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Show deere & co., "msr- x -. Manufacturers of tho gonvilno MOLINK PLOW. 1 hc-o Vk'w hvn fir the ra.'t quarter of a ,-et!i'irv uiaint.ui'--l tho rcvutatiua of tho brt Plow lit live. All senviitiP M-lme IMoirg bear tho hrand a jUmwii in Uio abovo cut. ills WATCHES a JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON. HK'JS to inf.Tm tho ro?i.!ont)i of Salt Lake I'iiv and vicinity, that ho not only n.ir.iniei in -r'i'fr!v Kor.iir, Clean ac.l Adiu-t W.it,-ie inti Clir-noiiictcn'. but bo 1 ninki ihcm t !iny pan oi thorn, to order, and warrant the wi-rk. .hi't roccvoii a new mpi'Iv of Elirin.SwiJJ Wni.-hej, nnd a lino M -ok of lirJt-clw? ewolrv. 1'ricor as any In town. Two i BANKERS. A. W. WHITE & CO BANKERS KAMI- TEBPLK STRUT, a.it i.k (cur. GOLD DUST.COIN AND BULLION. Exchange cm all the Principal Oitu of the United Statet and Europe. Particular attention given to Collection and proceeds remitted at Cnrrent rata .of Kxchango on day of payment. GEO. E. WH1TNKY. Attorney- CORUESPUKDKXTS Bank of California ... gu rancisn Le-e A Waller - - New York &k C'Qnty National Bank - - Cbicair?. Uaxkell Bnk 6t-Lcul. Stale Bank of Nebraska - . Omaha ajH WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPRESS FORWARDER Bankers and Dealers iu Excbaiige DralMon Earop. Kuropoan Collootioni promptly attended to. Kaat Temple Street, Sadt Lak Olty, ml3 Tho. P. TaaoT. Agent. First National Bank of Utah 'SALT LAKE CITT. Bptciai Advertisement on Third Jmje- mi SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK Kn.lt Lako City, Uta.k Ter.; Authorized Capital - $500,000 BcnJ. M. Dullall, freaident. Hugh White, Caa tiler. BmrtTiiB A KiBKriTRict, Attorneys. CORRESPONDENTS I Mttwvnuif National Park Bank. SAN P.iAXCIaCO-Ca.ifornia Trast Co. LONDON Jay Cooko, MoCuUooh A Co. MS DESERET National Bank OF SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Paid up Capital, - 8200,000. Authorized Capital $1,000,000. BKHiHAM TOUXO. President,! H. S. ELDKELKiU, Vicol'rtu't, I Wm- 11. Huul'EK, I n. JEXXlXLiS, r Dirocton. JU11N SHAW. ! J. T. LI'lTbE, L S. HILLS, Cashier, j deal in gold nisT, nux, kxiiahuij, LAM) WAKltAWTS, 11",. LKUt SllUP, etc. fJoUootions made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE INTEREST PAID ON i Savings HD o posits. LEGAL. D. 8. DANA, A T T 0 R N E Y-A T-L A W, l-rovo, I'tBli. James m. carter, ATTOltXE Y -AT- LAW, Ollicotiver let XaL Bank, octS E.VST TEMPLE STKEET. C. E. WHITNEY. ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Ollico ovor Dunfurd k Sons' Storo, JIAIN STREET, SALT LA lit CITY. THOMAS FITCH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 019 ii Street, Waiklngton, D. C. 1 Especial auntion givon to obtaining Patents to Alines. nov 15 BATES & OR MS BEE, ATTORNEYS ANO COUNSELORS AT LAW, Asonts for Purchase and nleor.Ulueadt Landi, Qko. C. Dates, 1 j- Salt I.nke City, Warner EarU. t. M. Smith. EAKLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ALT LAKI 01TT. First Booth Street. Keoms II and 13, No Iiw. Kimball Block. TILFOED. 8. A. HAJTN. TILFORD & MANN.. ATTORNEYS - AT-LAW No. 30 First South Street. 06 J. B. Kosborough, S. A. Morritt Rosborough & Merritt, j ATTO B Y B A T A W , ' Knit JLnke City, Utah, . Office, lit South Street, first building oast Dosoret Bank corner. ocl VII. UATDOft. C K. QIL17UH13T UAYDON & G1LCLIR1ST, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW SALT LAKE C1TV. Office OTcr lit National Bank of Utah. a!2 0. H. Hemr'toad, M. Kirkpatriok. HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorne j t-t-Law, Main Street, oppiU Wells. Fano A Co. JH.T I. IKCTTT. a; TRIUNE BAKERY A!tD Cracler Manufactory, Door below (Wnlker lloiiae, Main Street, Salt Lake lit)'. We have now received our CRACKER MACHINE With all the latc-jt iinrrfrementf . andl are ikis FU'IY DU't'liKENI KlXl'S t)F CRACKERS. GALLAGHER & SONS. Send for Price List. all Address P. 0. Box9U, COIL! COIL!! COAL!!! flMlEPl'lUAC AUK HKREBY NOTIFIED A thul I am tho S le Atrent for the liraa? CaniTn C-'sl i:i H l.ak County. liviyeu can ohtain this splon-ii iaCoal by tho ton or car had by aprlyme t,i rais at iheofSce of Jos. A. Yiurg. Salt Lako City. C. J. Lsi. Salesman , U.C-U.B. Depot. if. ii. PARK. P. 0. Box, 26A ia35 NOTARIES PUBLIC. CH AH. W. HTAYNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, Daly qaalified and oommissioned by the Qoremor. 0ee 1st door sonth of Sarae's Photograph Gallery, Salt Laie City. WU. M. GILLBSrlE. IT. W. TTOODfl GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC. CONVEYANCERS, AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. AnsowLBDoiiiz'rrs taken for the several States and Tkkbitobikb. Office bonr? . 9 a. m., to 9 p. M. Rooti NV 5 erer First National Bank, ball Lake City, i I tan Territory. sS I .- cs 2 ci I O 2 . s 1 SJ I 3 p4 g "? -a f i-i " & his g CJ H PL, H c M 3 S I az CONFECTIONERY. Tho undersigned Irishes to inform bis numerous Friends and the Public generally, that he has everything every-thing in the above lino, CONSISTING OF THE FINEST ORNAMENTED CAKES COFFEE CAKES. TEA CAKES, APIES, MACARONIES, LADY FINGERS. KTC, KTC-, ETC, FRUITS, NUTS, AND THE BEST HOilE MADE CANDIES In tho market, A FULL STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANGY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS AND VARIETIES, Usually kept by him, are now Sold as Cheap as any House in Town. DANIEL CREN1C. EAST SIDE EAST TEMPLE STREET. Above Second Sonth StrooL aux!4 Shit Lake City. WM. LANAHAN & SON, DISTTLLKKS AND JOBBERS OF RYE WHISKEYS, Warthtmt Ho. 30 Light S treat, BALTIflUHEi UTai AT THE New Auction House, Wert of Kimball A Lawrence's, all kinds of llEDDINGaml LOl'NGF.S M ado to order. CarpeM Made. Clonned and imt di'ivn. CornicM made, Furniture ludishod. vnruiJhctl and reiairod. Furnituro and l'iaiK3 moved, llouso Paiieruifi and Calsoiuining. jal-S More Light 20,000 GALLONS Of the celebrated IMPERIAL OIL, 150 Fire Test. AKD C IR, O W , 110 St.mlard Fire Test, FOR SALE. EY TUE BARREL CR CASE, IN LOTS TO SUIT. PETROLEUM Non-EsplosiTe Fluid, SIXTY CENTS PER GALLON. LIMPS AND L.1.11P GOODS FOR THE M1LL10S! AT TBK Pioneer Lamo Store Nearly opposite the Market. i I. ?xEES & CO, aiyfti HOTELS, ETC. GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ON THE KIBOPKA3 PL A 31. Sitnated in business part of the city, with aooemmodation for iaj sueeLa. FIRST-CLASS accommodation for Families and Travelers, aosmi, SUcTSc, SI. 00 and 11.50 per day. Dinins Hall and Restaurant under the i manaKcment of M. H. Beardiley, late of the Morrison Home. Omiha, and Tichnor Bon ift, Lincoln, Neb. Board per weak, 97 Maala, 50c. FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL. Buem leave daily for the mines. Laundry oonnected with the hotel. BMITH BIGAZK, myl7 ProDrietora. Washington House Ji-'liird SSoutli Street, HALT LAKE CITY Board and Lodging, par Week 1 Ot Board and Lodging, per day, 1 o Day Board, per week, 5 0 Single Trench Spring Beds, per week, - 2 50 Beda,per Might - 50 tteala - - 35 m TQWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADISG HOTEL or UTAH. JAMES TOWN8END PROPMETOH. This House Is oontrally and pleasantly lo sated, well furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 10 Eucsia. THE PROPRIETOR U now preparinr o build large additions to his Hotel, whiwh when finished, wUlren'er it the Moit Complete EttnbliMhmciit in the ROCKY MOrXTAlS REGION ml) TAYLOR'S HOTEL. EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. XT T A. XI THIS HOUSE IS THE LARGEST AND bust arj-ointed Hou.o in Utah Territory, and has accommodation for throe hundred and nfty puoatf". Street cars and carriaos connected connect-ed with tho White Sulphur Baths. Heading Rooms, containing jiaimrs from all points, Uaibs, Bar, Tolecraph, News and Cigar Suind attached to tho House. H. S. GREELEY. Jfc CO., nor2l Proprietors. AMERICAN HOTEL, WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, PRICES REDUCED. Terms td. 50 par dart "Weekly Board and ttoomi tl9,UU to SIj.OU) Table Board, 8 00. A few First Class families can find pleasant quarters. Salt Lako City, NovotnberB, 1S72. J. C. LITTLE, 9024 Proprietor. W.T.REYNOLDS A CO., E- B. ZABRISKIE, Ban Fxancifico. Salt Lake City. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HA VI TOR SALE A FfflB LINK OF WINES AND LIQUORS, To which thoy call th, attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. SOLEAOtlNTS FOR "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. T II K FINKS T IB -A.' 3R, IN THE CITY CONNECTED WITH TUB BOCSR. 64 MAIN STREET Twodosn lonlh of Wellat Fur go A Co'i Bank. m5 C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kiadi of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron nnd Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACK.8SITH TOOLS, Agrla allaral lupltmivti And HlaliiTootl, At Lowest Kates, OPPuSIIS Iiii: SALI LAKE IiOL ;. ali INSURANCE. IIHZOX IMR1CE fO, J. B.KKWLTT - - President. B. U. t LM - - Secretary. Cincinnati, Ohio. ASSETS JVSE 30, 1S7. C&fh on a acd. i" bank, and in cvtirse of tnfi.-inis-ioa Illl.W 57 United SLtes Bonds, market value l-'.'.l 0? &i?jRie"bf! sCbM? IS Stats Bonds ard Miscellaneous.. &S.617 Sft? Due from rtcna , ,, , 8a,tv7 So LIABILITIES. Outstanding Losses 'and other Lia $77,711 W H. R. Mann & Co., Agents, Orflcet Bank In sr Home of A. W. White A Co. 1. O. Box, 55. , Irss AGEITCT- OF THE Home Mutual INSCmCE COMPiNi, OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL $650,000. JOHN II. REDI.VUTU.V, Fr.ildcnt.. CHARLES R.KTOBY, Sccr.t.17. Principal OJhce, 433 California St., SAX FSAiVCISGO. H. R. MANN i Co., Agents, Office: Banking House, A. W. White A Co. PiiosrECTDS foe 1S73. SixthYear. THE ALDINE, An Illustrated 31 out Uly Journal, universally admitted to be tbe haudsouicst Periodical in the World. A Kcpresentatlve and Champion of American Ameri-can Taste. Not for Sale in Book nr News Stores. THE ALDINE, while issued with all the repularity, has none of tbo temporary or timely interest characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It is an oteg-ant miscellany of puro, hcht, and graceful literature; and a collection col-lection of pictures, tho rartat suocimons of artulic skill, in black and white. Although each aiieceeamvnuLuber affords a fresh fdeaa-uroto fdeaa-uroto it. irioniis, dio real value and boauty of : TUt.ALDl.NK iriii bo most appreciated alter ! it has boon bound uj) at tho close of tho year. , While othur publications may claim superior , cheupuuis, as compared with rivals of a similar clasi, 111L ALDi.NL is a unique and original conception alone and unapproached abso- 1 luiolj; "about competition in price or charac- I tor- lho poss&isur ot a complete volume can- not duplicate tho quantity of fino paper and' engravings in any other ehapo or numbor of i volume tor ii'u time It cot;and tUcn, there are the clirQiuoi bealdca 1 ABT DEPARTMENT. I Notwithstanding tho incrooso in the prico of subfcninioo lat tail, ivhon THE ALDINE assumed iti present noble proportions and representative rep-resentative character, the edition wan more than doubled during the past year; proving prov-ing that tho American public appreciate, and will aupiiort, asuicero eiiort in the cause of Art. 1 ho tu bl ishers, anxious to j ustify tho ready confidence 'hus demoDftratod, have exerted themsoivos to tho utmost to develop and improve tho work; and the plans lor tho coming year, as un to Ided by tho monthly issues, is-sues, will astonish and uoiigbt oven the mo sanguine lriendsof 111E ALULNE. Ilie oubluhors aro aulhoriied to announce designs irom many of tho most eminent artistr 01 America. In addition, THE ALDINE will produce examples ex-amples of tho best loreigu masters, seloctcd with a viow to the highest artistic success, and : greatest general interest; avoiding such as have become lamiliar, through photographs or copies ot any kind. Tho iiuarterly tinted plates, for 1S73 will reproduce re-produce tour oi Johns. Davios' iniuiitablo child-sketches, appropriate to tho four seasons. Those plates, appearing in tho issues for January. Jan-uary. April, J uly, and Uctober, would bo alono worth lho price oi a year's subscription. The popular features el'a copiously illustrat-od illustrat-od "ChriMuias" number will hocontinued. To pOMOSa such a valuable epitome of tho art world, at a cost so trilling, will command the subscriptions ot thousands in every section of the country; but, the useiulaoss and attractions attrac-tions ol IDE ALDl.NE can bo enhanced, in proportion to tho numerical increase ol its supporters, sup-porters, the pubhsners propose to make "assurance "as-surance double sure' by the tollowing unparalleled un-paralleled oiler of l'KEMiratuitoMos FORI873. Every subscriber to THE ALDINE, who pays in advance lor tho year 1573, will receive, without additional charge, a pair of beautiful oil chrumoi, alter J.J. UiU, tho eminent Kng-li.-h painter. Tho pictures, entitled "'lho illago bell," and "Crossing tho Moor." are l-l x inches aro printed from Jo different plates, requiring iuipretaiona and tints to punecieuchiuctu.ro. Tho samo chromos axe sold lor j.iu per pair, in lho art stores. As it is tho determination ot its conductors to keen TUE ALDINE out of tho roach ol competition in every department, the chromos will be found corre.-pondincly ahead ol any that can beoLtcrod by otnur periodicals. Every subscriber sub-scriber will receive a certiacate, ovor the signature sig-nature of the publi.-hors, guaranteeing that the chromos delivered shall beo.iual to the samples furnished tbe aent, or tho money will bo ro-lunded- The distribution of pictures of thii grade, frco to tho subscribers to a hvo dollar periodical, will tuirK an epoch in the history olArt; and, con.-iderihg tho unprecedented cheapness ol the price lor THE ALD1.N E it?elf. Uio marvel lalls little short of a miracle, even to thoso best acquainted with the achiove-uienu achiove-uienu 1 1 inventive genius and improved uio-chanical uio-chanical appliances. ( for illuLrnlKns nf those chremos, seo November issuo ol THE ALDLNEJ TI1E UTEBARY 1EPABTME.T8 will continuoundcr tho care of Mr. RICHARD llh.VKY siUDDAKD, agisted by iho best writers and poeu of lho day, who will Uriro to have tho literature of THE ALDINE always al-ways in kcotiing wilh iu arusuc attractions. TERMS. 3 per annnin, In advance, irllh Oil (uramoi free. THE ALDTNE will, hereafter, be obtained only by sut'f jru ti-n- There will be no reduced re-duced lt club rate; c'h fiT subscription must bo sent to the publi-bcr direct, or bandfsl to the li-al sevr.t, " Hlioin renpon.lblllty to the publishers, except in r,os where thocertiiicate is (tiven. bearing the fac-almile signature ol J ium suiu.i Co. A tit NTS WANTED. Any rcrson. wihtnr to act permanently J a Ior.il accnt. will n.--ei e lull aad iruiopt information in-formation by apj-tymit to JAMES SITTOX 4 Co, Pnbllihen, 58 J1AIDKX LANE, SEW YORK. W. H. Harrinuton, Agent, Herald Office. nl5 LUMBERYARD. All Kinds or Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS BLINDS, MOULDINGS. SHINGLES, LATHS, T. K. JONES Bali hl south ot U- C B DepoU DES MOINES TRADE. DES MOINES Scale Company ! . . F. R. WEST, President. ii S. F. STAFFORD, Viet-rt 9 GEO. A. JEWETT, Secr'y. Sba- S. S. HITCHCOCK, Sup'L WM. DICKER50N, General AtrenL We are manufacturing, and can fill orders on short notice, the following: Hay, Coal an! Stock Scales ! ' RAILROAD, Warehouse. & Counter Scales ; WHEAT OR HOPPER SCALES ! FLOUR AND BUTCHERS' BEAM1 Baggage and Warehouse Track.. Evtry article warranted durable and accurate. SCALES OF ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Address, for Circulars, DES StOINKS SCALE CO., no38 Des Moinoa, Iowa. A. E. ROBERTS & CO., Manufacturer! of SCHOOL FURNITURE, OFFICE DESKS, CHURCH, HALL, AND COURT HOUSE SEATS. DES MOINES, IOWA. Black well's Liquid Slating and Black Board. Orders soliiited. Send for Illustrated Cala-'icoeanH Price List- J MISCELLANEOUS. -A.T COST JB O CHRISTMAS AEW VBAr"pRESiTS THE MOST DESIRABLE OPPORTUNITY OP-PORTUNITY ! CARL C.lSMUSSEN itill aix And wi.hos to caU .pocial attention to hi. baautiful assoruuoDt of una Ladies' Gold and Silver Watches, Bracelets, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S , DRESS RINGS, CHAINS, LOCKETS and CHARMS. Also a great variety of tie bast .elected SOLD NECLACES, BROOCHES, BROOCH-ES, EAR RINGS AND FULL SETS A comploto assortment of the host grades of AMERICAN WATCHES the most suitable for Railroad Traveler?. Farmers and Minors. For Jtreneth and good going thoy are unsurpassed, and will keep longer than any other watch. ' ALL GOODS ARE SOLD UPON HONOR AND WARRANTED. The public are oordialLy invited to inspect. CARL C. ASMUSSEN, JEWELER ANO WATCHMAKER, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, S. L. CITY. Idl31 CRACKERS! CRACKERS! Crackers ! Salt Lale Steam Cracto Factory NEAR R. R. DEPOT. T AM M A N U F A CTT 1 1 T N ( . thohwt Ql'AL-J Ql'AL-J ITV and ti UK A TEST VAltlKTV of CRACKKK. over produced in tho Territory, Terri-tory, which I offer to the Trade and Public generally, at the lowest jos;iblo prircs. Merchants and friend" arc re-iuerted to call and examine my goods and price, before purchasing. - R. Y. ANDERSON, Salt Lake City, Jan. i, 1W;L Utah Territory. CHICAGO & ALTON R. It. The Only Flrat-Claai Ropt In . j LOUISIANA, MISSOURI ffew Short Kontt from j Kansas City to Chicago,1 Without Change 1 I Via PL Lna,n, Kannaa city and Northern, (lte North Mi'xouh; and rhicCtand Alton Railroad'. cros?ing the M iMipsippi at Louisiana, Lou-isiana, Mo., at. 1 pnne throuch Jackson-rille. Jackson-rille. BloominstoD and JolicU The Shortest and Cesi Route to tlie East, via fhicaso! ELEGANT LAY CARS F1TLLUAI FAL&CC SLESPIIB CARS Ran throngh Trim Ktim city and 8. Louis to Chicace, wiiboat change I mm mm mm eodm ND SMOKING CARS On all daily trains : the only 3ine mnning these can from KaaiaiCltylMd luLoali toChleago- No Line makes as Good Time. Or eloper ennnectir n, ot ne;.er aTf.tntno dations. better irak. more elesant day car, tn.-.re luxuriant and corr.foru.uie JlrtinK cars- I:v.;i o: Xar-'wi'arific aoJ allM e tern ruads cr.aect dJe.y with trics of this line, it tTnioa Depot, Kat-a city. JAS. HARLTON, Oeneral Pasenrer and Ticket Ageat, C.iA.R. K. CDicaeo- J. MiMULLIS, n.Supt-. C. .t A-EL EL. Chieaco. FRANK HIGH, Western Trailing AganuC. kA. R.R. Kanaas aV, Me. " IYI1SCELLANE0US." SELLING AT COST- Great Sacrifice! Rebicwn's Coalville I Coal, $aA3 per ton at the U- C. R. R- Doivt. C-oal delivered in all parts of the City at StiUO per ton. Order? received at Teasdl Co'i Dun ford 4 Son's.Smith'f Boot and Shoe Store, and box in the Fost OtSee. feb FOR SAlTE. 1S FOR ITER "LTTTLK GIANT" Encine and H. iler complete, ia fun woik-ing-condition, sle by GORDON &, MURRAY, Half klock south R. R. Depot. Salt Lake City. .c; M. T. BURGESS. Civil Engineer and U. S. Mineral Surveyor, Will prepare the nwesfary Tapers and Diagrams Dia-grams tor PatonU and 1'roteeu. Offiee in BaiUing oceupied by Surrerer General. jaal TO THE TRADE, Mil taeUflMictirLi Co, ( TR VK EK.) J. RUSSELL & CO., Qrt:em river works, Works and Warehouses, TrjRNRR'a Fli.i, iTass., Manufacture the nnoft and largsst varietj TABLE CUTLERY In the World. Their floods can now bo found upon the Lists of ail A 1 Jobbing Houses. Office and Sample Rooint 6 Chant bera Street, SKW YORK. Jno.Kussell MTg Co. jan!9 ) 1 i y en CO g g g Ph 0 , 3 n 3 S S 1 Ca3 R 1 2 a i prrr j h . , s m- 5 A 1 - 3 z i3 1 m 2 i ' g 2 6 5 1 i s - S s M I , .1 r5 B 1 ' . g ffl H j 5 k S't la H g I k .1 CORN, OiTS, BAR! EY, KLOL R.CORN-.MKAL.HUCKWilKAT- KLOl'K AND PRIME BUTTER. For solo cheaper than any other bou.-o in tho city, by UORI0 A MURRAY, ci"?'fc-"iTt.a'S..f,'LB- P"'."t W IHOS &COAL, BED ROCKS OF NATIONAL WEALTH Iron and Coal. CapitalisU call on mo, I own iL I will divide Addreaa, N . M. DI.AIR, lit) P.O. Bol INO.Salt Lake It)-. T ANTED. ?2.0no CASH, FOR ONE interest in 1 tah for the u?o of tho money Address, S. M. BLA 1 K, Salt Lake City, P. 0. Box loo. NOTICE. rHR UNKNOWN OWNERS 0P FT VF Hundred and Pilty t.Vjti) teet in theOwon A uardner lodo, and -our II mi i red 1 1' f.-et in thoUrphan Buy lode, will taWo n no- r Imt wo havo dono labor on the n bovo nanuvt claim to tho amount of One Hundred DviImts each. The tamo hoin si.ven and one-pi ruth IT 1-7) rents per foot on tho Owen A (inniner and eisht and une-third ih I-.il cent- j.cr lout on the orphan Boy. .aid el aim heins i(u-ated i(u-ated id Little CottonwUud District, .nlt I.nke Lounty, l tali Territory. And ivu and each of you are hereby Doiiiied to ia- uur i'orinti a? above fluted, wi liin ninelv ( dflve irmn dato of ihH notice, to A. W. White ,t Co t SallLakoCity. HKNRV OWEN, S. S. EVANS. Salt Lakk City. Dec. 7, isri ds READ This Advcrtiiement AND WRITE lor our Manual of Evergreens AND SAVE ii buying and pi an Unit your tree. 50 PER GENT. Prioe 10 ccDts worth 3 i to any tree-plant' r PISSKV A CO , 7 Ktntgrnn liny. Mil. TIISCB TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. TO IHE t AST, NORTH ANO SOUTHEAST. Ho. 3. STATIONS. ilpaaa MAIL. i I LeaTeALT LAKE &:fa.m.1 2:i',p.rn. " OMAHA j 6:Xj..m. 5::Jam. I Arrive BURLINOTOS ! 5,fJ0a-iL.j rsOp.m. - GaleibargtC.B.AQ ) 7:00 a.m. 10. p.m. " Man a ova " 11:16 a. m.j Si',h.m. " Chicago " j 3:15. p.m.j 7:X'e.m. " Peoria - i &;0Oa.n..12;We.B. " Ind'rlis'IBJkW. f:iop.m. l:a.n, " Cincinr-ati - U:ft p.m. : l"'P.m. Logampirt Wpnl fr30a.a. T. P.iW.i, j " twir,g. am Vt o XT' Thrnurh Cart frnm Mi-ioarl Rtt te CHi't". T -Mi-:r-")ia, Cincinnati. Loganr nortand C-olnmbos.l , . ''nnntlnii' ; inne pfln'l with line ',;r:.,t.?.B.rii?.V.T:ixi.h.-k... tad rhixpii Roala. Do hr 4w-rir 1 nt "Main Ti-V" tib the Barlington A J4u0url KiTar Railroad. eea1Pa:ABU tienlBct ST. LOUIS TRADE. JUSSOORI STATS LCTTEBY. Usralizei by Sine Auihoriiy and lriu iu Fulilir iu St. Louis, Grand Single Number Scheme. I 50,000 NUMBERS ' Cl... O, to ..Drawn b. 1S73, S.SS0 Priut, Amounting to f 500, OiX), ' I r-. f lo.- .... .(-,,.( .no I r..r. ol !.,. o , , soo J '"" ? ."! 0 Tlck.ta, fio. H.ir Ticht-,aj, Uuartera. ti.iu. - letlrW .-b.ir-J b. tin. Sut arm ""V:" ' lh" ,,a5 "" "J k!1 -age - Tbf dram, .ill (v p, . i.hfcl in Uu rh"1'" 1i77' "v-i ' J"'" M.l 10 'H ir .inotar arhree tha lat ' da firir? m.-Qtii .luring Hi- ri t. R-n.ii .t oar -:. ivr OFF1C1 ! WO.SK. OKtiESS. KKilSTkKKn LKTT KB. 0ROT,,r KPKli'S tor cwnlar 4d- Jreaa ill Kit. A V. M LL.L.lvK i Po'tOfflcB.na4 0. 6T. LOUTS. Mo, j ifli-HV IlOtSERBEPER ! WUO WANTS A UAl'PV 1'AMILV, EVERY HOTEL KEEPER Who Always Wants a Fall House EVERY STOVE DEALER WHO MEANS BCSiSESS. EVERY Ml CSILE j Who de$irej Health by Good Living, ! SHOVLD IH V 0SE or TH CELEBRATED ! ASK YOUfl TINNER FOR THEM If ho doo? not have an assortment, SEND YOUR ORDER TO EXCELSIOR MUI1CNIIII CD. SAINT LOUIS, Wholuale Dualem in all kindi of TIN N ERS' STOCK, And all LIVE STOVE DEALERS. nnrH SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, VAMI.LA, LENOX, LTC, For Flooring Ifo fnam. Cakes and rnslrr. IVitli prcal can', Ly a now prorrtm, 1 vTCT!nn'i froni tin- tnn t-i lcrt Fruit 1 nml Ari'iunlii s, emit ch-M :uici i1lc tin- ' vor. ntid pruilnri' F.iwiitf! of runs ere. H.enct. I' pn.it el ' ,:th a nfi' pr , purity. y oi ,v f.iery f.n-r , as repve.M hteit. Xotl"iifiieti tt'tle ful iiHiimire. h-jl'thtq ,.,; ttuin of'lrr purj.vtutff to ho:tt fume quantity. thi u fmee. ir?l tto o(Ji r. Tln vi'tt tlihr-itf, (h'i.-it.it jtumrs r-T m-xtr. No Mipwmr In Hi.' clic;ii rxtnifl-.. A-V fur i'r. I'rirc's Sp. ijl I-'liiurii):s iMhjiu j fiutuicil only by ' STZEIEL-E &c PRICE, DciHitf., t Mil At.O nml ST. LUUltS. Minujtet:r.-rn of Jr. jYicc'a Crwm Jl.tkiL J'oiriU r. Epizootic ! EPIZOOTIC! I j K I' I , 0 0 T 1 C! I ! i FOUND AT LAST! A .(m-iCc for the I I.ilt-. LP DEMI c. r,lr(, J f!lert"d in from tl,r-- to for Ho.ns. J'rice t 11 ter b'.-ltln. W hi.le.nlo i ' for d"ien. ; A-k for HIPPOCRASTUS ! j Vli..ln nc ntid I'.-fil by ; C. F. CULMER A CO, ti no Kill-,. K HI.OI1K, Sail ,akr City. ..'ii,,';.';.,,';:,,;,:,:iir'?'': x-'.i for.'V'.'Vo":.'"-' j THIS K.NOU .N UltAM) JAPAN TEAS -J..K SALE AT- . -" m . . Grocery Department. all ". P. CLAWSQN.Bwt |