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Show C2AFPED HMDS & FACE. 1 Sore Lip-, Drj nfsi of Sklu, clc, etc . ...... .-.".iia-iL. It k;t the ii';.;V i"L-"aVl I: is. -z.T .i ccr.:-. M miu:i-ri cly bv litr.jua i SPECIAL ADVEUT1SEMEMS BOY WA.N'Th.I. W 5h:aa-t-n Ue. M" Ai;-f'ii iiKi.rnLf W'mas: kclt-v le-k- .-L.-ev.-i a:i i c ar-f jl a:ientl.-n l" iu u.-iht-r. !.'.! stcai-y i-ai- pv..uri;. A fly rtiih i.Tu-D'.-cal tins vt'v.-e, belivceu 1 ii::d A l:lu., lul lhr dajS. IclW 4 ijJKLTO I'O CKNKKAL HUl'St:V''iV.K. Ai'iAy io Mrs. Ji.hu i". t-'aui---. -V'.h H -id. Kb'i V WOMAN WANTKD F"K A SMALL flrjjilv; uim-t be a J-'-k. ' :i-!n-r ulnl injner. !rvw - jvii'-i- KiJ. A ia-.iA-.: ..in mS ell ki U. llcnuijia Lv.'k Stie, Lv iI-jch iu.-tli of FOlt "iiksf. 4 SE ATI, V Kri;.MSIIi:P K0UMIIA1.K .'V bk.ck auuttl vi ihealre. OMusilB Suvenuda' Hall. ini, K. S. BAKNL1. IIILST CLASS OFFICER 10 KENT OVKlt 1 i-'irat .Nutiwual back. JaJ 1,0DGINGS- C HOICK ACCOMMODATION. FOK A fuw lud(jurs aii-J buaidor-j. iinuiro at thisOffieo. j'-l g?r DR. GROVES, lJ Offioe. Second South Street, Throe doom wost f Ureal W wtorn Hotel, half & block en-it of KleLjhaQl btoro. bait Lake nity. Ollico hours from tta.ni. too i.in. mil Argcnta Lodfe, Ko. 3, A. F. Jfc. A. SI. STATED dunmuniciiiMins of this I -odd held un tho Jr'irst and 'third Tuodilayu ol eneh month, t .Muaunio Hull, Kaat Toiuiilo struet. Mom burs of tiifior Ludsjai mid fo-journini; fo-journini; broliiron in Kuod utaadinj; aro cordially cor-dially invitod, , A. W. NUCKOLS. IV. M. W. II. nniD, Sec-v. d-i NEW "ADVERTISEMENTS SALT LAKE THEATRE. Monday, Feb. 17th, 1873. Will 1b roi'entcd Iho beautiful romantic i iriaU drama uiititled KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN. KATIILLI MAVnuilNl'KX MISSJEAiN CLABA WALTERS. FULL DRAMATIC COMPANY! To conoludo with (lio huighnblo fiirco on tit 1 od "lei On Parle Francaise." TUESDAY EVEXINti, I'ECRUAKV 18, BKNKFIT OF Mr. A: THOU MM I'UmtltV AM) tTAIlt BTAB, Dr. W. W. Fetterman Will lecturo nt tho 11th Ward Assembly Rooms on Wednesday mid Thursday ovouing, tho l"th and Jth. lio has over a hundred lino spocimona of his own dissoctions with tho ai'torius, norvos and voshoIs uonnootod lo thoin, which ho will lecturo uion. Tho tickots aro to bo procured at Bishop Taylor's storo. Doors open at T o'olook and oommoncing at half past soven. i'olij GROCERIES. I AM NOW UEEl'INU A FULL STOCK OK GROCERIES In connection with my Grr-Etiii, etc. Which I am dotorminod to SELL AS CHEAP AS Till OSXGAFSST, ST. LOUIS HAMS, BACON, LARD, and CAUNBD GOODS Just received. Also a Large Stok of Grass, Vegetable Vege-table and Flower SEEID3. : CALL AND SEE THEM. N.B. A larc-o quantity of Utah GRAIN wanted for Cash, AT OpDOflito Woll'fl, targo k Co., WEST SIDE MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. We Claim That tho PRINCE ORGANS arc tho best ever offarcd to tho UUizeDs of this Territory. WE CLAIM The PRINCE ORGANS are superior to all others in Power and Quality of Tone, Variety of Effects, Beauty of Design, Excellence of Workmanship, And Durability. PRINCE ORGAN'S have been in use iq Utah lor Twenty Yearn, and their tone tc-day is of better quality than when first purchased. They stand the climate perfectly and improve im-prove with ace To convince the Pubiio that these Organs are all we claim for them, WE CHALLENGE Ali other mike of Orirans now offered lor sale in this Territory to a trial, satisfied that the judges selected to determine their merit will return a Verdict ih favor of the Prince Organ. Thia is no brsrsdocia. Ve mean what we say, aDi from and at'rer this d.y wi hold ourselves in readiness to test our $160, $170, j-OU, and i'2 Prince Orsans airamst any and ail Organs offered for aie in Utah, at corresponding prices. J. DAYNES & SON, da 2 Jwn wt o Go-dbc'J Irux t;re. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. FOR THE SPBING, 1S73. ilaviri? oompletcJ our estenfive Alieralioos in the RETAIL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT And made arraur'':i '! fT We bos to aiisurc our numerous Paixu' w-' r-ha'.l Kshibit fjr their Inspection A CIIOICF. (SELECTIO'S OF ASONA ULE DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SATINS, TRIMMINGS, R.IBBOKTS. Also Staple Dry Goods, etc. We have added to our viuii'J Slock Ladies' Underwear, etc. And placed this Department under the oaro of an accoinilished Lady Clort. II. li. ULAWSON. Supt. DUFORO Ik SONS Olfer to the Public a choice Stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, CAPS, GLOVES, & LADISCS' FUKS, At a small advance O TC" O O S. 3L? 9 To make room for SPRING PURCHASES. I Big Inducements OJfcrcd. IN TIIE raicES ov Winter Clothing4. CLOTHING DEPmENT, Will dispose of tho balance of their stock of Winter Clothing, consisting of HEAVY SUITS, PANTS, VESTS, OVERCOATS, AND HATS and APS, At greatly reduced prices, to make room for their spring purchases. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF SLEIGH and CARRIAGE RUGS, At low figurcB to close them out. A FINE LOT OF HORSE BLANKETS?, To meet the demand croatod by the prevalence of tlio Kpizootio. French, Knslisli nnd American Ktiiliiif;, Costings and Cassimerea i i greut variety and latest -tyles. Men's and itn viiits of tlie lute.st fasliions. from the first cs in JVeiv York, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco. A FULL STOCK OF HOME MADE CASSIMERE8 AND JEANS K WHIOH WE INVITE INSPECTION, MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY, GLOVES, UMBRELLAS COLLARS AND GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Blankets, Capes and. Overcoats, MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOEk, EASTERN AND HOME MADE. ALL THE NEWEST s STYLES OF HATS AND CAPS. WALL PAPER & DECORATIONS IN GREAT VARIETY. The great success which haa attended Our Merchant Tailoring Department Has induced ug to make Large Purchases for our Fall and Winter Trade So ...at g.tlem, SJr.-.-S, -Kr .. ...,. ' Tailors' Notions and Trimmings of the best quality always on hand. H. B. CLAWSON, S"Mci iutendent.'" JOSEPH ORLI.SKI, CIVIL ENOINEKR, U. S. 311 FIR A L AND PEPrTY SUR-VfiVOKFUU SUR-VfiVOKFUU t'I'Ail, St. ilark'a Church. SALT LAKE CITY BOILER WORKS, j i fV,"flSt si-da of City ilarkeu) All kin-la of duitionarT. Upright, or Lw motive mo-tive BOILERS, and TANKS, Hade cr Repaired, REAPFRS ANT) VOTERS AND Tiiilim.Xij 1IACULXES, R?Ittired and p-at in hunning Orler. Ecilers aid fiues fco-j-yht Zr LaieEin exebance f.r work. Orders by Telesra: h or Mail rramj Uy at-'.e-i-id tc JQES SLOAi k CO., Prctriawrt .ITiIl. U 1VIS & S0$' IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY NOW IN OI'ZRATION. All kicds of Castin g- Done to :rHrr n the slioncs; notice. i imc euar.intced. ALSO Ati 1. t'jK iliK GRIFFITH & "WEDGE VERTICAL STEAM ENGINES SAW MILLS, V; . - j a 9 Shingle ar.J Heading Machines JOB PRINTING. The varied wants !of the MINKK, ARTIZAN and TRAVELF-R to JOB PRINTING OAN B M FILL K I) AX TU : HERALD JOB OFF ICb. The unanimous Balitdaction given by tho work done at our offico iu the past has juatiBod us in oootinually importing im-porting all the Newest Attractions with whioh to pletso oui patroo "id Elegance i urn 111 mJ Style, and perform J o V?P rinting to comparo favorably with any iroporta-tion iroporta-tion in this line from the East or Wost. Anything in the nature ot PAMPHLETS, : POSTERS, SHOW CARDS, MINING BLANKS, BUSINESS. BLANKS, CERTIFICATES, HANDBILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BANK CHECKS, C0UNT1NGH0USE W0RK1 RECEIPTS, BALL TICKETS, CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS, CARDS, ETC., ETC., done to order in black, colors or Ifwld. Vi e do not profess to work below cost, nor work for tho sako of working, nor give baits of any nature, but by a system of calculating prices, make a rule to compete with outride Quality & Figures Why do the People Buy the Bstey ORGAN! AND Why aro till our OKGANS SOLD for three Hhipmcnts nhetid ? Because we SELL the best Organ in America, on ettsy instalments, and Purchasers know where they make the best Bargains. Those who wish to see llm "Estey" had hotter, cull today to-day a-s we shall ship them nil out this afternoon. CIIAS. W. ETAYKER, No. ftiMfiin JSlroot. Next loSnTaRO'n llollory, UU l.Ue ( it,-, EAGLE HOUSE Teasdel & Co. The place for tho pubiio lo buy. Teasdel & Co. Wintor Shawls and Dross Goods, Teasdel & Co. Flannels, Nubias, aod Olovoa. Teasdel & Co. Homo-mado Boots and Shooa Boat in tho Tcaritory, TEASDEL & tO. Sugars, Toaa and CoOece, Choose, iiaoon and Lard, TEASDEL & CO. Men's Clothing;, Hats, Shirts and FurnishiDg Goods. TEASDEL & GO. Carpets, Rukc, Mats aod Car-taioe. TEASDEL & CO. Blcoa Sewing Machines. Weir ioDger and are less liablo to net out of order, Tho best id the World. No trouble to sliovf Goods. Careful attention to orders and goods delivered de-livered to all the traioa and any part of the oity free of charge. TEASDEL & CO,, East Temple StrMU Opposite Salt Lake House. iRTisiymswox! TIIK HOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE Ueiwrt Ajrrkultural ui 1 an ;i fctur; wiety offer a pn-minni of fifty d"lJari w Arti,M of I lah Territory forth) d' for a Diploma. Tho lizard of l'irocton theawardinit omuiitt-'C rwcrvini: iik ' V, withhold tho mvard if in tb-ir J""" design Hufrici(;ntly racrit"fi''ni is l''c-'B '. of-Mii-ctttion. Dcijirn irjll be Ai-rll U Awnr.l t-. bo announced Afnl Byor.lerofthorv.ir.l, .,-,, j an KOb T. L CA 31 '4rT. IMPROVE YOUR STOCK. THE IMPORTED THOROUGHBRED DEVON BTJII' Young Washington, Is on. tho find brM Devon !) cvunlry. Pedigree full and Complete. Half breed Devon Cows are spl""-" milkers. Half breed Devon Oien for 'k and speed are unsurpassed. Tb..- wl.o i.l,tolm..rov; Y'!tl'i" II. U. elawson, nurtli-woil cvmer er mo WT., SI in ..lvaac Bwi" lb!'' gsuU at tho SublM. |