS LU THE SETTLEMENTS AND MINING TOWNS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL I AND ENQUIRE PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. mSl 1L B. CL1WSOI l.p.rll ! Salt LaKe Oity, GENERAL MACHINERY WAGGED "DEPOT, COUNCIL HOUSE YARD, NEAR THE TEMPLE BLOCK. Pitt's aud other Tlirasliiu? MaclLines, Wood's Mower aud Combined MacLdu e, Excelsior Moiver aud Eeaper, Morld Mower aud lleaper, Champion Mow er aud lteaper, Nuiky Hakes, "Welcome" and "Superior." Turbine Wheels, "Eureka" mutter. Cane Mills, Machine Extras ! ! ! KMark the riace COUNCIL HOUSE YARDS SALT LAKS CITY. We aro especdng an immediate siirmnc of the well-known aod 4 nsdy-cele braced "SGHUTTLEB. WAGON," The factory haTing jtut got frir!y ranain.; rir. t!: CRFAT CHICAGO FIRE I H. B, Cr " WSON, SmxnintcLdeaU Z. C. M. I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, OF THE 1 i a -qoot GENTS' BOOTS, ' . LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENTS' SHOES, ' ' LADIES' SHOES, , CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLIPPERS, LADIES' SLIPPERS, "CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For fieo iToathor or stormy ivoatbor; for walking, walk-ing, duneinsi working, spakkiho, climbing, riding, Hailing, mininc, etc., otc. A largo and clioico assortment of tho above, our own uiako and imported, at tho must reasonable rea-sonable pricos. We make to order any style and quality deiilrvd aud Insure a a Olfaction. OLD BOOTS AND SHOES Made as good as now almost SELLING OFF OUR OLD STOCK BELOW COST! Sols Leather 1 Upper Leather! Harness Leather! Imported Calf Skills, American Calf Skina, Morocco and Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, "KIT" OK ALL KINDS!! HORSE COLLIES! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Hetail ! Order, by 3f.ll receive .pecl.l and prompt attention. HIDES AND "WOOL BOUGHT, a f. CIAWSON, SP' Sewing' Machine. K respectfully invite Uiu Public- 10 call and fee our cxu-iletit variety o. Sewing Machines, Plaiii.Bcautifiil and Elaborate Styles of Workmanship AND GREATLY IMPROVED WITH T11K FANTON a A S T O BS-1'he BS-1'he Joint Sala of the SINGER MA CHINK arc now THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. 'fllE SALES OF LAST VBAK, An evidonoe that it is tost winninc auiiromo favor in tho household. The Sinoeii Uomnany sold over tho other Companies, 52,73-1. loT Tho Chicago KcHof Committee furnished suilercrs by the Firo to March 18, 1872, 8,94-1; 3.151 Sillier ItlacliiliKS, all other makes, 733. Applicants mado their selection, with sauio discount on all. ODli SALKS IN UTAH EXCEED AN OTHER HOUSE IS THJj. SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE OK CHICAGO. Wo courteously invite tho Ladioa to see our Embroidery 3ittrtoliiiaLoxit, It attracts general attention and admiration. Wo alao dcairo you to sco our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLErJS, BINDERS QUILTERS, HEMMER5, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-B ASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OF SHUTTLE SEWING WACillNEa. WE GUARANTEE EVERY MACHINE WE SELL TO U1VE ENTTHE SATJSFAC tion, as each one is liorouiihly ndjujitod, tried mid tostod by oxjrioncod Monhanios and all aro warranted to flow with oilso all kinds of goods, from tho uoarsiut to tho fin out, Lnce, iMiuliu, Cambric, JJuuiestic, Deuiiui, Tickiugs-Ducliiug, Tickiugs-Ducliiug, Beaver, BuckBkiu aud Leather. JtSf" Instruction given free of ohargo by competent attendants, and tormB of nale to suit all circumstances. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE REA-SONABLE TERMS. ' Wo extend a cordial invitation to all to GOME AND SEE OUU I1ACHINES Whether they wish to purchaso or not IT TUB SINGER SEWING MACHINE DEPARTMENT !Z. C. US. I. Gsr&eral Agents, Two doora south of Eajjlo Emporium. Salt IjAkb Ctxtf. MEDICAL. NEW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriaga," For tlie Dcbltltntcd Nervous Sytm. DK. JORDAN, of tbo Anatomical MuBouto 818 Montgonniry Btrtwa:, (near California,) SAN PRABOISOO, California, b.u pHblialiud four of liio moat important nnd inatracLlvo Lectures, in a neat volume, for tho a who cannot attend the Lccturos at tho Mageum. IS Tory unmarried and married man should read and study thoso Important Leo-turofl Leo-turofl for tho good of himielf and offBprlng; By addreHfliug tho secretary of tho Anatomical Museum, San Francisco, and enclosing Twenty-Fivo Twenty-Fivo Conta in postage stamps to pay postage, the Book will be forwarded to anype-rtof the States or Territories. Pr. Jordan can bo coaanlted I-t d7 UKION PACIFIC RAILROAD TIME TADLE, DNTIL further notice, Trains will leave and arrive at Ogden Daily, as follows: LKAVI. I ARBJVB. Daily Epre8B.8-J0n.ni. Daily Eip'b. 5-10' p.m. Mixed, - b-:W p.m. Mixod, - 2-o5 p.m. Freieht, - 10-Si a. in. I Freight, - 6-10 a.m Daily connections mado at Ogden with Utah Central Pacific Koad from Salt Lake city and aU points La Southern South-ern Utah. At Bryan with stages for Sweetwater mines. At Cheyonno with Denver Paciiic Railroad for Denver, Central city, Georgetown and all points in Colorado and New Mexico. At Omaha with Chicago and North Western, Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific, Burlington and Missouri Rivor, Kansas city. St. Joe and Council Bluffs Railroads and Missouri River Lino of Steamers for all points .East and South Tickets for sale to al points East at office of Wells, Jfargo & Co., East Temple Tem-ple street, and at the otlico of Utah Central Cen-tral Railroad, in Salt Lako city; also at Union Pacific Railroad ticket office in Ogden, at which office berths on sleeping sleep-ing cars can be secured. Arrangements hayebeonmadc whereby where-by paesengore dosiring to visit Denver on their way East can avail themselves of an excursion rate from Cheyenne to Denver, and return at greatly reduced, rates. j Eor particulars and all information in ! regard to passage, apply at Ticket Of-aces. Of-aces. ! Passengers should bo careful to secure their paesago tickets to all Eaitern and Southern points via OMAHA, and thus avail themselves of the advantages of a through sleeping car, coiufortalie accommodations ac-commodations and quick time. THOS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket Agent. T. E. SlCKBLS, Chf. Engineer and Superintendent. j8 I I Herald Bindery OUR BINDERY IS PREPARED 10 Repair, ia a workmacli e maimer, Albumi, Old Books, etc.! ct.( ' A&iDinil MINES FOR SALE. DR. PAUL GREGORY owns four oxcollent Silver minoa within one milo of ouch othor. Wood and and wator plontiful on all of thorn. Tho mines aro rich. Oroa running from 5110 up to &7iaJ pur ton, can bo obtainod from each of thorn, in paying iiuuntity. The crov-ico of thoUrogory lode is Uvonty-aovon fuot wido;a streak of four foot will run SiXJ por ton. Doing desirous of sondins homo a nice present from Utah, 1 will soil an interost in ono or all, orsoilallat tair figures. Each loda contains 1,500 foot, and tho Uiogory lodo ia down 100 foot and looks lino. Thia lodo ia directly up tho gulch from tho Ontario ono-hulf milo, and tho sauio dlstnncobolow tho llowhmd lodo, in JJluo Lodge Mining district, Wasatch County. 1 havojust moved my camp to tho Wild Bill cabin, whoro I shall bo ploased to show my mines, Thoy aro each now claims and but little known, and tho joalousy, I rogrot to say, ei-isting ei-isting amongst thoso owning claims hero, to a great oxtont, have kopt thodo aooking such proporty from calling on mo. I aak capitalista to como and boo. I will ahoir you all I promiao to do. PAUL GREGORY, M.'D.o Four miles from Snydorsvill IRON & STEEL. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., DKALEKS IN ; WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, - AND ALL KINDS OF MINUS G TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, l'lPt ALL UISUS OF FITTIXUS FOB Ftll.XACES A MIJLUs. HARD-WAKE, BURDEN'S HORSE & MULE SHOES, BELLOWS, ANVILS, - AND OTHER - BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS, KUBBUIU'AUKlNO. AGENTS FOll Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Hercules Powder, ALL LOW FOR CASH. A0K3TS COB Ammonical Preparation For the Pror.oii. nj l,,jm,va, r E u Jcl tC"!- FAR WEsTfREI&HT CO. Head Quarters, St. L.ouJ, Jllo. D LUA T &C UTTLVG, FORWARDING A.KU COMMISSION MERCHANTS AGENTS SALT LAKK CITY, tTAR, TB are rrnr-rcJ u. Mirwt Tor ihip-TT ihip-TT cc:U i.rT!,: Lwt. oar "'..'V''l"'' 'I,r"-,',- ""' 'r'-t"tf for PreitiLt fr.Li V- :h. ' .i.K&&iJ, sitrLak.-eiiriB i ttrn Ci:iefl-10 We ire offeree extrs .ndnMmeisti Tor the ihirmentof Ore ana iiunn.n to 11 Huitni POLL J, Orrrci "iBiH'jisi: Klnt block ODlh of Depot, MeJi Lik City, li t HA 3 T CCTTJJSO- SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Einstein Bro's &. Co., Atanufacturow and luiportors of BOOTS &, SHOES, And di'&ler in LEATI1KK, yJNDlNUS, Etc, : 4t aud 31 BATIK It V STKKrr, ! dLJ &AN yUA-NClCO. S. P. HOLDEN t CO., .COM M ISSION Jl KKl'Il AKTS, 3 8ANBOMS 6THEET, SAN FRANCISCO. MACONDRAY & CO., luifurtors of CHINA & JAPAN TEAS, SHIPPING ANO COMMISSION MERCHANTS JUl and 2W SAXSOM K STKKKX tiAN l'HA.NLlCO. IVo nro ponstantlv in rcooiiit of froh in. voi.-ofl uU'lll.NA and JAl'AN TKAS. and al( no-vriptioua of iiisr Ihdia and tkaihi I'ko uua. dti - E. A. FARGO & CO., Import era and Jobbers of Brandies. Wines and Liquor, 316 Front St., cor. Commercial, D. B. KYi. Z BAN FUANC1SOO R,,x.:rvora. J. BAUM & CO., IutKirlDrB and Mnnulaulururs of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. 218 ic 2M SitiiBoine t,, Baii Frnnolico. No IS Warren St.. Now York. ft I1EU11T, BRO'S & Co. BOOTS, SHOKS & l.KATHEH 104 & 100 Haiuiotne tu., San iYanciseo, And 6 JE 12 1'oarl St Boston. HUCK1XG1IA.M nUCl IT, MnDiifnctnrora of the "EITRA QUALITY" CAUF01MIA BOOTS AND SHOES. oil A. J. ttlllFFITH, Dealer in bzd&E&Pto all kind of I'lOICIjJllD BUOKS1D SALMON AND HERRINGS, 111 WtihlagtOM Strt. All klndi of Dried, Smoked toil Tickled riib ooruUnllyou band. J4 PARKER, WATTSON & CO (Suooossors to Weil & Co., Importer aittl Blaiiufacturera of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 223 and 225 Front at., oor. Sacramento, a5 BAN FUAMC1SCO, CAL. lEfltftb!iahedinl86L G. VEIMARD, Manufacturer of tho Original Cliartres Coffee, And all kinds of Spices and California Mustard, 625 and G27 Front Street, botween Jackson and Paoitio. SAN FKAINCIbCO. a6 fSTADLlSIIED 1800. Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 213 and 216 Front Street, San Francisco. o20 GliANW HOTEL Oa Market, New Montgomery and Boaond Stroouj, JOHNSON & Co., PflopaiaTOEa. E- MARTIFJ & GO. j Wholesale Lipor Dealers, ! COS rroMt Street, Salt FmHiUeo, Proprietor of niLLKIt'S JCXTHA OLD BOtJItBOJf And boIo agent for , t, CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Constantly on hand, a full asaortment of all the Stantlard Brand efWhliklti, Fine Brandt tM, Fdrelga and Uomestle Wlnai, m5 Bitten, GordUU, L. A. Bandenon, T, L. Horn, SANDERSON & HORN Importers nod Jobbers of CIGARS AND TOBACCO. j (ProprleUirBofLaKapanoIftOlgarPaotory,) j Sole manufacturers oj the celcbrc.Ud 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR j 413 ITront tStroef, I itw Wellington and Cla, Afl FRANCISCO. aD MURPHY,GRANT&GO. Importera of Amorican and JSuropoan 'Staple and Fancy DKY OOODS, CAl.AFUU.aiA, Call the attention of t is Trade to theii lane and oomploto siock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS wW,M.,S!S!S,,il,a,fi- in pari French Atrlnoi Wool Batlnee, Wool Plaids, FreDch end Qeriaen, Irlah and French Popllna, Kmpreaa CI 6th a, Vamlee, black and colored, Velveteena, Alpaca, black and col,rd, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALAO GIL. O VE S, Kld.Buek. Berlin (Ldia Mui.,',au.) Gents' Underwear And ftli kind. 01 Gonta' Furnishing Goods. l,CLVl,r,''r",:!p'- ln 1 lu """Che. IlajiillKrcliUfi, Hhli-tlna- Llo.ni, dallta, wMtflji,,. Jlapklns and DoylU,, SPRUAlicZsiANlF 'Orter' ar.d Dealers is Fins del Bourbon RYE WHISKIES, Brandies, Gins Wines, e1c, 410 FRONT STREET, du EA.N ttti.N CISCO. TRAVEL. REDUCTION IN PASSAGE. 1VI0 LINK BBTWKRN New York, Qui'enstown, and LLverpouli I'arr.i Ihh the I'nitod flutes Aluild II'AMO, r--- Ni:'AD., MINNKSi'TA. .NKIiHASli.i MANHA'l' I'ANy-L. JT f'WVu.Ml.NU, WlMXi.NSlN, Lt-SrSrja SA1L1M1 FltoM Ni:VY01tK KVKUV w i:hm:siay. CA1US VaiiKO m.m Now York nQl Jul vdd. blalviooiui on tho biinio deck ni AloMl!. SI KIOUADK: ') from Now York; fcflMroa Liverpool ur ym-i'iinlon n. I'liynblu in enrrciipj I'lLt.ien Ir.iiii or t Uitilhuiv, !' ranee, Mui lioiuiitiiiiros lu liroul Liniuin, Ireland and U.o (.'..niinont. Amdyto WILLIAMS A (HHON'.ii Broad-whv; Broad-whv; or Jl i. l-;,l)llKlnii;. &H tiult Luke Citr. THE CHICAGO & NORTH"-WESTERN NORTH"-WESTERN RAILWAY It. t1--! 1'IONKKU HOUTE botwoon OM-iilA and UUIUAUO, complotod four yara ao, 8im;o wliich limo the Ounipatiy Imvo spdroil noilbor pain a nor ox po i iso in jiorl'orliiiK iU road bod and imrk, and ouipiiiK it with rolling stock, of ill o most inodorn iitiproYomoiiU; thia, tkotli or witli tho tact of iia boiug tliu Shortest l.inf. otliirB Lo tho Travel-inn Travel-inn Tublic a roulo uiiiiiirpns&ud in tliii country lor epcml, eomfort, safety and euro eumioi'luma. PAKTlCULAlt CAUTION bIiouM bo Uikuu by pasMmxitr1 in Bolor-ting lluiir routo, Htid nol lm iVrnivod by l'uleo tulvorLisoiuoiiU mid ropritsonUtinns hy intorPiitud piirtiuti of computing linos in rnji'ird to timo, distnct, rntos, otc. I'lnu ii.iiitilur niuU r.i.mirrtft i, f.,lUI1 BtiitumunU, rulying on iU true luuriu, it noods only to bo known by tha travel-' ing ublic to bo appreciated. TLMK: 8an Franc iaoo to Omalia, four dayi and Devon hours. Via (Jh iciigo hiuI N orth W ofilt : . Railway, Umnha Lo Chicago, twenty. LUroo houra. OnuihalcNow York, aixty lioura. Omaha to Liobtou, aixty-lour hours. Pullmau'r elnue, Hotel, and fllttp. IK Vara Aro run orv all through tr(ni from Omaha Lo Chicago. How to Sucuro Slooj)ing Bortlis Llo-foro Llo-foro Koaching Omiilm: raflaoiiKorB duairoua of securing Sloop, ing liorlhu, tioctions or lSIkIo lluuins in tho Blooping Car from Omaha KhsL, Can do bo by tobranhing from any of tho stations on tho Union l'acilio Knilruad, to VV. A. Ciiriiontor, O on oral Ajront, C & IS. W. Itailway, Omaha, aiming what thoy want. Thia ia all thoy nood to do until thoy roach tho O. & N. W. Kail, way Onpot on tho oast Hido of Iho Mil-aouri Mil-aouri ltivor, I) ion go to tho looping (Jar Conductor, givo niin their names, as Ear tologrnm, and thoy wilt find thai ho as thuir bortlis resurvod for tliom. Passongors going East will consult tboir own intoront by securing- Through Tickota via CHI A GO & NOHTJi "VVESTEHN KAIL WAY, which can bo procured at all principal ticket offlcoa in California and tho Wost, and at railroad olliccB lo Han Francisco, Ball Lako City, Ogduu, Omaha and (Jo unci1 Bluflii. JNO. C. OAULT, Gonoral tSup't Chicago. H. P. STAN WOOD, (Jonoral Tickot Agent, Chicage, 8 GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE DUES TIUtOUOH Jlah kouIIi -east Nevada & Montana, Mon-tana, Leaving Salt Lake CHy Dally, ( BlnK nouth to Tintio, Amcnoan Fork, Mount Ncbo, Sovior, 8t. George, Utah ; and Piooho, Nevada ; Paaalna; through Provo, Bprinirvillo, Spanish Fork,Pay-son, Fork,Pay-son, Salt Crook, Uliiokon Creek, Round Valley, KUlmoro,Corn Creek, Bca7or, Mincre-villo, Mincre-villo, and AU the principal tovm and mining camp in iouthern Utah and $ou0i-tati Nevada. Alio leave Corlnne, Utah, dally, running north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort BcDtD, Deer Lodge, Codar Creek mines, and passing through all the principal towns and mining min-ing oamps in Montana, Mon-tana, principal orrjcjc, Wells, Fugo & Co. Building Jnn Salt Lake City Lou VVfnns. H.P.KImbalh SAlT lake, OP.1IIU And Tintic Stage and Express LIITE, HUAniNO IAILV rttUH 8 LAKE CITY, via LAUK TOWi TfJOKLK CITY, BTOCKTOI AMD OPUIU TO TIHXIO. The roate fau been re-itoeSed wits FIc; did Concord Coach cj, fine Swk. eief?' j3 attentive DrlTers. and erery atteniion ur to the oomfort anl ooaTenionce oi P" (far;. Good accommodation on the ro THllOuGH BY DAYLIQflT- Cheap Fare and Quick Time. OHM at Weill, Fargo Co.'i Jt Laa City. WLNia k 1UMBALL, |