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Show CommnoUl. Salt Lakk Citt. Sipt. 25. 'rOi.D iiuyiDff 111; Belling, II3J. f r Scpkr Erra Japan Toa, i to K initial i A Ia renoi a 31 K.'it Cbbap Furniture go to Bar- i raits. i!6 i Farmers Attention. 1 will pay CASH Tot k11 kinds of GRAIN at my old stand on Second South street. tS J. S. Bftfiiet. WANTED. Sir Apprentices; alio two young Ladios. capable of attending in t-ire. Mn. Colobrook, Falaco of Fashion. 25 The Fitrori! of tho day is the NEW EST A ii L I S H M E N T of Co rtis 4 .1 aoiIi opposito the Theatre, where fvcry b'iok from a Dime Honester to an Kn-yclope-lia ; from the Ball-Room (inidt; U the Dictionary of the Bible, i ki;pt. Th reading public and schools eli. i '.Id vi.-it there. t'2& For Mirror, Largs and Small, go to iUrrnt'.'a. J 16 Fink Chamber and Parlor Belts at Burratt'a. jyl6 RuyrALO Mkat, in can y as?, at Kim- I hall & Lawrence's. a3l Grjsbt varitt of Fancy Brackets and Clock Shelves, at H. Dinwodey's. auM To outfit Your Home, go to Barrett's. Bar-rett's. J16 R.vaEaStrr TO RaST under b3 Tat lor & Cutler's. For' complktx mining outfit, go to KimbfiU & Lawrence's. a3L Latest Sttlrs, fail goods, received every secor.d wook, at No. 3 Commercial Commer-cial stronL Jas. A. Stroraberg, Merchant Mer-chant Tailor. (Jail and examine. s24 Opkicr Chairs and Doski at Bar- rntt'a. jylfl For Salk, 40 by 105 feet of a city lot, 8th Ward. G. W. Orocheron at Tors-dol Tors-dol & Co. b17 Knives, forks aiid Spoons at Bar-rail's. Bar-rail's. jy!6 Rock Ppriko Coal. Tbo BEST GOAL in the market Wyoming Coal and Mining Co. Arthur fcjtaynnr, ngunL sW Dodoers printed cheaply and tastefully taste-fully ailho LIkrald Job OlW f e-21 Kerr Muas, Bar Tumblers, arrived at Barratt's. J 16 Hamka and Harness trimming, at Kimball & Lawrence's. al Ladies', M iuib', and Children's Sh't, in largo quantities, at Dunford )c Pirn's. iol7 Nkwwt Attractions Id Job Priat-ing Priat-ing at tho Hkrald Otlieo. Koa Flmb Furniture, jo to Barratt's. Old OorRRKMRNT Jara Coffee, at Kimball Kim-ball & Lawrence's. 31 Bills, Card, and Circulars, in ' latest, stylos, printed at Ike Herald Oibot). iol6 For Matrasses and Curtains go to Barratt's. jig To Rest and Furnitdre for Salr. A five room house, furnished com-plote com-plote for house keeping. A bargain. Enquire at Reed & King's new auction house. BiM The Quekk truitjar, all glass, at Kimball Kim-ball & Lawrence's. a31 D. R. Allrn's famous XXX and XX FAMILY FLOUR for saio atZ.C.M.L Produce Department, first dor north of Bank of Deseret. my 22 - Via Nsw Urlkans, China and Crockery at Barratt's. jylS Brut Bed Out. Tho wonderful 1 "WOVEN WIRE MATTRESS for sale at Henry Dinwoodoy'i, 31 East I Temple and 76 First South streots, a 14 I Window ola ss of all sizes at Kira-: Kira-: ball & Lawrence's. a31 Call and bee H. Dinwoodoy's now sty 1b of Bedroom Furniture before you purchase elaewhero. 81 .East Temple and 75 First South streets. au!4 Maqazinrb, Pamphlets, Periodicals Musio Books, Scrap Books, etc., etc., bound in all forms and stylos at the H RRA.LD Bindorj. 6j For tour Famiiy Groceries go tc Kimball & Lawrence's. a-H Notice. All persons holding orden or duo bills against our firm, must present pre-sent thm for payment boforo tho 5th day of October. selS DAY & CULMER. Job Printing all siztu and styles iono promptly and cheaply at tha Hkrald Otlieo. solo AOs for tho' 'pure CURRANT JELLY manufactured by P. D. LVdk & Co., San Francisco. a4 Cutttno & Co' s California Canned Frui'-s, Jellies, Jams, etc., are far superior supe-rior to all other brand. For sale by all first-class grocers. myl4 Barratt's stock is next door; to the Post Office. jylti The best Family Mackerel at Kimball Kim-ball & Lawrence's. &31 Wanted Immediately, a number of first-class tailors. Apply at Z- C. M. I. Clothing Department. s'2i Street Cars. The public will please take notice that the street cars are now running regularly between the railroad depot and Third South street. Tickets $7.00 per 100. Single fare 10 cenU. j2 Another Shipment. Gents Fall Style Dress Hats. el9 DrjNFORD & Sous. Robinson's i Best . Weber Coal sold by J. H. SlalUngs, at tho U. O. Depot. Leavo your orders on the slate t O, H. KnowMen's, Main street, or P. O. box 762. Delivored in all parts of the city. e(3 Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Mor-bus, Cholera, &c, certain and immediate immedi-ate euro. Hogeman's (formerly Val-pau's) Val-pau's) Diarrhoa Remedy, used with unfailing un-failing suooeas since the Cholera of Sold by druggists generally. Prepared only by Heokman & Co., Now York. m28 For Bick Boom. To disinfect and remove all bad odors, noxious gases, uso one pint of Bromo Chloralum to ten of water. Koou a gill or rroro in all chamber utensils and suspend sponges or cloths in the room saturated with it. It will deodorize and disinfect instantly and completely thus preventing all danger of contagion therefrom. For sale at Z. O. M. I. Drug Store, Tourists and the Traveling Public Pub-lic going east are respectfully notified that the Utah Hotol, at Ogden Oily, is a first-class house, and by coming to Ogden on tho previous evening, either by Mail or Freight Train, thy avoid the annoyance of rising at 4 o'clock to tako tho morning train at Salt Lake City. Io pleasure seekers Ogden promises much to interest in its excellent Shooting Shoot-ing and Trout fishing, while the grandeur grand-eur of its canyons is unsurpassed by anything of the kind known in the United states. Tho Hotel is provided with Barber Shop and Balh Rooms, and runs its coach free of expense to guests. The proprietors, thankful for past favors, will spare no pains to please guesU, and will provide guns and ammunition, am-munition, with guides ana carriages te the shooting or fishing grounds, by getting get-ting timely notice thereof. Eudxy & Williams, Propr's. sel3 Ttk Cou-agc, Invalids, Pain and weakness produce despondency, despond-ency, and the invalid who is laboring under bodily tortures debility and mental men-tal depression, at the same time, is indeed in-deed in a pitiable condition. But let all who are thus si tun tod take heart, A balm is provided both for their physical and mental infirmities In Hot.tettcr's Stomach bitters. Among the common si urcee of pin, uneainees and melancholy melan-choly are the diseases which afleot the stomach, tho livor.the alimentary canal, the nerves and the muscles, such at dyspepsia, dys-pepsia, bilious disorders, constipation, headache, hysteria and rheumatism, all of which yield readily to the regulating, invigorating aid purifying influence of this peerless vegetable tonic, stimulant and restorative. Take courage, sorrowful sorrow-ful invalids; you will find the help you need in Hosteller's Bitters. selO GltOOl) TO KENT. T'WO HUNDRED FEKT FRONT BY tweniy-ix fct dep. in lots to it, on ihoncw Hrcet iuat oi r.cd on: to L'iiud Martin' huuse, uppoeuo tho southern wicg i.f th L'ownscr.d lleusa Enquire on the premises of First National Bank OF XJTK, SALT LAKE CITY. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Wilws Hdsskt, C. L. Dahlir, ProsideoL Vio Prt Axthoxt Godbi, Cashier. Authorized Capital, - - 5500,000 PAID CP CAPITAL, - 9100,000. BARRTINQg, - 0138,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldest Banking Institution in Utah. A Gonrral Banlxine J3n.Biness TrsmiHficttid. AGENCIES IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIMS DEPOSITS. m H. A. REFD. c S. KIHO. REED & KING, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, l-'ru.ST SOUTH STBJBBT, West of Klinbn.ll & Lawrence's, SALT - LAKE CITY. Lihoral cash advances mado on consignments. consign-ments. a31 NOTICE ! Dr.T.P.P. VAN DENBERGH WILL leavo Salt Lako City on Sept. 15lh for Snn 'ranciseo, and will roturn on or a bout the oth of Uclobor next, and then ho will locato hero pormnnontly. llo would respectfully re-spectfully inform iho citizens of SultLuko City and Utah Territory that ho will continue to practice his Medical nnd Surgical Profession in every branch ; as forty-ono years oxtensivo i oxporionco in his profession, in Europe and 1 the United States, should bo & guarantee of his j ability. Office, opposito Theatre, Salt Lako City. sl5 THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Is the PIONEER ROUTE between OMAHA and CHICAGO, completed four years; ago, since which time the Company have spared neither pains nor expense in perfecting its read bud and track, and equipping it with rolling lock, of the most modern improvemeals; Ihis, together with the fact .of its being tn Shortest Line, odors to the Traveling Travel-ing Public a route unsurpassed in this country for speed, comfort, safety and suro connections. PARTICULAR CAUTION should bo taken by passengers in selecting their route, and not be deceived by false advertisements and representations by interested parties of competing linos in regard to time, distances, rates, etc This popular route requires no false statements, relying on its true merits, it needs only to be known by the traveling travel-ing public to be appreciated. TIME; San Francisco to Omaha, four days and seven hours. Via Chicago and North "Western Railway, Omaha to Chicago, twenty-three twenty-three hours. Omaha tc New York, sixty hours. Omaha to Boston, sixty-four hours, Pullman'! Palace, Hotel, and Sleeping; Sleep-ing; Cars Are run on all through trains from Omaha to Chicago. How to Secure Sleeping Berths Before Be-fore Reaching Omaha: Passengers desirous of securing Sleeping Sleep-ing Berths, Sections or State Rooms in tho Sleeping Car from Omaha East, can do so by telegraphing from any of the Blations on the Union Pacific Kailroad, to W. A, Carpenter, General Agont, 0. AN, W. Railway, Omaha, Btating what they want. This is all they need to do until they reach the C. & N. W. Railway Rail-way Depot on the east side of the Missouri Mis-souri River, then go to the Sleeping Car Conductor, give him their names, as per telegram, and they will find that he has their berths reserved for them. Passengers going East will consult their own interest by securing Through Ticket." via CUIiGO & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY, which can be procured at ail principal ticket offices in California and the Weft, and at railroad offices to San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Omaha and Council Bluffs. JNO. O. GAULT, General Sup't Chicago. H. P. STAN WOOD, General Ticket Agent, Chicago. j8 BUY romm DESKS From Manufacturers direct, A. H. ANDREWS Sc Co. 110 A 121 Weit Washington St., CHICAGO, Manufacturers of SCHOOL. CHCRCB HALL and FIXE OFFICE FURNITURE. Will ihip SC HOOL DESKS ASD .SEATS, PUTTEES for Chun-hoi. Halls or Httelf. . ofSre Dc.'k? acd Counter Fitting, from our Sto-lt. or ma.ic to nrdr in the moft elecanl manner. Dl KKCT TO Or?TiM I'.tl in l':ah, ' Colorado, or other weMem Sratw acrl Tcrri-;rnc?, Tcrri-;rnc?, scuri'-e the Tery lowesi freights, acd SAVING KETA1I.KRS' PKuFlTS. terid for iliunrlH Cat'ocue. Sit fre. A.iires.", A.H.aNDKEWS C., lis and 1 121 West Waihififios itre&t, CHICAGO, PITTSBURGH TRADE. ESTABLISHED 1S30 Win. Mc Cully Sc Co., Mumfarioren or the Sucdud Bnsdi of WINDOW CLASS DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE. Mika a ?p-ialty ef larp sites of Window Glass, and all odd siias cut w order. Office IS dad 20 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PcllBi P. S. Having the most extetirire factories in this country, ar.d making a laarer line of goods, dealers will find it to their interest to f r- otntinns bd'or- --chiii". i36 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DISTRICT OF XCTADA, In the Office of the Clerk of the U. 8. District Court, -- ToTTitt i membered, - -A That on the j :.'?- -t--.r'. .",..v! Se vcateenta .-":-.:-:'".'-V.-!'J-5 bur. Anno I F V r-i--J; IDomini. One P v A j th usand S"- i irht hun- V -' cJuftJ't-'" drcd andfix-W"-r-: 4-r s. Hammer V:-t " - : -- '--TX of tho said 'v t'i Dinrict.haih f4gg& dupusiied in una office a label entitled "HAMMER'S COLLAR GALL OINTMKNT." thoricht whoroof ho claims as I'ropnoior. in eonwrniity mm an act of Congress, Con-gress, entitled "An Act to amend the sororal Acts respecting copyrights." V. P. RODGERS. sr. Clerk of said District, U. S. District Court, by Gko. K.JAuuoxd, District of Xovada. Deputy (coL 32 tP) E-ifcnH wcorilini: in Act oflVr.a in IheClfrk'i OJilaJUiftricir.ni.triclol Xt-,U. OINTMENT For Collar Galls. Unequalled for tlio successful euro of Collar O.ills, Soro Ricks, Kdl-o Ulomisbra, Cracked HerK Gi e.iae, nod all troublenrttno Sores. 5T1ih Ointment does not acub over, lint dries up. nnd hrnli n corn from Ihebottnm. lTouil fleah ennnot form where It ia nsoil. J'rejiared only ly KING 3c CO., Proprietors, Carson City, Nevada, from ihorcclpeor celebrated English VcWrinulii) Bediiigton & Co., Wholesale Agents, I CT-Smlhnlihenamcof CD AS. S. HAMMER V is miKn nt ilii' label Id rai be cenuin. r J. D. LAMB & CO., GENERAL AGENTS. 8 ALT LAKE CITY. a23 "Advertising is tho Oil which wise men pa in thoir Lamps. Moctits 1' ho 7 ebb, i P. FISHER, ADVERTISI NG A-Gt-XIITT, Rooms 20 & 21 Merchants' Exchange CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISO, Solicits Advortiacmonts and Subieriptioni lor uie Salt Lake Daily and Semi-Weekly Semi-Weekly Herald And for napors published in California, Oregon Ore-gon nnd Acvuda; Washington, Utah, Idaho, Mont iinn, Colorado, Arizuna and adjacoDt Territories; riunUwieh Islands, tho Bn- h Possessions, .Mexican Ports, Nicaragua, Panama, Pana-ma, Valparaiso. Japan and China; Kow Zealand Zea-land and tho Australian colonies, tho Atlantic States acd Europe, i ADVERTISING j Has crontod many a now business; Has enlarged many an old business; Has revived uiuny a dull business; Has rescued many a lost business; Has saved many a failiDK business; Has preserved many a largo business; And insures succoss in any business. GIRARD'S SECRET. Slophon Girard uned to say in his old agu: "I havo always considorod advertising liburully and long to bo tho groat medium of success in business, and tho prelude to wealth. And 1 bnvo mado it an invariable rule to advertise in tho dullost timos as well as ! tho busiest, long cxporionco having taught me that money tbus spont is well laid out, aj by continually keeping my businoss before the 1 public it has secured many sales thatXother-wbo thatXother-wbo would havo lost." Advertise your Bnilncii. Keep your name before the Public. Judicloui Advertising -will I unit re a Forluue. If BualncneU Dull, Adrertlte. :I Business U Brisk, Advertise, bebT Tho man who didn't bolioro in advertising adver-tising has guno into partnership with the sheriff, and that official does tho advertising. THE NEWS BUSINESS. News Agents throughout the West, and all others who contemplate engaging in the business, are respectfully requested re-quested to send for one of the Price Lists of the "WESTERN "WES-TERN NEWS COMPANY," Chicago. Full information in relation to the nature oi the business will be found therein. Druggists, Postmasters, and others who have a little spare room in their stores, will find that they can add the News Business with ease and profit to themselves. It will pay of itself, besides being a benefit ben-efit to their other trade. Individuals In-dividuals who wish to procure any Books or Periodicals published pub-lished hi this country, can obtain them free of postage by forwarding the retail price as above. We refer to any of the Newspaper Publishers of Chicago. Address IEE WESTERS NEWS Mill X. W.Cor. Randolph Jt Jc (Tenon At., K lll( A(iO, II.I.. sJt ANTI-DYSPEPTIC, COMPOUND BONE-SET. PILLS Home-made and purely vweUhla, The? relieve JMndice, DrrptTta. IndiffW- tifin. Liver C.-.rr.pU;nt, Hea'iiu'he, LM ol Appetite and F'.ul .V.nmarb. ui briak np Cids. FcvfT", Cr-QKhd.and Porifr the Blood. Thy will Clian'- the .Stomach, Renovate the Sy.tm, an'i lipe! Di'aiue. Are good in all cwf where PnyFir is needed. Try hor. will hue thf :a.an J nrtr want any other tort. They are Taic, Cathartic and Kzpee-toranL Kzpee-toranL Tweotr-t-e?U per bm Twenty-fivePilli. Vi arraa ted to give tiifcuon. j. k. jonxsoir, su eorri ft And atZinn'i Co-operative Stori d by other acenti throuchnut the TerhUny, alo sold a: wholef le or fuminhed on oom-miijioa oom-miijioa to rMpnnMble west. If these medicines med-icines are not kept at your itoroa. ask, tobj Bjarahaat to ardor ai o&ot. OUR. JJW-xJLji ANNOUNCEMENT October Conference, 1872 TEASDEL & CO., EAGrLB HOUSE. dky goods, NOT TO ARRIVE, ' DRKSS COODS GROOERlEf, Tl jjjj jj j -AWL.. HARDWARE, THE CHOICEST SELECTION OF ' XOTIOXS GENERAL MERCHANDISE ; "4 HATS CAPS, EVER BROUGHT TO THIS CITY, ' COODS, BOOTS ASIIOKS ! CARPETS. RAPIDLY DISPOSING OF il 0KT.BOTS AT THE j clothiso. LOWEST FIGURES. on. cloths. THE BLEES SEWING MGHINE! UNRIVALLED and UNEXCELLED The Best Family Machine Extant! ADAPTS ITSELF TO ALL BRANCHES OF WORK FROM THE FINEST MUSLIM TO THE HEAVIEST LEATHER. CALL .AJSTD EXA1IINE Teasdel s&s Oo. ET AILp DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, October 2nd. 1872. Grand Fall and Winter O E IM" Z Ca- - Seasonable and Fashionable 23273 G-oods, Shawls, Cloaks, Saeques, and other desirable",WRAPS. FULL LINE OF COLLARS. CUFFS & LACE GOODS. SHOE DEPARTMENT WILL BE FULLY STOCKED. For more oornplcte enumeration sec our description circulars to be issued in a fo8ys. g CLAWSON, Superiotendent, UTAH PIORTHER' Trains are now Running- Daily, BET WE E X BRIGHAM JUNCTION with C. P. R. R, HAMPTON'S Vor MONTANA. DIs. GOINQ SOUTH a. m. r. M. ' 'Fnro. Dis GOING NORTH a. K. r. m. j V&m. Leave liamiUD'a t 4:U0 12:45 Louvo BriKluim at W: 15 7:15 7 " Dewoj-rllU " 4:35 1:20 50 AU " Dox EUor " 7:.30 5 11 " DoneyTillo " 4:50 1:35 75 llH " Calls Fort " 8:00 8:00 00 " Cftllfl Fort " 5:00 1:45 90 14 " Honoyvlll" 0:10 8:10 75 20' " Box Elder " 6:M 2:15 Ui IS " Dowoyvillo" 9:25 8:2-" 1 DO; 25 Arrive at Drlnham 6:45 2:30 1 50 2-5 Arrive at Hamilton's 10:00 9:00 1 50 SPKCIAL RA.TK3 TO EXCURSION PARTIES. Papscnfcora will please purchase their tickets at tho Uompaoy'fl Offices, or 50 cents additional will bo charged when thi Faro is coll- clod on tho train. Arr an cements h7c been made with tho Central Pacific and Utah Central Railroad Companies whoruby pasfnuers cn purchase Tifilcets at the U. C. Office in Salt IaIic City or O. P. Otfi'io at Qz "n f-r B'jx K dcr or lUmplon'B on the U. N. R. R-, and from Ha-npton's or B ix Kldcr to 0den or Salt Lako Oity at greatly reduced rates. Through. Connection as followa : GOING SOUTH A.M.IP.M. OOINGNOUTH. A.M.jp.M. ' Leave Uamplon'i at 4:0j yi-.i; Ncaro Salt Lako City, UUKft., at 5:tK) ii:45 ' Arrive at Brig-ham, U. N. R. B. 5:45 2:M .Vrrivo at Otfion, " 7:00 4:15 Leave Briibam. C. P. R- B. at G:10 2: Loavo Ondon, C. P. K. R., at 7:15 0:00 Arrive at Offden, C. P. R. R. 7:00 8:50 Arrive at Briham. " " 8:15 7:00 Leave Orden. U. C R. R, 8:00 5: Loavo BrighaLo. U. N. R-Ii., at 8:15 7:15 Arrive at Salt Lake Citr 10:00 7:? Arrive at Hampton's " " 10:00 9:W THE TIME TABLES ARE CALCULATED ON SALT LAKE TIME. FARES, Haraptoii'i to OHen . m I Salt Lako City U. T,-x KMer .83 to ball Lake City, 4 Hi " " " Mami-ton's 4 Box Elder to " " '! I OcdcD to MaMrlon n, 2 " to Ofden.. - 1 - I " Lmx hidur - 1 Z H. G. Miller & Co's Kx press leaves Hampton's rvery mornine for LoRao on arriTal ot tho 10 a,m. train, anl tri-w;;kly, Monday, WedncFiday and Friday, for principal pcttlemcnts in Cache county, rcturnit'tr, daily from Lofran to connect with the 12:4.r p.m. train, and Howe's Express every Tuoh-day Tuoh-day morning from Franklin to Soda SpriDgs, returning therefrom every Friday Fri-day morning. , JOHN W. YOL'XG, Cen'l Supt. Herald Bindery. WOflDCHOPPERS AID CDALDEilEES NOTIOBJ2 ALL yrr"T)t cultlnr timber on lnltd Mai'"- Uri'i" f.r c.ai. will bo T'"TUl"d rriiuiMillv.Hnd I he fr rct .enal!l-' rrif'.rc-i OUR BINDERY IS PREPARED TO ' Tho judicial and military force will bo cm-Rlpair, cm-Rlpair, ia a workmanlike manner, I il'.yfd l'i arrot all tro"iR"!cr8 on jiublic Unii, who cut timber fir -"-1 jmr."". f4h'jiifE ;. ii a j j;-. VnitAd Statoa buinct Attorney . l.lah. Albnma, Old Booke, ttc lc Anguat m.la.A '7 IROT & COAL,. And Bind ryr.T) T.OCKZny national WEALTH. Iron nr-d Cal. Capitalists call on ino, MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, I own it- I will divide Address, N. M. BLAIR, eCBAP.BOOKS, eto, al3 F, O. Box 166, Bait Lke City. CHICAGO TRADE. PACE, BRO. & Co., Importers and Dealer in LEATHER AND FINDINGS WHOLESALE NOTIONS, DRY GOODS. AND W OOLENS. Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe fc Franklin Sts , CHICAGO. MANUFACTURERS white LEAD) 10 k 112 RVNDOLPU STREKT. Offer Special inducements t lrc buyors and tho Jobbins Trade of Utah Territory, iybi . Ifctablishcd AVilllams, Miller & Olmstwul, (Formerly Filch, Williams & Oo.,) IWholesalo Dcalon in Hats, Caps, Furs aid Ml Goofc, . 125 and 117 -M A RK KT STRLET, augU CHIfAUO. H. M. KNICKERBOCKER, (Formerly of (3. H. A L. Laruit). Whelefale PAPER DEALER, SO, 88 W. Randolph St., CHICAGO, ILLS AcT?nt for tbo sslo o OWEN TAPKU Co's PATKKS, Bond Pai'er. "tho best in tho world," Print Paper, whuo and colored, Flat Papers of all dcni'iimi!-, ' Envelopes, Card Board, Bill, Lottor and Note Heads, btatomenis, etc. A Most Comtlktb Pristkrs' Stock. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! iuy A. li. Meeker A Co., PIG IRON AND COAL At Lowest Harlcet Kates, S76 Wabash Avenue, j-27 OHIOAQOi SEEBERGER & BREAKEY Wholesale Dealers In HARDWARE & CUTLERY, 38 and 40 Lako street, CHICAGO. t$w Ordors by mail soUoitod an satislaotion guaranteed, jy 7 Damon, Temple & Co., Importers, Manufacturers and Jobbers of 1ST 33 O K -TIES And all Goods for GENT'S MUCK WEAK, LIKEN AND I'APKK C0LLAKJ5 AND OVttA. Ul uid U3 Wnba.h Ato. jyR CHICAGO, lit.. "The Old Salamander." REMOVAL. VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, Wholesale DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, Havo removed to thoir Now Stores, avA V LAH.U STIIKUT, o-irnor Dearborn Street, (on tho old site) tlUUAUU, whore, with buildinici oroetod eziressly for the business, Kteam Elevators, oto.. thoy have oix-ned np an immense, block, uosarpaued in the northwesL Kpeoial attontion given to Territorial business. jri M. D. WELLS &, CO., II annf aetnr art of and Wholesale Dealer La Boots and Shoes, 81 M Wthaih Ave, Obleapjo. M-.P- weH. U.J. Wwlarlani, R-IlentdioL a'M b, P. Aiolntjra. KIRK, COLEMAN & COH . Hanufacturon and doalera In IS.0 3ST, NAILS, Heavy Hardware, Wagott ami CsrrlR Wood Hock, And Western hoad'iuartors for BURDEN'S HOUSE AND MULE 5H0t$ And Northwestern Ilore flails, elo. SA ajid 30 Suuth Canal Street, yn omoAoo. PIONEER MANUFACTURING C0.7" Manufurttiron or Perfumed Toilet and S II A V I IV G SO A i H, bl and aiSoulb Canal street, Clilcasro. Tiiko. y. Kw!i. j'ri.id-rit. hortt!m.lbuU"B,,",,,i iVOn 10 Jwbbr"i umm mm mimi FIRE and BI'KGLAR PROOF The Dst Safes In the World. HERRING & CO., 46 Bute Btroct, and corner Hth itroot nnd Indiana Avcdoo, oiiioao. No. 715, 717, 719 and 721, INDIANA AVE, CHICAGO. Allitntic and I'uclflc TOBACCO WORKS. 1st &f a fow ofiuux loading brands: FINE CUT CHEWING, FINE 'CUT SMOKINS 5"' A. I'.. bwewt IIr,mo, Atl.ntlc, lid Kio. Chuni,ion. lloarl,;DwelIe & Co., u froprietoi |