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Show T. Mrsit iAvs. i hsTjii"t received Six-h-tavk KSTKY O KG AN. which i,i the lir.-t inurnment of that kind im-jiiirlod. im-jiiirlod. Musicians aro invitpd to call nnil ?ct it, t it is wtld, and will bo sbip- C 1 awtty in a d.iy or two. You had p:t-r enlist once. (J. W. Starrier. Agent. C12 ;'; L'aston Coal delivered at Jli'.-V per ti-n f 11 sn livvj i, f Chkah. Ladie' and rhitrlrcn's Sli-.fi at C-t. J. I'avne, "Jiid Njuth HlrwL 1'fb'J IioM.'orp- oy Wo P, and plenty of (illOl) COAL, at Vwmn Co.'e ysr.J, near uVpoL. Delivered by ox t.-ams. fed K v ttui.D has tho bct VALKX-Ti VALKX-Ti N Via in town; t prove it see his ehow windww, north of Liiij BooL PJ O'Kkilly A Co. keep the celebrated UTAH .SHIIfl'. dll V a v dyke Coal. I am selling VAX-HYKK VAX-HYKK CO A L at $10 at the depot, and $11 deliver, d. Li-avo orders at Kahn Hros., or al new box in post otHce, or d.'pol. Ho cure you gl Vandyke. Wm. W. Kunjro. f3 y.xcr.i pior Coal, from Kock Springs Bluer Cret-k. Little waste; strong heat, very email traco of sulphur. Leave orders with J. W. SXELL, Idaho Store. ja!7 Kmity Barkells for sale at JW or, ton's; old "City Liquor ftore." fl For Salk. Tup Union Seed, in large or siiihII qiiHnliiius- appiy to Anson Call, Bouniit'ul janl'J A-K v u.t K'c ir for Ghirardelli's CUUCUL-V''"E and COCOA. d3 Oknuink KsGLisa (Jin at Morton's; u!d "City Liijuyr ijloro. fl iykllkr'h Wises and Brandies, at Morton's; old "Cily Liquor titoro." Oil in selling at retail at the Pioneer Lnmp Store, as follows: Common brands 00c. per gallon. Crown sUn Urd 71k;. per gallon. Imperial 160 tiro test 76c. per gallon. For Valkntinf.u of every variety and hI iiny price, from one cent to ton d-Hur?; go to W. F. KAYliOULD'S, north of tho Big Boot. lol If t;:e 'vpi.oot" has attacked your Iioi-m'.--, Info no tiino in culling on SVm. Miowvll, l'ioncer staolcs, nd South elrn t, and suvo money. jan21 LIUH T for the World. 10,000 gallons gal-lons ofFLUl! arrived at IUksk & Cos. d16 Uhk Ghirardelli's KAGLK t UOCO-LA UOCO-LA I E. It is tho best. jl Buy THR I mporml Oil 150 tiro test, tho purest and selest oil in the inarkeL noil "oal, Coal, Coal, by tho Ton or pinglo hundred Wriglit, doiivered, or nt tlni vard, .17 Com mere ial Street, and at tho'lUUroad Dopol. UOOl'KK, UAWKIXS Sc Co. J7 CnAS!4 Cak yon Coal delivered at 1 $10. .XI per ton. t" tl O' Ukii.i.y & Co. sell 11 K V V Y KI-AX t,L Sll IK TS and undorclolhing 1U I", vi t MAN A Uukl aro rH'pivinc Coal :y:u iu. Celebrated Sl'lilCGS MINK, w hiv h tti'-y o'Ver m lot to mil. Office over Mrs. t Vk'broofc's, Main itri-cu Lock Box W. F. Belding, Cily Agent. jS To MusicrAss. 1 have just received a Six-Octavk ESTEY OliO AN, which is the tirst instrument of that kind imported. im-ported. Musicians are invited to call and see it, as it is sold, and will be shipped ship-ped away in a day or two. Y'ou had better call at onco. U. "W. Stay nor, Agent. i"12 Grafs Cantos Coal delivered at $10.00 per ton. f 1 1 Ten "Well packed rooms of furniture for sale, by II. Dinwoodey. nlO For Parlor Sets in end less variety. Call at Joelsos's, Greosbeek's build-in build-in gi. fe7 LIGHT, LtotiT, Liglit. Live no longer in tbo dark, 10,000 gallons of BEST OIL just received at KEESti Jc Co'h. .did A Family Treasure. The happiest and best member of a family is usually called tho light of the household, because, be-cause, besides being happy and cheerful himself or herself, lie or sho makos all else happy or cheerful. The Cnartor Oak is such a treasure. f 6 Cillt prbs OR f''r McLain's Candied C.iMTOil and Candied Vermifuge Bonbons. Bon-bons. They aro delicious medii-inop, and warranted bsrmlo?. Price i" cts. For sale by Z. C. M. 1. and all other Druggists. dl Geo. Show-ill, Scavenger for the Ci ty . o'2 For Ttis STArror Livi. aW cakes bin;, cM'-t'T'. and puro lioiiie iiia'io ciwuiv. wiio'joinlrt a;id retail, go to the iiLOBK BAKEKY. ja.; Got rr Printed. The Congressional Congres-sional Globe containine that memorial of the twenty-iix legal gect'eix:in.as received last night. Our neighbor, Mr. Meiritt, introduced it in the hcus: of representatives, and a.-ked permission to have it printed in the Globe, which was granted. We publish the fact for the benefit of the gentlemen who , signed the document, that they may j now rest assured all Washington, that j devotes its attention to the interesting j perusal of the Globe, has seen it. A Larue stock of FL'KNITL'HE to be sold cheap to make room lor new stock, at Joeuon's, Groesbeek's buildings, build-ings, ft 7 H. Dikwoodey is doing a lively business in furniture, and guarantees j satisfaction in prices and quality to all I that buy of him. slO Caution to the Traveling Public: Upon your arrival at Ogden City Utah Territory, the junction of the Union Un-ion Pacific and Central Pacific railroads, you should know where a first-class hotel can bo found, and where the bustle and Doise-of the engines may be avoided; avoid-ed; also a comfortable house where the danger of fire, which is apt at any time to occur at tho depots, is averted. The town of Ogden is half a mile from the depots, and in tbo business part of the town and iu principal street, travelers will find ono of the most comfortable hotels in Utah, tho Ouden House. It is well known throughout America and Europe, to bo one of tho coziest and cleanest hotels in Utah. Tho Ogden House keeps carriages which aro in attendance at-tendance upon the arrival and departure depar-ture of all trains, to convoy passengers to and from tho depots, free of charge. It is a two-story brick building, and buiit expressly for the accommodation of guests. Tho Ogden House employs no runners, but employs a porter to assist as-sist its patrons and rako charge of their baggngrt. All visiting Sail Lake City will tiiid it to their advantage on returning re-turning to tko the evening train and come to Ogden, thus saving tho annoyance annoy-ance of rising at 4 o'clock in the morning. morn-ing. J.V21. Guts ardelli's California Eaole Chocolate is a most nutritious beverage bever-age 3 Tourists and the iravelino Public Pub-lic going cast are rospoctfully notified that tho Utah Hotel, at Ogden City, is a first-class house, and by coming to Ogden on tho previous evening, either by Mail or Freight Train, they avoid tho annoyance of rising at 4 o'clock to take the morning train at Salt Lake City. To pleasure seekers Ogden promises much to interest in its excellent Shooting Shoot-ing and Trout fishing, while the grandeur grand-eur of its canyons is unsurpaised by anything of "the kind known in tho United States. Tho Hotel is provided with Barber Shop and Bath Kooms, and runs its coach froe of expense to guests. The proprietors, thankful for past favors, will spare no pains to please guests, and will provide guns and ammunition, am-munition, with guides and carriages te the shooting or tiihing grounds, by getting get-ting timely notice thereof. Kudev & Williams, Propr ioIS Epizootic. Dinwoodey's mules bavo got it, but his o.en havo not ; therefore ho still delivers furnituro free of charge. nlO Pnro Arliclen. All the articles manufactured by Steele & Price, Chicago and St. Louis, aro composed of tho purest materials. The Company take special prido in having hav-ing their iroods of tho best quality. Their Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Pow-der lias maintained its reputation for purity an l goodness for tho last seven years, while their Dr. Price's Special Flavorings, Vanilla, Lemon, etc., are said to bo unequaled by anything of tho kind in the market. f 1- Wbnl Time hm Tnitglit V. It has taken two thousand years to teach tho world that to sustain the body-in body-in its conlliet with dise.nse, not to help disease by weakening tho body, is the true end of medicine. Wo have the lorsou by heart, at last, however. We know, for example; that tearing doses of aloes, salts, jalap, croton oil, calomel, colcynlb, etc., aro ihe best allies tliat a debilitating malady can have in its assaults as-saults on tho human frame; and that a medicine like iloeteitor's Stomach fitters, fit-ters, which strengthens all tho bodily powers and rallies tho sinking constitution, constitu-tion, is tho most powerful antagonist of the Uiorbilic principle, whatever it may bo, that lies at tho root of tho complaint. This knowledge has been a long time in reaching us but U is invaluable. Wo can now control and cure dyspepsia, bilious disturbances, constipation, rhou matiMii, nervousness, and many other painful complaints once considered incurable, in-curable, wiia this admirable corrective. WHITE LEAD 170 & 172 RANDOLPH STREET. Ofor Sjfcinl ind;eemiLi to larrt.biircr aad thi Jobbiai Indo el Utah Icnwrj. 17K First National Bank OIF UTAK, b A L r L AliK CI8?Y DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGBNT OF THIS UNITED STATES. Wi.Kii i!r?8T. President. Astbokt Godbk. Gaflkior. Authorized 0Unl, - - 30 0,061 PAID UP CAPITAL., . 9150,000. KAILNINOS, - 136,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cunt. Oldtat B'Tnkmg Institution tn Utah, A. Oonenvl Hanking Business Transacted. . AQRNCISS IN COLORADO AND MONTANA COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. INTRRP-HT ALLOWRD ON TIMS'. drposits ns BOOKBINDING. W aro prcrared to Rind, in a substantial T and wiTkruariliko manner, in tho Bindery, connected with our establishment, 13 O OKS, PERIODICALS, IMACAZINES. Ucli... io. i HKRAI.n PITRI.I KHTN-O rf. GUARANTEED PERFECTLY PURI AND OF THE HICHEST CRADE, MANSFIELD-& ATCHISON; WHOLESALE AGENTS, SALT LAKE CITY. I Agents In I" I ah. for Pinet, Castilloii &Co.'s COGKTAG. Charles llcid-tick's CHAMPAGNE. URBAN! WINE COMPANY i AND DEALERS IX CALIFORNIA WINES, ENGLISH & SCOTCH ALES Jfc PORTER. . BAR GLASSWARE, etc. lol SPECIAL ADVERTISEMEXTS WANTED. ONE OR TWO ROOMS, WITH OR WITH-out WITH-out bonrJ. irhero thore ar no other Lodjers. Address Al. B., UkkaLd office, ftl AIJIRLTO PO (5 ENEBAL HOUSEWORK. Ajilv to .Mrs. Alice Clairson, fuurth house north oi 'Theatre. feb7 AtiIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Anply to Mrs. John T. Caine. Jeth Ward. fetxi a "WOMAN WANTED FOR, A SMALL fRuiily; touft be a pood cook, washer and inmcr. Ape from to .il years. Hood waces imid. A suiiablo licrson may call at W. Ilcriman's Book Store, tivo door south of l'ost Uihco. feb3 FOR ItEST. FIIlT CLASS OFFICES TO RENT OVER First National Bank. j30 ESTRA.Y. ON SATURDAY LAST, A SMALL RED and white Cow. branded diamond W on left hip: h:id a small tioco of ropo on the horns. ;md n .trap on ono leg. Any person civink1 information leiidinc to her recorery to H. Woodmansce, Hth Ward, will be suitably rewarded. in&rl2 pAME TO MY l'LACE, AT WARM Culf, roJ and while, crop and holo in right enr, and holo in left ear. Tho owner can have, it by r: ins for advertising and trouble febll (.'Ho. K. Jones. LODGINGS- CHOICE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR A few lodgers and buurders. Enquire tt this Umce. j24 3Sft Dlt.GROV'ES, Offiae, Seoond South ttreet. Three doom west if Groat W catorn Hotel, half m block east of tlophant Store. Salt Lake fS'r. Office hours from 9 a-m. to 5 p.m. mil Argent a. Lodge, No. 3, A. F. A A. 31, STATED CiraimunieaMons of this Lodge held on tho First and Third Tuesdays of each month, at Masonic llall, East Temple street- Members of ciiter Lodss and eo-iourninK eo-iourninK brethron ia Eod standinK are cordially cor-dially invited. A. W. XUCKOLS. W. M. W. H. BIRD. Sec y. da liiWAATTUESTIOxS! ! WHY ? WHY? WHY? Why arc the ?a'es of tho 3Iason & ilamlin ORGANS LARGElt THAN THE COMBINED Sales of all the other Teo Makers offorcd in tho Territory ? Because their Brilliant and Bewitching Be-witching Tones entrance the mind of the listener. Because all tho principal MUSICIANS MUSI-CIANS and J UPUES pronounce them THE BEST. Because hey have stood the Test of this trying Climate for more than Twelve rears. Because thoy are ALWAYS recommended re-commended by Purchasers. Because they have never been SURPASSED OR EQUALLED By any Reed Organs in THE WORLD. Testimonials from Local Mnslclani and Judges. Of all tho varieties of Oman with which wo aro ac iniiiniixi. wo unnojiiaiinciy recom-ineml recom-ineml (lie MASuN A HAMLIN Organs as the HKf'E and suro to givo purchason perfect satisfaction. .IOS. U. RtDCES, Do-icnor anl BuHdor of tho Salt Lake Orc;it On; an. UEO. CA ItELESS . Conductor of the Tabor-naclo Tabor-naclo Choir. ORSON PRATT, J i s., Tcaehor of Musio, and Oranijt of Catholic Church. MARK CKOXALL, Captain of Salt Lake Brass Uan.l. C J- TUO.MAS, Conductor of Thoatro Orchestra. .HUN CHAMBERLAIN, Teacher of Masio and Organist. E- I5KESUEY. Captain of Martial Band. C. Y. TAOOAItT, Piano Tuner. Tti w "rials fr.im niorethan Five Hundred Purcha.er-. including o'ir mit itihhiqcdI cunons can be had on application to CALDEFV & CARELESS, 37 EAST TEMl'LE STREET. HALT LAliK CITY. HENRY WACENER, N.lt Iikc City, I'l.b, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, LAUl.R BEER, A EE AND PORTER, WHOLESALE BETaH., SECOND SOUTH STREET, three door eart Elci.hant Slt.re. fW Fresh Mince Pies EVKKR DAT at Wallaces. FRESH CREAM CAKES Every Day at WALLACE S, FRESH MARRANC3 Every day a: wnca.' FRESH rOO'D CAKES Every day a: WALLACE'S. FRESH BUNS Evfry dr, at Wallaee'a. LICORICE LOZENCES, Trie Bot Thlnff for Cong ha and fold', ..r Sale only at WALLACE'S f'RST SOUTH STREET, 5LT Mi CITY Why do the People Buy the Estey ORG AM 1 AND Why are all our OKGAXS SOLD for three shipments ahead ? Because we SELL the best Organ in America, on easy instalments, and Purchasers know where they make the best Banrains. Those who wish to see the "Estey" had better call today to-day as we shall ship them all out this afternoon. CHAS. W. STAYXEK, GENERAL AG EXT, No, 5 Main Street, Neil to Sarah's Gallery, j 19 Suit iJkf City. GEORGE CHANDLER Begs to.inferm his friends nd patrons that he has opened a Meat MarietinMri, One block south of Ced ir Post. jan3l mm Feed your Horses WAEM Bran Masli, TWICE A DAV. 40,000 LBS. OF BRAN Jnst received and for sale at; KIMOWLDErV'S. t& Get a ropr!y when you car and all will be 0. K- GEO. H. OWL-DEN, Grain Dealer, WEST SIDE MAIN STREET. CHICAGO ROCK ISLAND, ANb Pacific Railroad. THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE NOW OPEN DI11ECT TO Chicago and the East. VIA DES MOINES, DAYEXPORT, AND ROCK ISLAND, Connecting at Des Moines with . Des Moines Valley RtR, FOR KEOKUK AM) ST. LOUIS. At Davenport with lloats far nil points on the Upper Mississippi, At La Sallo with the ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. X0HTU AND SOUTH. Ami at Chicaco with all the fat Una1 Ka.-( and TWO FAST KX fillips Til A INS ! Leave Cin-.U IllutTf Paily. mm m i mm mi This road boioe th-jruuxbly frmii r-cd with ELKGANT NKW COAfllKS AND SLEEPING CAKS. And havin the ailvaniaco vt a 'm'- 'h. "II-bl "II-bl lasted i ra..-k. r.Kr to the trav-hni; pubJio an bu'.cro line uojoallrd ior Sl'EED, CuMFOKT, AND SAFETY". Tbr-virh TrVi. ria ir.i Lin- to al! m t.itj can i-:id at in-fv.mi.iir.'- 1 1 -.,( Ufice'. Ir,:frTiat: rftl M(.:-t. Oiu tin. ) s riS'-Hou.'o Block, Council lihifls. and at tiie UAi.i 'T. cni:rKrit Tnr.fn;H t all I'lLINCIi'AL tA.-li;i;.N I'ijlN'Ia. A. A. II ALL, S. S. STFVLNS. At.-w ties' I fui' General A'-nt, Trees 1 Flowers I B:Ibi I Seeds ! HI IM.E I'l.AMS ! N JoSE RY STOCK ! FRUIT AND f LOWER PlATiS Address 1 K. I'MOI.MX, BL00MINGTON NURSERY, '! Atm: 2J si t oar: 1J 'irwDh-MJ-e! Apple, Uwu 1 yr.. tS: ij. Hi; y. Hr. 4 Qukcum, Xi suit. CHICAGO TRADE j Kill. ICS & KO Stale Slrc-.'t, ! OrpoPi'- Faltcer Grard Hotel. a kc i a a. Q o . Ma2u:Wturrs "f l SCHOOL, CHURCH OFFICE FURNITURE, Y a GLOBES. CI! A I US of all stj ies. Sehool Outline Map;, Charts. et. Evervthint in tho w.w of S,-ho 1. College or Otiuri-h Kisturwat Low-it Ca.-h Prirew. Send for illusirld Catalo m a:;d li LLt to A. 11. ANl'tiEtta je Co. i fp- mm f Is-5 m8i M. D. WELLS & CO., ManafMtnjeri of ud Wholesale Das'en In Roots and Slices, 018 Wibnh Ar, Chicago. M. D. Wells. D.J. Mat-farlnni h. Benodiou 2 S. P. Wclntyre. PACE, BRO. & Co., Importers and Dealers in LEATHER AND FIXDIXtiS "OLD CITY HOTEL COKNL'R," Conior ol" 6t at. and Lako strcow. w. W. Pae, Boston. C'lll.'A.lO, JrTill. Paso, )Phil,ft ILL. 0. E. Paso. Cbioaso. jujlS 'The Old Salamander." REMOVAL VAN SCEAACK, STEVENSON & REID, Wholesale DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, ave remoirod io their '"'ew Slor. O'- am LAKK S'l'H K tCT, enrner i-.irho'i 'treei. (on tee old site) ihiuauo, wbert riih bmldiQKi fl roc ted oiprestly tor tb upiaeitt, Steam Eievitnrt, etc. the? hrtv. pesei op an immeato atoct, UDiari'Mi n tne northwest. Special attention given W Territf"''-' oojineaa. iri FIELD, LE1TE11 & CO., IxroRTKHS A !tD JOI111KIL8 Of m GOODS AND CARPETS M0IS3'iANB MUKM.tT$. C XI I C O C3 . jiRUKST STOCK AND LOWKST PRICES GUARANTEED. :pecial Attention Givi n to Orders. Wis) N. E. PETERSON, GAS FIXTURES. Immense slock; anil low prices. 147 Stale Blrret, Clilcnti. dlS F. & E. JAEGER, T3 WnbiMil. Avciiuc, iirnr Hniidol jih, CHICAGO, ILL.. mntcT imi'duti'ks or Crock fiT, China, tilivnnro. LnttipK, J.m.Winc ila-as. Cullorv. Hnlaiinhi i.ml SiU.-r phiti'd loods. Tho larKosl iluuso in iho W'vt-u ill 1. CI. a T ?rnTT. P- on.M.'i". W. H. OVISliTOB, U J. tiVLfliTOS. Scott &. Ovington Bro's, Imiorters, Whflr-alc and flctnil Utalrrs in m mwi mi m, PAKIAN, UliONZK, I'LATED WAIIE, LAMPS, CUTLKK V, MUiHOKS, Ace, No. 210 Worst .Miidison St., Cliicniio, 111. Wrdillng and Hollilnj (ilM, ;iasa anil China, llailc lodr.Ur. OVISUTON r.Ki'TIIKKS, vir., 'Hi k '2 l'ljlInMrti'l.l.L.vkiv'.' V. Ruo Do 'ar.ln ..1. rani-. S'nnh Sd itt wnb S.iuM'le' f-r WJ,. u--ale nniy-iw M h- n ;. C r:i. r I rtl, ivrniio-llwiiii -li.'li. z.WM.L, .M..n;ua. N. MATS C.N Sl CO., luil'rt'-rf anil WLulwolo I'cah-rs in WATCKES, DIAMONDS, Jfwclry and KHuTHJirt', Cor . .MfltUK STS., CHICACO, ILLS., 0.ii o I'ain.Bi'. !l HERRING'S PATENT CHJV.PiOH KltlK an.l r,; i!!.!.!t I'liUdV Tse Bat kki io tie World I HERRING U CO.. 16 State flircet, nnd cororr 1 lili f-trt'ji and Irj-iiana Avrnu'1, CHICAGO. Birrrs! Eipss! Birros l!Dhell rmn Ui.j .i; rcivfi a".'ccn:Lrcn:ci:: of GENT ' CLiVriilXG. ita" goo! i:lans.ets a-vl NOTIONS, tL ! i t: Ci to c'-.O out REGARDLtSfoF COST- L'L... 1.. ,J a i!:n:;ia lioo Of STAPLE &. FANCY i PnGYIilONS, h:,-b l hey ir jeiliai CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST. IVn't :ft -h pla A KKW DOOhS Nil!, 1 11 o;'iie lVSIOFTICB BOrU CHIUiCl) TfiAUt. JOHN V. T&RWELL X Co WUHI arc A I LT NOTIONS, DHY GOODS, AM' W OOLE1NT3. Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe Franklin Sta , CHICAGO. J. W. BUTLER & CO., Mamitacturers and Whol.ale PAPER DEALERS, OrTICE AND WK1' SIHK STORBi i-i & 44 couil. Jt.Tcrbou treet SOrTU Sll'K STOKK: 343 & 3'i? Male Sirett, CHICAGO. rrint. Ttoik. Flat Cai, Folio?. Moliiirni, D'tiv UuUvl -mJ I'olorud, 1'riniinfi raters. l-:iMOH'.'p:i-uTyilworii-lion. Card li.ad. firm and lar lu-.ird.. U r.n i mv Papers, Pa-pers, Tu'ini' and l'a- por lug. janl HAMLIN. HALE & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IX DRY GOODS. MOTIONS, WOOLENS, AND HOSIERY, COILS KR or MADISON A FRANKLIN STREETS, CHICAGO. llfW TORI QU0TA1 10HS ALWAYS roilOWII. el NEW lUfiK THAUE. BENEDICT. HALL & Co. Man u factor t aad Wholoaal Duian In 300TS AND SHOES1 I 34 and 13S Grind St., Naw oral, Corner Crsibr. one blooa uit of Broadway rlli JLH1AL HtAO & Co., Mannlacta.an and V hoieaale Daalart In fLK AM) WOOL HATS, .''rato Goodi, lmbrelhu, d&, Ho. 4fl, Urftadteay, NKW YOUK. r. Jl , II in,... t. ! L. K. BATES & CO., 4l . 4lt Hro.dw.ri K It W IOHK, m .'iiai t 4n C loanau II Fancy Dry Goods, HOS1BKY, Willi K KOOPS, WOOLKiNS, SHAWLS, TANK EE NO HONS, ic I. 11. BI'I.OILH. . Jul thosTm. AKGALL & Co., Men 'l, Youth' llorx' and Children! OLOT HINO. iT WUOLItALK, 313 A 31 Br.. alvay, A'awVorh. l. ckiwi, (71 DIVORCES. tLtOUTE I'lViUU llS LI'iiAI.l.V Ull- .ili.'ie ilt'-i'tti"i'. K'lH'lnl rui-Oi'ti'liK't. Ptr., nuiln-ii'iii i-iiK-o: ihi ii"li-i rr iiiii-rd, no I I a 1 1 f ii lit l i d initio t uutod ; udv loo free. .all .to ur nd'hcss JOHN FULTON, Lnunffllor at Law, No. IN.1 UUMAl'W A 1 , NLW VUltK CITY d FURii WANTED. Highest Cash Price Paid fir Furs. Al.-U llaxum Cir-n H hule4le ar4 lU-iail. I llu.MAS CAKTKIl. kl Si a I l;iu 'I. imdiir Stli l.hkn llnu.e. nil I'M 0? WilEt'S ME. N' 'i I ii I 1 I! I I'l i.V (il TV 'III AT I'll K I -,-lrl.. 'I Hill . Il ..I 1"M.- !.')',.. ,. Il'.-ln.l.. 1 M'l n t I i .-r,. in il," .lli li"i,t i"..t it,., i I II , i i .-"il I -ike i n. -H." 1 H O I'" .1,1 .. 1 . Ill' I ) I'l I 1h. .Tl llm . - r : - i.il. ..... .1 I - - i in r i . 1-. .. nt ol..wn ,,V. i" r!,.. :..T..t.....i,.H,.' ;....u , i ,J . M - I I''. ..ud ' ' ih!'i t'.'w :' .wi..!i fii.it r)n- . ir" .i : i i..u -",.tl, :...i,i I.. 1 n-i-u-iili: i Ml'ih.'.. .'. -..r.''ni.','..1 M...l"i';t! 1 H . ' ' ' J . - . t T - -I jl, Hm J.ih Lip-tr ' I in- i j "i it 1'. t ; il-1 !- mi r nt .id tmn; i.U i.i.'c i- in- -..'. . .hi . i.-d i"Mie , ii tl . . tr.ti, dii ..I Mi.i- li. A. P. ,-. ,. I.-. j .. i inn . ... .i.j 1-. J. tii, vr. ..f ... r ti. 4'-' i ... ! r-ii. tin i - li"" .' "' ti,. i-'. i, m''-"i..I" v. t-i. i'-t i' T'1 i-r ,.. ;,, , ti i;, i- . til I'm I. inn'i- ', ,'j i' ...I, V.", mT. ,','.'.'!i' i'. i ' i' u-'i i'ni.ii-'ii-i'-'i' ii" i j v, -j- s. hills. To w;:or:i il concemi- W K --.n Ir-;r- c'ni l i.WB uU'liK . ,..'. .. l .-" - I. in 'hi- fitt.Pi I. ..1b, V- I . . t i-'N. -'-'I bli the i.,..' .. 1 i "run I K-ra; t . r - : j.i-. J 'iti. it, ! ol ia dir lr ,T-. r" r-.o't-ti 1 i-r.-.ir not to tr v- - .r 0r tor l-.t urn rUimi, without C H. I'f-SLTT, ' lin Tiift-Rior ol tha J.IVI.vy, 1 -t .w i Ar'- nj It in t rrpfc' d LsKAii, IYLB8. |