OCR Text |
Show MEDICAL W, F. ANDERSON. M.D. H. J, RICHARDS, M.O. Stii'Keoos and Pbyai cian, V, iifti-'w. fnr the prtiant, at their reepeetiTe ( , rwidecces in the L3tn and Uih Ward. ' iEW J1EDICJL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage." For the Debilitated Kervoui SyKtm. Ji!l. JOHDAN, of the ADHjmir Mnwoa, 818 ) Voi.im-rjitrPBi, (nr California 8A!I VKAIIOIlflO, Cahforui, b-i publtdiMl fcurof Ins ui -t ni.irtai.t an-! intrucUte Lty-tures, In a nut T.pbini- (..r lli'.ie wtio cannot tlnd l lift Lector n tl.e M'iura. Eerj on mimed and married " m-Lii h..iM read r,d imdy liiu important LeG- luin f..r llif c'd of himself and olTfijjrlDs;. :-1 1r. lut th c rotary of the Anatomical M'lwto, San Crancnc. and enclosing Twenty. Viv-C"ls In itarnp to pay ptng, the b bt.,k wilt ho forwarded to any part of the is La tea r' OrTrrnti-r:. Dr. J' r.Un can bo ennruUtul by letter. jS HOTELS, ETC. TO WflSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH, j JAMES T-OWN8END PROPRIETOR. - This Home Is centrally and pleasantly lo- OMed. well furnished, and ha aooommoda-tionj aooommoda-tionj for 10 guest. THE PROPRIETOR. now proparlni o I build lane addition! to his Hotel, whish when finished, will ren'-tr It the ifott Complete Ettabliahment In the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION I mil 7ALKER HOUSE, Cast Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Oin'ii for tlic Reception of Guests Monday, Sept. 2d, 1872. II. S. GREELEY & CO., PROPRIETORS. r29 TAYLOB'S HOTEL, Weat Side Main Street. ii IMPROVEMENTS Constantly being made for the accommodation accommo-dation of Guest. HOT AND C OLD BATHS. TAYLOR & CUTLER, myll Proprietor.. meim hotel, A Soloct and First-Class House. OHB CLOCK EAST OF THEATRE, 1 B X LT LAKE OITY, Trmil3.O0 per day. Board with- t roomi 1:4.00 per week. Baths fret to guiiti. J.O.LITTLE, 1 iun'A Proprietor. Washington House "Wlra South Htreot, fci A. C 1" L A 1 E CITY Botrd and Lodging, per Week T 00 Day Board 00 French Spring Beds 3 00 Udi, per Night - 50 Ueala - H3 JH Kew Commercial Lodpi Rooms, 46, Commorcial St., Salt Lake City. 0. W. TAPPAN. Proprietor. OP13 N ALL NIGHT. Spring Beds, 35, 37 U and 50 eta. per . Hlgltti S1.50 to 9'J.UO per Week. BliiKle Koomi, 50 end Tec. per Night) :i.UUtul.U per Week. Double Room i, fl.00 to tl.BO per Alght. ol5 GI1E1T WESTERN HOTEL, ON TUB EUIIUPKAH PLAN. SUnHed In bunfnem part of the oity, with accommodation tor U) guest. 1,n HST-0LAS8 aceom modal Ion for Families ami Travelers, aieiiiiia, AOo., 7Be., tl.00 and 91.50 per day. 01nior UU and Restaurant under the n.in.u-nmcni nf M. 11. Ueardslor, late of the Vi..rrisun Homo. 0 tut ha, and Tiohnor li oiio. Linuxln, Neb. Board yer weak, T) Meala, BOo. 1-HKK OMNIUMS TO IJOTKU Sti8n lonvo dully for the minos. Inkuudry oonnocted with the hotel. SMITH . B1UAZK, oiylT ProDrietora. Right About Face! IB Co-operative Store Keepers I AND 0II1KR5. WhoIwUh to lustalo thoa. by Iwho.l.bor r. Ut.I BOY UP THE WOOL! and have it manulVtnrod at home, and tn.-rob- save fout-fifihe of the money job will have to pay for around-np hats. ra., oto., in lha shapeof Cluth, Crom the east. Y"B WILL PAY YOU THE niOHEST W MA11KKT PRICK FOR WOOL, and cHrau Hoods for tho Lowwt Ca,h Prioe and suarjnleo every article, aa repreionted by us. Wo will also EXCHANGE CLOTH roi 3?HOVISIOPJlB, Where we can make (hem arallable for oar hands, and receive Uwm and the Wool at vour stores. Wo are raakinn and hare 01 hand. BEaDY-ADB CLOTHING, MIXERS SJZ1I2TS, etc; FULLED CLOTH, of ffrt-lai ty0 and quahly; llso;'fni, Llim.j,, both plain and f.nry; F nundi 0f all colorf Ku-toiin.lrn, Ku-toiin.lrn, Untron Cover, Tabte Clothe Toweling, Uuckli.ir, 8tu, klng Yarn, al WOll n' pnrt cotton. Fancy Wool Yarn, for anittinr, Cot-10 Cot-10 n Uattlng, aod Carpet Yarn, etc., etc., eto. You will please to ohscrro lh.it we pride oursclvM on havinn tho best colored TlVJuZl0TT md workm'"' JOSEPH BIRCH, DUX id WMbiarloa. NOTARIES PUBLIC. M. U. GILL.rPIE. T. W. WO0D3 GILLESHK a.nd WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, I AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. ArKNOWi-EncEiifNTS taken for tho loveral Stjtl.s imi TBaainuiK3. Office hr,nr. 9 i, m.. to 9 p. u. Unon No. 5 ever First National Hank, calt Lake City, L uh Territory. g5 Jaa. Yf. SuLoourn. Chaa. A. Gonld. STALXBURN & GOULD, NOTAR1ESPUBLIC, Searchers of Records. c o iv v 1-3 j. iv o u x. s , COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS FOR New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Ohio. Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska. Wyoming, Wyom-ing, Aluutana, N evada- California, Oreiton. Tuxas, Colorado, Diatriat ofCoIumbU and ottier States and Torritorios-Api-lications for Patents, Mining Deeds. AsTOcmcnts and Bonds I3r Deeds, Morta(M, Powers of Attorney, Leases. Contracts and other instruments of writing drawn with ac-i-urrvcv arid dispatch. Mining uud other Companies Incorporated In-corporated under tha Lwi of Utah, Abstract of Titles to Mioinir and other pT"VfTty made in tho moat complete form. Mlnliig property cxauiliicd and reported re-ported on. OmcK at BEID'3 BUILDINQ, EAST TEMPLE ST., SALT LAKE CIIY. U. T. A Notary Public always in the Office trom 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Transcripts famished from tho first Mining Records in tho County of Salt Lake, to wit; those of tho Mountain Lake M ininv District (now Big and Littio Cottonwood Districts), and from there oX tho Big Cottonwood Mining Min-ing DiMrlot. my21 CHAM. W. ISTAYNKR, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qnalifiod and commissioned by the Office 1st door south of Savage's Photograph Gallery. Salt L:iko City. ui.'J I HEW YORK TRADE. Cochran, JlcLcan & Co. Io0rt0I3 and Jobber of DRY GOODS, White Goods, Iloalcry, Notions, Woolons, Linens, Liubroiderios and Luces, 462, -I'll and -1W BROADWAY, k. b. r. wkioht. .EH YUltla. juyai RICE, GOODWIN, WALKER & CO., Importers and Jobbers of SILK AND I'ANOY DKT1 GOODS, i'llA, and I7ajg Broadway W. 0. BA1UVKY. NKW YOil- L. M. BATES & CO., Ml 4 453 Broadway, NEW YORK, IMFOaXa&S ASD J0BD1M UI Fancy Dry Goods, HOSISKY, WHITE GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE N01I0NS, &c. J. Ii. BU1.01CR. jm BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and I3S Grand St., New York, Corner Crosby, one blook, east of Broad wa d!4 JEH.'AL READ & Co., Manufacturers and WholesaleDoalora in FUR AIN D WOOL HATS, Straw Goods, Ifnibreltas, tc, No. -408, Broadway, NKW YORK. Jo. Jim Hunter. jtl TH03. M. ARGALL & Co., Men's, Youths' Boys' and Children's cijOt h iisra, AT WnOLKSALB, 313 31l Broadway, New York. J. I. C0WLK3. f27 HOWLAND & ASPINWALL, 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. Will advance lib. mil y on consignment, consign-ment, of Ore tuil UnUlon. Bullion iiurchn.ed at highest market rale. 37 LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEUKMY OIVKN. that we. UoorKo Hearst, ,1 - b Hoss, Cyrus B llawler and Hobcrt C Chamlier.. dn olaim twentr-two humjrol loot in Ion to., by two hun.iro.i loct in width, on tho llraiotead M mi tig Claim (opine a sil-.r b.arinn voin of ro-k in place, I and tho land and premises appertaining to.j.id tumo, all enuatod in tSe Ohio .Minnie Ditirict, Cinty ot Piute. Territory ot f'tah, tho locatin and extent ihorrot being uioie lully describod as follows, to wit: Commencing at a point south seventy four degree' and thirty luinmc east, two thousand thous-and t'"Ur bu ml rod nnd cility I'.'.KSiH loot from U S. Mineral Monument No, I. Thence n.irtn twenty-two linn. .red t'set. Thence oust two hundred i-i'1 ieot. Thence Soulli twenty t wo huti.lrcd i-J.nl i loot. Ttleoeo west two hucijrcl i Jiv) feet to tho place of begmnirir. l''Q'ainir c ten and ten han-drsdths han-drsdths iti'.liV acres a.- net forth in tho diagram; dia-gram; and wo do hereby give further notice, that, having occupied and ini-prOTtd ini-prOTtd ttio sa d lede and prttnises, acconlitig to tho lojal cu.iciiu and ritlw of miners in said Miniag District, aud having exremied in actual labor and improvement.' im-provement.' thereon, an amount not lj than One Thousand Dollars, nnd having at thu timo actual pcaccab'c poMe.ion 01 said mining property, wo have afplicd for a patent for tho said premises, un.lcr the Act of Congress entitled "An Act irranling the Right of wy to Ditch ar;d Canal Own on over tho Public Lar.il.--, and for other Par-Pof9,'' Par-Pof9,'' approved July 1iV, and tho amandatrry Act, approved Jn'y9, 170, an Act of Congre. approved May 10, 1S72, entitled "An Act to promote the development develop-ment of the Minora! rtnourcM of the United States." W. tores oar haeds an 1 J call this twenty-fourth twenty-fourth day of August; l&T UioKl;i; H ci est, JvobIIkss, by K. C Chamnrr. his tfr in fat. CVKl it. lUn-LEV. by R. C. Chamber, his an y in fact. ii. t ClUME.J'A A.tcs.. . r. elements. U. S- Land Office, S:,!t Liket'ity. .U;g. H, 172. I certify that tiioalvvc notice ar. J a diajcram of tho i 'a d Minims l'Ui:u was ihii d.iy liled in tins otiico, tone t her with a notice, ot ir.tcn tion to apply for .. patent thorcfor from the Government of tho 1'ritcd St.i:o a.- pro ri.lcd in an Act of L'.Mi.-rc.-.--, ectitied 'n Act granting the Ri--ht cl VV.ty ;o Ditch tfnJ Canal Hit ners over tho PuMic I..in.i:i. and Ur other I'nrpo e.;,"ai proved July ,S, .-,-iJ as amended by Act of fencrc-j api rovo.! July lS7ii. an A-'tff Con.-rc.-. a; proveJ May 10, laT !, cntitied "An Act to promote the ove!orment of tho Mtcin-. re-ources tf the I nitea SMtc.-." I direct f.ud noti.-o !o ho rrinted in tho i Salt Lake "Herald," a newspaper published I nearest tho location ot ttio claim. uW OKU K. MA-SWELL, Rosiitej. I LEGAL. J. B. Roaborough, S. A. Merritt J. SI. Carter. Rosborough, Merritt & Carter, ATTORNEY S AT L A W , Salt Lake City, Utah. Office, 1st South Street, first buildicf- east of Deseret Bank corner. aug 21 wit, hatdo-t. c. k. oxLcaaisi. HaYDOX & GILCHRIST, attorneys-at-law. salt lake city. OEcoorex 1st National Bank of Utah. a!" THos. Marshall, j. c boyle. MARSHALL & ROYLE, A TTORNETS-A TLA W. j Office over Wells, Fargo & Co's Bauk, Salt Lake City, Utah. at GEORGE C. BATES, ATTORXEY-AT-LA W. O. MYRON HAW LEY, Attorney-at-Law, Clerk of the Supreme Court and Territorial Librarian. J. W. HASKIS8. Office in Kimball's block, near U.S. Mar-ill Mar-ill snal's office. CHARLES G. LOEBER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Room No. 6, over First National Batik, Salt Lake City. myl2 c- H. liompstead, M.Kirkpatrick, HEMPSTEAD &. KIRKPATRICK, Attorney s-at-Law, Main Street, opposite W oil-, Fargo & Co., SALT LAKK CITT. alO F. L. WILL IAMB. LI GRAND TODXO WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTORNETS-AT-LAW, Office, half-a-block south of Theatre, (Su.lt Ialie City. jl2 I z. bnow. it. d. noox. SNOW S. UOGE, 1 Attorn eya and Couuelora at Law Bait Lake City, Utah. OtOceatBnow'a corner, 1st East Street. JcS THOB, TITCH. OKO. B. WHITXKT. FITCH & WHITNEY, ATTORNKYS-AT-LAW, 36 First South Stroot, m SALT LAKE CITY. t. A. MANJJ, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 36 First South Street, IV Salt Lake City, Utah. JOHN B. MILNF.K, ATI ORNEY-AT-LAW, Provo City, Utah. Collections made is the 1st and 2nd Judicial Judi-cial Districts. Special attention given to Mining oasos. Oflioe at residenoo, Ceutro St. Provo City. J5 Warner Bacll, F. M. Smith. EARLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ALT LAI1 OITY. First South Street. Hooms U and 12, No 105, Kimball Block. DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Skit Lake City, Utah. Officewest side of But Temple Street. d27 1) . O O O P K R . ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR, Seat Teijiplc Street, Coltbrook's New Building, up-atalra. i28 SALT LAK1 OITT, Ayer's Cathartic Pills JS$ Forthoroliof Lt nl ouro of all ipc in thestomaoh, 7 -v liver, and bow- rL W--t .Wk-. !a" '-'ncy nro bTva. ' jLVs a mild aperiont F-T $ "" al1 an osol- tj-y-----) lent purgative. Zjr fe ' TeSotablo. thoy gj contain no mtr- ouryor mineral whateror. Much serious sickness, and suffering suf-fering is prevented by their timely use; and every family should have thom on hand for thoir protection and relief, when roouirod. Long experience has proved them to be the safest, surest, and best of all tho J'-"- with which tho market abounds. By thoir occasional occa-sional uso. tho blood is purified, tho corruptions corrup-tions of the system ospollod, obstructions removed, and tho wholo machinery of lilo restored to its healtny activity-. Internal organs which become aloe sod and aluk'sish aro cleansed by Aycr'a J'ilte, and stimulated stimula-ted into action. Thus incipient disonso is changed into health, tho value of irhicu chango, whon reckoned on tho vast multitudes multi-tudes who enjoy it, oan hardly bo oomputcd Their sugar-coating makes thom pleasant to tako, and preserves their virtuesuuimpairod for an j longlh of time, so that ttioy aro ever fresh, and porfcctly reliable. Althoush Boorehing. they are mild, and operate without with-out disturbanoo to the constitution, or diot, or occupation. Full directions are given on tho wrapper to enoh box, how to uso thom as a Family Physic, and fr tho following, complaints, which theso PW.i rapiilly cure: For Dyspepsia or Iutt igestton, List-leisne-ta, LanRiior and Lo.a of Appetite, Appe-tite, they should bo taken moderately to stimulate tho stomach, and restoro its healthy tonoand action. For Liver Complaint and its various symptoms, Bllloi.a lleatlachi, SliU lleailnclie. Jaundice or Grvcn Sick. nti, lllllous Colic and Bllloti Fe-vera, Fe-vera, they should bo judiciously taken for each oaso, to oorreot the diseased action or remove tho obstructions which oau.e it. For Dysentery or Diarrhoea, but one mild dose is generally required. For KheiiiuntUra, Gout, Gravel, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain lit. Ill, si pile, Uack, and Loliis, ihoy should be ooDiinually taken, as required, to chance the diseased action of the system. With such chango thoe complaints du-aptipar. For Drop.y and Dropmlcal Swell) tigs, they should bo taken in large and frequent doses to produce thj effect of adrastic purse. For Suppreloii, a largo doso should bo takon, as it produaes tha desired oll'ect by sympathy. As a i.rtn- Pill, tako ono or two PiH to promote digestion, and relieve the stomach. stom-ach. An occasional dose stimulates tho stomach stom-ach and bjwols. restores tho appetite, and invigorate tho sytom. Hence it it is often advantageous where no scriousdcrangemeiii exists. Ono who feels tolorablv well, oft en fin. Is that a do$e of theso J'it'j makes him fpel decidedly bettor, from their cleansing and renovsting effect on the digestive apparatus. ap-paratus. PRKPARRD DT Dr. J. C. AYKR A. Co., Practical ChemliU, LOWELL MASS., XT. S. A. For tab at Z. C. JA. . Drug Vcjit, AVD ALLDRUdmSri BVliSYVVUKBK. yi a 1- PATENT ; WHn PORCELAIN-LIMED CAP. The Moet Reliable FRUIT PRESERVER J Known. For Sale at tha Grocery and Hardware i DEPARTMENT, U. B. CLAWSON, Snp't. , INSURANCE. OF THE Home Mutual IMR1XCE COMPiXY, OP CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL .... $650,000. JOHV II. REDIMiTOX, President., C1IABI.E. It. STUItY, Secretary, Principal Oj'ice, 433 California St., SAN FRANCISCO. H. R. , Agent, Ollice: Banking JJouso, A. W. WhitoA Co. ml TRIUMPH FIRE LVSURiACB CO.'S, CINCINNATI. Capital - - $3,000,000 Kellnble Unite r writing- ferfect liiilemnlty. Wc ask Fair Eatcs and rroaiise to Pay Just Losses. Risks taken tbrougheut Utah II. K.-ISIASIV.-Asrenl. SALT LAKE CITY; Ofllcei FnUiiip; Hun-te of A. W. While i t:0. P. 0. Hoi WJ. i FIRE INSURANCE. HOME INSURANCE CO., Colmnbns, Ohio. M. A. D AU01! HllTY, JACOB PEETRT. President. tiecrotary. Cash Assets - - $$71,.52.8I. By reason of a hoavy cash capital and a large business, well' distributed, we offer to tho public indemnity that is second -to none. Our Chioago record is a ruarantce of prompt and equitable adjuatmaat and payment pay-ment Of )055C3. H. REIANIJ, Agent. Odlce: ItauUI-ig House of A. V, White Jt, Co. Pnat OfSe Dos. No. .VU. tnvllf . mm imnvcE co. 1 J. It. RrXXETT - - Pro.ldcnt. B. D. WLM - - Secretary. Cincinnati, Ohio. ASSrrrs, JI'NE 30, Cash on hand. I in bank, and in eourso of transmission- $111,308 57 United ritatesBonds, uiarkot value lL"ii,l'iy Ot Mortgages S-W.wti b7 Collateral Loans 1S,4S7 00 Accrued IntcreaL.... , ail,tia 6b Bills Heceivublo ; Stf,!-l7 15 Stato Bondi and Aliscollancous 5,til7 ft) Duo from Agones 3.S.0&7 65 $&S0,906 70 JLIABII.ITira. Outstanding Losses and other Lia biliuos .. t77,7U 01 H. RI" MANN 1 .Agent, --. Ofncej Rnultlits IIouhd of A. W. mtlle&t'D. 1, . Box, 55. i-28 5 - f3 & " a B bsl 5 & - S I j; . I J - ' H 1 C. a BASSETT, HAEDWASS STORK V,'. kW. Id of HEAVY HARDWARE, lr rhJ S!ccl, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Aa-rleultural Imiilma)i And Si la la j Tools. At Lowest Rates. Uri'DSITU M ALT I.AKK HOUlB RAILROAD EXCHANGE, NOW OPEN, Soutlir-ast cornor of South Temple and Third West streets, opposite the KaiJroad Depot, Early Bro.ikfast for morning trains. Warm Laacli from 11-30 to 2 o'clock. lunch Baskets for traveler! furauhed on a tew micuto-' notice. IOE CBE AM fSL.MaMt:!! DRIXKB. r. iiAMt-nsrcjc, Proprietor. BOTTLED BEER, ALE AM) roitTEIt, At theCheape: P.vcs acd on the (hcrtest notice. L-'ive your ord-rs a! the Depot of the Lahioraia Urcirery, bi CjniiaerciaJ iumu SAH-FRANCISCO TRADE. Special Notice. CARD TO THE TRADE. THB Mission & Pacific ffoalen Ills, Depot. "os. 517 A: 510 31arkt St., SAN FliAXCISCO. CAL,. Offr to the trade a Lirge and Well selected Assortment of Woo lex Goods, Manufactured at their celebratod Mills, Consisting of BLANKETS of every description; HORSH BLANKETS and BUGGY ROBES; HORSE and SLUICE Blanketings, various widths and qualities: CLOTHS, CASSIMERBS and TWEEDS of every description: GENTS', LADIES', MISSES' and - CHILDREN'S SHAWLS in g aat variety ; OPERA and FANCY FLANNELS ; SHIRTING FLANNELS ; TWEED, CASSLM.ERE and FLANNEL SHIRTS and UNDERWEAR. WATER PROOFS and REPEL RE-PEL LAN TS, various ah ados and stylos. K.tiT All-Wool and Merino Ukdkbwear and Hosiery for men, women and childron, q-fkciallt q-fkciallt adapted for tho Pacitio CoasL Woolen Yarn in all shades by tho pnekapa. All Goods in our lino manufactured "to ordkr" at short notice, and at tha lowkst market prices. Price Liais sonton application. MISSION and PACIFIC WOOLEN MILLS Depot, Xos. 517 -510 Market St., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. au27 I S. L. Stanley, C, C. Chapman, John Spruanoe. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Successors to H. Wotutcr Oo. aud J. & J. Sprumco, Importers and Doalera in WINES AND LIQUORS, alO 410 FRONT STRKET. HENDRIEBRO'S 33 MAIN STRKET,; , SALT LAKE CITY, Manufacture. California and Eastern J STAMP MILLS. Contracts taken for tho erection of STAMP MILLS AND SMELTING SMELT-ING FURNACES COM. PLETE in any of the Mining Districts. wc manufacture tha Varney Wheeler Fans, Patent Pressed a Hoe a aud Dlea, Patent Stem Uiilitea, and tile niaulitikcry ojmpleto for STAMP MILLS a a' d - REDUCTION WORKS. of which wo mnko a soeoialty and guarantee satisfaction in nil oases. Manufacture BollkolT's Ball Pulverizer, FOR DRY CRUSHING, Will do tho work of 15 Stamps. Prioe, $1500! 1 Manufacturers' Agents for theSaloof Stnrtevant te Root Blowen, Enrle &, Camera. Steam Pumpa, ' UolMtiuff, Por labia muxl Stationary Kl.gli.en, Wire HoUllna; Rope, (Fflt and Roalldt) Tunnel Rail Iron, lU. 12 and 1 lbs. w the yard, Irou Pip for Gaa and Water, i D-ttlve tfc Ulo.lt 6 ore Cru.hen, Mining Camund Iron Uuckvll, Arfc'lllo Fire Ui lck, and MlntiiK nppllen. ESTIMATES and DRAWINGS furnished -EuR ALL OUR WORK. alO UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. . . JIAUUFACIURERS OF PORTABLE AND STATIONARY ENGINES & BOILERS. Patent Improved Sawmills, ALL SIZES, ON" HAND. HENDRIE BROS. , Sole Agests ion Utah So. 33 Main afreet, Salt Lake City. Bolt TRUSTEE'S SALE. VTOTICE LS HEREHY GIVEN THATTnE XI undersK-ncdwillfi.il, at public auction, lnirontut tbu U;inkinK llousu of A. W. White f S0' l-n ,L't I'cmll10 stroot, in tho city of rialt Lake, lerriiory of luuh, on Priday, tho Duih day of iscMouibor, lS7i at eleven o'clock in tho lorenixm, tho lull. iwinj, described i.roi-erty, i.roi-erty, to-ivit: An undivided ioturcdi ofUno Ihousand feet ui tho tumim- property located in J urciijiino ttulcb, liniKhani Canon, M ost -Miimitam mining district Salt Lako county Liab lorntory. Known a.-, iliu Silver Hill lode or imoo, cunuiining iivonty-fuiir hundxed foot l ho interest offered for salo and to bo sold at said limo mid phwo is tho same interest cunvoj-ed to the undorsivinxl by Deed of iru.tt, oxocuwd by tu.trlei II. Morc.m as party of tho lirt purl, dated the fourteenth day r December. 171, to secure tio payment ot certain pruiuuwary notes ihoreio fot out .ruui said txirlei 11. Mu.--;in U Silas R Reebe.thc party .if tho third part in said deed of iru.-t, which said notes aro now overdue and unpaid; .said . tru-a deed was on the samo day recorded in .Miu.w;u ilocord Uuok C, puos ...1. oTJ and in iho Uiutity liocordur-s othco of said fc.lt Luko county, (u, which record refurenco u hereby mado for further particularity j. m .-aid property will bo sold to tho hichest bidJerfor ca.-h. tho money to be paid and deed debvarcd immediately aftor tho sale, A. W. Hlllfi; Trnatea. Salt Loko City. August 'th. Is7i mjj In accordance with an order of tho Cbancel-broMho Cbancel-broMho lJurd. hidicu.l L'trict C-urt oi the 1 iTritory. ttu alnno sulo is i-ostponii until .;n day oi dcpitii; Ovr, isTZ, at the Bajuo hour ana placo. A. W. WHITE, Trustee. STOVES! STOVES! THE CHEAPEST STOVES OF THE- GREATEST VARIETY W. HARRISON'S I T I I I N I -AX&- STOVE STORE, OPpncrTEBIFrnp nrXTER'3 EAST TEMPLE STREET. I ojt Call and Eiamine; you are sar to be ARRSYED THIS DAY A BIG STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Consisting ofEverytlilns In the Siaple line; also LATEST STYLE LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Which we are offering at VERY LOW PRICES. OUR GROCERY STOCK IS NOW FULL; AND EITHER Wholesale or Retail WE WILL SELL AS LOW AS AXY0E IN THE TRADE. Taylor & Cutler, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. Citv Gas Works. The undorsigned is now opening up he largest and meat complo to stock and assortment ot Gas filings ev or brought to tha western country. Store 42 Main street, third door north of Deserot .Rank. Gilt, Bronze, and all the latest styles of Chandeliors, Brackets and drop lights of every pattern to suit the purchaser. Have now on hand and will continue to keep tho largest stock of Gas and Steam pipes to be found in Utah or on the Pacific Pa-cific Coast, and am now prepared to contract for the piping of houses, offices, buildings and dwellings generally at rates that will defy competition. Over 50,000 feet of gas piping now on hand and am receiving it daiiy. My Gaa Fittings and "Fiituros will be supplied to the inhabitants of Salt Lake City at tke lowest possible rates. I also keep on band a full and complete com-plete assortment of tho latest improved pumps for mining and domestic use. The Celebrated Knowles Steam Pump with boiler connections complete always ' on hand. All work connected with Pumps and Plumbing of every description, and with Sas, "Water and Steam Fittings will be lone with dispatch. B. LYONS, 12 Main Street, Three Doors North oi Deserot Bank, Office of Salt Lako City Gas Company. , jn5 SCOTT, DUJVIIA3I & CO., WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS IN IEON & STEEL, WRICHT'8 PICKS, IRON BARROWS, AND ALL KINDS UP - MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, riFEftALL KI.MMt OF FITTINGS WIIL111MI3. JIII.I.S. HABD-WARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, - AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE K1TTI.NOS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AQE5TS POR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. ,2Jt To whom it may concern,! WE. tb. nndr;rnM. el.m an' own tw.l.o htjn'lred dir.) .el. inr0dir.K Nc two u and three ( in the Titu, to. Little I'-ottonwood canjon, and hold iLc ,ame by deed, l.-om the oriKinallor.tor,-and oriKinallor.tor,-and hav. complied itfa tb. law, of la. di tnct in every reit.ect- A cd we hereby caotion all perfoa, not to. trade, bay ar barter for said claim,, witbont cor consent. f- BASBEIT.) Administrator, ol tb. I.iviNo, i tstiu of Anthony Inn doc eased. ISRAEL IVINS. Salt Lair City. Ju.Jlst.iKi, iii ' Z. C. M. I. Shoe Factory DEP A.RTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. We rospectfiLll; invite the' att ntion of tke Public to the DISPLAY OF 300TS and SHOES, AU our own m&ko in our IIASDSOMK SEW SHOW WINDOW Having' establiibod a refutation for ' T3iCD Ij XjT-1 1ST 0 1-3 lii Style, Q.'ialily and Fit, Wo intend to ma iota.1 Q it by wntiritine to manufacture goo-ils that we can GUARAjMTEE. BOOT and. SHOE MAKERS Yuu will find hero EVERYTHING Kequirod by ihotrado, in tho sbai-o of LEATHER, FINDINGS ANDIKiT, At tho lowest rates, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. SADDLE KS A II.iRXKSSl;MAKEKS llomombor wo make a siccialty of Horse Collars, Of which wo always koop a largo lassortmont of tho boat! and cheapest; II VKXtSS LEATllLIt, and all other kinds, at Lowost Prices, Irrholo-salo Irrholo-salo and retail. j yT- 11X0 selling tlio abovo c lassos of goods Remarkably Cheap, at present. irci-n.riUory to rciicwtufr our stock for Autumn nml Winter Trade. Orders by mail rocoiro eoroful .and 'prompt attention from Mr. CROMl'TOX,: whoso lengthy oxporionce in tho trado enables him to Jioloct euods that will satisfy our patrons. ltEIAIItI.Q lOXE. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT. 1L B. CLAWSON, Sup't. z. o. m: i. Clothing Department Having secured the exclusive, Bale for Utah Territory, of tho CELEBRATED BURLOCK j DIAMOND SHIRTS, Now offer to the traJo WHOLESALE & RETAIL, A full stock, all sizes and qualities, for MEN &. BOYS, Of the latest styles and best make. ' The Superiority (mil Unrivalled Excellence or these SHIRTS are Established by the rollowln; reasons: Stt?" Tho materials aro tho best standard Irish linens, and first class, hitrhest cost muslins only New York Mills, Wamsutla, Williamsville, Bates ic tef The count of linen and quality qual-ity of mnslio in each respective shirt aro always uniform, and the standard is never deteriorated or varied. ir- ThevrorkmarjihipUthe finest xrd best, and such as a class of labor b:ttcr than usually employed, and the most careful inspection, can only produce. pro-duce. bxr The Laundry work is on-equalled on-equalled in beauty; bodies soft finish, not deceptive, heavy and stiff vtith starch. a? In the important particular of perfection of patterns and fit, unequalled un-equalled excellence is claimed for these shirts. Cut on scientific principles attained at-tained by experience, their correct proportions pro-portions are warranted to bo evident on examination, and guaranteed to give satisfaction on trial. Burlock Man'g Co., Bridgeport Conn. !S. O. iLVI. I., Sole Agents for Utah. H. B, CLAWSON, Sup't. ij31-2tB. BANKERS. First National Bank of Utah SALT LAKE CITY. S-y Siwrtl Adc-rti-mt on Third A. W. WHITE & CO, B AWKEBSj KANT TE.HPLE STKK ICT, Stvlt Lake City. I Dealer in GOLD DUST.COIf, AND BULLION, Exchange pi alt Me Principal tti4i q ttic United Slates and Europe. Particular attention .riven to Collectiac t, and proceeds reuiittcJ at Current rate of KxchiUiiio on day of paytnoiiuB GKO. K. "WU1TNKY, Attorney-! CORKKSPONDBSTSil! R.n of C-! if-jrnia - Pn franriio U- & WtJIr - Ke Vor Cvik C.'utity Saiionol B.uik - Chirjii-i. Ukv-larl! H-iuk 8l..Uui- StU Bufc iI X.'tinisL. - Omaha BANK. DESERET Salt Lake City, Utah' Tm jJank hai OManiiod i SAVINGS DEPARTMtN f, and will rocoive deposits of one dollar fid upwards, on which interest will be allowed at the rate ef eight par oenL per annum ,oom pounded Boaii-annnaJiy. I.'J i-.S. HILL., CanhUr. QATT T A W PTTV JatUl -LiallX JU Vlll JTATIONAL BANK Hnlt Xj.vUo CJity, Utab 1"or. Authorized Capital - $500,000 B, nj, SI. DuHl-.ll. rreaident. 11a Kb Wl.lte, Canliter. Hik -8TI1.D k KisKriTsios. Attorney. I CORRESPONDENTS I vriuvi ir J National Park Bank. M,V YC HF - j rjonnrll. Lawaon A uo, 3 lis FRA.CtSCO California Trust to. I. OS DUN v.'uJ Cooko, MoCullooh Jt Oo. WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Bankers aud Dealers iu Excliauge 'DraiUon Kurc je. Kuropon Colleoiioni Ij.-omiitly atloLldoj to. U. tat Tempi Street Sail Lak Oltjr. ml2 Tuio. S. TiaOT, Agent. ' Bank of Daseret, Soooeeoor t HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Oornrr East Temple and first Bouth fltreeta SALT LAKE OITY, UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - 1)45,000 BKIOHAM YOUNG, President, 1 WM. H. HOiPKlC WM. JEXN 1NOS, . Dir-oton JOHN HM A UP, wown. flUlAMOKZ LITTLR h," H1LL3, Caaaier. Deal n GOLD DUB., COIM, KXCI1AHUB LAND WAlinAaVTB, COL-LICU1C COL-LICU1C SCRIP, -fee. OoUootiooa made aad prompLly remitted. re-mitted. FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE, MORE ARRIVALS. tf O Different Sizes and Styles of ID OORS. "7 Different Sizes of WINDOWS. The most complete Stock ever brought to Hah, A T LiTHlER,TiVLOR & CO'S LUMBER YARD, SASH and DOOR FACTORY, TaCrnS WeSt FAR WEST FREIGHT CO. Head (tunrtcra, St. Loula, Mo, Dlkant&Cuttixc:, forwarding AUD COMMISSION yiERt'IIim AGENTS SALT LA11K CITY, ITAIL. WS are rrej.ared to contract far ihi- nionts frntn all piirt of tlie Ktwt. our Line bavin mode upoeial arram-emcnti for ,,,o KHle and .-,(vly transporiat ion of all rrmetii from New i ork. li-noo. Baltimore. aiTLak.bCity?U1J ttU Mt0r ClLi"' W Wo Ere 0frerint -.--tra Indacementa Tor the po'inw i-d Bullion to all Worn Offici i WAKZot:si:-Flr.t block oath of Depot, Salt Lake City. DuaAST A CUTTIJSQ. |