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Show Salt Lake Daily Herald. Published every morning, except Monday. T K 11 M 8 i One vf..r - 110 00 Three in. nth 2 50 tie lo-nib. 1 "n One week Icvariably is advance. JOHN T. CAl.VK, K. Li. SLOA., V. C. Ol.NBAK, Editor and PuMjiherr. tilm.(or. DEERE & Co., M anul'acturcrs of tho eoquIdo MOLIN13 PLOW. riip-o riw hrtvf for tho ra.'t quarter of a "nuirv m.ur.l-u'.u-'l loo toputattva iff tho ttr-t Plow tu u-cj .Ml fii'niiin.i Molitio 1'Ipws bear tho brand a? .hon n in tho above cut. dis WATCHES & JEWELRY ! ' J!) Vfew O. L. ELIASON. 1Ki:s to in'-.Tm iho ro.i.icn! of S.iH L'xc iMv ati.l vi.-imtv, t!vt ho n.-e only ii.ir:iii:.vi . rri"'rlv Kor.ur. "li.-in a::.! A.f i:-t W.Ui-hc.in.l t'lirtmoiuotor. but ho ti 1 in.iM- r inv part of ttioai. to ordor, ar.d warr.ir.l ilioV.vrk. Jn-t nvo.usl a new siipplv of fclsin-f1"'' Wni.-lms, and H tin-1 tft ok of first-cl to.Ti'l-v. I'no sj U a any La town. Tw BANKERS, A. W. WHITE & CO 33 A 1ST 3S1 E R S SASI TKUPLE ST11UKT, a. it cur. De&len ia GOLD DUST, COIN AND BULLION, Exchange on all M Principal Cit-M of Chi United States and Europe, Particular attention giren to Cclloctiont and proceedfl remitted at Current rata .of xohaos on day of pajinent, GKO. E. WHIT2JKY, Attorney - CORHKSPOSDKaTSi Bank of California - . 8an Franciaci Lers A Waller - - New york C-jok C-unty National Bank - - Chicap; Ilukr II Hank St. Lvuli flute Bank, of Nebraika - . Oiuaha htU WELLS, FARGO &, CO.. i EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Bankers aad Utalersiu Exchaus Draitaon Karop. Kuropean Collaetioni promi tly auendod to. Kaat Tampla blraeL, bait Lak Otty. nil Taio. P. Tkaot. Agent. First National Bank of Utah SALT LAKB CITY. 0 Special AdcrrtltcynerU on Third SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK Salt J.uk o City, Ut4h Ter.I Authorized Capital - $500,000 BanJ. 31 . DuUall, ITcaidant. Hugh While, Caa tiler. HiHroTiAD h K. i air at rios, Attorneyj. !CORRE8PONDENTSl nrw vmBrJ National Park Bank. 1 Donnr 'I, Lawoon A Co. SAN PANCISCy-Ca,ifornia Trim Co LONDON Jay Cooxo, MoCulloch A Co. ' fe!8 DESERET National Bank OF SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Paid up CapUal, - 200,000. Authorized Capital, $1,000,000. BRUiHAM YOI'N'U, TrejidoDt,! U.S. ELDKEDUE, VicolWt, I Wm. 11. HUUl'KK, Wm. JENNLWiS, fDirectori. JUUN SHAIU'. I J. T. LITTLE. I L. S. liLLLS, Cashior, J DKAL IS uoi.d nrsT, co ix, kxciiasujk, LASli WAItllAMS, t'C'i-LKUL t'C'i-LKUL SCK11", etc. CoUections made and promptly remitted. re-mitted. FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE INTEREST PAID ON n3 U. M. TIIL'K, JSU. I.. BUSS3, ItMRV MABTUI TRUE, BURNS & MARTIN, Real Estate, Mining and Loan Brokers, 00 Kimball's Block SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TERRITORY. Kcitl Etnto bought and sold; Houses nnd Stores rented, ronu colloctod, and nil bu.-incss contn-ctod wiUi real osiato and uiincs promi'tly attended to. Icbl.'t LEGAL. O. F. STRICKLAND, LATB JUDCB JL'OICIAL DISTBICT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SALT LAKE CITi. - I'TAH. Hi D. 8. DANA, ATTOKN&l'-AT-LA W, l'toro, I'tnh. JAMES M. CARTER, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, Officoovor 1st Nat. Brink. OcW EAST ThMl'LE STREET. G. E. WHITNEY, ATT OKNIiY AT LAW, Offico over Dunlord k Som' Sloroi MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. THOMAS FITCH, ATTORNEV-AT-LAW, 010 1 Ntrect, Waablngtou, D. t. Eapocial kkUotion Rivon to obtaining PatonU to Minos. nov 16 BATES & ORMSBEE, ATTOHNtYS AND COUNStLOHS AT LAW, AkouIs for I'urcUnac nuit Snlo of H I ilea - Lands, (JlO.C )iiJES, ) Y Salt Lnkc Hi) , Chari.ks W. Okmsbke. j luh. Warner Bar 1 1. F. M. Smith. KAltLL & SMITH, ATT0KNKY3 AT LAW, ALT UAtl CITT, First South Street. Rooms It and LL No llK, Kimball lilook. ' TILT R P. a. A. MKS- TILFORD & MANN. ATTOKNBYH - A T L A W No. 30 Flrat South Street. 06 J. B. HcsboruuKh, S. A. Merrill Rosborough &, Morritt, ATTOlli) E Y a A T L A W , Suit LnkeCtty, I'tnh. Oflioe, lt South Street, firtt buildinK enrt Deserat bank cursor. oct WM. HATD05. C. K. GILCHRIST OAl'DON & GLLCIUUST, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW SALT LAKE CITY. Office otct 1st National Bank of Utah. al2 0. H. Qemratead. M. Kirkratriek. HEMPSTEAD &. KIRKPATRICK, Attorntyi-at-I.aw, Main Street, orpojita Wells, Farco Jk Co. M1TI ITT 1"TT. ln TRIUNE BAKERY Craclsr Maaufailory. No 117, MnlB Street, Suit Lke III. We haro now received 0 ir CRACKER MACHINE With all IV ''"I -'vrmor!'. sr. I' are ir.aUt- KiFl'Y I'lft LRKNT KIN LlS Ui" Cti-VCKEliS. GALLACHCn & SONS. Send for Prieo Liat- ,, rtn ,,,, 1 Hi Addjasa P. 0. Box 914-. NOTARIES PUBLIC ' ' HAS. A- GOULD. A. S- OOrLD' A. S. GOULD & SON, NOTARIES PUBLIC, totnml.iloneri of Deeds, Csnveran-cera Csnveran-cera and Starchcri of Record. nA YE RETMED BU?IXES AND FOR the i-resent will occuiy &s an office, Room No. 4, over Firat National Bank, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Applications fi-r ratonl. mininc deMs, aKrcemeriLJ and bonds lor deedi, wnzei. l--wera ot attorney, lease.-, contract? and otiier in-trumt'nt.-" of wriiinf drawn with accuracy and di?paieh. Mining and other companies incorporated under the law? of Utah. Abstract! ui" titles t" mininc; and other property prop-erty made in the most complete form. All biifiniM entrusted to this firm wilt bo regarded aa airictlj private, lebLJ C1IA8. W. IsTAYNEK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Daly qnalified and commissioned br the Qos-irnor. 0E5ce 1st door south of Savage's Photograph QaUerr, Salt Lake City. 111 IX. M. OILLXSriK. W. W. WOODS GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC. CONVEYANCERS, AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. AccsowLSDOEMsyTB taken for tho several States and Tibkitoriks. Office hoam, 9 a, m.. to 9 P. K. Roon No. 5 ftv-er First National Bant tialt Lako c' Utah Territory. 5 P sr4 C3j ) isiS Ba s ' ; r a "2 r S B r a c a i ft I s CONFECTIONERY. The uttdersipned wishes to inform his numerous Friends and tho Publio generally, that ho has everything every-thing in tho above line, CONSISTING OF THE FINEST ORNAMENTED CAKES COFFEE CAKES, TEA CAKES, APIES, MACARONIES, LADY FINGERS. ETC., ETC. 1 ETC, FRUITS, NUTS, AND THE BEST HOME MADE In tho market, A FULL STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANGY GROCERIES, CANNED G0OPS AND VARIETIES, Usually kept by him, are now Sold as (Jheap as any Uouso in Town. DANIEL CRENIC. BAST SIDE EAST TEMPLE STREET. Abtivo Sond Sn'ith Street. .uiU ' "' '' TniS WELL KX0WX BRAND V-J'T'l?-v"1"1','; js OF JAPAN TEAS - FOR SALE AT ZJWm aSTZ;. M Grocery Department, R. Ol.OVSiSn' WIVPIINAHAN & SON, DISTlLLIIiS ASD JOBBERS Or RYE WHISKEYS, Warhtmt Mo. MO Llfiht Straat, BALTIMORE. To whom it may concern H. ih u.!r:eT5l. and own twelve hundred .i.1) !et. in.-ioJp( Sm. 'wo ' and th-re 1 ; in the f,!' j'"'1-m j'"'1-m Liitle t'-utonwuod canyon. d ncl.l lUr uxr br do,is fr.im tV.e onema! Io.-a:: and have e-mrdid with tte law oi Ike dir Uict in everr tpm e-t- And we btrcby nticn all persons sot te trade, bay or barter lor aid cUiau, w.Lont oar :o&joat- C. H. P SSETT.1 dnvnirtmtorf o( the MY INS. Ettita 01" Anthonj lviai deocAJtd. IS&A&L. IVLN3. HOTELS, ETC. WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. UT A IX . THIS HOUSE IS THE LARGEST AND boat apj-ointed House in I' tab Territory, and haa accumimiatiMa tor three hundred and a:'ty suoiW. Mrc-et car aDdcarnAfcOS connected connect-ed with the White sulphur Hath. Reading Rooms, containing papurs fivin all r-oicts. Bathj, Bar, TeUvraph, Nowi and Cigar stand attached to tho Houe. 11. S. GREELET. & CO.. nov2l PropriuU-ra. . AMERICAN HOTEL, WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, PRICES REDUCED. Tirmi-13.50 par dy; '.Wrehly Board 11 il Koonii $13,l0 to Sl5.UHt Table Board, tt 00. A Tew Firat Class families can find pleasant quartera. Salt Lake City, November 2X 172. J. C. UTILE. no24 Proprietor. GREAT WESTERN HOTEL OS TOIC EFROFKA !l FLAN. Situated in baMness part of tho oity, with aoaonmodation for iXkJ guests FIRST-CLAPS accommodation for Families and Travelers. Room a, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and tl.SO per day. Dining; Hall and Restaurant under the management of M. H. Roardsler, late of the Morrison House. Omiha. and Tichnor lloase. Lincoln, Neb. Board par weak, 97 meals, 50c. FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL. Stance leave daily for the mine?. Laundry oonnocted with tha hotel. SMI Til JL BJGAZE, tnyl7 Prorrietors. Washington House i-'Iilrd South Street, salt lakh; city Board and Lodging, par Waalt n 00 Board and Lodging, per day, 1 'J3 Day Board, per week, 5 00 Single French Spring Bds, per week, - - 2 50 Bads, par Might - 50 Heals - ... 25 ru TOWNSEND HOUSE,, SALT LAKE CITY, THE LEADING HOTEL j OS UTAH JAME8 TOWNSENO PROPRIETOR. j This House is centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has accommodation accommoda-tion for 10 cuesu. ! THE PROPRIETOR is now prparin 0 build larxe additions to his Hotel, whih when finished, will render it tho Mott Complete Establithmmt in the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION mil TAYLOR'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. W.T-REYNOLDS CO., E. B. ZABBJSKIE, Bui Francisco. Salt Lake City. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISK1E & CO. HAV1! IOB SALE A FINE LINK OF WINES AND LIQUORS, To whioh they call the attention of DEALERS, Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. BOLE AUENTS FOR "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST 33 -A. IR, IN THE CITY CONNECTS VTTTII THE HOCfrl. 64 MAIN STREET Two doors aomli of Wells, Fargo A Co'a Bank. m5 C. H. BASSETT, NBW HARDWARE STOBE All tiadi cf HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron nnd Steel, Stoves and Tin Vare BLACiSatTK roui.3, affrlewitwral Im pi s m t Aad .jln'.aif Toola At Lowaat Rates. OPPOallfi TUB ALI iaK JlOUsJS. aU INSURANCE. INSURANCE COMPANY, Columbus, OHIO. l'H;:t;-, Pfc. tlM. 2. 8SOO.30.6. Cash in Bank and (!orrnment I V 35 MtTi.-j.-'1 L.ir.f. C. :!a:eraJ Leans, ar.,i l.i'.h Kfvivable rt ii-.vuniher rro;:i!iims Tj.iAW 0i Heal iate. lVr. rial Property, ar..i AgiT.,-y r a lances. SS.l-V 14 All other Skuti lifts. - &i,oJt) IS Thi? Companr inef Polifiei inmring aciimn Los? pr I..I r,Ebr FlKEor LIGHTNING ! on Dwclline Uoufos ar.d o-ntnts, bams and cvntonti, Cburthe. chiot Houses and ilabiic Luilain5 fur a t;rins of years at faverable rai!'". Business Buildinrs, Merchandise Stocks, Eleva i'i-j. i.irain, si-ros. lluis. acd .Manufac-UTi! .Manufac-UTi! injured at rates which will furnisa icdcuiniiv 10 ihe insured v.d protection to the v.iinul euii lo tri. .--aiall lines a sreoialiiy. M. A. I'Al LiHKKTV, 1'res:.; J.PEiSIKET, ieb li ' II. K. J1AXX JtjCo., Agents. AMAZON LmiXCEll J. B. RFYVETT - - President. B. D. Wist - - Secretary. Cincinnati, Ohio. ASSETS, Jl'AE 30, 1873. Cash on hand, in bank, and in course if traEsinis.iin . 1U.3C 57 United Sutos Bunds, market valno 1,169 0? lort-aRtts StiL.trtO S7 Collaicral Loans 12-l7 W . Accrued Interest. . 20.642 & Bills KoedTiblo S8.t47 15 Stale Bundj and Miscellaneous...-. 6,617 9f Dae from Agents .. SS.0&7 65 fdiflOS 70 HA m LIT its. Outstanding Losses and other Lia biliuce. - 177,7110 H. R. Mann & Co., Agents, omcet Banking House of A. "W. White & Co, O. Box, 55. . irS AGEITOY OP TILE Home Mutual INSIRIXCE C0MP1M, or CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL - - - - $650,000. JOHN' II. REDIXUTOX, Fre.ldcnt., CHAHLES B. STOBT, Secretary, JVoicipai Office, 433 California St., SJJfFRAXCISGO. H. R. MANN & Co., Agents Office: Banking House, A. W. White Co. &2 PaosrEcrrus for 1S73. SlxthYear. THS ALDINE, Ail Illustrated Moutbiy Journal, universally aduiltted to be tile bait d so me at J'erlodlcal In the World. A lleprescntatlve and Champion of American Ameri-can Taste. Not for Sale in Book or News Stores. TI1EALDIXE, whilo isfued with nil tho rtsjislariti, Las nuoo of tho temporarj' or tlii.ciy interoat charaeionslio ol ordinary periodieals. li is an ulenant miscellany of jiuro, lwiit, and gruceiul litornturu; and a cot-lwuoa cot-lwuoa ol i.iaurus, tho rarest specimens of artistic skill, in blaek nnd irliito, Although aiich succoediuk-number atlurds a fresh picas-uroto picas-uroto il ineuds, thu real value and beauty of Tilt ALUi.N t; ilt bo most appreciaied alter it has been bound up m tho clo;o ol tho year-Wliilo year-Wliilo oilier publications may claim superior cheapuo?, as comjared iritii rivals of a similar classi, TtlK ALDUS L is a unique luid original coucoption alono and uniijti'roaehod abso-luloly; abso-luloly; withoui competiiiun in jirie or charao-tur charao-tur Thu i'o3ti;Sor ol a complete vulumo cannot can-not dui.la-ate tho quantity of lino paper and euh'ravuih-s in any otOer shape or number of volume lr I f u time ll cut(ai.d then, there aru the cllruuio. bealdca 1 ART Bi:PART.tl.T. Kotwithi tan ding tho incroaso in tho price of STibn-ripUun iajt rail, ivUen 1 II L ALDl.N L asaumed iLa I'retenl nublo i-ro portion.- and rep-rosetiiative rep-rosetiiative I'Uaraoier, the edition w mure tiiHii do nuii-a during tlie past year; proving prov-ing lUut ttie AuiencAii put) lie aiiiTeciuto, and will oupi-ort, ft-intoie euort in the causo ol Art. liio I'uLnK-Uers. anxious to justity Uio reudj coimdeueo 'Pus demonstrated, have uxerlud ILemien oa lo tUo utmost to uevolop and improve tne ivorn; and tnu oluns iur lie coming year, a uuioidod oy tho monthly is-suua, is-suua, ivill lutouisli anil ueiight oven iho most j san,:uaiio irteuusoi i.tlt Ai.Dl.Mi. 1 iUe iubiiUurs are authorised to announce I desmua irom many oi tho most amineni aitLitX ut America. 1 In addition. THE ALDIXE will produce ex-1 ex-1 aminos of mo ban loioitn mailers, selected i ivitu a view to tho liis-tio;i artistic succoos, and grejtut gunural luturcrt; avoiding such as 1 have becoiuo i:imiliar, through pnoiograiihs or i coi'ius ol aio bund. iiio .lUAtierli tinted plates, for 1573 will re 1 produce lour ol Juiiua. unvios' inimitable cliild-aholclios, ajnruiriate to llio lour seasons. I luuse plains, uiieanug in tho issues lor January, Jan-uary, April, J uly, aud uclotiur, would bo alone wortU tlio price ol uyoar's subscription. IUe i-ipuiir leaiuru.- y u cvpioujIv illustrated illustrat-ed 'xnri'ims'' number will tiocouimuod. To pos.-ea3 .uch a aiunbie epitome ol mo art world, ai a cost so triinug, will cvmiuiind tho auoscriptions ol iliousauos in every seclion ol tlio country; but, aj tuo usciulnos and uttrac-Uons uttrac-Uons ol lilt. ALPiAt can bo enhanced, in proioriiou to the uuiuerical increase ol its eup-porlers, eup-porlers, llio rubliiuers proi-o;e lo maho ''assurance ''as-surance doublo surOf' by the tollowing unparalleled un-paralleled oiler ui , 1'KEMIVJI C11HUMOS I'UK 1813. Evory subicribor to THE ALDIXE, who pays in (fl .vnce lor thu ytarl?7,i. mil receive, witn.ut aJdiliouat ciiJUe, a pair oi beautilul oil chrome;, alter J.J. uill. tlie eminent fcng-li-h jainicr. 1 lie pict ares, enn; led " llio ilkih-e ijull." and "L'ror?infc- iho Myur."' arc 14 i M lucuos-aro print od Iruiu jj diiTcroni pliiles. re;uini)? iuii rc.-K'iis and iinu to periwi each picture, mu a;tio cliromo are Sold lor i J per pair, in tiio art Hi.rtss. As it is ttie detent in. it ion tu c,:idu. t-'is lo keep ill C. ALUIA t. out ol the ica a ol com petition in every dei.irtu.cnt, llio cUr. imjs will bo lvumi corre.-i-oDUiuly aiicad ol any that can be eUcrcd by oll.er l eu.. iicu Li. l.ifry subscriber sub-scriber will recei.e a ctriutate. over tuo CtlKUiiodelH cfeJ.-li.l l 4ujI to'tu eamplOS luriii.-ucd thu i..-L:.t, or the uifiiey ill be re-lunacd. re-lunacd. Iho aiitributjiia ol pn.Luros of tb Is gr.me, irco to tno sub-cribers to a uvo dollar periudical. will m.im an Ci-.'tll in iho history ol Art; and. C-'U-i der.t: Le up:o.-t.-Uci;ii-d cheat riess o! '.he i rue P..r Ilii, Al.Di.N L iLtoll. Lhe marvel l.i.is lit'.ie s-ii-ri o; a miracle, even o UK'io b'j.-t aciu. tinted wiu tbo actneio-mcnL-1 1 in entive L.-emus aud uui-rorci mo-Cliauical mo-Cliauical api'ljaace. i l-r iiiu.-lrrtti.ini of Uo--o chromus, soo November issue ol IHE AiJJiXL-i THE LIILKARY DEI'ARX MEATS will c-tntinueur.fior the car M r. RICHARD lii.M.l M'Ji'DAhl'. a-i;iod by iho best writer; and t'jeti oi the dv, who "ill .tnve to liae UiC lueraiuro ot iiiL" ALDIXE a waji m aecpmg iia tU arttic aitracuns- TER.1S. fjV5 pi r aunntn, In adTancc, with Oil Ihromoi free. THE ALDIXK will, hrrfafler. be obtained dV.-M .r r,..-. r..'--. ah f' r :i"n muj; r.e .-e:.t t- trie pu'j. Tir-t. r.r t. the j -.n s. 1 1 lion t r t pons I bl 1 1 1 j ttillir p-inlUher. r r"j t :n ' wr.'TP thenr:::. - uie i-r;i ti.harir..-f sc fac-almlle A VENTS WANTED. Anv t "T'i-jti. w;.'":.!r,7 f a ; r:r.n"r:!y af a h -.u r- e ti..! aad prwiiipi ifl- JAMESslflOX Co, ntil I thr rs, 3b HAIDKXLAXCJTW lORK, W. LL HajuungiuN, Aecnt, Hcraid 0oe. 1 ai3 DESM01HLS TRADE. BES MOINES Scale Company ! F. R. WEST, rrwident. S- F- SrOEFORD. Vice-P't. H GEO. A. JE W ETT. Seor'y. At-gK W. REDHEAD. Treasurer. & S- HITCHCOCK, Sar'U WM. DICKERSON". General AfronL We J8 mannfacturing. and can fill orders on short notice, the following: Hay, Coal ana Stock Scales ! RAILROAD, Warehousp. & Counter Scales WHEAT OR I10PFER SCALES ! FLOCa AXD BUTCUEjRS' BKAMS Baggage and W arehouse Trncki. Erary article warranted durable and accurate. SCALES OF ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Address, for Circulars. DS MOIAKS SCALE CO., no36 Des Moinos, Iowa. A. E. ROBERTS & CO., Manufacturer! of SCHOOL FURNITURE, OFFICE DESKS, CHURCH, HALL, AND COURT HOUSE SEATS. DES M0IXES, IOWA. Blockirell's Liquid Slatins and Black Board. Orders splisited. Send for Illustrated MISCELLANEOUS.' JT COST! 3P O X. CHRISTMAS iEW YEAR PRESENTS THE MOST DESIRABLE 0P-POKTDNITY 0P-POKTDNITY I CARL C.lSMUSSEN wat. BET, l. And wishes to call special attention to hit beautiful assortment of fine ladles' Gold and Silver Watches, Bracelets, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DRESS RINGS, CHAINS, LOCKETS and CHARMS. Also ft great rariotr of tho boat selected GOLD NECLACES. BR00CB-S, BR00CB-S, EAR RINGS AND FULL SETS A cosapleto assortment of tho bolt grades of AMERICAN WATCH ES tho most suitable for Rftilrcnd Travelers, Farmers and Miners. For Jtronirth and pod eoing they are unsurpassod,.and wiU keop long or than any other watch. ALL GOODS ARE SOLD UPON HONOR. AND WARRANTED. Tho publio are cordially invited to inspt-ct. CARL C. AS1IUSSEN, JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, S. L. CITY. Idis CRACKERS! CRMERSI Crackers ! SaltLaie Steam Crate Factory NEAR R. R. DEPOT. T AM MANUFACTriUNi; tliobo't (jl'AL-1 (jl'AL-1 1TV and UHKATKST VAKIETY of ( RU KIvKf, over produced in llio Territory, Terri-tory, which 1 offer t" tho Trudo and Publio generally, at thn IowpM pofjiblo rrire. .Merchants and friend aro ronuttcd to enll and e i am in a my goods and prices, bclure purchasing. R. Y.ANDEHSUX, Salt Lako City, Jan. 4. 173. I'lah ren-ilon-- SAGO & ALTON R. R. Tnc Only Firsl-Claaa Ron) In . the Weat, LOUISIANA, MISSOURI ffew Short Ron I a froo Kansas City to Chicago, I W It It on t ChatiKe I i Via Sf. L"ni'. Knr-a city nnd Northrrn tUte North Mi Miri- and hi-t'i an-i Aln.n j Railroad, cma- i ns 'ho i- ' pi i it l.iui- iMBBa, Mo., a i. I p.T-'fc thr "ic1! Jackfn- Tille, BleomioEton and iolirt. Tho Shortest and Best Umilf lo the I East, via fhic aeo! ELEGANT LAY CARS PULLMAI PALIlci SLESPI5S CAHS Ron throoirh fmm Kan-a cltT and 1HI. Loam to Chica a, wiiboul chanse I riuiHiui suns m tHU SMOKING CARS On all daily tJVs the only '.line mnninr then can from KamaaaClty;aad Bt.Louls to Chlcag ,' No Line makes as Good Time, Or clrer rnnMif ns. mi De:te: trr'-mnrt latinnF. br::er trarii, rr.-.rc ffiwi Jay ainre Iniunant and 0'mfnrift'ile irrrir,s earn. Train t,l Kar.faf Pa'tSo ar.d allW a:n rrad c-ne-t cL.fc.j wm tr:ai of this line, il tLion Depot, Kantaa ciu. JAS. HARLTON, General Pariser and Ticket Acaat, C, A. K. ft. Cmcaeo. J. M:MULLIS. '3 "a. Supu, C it A IL K.. Chicago. FRANK HIGH,' Wwm TraTolitii Ait,Ci k A. R-R. MISCELLANEOUS. :jSELLlNGAT COST- Great Sacrifice :-Kebin-on'5 Coahi'.le Coal. $y.u) pcrton at the I'. C K. K- lepct. , Coal delivered in all parti of tho City ai SU'av per ton. Orders received at Tc.i.-d--l A Co' Dunford i Scn'f .saiuh' toot ana h.'-e Store, and P-..J in the Tost t'lce. FOR SALE. 4 1 FOK-P-iWFR "UT TI.K iMANT" 'V Ec?ine and iv-iier complete, m lull e:k-ica- condition, ;le by GORDON &, HURRAY, Half block soaih It, IL Depot, tali Lake City. jji M. T. BURGESS. Civil Engineer end U. S. Mineral Surveyor, Will prepare (he necearv Papers and Dia-sraic Dia-sraic ior l'au-uta and I'roiitA. Office in BuiUing occupied by Sun-i'Tor GeneraL lanl totheteadeI Join aaanfictiirici Co.. (TIHPF MlliS.l J. RUSSELL & CO., QKiJEX KlVtIR WOKltS, Works and Warchimses, Turner's Kalis. Mass., Manufacture tho finost and lar;u.-t variety ; TABLE CUTLERY In tho World. Their Oood can now- found upon the LisUi of all A 1 JobbiiiK Houses Office ami Sample Khoiiii so ( him. brr ii reel, XKH OH li. Jno. hussell yirs Co. janl9 zzj n ia CO y 0 a . - O - W a 2 Cz3 -3 fi s , R .- A s a ' ls a p 5 s s I - fi I K 2 J a j S .a n 5 ' - H 5 I H Z 1 r I ? C H 3 ' z zrz ffl 1 I 03 55 " 2 a s s P3 ftw a . U u q n s t II CORN, OATS, BARLEY, FL01'K,C0KN-JJ EAL. UUCKWHLAT- FLOL'R AND I'Kl.MB BL'TTER. For falo cheaper than any other house in tho oity, by ORBOB A MURRAY, Half block south of R. R. Dopot , Salt I.nlto City. Call and at et jp,i IUOx ('OAI.. BE ROCKS OF NATIONAL WEALTH. Iron and Coal. Caiiiali&U call on me, 1 own it. 1 will divide Adilreaa, N. M. UI.AIIt, 1 19 1. O. Box 180, Salt Lake City. WANTED, CASH, F0H ONE l oar. Will divide tho fine-t mi nine interest in Utah lor tlio use ol tho uioney. AddroM, a. il. BLA1K, Salt Lako City, P. O. Box IbO. NOTICE. r!!E TNKNOWN OWNERS n FIVE Hundred and Kirtv Vn feet in tlio O- i-n .V linrdnor lode, and our Hun red t"o f-et in thei'ndi:in liny ld,., irilltn-o n lic iliat we have done labor on the nl'ovo urnm-d elniiii" to the amount of Hne Hundred Ik-iUrs each. Iho PUino bein nci en nnd one--e enih 17 1-n or. i Pl-r fo.-t u.i th.i U'teu .v liaidner, and eichl and on third - f cer.(. , (.r . ut i.ii tin ui-fluiu o. zaid claims b.'iiix m tinted ti-nted in LiitK- Cori..nw,md Di uict. .-ill ...o L'ounO , I lull Terril'iry. And ' o.i and nrli ol you are beii-by nut mod to pay vuiir pnnioti as ahnvo tiiuMd, wi hin ninet. tla.B irmu dato ot tin- no ice, to A. V White V Co., Ciall Lake City. II EN h V O W LN, S- EVAN 6-Salt 6-Salt Lakf. Citt, Doc. 7. IsTi d8 READ This Advertifonicnt AND WRITE For our Manual of Evergreens AND SAVE ii buying and planting four Ircoa, 50 PER GENT. Prion 10 conta-worth lo any troe-plnnter PISSI1Y A CO., 17 Nlnrgrnn Uny, Is. TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. TU THE LAST. NORTH AND SOUIHLAST, Hou 3. STATIONS. , i "AIL. Usave BALT LAKB f:Wa.na. 2:lrp.ia. j " 0MA1IA t:lp.m.' 5-Xa.m. I ArriTo BURLIN0T0N 5:00 a.m. I.Wn.m. - Oalosbnr-jfC-B.AU ) 7.3 .m. 10:50 n.ni. Wan a ota " ill:I5a.m. 3:2:: a. ra. Cbieaco '" S:15p.in,l a.m. ?e"ria - - j a.a. 11 V. a.m. - Ind'pli- l.B.iW,; ftlr.p.ta.' r.a.n). " Cic::ti.ali - - n.-'Tlp.ic. IK.p.ii. "" Lofsn;"-.rt j &t.po i :3'ia.m. T. Y. AW.! " Cqabtif J-''! m. rT-Thrnyith Cfi- fmm V. r,-, H to diici., I-.i-r.-if.i- lis. Cmnnnaii. Li. j-rt tr.'l C'.lcx-i- .1 r.n--t!"r a! lh'-a y-,rit nt!h tin leiwi a :o i; 1 ' '-r-h '-'-'i -- ' !' T-,,, .. Hi imriil, Clu,tkl n.m i rriaapral Honls. n S- H - ;-!.-,. ,n: T.-l-the Borlincton A Miaaonri Ritar hn'". A-K. T'TZA LIN, 0. K- ?Y K "'H ST. LOUIS TRADE. Filey's Famous AKE MADE SOLELY LY THE EXCfLSIJR MAMi.ACT:aiiiG CO. ST. l.t.f5, MO. .,r4..lw-, K.i Chai-terBETTtH COJKING, Oak (.'I I -KIT, AMI CHEATER Tlmn any Sto, e of s.uio eo.t. -V l.U ALWAYS Charter . . . ,. . , Low-rnred, riehablB, Oak And Oi eraics Terftly. WILL DO VOIT. CharterCOOK1NOl cnFAP Oak ..a. . v. Quirk and Clean, Aiwavs U'crraDted Charter Oak soM b- LIVE STOVE DEALERS. nov w JHISSOURl STATE LOTTERY, t??alizod by Sine Auihoriiy and Drawn in I'nMic in SI. Louis. Grand Single Nnmbar Scheme. 50.000 NUMBERS. CUu O, to b Drawn Feb. MS, 1 ST 3. 5,8S0 Jizts, Amounting to $ 3tH),0vX), t prir Of .".. IHtU ftUO .rtii nt 1 HO Vj.ni ol i:l.4."U U.nrl l.UOO 1 j.i .it HI,- till I V.n-.tH (ll 1 iinfF of 7.aO O ,tk ..f 3ti0 1 i .lo. el 3,t U .ni.of U 4rir.of a..'VM1 3llrr of dOO 111 ,.ii,." ot l.m.u ;t, ,.i. -.,.) j50 aUpnifner ' lhtl.(in. inrt 40 nrim of ail ft, UUU iritof '1(J Tlckata, fut. llif n. aia, , Uuarlcn, Si.ftO. SJ. Onr lntn-rie. rr- rharu-ri-l t, thr Stat, ara alwaji' ilntwn at Un mm' iiamwi ant) all dinWitiRa TliM'fncial ilrai-li s U l- '-Ii-IuhJ id Ihm St Uul- ip--r. a cu.j ol dra'iuB m i ia P Kill iraw a iui a niu the laat da) ! eiry Dinlti .luring ii 1'T'i. a lu-mii . oni ri.a P) Pvi-T OrTI"! m ky oiuk;ib, iihuiM kkkh i.kii in, DRAFT, or KXI'lUr'b .-ri.il l.-r a circular. 4d. dieaa JUt HaAV . M lLLk.ll a. v o.f Post Offloe Box 9440. ST. LOI'IS. Mo. ht17 j:is f it j t x. SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, V ' ' ff VAMLLAj IXMOX, ETC., For Flariug Ire t'roim, Cn aud Pastry. "With pricnl m hy ii ipw iri'osa, wotMcii'l fl'ijn l!. ?"-.; li'iJ Fri!t nipl Ammniii , c n b clmti'lcnsilc fli-vr, fli-vr, pntl 1 1 ii e J-' ' '';: "f raw fjrcU-c(.. (if pf'i( ht.tu.jih oiui ;vi-f,W .jn,'ft. J'ii ji, .."I'.s ot '. Ji flow iia vhrf"'. jX,j(l,.;,tfStrh l-'tt'.r full viintun, ,VV,iif7 , f vi'-m tf,-m ot),m j "I tt i.g to t Miuf i'tunl .'sj. ii (,' fn in?! iia h" o'- r. 'h t v" diliflff, dfh'-mvf jlnror rvrr mo!f. Ho miiK'i ior tu lb'' rlii'tip .'xlnicifi. Ask for L'r. 1 'j ice r-j t- iul riuuims. -Mauu' fiictunil ouly hy STEELE Ac PRICE, DcKf, ClIR'AUU mid HT. LOl'lS. Manitfaeturmpf J)r. 7Viv'a Omm Ji-ikuiff J'"rfirr. Everybody Wants O.N'K 1F T1I0HK NICK C H A 1,1 P 1 0 fi cNLWNS'WASHfa. (' ' ' ) Washing Machines 22 000 SOLO IN ONE YEAR-Price YEAR-Price $10.00. i Chas. W. Stayner, (JciicimI Aseiif, Kn 9 Plain fttrtrt, Bnlt L.k. Ctty |