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Show SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS FOB SALE. TWO CAR LOADS CALIFORNIA WORK Mulks, at Willard ic Orr'a stablos. For particulars apply to T. K. JoSES, or to the MUSIC. I O ELECT INSTRUCTIONS FOR TOUXO 'J Ijadiks in Vocal and Instrumental Music bv Miss 11f.lf:-. C. Uoklikski, daughter of Maj. Jos. Oorlinski of this city.) Kcsidenco First South direct, opposite St- Mark's Church. se2i BOARDERS WANTED. GOOD ACCOMODATION FOR THREE or Four iicntlomen Boarders, in a small privato family on tho Townsend Block. Apply at tho Fourteenth Word Store se22 WASTED. A FEW GOOD TAILORS. APPLY TO Joux Taylor & Bko., Merchant Tailors, Com in ore ml Street. se-ti A SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR, AND a Fitter. Apply at tho "Big Boot," IW ' East Teuiplc street. e24 ; "INFORMATION A3 TO THE WIIEREA-1 WIIEREA-1 bouts or address of Robert Lowia and John Emerson, who loft England in 1S18 for 1 Australia, and who aro now supposed to bo in l Calilurniaur Utah. Address J. A.t boi 471, Post Uilice, Sail Lako City. s20 fE2S DU. GROVES, Offiee, Ssoond Sooth Street, Three doors west of Great Western Hotel, half a block eaat of Elephant titore. Bolt Lake City - Oflj tram I lb. to 5 pM. mil NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALT LAKE THEATRE Thursday Ev'g, Sept. 26, '12. SPLENDID ATTRACTION! COMIC DRAMA ! ROARING FARCE ! Miss Jean Clara WALTERS Ad ELVIRA, FULL DRAMATIC COIYIP'Y! Will bo presented tho very popular comic drama, by J. Madison Morton, ontitlcd T II H MULETEER OF TOLEDO; OR KING, QUEEN AND KNAVE. To concludo with tho roaring farco, entitled PITCHER audTOSSER Tuesday Evening, Oct. 1st, 1872, BENEFIT OF Mr. W. T. HARRIS. NOTICE. On and after MONDAY, September Septem-ber .,nb,l'72, tho Doors will opon at 7 o'clock, , Curtain will riao at 1'A o'clock. JOSEPH .iOKLI'KKI, 'civil engineer. u. s. mineral and deputy sur- YEI'UR FUR UIAll, Office: First South Street, nearly opposite St. Mark's Church. eo2ii SHEEP. F' ULL-BLO0D KENTUCKY COTSWOLD, lirecdins Bucks und Ewoa, fully pedigreed, pedi-greed, roccnlly imported, for salo by WiL-FUKD WiL-FUKD WllUDKUFr" and LUKIN FARR. Prices reasonable and terms convenient sl5 CAUTION. THE PUBLIC IS HEREBY CAUTIONED against buying any of my Property, or any guodj, lroui uiy wife, h'liiabuih Li reaves, eeii RODERT GREAVES- ASSIGNEES SALE. T UK ADJOURNED PALE OF LOT SEVEN Ulock I'M. I'lut A, Salt Lake City eurvov; ik nli) "I South Half of !,. 4, Ulo-k 117. IMot A ; and the St.mb 1J nlf uf Nurth Httlfuf L-t 1, lil'ok 117, I'M A, will take- plneo Saturday, Sort-mhor LVth, 1ST J, at 2 nVl.i.-k p.m. t-eJJ JO. UMllbLN, Ai-ifflieo. Dissolution of Partnership. THE CO-PARTNKIISHIP LATELY F.X-isrtMi F.X-isrtMi butwecn K'iol Sc limldard, llintr liam CanyuQ. has itiis day been di.'.'olvod by mutual consent, Mr. lnuMo Murris having Unmlilfiul the lntorot of 1' red. J. Kctsel in th.o Into iinu. Tho n.-w lirui of Morris .k limldard auwos nil liabilities and pays all dabts as , wvll u culloou oil outstandings duo the Ul Arm. KKrsKLAonnnAiin. (. t 1L MuiUUb A UUiDARU. bopL 19, lb'l And in accordanco with law, and an ordor of tho Hoard of Trustees, mndo on tho Hth day of Aucust, 1S72, so many shares of each parcel ofpnid Stock as may bo necessary, will bo sold at public auction at tho office of the Company, Room 5, No. ;02 Montffomory Slreot, San Francisco, Fran-cisco, California, on Saturday, tho 12th day of Octobor, 1K72, at tho hour of 2 o'clock p.m. of said day, to pay said delinquent Assessment thoreon, together with costs of Advertising and ox pons o J of salo. WM. II. WATSON, Secretary. Offico: Room o, No. 302 Montgomery Stroet, San Erancisco, California. so22 NOTICE. ALL PERSONS WHO HAVE CLAIMS atainst tho Estato of HEM AN COLT-RIN, COLT-RIN, docoased, aro roquired to p rosea t tho eamo for adjustment according to law. Persons Per-sons knowing thomselvos indebted to said Estate aro requested to settle immediately. SARAH COLTRIN. Solo Eiecutrix, Bountiful, Davis County, TJ.T. So pt ember 16th, lt72. ee22 JOB P1T1H The varied wants of the Mi"ER, ARTIZAN aud TRAVELER FOR JOB PRINTING OAK BE FILLED AT THE HERALD JOB OFFICE. Tho unanimous satisfaction given by the work dooe at our office in the past has justified us in continually importing im-porting all the Newest Attractions with which to please oar p&tioru in Elegance and Style, and perform Job Printing to compare favorably with any importation importa-tion in this line from the East or West. Anything in the nature of 1 PAMPHLETS, POSTERS, SHOW CARDS, MINING BLANKS, BUSINESS BLANKS, CERTIFICATES, HANDBILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BANK CHECKS, COCNTINGHOUSE WORK, RECEIPTS, BALL TICKETS, CIRCULABS, BILLHEADS, CARDS, ETC., ETC., done to order in black, colors or gold OUR REPUTATION TOR PUNCTUALITY & DISPATCH ia proverbial; and tbeso points of business bus-iness shall ever bo sustained by us. We do not profess to work bolow eOBt, nor work for the sake of working, nor give baits of aoy nature, but by a system of calculating prices, make a rulo to compote with outaido Quality & Figures! and offer every inducement in Letter Press Job Printine to rotain tho work at home. ST. LOUIS TRADE. SEIYIPLE, BIRGE & Co., SAX TSJ" T DOTJIS, Mnafnctarrs and Afioti AGRICILTLRIL GOODS, Hardware Specialties, WHITEWATER WAGONS. Offioe iv. P.mrlw: 13 SOOTH MAIN STREET, Wirehonsa: mrl8 1U.116.118KLM STREET. HAYTJEN, WILSONS & ALLEN Mmnfuotoren and Dealers in Saddlery Hardware CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, BKNT STOCK, LEATHER, Etc., No. Sia North mntn street, mjl9 ST. LOUIS. MO. $300,000! MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. Legalized by State Authority and Drawn In Public in St. Louis. Grand Single Number Scheme. 50,000 NUMBERS. OUiiJi to b Drwn Oct. 30, 1873. 5,880 Prizes, Amounting to $300,000. I priM of 50,000 SOOprlunofS 100 1 prite of 13,450 OprliMof 1,000 lpru of 10.UOO BpriiMof BOO 1 priM of 7,600 9pr1i-iof 300 prliN of 9, 000 SpniMof 39 0 4priiMOf H.SOO 3 Sprite of SOO aOp-lxMot 1,000 36pHiMof 150 WO print of 500 ISOprfteiot 100 40 priiea of 350,5,000 prlie.of 10 Tlckats, fiO. H.lf Tlckt, S. Q.n.rtra, S3. 50. Oar lotUriM are oharterx) by tb SUU, ar klvky drawn kI the time namd, and all drawing art andfir ih laperriiloa af iworn eommlialonera. Xf Ts official drawing will be pu bill bed In the St. LooU aapen, and a copy Mat to pnrchaMra of ticket. Wa will draw a ilmllar tcheraa tha laat day of every month during the year 1872. tV Bamlt at onr rik by POdT OFFICE MONK? ORDERS, fiSQIBTKBKD LETTEB, DRAFT, or KXPRK88 Send for a circular. Ad-dreu Ad-dreu MURKAY, MILLER . Co., Poet Offlo Box 3440. fil. LOUIS. Mo. mi 17 RB IH1DOCBTKDLT T&K Cheapest to Buy, Best to Use, Easiest to Sell, and never fail to give entire satisfaction. KAVXIVa A FULL STOCK OF COOKING & HEATING STOVES ros TUB USE OF BOTH WOOD AND SOFT COAL AND ESPECIALLr ADAPTED TO THK WAXTS OF THE WESTERN PEOPLE D'tire prepared to flit orders promptly at prlcea that it 111 be sat- Isfaetory to the trade. Oar stock, and assortment of STAMPED, JA-PASNED JA-PASNED and FRENCH WARE, and TINNERS' Stock Is one of the largest larg-est In the West, and vre GUARANTEE GUARAN-TEE OUR PRICES allow as the same class of goods can be purchased any. -where. New Price-lists now ready. Addrsssi EXCELSIOR MFG. CO., 612 &614 Main Street, ST. LOUIS, WO. CO LO rS o 1 P3 PQ S3 E-i S S g crrr go t Rock Springs COAL! Wyoming Coal and Mining Company. ARTHUR STAYNER, AGENT, One door south of Savage's Gallery. au27 WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Mule and Ox Teams TO II A IX FKCIUHT TO PIOCHE, from LEHI. ' (Terminus Utah Southern Railroad.) Ai'plt To CORDON & MURRAY, 3DHI, "Vre, the undersigned citizens of Salt Lake City hereby certify that our families are using the COLBY WASHEH, CHAS. W. STAYNER, that il aires entire satisfaction. IT WASHES CLEAN; NEVER BREAKS BUTTONS; DOES NOT INJURE IN-JURE THE CLOTHES; CAN BE HANDLED BY A CHILD, and is certainly the best we have seen, H. K. WHITNEY, President's Office I W. C. DUNBAR, Herald Office. WILLIAM FULLKR, Herald Office, Ii. H. YOUNlr, 13th Ward. J. NICHOLSON, Des. News Offioe. JOHN E. EVANS, Herald Offico. Clias. "W. Stayncr, NEXT TO SAVAGE'S GALLERV, MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. WALKER BRO'S. CUXXIXOTON i CO Walker Bro's Co., WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALERS IX WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. Have a splendid stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, BRANDIES, GINS &c, BEST KENTUCKY WHISKIES, And an immense quantity of CASE LIQUORS AND HITTERS, AND HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. Having opened an EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR HOUSE and keeping THE LARGEST STOCK EVER HELD LN UTAH we offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. Sole Agents in Utah for J. if. CUTTER and 3. X, Suit & Co's celebrated Kentucky whiskies. WALKER BRO S & CO. au21 One door East of Elephant Store. BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, SEWING MACHINES, ll fiB il CALDER St SEARS. Wear Airents for tho ARION, STEIN WAY & SONS, CUICKEKING & BON'S, DECKER & BARNS and other leading makers, and respectfully invite our Patrons and the Publio to call and examine our stock of the above named instrument?. We are also General Agents for the MASON & HAMLIN world-renowned CABINET ORGANS, Which we have proved beyond all doubt to be tho best and most suitable organs for this climate: and have also the WOODS, ESTEY, SMITH and other ORGANS in stock. We have the Largest Stock west of Chicago of Musical Merchandise, INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL STUDIES, and everything required by Amateurs, Teachers and Musioians. MUSI GAL INSTRUMENTS. Our Stock consists in part of PIAXOS, ACORDFOSS, COXCFRTIMS, DOfRI.E HASNKS OIUJAS, MKL.OIH.VSS, YlU.Krt:i,l,4S, SWKK It HI US, VIOLINS, tit'ITAlts, FlliOl.tll.S, H s.s lmi'.MN, BAAJOS, ILlTlSASi 11 CO LOS, VIOLAS, Lie, Etc. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Plrxno Stools, Vloltn KtrtnKt, Gultnr Strlugi, Violin Furnishings, Otiltar I'urni.liliiKf , AccortUon FurnUlili.es, Drum FuriiUlilii; Tuuiug Forks and lipes, Miulc Pftpor, ULnnk Mimic Hooka and Cardi, Slicct Mnalc, luitructluu Hook for nil luitrumculi, Lie., Ktc, Kte, Wo anvo secured the sorvicw of 1'rofcwr Civrclcw, so long nml favorably known in this com-invinily, com-invinily, that our patrons may linvo tho bonolit of his iruitwioniiI seryicfsa in making their soloclion of inetruiuonu aod musical merchandise, BOOKS -A-ITID STATIONERY. Our Stock consists in rrt of The Public t tons of the American Tract Society, Mlaccllft ticoiia and Rnli- crlntlou Booki, Itlaitk llooki of nil dr t rl nil oila, luk.tmxU, M riling luka, Ntcvl ln, lu lircnl varlcly, I'm Holtlrfa, lViiclla, i;it;lili Pocket M. ill veil aud ScUsora, Mnnn'i 1'ntciit l'arolxiueut Cojij lug ltooka) allqualtUM and wcigats wf Note, letter, Cap, Pill, Legal, rial Cap, J'oll Pot, French otr, Initial Kotc, Knvflopta, all alio and quallllca, 4 nrd lloard, all colora, Forclgu Tlaaue fapcr, all colon, Urnu lug Paper, Wrntvlng Uuoki. SCHOOL. FIR.MiUIXJJ OF E V E H Y DtSCUll'TIOX, SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTS. Wo hvo a larro and jplomlid assorted stock of Cards ami Books from tho lnrse Publishing-llouso Publishing-llouso of X. poison i Suns, vrhich wo otlor at thoir regular U'holcsalo and Kotail prices. L. PRANC & CO'S PUBLICATIONS. ll.ivimlnn appointed Solo AcenU for 'Uh, fr tlio onlo of thoir nmcniiu'em Crtrds and liwks f.-r Scliwh iimllurtln' I'url.T. wo aro pr.-puro'l I,, funii'h I ho lr...l.' ai:l S-h.'l (.Viu-mittoos (.Viu-mittoos lroui our stuck ol clivico uolecUona at the l'ulih.-hcrs b.'lo-ale and liotail rticc. THE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. We rcppcotfully invito tho Publio to call and examine our Sewing Machines boforo purctittMnjt clsowheri!, which we claim to be tho best, cheapest, and most durable in tho market. We puaranteo every Muchino wo to pive entire satisfaction. All aro warranted to new, with perfect oaso, itcavcr. Ducking, Tickiofr, Denims, Pnniestic, Cambric, Linen, Muslin, Lace, ta., and will Tuck, Hem, Fell, Braid, ilind, Cord, Usithor, in 1'act will do all kinds ol work. A Vw J car Kuaraoteo piveD with caoh machine. Instructions i'reo by an eijwrt on tho premises, &3 ( MISCELLANEOUS. STKKl.R k JOli.XSO.X, WtioifuMil doalen in Staple and Faacj GROCSRIS.-, IIOUJKS, FLOUR N0 BACON, SXtS. Council Bluffs, la. Sole AtQU Tor th Oriental nd Dnnn.t my2S Powder Cniovsmea. " THIS WELL KNOWN B1UM) -OF JAPAN TEAS FOR SALE AT Ze - m SOttm H . Grocery Department. H II. D. CLAWSOS.Sjpt W.T.RKyXOLDS k CO., E. B. ZAD1USK1E Sou Frajiciaoo. Sail Lake Citj. ' WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSi ZABRISKIE & CO. HAVE FOE SALE A FINE LINE OP WINES AND LIQUORS, To whioh they call tho attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. BOLB A0E!JTS FOB "HOUSER'S" STRAIGUT AVniSKIES. THE FINEST IB -A. IR, IN THE CITY OONNE'TTED WITH THE HOUSI. 64 MAIN STREET' TwdH, lomtl, of WeUi, Farge Co' Bank. mjS Furnacemen, Attention. A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. ii i.eiT8 roi thi MLDEH CITY FIRE BlttCK, Woioh sra bqb&I If cot ioparior to til , SiMvini rata kItbd hr tha cat lonl. ocill MUSIC! MUSIC! MUSICAL LSTRME.TS, Or all kinds, includios tbo BAUER IMPROVED ORGANS, Cheaper than ever. J. DATNES & SON, First South Street, Two doors cast of tiodbo's Druj Stort. STOCKHOLDER'SMEETINl! THE FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OT THE "EMMA HIL1 Coniolldatcd Hlulng Compwy," Location of work?, "Little Cottonwood, Silt Lako Countv, Territory of I" tab," lor the election elec-tion of Trustees for tho ensuing year, ind ia transaction ol Mich other business a? ro cos' boiore tho meeting, will bo held at the ouf tho companv. No. AX2 Montgomery itrwi-? u Francisco. California Kooin 14 on JIuniJ. Octolrir ilh, l!72, at 2 o"clrk r- m- U C. iWLEK.Sccrewrr-San iWLEK.Sccrewrr-San Francisco, Sopt- 21, 1$72- ' Hersliey's Torsion Waion Sprin This ia the beat Wat on Spring in ate, tui ww awarded the FIRST PREMIUM AXD MX DAL, erer the.EIliptio and all other competitor, At the American Inititute in tbe city olt TorX. in Novombor, 1ST0. It is now beinitr pliodbythe WaK DKPAKTMKN'T toW ernment W?on going on the Plains. It U Lighter, It occupies lets Space. It rtUei tbe Wagon lru than any other Spring, a.d it miliiw ti most perfect means of elasticity ia i" namely the torsion principle, crrjint c:1' oity from 4 UO, to 20.000 lbs- With all ti advanlaes the Spring is void at a mac'i er price loathe same carrying cwm wi any other Spring in use. i or full particulars apply at D. Hcl.'-!l' son's wagon shop. 2nd South mwl r' door west of WiHard A Orr's lirerr ,uy Simple Can also be seen at ham i Co', and at Kahu Uro's iwr KEt Ut ULVDll1"1'' jy 26. SoAtiiiL: LUMBER, YARD. All Kinds or Lumber DOORS, WI.ND0N BLINDS, MOULDING?, SHINGLES, LATHS, T. R. JONES Ralf-blook ,'ath of IT. C. P,J. Pure Manilla Rope. ITE HAVEboeoanlnllTTkkilil 1 V axenta for lie sjU tbeir rv'!- , I bo", all .ur. .t"..IH an.l nol DUacJ Swal or otlior inferior uiaionaL f Npectal price flvn to Ote Trar"' STURTEVANT BLOWERS. Sareral aiaofl on hand. SUM not la . dered at looil raloa by the Menu. b-o IT, m. Sll,v Golden City Fire Brick. A Stock of Arth and Smart Uri.'k hnd. ...... a at t- SfOTT, KIM"" al I I |