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Show SAM FRAHCiSCi) TRADL IMPORTANT WORKS O.N RUNES AND MINING l.tlinl Title toMltilnfi Jlalnie and V, alrr ili-iu. Ily Ur.vory iilo. $.:). p,,,,.,.,,,, vr i;ii fiivr fcs-traction, fcs-traction, forticuer.l Cae. By Oijido tUiUu'reti, Wlint tlicy . How V L ye. nntl "W Worked! U7 Ti.e Jlh.li.,,' and MttftUursy ot ;.ld autl silver. By J. Arthur Phil- . .'. T'ie .ltall"'Ky of Lend. Including ieHv:rU.Uloii, aud C uucllat loii I . r.h- Ptr'J, SI "") A '1 tv i ii ! 1 I" Practical A 11 J in Vibt1! - ' SI Cn-ikr ami itohrU-'- TreMtM on Mfinlluri;), In ihrve voli. "1. 1 Silver ...ui i.ead. Vl. II. Huairou. Vol.111, steel d I- uc . K..-'i v..i. ..! eriratcly at sl""0 i--r vol. Ti e Mri.Ulin J and .Mining of Cop- per. K.-A.S l'i-t.M. I. ? j. i'retl.e on Oro Uejolt. By Bern- L i ! Vnn C' i'j SI 0. A -vit.cm of Mineralogy. By Junes utn;i.Ji. A. , . -ny "f :tio above works soot by mail un ro-csl;-. "I" pr:co m c-ia. or its equivalent la C"v.'"oBiNo have in addition to tho ahove. a I ltl-'l- Hj.jriLuont oi Scientific. Standard mi Mi-coiu;ico'jJ Book, UUnk Books and &., ion cry. CitaJouuos lurautioJ oo ftppli- 0J,Uu11' A. HUMAN at CO., PublldlicrM! UooUdelleas, Importers and Siatlonera. No. 11 Montgomery St., Lick House Block, fan t raucisco, California. ati lOHPHY.GRANT&GQ, Imp.;.rvr-T3 of American and European StupJe and Faucy BUY &00DS, HAN fJLtAlTCIaCO, CALIFORNIA, Call tho attention of the Trade to their large and eompletofilfoa of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which they are now receiving direct from European Manufacturers, oomprisins in part ll rach Alerlnoa, Wool Satlnee, Wool Plalda, Trench and German, Irish nd French PopUaif Emprtii Clotlia, TmlM black and colored, VtlrUni, Alpacaa, black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS. ALSO GLOVES, Kid, Buck. Berlin (Ladies', Misses', floats') Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Htiilery, complete In all 1U branches WUlle Uooila, llauilWerctilcfe, SUIrtliig Llucui, luilte, while auj colored,; DmBilig, brown loom and bitched, TowcU, Unci, Diaper, Tnrtish. AAliklai uil DoylUt, k. to.. Ufa., ICta. BOOTS AiD SHOES, California Manufacture, L'Oit AVIIOLKSALK TRADE, H eaver & Taylor, lis Front Street, San Francisco, California. a. ciilii.ovt.ou. Wii.na nocx. b. a. nusr. -kJ. CHIEIjOVIOH So CO., Importers aud wholesale dealers in FlNli WINKS . LUIUORS, 5o La AQLTis roa JESSE, Mil 3 St & GO'S FIN: (U BOURBON AND HYE WHISKIES. DI1101 laOH LOUISVILLE, XI. 601 Front St.. fAN FRANCISCO. ap4 L. A. Sanderson, T. L. Horn. SANDERSON & HORN, II u porters and Jobbers of CIGARS 1XD TOBACCO, (Proprietors uf La Eipanola Cigar Factory,) Sole manufacturers oj the celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Front Street, flslweon Wmhlngton and Clay, SAM FRANCISCO. ap4 TUB IMPROVED FRENCH RANGE. Tli v most com pi o to Cooking Apparatus in use The Eureka Range, Stands unrivalled by any other Portable Range, j Ouaranleed to give entire aatli faction. fac-tion. Locke & Montague, 112 114 Battery St, &10 Sa faAWciaoo. ROSENBAUM & FRIEDMAN 34 A. a Battery St., San fran, Importers and W holes ile Dealers in French, English, German and American DRY AND FANCY GOODS, .Hosiery, Corsets, Ribbons, And ful lino of bmallwares. m6 CRAY, JONES &CO. DKFVT OK T 11 K SANTA CRUZ TANNERY, MANUFACTURERS OF OAK SOLE LEATHER, Kio. ilB Battery Strcct,' SAN FRAHCXSCO. J til., a Boaro.i, j BaI1 i"rttI101flco . apo GUANiJ HOTJSL, On Market, New Montgomery and Bcouiid titrooU. SST JTJbt AJfCIHCO, CAL. c JOiLXSON & Co., Paopaiffroas. A. P. HOTAUNG & CO. EOLK AUK.NT3 Jult THE J. H. CUTTER OLDBOURSON WHISKY, AND IMPORTERS OP KIN K WISKI AND LIQTOns, Ml Jack ton m., San KraucUco. al'J J. H. CUTTER iM) liOlKBO. WHISKY. C. 1 MOORMAN &, CO., L:.u;svi!lc, Kentucky, Distillers. Tho Trade and Conaainrrs are notiSed t.i i; ?,e above is rhe only genuine brand i' I lj::or wai-Hy, and th.it the undersigned : s.-Io AK-cnts lor itio namo. All other ' ,L 'S '': m:-k- to bo "Cmter" whisky are c:. i i. .or imllniloni, T0 order t0 i..V :r l. ' lho ua",e of the Agenti aro larii hnll,Val1",rrtl' Bnd blown tn i t .;,!'. ? ci.;-"" sti.i. au "VAI.lib:it UltU'N .CU . r Sil LAi. MJ Uui. ' At TO TlIU TKADE. t or 5.1, In Slor. .nil Wrchou... i" b.rr.Ij J. II. cuer whikT. 1 K.m.1 II. duo .LukT. V-kuni. KUor.iJo waUkr. -i '.-..-tcl Old B-.urb.jn whi.ky. o .rrtls M.irsii.ll whisky. 1. ' birrci. yLUcr . :.u:..r brands Kj. " AUo In fttore .nd Ilondi 'Jtl o'vf a",".rtd brnd. Kronch brandj ! 'lT.8 Upland (!in. r '. , r".' Porl iae. r'jrtcj brindl Ssu:;'n.':: ': A P ,."1" """''.I- TRAVEL, GILIV1ER & SALISBURY'S STAGE LINES Tiiuouvn Uti&h, iout. -east ievtsla & Mo-tstsia, Mo-tstsia, Leaving Salt Lake City Dally, r un-nlng un-nlng South to Tintio, American Fork, Mount Nebo, Stmor, St. Georpe, Utah; aod Piocho, 'ovada ; Paiilnf through Provo, SpriDpTillo, Spanish Fork,Pay-Bon, Fork,Pay-Bon, Salt Creek, Chicken Creok, Uonnd Valley, Fillmore, Corn Creek, Beaver, Minere-vilio, Minere-vilio, and AU the principal towns and mining camps in southern Utah and south-east Nevada. Also Icav Corlnne, Utah, dallv, runatng north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Deer Lodgo, Cedar Creek mines, and passing through all the principal towns and mining min-ing camps in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Wells, Fvgo & Co. Building' Jan Salt Lake City Lon Wines. H. P. Kimball SALT LAKE, OPfUR And Tintic Stage and Express RUNNING DAILY FUOJH BALI LAKE CITY, via LAKE TOWN, TOOELE CITY, STOCKTON AND OPHUt TO TIMTIC. The ronte has been re-stocked with splendid splen-did Concord Coaohoa, fine Stock, careful and uttcn'.ive Drivere. and every attention is raid 10 the comfort ani convenience of patenters. paten-ters. Good accommodations on the road, THROTjGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. OfBao at Welle, Fargo Co.'a, Salt Lake City. WINES & KIMBALL, ar-14 Proprietor!. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROxVD. On .nd after September 3d, 1873 MIXED TRAINS TILL RXJOST DAILY. Ciolng South. Leave the Utah Central R.B. Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 2.20 p.m. Sandy, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 8.10 a.m. and 3.30 p.m., arrive at Lehi at 9.10 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. .olng North. xLcave Lehi at 9.30 a.m. aod 4.50 p.m.; Sandy at 10.50 a.m. and 6.10 p.m; arrive at Salt Lake City at 11.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. JrTjVItKW : Salt Lake to Cottonwood Station. 50ots " " tiandy A $1.00 " I) rarer " " " I'oini " " l."5 " ' Lohi " " 2iS rascngcra will ploaao purchase tlokotslat tho uihco. SI. EI. DAVIS, Gen. Freight and Tioket Agent. fr'HHAMOKZ LiITTLK) SUPtRINTKNDINT. UTAH CEKTRAL JiAlLllOAK. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. Ob and after Monday, July 17, 1 871 Daily Trains Leave Salt Lake City at 6 a.m. and li5 p.m ArriTe at Ogdon 7 a. m. and 4:45 p. m. Leave Ugden at a. ra. and b:M p. m. imti at Salt Lake City 10 a,m. and 7:30 p.m In addition to the aboe IVIXIJK. TOT TRAINS WU1 rnn DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Loavicj Salt Like City at 5.30 p.m.. and UJon at ja.m. wiiaj(ri will pleaaa Pnrehaae their Tlekata at the ODIiii. fifty Cents additional will be ehar? nd when the fare lb ovllectei on tho train. Pel al) Information concerning freight or passage, apply to ffl. II. DAVIS, QeneralPreicht and liokot Ag't JOHS SEAEP, TTriaiNTINDXT J" xxXixxs Bauer tSs Co., JLVNUFACTUEERS OF THE DIPROVED BAUBE OEHANS AND Every. Instrnmeiit FULLY WARRANTED for FIVE YEAES. Upward of 26,000 now in use. CATALOGUES scat FREE t0 on7 aMrcsa upon application. ALSO IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN PIANOS M ALL KINDS of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. JULIUS BAUEE & CO., 650 Broadway, 390, 392, 394 & 396 Wabash Ave NEW YORK. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. J. DAYNESiS SON, Agents for Utah, 1st South St., jyl9 TWO DOOKS EAST OF GODBE S DRUCr STORE. MAMMOTH BOOT, SHOE AND HAT STORE, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Orders Solicited from Town and Country, and promptly and curefnlly tilled at the very smallest possible margin over cost. mI7 WK WHITE Q 11TE GUARANTEE THE ABOVE BRAND TO BR PERFECTLY " PUKK. AND IN FINENESS, WHITENESS AND COVERING PROPERTIES IT IS UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE STANDARD. - FAHNESTOCK, HASLETT & SCHWARTZ, 137 Fust Ave., PITTSBUJIGII, PA. FOR SALE BY ry p "HIT T JU. U. JLY1. 1. AND OTHER DEALERS. lV29 GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. jawes qaluchks. jooa qallachek WILLIAM GALLACHEfi. TRIUNE. BAKERY MALM STREET, Odb door below tho Walker House. Ice Cream, Refreshments. GALLACHER & SONS. Pare Brearl ! Pure Candy! I'll RESTATE GUARD G0LIGIITLY beg to informs e Public, that they till aaxry on Ue business of Bakers and Confectioners, At the old stand of Tlio "GLOBE," BAST TEMPLE 8TUBET, Adjoining the Cooporative Grocery Dopart-mont, Dopart-mont, whoro can be found everything in thoir line of business, and ihey hope, by strict attention to the wants of thoir customers, to oootinue their patronage and support. Pare Home-mnrte Caudles Specialty. ORDERS FILLED WITH DISPATUfl. al6 DUTY OFF T H A' S JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF BEST BRAND OF GUNPOWDER AND Japan Teas AT REDUCED D LIT If. Our TEAS for quality ara'provcrbi-ai ara'provcrbi-ai Wo make it our special study, bo that tho publio can always depend on quality and prices. C. V. DAVIS. W.J. HOOPER & CO. I1GOSDKUOI AL. ITHEKT. m3 MISCELLANEOUS, i -J "S . W I m Y O yj t a 1 p n O d So a , a. " s 2 l S n o " r -s -i z s 5 9 I - si 8 S i 9 1 s I IMPERIAL. Having concluded arntngcmcula with the largest Refinery in tho east to manufacture man-ufacture for lis a special quality of CARBON OIL for our trado Wo hereby givo notice, that we now have for sale tho IMPERIAL CARBON OIL, Which is far superior in quality and safety to any ever offered in this niarkot. It is water white and stands 150 tiro test. We recommend it to thoso that want a Good Quality of Illuminating Oil. CALL AiVO EXAMINE. E. REESE & CO, 87 FIRST SOUTH ST. mrtS BICKER'S Little Was her, th; be t and cheapest 13, T1IG MARKET, Only $7.00. J. G. COLTRIN, Agent, Specimens, I'Hh Ward Co-oporativo Store. Tim hiKhe.it rrimln rit pnid fr Hides and I'olta. J. ti. t uiI IllS' Si. CO., At IM'ogjley'i Tannery, lfth Ward. JUST RECEIVED Express Wagons, Hobby Horses, &c, &c, &c. A FETE ST0CE OF CIGrARS TO BE CLOSED OCT AT WHOLESALE OR BY THE BOX AT COST- TEA.SUGAR, COFFEE, SPICES & GROCERS SUNDRIES KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. BREAD, CAKES, PIES and CRACKERS BAKED ON THE PREMISES E VEXl Y IDuTrT AND SOLD REASONABLY BY Daniel Gremg, EAST SIDE EAST TEMPLE .STREET, Above Socond South Street augl4 SEEDS & PLANTS. ALAlUiE AXD FIXE GENERAL assort-mont assort-mont of SliEUti; puro ALFALFA, tino "iKASS it;i-:ns, A.-., Uroonhouso PLANTS. Slllll'ltS mid EV EKi.KL'KXjS. Imported Ul 'lVH BVL11S. LILIES, ULADIOLLo, c Catalogue." on applinuion. E. E. iliKHlE, -12o Waahincton Stroct, se2o tsio Francisco, CaL ICE CB,EAl4; ICECREAM ICE CREAM. SODA WATER. SODA WATER. SODA WATER. The Beet in Town at II. WALLACE'S. BALTIMORE TRADE. WW. LANAHAN & SON, DISTILLS Ufl AND JOBBERS OF RYE WHISKEYS, Warebouae So. UO Light Street, DAXTIJUUHJE, mi 21 RAILROADS. G. P. R. Re OK AND AFTER SEPTEMBER 10th, 1874, TRAINS WILL LEAVE OtiDEX DAILY AH FOLLOWS FOL-LOWS I Ovorland Pawenfrer Train for Toano, "Carlin, W innoniucca, Wadsworih, Heno, Marysvillo, Roddtng (lor Oroton), Sacramento, Stockton, Latnroji, Merced lor Yosoiuito), Tipton for Los Angeles), San Joso and San Eranciscy, - 5.20 r.a. Overland Freisht and Accommodation Accommoda-tion Train for San Francisco, - - S.25 r.a. A.N. TOWXE, T. II. GOOD MAX", lion'l Sup't Hen. Pass, and Ticket Agont. GEO. 11. KICK, Aokst, Salt Lake Citv, Office with Marshall Jt Cartor, Ovor W. F. A Co's Bank. s'.v UfVIOlN PACIFIC RAILROAD TIME TABLE. DNT1L. further notice. Trains will leaTe.and arrive at Ogdon Daily, as follows: Tmati. I Akbiti. Daily Epress.S-J0a.rn. Daily Exp's.&-10 p.m. Mixed. - 6-.W p.m. Mix ad, - 2 35 p.m. Freight. - a-m. I Freight, - 6-10 a. m. Daily connections made at Ogden with Utah Central Pacillo Road from -alt Lake city and all points in Southern South-ern Utah. At Bryan with stages for Sweetwater mines. At Choyonno with Denvei Paciflo Railroad for Denver, Central city, Georgetown and all points in Colorado and Now Mexico. At Omaha with Chicago and North "Western. Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific, iJurlington and Missouri River, Kansas city, dL Joe and Council B lulls Railroads and Missouri River Line of Steamers for all points East and South Tickets for sale to all points East at oflico of Wells, iTargo & Co., East Temple Tem-ple street, and at the office of Utah Central Cen-tral Railroad, in Salt Lake city; also at Union Pacific Railroad ticket office in Ogden, at which office bertha on Bleeping Bleep-ing cars can be secured. Arrangements haye been made whereby where-by passengers desiring to visit Denver on their way East can avail themselves of an excursion rate from Cheyenne to Denver, and return at greatly reduced rates. Eor particulars and all information in regard to passage, apply at Ticket Offices. Of-fices. Passengers should be careful to secure their passage tickets to all Eastern and Southern points via OMAHA, and thus avail themselves of the advantages of a through sleeping car. comfortable accommodations ac-commodations and quick time. TUOS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket Agent. T. E. Sickkls, Chf. Engineer and Superintendent. 0"Throngh Cars from Missonri River to Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Logana-port Logana-port and Co lam bos. Connections at those poinU with lines leadiagto the East, North aad Sooth. This ii the Best, Shortest, (iulokeat and Cheapeaa Rant. Do not be deoeived, bnt obtain Tickets via the B or ling ton A Missouri River Railroad. A. K. TOUZALIN. C B. PERKINS: an1 Pass: Agent fienl Bnp 130 Celebrated XX & XXX FAMILY FLOUR. Tiolesale and Retail, AT GEO. H. KXOWLDEX'S Agent, A Large Supply always on hand; also FRESH CHURNED Butter, NEW LAID EGGS OJf HAND FROW THIS DATE. Uigheat prices paid in Cash for Butter, Eggs and Grain. GEORGE H. MOWLDEN, West side Main Street, SALT LAKE CITY. al6 1 Kr 5" fl W ? Z. C. M. I. The largest, the oheapest and the bos t ASSORTMENT d Watches Clocks AND FINS JEWELRY to be found ;Ln tho West, by CARL C. AS MUSS EN, East Temple Street, Qalf-a-blook north of the Xagl Emporium. "A large Fin : 2 solid Mahognny Doorit. and a Uno SiUortohoif Caso, plate giaw, or salo. augl7 SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Michail Kim. T.N Wafd WAND, KANE & CO.. (Suooeaaora to Hunter, W and . Co.) Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WIXES AND LIQUORS. Proprietors of Ilanter's California w neat ATCtvlsljtoy-. Also Agents for Joseph 9. Finoh's oelebrated Ponnaflvnia u RYE WHISKEY OUT and OOP FrontSt., near JatkjoM, SAM FKAJiClSCO- ESTABLISHED 1 B 60; Importers of Teas, East India goods aiid general groceries, 213 and 215 Front Street, San trancisco, p PARSER, WATTSON & CO. 1 (Snooeasors to Weil A Co.,) Import era and Manufacturere of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 321, 223 and 225 Front L, dot. Sacramento. a5 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. E. A. FARCO & CO., Importers and Jobbers of Branflies. Wines anil Liprs, 3IO Front St., cor. Commercial, D. B.HVI. )25 SAN FRANCISCO JACOB CNDEKU1LL di, CO., IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, Sole AgonU fr Banderson Bro'i A Oo'i OJST BTEELi- Files, Mouse Hole Anvils, Colllni, . Co C. 8. Bledgea, Pic lea, Axes, fco. US 130 Battery Street, San Fraticlstv, all JAMES A. FDL0ER. 0. SCHOEMARH. J. A. FOLCER & CO'S PIONEER STEAM COFFEE AND SPICE M I 1j ij S , No. aO front Streett Betwoen Caliiornia and Saoramonto, al3 SAN FRANCISCO. iMlli. . -.'."w J. BAUM & CO., Importara and Mannbctarert of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. 233 8nn.om. 8t., B.a Fr.ncl.co. No 18 Warren St., New York. fV Harness Saddlery, Leatlier. J. a JO ENS OX & CO., 104 $ 106 Front Street, SAX FRANCISCO. Ittfrr by pmnl,.jriopi to Mr. IT. B Clair-ton, Clair-ton, Superintendent of Uie Z. CM. X. al3 A. B. ELFELT & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS Or Clothing and Furnishing Goods, lOS &c llO Sansome Street, A.1 FRANCISCO. XLPELT, LEVI A OO. 132 Cbarch 8t N. T. all LEWIS BROTHERS, CIGAR MANUFACTURERS, 213, 215 & 217 Battery St.. SAX FRANCISCO, CAL. Careful and prompt attention paid t 1 orders entraatad to our care. al2 Established in 1851. G. VENARD, Manufacturer of the Original Cliartres Coffee, And all kinds of Spices and California Mustard, 625 and 627 Front Street, between Jackson and Paoifio. SAN FRAS CISCO. ao HE CELT, BRO'S & Co, BOOTS, SHOKS & LEATHER 1 Oi Jt lOS Sanaom St., San fYancUoa, And 0 A 13 Pearl Street, Boater, B UCKJrJNGIIAJf C HE CUT, Haaolectiirera of the "EITIA QDALITT" CAUFOBHIA MOTS ADD SHOE I. aU MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 216 Battery Street, SAN FRANCISCO. HARXESS, SADDLES A ND- X. E A. T H E R . Thebest ataclc and lowest prloea on tne Pacific Coaat.J Special attention given to orders from Utah-al3 Utah-al3 A. C. DIETZ & CO. IHP0BTKK& 07 FAINTS, OILS, Varnishesand Lamps, No. 224 FRONT STREET, BetfhawnenteACfcllfonii BuPrucl... CO A. J. GRIFFITH, Dealer In )Sifi2 of noTiinp suokxix) SALMON AND HERRINGS, 1SI Waihlngtoa Street. All kinds of Dried, Smoked and Plokled tfin OonstaoUj on band. Ji LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and Domestic Do-mestic fancy and Staple DRY OOODS. Depot of Goods Manufactured at th Missvm and Pacific Mills, Consolidated. 45 047 Diarket St., San Fra ujis Paris : 2S Roe De L'Eohiqa E. MARTITJ &CO. WMesale' Lipr Healers, 408 ITront Street) San Franolaco. Proprietors of KILLER'S KXTRA OLD BOI'UBOM And solo asents for , r, currtn's txrA OLD BDUHBON WHISKIES OonfitantLy on hand, a full assortment of all the ard Brands of Whliklee, Fine Brandt. Foreign and Domealia Wlnea, mS Blttera, Cordlala, RICHARDS & HARRISON, Importors of MALT LIQUORS OILMAN STORES, 314310 B.tt.ry St., 8.n Fruicl... Asentj for OnHSC & Blaclncetfi Englith QrocerU, J. J. COLMAN'S MUSTARD, Huntley & Palmer's Reading Biscuit 1, S. FRY & SON'S CHOCOLATE 41 COCOA. ARDBBd IS LAY SCOTCil WUISKEY, JOt'LK'S TRAUB Cj3 MKK. MALT HQ U O H S. JOULE'S STONE ALE. Tonnent' Pcotoh Ale, Blood's Iml's Ytt Ale. Bas A Co's Burton Ale, Bran' Chain f.-wne Ale. liUmtl'i. XXX Dub linMou". (luitines Dublin Stoi. Byiu"' Lrtminn Porter. Tn-nent'sXXXStout.Uridfe's Tn-nent'sXXXStout.Uridfe's London JVorter, Foreign Llqwora In Caaee. aS GROCERY DEP'l Z. O- IvE. I. WHOLESALE AND 11ETA1L Groceries, Hartlwarc, Plows, Stoves, Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw cut any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices. ALL OTJK GOODS CHEAP PEALEUd IN THK SBrfLKMBNTS . AND MIXING TOU'u WILL ifIND IT TO THEM INTEREST TO CALL AND NNO.UIRB PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. m31 B. TI.AW ON, HuirlHK.ilt. Sewing4 Machine. "yTE respectfully Lavite tbo Public to call aodsoe oar exoeiloDt variety 0i Sewing IWachines IS Plaifl,Reautifu! and Elalborate Styles of Workiuanship AND GREATLY IMPROVED WITH THE FANTON CA3TOBS. The Total Sales of the SINGER MACHINE are now THREE QLTARTE11S OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, '2, 2., 3 0 O . An evidonce that it is fast winning supreme favor in tho household, The Singer Company sold over the other Companies, 52,734. ftaT Tho Chicago Relief Committee furnished sufferers by the Firo to March lS, 1872, 3,944; 3,151 Siuger Macuiues, all other makes, 73 Applicants made their selection, with same discount on all. OUR SAXE3 IN UTAH EXCEED ANT OTHER HOUSE IN THK SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE 01? CHICAGO. W courteously invite the Ladies to soo our Embroidery Attaobmont, It at tracts eon oral attention and admiration. We also desiro you to see our TUCKERS, CO RDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS, QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-B ASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OF SHUTTLE SEWLVQ HACIlLNEi WE GUARANTEE EVERY MACITIN'E WE SELL TO filVE EXTITIB SATI5FAC tion, as each one is tboroujrtily a.iju.stcd. tritxi ;luJ teatod by oxporicaced MecauuM and all are warranted to sew with oao all kinds of h-jjis, from tho coarsaat to tho tin .-J L.ace, Muslin, Cambric, Domestic, Deuiius, Tictiogs, Ducking, Beaver, Buckskin and Leather. MaF" Instruction given free of charge by competent attendants, and terms of sale to suit all circumstances. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASON REA-SON A BLESTER MS. Wo extend a cordial invitation to all to GOME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whether they wish to purchase or not. AT THE SINGER SEWING JIMIXE DEPART JIE.7 Z. Ci XVI. I. General Agents. Two doors south of Eagle Emporium, Salt Lk Crrr. EVER UHOUGHT TO UTAH. HAVING JUST RKTURNHD FROM THE EASTERN STATF ; where I selected with great oarc aud a knowledge ot' the requiwD,eii this rogioD, an iuinicnso Stock oL' Eurnituro, I atn now prepared to ooer un inducements to purchasers in the following articles ; BEDROOM SETS IN GREAT VARIETY, PAPU1R SETS- W PATENT RED-LOUNGES. TURKISH Sl'RlNG-RAO CUA111S, SIDEBOARDS, BUREAUS, HAIR, I'ULU and SPUING MATTRESSES l-ATENT RED-SI'RINGS. Ih.bMt Mock ,Tr Introdocsd la thii urM I am alio prepr4 to ,1 SHADES, VALANCES, DEAPEKIES, and to LAY CAUTKTS AT TEN CENTS PER 5TA1UX I havo a complete lino of GJiirs iASSf:r.s,at:rs, terry-cloths & brocateU11' Which I will sell in quantiliea te luit purohaien. It Call aud examine my Slock before purcluslns elsewhere. .1. M. JOELSON. QrocsWck'i BuUJins 8ln'S j |