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Show A. W. WHITE: CO. BUY AND SELL STOCKS ONCOM MISSION SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! FALL & WINTER SEASON, 1872. Goods Suitable at Teasdel & Co's. Rubbers & Cioth Overshoes at Teasdel & Co's. Flannels.Linseys & Blankets at Teasdel & Co's. Ladies & Children's Furs at Teasdel & Co's. BREAKFAST SHAWLS; NUBrA3 AND HOODS AT Teasdel & Co's. SHAWLS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE, SIN-GLE, AND SCARFS AT Teasdel & Go's. GENTS' OVERCOATS, OVER-SACKS OVER-SACKS AND TRAVELING SHAWLS, AT TEASDEL & CO'S. A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL CLASSES OF GENERAL GENE-RAL MERCHANDISE AT TEASDEL & CO'S. AT PRICES TO ENSURE SATISFACTION. THE BLEES Sewing Machine -AX- TEASDEL & CO'S, EAGLE HOUSE, OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOUSE. ,24 Lindenberger & Burke. COMMISSION IMPORTIM MERCHANTS, AND HOLE AGENTS Willamette Woolen Mills of Salem, Oregon, - No.. !4H . 30 N.1SSO.U1: NTllEET, H7i FKASC1NCO, CAL. BMets, Flannels, Cassimeres, KtDlICKD PKIt'K; LIST. Wearo noir irorared to furninh to tho irsdo t sTOiilly reduced irio nil (ho goods mudt by the WilUmietto Mills, of lorn, Urogon. ftlankols, all gndos ud colors; yiimoflK all culurs. red. white. cy; Chimeras, all prrudo aod sti les, Heary Wnlori'rools; Ilouvy rod, whilo and irrry U. P. &. Prmrrrfl, Teamsters' heavy plaid Klannnl OrprfbirtJ1, Teamsters' heavy uroy Flannel OverttturU,' Cajaiujnro Overablrts, etc.. ete., etc, ' vt. Ordej-s lor all kinds of Goods solicited for sale at Low Hatei by L rN L K N Ii E 1 U I EJl BUHKE, Nor. 28 au4 A tiaasome treet, oil Sab 1'iU.icisco, Oau I r. KVAjfg. r. srsWAir. EVANS & STEWART, PRACTICAL Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, EAST SIDE OF EAST TEMPLE STltKKT, Uolow Second Suulh, SALT LAKE t'lTl'. UulldiDirt nd Sloros filled up wIlU CIah ud H'lTt.H 1'ii'ks on rauun.1,1. urnu. AU WoM lil"AJUJJu.D. Urt SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. HECUT, BRO'3 & Co. BOOTS, SHOES &. LEATHER 104 Jt 108 Sanson St., San JFntneUto, And 6 412 I'o&rl St.. Boston. BUCK1GIJA.M Jt II R CUT, al r-ofkc rarer of the "EITIA qaAurr CAUHIHIA MOTS AMI SHItt. u A. J. GRIFFITH, Dealer 1b 4t3S& U Unda IOKI'D 4e MOXIlD SALMON AND HERRINGS, 111 Wublagtoaltrut. All kinds of Dried, Bmoaed and jftokled nib ooosUntiy on band. J4 PARKER, WATTSON & CO.' (Successors to Wall & Co..) Importers and HinufRitarsri sf TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 223 and 225 front it,, cor. Saoramtnto. a5 SAN rHAJICISOO, CAL. a. cmsLOYica. wum aosi, m. b. ran. 3U. CHIELOVXOH , OO., Importers and wholesale dealers Is riMsfl WINES LI4UORI, sols io aim oa IESSE, MOORE A CO'S FINt OLD BOUflBON AND HYE WHISKIES. DIIIOl r ft 0 M LOOIITILLB, ET. 601 Front 8L. HAN FRAN OISOO. p4 Established Id 161.) C. VENARD, Manufacturer of the Original Chartres Coffee, And all kind of Spice and California Mustard, 625 and 627 Front Street, between Jaekiou and Pacific SAN FKAOCItiOO. 6 BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, rOK WHOLESALE TRADE, Weaver & Taylor, 111 Front Stroet, San Franoisoo, Call form is. aJ2 Harness Saddlery, Leatlier. J. G. JOHNSON A CO., 10 A & 106 Front Street. 3 SAN FRANCISCO. ItrfT by prrmUeton to Mr. H. B Clae-Mn, Clae-Mn, HupHrinten&nU of tho Z. O. Jf. 1. .16 ESTABLISHED 1S50. Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 213 and 216 Front Street, San Franciieo. o26 8. L, SttnleT, 0. C. Clupmu, JohDSpruMoCt Spruance, Stanley & Co., SuooM.or. to H. VTeb.t.r A 0i .ad J. k J. Sprakoc. Importer. ol Deiler. 1. WINES AND LIQUORS, alfl 410 FROST STREET.- E.A.FARCOiCO., Importers and Jobbers of Brandies, Wines anfl Liprs, 310 Front St., oei. Commercial, . 1. TI. m SAN FRANCISCO '" laurreoctaeo. . Mini, J. BAUM & CO., Importers and Man of actum of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. a a a Isniom St., In FrancUeo. No 18 Warren SU New York. A GRAND HOTEL Ob Market, Ifev Montfosnerr an1 Seooni Streets. mjkJPg 3T ATOXSS) GO, OAU JOHNSON & Co., Pbopkhtoba E. MARTIN & CO. Wholesale Lipr Dealers, 401 FroMt Street, Bam rraisliie, Proprieton of LL.L. EK'I EXTRA OLD BOUBBOl Aad tole aceiti for . r. CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Constantly on band, a fall assortment of all the svrd Brsvmda of Whlaklee, sTItia Braadl Foralsjsi sad Domastla Wlasi, B5 Blttara.Oordla.la, es- U. A. Saoderaen, T. L. 13 era. SANDERSON & HORN, (Importers aad Jobbers of CIGARS AND TOBACCO. (Proprietors vf Sspaoola Cigar Factory J Sole mamtfacturers oj the eelebret 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 4.13 Front Street, Between Washington and Clstjr, BAH FRAflCISCO. ap4 MURPHY.GRANT & CO. Importer! of American and European Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, CALIFORNIA, Call the attention of the Trade to their lares and complete Hock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS Which they are now receivtm direct froia vs, oomiTisint In part French merinos Wool Batlnas, Wool Plaids, French and German, Irish sad French Poplins, Empress Cloths, Tamtae, black and colored, Velveteens, Alpa.s.a, black and colored, IIUS, VELVETS, RIBBONS. ALIO Kid, Buck. Berlin (Ladles', Mines1. Seats') Gents' Underwear Aad all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hosiery. compete In all Its branches White Unoila, lla.wIk.oru I.Ufa, BhlrlliiK L..ana, (Aullta, while anil colored Ia masks, l.rown loom n(! M.ahed, Tnwela, lhira, Dloi-r, Turkish. Mapfe-Hs mil llovllsa, Set.., EU. DIVORCES. ADSOI.I TK IHVOHH-S LEUAM.Y OH-tuinod OH-tuinod in didorimi State. Lintel svery-wliere-di-ertiim, m-ni'inl mi -conduct, rlc., fuitliriont i-imim': no im Illicit v ic.iuri'd, nu cIiiitki' until iliviTco Kiiintt.il; adwoo froo. fall on nr ndilrtv-s JOHN J. FULTON, C'liinspllur nt Law, No. lJ UKOADWAY.NLW VOUK CITY. I di Pall and Winter Notice! ARRIVAL ex M m-i Fall & Winter Goods. 2. CJ. 3VI. I. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, HAVE BOUGHT A LARGE A?fD WELL SELECTET STOCK OF CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHING FURNISH-ING GOODS, SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON AND WHICH IS NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. French, English niul Auiericiui Suitings, Oontings and Cassimeres In gleat variety nnil latest ntyles. Men's and Boys suits off the latest fashions, from the first Houses in New York, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco. A FULL STOCK OF HOME MADE CASSIMERES AND JEANS, 1, ' WHICH WE INVITE INSPECTION. MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY, GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, COLLARS AND GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Blankets, Capes and Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOEk, EASTERN AND HOME MADE, GRANT, GREELEY, AND ALL THE NEWEST STYLES OF HATS AND CAPS. WALL PAPER & DECORATIONS IN GREAT VARIETY. The great success which has attended Our Merchant Tailoring Department Has induced as to make Large Purchases for our Fall and Winter Trade, H that p;ntlemen may choose from the most Varied and Extensive Tailors' Notions and Trimmings of the best quality always on hand. H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. Sewing Machine. yy K respectfully invite the Publio to call and soe our excellent variety o Sewing Machines, Plaln.BeHutifuI aud Elaborate Styles of Workmanship AND GREATLY IMPROVED Willi THE FANTON C -A. STORS. Tht Total Sales of tht SINGER MACHINE are now THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, X S 1,2 O O An evidence that it Is fast wiuninK suiroma faror ia the housahold, Tho Sjngkr Company aold ovor tho othor Companies, 52,734. taT" The Chicago Relief Committee furnished sufferers by tho Fire to March ig, 1372, 3,944; 3.151 Sillier Wachiues, all other makes, 793. Applicant mado their selection, with same discount on all. OUR SALES IN UTAH EXCEED AN OTHER HOUSE IN TBI SKWIiNQ MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE OF CHICAGO. n e CQortooiui7 invito tus iadioa 10 tee our 133 T-n, broidery -A.tta,ola.xa0.oia.t It attracts general attention and admiration. We also desire you to teo our TUCKERS, CO RDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OF SUUXTLK SEWING MACHINES. WE GUARANTEE KVtiRY MACUINR WEtSKLLTO UIVE KNTIRE SAT1RFA0 T tloo. as each one is thrcujihly irljiistPd, tried mid UvMed by exporiosced Mechanics and all are warrant od to " with eajo all kinds ofgvod?. (row the var?t to too flnosl. Lace, Muslin, Cuiiibric, Domestic, Dcuims, TiclkiiiKft-Ducking, TiclkiiiKft-Ducking, Beaver, Buckskiu aud Leal her. MST Inettuotion Riven free of chargo by com potent attendants, and terms of sale to suit all oircumstttDccs. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REA-SON REA-SON ABLE TERMS. Wo oxtend a cordial invitition to all to GOME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whether they wish to purchase or not. at tub mm simixu .u.ii!iii.u bkpmtmbxti C. IVIa I. General Agents. , , .Two doom icuth of Eagle Emporium, Salt LAKiUirr, COMMISSION DOUSE D, B. BEEMER & CO, Omaha, Neb. THE OYSTER TRADE has boon revolu-thioniied revolu-thioniied (his season. Omaha ha ovw become tho distributinj; point lor the Ureat West- Baltimore Packers now ship directly here, instuad of passing- them through hands of Chieaxo agent. In this way tho com mission mis-sion of the Chicago dealer is saved, and we sell at Chicago price express charges added-The added-The Advastaoks to buyers are these, they can buy as cheaply as at Chicaeo-have their oysters repacked, u idway, and be sure of fresh stock and safe carriage, and bo nearer their base of supplies. We get our Block through by express, U about siity hours from Baltimore, and ico still remains in ihecajc. Dealers should bo careful to get thi) express Mock, rather than oyster j that are mr.mnTED through from Chicago, which takes six days to accomplish- Age KtLU the flavor of aa oyster, and torns the liquor from white to n"K, in color. Such oysters are as unpalatable unpalat-able as on-healthy. We aro sole ajrenta for LvotxcTO.1 Jt Co's Fahols Sea -sine vysJEes, for all the country west of Omaha, and are now filling orders for points as far west as Ostien, Salt Lake City, Connne, EUto, Palis-ado, Palis-ado, and even down into the Whitk 1'i.nk region. Shew Bills furnished and orders filled at short notice, J. L. $ Co. SelccU, per Can,y) c ia. J. L. & Co. Standardt, ' 00 cts. J. C Let. oU cU. And wheneTsr Baltimore reduces price, a corresponding redaction will be made hero. Customers had better give orders lor regular shipment; so that there will be no delays. Terms, SIKLCXLi' Cash. aJi FENCING ACADEMY rfiohards' Buildings, 2d South St. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, k FRIDAY EVENINGS, from 7 to 10. Ladies Class for Calisthenics from 4 to 6 p.m. Private Lessons if dtuirei For terms apjily to S. 1'. Kichards, at Taylor k Cutler's Sto.-e or at the Academy. Hall to Kent. ocl WHY 18 IT? THE MAN WHO GOES AROUND HUNT ing bargains found out yesterday that IE VI GARRETT i At his stand, City Meat Market, rells Meat cheaper than the Utah Cattle Association, -Why 1 It I n027 WOOD ! WOOD!! WE keep constantly on hand seasoned, cord and store wood, RED PINE, MAPLE, QUAKENASF, AND COTTON WOOD, For sale cheaper than the cheapest. Office and wood yard near U. C- R. R. doiot, jat wort of eampling works. Special rates to purchasers pur-chasers of car lots. Wood deliTerod in any I part of the city on short notice-We notice-We will rent a part of our offiee on liberal terms. Otli NKWJIAS A CO.. Box 774. i 2 W X rj o s , J 51 5 I Ml H s r n s to e3 s M 1 5 NOTICE. To the Builders.' Painters and Glaziers of Salt Lake, U. T- n WF II AVE OPENED THE FINEST AND best a-wrtod stevk of Window Gla.a of all tiies, that has ever coins to this Territory. . and invite all to ssamine quality and prices befi-re purchaaiDc else here, a we h e better (aciliaes for filling orejcrt, both Inxirs and sinU. than any other bouj in the ierrilory. l'lats Glass aad I'lateWlass Mirror, of any sit, framed and refratned, furnished oa the shortest notice and at the lowest priooa. lilass cut to anv Fire, and saiheeol anj shar-e fitted with glajw, which wa Kusrantee to si sattslaotieo. No charge fdr cuttiiur- Orders from thecoituLry will receiva prompt attention. C. F. CULMER A CO, (Fomnlr of PAY ti CULMER.1 Do7 Bccenil South street. Furiiacomcu, Attoutlou. A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM 4 CO. All AQIilTS IH)1 Till QOLUhiK Clt FIRK BlUCK, WM.a ar sqnal tf not tn parlor Io tbs Vast V-lHuh. tipiai ratM alTaa itUimi l4. Mill |