OCR Text |
Show Used Everywhere. In all countrioa from the torrid to tho frigid zone, by peoplo of all shades, from jet. black Afrioans to the pure white Caucasian, the. Florida Water of Murray 1 & Lanman is used and highly esteemed; truly it is justly called ''The Great Perfumr." For Sale at TA. 0. M. I. and Godbe's Drug Store. 654 A Fierce Struggle. Disease is ever proying upon mao, from tho cradle to tho grave, more than one half of the human family have to contest inch by inch tha progress pro-gress of some ailaien'. What a boon then must Bristol's Har&apar-'tla and Fills be ; they purge out all poisonous matter, they purify tho blood and humors, they give tone and power to the whole system. ;.nd eoable the body to throw off disease that would otherwise other-wise have hurried it to the grave. For Sale by all DruggisO- 62S CHAPPED HAE3 & FACE, Sore JMps, Dryness of Skin, etc., etc Cured at onco by HECE.MAVS CAMPHOR U't; W1TU GLYCERINE, Jt keeps tho haml? fall in all weather. Sea that you get UEit;.MAN. Soid by all Urugcts. Only 2.5 cent j. Manufactured only by 11 ku em as & Co., Chpmists and Drucsists. No w York. d25 NATHAN DAVIS & S05S' IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY NOW IN OPERATION. AU kinds of Castin gr Done to order on the shortest notice. Time guaranteed. ALSO AtiEJiTci FOR THE GRIFFITH & "WEDGE YERT1CAL STEAM ENGINES SAW MILLS, Shinslc and Heading Machines Highest Price- Paid for Old Brass, Copper, and Cast Iron. FIRST WEST STREET. NEAR NORTH TEMPLE STREET. ja-il FLUX FOR SMELTERS. : The ucdeM-rcvd, having been appointed S-Ao Agents for Utah, of the celebrated Hem- I ' ari;o Iron Ore oi" tains Territury. soli-.-i; I the rair-oaje m" tie vrioi-i Turnaces, belior- i 1 tie this to bo th-; Lcj; Iron Pius ever oJered j Lie i-uV.L;. ! j Q-lir; z'.'.i-l 21 ;h';rt nc-tica. Anlyto j GORDON 'MURRAY, ; j Hnir Block Sontli K. E. Depot, Snlt Lake Illy. in j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SALT IL-A-IKE THEATBB. tRVXU liOl'ISLE AT TltACTIOV- Wednesday, Fell. I2ih, 1873. FULL DRAMATIC COMPANY! Will l-e (.I(..t-r,t.-.l. l'ur tli-.- i.i time, tb bnlUiiii j- A'.t cuitJ..-, iiiUU-vl NOT SUCH A FOOL As He Looks Tu ontlii'lo with tha I.uij-kiblo farce, en titUd. THE DEAD SHOT. Will shortly bo pruJueed, the IlKlt.HIT OF THE CAVE, by Capi. John Martin, uf this city. Fill DAY EVENING, FEUHUAKl' U, BEXKFIT OF Ma. W. T. IIAK1U3. "iTiu nRE-BiunTco' W. II. CIIISHOLM. I C. W. BENNETT. President. Tieaa. X Sec y. Wji. T. -MATHEWS, yuporintendonC. Capital Stock, SJO.OOO. We mannfacturo atS:ilt Lako City and l.ehi. Mako Fire-lirick. Piro-Cemect, Fnnt tbiind-prcssed) Building li rick, Stove Brick, Crueiblas, Hatort', Ac icj Hawnmtorial not surpassed in nny port of tli out, rid. We uao Letii, Xlinithaui anduther W. T. Maihowa tho Pupeiintcndent has had over thirty yoara ujcrn'rioncii, Plueo of works in uli Lako City, near Jobn-fon'a Jobn-fon'a Sauiuline Works. Ulli;o No. UU, Main titroet- lC. W. Bennett's oilk-o.) Wo will furnish Piro-Lrick and all iiro na-terial na-terial cheaper than thoy can bo imported, und o! bcttur -inulity. Wo invite all furnace mon to call. Piro-Bricka uiudo to plan. Orders solicited. lobl Our Mr. MATHEWS is ocnt for S. B, Munson, Jun., & Co.'s Putont Corrucntcd M.ctalic Shincles, Iron RoiiIjds, CorriiKiHed Iron Doors, Shu tiers, etc., otc. iMunnlaetured at Chicago, Illinois. Specimens can bo yoou at trio offico of tho Company, whoro conlracls can bo uiudo C. W. BKNNETT, Sec. " IdOTICE, WE MOST RESPECTPliLLY CALL the attention of tho public to a portion of the City Ordinance in rolnlion to Quurantino passed 'August 4 ill, 1ST1. Jkter Cmstos, 1 (Juaranlino W. P. An DKitKoS. j Phytiiuiuiu. Salt Lako'.City, Poo- 8, 1S73, Si:c. I!. That if any person or persons ahull bo found in nn unhealthy condition from nny contagious disease, within tuo aforesaid riuur-antino riuur-antino limits, thoy ahull, if in ihu jud,umuni of Lho said Board of Quarantine tbo iuloty of tbo person so infected, or tho public, shall render ,m,.Vi lciinn imi'.essarv. bo roii u ired to reoi o vo forthwith, to such plueo, within said limits as said Board may direct; and if any such person shall noidoct or roluso to comply therewith, it shall Go tho duty of sai i Board to have it donoattho expense of said person; andil in tlio judgment of said Board it .-hull be deemed advisable lor tho person so infected to remain in his usual placo of tibudo lor euro and treatment, treat-ment, the said Board shall compel tliostrii't nimrantininirof said place of abode, by causing to bo kept displayed conspicuously during the period of danger, a yolhtw lla- upon such premises, a well as by establishing a guard at or near tlio sauio, by giving n-itico in tho most public manner practicable that said promises pro-mises arc infected ; and further by refill at inland inl-and prohibitint; initreaj and egress te mid Irom said promises, until all danger Irom infection therein shall havo ceased, and tho most thorough thor-ough measures for disinfecting snid irem sea shall havo been taken. And if tho e (fuels of any person bo found in a condition liablo to engender contagious dsioaso, the same shall at tho discretion of tho aiurantino physician, bo removed or destroyed at lho expense ot lho ownor thereof: and in tho event of tho removal of any person so infected, tho promises from which be is romoved, and tbo household thus osposcd, shall bo stnclly.iuarantined until all danger of infection thall havo parsed; and such measures lor tho punlication ot said promises shall bo taken, as in thejudgincni of tbo quarantine physicians shall bo neces- Sa$E 1. Tho names of all quarantine physicians phy-sicians shall bo published in some nowspapor printed in tfalt Lako City, during the continuance continu-ance of tho contagion. All physicians or other persons having any knotvlodt;o of lho osistenco of any malignant contagious Uis-oaso, Uis-oaso, or having reason to boliovo any such disease oxicts, aro horcby roiiuircd to roport the same forthwith to a quarantine physician and physicians, nursos or any other persons, who havo boon, or shall be exposed to such contagious disease, are horeby forbidden to ruinglo with, or bo in tho presence of others, subject to tho contagion, in such clothing as may havo boon used whsro there was suuh disease or otherwise oxposo any person to such contagion. Hkc. 5. Any person neglecting or rofiisins ' to comply with tho above roquiromcntSj shall bo liablo to a fine not exceeding duo hundred dollars, or bo imprisoned not to exceed lix months, or both lino and imprisonment. jset ut -mm. CHEAP BOOTS GO TO Taylor & Cutler's AS T1IEY AllE CL0SINU OUT T11E111 WINTER STOCK VERY LOW. CHARTER OftK COOKING STOVES CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN TOWN. A FULL STOCK OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS WHICH THEY ARE OFFERING SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ON. Groceries AS LOW IN TRICE A5 THE LOWEST, 2 ft Cans fresh PEAKS acd PLUMS 35 cents. TAYLOR & CUTLER, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Motel. "3? II IE3 "Gardner Firs Extinguisher,' TIicLaat, Best, Clicnpest, oml Mont KiTectlvc. DilT-rcnt from, and SUPERIOR TO JLLOrSEIlS OVER A TIIOrSAXD FIltES PUT OtT W1TU IT. MORE THAN $10,000,000 Worth of Property Saved by it; I'-c. Fire Drr-nrtmcrt" in tho Principal Cttic- uf the Lm-..n have adopted ihcui. pHTEFPriF FIRE DEPARTMENTS EN-w EN-w d-r.-ethem the Er.sr. I h.i.- boon :ip-pr-n-cd J-y tho Sccr.-tan- "f lho Tr--:i"iry. tr u--c on traui c-fl.--. ;in.l .id--rtJ ot h'J-'v-tirniiivnt fvr tho Army and Navy. It aK-Tb tL-cti-n'fr-ia fire, blnz aay.-rcdy aay.-rcdy for instant u-c, r-rftlv ?i;iiric in cptr-Uon cptr-Uon and prompt and enicient in action. The "Gardner Fire Extinguisher" Lf aFIro Department m iu'elt i Price Whh t charts chemist. VO.00 Extra Charge alway; on hand.SV.i.-1 P'-r d":i;n SEXDrOBTUEIB BECOIIO. Pacific ton Asencj-.-IKal Oi o, " Salt Lake City, TTtali KtnTbail Block, Cor. Flnt Sonth St. JAS, SMITH & CO., fatS General Afitnti. IMPROVE VOIR STOCK. THE IMPORTED T1IOKOUUU1JKED DEVON BULL Young "Washington, Is one of the licost broil Dovon Lulls in the cuiimry. Pedigree f ulj and Complete. Hall' breed Devon Cows are epleuJU milk era. Half breed Devon Oxen for work and speed are uoMirpassed. Thnso vrlio ni'li to improve their stook can floe tin- "I'ltuJi'l auiiual at tho tables ot Mr. H. li. Claw sun, north-weal curiu-r of lh Uih Ward. , w i Torino, SI in advance. Enquire of Mr. Stuitn al the Stabloi. tub? 8.500,000 lnSTlUiUJTION Grandest Scheme of the Age. U CASH jfis $501000 ! Capital Gift $100,000! ti)Q OOOforoniy!slO V.y authfrity of a Sporial Act of tho Les'is-laturo Les'is-laturo uf iiareh H'th, 1&T1, tho TEIE1 BRAID GiFF COICEET ! Forthohonofit of lho PUBLIC LIltHAIlY OF lvEM'l'CKV, is horoliy announeod Iti coino buildinB, al Louisvillo, Kuutucky, on TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1873. At this Concert lho boM musical tnlont that can bo procured from all part) of lho country will bo oiuplc-yod.and lho enormous Bum of $500,000 IN CURRENCY ! Willbo distributed by lot among tho lickot-buldi-rs in 1D,ulh Uifis, ovory one of which will bo cash. LlS'f OF OIFTS. Ono Grand Cash U in Slim.iiOO Uno Uiand Cash liifl..... ;PiiK) Uno Grand Caah tiift 2.I.IUKJ Ono (iriuid Cash ilift 2,iW) Ono Crand Cash (iifl 1U,(IUI Ono Grand Cash Gift - 21 Ciuili Gifta of SUMMloach 2I.IHH) WICa.-h Gilts of fjtMloaoh a'l.lKM SO Ciwh Gifiauf W)oadi 3J.IXI0 JIK) Cash Gift-i of .'I0 oach ;),IHH) l.W Cash Gilts of 2K) oach !W,lHK) 5!K) UiLsh Gifts of 1U0 oach f!l,UIK) 0,IWO Cash Gil'ta of 10 oach W.OUO Total, 10,000 Oifta, nil Cash ?,-MW,000 Tho objoct of this Third Gift Concert is tho onlarsouionl and ondoivmont of tho l'uolio Library of Kontucky, which by tho Bpocial act autliorif.inB lho concort for ita bunolil, is to bo forovor l'roo to all cili'-ous of ovory slalo. To provido moans for this magnificent and i praiso worthy undertaking, Ono Hundred Thousand Thou-sand Tickets, and no more, will bo sold at tho following piieos: l'RICE OF TICKETS. AVholoTickels 310, IInlvos $5, and Quarters !.,, .'i,. VI,.,ln 'I'iU.iH IVir PIIMl- '.'K fur S-1'C; ",t! fur f.'XK); li:t for Sl.iHW; 2S."i for J'J.ut: 57.') for 5,"i,U0i); l,(10 for 610,000; 2,:v) for S2U,UO0; and U,0UU fur S"0,OiMJ, No discount, on loss than SHiO worth oftickoti at a liino. Tliis Third Gill Concort will bo conducted liko tho first and second heretofore givon, and full particulars of tho made of drawing the giin and jiayinK ihom and ovory thing no-cossary no-cossary lo a thorough understanding of the scheme, from beginning to end, are now published pub-lished in Ihu form of a circular, which will ho furnished, froo of cost, to any ono why wants it Tho ontiro nnnagemont of this tindorlaking ha.s boon coin milled by tho Trustoes to HON. THUS K. LKAMLLTTE, lalo Governor of Kotitueky, to whom all coniiiiunicalicns or-tairiini; or-tairiini; to lho Gift Concert saould bo ad- dr0i30tl'lt. T. DrilllF.TT, President P. L. K. JOll.N S. CAIN, Socrolary P. L. K. For further informalion cn'iuiro at Zabria-kie's Zabria-kie's jjaloon, .Salt Lako City, or to 1L 11. TllOMI'aON, j22 Virginia. Nevada. Everybody Wants ONE OF THOSE NICE CUfii PiOE! Washing Machines 22 000 SOLD IN ONE YEAR. Price -"--$10.00, Lidica Call and ncc them. Ghas. W. Stayner,1 Ucneral Agent, No S Main Street, Salt Lnkt City fjanll "Advertising is tho Oil which wiEOtnon pn in thoir Lames, MoDtiia Pkuvebe. L P. FISHER, ADVERTISI NG Rooms 20 rfc 21 Merchants' Etc a,.-,t CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCIS Of Solicit AdvortifomonU and Sub:criptioni for tho Salt Lake Daily and Semi Weekly Herald AnC for rapen pobli'hod in Califnrnia. Ore g. n and Nevada: Wa-bintnn, I'tah. Idaho. M'.mana, Co!..rndo. Ari.-na and a.bjcect Territoriea; an-lirjch I-lari'l'. the Ln.th I'ui.-"-ii,n?. Mei:-;an Pjrta. M in-arsirua. Panama. Pana-ma. Valj arai.-o. J m-nn and Ch:ra; New Zealand Zea-land and ili Ausiraliaa colonies, no Atlantic States and Euruj'C AUVEKTISIXO Has created many a new hiie-. His e.-lard tcany an nld b-iseu-II revival many a dull hu.Moe.M-Ifa hu.Moe.M-Ifa rescued many ab-st b?in--'-H.u saved many a faiiir.s bu.-iot--11 .v itcs erred many a lar.-o nuMncaa; A-El issujei iuccoss in u; boiineu. GIP.ARD'5 SECRET. -Si erhen Girard n-Ad toiay ihij old aro: "I have alwavr.-n.id dvcrti-ir.s liberally and 1-r.g t.. h the gnt medi-jrr. vt sure--..,. ia h-.'i :,-d t h ,rH ..1e to wealth. A:.d I have i,. ar i - . arj th.itffi.'r.nyth'i --feet u"--iru,"j o'iI?' en'-.:: .-y ic;;:r.it n:y b-j-ir.-i-j hrf.,re the r'it;i; i. ca. lec-ri-d many iaiu thatlo-JiBr-je wuuld Hare lost." Ailverilie j-niir Bn.inru. Keep jour name taf-fore tut Public. J nil id otn Adx-trtlliif IfZIuilnni i. Hull, .niv'criT.'e. I Baalneii 1 BrLlt, lvcric, The man who dii."t b:ire in adver-ti'ir adver-ti'ir h.u r c jl;o lartseriiin with the theruT. ud uit oau&i doee adyeruiin. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. FOR THE SPRINGL1S73. Having couip'.otcd our oxtensitc Alterations in tbo BETAIL DKY GOODS DEPARTMENT Ami uiaio arraiifioiuonta tor MAHiiV M'KlMi I'MJCJI ASKS, Vc m to 'nssuro our numorous l'atrous wo hnxl Exhibit ftir ihcir lu.spoction A (HOK'fr; SELECTION OF SEASONABLE DRESS G0005, SllKS, SATINS, TRIMMINGS, Also Slaple Dry Goods, etc. Wo have addt il lo our varied Stock Ladies' Underwear, etc. Aud plajt d this Department under tho care of an nccouii lishcd Lady Clerk. H. B. CLAWSON. 8upt. DUi!FORD & SONS OH'cr to the Public a choice Stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, CAPS il-OV8:S, & Bi A 1)1 KS' FUtJS, At a small advance O 3XT COST, To make room for- SPRING 1JURCI-ISE. Big Inducements Oilcrcd. ' G-rcat Reduction IN TIIE TRICES OF Winter Clothing1. S3. 3. ES. X. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, Will dispose of tlio balance of their Btook Of Winter Clothing, consisting of HEAVY SUITS, PAWTS, VESTS, OVESCOATS, AND HATS and CAPS, At greatly reduced price?, to mate room for tlieir b-pring purchases. ATi ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OP SLEIGH and CARRIAGE RUGS, At low figures to close thorn out. HOUSE BLANKETS?, To meet tho demand created by tho prevalence of tho Kpizootio. Freucii, English uixl American Mnitinjs, (ontinirs nnd Cusstmeies in great variety and latest tyles. Men's and i 1 1 suits of the latest fashions, from f lie llrst es in JN'ew York, Uoston, Chicago and San Francisco. A FULL STOCK OF HOME MADR CASSIMERES AND JEANS 1. WnTCH WE INVITE INSPECTION, MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY. GLOVES, UMBRELLAS COLLARS AND GENERAL FURNISHING- GOODS, Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Blankets, Gapes and Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHtm, EASTERN AND HOME MADE. ALL THE NEWEST styles OF HATS AND CAPS. WALL PAPER & BEGORATIOMS IN GREAT VARIETY. The f reat success which has attended Our Merchant Tailoring Department r Haq induced ufl to make .Large Purchases for our Fail and Winter Trade Tailors' Motions and 'Trimmings of the best quality always on hand. H. B. CLAWSON, Snoci -intcmlr i,t."' JOSKl'II WOUM.VSKr, CIVII, F.SGIKKEK, U. . MIXFKAJ. ::i M-lT'll- S! -Full L"I.li. OS: Firn South Street. orlr ci t'-ile aU .Mark a Church. rlljj SALT LAKE CITY BOILER WORKS, fWVt i-Ic r,r Cry Xr.rV.ci., All kLcis of Kiaii-marp. L'tru-Lit, jT L- -conKr BOILERS, 2nd TANKS, -Va.le or Ilcraire-l. REAI'nt"5 Ar "(m-B!9 wn Tlir: !i-H. N.i JLlCIIiN'.. iTiircl a:..l , u- i l:,:or,i:,j Oiler. IMmtl KueV'L ,rf.t ''A'li, Ord.r, V, rtjrw ,.r,ux .,- I 1M JOHSSUJA.Ni,"cO..I-I.priMJll. I iRTISTUTnWTIOA'! I'llK BOARD OF WKKCrORS OF TIIF ill Uvtl ii.' WM FAh. jan Ji ,,w. L CAMI'BKI.I,, betretarv. TIieUtalit'rackci-Factory ,,Lhiu- H ,!ik" ll the i,.:;,' , ut?r.Ml- t.,r carrviriK n tho . u V' .'J'"'r"'"-- " o:l-reJ ir ,;L". I ',"'"'' ',f," ill h.M.th of the i r... ' , , c,,cr"'-iun will, tho nhuvo A h .'i; r'"'"V"" 1,0 " . .. I i. ' - 1 1 1 1 , i r luanufarturiii. thm " fcS 'H'lr"'"' 'i'Tritor," uiMti,Pr.u,J"J"T0-N' A HINT TO TIIE WISE IS SUFFICIENT. SUF-FICIENT. Will you fmy SI 7 5 for an Orgmi when'you cmi get one :is pood in every particular for $125, and three months' lessons tree, by Jos. J.Datnes, Tabernacle Organist, which is alone worth 20.00. Buy a Pki.nce, and save 70. We also sell a 7-Stop Organ, Or-gan, with Sub-Bass for Churches, Chur-ches, Schools, Halls, etc., .for $150. Call and sec and hear them and you will be convinced that what we say is true. We sell on monthly instalments instal-ments if desired Remember that Prince & Co. are the oldest and largest Organ Builders in America. J. DAYNES & SON, Al 2 doors oflBtofOinUio'ii Drug .Store. EAGLE HOUSE Teasuel & Co. 1 he plueo for tho public to buy. Teasdel, & Co. Winter SIiqwIh and Drcaa Goods, Teasdel, & Co. Flannels, Nul)iaa, nod Gloves. Teasoel, & Co. liomo-uiudo Boole and Shoes Best in the Tauritory, TEASDEL & CO. Sugars, Teas and Coffees, ChoeM, Baoon and Lard. TEASDEL & CO. Men's Clothing, Hats, tibirtB and Furnishing Goods. TEASDEL & GO. Carpet, Rugs, Mate and Car-tainp. Car-tainp. TEASDEL & CO. Bices Sewing Machinos. Wear looser and aro lens liablo to got out of order. The best in tho World. j No trouble to show Oooda. Careful attention to orders and goods do livcrcd to all tho trams aod any part of tho city freo of charge. j l j. TEASDEL & CO., Km Temple Street. Oppueilc Salt Lake House. AMI-DYKPEPTIC COMPOUND BONKSKT PH'I'8 Theyraliovfl Jaandtrr Dvtviptin, InifJ tion, Livor Cviutflaiii'. Hea'lpche, L'" ' A..it ind Foal bi-nin-b. -ill V' " C"W, Kcvcr-. CoriKhp. '.n-! Purifj the Wl J Thoj will Cle&nit the ."iroich. Ko the fiyiifm. nd JmhoI Dii- I v' all cm- where Phyeio u nee-Jed. Trr boi-Yon boi-Yon will like them.md never wmt iooisct ort. They tr Tools. Clhrtio nd to rant. TwBa:7.fivepenUprbor-TentT;fl'plllfc Warranted to aivo wtUfUon. J. K. JOHNSON) BU 0orfi vt AnJ r4 fit 7lon' Co-oprrf(SWfr'J by other went throUChnL thi Jorntoi. ifio lold .tholMloorfurmboii oom minion lo reponiiblnU. lthM2!T, lenM re mot kept t your itom. M ov Karakul u nw at mu |