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Show RAILROADS. g7p.r. r. O ASB AfTKK hKPTKMMEB Hitli, THAI X WILL I.KAVK llflDKN DAILY Afi HIL- Overland Piw.iriKr Train fur T-umi, hf.i-.-fi), ri.Kif.nitBfiln, .-.t.,..Kr.,u, U.f-P, M..r.:.:.l n.-r Vv.,iH1 Ti.t..n '!r J.., Ai.jIimj, .ui, J., to ajid .14JI t'fU(i.:i.!.:.. - a. JO r. 0Bflan.l Fti)'. ami A"-'itiruvU-U'tu luiia !-if zu Jra&cuoj, - - ."i-i't r-M-A. N. T'iW.N K. T- If nOOl.M.w. i tun' I ,-iuft (in. I-j.-- .md Ti.:kt Ant. OEO. H. I'.KK. Ai.tnr, . - .1 1 1 'Uy. HHi,-.i nb .Marshall k Carter, ftr W. P. iOi L-iuk. J UTlllEi RAILROAD. Trains run between Hricham Junction Willi C. 1. MM., LOGAN. On and ultiT Ftibrunry l.-t, 1K7;J, Itj.tly Traina, Lave liritrln.in .1 iim-ti'in nt I-1"' p. in. Arrive aiMr.iiil.il Arrive rit. I.Kiin Lav Kf.Kiin I,;IN Arnv.. ni .!..i.dn ArnvH ut llritcliiiiit l-: J1 P:m- to connect with trains fur Klun ami bait Lako. Trains Run onSalt Lake Time. Ntaiti'i connect wilh Trnini to unl from Northern tsottlomunU In Ciwhe C'vunty tui- Between Loan and Suit Lako V' 0 ,, 'iKilnn J ,. Mendi'D ami .Suli l.nko I ' dKilfn 2 o ltcducol Itotflfi to Excursion Parties, Pas8enKorn will plcano purchaHO thoir Tickets at tho Offices. For all inforwatiun concorntn Vroight or Paeiftvo, api'l-v to CM AH. NIWIjKY, QofiWil fc'ruitftit and Ticket Agent. dll Uen'l Sn't. UTAH CENTRAL KA1L.HO A PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On an 4 irttr December :iO,l iia. Dully TraSsa Lea-re Bait Lake City at 5 a.m. and 2:15 p. to Arrive at Omlen 7 a. in. and 4:45 j. m. Leave Ugden at H a. in. and 5;30 i. m. Arrlva at Salt Lake City 1U a,ui. and 7:30 p. a In addition to the above 3VTI3t:3HlX7 TRAINS Will ran DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and 6.30 p.m., and Ogdon at 5 a.m. and 5.50 p.m. Paeeengera will please Purchase tbelr Tleaeta at the Uffleee. Tlftl Cents additional will be charted when the fare Is oallected on tho tra.'n. for ail Information eonoernlni freiifct or passage, apply to J H. KlIARl', General Yreliht and Tioket Ac't JOHN SHARP, lirFllUlfTlNDBlIT UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. On and aHr Ucvcmlir MQth, 187 DA ILY TIM INS Leave tho Utah Central R.R. Depot, Salt Lako City, at 7 a.m. and 2.30 p.m: Arrive at Lehi at 9 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Leave Lehi at 9.30 a,m. and 5 p.m. Arrive at Salt Lako City at 11.30 a. in. and 7 p.m. In addition to tho abovo MIXED TRAINS Will run daily, Sunday excepted, Leaving the Utah Central K.R. depot, fait Lako City, at 1 p.m. and Lehi at 6 a, ni. Passongers will please purchase their Tickets at tho Offices. Vtt'ty cents additional ad-ditional will bo charged when tho Tare is collected ou the train. For all information concerning freight or passage, apply to J AS. 5IIAKI'. Sen. Freight ar.d Tioket Aient. JOHN SUAKl', 8UFHC1TI.NDIST, SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Harness Saddlery, Leather. j. c.Jonxsox .t co.. JOJ .J- 106 Front Street. Refer by p-mi...i4t fi Jf r. H. B Clatc-9tf Clatc-9tf Supmnteiutunt of IA &. Q. Jt. J. do Einstein Bro's & Co., Manufacturer? acJ Imroner? of BOOTS & SHOES, And dealers in LEATHER. FINDINGS, Etc., S9 and 31 BATTERY STM KIT, di; CAN i" KAN CISCO. 3. P. HOLDEN i CO., COJrMlSSIO.V MHICIIAMS, S3 SAKBOME 6TREZT, 8AN FRANCISCO. JOB PRINTING, Tho varied wants '.of the MINER, AKTIZAN and TRAVELER to JOB PRINTING CAN II F. FILL F. I) J AT THE HERALD JOB OFFICE. The unanimous eatisfaotion giveD by Lho work done at our office in the past has justified us in continually importing im-porting all the Newest Attractions with which to please oui patroni in ' Elegance and Style, and perform Job Printing to compare favorably with any importation importa-tion in this line from the East or West. ! Anything in the nature or PAMPHLETS, POSTERS,! SHOW CARDS, ! MINING BLANKS, BUSINESS BLANKS, CEKTIFICATES, HANDBILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BANK CHECKS, COUNTINGHOUSE W0RK1 RECEIPTS, BALL TICKETS, CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS, CARDS, ETC., ETC., done to order in black, colors or.lgold. We do not profess to work Mow cost, nor work for the sake of working, nor give baits of any nature, bat by a system of calculating prioes, make a rule to compete with outside Quality & jTigures Salt Lake Iron Co. CHAS. ROOME, PresiJenl. EICNltV J. DAVISON, Sccrciary. SMN'-JFACTTTEE'li "F Mix's INt: & JULLIXU HACUI.XEKY. Engines and Boilers Made and Repaired to Order. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, MODEL WORK. Agricultural 3VXciclili3.oxy- Orders Pr'Jtartly Kxutci in a -..rkiuanlike Mann.-r. OM Cat Iron BuUjcht at the L. V. SLTHKiawn, Manager. jM WOUKa : Ul'wk Sumli of fei-ot. P. O, lios, VH, J" ulius I-Iaizcr 5a Oo., GENERAL AGENTS FOR TIIH UK1.KHHATED KNABE PIAMOS, THE. BEST for Touch, Tone and Durability now in use; ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF Till! FAVORITE BAUER PIANOS. EVERY INSTRUMENT FULLY WARRANTED FOR five Tsr e: j. fl . MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF BAND INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. CATALOGUES AND PRICE LIST SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. JULIUS BAUER & CO., 650 Broadway, 390.392-394&396 Wabash Avenne . NEW YORK. CHICAGO. jyl8 'S T 0 V E S! jZjLm Cm Wm J.. Grocery and Hardware Department MONITOR, CHARTER OAK, JVEW ERA, LOYAL COOK, Also a great variety of other COOKING and HEATING STOVES, comprising com-prising the largest assortment to bo found in any Block in Utah; prices very low, call and see. oot20 H. B. CLAWSON, Supr. GROCERY DBP'I - z. a. x. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL rirfwpripB Hardware, Plows, Moves, Crockery Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a tew Leading Articles at Low Prices. ALL OTJK GOODS AH CHEAP' DEALERS IN THE SETTLEMENTS AND MINING TOWNS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL I AND ENQUIRE PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. BtSJ U. B. CLAW8UI nlrl a (! Z. C, 1L L IS alt Xs City, GENERAL MACHINERY WAGON DEPOT, COUNCIL HOUSE YARD, NEAR THE TEMPLE BLOCK, Pitt's and other Tlu-asliing Jlacliines, Yood's Mower and Combined Machlue, Excebior Mower and Keaper, World Mower and Keaper, Champion Mower and Keaper, Sulky Hakes, "Welcome" and "Superior." Turbine Wheels, "Eureka" Smutter. Cane Mills, Machine Extras ! ! ! SMark the Place COUNCIL HOUSE YAED SALT LAKE CITY. We are expecting an immediate shipment of the well-kuown and justly-celebrated "SGHUTTLER WAGON," The factory having jait pot Oirly rinatmr since the 1RFVT CHICAGO FIR E I R B. a ' WSON, Superintendent z. c. at. i. SEOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, SIGN OF I11B I Or j OPT GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENTS' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLIPPERS, i LADIES' SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For finu weather or stormy weather; for wnlk-intr, wnlk-intr, dancing, working, bpahkino, climbing, riding, iishkK, mining, otc., etc. A largo and choico assortment of tho abovo, our own moko and imported, at tho most roa-Bonable roa-Bonable irico& We make to order any style and quality desired and Imurc atlsfactlou. OLD BOOTS AXD SHOES Made aa good as now almost. SELLING OFF OUR OLD STOCK BELOW COST! Sole Leather 1 Upper Leather! Harness Leather I Imported Calf Skins, American Calf Skins, Morocco and Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, ATD "KIT" OK ALL KINDS!! HOESE COLLAKS! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail ! Order, by 31&U receive .pecl.l .nd prompt Ktleutlon. HIDES AND "WOOL BOUGHT, a B. CLAWSON, Suj. 't, Sewing1 Machine.1 K respectfully invite the Publio to call and sec our cxcolleut variety o Sewing IVIachincs, IN Plain, Beautiful and Elaborate Styles or "Workmanship AND GREATLY LMl'ROVliD WITH TOE FANTON CASTOBS. The Tulat Sala of the S1XGEK MACHINE are now I'll HE E QUAUTE11S OF A MILLION. Til E SALES OF LAST VKAlt, 3L O & O An ovidonee that it L futit winuLaK atmromo favor in tao huiicjohold, The SiNUKft Comnany sold ovor the other Companies, 5,74, KsiT Tho Chicago Relief Committee furnished auilerers by tho Fire to March 18, 1872, 8,941; 3.151 M.itT Miichiiies, all othor makes, 7)i. Applicants mado their selection, with sumo dLcouul ou all. OUR SALES IN UTAH EXCEED AN if OTHER HOUSE IN THE SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE OK CHICAGO. Wo courteoualy invito tho lmdios to boo our Tim broidery Attaolimont, It attxoots gonoral ut top don and admiration. We also desiro you to soo our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS. SUITABLE FOR ALL KWD8 OS SHUTTLE BEWXKQ MACHINES. WE GUARANTEE EVERY MACIIINE WE SELL TO GIVE ENTIRE SATISFAO TT lion, as onchono is thoroughly udjuatod, triod iwid tostod by oxporionood Moohanioi and all aro wurrantud to how with oiuo all kiuda of guoda, frum tho oooraont to tho hnoot, r.Hce, Miisliu, Cambric, UomtMtic, leuims, Tickings. Ouckiug, Beaver, Buckskin aud Leather. Instruction given free of ohargo by competent attendants, and tormB of ealo to suit all oircumatanocs. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE REA-SONABLE TERMS. Wo extend a cordial invitation to all to COME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whcthor they wish to purohaso or not, AT TUG "SINGER SEWING Ml CHINE DEPARTMENT Hm C US. I. Cesieral Agents Two doora south of Eado Emporium. Salt Lake Cmr. MEDICAL. NEW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage," For til Debilitated Nervous Syitim. DB. JORDAN, of tho Anntomfcril Maaonm, 818 Montgomery itrwit, (noar California,) SAN FEABOISOO, Cnlifornin, liai pnbliBtiod rourof Lis moat importnut and inatmctiva Lectures, In a neat volume, for thos who cannot attend tho Lectured at tho Museum. Krury nuuiarriod aud married man should road and aludy thefle important Luc-tnroa Luc-tnroa for Lho good of hi maul f and offspring. By addresBlar, tbo aocretarj of tho Ads torn leal Huaoum, Son Francisco, and encloaing Twooty-Five Twooty-Five Conta in poitano a taw pa to pay poataga, the Book will be forwarded to any pert of the Stateo orTemtorioa. Dr. Jordan can bo con an Hod l-i:a- d7 ' UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD TD1B TABLE, UNTIL further notice, Trains will leave and arrive at Ogden Daily, as follows: LK.iva. I Arrive, Daily Eproas.lj -Oo.m. Daily Eii'b,5-1U p. in. Mixed. - 6-:t0 p.m. I Misod. - 2-: p.m. freight. - 10-3J o,m. 1 -freight, - 0-10 a.m Daily connections mndo at Oden with Utah Central Pacilie Koad Irom Salt Lake city and all points in Southern South-ern Utah. At Bryan with stages for Bwectwator mines. At Cheyenne with Denver "Pacific Railroad for Denver, Central city, Georgetown and alt points in Colorado and New Mexico. At Omaha with Chicago and North "Western, Chicago, KocEc Island and Pacific, Burlington and Missouri River, Kansas city. St. Joe and Council Rlutl's RailroadB and Missouri River Line of Steamers for all points East and South Tickets for sale to all points East at office of Wells, Fargo & Co., East Temple Tem-ple street, and at tho office of TJ tah Central Cen-tral Railroad, in Halt Lako city; also at Union Pacific Railroad ticket oitico in Ogden, at which office berths on sleeping sleep-ing cars can bo secured. Arrangements havo been made whereby where-by passengers desiring to visit Denver on their way East can avail themselves of an excursion rate from Cheyenne to Denver, and return at greatly reduced rates. i"or particulars and all information in regard to passage, apply at Ticket Offices. Of-fices. Passengers should bo careful to secure their passage tickets to ail Eastern and Southern points via OMAHA, and thus avail themselves of the advantages of a through sleeping car, comfortable accommodations ac-commodations and quick time. THOS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket AgenL T. E. Sicksls, ChL Engineer and Superintendent. is Herald Bindery OUR BINDERY IS PREPARED 10 Repair, is a workmanlike manner, Albania, Old Books, etc., etc., And Dind if AflAzrNFg. rZKIOPlCALS MINES FOR SALE. DR. PAUL OREGORY owns four oxeollont silver uiirjos within ono mile of ouch other. Wood and and wntor plentiful on nil ofthoin. Tho niinos aro rich. Oros running from SliWupto 67UO por ton, can bo obtained from ouch of thorn, in puyiim iuantily. Tho cronco of tbo Gregory lodo ia twenty -Hovon foot wido;a Htroakof four feot will run HMD por ton. lieinj dosirous of sending homo a nico pro3ont from Utah, I will sell an interest in ono or all, or soil till at lair figures. Each lodo contains l.SOO foot, and tho (Jrogory lodo is down 100 foot and looks fino. This lode ia diroctly up tho gulch from tho Ontario ono-half inilo, and tbo aauio distance bolow thollowland lodo, in liluo Lodfjo Alining district, Wiuntch County. 1 have just moved my camp to tho Wild Bill cabin, whore I shall bo ploaaed to show my minoa, ' They aro each now claims and but little known, and tho jealousy, I rogret to say, existing ex-isting amongst thoso owning claims horo, to a groat extent, havo kept tlioso Booking such property from calling on mo. 1 ask capitalists to como and soo, 1 will show you all I promiao to do. PAUL GREGORY, M. D.o Four miles from Bnydonviil IRON & STEEL. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., DEALERS IN . WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, AND ALL KINDS OF SISIHG TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, VIVE. A ALL KISDS OF FITTGS rOKFCiSNAKSfc MILL.S. HARDWARE, BURDEN'S HORSE & MULE SHOES, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS. RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS FOK Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Hercules Powder. ALL LOW FOR CASH. A OUSTS KOR Aminonical Preparation For lho Prcvontion and Ilomoval of Eoilor mmnimm co. Htl q,unrtera, St. Loula, Bio. DUKA.T &CrjTTLVG, l"ltVAJ?DI.G inn COMMISSION MERCIIim AGENTS SALT LAKE CITY, ITAE. E are pr-rirt-1 to eot73-t for ship-T'r ship-T'r meu:.-.,x ail f.rji .( ;b Kwt. oar Line tiaTing made -pciai arr:tnirea.enu for rffrrL;;1,;.' Ch-Taac. auLomaaadall Lutcrn Citie. bait Lake '-ity. ' w WeirerfTeriai eitra ir.dncemenu for the ihimentofOre and BuLion U ail Mtrn Orr:ci wiKrnorsi: Klrt block opth of Depot, Wa.lt Lik City. DLUAJT A CUTTIKG- SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. I! MACON DRAY & CO., Import era of CULM & JAPAN TEAS, SHIPPING " COMMISSION MERCHANTS an and PANSH.MB PTRLKT SAN FRANCISCO. We are cMisUnHv in nvi'ipt of frh in. r.-icM 01 CHINA and J At'AN TKAS, and al. tLni'lioua oi Lr linn and tiiSiiiB I'ho Vk . J - BOOTS AND SHOES, California iMaoul'aoturc, KOK. WUOl.KSAl.li; TKADK, Weaver &. Taylor, Miirkot Street. San Franoisoo, Oal. aia E. A. FARGO & CO. Importers and Jobbers of MM, Wines and Liprs, 810 Front St., oor. Commercial, D. B. nti. iW SAN FRANCISCO . BACH, 1 c.,, U. BII HI B. H..UH1E1, j8 hoW York. J. BAUM & CO., Iiuportor. aud Uauutucturera of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. No 18 Warren St.. Now York. ft H EC LIT, BRO'S & C. BOOTS, SHOKSAt I.KATI1KK lOidt 106 NiiHtniieHt.t Sun Frtii.rtxoo And A 12 I'oarl St., Boston. 11 UCKlbGIlAU Jt UKCllT, Uanufiaclnrcira of the "ITU IJUALin" GAtlfORHIA IO0TSAN0 SHOES. oil A. J. OllIFFITII, ' Dwlar la b all Uadi of PIOKXiXin fc SALMON AND HERRINGS, 11 Washington Street. All kinilt of Dried, fjuiuked tod Flohled riita eoneUuitly on hand. J PARKER, WATTSON & CO.' (Suoooflsora to Woil A Co..) Importer aud AlKiiufftOturera at TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 223 and 225 Front St., cor. S&orainoDto, a5 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, . ouuLovtcii. waltik uooi, n. b. notii. 1. OHrHLOVIOH db OO., Imporlora and wbolesnle d ealo re Id FIHH. WINKg A. Ll((UOng, BOLl AQMMT8 FO IESSE, MOORE & CD'S FINE OLD BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES, maim rnox lodiitiili, et. 601 Front St.. HAN FRANCISCO. Establishod In 1851. G. VENARD. Manufacturer of the Original Chartrcs Coffee, And all kinds of Spiecs and California Mustard, 625 and 627 Front Stroot, between Jaokaon and Paoifio. BAN FRAt. CISCO. a6 ESTABLISH JiD 1850. Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 213 awl 216 front Street, San Francisco. o20 GRAND IIOTiSL On Market. New Montgomery and Beoond StrooU. BAH H'H.A.WOiraco, t j r.T b JOHNSON 4 Co., PaopBiKTOiia, E. MARTIN & CO. Wholesale Lipor Dealers, 0 8 Front Street, gaa Fraclao. Proprietors of miLJLKU'S JCXTitA ULU UUURBOI And sole aeents for . h. CUTTER'S EXTflA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Constantly on hand, a full assortment of all the Standard Brand of Wbliklti, SMne BraadUn, ForelgH ad Domeatla WIum, tn5 Ulttera, Cordlale. Ave L. A, Banderaoa, T. L. Horn. SANDERSON & HORN Importers and Jobbers of CIGARS AND TOBACCO. (Proprietors or La Kapsoola Cltfur Factory,) SoU manvjacturcra oj the ceUbrcitd 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Front (Streof, Between Wa.alili.gton and Clay, SAM FKAMCI8CO. aD4 MURPHYGRANT& CO. Im porters of American and European Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, HA. IV FHANCIHCO, CAL IF Oil 91 1 A, Call th attention of the Trade to theU large and oomuletc stock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS Which thoy are now receivfDg: direct frm JSnropoan Alaoufacturors, oomi-rininf in part-French part-French Blerlnoa. Wool BatlMee, Wool Plalda, French and Oennn, Irlah and French Popllna, Kmpreee Clotha, Taeniae, buck and colored, Velveteena, Alpacaa, black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, AIO GLO "V E S 3 Kid. Buck. Berlin CLadies', Mines', SenU') 6ent8' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. "ESS,';""""1'- Handkerchief, Shlrtlns; Llntoi, M-ullle, whltsand eoloW Mapklne and Dorilea, -t.i AC la., Et. SPRUANCE, STANLEY Co. Imi'orter! and Scaler" in Fine Old Bourbon RYE WHISKIES, Brandies, Gins Wines, etc., irt:A viiai e 'll Sfff ES' 410 PRONT STREET, m BAN IKAh-CIiCO. TRAVEL. REDUCTION IN PASSAGE, ill ION LINK BET WE UN New York, Queenstuwn, and llverpoolt Currying ihel'nitoJ Statu Mails UAIH. TT- NKVAD.t MlNNKSnTA. LV.K M AMI A T I'AXVZ- W lrU VU.MIM). WISCONSIN, XJTSXk SA1L1NU KlttiM NKW YOUK KVKHV W KMNKSDAY. C.MUN 1'iLs.iiiKO from .Now Y.-rk (so nni 91 Ki'ld. luturooiiu oa tho Buiuu dock.ai diibmn. M'KKUAOK: j: (Vm Now York; infron: Lis ori'iml r yuotmstow n, riiynblo in curronp) 1'ii.v.iio irom ur tn lioriuiinv, Frnuoo, Nn( why, drn, ulc, nt Lmviv.1 Kales. In'iinuaiu'oa to tlroat UtiUio, Irolandand tbo Coniuioiit. Aiii.lyto WILLIAMS A (JIHON .- Broai-wiiv; Broai-wiiv; ur 11 S. KLUHKIMIK. dl Suit Luks City. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY In tlio riONKKK KOUTJC bolwoon OMAHA and UUIUA(H), comulotfld four yoars hk, Binco whith lima tlia CoinpHiir lmvo spttrod noithor jtuiiiB nor espouse in jiorfoiains; iu rund bo and traik, Riiii oiiuii-iiiiiR it with rolling; stock. of tho most modoni imjirovomutiU: .i.;. . . ,.,;, f..i .i it. ,..... tho Shortest Line, otl'ors to tho Truvof-iiiK Truvof-iiiK l'ublic h roulo utiBiirpiifiaod In thii cotintry for Bpood, comfort, awfoiy and auro uonnucdoiiri. PAKT1UULAR CAUTION should bo taken by pusaonon in sultH'tinjr thitir routo, Htid nol bo tiocoivod by fnUo tidvortisoiunnW and ruproMMittilionA by inlnrn.-tt'd ptirtios of coinpotiiiK liuus in rcKard to linio, diiiUiiioo?, rittoa, otc. This populnr route roquiroa no fnU BliiU'innhU, rolyiiifr on iUi trim morlts, il noudii only to bo known by lho Iravol. inx publio Lo bo approciatod, TIMJi: San Francisco to Omaha, four dajs and uovon hours. Via (JhiouRo and North "Wosttj Kailwny, Oinuha lo Cbicao, twontj-ttiroo twontj-ttiroo hours. Oniabittc No York, sixty hours. Omaha to Uoulon, sixty-lour hours. Pullman'" " le.ee, Hotel, and 01p. Ii Care Aro run on all throtiRh trains Irom Omaha to Chicago. Ilow to Socuro Sloopinj? llortlia l?n-foro l?n-foro KoachiiiK Omnlia: raflfionKors dofiiroua of securing Hlooi). ing Iforlbe, Sections or Stnlo Kootus id tho tilotipiiitr Cur from Omaha Kiwi, cun do so by lolnKrHnhintf from any of the stations on tho Union Vacilic ItailroaJ, lo W. A. Carpowler, General Agont, 0 & N. W. Kailway, Omaha, slalliift whht Lhoy want. This is all thoy iiogu lo do until lhoy roach lho 0. & N. W. Hail, way Do pot ou tho oast sido of lho Missouri Mis-souri Kivor, lliun ro to tho Mleoping (Jar Conductor, givo hi in thoir uhihos, as Iior lolofraiii, and thoy will llnd that ho las Ihoir berths reaorvod for thorn, PusBoiiKurB Ki"K 3aHt will consult thoir own intorosl by aocuring Through Ticket! via CillAGO & NOKTU WJtaTEKN HALLWAY, which csq bo procurod at all principal ticket o Hi cob in California and tho West, and at railroad otbVflB to Han Francisco, Halt Lako Cily, Ujjdon, Omaha and Oounui' 111 u Us. JNO. U OAULT, Gonoral tiup't Chicago, H. V. STAN WOOD, O on oral Tickol Agont, Uhicaga. 8 GILMER & SALISBURY'S iS""; 8A1LY STAGE LINES TIIU.OUOH Ulaha ojl& - cast iev:t3a St Montana. Leaving Salt Lake Clljr Dally, tm-nlan tm-nlan bouth to Tintio, American Fork, Mount Netw, Sovicr, 8t Gcorgo, Utah ; and Fiooho, Nevada ; Paealnsj through Provo, Springrillc, Spanish Forlc.Piy-bod, Forlc.Piy-bod, Salt Creek, Chickon Crcok, Round Valley, Fillmore, Corn Crock, Bea7cr, Miners-vilic, Miners-vilic, and All the principal towns and mining camps in southern Utah and south-east Nevada. Alio leave Corlnne, Utah, dallr, running north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Deer Lodge, Cedar Creek mines, and passing throagh all the principal towns and mining min-ing earn pa in Mod tana. PIUNCIFAI OFFICE, Wells, Rrgo & Co. Building Jan4 Salt Lake City Len Winr. 0. P. Kimbilli SAlT lake, mmit And Tintic Stage and Express 3L.I1 TE, auNHiflo daii. moo Lakk C1TV, Tta LAKJE TOWIi TOOL CITY, BTOCKTO AMD OFIIIA TO TIHTIO. Th. ronl. h be.n r.-itooj "'"..Jf'.'J'd did Concord CoMhw. fine 5!ock. ,Vj Ucnttre Urivon. nd tci7 Un"JD 1 u. t) lh oouifnn nl convwiionc. 01 P" Km. Good accommodation on rood-TIIllObQH rood-TIIllObQH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. UH. l W.H., F.rgo Co.'., .il Mk. "'" W1NJ3 i KIMBALL, |