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Show H a r t i (t- rtNn the Sprit?-; Coal lake nlict that Oil by rt Vaniuhoonhove n, lint (tif) Sjwncor, h ru longer cocn-T-teil witli tii') Summit C"al (Jo. All (vJ.t-i will bo recuivud by the under- W. F. TtRi.DiKO, Agent-OiSc- wild Mnj.ir IlirJ, fit; Ovr Airs. (Jo! brook's, Main st. Tups Last Art ('nin drawinir at tbe IV.nr.T Art (Jlli-ry will corns 01Y on lhn 'Jl-t in-L A few names wauled to cmiiWf the li-l. The pictures nr now on ca hi Oiti-jii. flo lw For Svlk. Top onion .Seed, in laree or mj. nil mi titius- epj.iy to Anson i C'aii, Bountiful janl'J Kvkryhody pats that our one dollar pictures aro tho chenpftBt in town. Jiow's tiietirnoto d'-onito your wall?. Fio-uetr Fio-uetr Art Gallery. f 15 lw Tks Wkll pm ked rooms of furniture for sale, by li. JJinwoodoy. nlO A LjLhi.g stockof FURNITURE to bo sld ctiua)) to i.iako room for new Block, at JoKLi-u.N' f, (Jroeabeck'a build- Kkllperb Winxs and Brandies, at Morton's; old "City Liquor fcitore." fl GitccEaiEs. Mr. Kaowldcn, opposite oppo-site Wells, Fargo & (Jo's, announces that he 13 now kecpiog a full line of groceries and provisions, in connection with his flour, grain and feed business. See bin new advertisement and read what he has to say. A- 0. BurnwiTn is appointed General Superintendent and Manager of the Summit Coal Company, in place of uckoU, resigned. Mr. W. F. ii elding, Agent in Salt Lake City. BATEMAN & BUEL. f 11 Buy the Imporial Oil 150 fire test, the parcel and ?jiu-sl oil in tbe market, no9 LIGIIT, Light, Light. Live no longer in tho dark. lO.LWO gallons of BEST UlL juat received at KEESE & CVa. dl5 Sellino off Cue a p, Ladies' and Chililreu's Shoes at coat. J. Payne, 2nd South Street. feb'J Kpizootiu. Dinwoodey'3 mules have Rot it, but his oxen have- not ; therefore ho still delivers 1'iirnituro froo of charge, nil) (rRAPit Canyuh Coal delivered at $10. por ton f 11 Call at "WOOLK'S Gents' Furnishing Furnish-ing Store, two doors north of Salt Lake House, and goo tho old suspenders thrown otl' for tho Colobratod Pivot Action Draco and Suspender, tho best made. f 13 LIGHT for tho World. 10,000 gallons gal-lons of FLUiD arrived at Kkksk & Co's. dlo Ask your grocer fur Ghirardelli'a CHOCOLATE and COCOA. da ' Last Yiar'h Magazines nnd Poriod- irals neatly and expeditiously bound at the USHALD UtfOK ItlMJKRY. Kmit Uahkkllx for salo at Mor, ton's; old "City Liquor Store." fl You Cam gt your Magazines and Periodicals bound on short uotico at Hie Hkkalu 1( t n dkky. Terms reasonable. For thk Staft of Lifb, also cakes bun, crackers, and puro homo made - can.lv. wiioi.lo mid retail, go to the GLOB Li ItAKKKY. Tub Hkkald Bindery turns out work expeditiously. All work warranted, war-ranted, f 13 I Gio. SitowaLL, scavenger for tho City. o2 Oil is selling at retail at the Pioneer Lamp Store, as follows: Common brands tV. por gallon. Crown standard TiK.-. per gallon. Imperial loO tireleiCToc. per gallon. no'J For Parlor Sets in endless variety. Call at Joklsok's, Groosbeck'a building. build-ing. fe? Time's Test. fima tries all things, reject those which are useless, and holds fait to that which is good. Stoves without with-out number have been invented and pat ented, but soon gave up the gaost. The Charter Oak has stood the test of seven leen years, and is steadily increasing in favor. feblo Ubb Ghir&rdelli's EAGLE CHOCOLATE. CHOCO-LATE. It is the best- jl Coal, Coal, Coal, by the Ton or single hundred weight, delivered, or at the yard, o7 Com asercial Street, and at the Kailroad Depot. HOOPEli, HAWKINS & Co. 37 Grass Casyox Coal delivered at $10.00 per ton. f 11 A Splksdid new stock of Colored Leathers, Cloths, Papers, and othr binding material, just received at tho Herald Bindery. fib Cnti.DREN Cry for Me Lam's Candied Castor Oil and Candied Vermifuge Bonbons. Bon-bons. They are delicious medicines, and warranted harmless. Price 25 cts. For sale by Z. C. M. I. and all other Druggists. dl Usk Gherarelli's EAGLE CHOCOLATE. CHOCO-LATE. It is tho best. 1 Cnntlonto tlie Travellng;PubItc: Upon your arrival at Ogden City Utah Territory, thejunction of the Union Un-ion Pacific and Central Pacilic railroads, you should know where a first-class hotel can bo found, and whore- tho bustle and noise of the engines may be avoided; avoid-ed; also a comfortable house where the danger of fire, which is apt at any time-to time-to occur at tho depots, is averted. The town of Ogden is naif a milo from the depots, and in the business part of the town and its principal street, travelers will find one of the most comfortable hotels in Utah, tho Oqdxx House. It is well known throughout America and Europe, to be one of the "coziest and cleanest hotels in Utah. The Ogden nouse Keeps carriages wnicn aro in attendance at-tendance upon tho arrival and departure depar-ture of all trains, to convey passengers to and from the depots, free of charge. It is a two-story brick building, and built expressly for the accommodation of guests. Tho Ogden House employs no runners, but omploys a portor to assist as-sist its patrons and tako charge of their baggage. All visiting Salt Lake City will find it to their advantage on returning re-turning to tako the evening train and come to Ogden, thus saving the annoyance annoy-ance of rising at 4 o'clock in tho morning. morn-ing. ja24. H. Din wood by is doing a lively business in furniture, and guarantees satisfaction in prices and quality to all that buy of him. alO Va vdyke Coal. 1 am selling VAN DYKE COAL at $10 at the depot, and Undelivered. Leave orders at Kahn Bros., or at new box in post otlice, or depot. Be sure you got Vandyke. Wm. W. FuDge. f8 Tourists and thb traveling; Public Pub-lic going east are respectfully notified that the Utah Hotol, at Ogden City, is a tirst-class house, and by coming to Ogden on tho previous evening, eithor by Mail or Freight Train, they avoid the annoyance of rising at 4 o'clock to take the morning train at Salt Lake City. To pleasure seekers Ogden promises tmirh to interest in in nxcollent Shoot ing and Trout fishing, wbilo tho grandeur grand-eur of its canyons is unsurpassed by anything of tho kind known in the United Slates. Tho Hotol is provided with Barber Shop and Bath Kooms, and runs its coaeh free of oxponao to guests. The proprietors, thankful for past favors, will spare no pains to please guest-0, and will provide guns and ammunition, am-munition, with guides and carriages le the shooting or tubing grounds, by petting pet-ting timely notice thereof. , uiR7 & Williams, Propr' fol.t Grass Canyon Coai, delivered at' $10.00 per ton. I'll What Time hniTnuglit l a. It has taken two thousand years to 1 teach tbo world that to sustain til body in its contlict with disease, not to help disease by weakening the body, is the true end of medicine, V'o have the lesson by heart, at last, however. We know, for example; that tearing doses of aloe.-:, salts, jalap, eroton oil, calomel, colcynth, etc., are tho best allies that a dobilitatuig malady can have in its assault as-sault on the human frame: and that a medicine like Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, Bit-ters, which strengthens all the bodily powers and rallies lho sinking constitution, constitu-tion, is the most powerful antagonist of the inorbitic principle, whatever it may b.. that lies al the root of ihe complaint. This knowledge has been a long time in reaching us, but it is invaluable. We can now control and cure dyspepsia, bilious disturbances, constipation, rheumatism, rheu-matism, nervousness, and many other painful complaints once considered incurable in-curable with this admirable corrective, 1 12 ExcelsiorCoal, from Rjck Springs Bitter Creek, Little waste; sLrong heat, very small trace of sulphur. Leave, orders with J- W. SNELL, Idaho Store. jal7 Pure Articles. All tho articles manufactured by Steele & Price, Chicago and SU Louis, are composed of lho purest materials-The materials-The Company Lake special pride in having hav-ing their goods of the best quality. Their Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Pow-der has maintained ils reputation for purity an i goodness for tho last seven years, while their Dr. Price's Special Flavorings, Vanilla, Lemon, etc., are said to be unequa!ed by anything of the kind in tbe market. f 12 The Herald Bindery has an exael-lont exael-lont book-binder, but ho is not a good bookiejjcr. Your books will bo returned re-turned neatly bound in a few days, f 13 SI3IILU SDIILIBUS CCRAXTCR HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS. HAVE PROVED, FROM T1IE MOST ami'looxi'oriuDCO, an cnliro success: Simple Sim-ple P rutin l Ktlici out and Reliable. They are tho only medicines porfoctly odaptod to popular mo so aiuiplo that mistakes can not bo mado in using ihom; so haruiloss as to bo free from danger, and so officiant as to bo always roLiulilo, I'hoy havo raised tho highest high-est commendation from all, and will always render aausfacut n. Kos. Cents. Cure 1, " Feveri, Concostion, Inflammations-25 2, " Worm, Worm Fovor, Worm Colic ...J5 3, " t'rytuR-Cslicor teething of Infajiu...i5 4, " llirrHcea,ul Ululdron or Adulls '2a 5, " Dyacutcry, Griping, liilious Colio...2a 8, tliolerR-Uorbus, Vomiting 15 7, " Couyiis, Colds. Rronohitis '25 8, " Neiinvlgln, Toothac ho, Faceacho...25 9, " UeudftoliM, 6ick Hoadacho, VortiRO 25 10, " Iypeii"ii liLUious Stomach 25 11, " .Nuiii'rvitBcd, or Painful Periods ".15 12, " W Siltea, too Profuso Porioda 25 . 13, " Croup, Couch, Dillicult Breathing. -.-25 14, " mult Kltciim, Krysipolaa, Erupiions.-5 15, " KUeumftilsm, Ithoumatie Paina..25 16i " fever aiitl Ague, Chill For or, Ague - 50 17, " PHei blind or bleeding 60 IS, " OplKlLlamr, axdeoro or weak Eyes .j 50 19, " C'norrli, neutoor chronic Influonia..5u J), " WUooiilng-t'oogli, violent couubs ...50 21, " Astlnu, oppressed Breathing 50 22, " Ear Ulncliargct, impaired hearing 50 33, " Scrofula-, onlarod glands, Swoll- ings 50 i, " General Debility, physical weak noss 50 25, " Drojisy and scanty Secretions 50 2H, " Jcn-.Slckiiw, sickness from riding..5t) 27, " Kulncy-IHniiasc, tjravei 5U 20, Serviiun Kctiiltty, .Ncmliml liuniiKiluit, involunlary Jji.-oharsoi 10O Five It -. with one SJ vini of powder, vorv nocossory in a or- jou cvm 500 23, ' Sore .lloitt h, Canker iu ju, " I i-iiii y Wi'iikiitM, wetting bed....T0 31 " l'alnlul Period, with apaams M " Sullcrliis at chango of life -HW Si, " EilU'lJ'i aiiasias, at. Vitus' Bunco 109 SI, " IMutUcrla, ulcerated soro throat..,.inJ FAMILY CAStS Of 33 lo CO l.aiKe lnla, nioroct 11 or rose mid cii!.r, ciiuinltiln ft snillU' li,r every o r ii I " r y d I s e a r a faintly U Mil.Jt . l 1. 1, a itl book ordlri)Ltliut!i,...frum SIO to $35 Smallor liHy and Traveling Travel-ing casus, with Ji to & vialj, fromS3 to S8 Srecinc f"r all PrUa lU-en.-, bwh r.-rCurln and :r Preventive treatment, in vials md Pocketcases 9t to S3 Pond's Kxlruct, t'11 re a Burn". It nil sea, En men ess, .Soi-eiie, bore Tin o , Sprit Win, Tool lint-lie. En rn tie, r ur ( 1 4; I a, KlicumntlMll, l,u m bo o. P 1 1 c s . 1 1 1 1 , MliiK, S.irc Ey. llU-cuing of I lie l,iui;. onc, .-intini;li, or of pile) Corns, L leei,Old sore. Price, O 01., 50 cent Pints, tl.00 Quart. H.i 3. M Thf.o remedies, except POND'S EXTRACT, EX-TRACT, bj-tho ca-e or sinclo bx. are sent to any part iif tbe country, by mad ur oxprw. fn?o of charge, on receipt of too price, .d- Humphreya' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. Office and Depot, o. Ukoadwat, Niv Yoes. FOR SALE BY ALL, PRUtM i&TS, And at L C. M. I. and liedbo's Drue Si or. (WHITE LEAD 1"0 i. :i BAMIOLril STRKET. OfTrr Si ec;.l r.'J-:cemer.t to lare buy. First National Bank OIF XJTK, salt; lakk cixv DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY A.ND j FINANCIAL AG KNT OP THE UNITED STATES. WaBBik Buean. Pr wid eat. Abtuobv Oodbi, Cuhiar. Anthorlxcd Capital, - - 5 0 0,060 PAID IIP CAPITAL, - S190,OOO. KARN1NQS, - 9130,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldest Banking JnttitutLm tn Utah A. General J3nnklng Basincu Tr an a c te d . AGRNC1E3 IN UULOKADO AND MONTANA COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, 1NTF.BKST A LLOWKD ON T1MH "Gardner Fire Extinguisher,' The Last, Bett, Chenpcit, nd Moit JCflVctlve. Different from, and ol PERIOR TO ALL OTHER? OVKH A THO I' AND FIRES PCT Ol T WITH IT. WORE THAN $10,000,000 Worth of Property tavod by it L'fo. Fire Dop-art merit- in tin? Principal Cities of tho L'iiK-n Lave adopted thciu. CHTKV? OF yiF.F DFFAr.TMFN'TS EN-r-c ;!ieu a? tii k r.isr. It has been ap-r-roveJ '' t:;i- Serri "ary of .ho Trea.'i:rT. fur jo on f team Ye."c.f. ar.i nd-'i-tod bj the it-v-err.:::es: fc-r the Arui.v flcj "avv. It all-.rdu ap'-ito rT.:cv-;;.rj frc-m fire, beins alway; roaly I"---r icftant ii?. t' roet'.y 'imrle in opcr-atiuD opcr-atiuD and i-rumi-l a-cJ (.:icst is action. 'The "Gardner Fire Extinguisher" I.- a Fire Dei-artment in it'elf. Price Jaith twtc aTEc, chemical? : 30.00 Extra ChaJF'.-i always i-n hand.fT.0O per doico SEND FUR THEIR RECORD. Pacific loan Agencjr.-Ucd 0c, Salt Hake City, Utah Kimball (niock, ( or. First fienin St JAS, SMITH A; OO., fibS ben era! Agent. GUARANTEED PERFECTLY PURf AHO OF THE HICHEST CRADE. MANSFIELD St ATCHISON WHOLESALE AGENTS, SALT LAKE CITY. Agents In L'tah Tor Pinet, Castillon A Co.'s COO-2STAC. Cliarlos HeiIiclvs CHAMPAGNE. URBANA WINE COMPANY, . asd dealers: in: CALIFORNIA WINES ENCLISH & SCOTCH ALES A; POKTJER. BAR GLASSWARE, etc.- IJIxm'XTlCESTliS!! WHY 1 WHY ? WHY .' i Why aro the Sales ofthe liaison A: ilamlin ORii AiVs LARGER THAN TUB COMBINED j Saloa of all the other Ten Makers offered in the Territory ? i Because their Brilliant and Bewitching Be-witching Tones cntrauce the mind of tho listener. Bepausb all tho principal MUSICIANS MUSI-CIANS and J UPUES pronounce them THE BEST. Because 'hey have stood the Test of this trying Climate for more than Twelve Tears. Bkcausb they are ALWAYS re-oomtnauded re-oomtnauded by Purchasers. Because they have never been SURPASSED OR EQUALLED By any Reed Organs in THE WORLD. Testimonials from Local Musician! and Judgei, Of all the varieties of Orrr'ns with which we are ac.iuaintod. we unhosiiatiaRiy recommend recom-mend the MASON A H AMLIN Organs a tho BKST and iuro to Rive purchasers jiorjt'ct satisfaction. JOS, U. RIDGES, Designer and Builder of the Sail Lake Ureal Orgaji. GEO. CAUKLES3, Conductor of the Tab or-nacle or-nacle Choir. ORSON PRATT, Jn., Teacher of Musio, and Onranist of Catholic Church. MARK CROXALL, Captain of Salt Lake Brass Band. d J. THOMAS, Conductor of Thoatro Orchestra. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, Teacher of Musio and Organist. E. BEESLEY, Captain of Martial Bund. C. Y. TAGOART, Piano Timor. Testimonials from more than Fiv Hundred Purchasers, including our most prominent oituens, can bo had on anilicatiun to CALDER & CARELESS, 37 EAST TEMPLE STREET. SALT LAKE CITT. Fresh Mince Pies EVEBIt .DAY at WALLACE'S. FRESH CREAM CAKES Every Day at WALLACE'S, PR ES H MARRANCS Every day at Wallace's. FRESH POUND CAKES Evory day at WALLACE'S, FRESH BUNS Every day, at Wallace's. LICORICE LOZENCES, Tbe Best TKIng Tor Toughs and Cold's, f0r Sale only at WALLACE'S II1ST SOUTH STREET. - SALT LAKE CITY s CHEAP BOOTS GO TO Taylor & Cutler's A8 THEY ARE CLOSING 01T TUE1II WINTER ,-TOCK VERY LOW. CHARTER OAK COOKLNG STOVES CUEAl'EHTHAN ANY OTHER HOI IN TOWN. A FULL STOCK OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS WniCUITIIEY Al'.E OFFERING SI'ECIAL INDUCEMENTS O.N. Groceries AS LOW IN PRICE AS THE LOWEST. 2j tb Cansfrch I'EARSaiid PLUMS 35 ocntF. TAYLOR & CUTLER, EA8T TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. ... FURS WANTED. Highest Cash Price Paid for Fur. ALSO Havana Cian WholsaJs aoa THOMAS CARTER, I At Sif rl Bro's, uad Salt Lak Hom- fFICICO TFADE JTwTb Jt LYr'a '667, Maru:"a,-.2reri ad Whi!s PAPER DEALERS, OFFICE AND W E-T SIDE STORK: S4 A. it homh Jf.r r.on Mttd, SOFTH S! DE ST'iRE: 3-43 . 347 Siair Kirrti, CHICAGO. Pnnt. Rv.lt. F:at 0r. F.-li.--, M.-;::nis lJl-:r.- , ...I r,-l. Pr:r;-- " Pilars. 1i pi en Ar-.f- - L,-n. C.i-vi l;ca:.lji. jraw aod Xar B.k yiae p. per, T-irc ard riper ri-per r.&i-, jui . I .iXDREWS i ril ltifi. 16S 4 170 State Slnct, Opposite Palmer's Grand Hotol, C H I G A. O O . M as u fa f t u re rs of SCHOOL, CHURCH OFFICE FURNITURE, GLOBES. CM A IKS ot all au ios-School ios-School Outline Mar. Chans, etc Every thine in the way of Sho -1. iVHK or (.hurch t-ixtjiriM at Lowest C;i-h Price. Sendjfor illu5tratt Catulo no and Price Lwuo A. H. ANDKEWS A- CO. M. D. WELLS & CO Manafturr of and Wholesale Dealert Id Boots and Shoes. OlSWanasn Ati, CblcaRO. M. D. Weils, H. J. Micfarlund R. Banediot. mW 6. P. Molntira, PAGE, BRO. & Co., Importers ana Dealers la LEATI1EU AND FINDINGS " OLD CITT HOTEL CORN Ell." Comer of tit ate aud Lake et recti. W. W. Piute. Boston, CIIU'AUO, 'The Old Salamandor.'' REMOVAL.I VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON 4 REID, Wholeiil DRUGGISTS aud Paint Dealers, Have removed o their Stfro, and 04 LAKK STKKICT, n.rnor Uoirborc Btreet, (on tbe old silo) cUlUAUO, where, with buildiDRB erected exprossly for Hit but in ean, 6 1 earn Elevators, eto., thor have opsued up an imuiaiue titooa, unAurpaasad in the northwest. Hpsoisl attention tit en to Torrltoria boauiesa. iji FIELD, LE1TER & CO, IIiro&TKKB AKD JOBBBBfloK DRY GOODS Al CARPETS MADISON AND MARKET STRttTS. a n i c j3l o o . LARGEST STOCK AND LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED. Special Attention Givrn to Orders. IdlB H. TLAT Br-TT, 8. oVlflli-nv. Scott &. Ovington Bro's, Importor, Whnlo'alo and Retail J lJoalors in mini cam m. PAR IAN, BTCON ZK, 1 'LATE D WAUK, tA.MKS, CUTLKIiY, MUiltUHS, &c, No. 219 Wet Madison St., CliicaKO, I1L Wfdillng and Holldny (JlOs, Ulass and Clitna Mmlt (oOriltr. OVISGTHN B!fTIIFILS. rifi.?ii.r A 'SO. F.,lt..n StreL-l. Mn-vkijn. V. Rue Do i'aradiP .A. l aris. South Side Office with Sumr'le for U'h'-tn-nalf-only- is-- .Mb'Ii-ti mm-1. ('.ni-r Pi:U Avonuo-Kooms-li. 11. bAAit, Matiaicei. N. MATS ON & CO., Importers and Wfcclwale 1'oalcri in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Jewelry and Sllu'rware, Con OTADIKIK1 - JtOmOlC BTS.i CHICAGO, ILLS., Orrf.i'0 r.lm.i'i tiran'l IIoloI. LM HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION rilltandBfRtlAR I'lW s j. jy in ss ! Tle.Bc;t Sifes in Ihe World 1 HERRING 6c CO., 40 State tret, and corner 14th ftrce and Irpdinna Avodtjp, CHICAGO. S'itJl L-,vT3iJs! Birpins L1DDELLTI)R0I". Hive just .r(--eivei c;-nl;ca:er!t of GENT.-' CL'.)TiU.NL?, 1-11 Y CO.l-'S. HI. VXKKTS nd NOTIONS, Li.-; tcy b.rc ia tr., :i.iaj io cl s oat REGARDLESS LF COST- They have a1. rui,l a s; Undid line of STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES & PiiOVIilONS, Which they are sel'.-rs CHEAPER ihai the CHEAPEST. P-'n'l -h. r!.-c. A FWD00KNulUH: tiie Tr 0VFICS B.'vU UKIilitU1 ff'.Ayt. F. & E. JaTgER 73 Vabnli .Ivninr, urr Kundolpk, CHICAOO, ILL., I- Kl. T lUVRI.fc. or Or.vV,.,-r.rh,na. GS-re. l.amw. Lcokia 1 1- . 1'!i::.li. , ,1 S::vc- rl1!sJ Ihe target Upu-q in the et. eU JOHN V. FARWELL & Co WHOLESALE, v NOTIONS,' DRY GOODS, AN D "W OOLENS'. Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe fe Franklin Sts , CHICAGO. 1IA1ILIX. HALE & CO., . WHOLESALE DEALERS IT DRV GOODS, MTIOXS, WOOLENS, AND HOS I ER Y, cobs lb or MADISON A FRANKLIN STREETS, CHICAGO. It T3S1 tJUOTAHONJ ALwATS FO.lDWtl. el NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Admtrnl Vp ion lumirl nltd Nln- lny mpmty. hvni n work'. Emma Iliil. Link' uiton -v.-od linine I'l.-irici. -8U l.H-o (J.-untv. I tub Terrtoiy. i'nnctpl plnee of b.isiLie-s, m tlie city oi --n 1 r.noiseo, .Vnice i- hir?b- elen, (hat at a metine of fo KirJ oi i ru-:.-. i Lo.oii.uv, nld un the -Till day o .1-ni.mry ,A 1. T ., an ai- uj'Oit tbo ci-ii'i s-'in-h of ilin or.-orati n, nb!e iniiii"dia'ly hi I'n.r Stilus gold and silver coi ,i - tin S.-cn'tn' v oi mo i'om-nany, i'om-nany, at hi-otlice, .No. Laln'ornm street, in Hip city oi Sun I'min-hco, . n nis. .Any stoc- npd , tvliu-h it.ni n.-e-iu ni hall roui"iu uniad t K.1111 tin- c h day of AIhicu. A. II. i,-: f, .,,1) i,e .M.niuei.t, and n 11 Ixi dul. adverti-i-1 ur -ale hi jhi auo-tioB.an.luoi,.. auo-tioB.an.luoi,.. .-nu.i,i i-lill Lo umde bu-lore, bu-lore, ill be -ol.t .ni .tl nd , Hie ."il-t .lav of Mjreh.A U. to the -id deliLqaeut f i" inert t.uettie- mth fo ! ol u-l . ett tsina nd ei oon-ofl ui ulc 11 orjsr of the lioard 11. H LINTON-. Secretary. Offioo Ko. &3;' California etieei, ian nan C0.IL! COIL!! COAL!!! 'IMIE PUBLIC AltK HKKEHY NOTIF1KU 1 that 1 am tho "ole Aitent lor lho Graai Canyon 0-al in alt Lako L'uunty. Bnril cm obtain thin m-lundtd Con I by the (on or ear load by am-lyine to mo, at thoolhce of Jos. A. Young, Salt Lake City. C.J. Lki, Pale-man L'CH B.Depnt- 11. G. I'AHK. ? n n,iT. ?ii t HENRY WACENER, Null Lake I lly, I lull, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, LAt'ER UKt:it, Al.i: A,l) I'OHTtB, wiiolbsalb a .in nrrn, PKroNllStn'TlI HTHKKT, three door- e- KloihQt Mere. ootu "LT.1II riRU-DRKK CO." W. 11. riUSMOLM. I C. W DENNETT, I'reMdciit- f Tu-as A tsoc'y, Wm. T. MATHEWS, tjiipierintondonL Cnpllnl fMk, S30.HOO. Wo mniiufacturo at Soil Luto City and Lohl, Make Eiru-Hrick, l it..-Co rut, Front (hnnrl-prex-odi llmldinH Urick. .Stove brick , CnicibU. llvti.rl, Ao-. Ac- Bnw nifttui il n-l "in .ad in n -art o( tli world. H o u-u hvlii, lliuil.nuj and vthar elav. W T Ma'hewp the -'.i,.ei i nt undent ba- bad ov-t thirl) ..'Mr- e-. r i.-ii.n 1'lnco or work in l,:i-m'ii r. nar .l.-hn- nV ,iin li-j- A , . r . oili-ti Au W. ilam Slrcrt iL' W IteiK.-tt'-..'( Wo wt I I irni-li I irr-lln.-K nnd alt firp ma- teriiilclieai-er (liiiL Hi u Ii- un.oil.d and of b.-ttur .lufilit. . Ho run-nil fnrriHco mn to cull, liio'llncki uiii'iu tu plun. Ui.i-.ri luliciied. Jutil Our .Mr. MATHKW'd i ncnnt for S. B. Viunson, Jun , &. Co. '8 l'ntnt Comirat'-d .M-n1ii Shini-'e-, Iron Kuo.i- f, ' .-nii.ft;.-d h u .- . -iinit.-f, etc., HIT .Mat.uiii..-t .1-.1.I i liirap.. illii.'-i. S(.ecirtien can hi .. , m t n o'tv of the Couii-Hiiy, e, hut o c-nt I : '-in tie male f. a. Lii.N ,s hi 1. eoc. HQT1CE Hi1 mm SALE- t-oth'K is m-HFiiy (iivi:v timttub tl,,.,iKlie ( oi-i o-r 1 r . u-li lIj- ... ll. Ir'.nt ,j,f tj tl,.. .-.ii H , it -h t l.ak- ,iv, .-U 1 Hke C. .ml. J-r.n r. L ii.1. .... il,A ei.i.-r.tl. i t I i-T . u c..n r. ,-, -h tt. -1- .1 r.t.l' li'-d !','.' ry miJ im. i -i 'l., d i.,- n h- J , r-.i. -.ni tit 1 t.-I- n--Mh : i-.. ii. in. (.'!. f t t.-illi It I I--! l-o, r, . il- -h I .-I th" ..Ilr ! .11,-1 1 1 1 .11, d l'-t, .M-.l'.'oU-r.r'i a pl.t -I in' '""'A .. '-"nil , m.u i r r-TiM-.. H -ii in Ih'i 1 tb IjLi- "'j!,.. rr,.-'-M. t-. I,- . 11, -M- l.irm -m.'iri tin,.. R'.o i- ii- - i' l!.- ' !,..--( i ba . f 'i..- in-1 i mi f. t r,. i.t.i i,.-, a. ! an,"t ,,, ti,- - . I . . r r . t , . . i . i h- i-h . no i,t .! a 'tii h i-n.im-'-O .,' W nr.'. l ui.'l. -Uy i.f MirU. r.. 1-1, I-U. 'l I -ly.'T.T.y IK T-t tl IU 111 t I ' 111 I " ' HI Ml (Mi. in er- ni't.'--l" '.'l l"i p-'i 1 1. in C I .-..id aul U'.'vJ dvin-i-d itu-u-U.-Iel) HIM 1,1 Wl- S JIILLS. f-Blt Lake Cilv. U. T..J. -'-1 - YA' 1'"!! S.M KL7P.RS. TJ,n ur.d-- ii.-i.-'l. li -In l" " Hl'p.-intod ti'o h-n o il """ '"'nt'-ry, "oil it ins tlti l" ''io tic-t 1 on 1 lux ever oSersd the f" O-'i'.T? fillod at rl r'. D'-li-.o. Apt-ly to GORDON & MURRAY Half ninck ftiiith H, R, nepot, Salt I,ak..U,-. iU |