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Show Fire Coupabim will meot on Saturday Satur-day evening, at City liall. at 7 o'clock:. 1'unctual attendanca requested. d'j Ak toOB grocer for Ghirardelli's Chocolate and Cocoa. d5 LiDDil-L Brown, north of post office, of-fice, have received a consignment of a c-ar load of fresh KOLL BCTTEK, ;h-vf and Lard; also TL'KKEYS, CHICKENS, wild Geese and Ducks, already dressed and in splendid condi-li-.n- if you want Rood living jrive thern a call. d5 You should se the new Furniture at Uarralt'i. EJ Bullion. Lost otf Gilmer & Salisbury's Salis-bury's stage, between Pioche and Lehi, ah'.ut tho 2Kb. of October, a Bar of Bullion, No. 2,23'.t, and November Oth. Bar No. 2,340; b'th from the Kaymond Ac Ely mine. $200 reward each will be paid for their recovery. Bring them to W ell?, Fargo & C'o'b office. d3 Gilmer & SaLISbuby, Geo. Suowil, ticAvanger for the City. o2 We keep constantly in stock a full ftisorlraent of all grades of Waltham Watches in gold and silver cases, both koy and stem winding, and cheerfully recommnnd them to our customers and tho public as thoroughly reliable time-pioces. time-pioces. Carl O. Asmubex. Z U. M. I. East Temple street, opposite oppo-site tho Postoffice. no'J - Iros Bedsteads for tale by H. Din-wood Din-wood ey. I Flannel, at Taylor & Cutler's, dl Complete sssortmont of CLOTHING, CLOTH-ING, Just opined at L. Coon's California Califor-nia Store-. o24 J. G. Jamk & Co. aro receiving daily largo inLHof drofsed Turkeysand Chickens. Chick-ens. Buyers of poultry should give thorn a call boforo purchasing. 144 Aliiin street, opposito Walker ilouse. do Now ia the Umo for tho NIGHT WOKK. See George Sbowoll. d3 0. it, Barratt invitoa the public to call. n20 A Very bupKRiua Brand of Flour and Corn Meal, as well as Oats; Corn, IJarloy otc, by Gordon & Murray, half a block south of railroad depot, Salt Lake City. , 023 For Bkdroom sotts of all styles, call at Joulsoo'e; ho duties competition ia prices. n23 Oil is soiling at retail at tho Pioneer Lump ytoro. as follows: Common brands (iOc. per gallon. Crown standard 70c. pur gallon, lmporial 160 firo tost 76o. por gallon. Kndliss variety of Goods at Bar-rail's. Bar-rail's. n'JO Tt yb Cheat, at Taylor & Cutler's, dl Eight hundred Bedstead, and 6,000 Chairs, at Joolson's, Groesbeck's building. build-ing. d'26 rR FKKMi Bread. Bun, Cakes, Criu-kors. etc., wholesale and retail, go to iho "Globe." Puro home-m ado Can-dio.i Can-dio.i a speciality. GvtxJs delivered in nil pirtoof iho city free. Olobo Bakery, Krtcl Temple atrool. Dhkcs Goods in great variety at the California atore. . o24 Arrived Two cars Furnituro and twonty-sevou crates Crockery at Bab-hatt's. Bab-hatt's. n Lauie Kcrs and Dross G-v-ds Cheap a; l'aykr Cutler's. nJO Buv the Imperial Oil 130 fire test, the ! purest and iofet oil in the markeJ- no9 Just arrived, one car load of parlor setts. Ladies, call and examine them, alJoelson's, r,2g Now ia your time to buy eheap Furniture Fur-niture at H. Dinwoody'a. He is just receiving thirteen car loads expressly tor Christmas trade. nolO ISomkthisq hiw for housekeepers at Barralt's. n2Q Niwkst Attractions in Job Prints tng at the Hkrald Office. I have Reducod my Prices. nti (J. K. liARRATT, No. 40. TnK unfortuhatb who have broken their mirrors can get new glasses put in at H. Dinwoody'a. nolO Grkat UARGAnr to Saddlers and Harness Makers! We are selling a job lot of splendid Horse Collars at $24 fier dozen; and all our largo Btock of eatbor ar.d collars remarkably cheap. "Big Boot" 99 ut Temple St. n26 Maoazikks. i-arapulets, Periodicals Music Books, Scrap Books, etc., etc.! bound in all forms and stylos at the Hkrald Binderx- j IBarratt'b Stock Is next to Post Office. o2 All kisds of Table at Barralt's. fi20 "Waktxd. One hundred coal miners can find steady employment at the Rocky Mountain Coal Mine, Evanston. Apply for particulars, it, to J. Y. Shedden, Ajrent, at coal house, U. C. R. K Depot- dl Ghibabdklli'b Eagle Chocolate has been awarded the fl-ist premium, wherever wher-ever exhibited. do Notice to oua PATaosa. As we have been unavoidably compelled to sell the Eureka Oil, which we leara ha not given satisfaction to our customers, we will exchange for other oil whera the parties purchased of us. no9 E. KxKai & Co., Pioneer Lamp Store, NEW HDVEBT1SEMENTS HALT LAKE THEATRE Friday, December 6, 1872. FAIIIIWSIIjIi BBimFXT LAST APPEARANCE BUT OSB - OF Mrs. F. M. BATES, Whon will bo performed the beautiful comedy eotiUed FROU-FROU. Uilberto(Frou-Frou) Mn. K. M. Balea Baron oa 3 de Cambri ..Mr3. Alice Clswson Count oo Valreas Mr. E- B. Harden (Who havo kindly volunteered.) Henri Sartorys Mr. . M Bates Baron do C'mfcrl Mr. P. MarseU Supported by THE STRENGTH OF THE COMPANY. SATURDAY EVENING, DEC, 7, 1S72, Most positively the Last Appearance of Mrs. F. M. Bates, Whon will be performed LUCRETIA BORGIA. MONDAY EVO., DEC. (1, lS7i-Bi-mont Tor tiii ighu only of MR. J. 8. LINDSAY. "FllOU GRAVE TO GAY, FBOM LIVELY TO SERESK" A Grand Variety Entertainment will be crrct TO-MORROW (SATURDAY) EVENING, LIBERAL 'INSTITUTE, Cotuprisins; Roadiiiffs and Recitations from Shnko3poure, Dickonsf Uurn., Hood, and others, inlursiiorsed with Vocal and Instru. monUl Music, Anocdutos, etc., lo conclude with an Eulogy on Horace Groeley. Mr, J. A. Lyno, tho omi out iragodiao, has kindly lemlornJ Ui outvioa fur tho occasion. Program mos and tickets can bo obutinsd at all tho Hook stores and ftows Stands. Admission Admis-sion to tho Body ot tho Hall, 50c: to ibo Gallery, Gal-lery, i&c- Doors open at Half-past Sevoa o'clock. Entertainment will oommonee at Eight o'clock. THE DESERET RESTAURANT IS DECIDEDLY THE PLACE TO CALL FOR YOUR BREAKFAST, DINNER, SUPPER, or LUNCH. Booth's Fresh Oysters By the Can or any way you wish to havo thorn. EVERY DAINTY the MARKET AFFORDS Dished up.by skllfull Cooks, on Short Notice ' la tae Basement. DANIEL GRENIG Proprietor. THE " HAND IN HAND" BAKERY Grocery Store, la also well filled with a full Line of Good 3 usually kept on hand. Everything Every-thing from a Loaf of Bread to a Canary Bird. The Piaoe aa everybody knows ja on EAST SIDE EAST TEMPLE STREET, Above Second South Street. Daniel Grenig. amHl $150 REWARD, OH VTFTY DOLLARS EACH. ISK offered for tho Kocovery of tho folluwin u&ioriud Animals, lost on tho niirtU of thB anil of November, from wy .n.'!;iro in Hi' south p rt o! tlw Cl)-: One chestnut Sore Mure, live years old, flax colored wain and mil, hi o strip in faco, heavy bmlU, and about fifteen hands hifih- UDo grey Maro, about tho una siie as tho above described, paces a little under tho saddle, ha boon kicked on back part of right fore le, is a halo soro yet. Ainu urjo large dark bay Mare Mulo, abyut ln'A hands high, Uil shaved a d newly fbod. The above reward will b paid to anyone who will return tho animals to me in thti citw . . . . doi TiioMAS JENKINS. TESTIMONIALS IN FAVOR OF THE PRINCE ORGAN. GRKA.T EaPosiTlrt?. Kansas City. Ts Prince Oroak which took the Premium, met in strong compa tttion tha Mason A Hamlin and th Ertey Organs but vanquished thm easily. Vv hen the Prince is placed beside be-side other instruments it Superior Voicing and Power become so apparant, that oven those prejudiced in favor of the otbir are obiiited to concede the point. KanfM City "Journal," Sept. 27th, 1672. From J. H. Ridge, Esq. S&ULakeCity, Nov. 20th, 1672. Messrs. Daynes $ Hon ; . I have examined the Prince Organ, and cheerfully accord it my approbation as a Good Organ, approved alike lor iU Durability and Sweetness of tone. J. 11. RlDGIW. Organ Builder. Salt Lake City, Dec 2, 1S72. I have eiamined thw Prince Orsran j and can recommend it as a arat-clais ! instrument. C.J. Thomas, Conductor of Thaatre Orchestra. Dec. 2, 172. I have inspect the Prince Orjraa and I can recommend it as an instrument instru-ment worthy of patronage, both in the variety of stops asd the easy construction construc-tion ir. takir.K out the reeds and in kop irtg" d.it from the reeds, which u a desirable rC'iumte. Jyo. TcLUP'--. Prof, of Sing;ag and Harmony. The Prince 0:nn is the bet I have ever played on for variety of ejects and sweelnesi of loae. Jo- J- Dayxis Tabernacle OrfranUL ri-"Orrr :fJ iv S' . in handme i Ltack W..aat i..oi, fir Orcw riitiMefor Chare!". v-t:-, IIa.li.eto...:h sr. en Ur l-0. J. DAIMW SOS. Ar:f, tait City. SHOWUOOM UP-STA253. TELECRAMS. NIGHT REPORT. CONGRESSIONAL. HOVSE. "Washington, 6. Porter contended vessels proposed would cost nearly $1,-CUj.000 $1,-CUj.000 each. House entitled to better information. Beck opposed the bill on ground that money heretofore so appropriated appro-priated was squandered on worthless ships 417 of which were 60ld in eve Jears for almost nothing. Edmunds ad charred in the senate that one vessel ves-sel had been Id for S19.0CO, thsn panited and resold for $12U,UX). Bill amended so that full detailed statements b Submitted 10 congress, aad that guzt should not exaeed ten, tvnd then puied. 1 House adjourned: VEX ATE. At the conclusion of Morrill's address further consideration of the bill post-poned post-poned for a week. Adjourned. FOREIGN. French Aaacmblr. New York, 5. The "World's" London Lon-don special says the vote in the French assembly to-day on the formation of Du fauer's committee excited the liveliest apprehension in Paris, where fighting is expected. Great excitement at Chisel-hursL Chisel-hursL Marshal McAlahon controls the army but will act only in obedience to the assembly, and not to Thiers. German re-occupation is certain if lighting light-ing occurs. Correspondence recently passed between Biaiuarck and Napoleon. Napo-leon. German occupation will result in the re-establishment of the empire. Italv. Rome, o. Sir Battie Frore has arrived on his way to Aden, to join the British expedition for the suppression of the slave trade oa the African coast. He was received by the king, who gaTe him a gold medal, bearing the royal effigy, and asked him to present it to Livingstone Living-stone as a pledge of his esteem. In the chamber of deputies the government gov-ernment was asked to explain why the few schools for English and American children, in Rome, were recently closed by the authorities. Senor Lunza replied re-plied that the echools were opened without with-out authorization ; municipality and sanitary regulations had not been complied com-plied with. A violent storm swept over Naples last night, doing much damage to shipping. ship-ping. The river Po has also again overflowed, over-flowed, inundating the adjacent country. coun-try. At last advices the flood was spreading. Miscellaneous. Paris, 5. Assembly elected a committee com-mittee of thirty, nineteen from the right, representing 361 votes, eleven from the left, 333 votes. Not known what course government intends. London. 5. Gas stokors' strike continues. con-tinues. Worst is over. People supplied suppli-ed with lamps and candles, Several theatres lit with oil. Performances as usual last night. Berlin, 5. Nearly all the newly elected elect-ed peers have taken their seats, GENERAL. Miscellaneous. Miffla, Pa., 6. Terrible railway accident acci-dent hfiy miles west of Harrisburg on the Pennsylvania Central road. Second section Cincinnati express east ran into , first section. Pullman cars telescoped. ; Five dead bodies taken from the debris. Five persons severely but not dangerously danger-ously injured. Chicago, 6. At Williaraston, Ky., Tuesday night, general Leslie Coombs killed a desperado, Geo. Mercil, after the latter had shot a ball into tbe general's gen-eral's thigh. Horse disease continues to spread at St. Louis. Kansas electors cast their votes for Grant and Wilson. At Washington, Ind., one Crevison struck with a club and fatally stabbed while entering his stable at night. Murderer Mur-derer escaped. Locality aroused, Alabama capital legislature balloted for a senator without result. Senator Speucer gone to Washington, Member Mem-ber of legislature dead. Remains of two more parsons found in Bos to ruins, making six dug out from ruins f Walker's carriage works. First National Bank OF . TJTAH, SALT LAKK CITY OBSIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. WllllH Hosbit, 0. II. Dahlih, President. Vioe Prest. Aitboxt QoDia, Guklev. Authorised Capital, - - 9300,091 PAID UP CAPITAL, - 1SO,000. KAAHIXOB, - 1136,000. Dividend in 187!, 50 por cent. Oldat Bvnkh$ Inttitntum m Utah. A. General .Banking Jjaslnces Transacted. AGKNCIR8 IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. INTKRKST ALLOWRD ON TIMB DRPOflTTH flfi farItest FREIGHT CO. Hd ttasrlsri) St. Lemls, Ho ! - ' DURANT &CUTTLG, FORWARDING ASS COMMISSION MERCHANTS AGENTS. ALT LAKK OIVT. UTAH. WI sre rrepwed t oontrsct far ship-menu ship-menu from t)l rm of Use Kmc oor Linebannf msde pil errant em ecu fot tii ife and irdj trma'twirtation of all Freiihl from New York. Bowo. Bt-Uimere, Ch icM-". 6u Losis aad all JtMni Ciuaa, te SaltUakeCUr; W ire offering itr ladocraetiti for toe tbirteenl of Ore aad Ballioa W ail biu:D yoivta. Omot J Wiaairoufsa: rirt Mock MmtM mt Dpot, ui lalt CUr. DURA ST A CTTTISO- "WIDE AWAKE """'.'f ni7b .1 Car ..!-j.Tfrti LIKE ?:.-hi ?:.-hi ..t-ite ;"r-r;ir.;.-i .f ,.r;f.-l 1 '.1 i'wetrs, tii VfiN A'-V Ai to ertrj JaCecriber to Henry Ward Beecher's .Jr-et T.TTFRARY. TUXI'-K't"?. WTEK1.T M.; I'Ai'KS. At'ti, si,-, inc ere; u--e' Oa to-'t '.-'-) B' is .i jr. :.-.'f T-j vi ixyi; ac-iier lit in fje -wpi: : f-r- 47 ir i.ie (lr. xir.y i.ihrrs ;-,,.)' wr,:. ikir.s fc'; fcid J 1 1 U: t 7'C7 day. Talc lh.SK it th- R!T f -:r. . tTv'i.-.ry rr- n rf f cv.rrr i d.i am Fr.e-re tojj.tr- " I' it be;;er ttaoaiiT t -j arcac. A S.wr CSaJ.I TuMikE MC-fT: LOCAL AtiEXTS WAMED! I-.iei;if7t iti seI -r.r. ar?l rerr where- If i nr. "- r -4 lerr.l-.ro. t. J r. klt ;'cr ar"slJ ad ir; J. & F L-.i) to., !';; te:--t:i 330 fce.ey BtciU flaAAtlM,ti CAX' Kui SFECUL ADYIKTISEMEXTS WASTED. Ai!P 1 EM ALE COOK: TOUR TO FIVE ItvLars per weei. Apply : 6 Cli. ESTK1Y. A .MULE CAMS IX TO OYB. STABLE tt t.'-e ut: i.-:" Ni. recber T.. Tie o-ar pro-e priartr, s.y eiirjes. acd tstke 1 bin; ,wsy. di BEN HAM k MTXLOY. FOB SALE. C EVEN'TY-FITE WELL BKOKE MTLES. O Alii.- Hsj-Bi wj; :b for ea-h Tea. At th bait Lako labie, by Capiaia Ld. Patrick. del LOST, ON MONDAY XIGBT, THE 23d. EITHER in the Theatre or Wiweem that p!a acd tho res id once of Wm. Jecninn, a tid pezdent to an tarrine. set w ihKaby aad i'earl. The ocdvr wi.i b snibly rewarded by returning :.ie same to R. W . K. Jenneiu, at the uSce oi leaidaie A Co. di FOB. REST. A GOOD OFFICE ROOM. EXCELLENTLY situated fur ofics purpose, for farti-eulars farti-eulars enquire at lJoserct Telesraph Office, next door to Wells, Fargo Co. d5 FIR.ST-CLASS BRICK HOUSE WITH V nine riKimSi tir.d'2 collars, and out-houea. Teo micutes' walk from Postoffice; beau-i-fully locatL-d. Ket lijty dollar per mooih. to a rtliab.e tenant. Apply t this office, or J. A., 471 Box, Posp-mce. do THREE NEW ROOMS AND A BUT-tery. BUT-tery. half a bltk lrom Main. itreeL Appb" at HkKALD office. d3 ffj. DK. GROVES, Offloe, Second Sonlh Street, Three doors wwt of Great W est era Hotel, half a block east ci Elephant otore. Salt Lake City 09 (torn S u. to p.m. all WATCHES & JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON. BEOS to Inform tho residents of Salt Lake City and vicinity, that he rot only euarantec.i to properly Repair, Clean and Adjust Wntcbos and Chroni-iiiotcrs, but bo wi 1 mnkotheui or any part of thotu, to order, and warrant tho work. Just recoved a new supply of Elgin. Swiss Watches, and ft fino fat 'Ck of Git-cU'S Jen elrv. Prices us low as anv in town. Two Door- Ea.-t of tho Ueseret ISati'k. dl CHICAGO TRADE. F. & E. JAEGER, 73 Ma basil Ayennr, near Rnndolnlii CHICAGO, XXjTj-. PIBtfCT lUTORTEKS OF Crockery. China, liln?swaro, Lamps, Lookinr tj lasses, Cutlery, Briuinnia and Silver plated Goods. The largest ilomo in tho West, dl W. B. CLAPP & CO., Manufacturing Jswelers, AXD IMPORTKHfl OP WntclicH and Jt'auoy Goods, 68 WBST WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO. Prices always tho Lowest. oitl3 COGSWELL & CO. JOBBERS OF WATCHES, JEWELRY! And every thing in tUo wayiof JEWELERS' SUPPLIES, 306 West JIadifOH St., HAMLIN, HALE & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DM GOODS, NOTIONS, WOOLENS, AND HOSIERY, C0B.1KH OF MADISON 4 FRANKLIN STHEKT5. CHICAGO. RCW TOOK QUOTATIONS AlWATS FDUOWtB. 01 JOHN V. FARWELL & Co., wholesale: NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, -ASD- W" OOLENS. Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sts CHICAGO. E..Ubliahed 1.. AVIlllnms Miller 4 Olmstead, (Fontcrlr Fi'.ch, lIJinms k Oj.,) Hats, Caps, Fars anfl Bnci Goois, UK and 127 MARKET STREET, urU CIIHAHO. PAGE, BRO. & Co., ,mportrs ind Dealers in LEAT1IEB AND FIXDIS6S, 35 27 Honl h rn1 ttrrt, W. W. face. Boston, 4 II H A0, jojl9 M. D. WELLS & CO., HMalMtarr, of And WkolwU, ImJn U Boots and Shoes, SIB W.h.ab At, CkU. &. Budicu ax 8. P. Molntrr. "The Old Salamander." REMOVAL. YA1T SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, WholMala DRUGGISTS ar,d Paint Dealers, '9 LKK s rHfcltr, --"er Dart'.m i -L r ;ie 0.3 f i', LH1CAOO, wQera. I fas-ma's. tft3 i1. -iVr, etc. bse Ioreced ifk ix :&; 3 loc a. ntuarHad it the nrtbe'--&t.ni ;tLtio firm U 7riuril IRON Ss STEEL. SCOTT, ii & CO., DEALERS IN ' WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, AST) ALL EJ'DS OF MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, FirE ALL KI'DS OF FnTISeS FOB FUBXACES A HILXS. HABDWABE, BURDEN'S HORSE & MULE SHOES, BELLOWS, AXYILS, AMD OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BSASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AQXNT8 TOR Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, O. S. Lubricating Oil, ALL LOW FOB CA8H. del MINES FOR SALE. DR. PAUL GREGORY owns four excellent silver ruin oj within one mile of each other. Wood, and and water plentiful on all of them. The minos axe rich. Ores runnier from 8160 ap to STlw pr ton, can be obtained from each of thorn, in payiOB quantity- The crerice of tbe Gtjtj lode is tweniy-seren feet wide; streak of lour fret will mn S. per ton. Being desirous of sending home a nice present from Utah. I will soil an interest in one or all, or sell all at fair figu res. fcach lode contains l,fLXJ feet, and tho Uiegory lode is down 100 feet and looks fine. This lode is directly up tho gulch from tho Ontario ono-half mile, and i tho same distance below tho llowland lodo. in Blue Lodge Mining district. Wasatch County. I 1 have just mOTod my camp tu the ild Bill cabin, where 1 shall be pleased to show my mihey are each new claims and but little known, svnd the jenlouaj, I reftrot to say, ex 1 istlng amongstthoso owning claims here, to a great extent, havo kojt Uioao eakin; such property from calling on me. I ask capitalists to como and see. 1 will show yuu all 1 promise Wd0' PAUL GREGORY, M. D. j?6urmilas from Snydersville THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY If the PIONEER KOUTE between OMAHA and CHICAGO, completed four years ago, since wh eh time the Company have spared noil bar pains nor eiponae in perfecting; its rad bed and track, and equipping it with rolling took, of the most modern improvemoaU; this, together with Lhe fact of ite being the Shortest Lint, oners to the Traveling Travel-ing Public a route unsurpassed in this country for speed, comfort, safety and sure connections. PARTICULAR CAUTION should bo taken by passengers in selecting their route, and not bo deceived by false i advertisements and representations by interested parties of competing lines in rugard to time, distances, rates, etc This popular route requires do Ue Bt&temenis, relying on its true merits, it needs only to be known by the tr&vel-ng tr&vel-ng public to be appreciated. TIME: San Francisco to Omaha, four days and seven hours. Via Chicago and North Western Railway, Omaha to Chicago, twonty-three twonty-three hours. Omaha tc New York, sixty hours. Omaha to Boston, sixty-four hours. Pallmaa's Palace, Hotel, and sleeping sleep-ing Car Ar run on all throngh trains from Omaha to Chisago. How to Secure Sleeping Bertha Before Be-fore Reaching Omaha: Passengers desirous of shearing Sleeping Sleep-ing Bert, Sections or State Rooms in the Sleeping Car from Omaha East, can do so by telegraphing from any of the stations on the Union Pacillo Railroad, to W. A. Carpeater. General Agent, 0. AH.W, Railway, Omaha, slating what they want. This is all thoy nood to do until they reach the 0. & N. W. Railway Rail-way Depot on tho east side of the Missouri Mis-souri River, then go to the Sleeping Car Conductor, give nira their names, as per telegram, and tbey will find that he aas their berths reserved for them. Passengers going East will consult I their own interest by securing Through ! Tickets via CHIAGO & NORTH WESTERN BAIL WAY, which can be procured at all principtvl tickot otflces in California and the West, and at railroad offices to San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Ogdon, Omaha and Council BiUtlB. JNO. 0. GAULT, General Bup't Chicago. H. P. 8 TAN WOOD, General Ticket Agent, Chi cage. 8 Trees I Flowers I Bulbs I Seeds I MEDVE 1'LAMN I NURSERY STOCK I FRUIT AND FLOWER1 PLATES Add rei F- K. FIIOKMX, 1 BLOOMINGTON NURSERY, j xiiijuvoia. 600 Acres; 21st year; 12 Greenhouses. Apple, 1.000 1 jr., ;.& y. W; y. $50 a Oataloiuea. JO oenta. LEGAL N0TICE. XTUTICE IS HKKKBY GIVEN THAT XS James W. Cumminirf , Win. .M. Jnhn. Juhn Cummins, Hubert .-nderrun and J bt-j-. 1'. Akcrs. do claim twenty-fnur Imndrctj (20) fct in lent-th, by two hundred tjn ffpt in width, on lin Ofc(-'lo und Lucky lU.y rock in place,) and the land and itciuhc Hp-turuining Hp-turuining to said mine, all Fitu&wd in lue West Mount" n mining district, county of Salt Lake, Territory of t'tali. tho lo-atii-n and mlent thoreof being more fully described us folhws, to wit: The above mining claim ! rituntna on tin-snrveyed tin-snrveyed lands of the I'niled Mains, The discovery minumeit of mil claim in distant about one-half mile ftuin the jtioction of black Jack tiuleh and Hutterfielrl ennyn. From the disTry txut eiehl feet snath f the Lucky Uny discovery (inclm) huft, said miniQi 'laim runs ti. JS"p W- feel to toi of spur, bean H- t: th-nce S-. ot , W.. j,:r,i eet m the wwtem boundary of ciaim ; thvace N. '2i', W. JiO feet u f-1 No. I, marked I. S. lo. 1 L., No. 50; thence N. M1. , K. lJ4i feet to Post No. 2; thrnce N. 'Jf'-i . f- ht-t feel to l'o No. a; thence ti. Tt-, t. Mn fo.i tp Tort No. 4; lhen--o .S. 11!,', W, $ tcl t Ptt No. 6; thn-e N. 7-',-. W. J' frt to Pot No. 6; then-e t. 2V W. T'tS fepi to l',,t No. 7; then-re S. M'. , W. 1,:j-8 feet U P..t No. I; thence ". 2' . W. M lect t'l P'st No. 1, tbe plare of b-ginnins, eon t amine eleven acres and nineteen ene-htinuredius til an acre. From Vnt N"e. 3, tT. S. Mineral M'niimnl 0 bear N. . W. f-et dif.tr.t. i From the di-coTtrj t-o-t the Maiiim .-.h loa-I loa-I Bel b--ar s. 'r . F, about Vi r-t di:r.t- The "'ladst'Tie" if tbe aJ,i-.irun eiiim on th ndrtb-eW.Tlr er.d. a a! fvr;l, in th diagram; dia-gram; ar.d we do h'r-bj- ru e furthm nou-e. that, naimj (v-ui-ied a-1 impr-jx M i he said lode and rrraiKS, a"-rdim fj the It-al r i-U i-U mf ar.d rule t. min'-r in fa d a.n,nt district, dis-trict, aod karing 'ii-erided in actual lv,r and (inj.rfvaier,t Ui-revo n am-unt iea tkuL jS L 1111 'I SAND l'l,l,AKr-, ar.d haute ' tlm tiaae ar-t ial p-a-s'-Ie riHf!ii;un of aid aiininr sroirtT. "ill at i ly f'.r a Funej1 and r'.ii of said i-remio. and a pa'.er.t f',r : ti tame -jidr lie Ac: ( ec.M-d "An A-t arsxtisK tbe nrbt of "ar v. divh ar.d canal Boners ovw tft iroblii lai.li. und for f'Uier pTJn-"." apITored July : h. 1 ard te annndauirr A-t ai-iroved u is v.n . it. .'j. a.id u At of ConrreM aitrovnl h'.ky l. 1TTJ, en:itld "An A. I'. iTLrn- ; tb d''."-ment d''."-ment of the niseial reesurcM ol Lht L cited lL3 oor haads and seals, this sixth day of J ine, it- - 1 WILLIAM M. JOHNS, I-tl- JOHN Ci .ViMI.'-.-. iceal-JAN iceal-JAN W. CI MM IN 03, Tii''S. P. AKL '. "-al-p.'Jp.LKT ANUtJt'V. r,; IBj Thfs- i'- AAen. lit af-.rK7 id ivA,) All at sau ix C.U. Au' Jos, Sinmi-a, Vnit-d ?utej Lar,d ''5. sa.t C;tT. Auxat Z 11 T -rir laat the aK'.v r.''ii-" at-i a diagram w-.a" : tj n-i-. ci: ok--: n.i.,i.s -,.. r.. :t.n 4y f.ii inttu t'-r-tl.'.t writ a n''lie ' ar. AV'1f rrirrf. eV: :i-d""A:.V'-t (rraVt-iaj (rraVt-iaj ;he nb '. "7 1, d ; " - Q ar.d -r.l r it: taa j.r.lic laid-, a:. f-.r t.r.sr ! .iri-. ' inr -fi y "S an. m-i ty A'- tcr3T. ;..r'.T-d .1 V. .. a:-d ao A". (r;c P J X I". ": n.- "Ar. V, : the -Irve t,r ciiral 7"--i7" --"' I i..-.; w.-i a-.ti-e to iic i r -al ia - .-- mi-Hiult mi-Hiult Hf.ti:'. a trw vhjiune Doarert tit jv;ti'.r U- t.a.,. Oi.0. it. M V ELL, PsosrioTrs foe 1S73. Sixth Tea. THE ALDIKE, Asa 111 natrat rd H oJit hty Joarnal, nail ve really admltifd ta to tlae atniiomtlt periodical la the j florid. A KepresatavUra and Champion of A aerl- cia Iat. j ! Not for Sale in Book or Hbws Store. TUKALinNK, while issued with all the re 4lj-'.l . has note c: tie tejai-orary ir timely utterast chareriiuc oi wdiasr; Irric-dicala. il is ac Mit-ut uiv'e:.ajiy ui pur. U(at, ami trace: al literature, ad nl-lecLU'n nl-lecLU'n oi piotur. the rarest ii-eciBBrzu o: artuc sa-.ll. in Dlwk aad white, A.Livuta vli iJCceMm Biucbar urd a fresh pltw ure t iu iriecAs, the real Taiu aad beaut; fl IHa ALD1N a ili be laoat ajTrnoiateti alter it nas ben hound up at me close oi the eaj. tule ether publication mj claim suferiiir cheai'neu, as oompkresi with rirair of a iLunar ciA, iutt ALl'i.N ti la a unique and rii'mal cvncefuon alone aad un abroach ed at'Mr lute without ccuapeuuon :n price or ch meter. me-ter. The joeior ot a ccai'leto rolume cannot can-not duplicate the quantity if fine iai w and encravini in a-oy ctaer thape or nuuiOer el vclumei lortrutlmcilii coiiituil lUtu, tar art the c hxomsi eldcel i ART DKPARTStEXT. I Notwithstanding the increase in the price of ubtcription laM rail, when 'AUK ALul.Mi auumcd IU ireent nvble I'roi'ortion.- andrep-rojentative andrep-rojentative character, the elilicn more i than doublet! dunns the iaat year; prcT- mg thai me Amencu fubuc appreciate, and will support, a sincere ell or t in the cau-ie oi Art. The publishers, anxious to ju.lit the readj' eonndence hus aomanitrated, ha e exerted tteinelvas u the uuuuft to aevelp and improve the work; and the plans k-r the cvmins year, aa uniotded by the monthly is-sues, is-sues, m til atoni?h ajid uoiight even the miwt sancuino in en a ol Ilia Ald1.NL. lhe pubhiBers are authortted to announce desifc" lrom majur of the most amiueut arUcU 01 America In addition, THK ALDTNB will produce example! ex-ample! ef the b,-t loteign master?, selectrd with a view to the highest aru-uc iu, ana sreateat ton era 1 interest; avoiding tuch as have become lamiltar, Lhroush phoUbiaihsor copies of any kind. The quarterly tinted Hates, for 1(73 vilt produce tour of John S. T'avios' tntu::;. ie child-sketches, appropriate to tho fear seaaoue. These plates, appearing in the isjuu for January. Jan-uary. April, July, and October, would be aioot worth the price of ayear's subscription. The popular leatoje ol a copiously illutrat-d illutrat-d "Christinas" number will be cvntinuisl. To possess uch valuable epitomo oi the art world, at a cost so trifling, will cow tumid the subscriptions ol thousands in every section ol tho country ; but, a the useiulneas and attractions attrac-tions oi Til ik ALlJl.Nt can be enhanced, in proportion to tho numerical increase oi iu sup porters, tho publisoora propose to uiaku "as-surunco "as-surunco double auro' by the lullowing un-parallelod un-parallelod oil or oi rittauLM t'HBunos ron is?3. Every subscriber to THS ALDINE, who raya in advance lor tho year lST.i, will receive, without additional chur'o, a pair ol beautnul oil chrouios, alter J. J. mil, tho cuuinont hnir lish pamtors. Tho pictorea, on l mod "Xhc Villmjo iell," and "Crvsin the Moor." are 14 s JO inthos are printed iromio diffiTcnt platos, requiring improssion and tints to perioct each iictura. ihe a&uio chrouiod are sold tor jo per pair, in tho urt storoa. As it is tho do termination ol its condui;Urs to keep 111. ALU IN L out of tho roach oi compolition in every department tho chremoe will bo lound correspondingly aiioad oi auy that euu be ollorod by otnur poriodirals. Jivorv sub- sen b or will rocuivo a cortiacato, over tho eitr naturu ol th. publishers. Kuuraiitootiiti thai tho chromoa dolivorod oball ov eual to this suuiplw lurnishod tho auut, or tho munuy ta oo ro-lundod. ro-lundod. iho Uibtiibuon oi picturos or this grado, free to tho aubacriburs to a uvodoiiar periodical, will mart an epoch in tbe hisU.ry oiArt; and, oomidonng tUo unprocodontud cheapness oi tne pruo ior itia ALUlAbiiruli, the murvol lails little aDon 01 a miracle, eveu to LhosO boat ac-juaintod with tho acliiovo-ments' acliiovo-ments' 1. 1 invuntivo kouius and improod mechanical me-chanical appliaacus. (For illustration of those cbromos, soo November usuo oi i'lij ALDlNii-J .T11E UTEKAKY DErABT.MKXT , will conllnue under tho euro of Mr. K1C1IAKD ilt-AHl BiUiiiAuU, usBtstod by ,bu Deet i writers and pouts of ihoduy, "bo will struo i to have iho lituruluro ol TUK ALl'lNt, always al-ways in aeepin with iu artnitio aiuacuons. TCKUD. 93 per annnini In advance, ivllli Oil t'hremos free. T11K ALPINE will, hereafter, be obtained only by tubscMpliwn. There will be uo reduced re-duced orcluD ruto; ciwb for subscriptions must be sunt to the publishers direct, or nanded to 1 tbe local agvnl, mioui rcxpontl bill I y to tle ptiuiiahera. except in caes wtiere thocorliticalu iHgiron.beariUKLhe rao-aliulle : sib-nature oiJAUut odtiok Oo. A UK NTS WANTED. Any persen, wishing to act permanently a a local gcal, will receive lull aad prompt ID-formation ID-formation by apply mi to JAJIK8SL;TT0.4C0 Fnbllehera, B8 MA1DM LA HE, MBW YORK. , , Bf H A.JS X I-DY6 P KPX1 C, oi COMPOUND BONE-SET PILLS Home-made aad purely TtteUbl. Tbeyrellere Jaondlee, Drspersla, Inelies-tlon, Inelies-tlon, Llrer Complaint, Beadacha. Less ol Appetite and Foul Bioroeoh, will brenk op Colds, Fevers. Ooughn, and Parify the Uleod. The; will Cloansa the Stomach, Konovaie the tiystem. and alspel Disease Are good in all casoi where Physio is needed. Try a boa. Yon will like them, and never want any other sort. Thoy ar Ionio, Cathartic and Kxpee-torant. Kxpee-torant. Tweaty-nTSoenUperbo Twenty-Ire P11U. Warranted to iIt satisfaotion. J. K. JUHMIUH, SI. George, Ul And sold atZloa'i Co-operative 8trt; ' 4 by other agenu throughout the TerrlWiy. also sold at wholesale or furnished on o-o-miaalon to responsible agenu. If those sned-IoIdm sned-IoIdm are not kept at your stores, ask yom Berobani to ordw lhio et onoe. LIDDELL & BROWX AUCTION AND COMHlSSIuS ' MZRCHAJTTS For ti ! of "" ..nB..dt... H.n..Kol e.J stock. .ic Al f Fran. BH. Ttla. to. Bn il. JHpo.lt .111 C'' TrMUKrv to lonillo.r.. COXSIJNMEXTS SOUCrTKD And Litrl wh ADTAXrrs made. j STORAOK A.H11.E. CwaUT Aucti SJ WBWlr ItooJol X mi T.mpl. tr.t, frw dfen north of Tort Ofiffc 6. W. GEE, Auctiontw, , 4 ' c"- Tavlor & Cutler, Havej on gvt m ar.rthet bi M Charter Oak STOVES; Also Vt.v I'ull iUTk r( DRY OOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS SHOES, ETC. Under Taylor's Hotel, EAST TEMPLE STREET. ma GRAVES 8c CO., Wholesale and Hetatl GROCERY And Provision Dealers, GROESBECK BLOCK, Sooond South Street, Salt Laks City. oil WHITE LEAD jncav covo?y no a 172 Rwnoi.ni strkict. Offer Ppeclal (nduremfihtii to large rnrf and the Jobbing Trade of Utah Torritorr. Iria Damon, Tcmplo & Co., Importers, Manufasturersand Jobbers of NECK-TIES fAnd adlOoodsfor GENTS NECK WEAR, LaINKN and tavek I00LLAKH AND CUKPft, 111 and 113 Waha1". At. j3 UI11UAUU, III. DUWFOJRISONS. LADIES' AND CHILDREN S AT COST! DURING THE HOLIDAYS. IiXXgro AsBortment. JVow is your time! GROCERY DEPT1 WHOLESALE AND KKTA1L Groceries, Hardware, Plows. Stores, Crockery Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out siiy Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices. ALL. OTJB QOOD3 ARK OHEAPI DKALEKa IS TUX 8K7TLKMKNT8 AD MINLNQ T0WK8 WILL FIND IT TO THKIR INTEREST TO CALL I AND BNQULHK PRICKS BKFOWil . PURCHABLNQ. U1 . CLAWftUB, liptrtlUttttl |