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Show OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. WHITEDSTATXSOFTICEM 0E UTAH: ttoreraor Oeorje I. Woo, Oregon. Secretary Oeorjre A. Black, Utah, t hlef Justice J. B. HcEmu, Kew Tork. Associate Justice 0. F. Strickland, Mich., end o.;m. uswiej, nr. HinM-ll.T, Patrick, Hebrwka. D. 8. AtWrnry a-o. 0. Btea, III. flarreyTrr-0nnJ 0. 0. Clemeau, Tut. ReeeiTcr f PnbUc ftfoaeye-L B. OrerKro, Pa. Heglstcr of Land Office Georgs A. UuwU Mich. 0. 8. Asor J. P. TEKrt, of III. O. 8. Collector O. J. Holllster, Cel. TZBBITOB.IAL OFTICER r tVleirate to Con Kress Wm. H. Hooper. A llorney-Oetieral Zernblaliel Snow. .Marshal J. D. T. McAllister. I Auditor Wm. OUjton. I Treasurer JuaM Jack. f BupennttDdent of Common Schools Robert j Campbell. BALT LAKI OOUKTT OTFICXBS : probate Judge, Klias Smith. tlsetmeo, Reuben Miller, Isaac M. Stewart, V C NeL Coroner, II. S. Boa tie. Sheriff, a. T. Burton. ProeecaUag Attorney, Z. Boot. Aiwuor and Collector, R. J. Golding' Treasurer, Theodore McKeao. County Clerk, D. Bockholdt. Couoty Recorder, Edwin D. Wool ley. nel Soperlnteedent, Robert L. Campbell. citt omcxRa: Ha to. Wolel H. Weill. LLHUmi). 3t Municipal Ward, Isaac Qroo. uad " "A. Miner. 3rd " " N. H. Fell. 4 to - " Jeter Ob q too. tta " John Van Cott. OOUSOOOM. R. T. Burton, Theodora McKean, Joseph F Bmitti, Aloxaoder Majors, Ilonry QrowIohn Clark, A. 0. Pper, John B- Wlader, Lewi i. Hills Recorder Robert Campbell. Trmnnrer Paul A. Scbettler. Marshal John D. T. McAllister. Auditor of Pa bile Accounts Kobrl Campbell. Assessor ami Collector Job n B. Winder. Supervisor of Bireeta Isaac U-roo. Surveyor Jeeae W. Fox. Board of School luspectors Profossor J. R Park, Robert L. Campbell, llenry I. Do renins. Bealor of Welghu and Measure Nathan Deyls Cap lain of Police Andrew Burt. Water Master Isaac Qroo. Inspector of Unildfngs A. H. Raleigh. " Wood and Lumber II. Olnwoodey H H LI qn ore Robert Campbell. " ' PtotWooj Jeeae 0. LittH. Qnarantlne Physician JeUr Clinton, Otilof Kngineer Fire Department John D. T McAllater. Board of ExanlniDg Physicians Loctora ff. F Amlernon, J. 0. Onnaby, Jeter Clinton. City Market Matter Albert Dewey. J' 8i ton Joseph I. Taylor. Stock Inspector II. J. Fanat. Birlutert!ent Insane Asylnm and Hospital Theodore 11 o Keen, Pliydcian Insane Asylnm and Bospltal Jeter ruroi rafts. 1 , l: fllnn'clpal Ward Levi Riter." ,it M ' Samuel Tarnbow. ,.rj . Qtrieon B. 0. Gibbs. tth " MjIUo A l wood, ftio ' W. 0. A. Bmoot. Arrival and Closing of Mai 1 8. ARRIVALS. J ii as l Tb rotiKh mall, daily, T:0 p.m. Local Opion, Xcho City, Wasatoh and Morirftn ooontj, dally, 1:40 - fltimmlt and Waaatob oonntUe, Taeaday, and Thursday, T: " Weet Through mall, dally, 10:10 a.m Locn West Jordan and Herrlnwn, Thursday, T:10 p.m. Toorlo oo'y, dally, except Sntlay, 1:00 p.m. OrasitsTllle, Batarday, 8:00 pjn Morth I'laho, Montana, Oregon and Washington Wash-ington Territory, daily, 10:10 ajn. Local Darts and Box Elder oonntlea, dally, 10:10 a.ir Oiohe ooooty, Monday, Thursday and Saturday, 10.10 -ni. Bldiooaoty, Monday and Thursday " Bout.. To Plftoh. dally T.10 p.m. Hi. Qowp sod Arlsonn, alternate day TiW Banpete wonty, To'F. Thursday ud Satorday, 1:10 p.m airfield and Oedar Tallcy. Friday, :10 p.m OL081MQ. LV,n-ThrougH faaU, dally, P-. Local Ondea, Morta eounty, Xcbo Otty and Watoft, dally, " Owimlt nod Waeafrh aoofiLie, Monday yd Wwlnasdny, ad OndoB.4aUf. 1:W " 1 Uxial West Jrda w Herrimnn ninrsdny, :80 an Tooele, Stockton and OranUrUW, dolly, XCpt Sunday fcW " B ertb Idaho, Montana, Washington and I Oregon, dally, 1:30 pjn. Local DfiTUi ud Weber oonntiea, dally, M B,x Blilsroonotr.daU, 1:30 " Oarhs oonnty, Bnndaw, Tlr and Thunhlay, W " fjlch ooanty, Tuesday and Tbnrs. 1:80 I Bout!: Tleoko, etc., dally. M0 81 Oooraw ud Artaona, alternate; dnys, 6; Snmete eowlf, Bnf, Tueedaj andlThuwday, ;W " ,rlrfleldnndOedrT'y,lYsdncsday,s) f ; nntni TtnrnjL tHilay, 1-J te 1 p.m. M.mry Order and Rrtr Detment open roin .m. to 4 p.. OnMile door open from a.m. to 9 p.". J, M. MOORB, I'o-tnuirtnr. "AdverliMnit is the Oil which wis. men p in Ihctr Lajmps. ilouuut rjtuvKRB. L P. USHER, ADVERTISI NG fiw '20 21 Merchants E.zc'Mnie OIUWBSIA STUKKT, SAN FRANCISO, Polioila AdvertiMMenU uld SubKriptloM Salt Lake Daily and Scmi-Wockly Scmi-Wockly Herald IV.sji.'nf Moxiewi PotW. I icura. ln-nvi ln-nvi Valp.rairo. Japan and China; ewioa-lrtli'd ewioa-lrtli'd and the Australia coloaie. b AlUoUO titatM and Europe. . ADVERTISING . . H3 cr ld many a no bnilow: it a? emlarirod many an eM bus in Mi; II ti rvivi-d many dull buaiowc; llu ro--i'ucd uiaaj- !"t bu.'ineM; I1 1 insny a failinjr bufino-M; Him .rorvoJ many a lariro buinMj; And iusuxai su.vvvi in nnj buiiDew. U(1n: KTHRT. flrhMi OtmH iA VT.J, 'nb. sol.l ap: "I bve alw. cR.M.irro.1 i t'i " liberally and Ung to bo tbo r.at Vltl And I have tnjido it an invarublo . hus tnl U f laid oul. iu by i i'X V,"criS wy btuin-u before the r'lhli" i?hlwocnrtfa many sales thatlolhor-7is thatlolhor-7is would havo AUvertlso your Buuluceii. Kep purntms bforn the Public. .Indlcioiia AdvcrtlnluK will lusttrn Fortun-ir Fortun-ir Dusluosa la Uull, AilvorUm. 1 Buat(.a ta Urtste, A.dvcrtie. otrTbeman who didn't bolifvg in dv mlns baa eono into partnership with ua Uieril, md, thai official duos Uio adroitum. HOTARIES PUBLIC. L. M. OILUfflfc W. w. WOOD. GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, ' AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. Acekowledqemetw taken for the soTeral States sd IiaaitoBiaa. Office hour?, 9 , H., to 9 p. K. Itoon N. 5 aver r'mt National Bank, bait Lake City, Utah Territory. &S Jas. 7. SuinDum. Chai A. Gould. STAINBTJRN & GOULD, NOTARIES PUBLIC, Searchers of Records, AXD COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS FOB New York. Massachusetts, Penney! Tan la, Ohio. Illinois, Iowa. Nebraska, Wyoming, Wyom-ing, Montana, Nevada. California, Oregon. Texas, Colorado, District ofColuubia and other Slate and Territories. Applieatlona for Patents. Hininc Daeds, Agree m on La and Bonds fjr Deeds, Mortxafes, Powers of Attorney, Leases. Contrtcu and other instruments of writing drawn with accoraoy and dispatch. Mining and other Compsntii tm- orporKisd wader the Ltwi of Utah. Abstracts of Titles to Mining and other pror erty made in the moat complete form. Mining property tlamlnedaiid r P0r"ci4T B BID'S BTTILDrNO. EAST TKMPLH BT., SALT LAXK CITY. U. 1. A Notary Public always in the Offioe from 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. Transcripts furnished from the flrtt Mining Reonrds in the County of Salt Lake, to wit; those of the Mountain Lake M ining D is t riot tnow Big and Littie Cottonwood Districts), and from tho:a of the Big Cottonwood Mining Min-ing DUtrloU mj21 CHAW. W. 8TAVNKB, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qualified and oommissioned by the Governor. Otticolat door south of Savage's Photograph Gallury. Halt Lake City. mil HEW YORK TRADE. L. M. BATES & CO., ftftl A IBS Broadway, IKW TORK, iMroaTia aitp jouiu m j Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIBBY, WHITS GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE N01I0NS, ic J. H. BULGKIL Jul Cochran, McLean & Co. Importer, uid Jobb,r of DRY GOODS, White Goods, Hosiery, Notions, Woolens, Linens, Embrofdorios and Laooa, 402. 4G-1 and 466 BROADWAY. R B. r. WH1G1IT. . KKW lOBIi. iayM JEHIAL READ & Co., Manufaoturors and Wholesale Dealers in FUR AND WOOL HATS, Straw Ooodi, Umbrella, dec, Mo, 468, Broadway, NEW YOBK. Jo. Jim Han-Jr. J BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES 134 nd 138 Grand St., New York, Corner Crosby, one blook east of Broadwa d!4 THOS. M. ARGALL &. Co., Men's, Youths' Boys' and OhLldreo'i OLOTHiisra-, AT WHOLKBALK, 313 31B Broadway, New York, j. i. oowlis. T2T RICE, Q00DW1N, WALKER & CO., Importer, and Jobber, of SILK AND FANCY DBY GOODS, .71, 470 ud Broadw&r NKW VOKK: w. a. baknky. m HOWLAND & ASPINWALL, 54 Sontb Street, NEW TORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. Will Ritvitnce llberftlly oil oonlg' menta of Ore and Bullion. million purchN.cd Kt lilgtaeat mrb.t rle. 37 MORE ARRIVALS. H Dt Different Sizes and JLa7 Stylos of ID O O 27 rJifforont Sizes o1 WINDOWS. The most complete Slock ever brought to ll.ihj AT L1TIMER, TAYLOR iCO'S LUMBERYARD, SASH and DOOR FACTORY, Ono block west of tlio Tabernaolo. T. LATTMSU. HOTELS, ETC. - SADDLE ROCK RESTAURANT. Freeh, Shell and Keg Oysters receiTed dally, fresh Fish, Game, fruits aud Vegetables from all parts of the World. LADIES SUPPER ROOMS Fitted up expro?sly for ladies and ypntlemon in a styleunoscelled by any eub-liihuienton eub-liihuienton the tactic Coasu OPEN IVIGHT AND DAY. PRIVATE ENTRAXCE FOR LADIES, ONE DOOR SOUTH Or WELLS. FAUUO A: CO'S, IIE'RY WAOSER, Proprietor. nov 12 TATLOE'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLiSS HOUSE R00JIS NEATLY FURNISHED. my 11 New CMErcial Lite Rooms, 46, Commercial St., Salt Lake City. 0. W. TAPPAN, Proprietor. OPKN ALL NIGHT. Surlnsr Beds, 35, 37U and SO cts.par Night) 1.0 to $3.00 per Week. Single Rooms, 50 and 7 Sc. per Night) J.00 to 4.0 per Week. Double Rooms, S1.00 to V1.50 per NighU 015 GREAT TOTEM HOTEL ON TBK EUUOFKAI PLAN. Situated in business part of the city, with aoaomtuodation for AX) tuoet. FIRST-CLASS aeoommadation for Famillee and Travelers. Rooms, SOc, 7c, tl.00 and $1.80 per dy. Dininr Hall and Kastaurant under the management of M. H- Beardsley, late of the Uorrison House. Unit ha, and Tiohnoi Hoase, Linooln, Nob. Board per week, tT Meals, SOc FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL. Stages leare daily for the mines. Laundry oonneoted with the hotel. SMITH BIOAZK, au 17 Prenrietors. AMERICAN HOTEL, WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, PRICES REDUCED. Terma f .Ii0 per dayj '.Weekly Bonrd.nd lloomj 1,(J0 to 15.0uI Table Board, 18 00. A few r'irst Class families enn find pletuant (lunrtcrs. ball Lako City, Novomborlt. 1R72. J. 0. LiriLE. bo2I Proprietor. WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STKEET, SALT LAKE CITY, UT A II THIS HOUSE IS THE LARA EST AND boat iMuointoil House in Utah Territory, and has accommodation for threo hundrod and lilty guasts. Slruot cars andcurriiiKUs cunnocl-od cunnocl-od with the While Sulphur lintlia. Keuding Kooius, cuDUininR papers from all points, liattia, Bar, ioloprapli, Noira anu Cigar bland attached to the House H. S. GREELEY, & CO., nov2 1 1'roprioUirs. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT I.rKK CITT. IflE LEASING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. This Souse ti oentraUy and pleas an Uy to aated, well furnished, and has accoamoda-tiOBifor accoamoda-tiOBifor 10 eueati. THE PROPRIETOR is now praparlns: 0 build larce additions to his Hotel, whiih when lnished. will renJ-T U the Moat Complete Eitoblithment in the BdCKf MOUNTAIN REGION IROxN&COAL. i own iU I will divide Address, . M. BLAIR, fj J?, O. Box 180, Salt Lake City. WANTED. M.W0 GASH. Poll ONE Year. Will divide the fiuo.-t mining intoret in L'Uh for the use of the money. AddroM, S. Al. BLAIR, Salt Lako City.'.P. 0. Box ISi. WM. LANAHAN i SON, DISTILLERS AND JOBBERS Of RYE WHISKEYS, U'arekonae Mo. 90 Light Street, BALTIMORE. TO 31 IN E US. -l-K wnx PTifV'nA!?B. ORFl'BNrPll V Capital to develop reallr if-v-'d proirt- or mines. bieet W the approval ol our local aeon;- Address, in condence, living com- BICKER'S Little Was her, THt BE T ANO CHtAPEST lit TUK MARKET, riniv n.oo. J, C. COLTR1N, Agent, Sre.in.n.. 1U WCo-operiv. Store. 9 Al T. l'aesler"! I.aoerr. lk u ASSAY APPARATUS FOlt SALE, EW A AD COM I'.IETE, c O S T Sl-i IN Vllll.AIiKl.riII.- JNO. W. SNLLL, MEDICAL. Dr. J. P. P. YAH BEUEER&H, From Prussia, THE GREAT O FL nv EXTERMINATOR, Late of San Francisco, CaL Btmtrkable Cart: This is to certify that my wife, HulJa Park, baa been afflicted fur ihe last eiB-ht years wiib chronic Uysentery, with pain in her stomach, back, sidei, and severe headache; in tact she was never free from puin and miseries. J-ha dociurod a great deal with tiio boit dolors we could hear oi, and 1 am sorry to lay without any relief Wo heard of many cures which lr. J. K P. YaDLunbercb had penurmed in and about Salt Lan.o Ciy, ""hich induced us to cunsult him; and tha I)octor at once told us that all her complaints and miser im were caused by irorini. aho cuaiuiuncod taking bis modicine on the ITU) of August, and linco that timo all pains and oxcucmvo thxunic Jjysentory aro cured, and in tact sho considej-s horseli' a well woman once more. IliOMAS H. PARK, ilia X mark. Cesteetilj.e Wabd, Utah, Soptomboi Jd, lSii Over 1,000 tVorma Eipelleil front Mrs. Bisfoy. My gratitude compels me to mako tho following fol-lowing statement: 1 bad been anltcted lor many years with a complaint in my stomach. IhinKing 1 was trouOkii with curma, I consulted con-sulted Lr. J. P. i'. Van Denoerta. Ho confirmed con-firmed my belief, and, stranno lo say, ho gave urn oidj' live ul his Worm .Powders and in live hours 1 was relieved of over l.uuu peculiar luoKing worms, and indeed i leal liko another woman onco more. MATILDA M. BISBY. Salt Lake CitT, Sept. Ml, loTi Wo, tho undorsigned, will testify that wo were present duxintf ihu time the above worwJ pulsed. MARY BOOTH, Mrs- K. L. BEARDMAS, H. A. Jt'ERUUSUN. 1'lve HondredWarmi Expelled from a. CliLld only two year old ly Ir. J, p. p. Tail VcubergU's Worm Hyrup. I think it my duty to state the following facts: My cuild, only twenty mucins old, had boon dicu lor sumo tiuiu ami waatod awaj' to a more skeleton, trying tunny remedios without any roliot. Thinsiug the child nad worms lod me to buy a boitie ol Lit- J. 1'. F. Van Uenbergh'a H orm Syrup, and alter giving tho Syrup, over i Soo worms iassod away Irom tho child, since then tho chronic Jjiarrhtea anu the other complaints com-plaints are curod. i-hanli Ilea von! uiy dear child is woll onou more. Alra. -M. A. 0'FARRELL, Second South Stroet, hair--bioet irom Ithe Court liouse, ball Lake City, U. X. Letter from tV. E. IKoriier, Iluber City, Wasalcb, Utali, September 9, 1X1. Dr. J, P. P. Vak Dkkuebqu: 1 think it to be public benefit and gratitude grati-tude tokvards you cuuipcla mo to mako tho lul-lowing lul-lowing statement; 1 have been b injuring lor ninny years witn a consiant growing pain and a ijuivoring sensation in my chest and heart; i my litud would not dig oat, and a cooaluni nasty, tough and ropy phlegm in my mouth and thru at. 1 was bo norvous that with dihi-culty dihi-culty 1 could got around; in laot, irom tlio constant con-stant pain ana misery 1 had wasted away to a mere SKelclon. I hud been due luring a groat deal without any bun out, and boliovod thiit de-ith only could release mo ixom all my sunor-ings. sunor-ings. Booing sumo friends who had received great benont irumlJr. J. 1. P. Van Uenbergh'a medical treatment, induced mo to consult him. lie k la lod that 1 was troubled with worms, and said 1 was curublo. 1 took his medimne lor a month, and 1 must say all my pains and miseries have loit mo. My bowels are regu-I Jur, and 1 tool onco more as it i could live I twenty or thirty years longer in mo onjoyment of tbo greatest ol blo3iugs, wnich is good hoaJth. 1 would lurthor say my ago is suty-: live years. u. E. HUitiSLlt, , Card from Judge Frier, of Polk Dr. J. P. P- Vas Diwmkhuh: Dkar Sib: I take pleasure in thanking you publicly for tho restoration of my health alter ninetoan years ol groat sulfenog mentally men-tally 'and bodilF- I doctored a groat dual; was alii ic tod with almost every imaginable pain, and dospairod ol Booing a woll day again. Whon 1 came to soo you at batoui, you said you would remove tho cause ol nineteen yoars' sintering in five hours. I could hardly bolievo it, but alter taking the livo tastoloss powders you gave mo, about tJu worms pasded irom me, and now, lourtoun days auarwards, 1 l'ejl liko another man, and nm ablo to follow my business without pain or inconvoniance. 1 remain, Yours respecofully, j A. 1L FRXEB- Bolhol, Polk county, October 10. 1S71. . OOUe. XEW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage," For the Debilitated Servoui System. DR. JORDAN, of the Anntomlcal Mnwnm, 818 Montgomery strwt, (near California,) AN I'KANOISUO, Calllurnin, has publilie.l tour ol his Tulunii-, tor Ibose who cannot attind IBe Lectoree at tbo Museum. Ktvtj aamnrned and married man should rctul anrl stuily these important lo-luros lo-luros fur iho good of hlnisolf and offspring. Hy mldnwaiiij; tho n-croUiry of the Anatomical Hufteuni, aan franc isto, and enclosing Twenty-fiit- Cants Id postage stamps lo pay posuig, the Book will be forwarded to an; part Ol the states or Territories. Dr. Jordan can bo cona rilled by letter, j& JONKI'H tiOKLINlil, OIVIL KNGINKER. U. S. MISERAL AND DEPUTY SUR VLVuli t ull L'-iAli, Ofllce: First Smith Stroet, nearly opposite 6U Mark's Church, so-tf HENRY WACENER, Salt Laae City, Utah, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, L.1UER BEE It, ALE AND PORTJriK, TB0LKS1LI AXD KETAK., SECOND SOUTH STREET, threo doors oast Elephant titore octi REED, Auction & Commission Merchant JpjCH-SajT OOTJTH ( TH Jil JUA'r West of Kimball . Uwrai', SALT LAKE CITY. Liberal cosh adrancos made on confign meets. a-ll A SPLEXDID CHANCE BUY FLOUR HEUNDKRlGyEDUA? FOR SALE 1,500 Sacks OF CIIOICK FLOUK, Vinous Brands whicb he will sell to FAMILIES and others in Iota to suit u WHOLESALE FIGURES. Xow is the timo for Families and others to CLI'B TOGETHER and get their rear's fiupply CHEAP. SOTI'K.-.lH FLO UK, GRAIN GROCERIES FV'lHr a: j- ; re deliver --J l'Ri:E ic 1 anj- part f th WI1KAT. r. For Self. GEORGE II. k0V,LDE.. Crain Dealer, West siJo Main Street, Opposite Wei.s, Faigo i Co'8 oSee. ' MINERS' MEETING. THE ANNI .W. ijKNERAL W hirriN fiLe M-.ntrf I r.- ; t, ; K n--:.zi --Je: - :r.c c.- - .r.; ear, A. O. PIT HER La NO. wdr. i'sceitier 1. 17- d-"' FURS WANTED- Highest Cash Price Paid for Flts. M."'j Ila.aza C:.-: h.icrale ar.J KcU.l. liiOMAa cuiii:::. At iiceei Bro', tcder Salt Lak3 H.lsf. &Z7 Jas. J. Walworth, lSncjwur to Walworth. Fnrse i Co.) Manufacturer aad Dealer in WrtE.-ll Iron Pipe and Fittinjs, Leniher and Rubber Belting, Ac-, 243 and bake feu, CtUcago, UL Notice cf Assessment. TT7EM.IXGTOX Mlnlntr andSmelt- liii; 'ompan- -Llion W'orki, Lit'.Io CVtiinw..ud Canyon. Vtah. Notice ii hero by civen, thai at a meeting or the ikwjl I'l'Tru'toos of Coiai-any, held on tii Lth dav rf November. 1ST-2. a.sei-ment a.sei-ment 1, i' ten cents ;er share was leviod ui-on tho cai'ital jt"Lk of said Company, jjaja-ble jjaja-ble ijntnt-'diatcly in fnited tite,; cold coin, to the ttvrftarv. K- Wegener. No. 411 California Suvi-i, tiui P ran cisco, California. Any st"L-k uwm whi:h F.iid assessment shall remain unraid on the 17th day ef December, 1.J. shall be deeiiii-d delinnuent. and will be duly adv ur.iicd :lt ?alc. at rub lie auction, and un!os rayjufnt shall bo mde before will bo .'old on luefday, tho 7th day of January, 1Tj, to pay ihu dclin meat ajjeosinent, tocetier wilh co.-ti of udvertiainu- and ospensus of sale. By order ofthe Board of Tmstees, R. WJiii ENER. iecretarj-. OEce 111 Culifijixla SirMt, San Francisco, Caiiiurcia. nld Washington House - liir-cl S'lotitri Street, salt: lake city: Board and Lodplng, pr Week f G 00 Board and Lodging, per day, 1 00 Day Board, per ireck, 4 50 Single French Spring Bsds, per wi'tk, - - a 50 Beds, prr nigUt - 50 Uaala - . - -45 jl DES MOINES Scale Company I . Y. R. WEdT, l'president-S. l'president-S. F. SPOFFORD, Vice-P't. GEO. A, JEWETTi Socr'y. lPK REDHEAD, Treasurer. SJ- S. HITCHCOCK, Sap't. WM. DrCKERSON, General AgonL Wo arimanufacturinR. nnd can till orders on short nutico, tho to lie wing: Hay, Coal ail Stocl Scales ! RAILROAD, Warehouse & Counter Scales. WHEAT OR HOPPER SCALES ! FLOl'H AND UCTCIIEKS' BKAHS. BoggHgc nnd Warehonse Tracks. Every article warranted durftbloand accurato, SCALES OF ALL KtN'DSBREl'Al RED. Addross, for Circulars, DKS MOINES SCALK CO., no2ii Doi Moinos, Iowa. '5 93 ! w ft s P I 1 - -i ! d CL ! 0 m s CD o (8 LUMBERYARD. All Kinds or Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS, BUNDS. MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, T. R. JOTJES Ralf-blr.sk enth of Hi 0. DDt, IMPEKIAL. Ii:iving oncluded arranffemcnta with the larReat ilcfincry in the oast to man-ujacturo man-ujacturo for us a special quality of CARBON OIL for our trade We hfT'V trire mtice that wa now have for pale the IMPERIAL CARBON OIL, Which is far FUj-crior in quality and safe ty to any ever o If ercd in t h is market. It is water white and (Stand" tiro tost. We recommend it to those that want Good Quality j of Illuminating OiL CAI.I. AM) EXAMINE. F, REESE k CO,, 7 FiRST SOUTH ST. tJ6 OYSTERS! OYSTERS! OBEY & Co. Jit:-T f''TH -Ti.K'-rT. f Ki-n- i .' -..V. ; - ' ' '----i- H ''ii-a ;r'-r. i'i..rr?i lo az.J j-ar. o! lie I , r.. i'-t: l)ht W-.ri.n .ai l V, e -.r.trj ori'r-. A.;-w -ttj i , i;jt T 17. l MISCELLANEOUS. W.T.RETNOLDS k CO-, E- B. ZABRISKIS, gaa Jxaacisoo. Salt Lake City. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAVE IOB SAH A FINE LD1 Of, WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call the attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion . Guaranteed. SOLE AGISTS FORI "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST IB A IR, IN THE CITY CONNECTED WITH TEE HOUSE. 64 MAIN STREET! Two dosri south of Wells, Fargo A Go's Bank. m5 City Gas Works. The undersigned is now opening Hp he largest and most complete stock and assortment of Gas fixings ever brought to the western country. Store 42 Main street, third door north of Deseret F.ank. Gilt, Broose, and all the latest styles of Ohandeliera, Brackets and drop light? of every pattern to suit tho purchaser. Have now on hand and will continue to keep the largest stock of Gas and Steam pipes to bo found in Utah or on the Pacific Pa-cific Coast, and am now prepared to contract for the piping of houses, offices, buildings and dwellings gonerally at rate that will defy competition. Over 60,000 feat of gas piping now on hand and am receiving it daiiy. My Gas Fittings and Fixtures will be supplied to the inhabitants of Bait Lako City at the lowest possible rates. I also keop on band a full and complete com-plete assortment of tbo latest improved pumps for mining and domestic use. The Celebrated KnowlosHtoam Pump with boiler connections complete always on hand. All work connected with Pumpa and Plumbing of every description, and with Gas, Water and Steam Fittings will be done with dispatch. B. LYONS, 42 Main Street, Three Doors .North ol Deseret Sank, Offico of Salt Lake City Gas Company. jn5 To whom it may concern, WE, the nndar!rTjd cla'tn sir! own twelve hundrod (13KI) Itet, including Not. two (2J and three (-S), in tbo Titut loda, in Little Cottonwood oanjon, and hold lbs same by deeds from the oriiinal locator; and have complied with the law ol Ua di-tiict di-tiict In every retpeot- And we hereby can Hon all peron not to trade, bar er barter for said olaima, without oar ooasenu CH. BA33BIT.1 m aln Intra tor ot the LIVLNi. I lUofAnmonT lTins decoded. ISRAEL 1VIN8. Sail La 1.L11T1 W HENDRIEBRO'S IS MAIfl 1TH1CKT, ALT LAHR CITY, Mannttetor California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contract- taken for the creotjon of STAMP MUJsS AND BMKLT-1"Q BMKLT-1"Q FU'KNACfcS CUM VLi7l& in any of the Mining Xhntrictj). wc mannfaetara in VarBff at Waraler Pans, Pattnl Prrsscrl Shnu and Dies, Patent Bt.ni Onlrlil, aad tsta Aacailaterjr so as pie to tor STAMP HJLTLJLS 1 1 D- REDUCTION WORKS. of whiih wemab a sneialV and faaraetee i iauiactin ta ail cun, Baaafaetare Bolthoff's Ball Pulverizer, for DRV CRtunino, WH1 do th e wtrk af 14 Staoi i. Priea, : W MaDBfaetaren' Acents for th Sale of ! RtnrlrTsnl Roof ninwera, I Karlc A- Cara.rOD tm rumps, Ilolilr- Porta tola aad BUlIonar y Kngln'.i, I Wirt fl -.Is i In sr Rope, C71t and RuTid. i I Tunnel lLa.ll Iron, ili, U and i bi. I Lbs Iron pipe for Ou aid Water, D"rttt i Blah Ore Crnhri, mint Ttnand Iron natktlt, ; ArslHe Fire Brick, and I HI nlnf applies. ISTIalATKS and DP-A WINrjR fajauhed Hit ALU Ct'B. WOi-JL au MISCELLANEOUS. MONEY! The best and cheap rst assortnjent of CONCERTINAS, ACCOEDEOXS ASP OTFIKR Musical instruments JUST KKCK I V KH. Which Kill bo sold CHEArEIt THAN EVER. A few fino VIOEIFS t'OH BALL-ROOM PLAVKKS. HARMONICANS, JEWS HARl'S, KVKKYTU1NG FOK THE BOYS, CHEAP AND GOOD, Wholesale and Retail. Chas.W.Stayn8r, i0. 5. MA!. STKEET. Opposite Z. O.M.I. Offioe, 1st South St SALT LAKE CITY. nl'2 UN10 PACIFIC , R11LR01D ME TABLE. DNTl L further notice. Trains will leave and arrive at Ogden Daily, at follows: LJUTK. I AtlRlVK. Daily Eirese.8 -:W a.m. Dailj Ex i '... 10 i.ni. Mixed. - 6-fl'r.m. Mixed. - 2 35pm. fc'reifbL 10-3.' B.W. Froiihl, - 6lUa,in. DhiIv connei-liins lundo nt Ogden with Utah Central Pacitic Koad irom Salt Lake city and all points in Southern South-ern Utah. Al Bryan with etngos for Sweetwater mines. At Cheyenne with Denvoi Vaciflc Railroad lor Donvcr, Ccniral citv, tiuorKftown and all points in Colorado and Jvi!W Mexico. At Omaha wilh Chicago and North Western, Cbiuapo, Rock Is I nnd and Pacilic, liurlingUjo and Missouri Kivur, Kansns city. tiL Joo and Council blullV Railroads and Missouri River Line oi Sli'tuncrs lor all pom to Kat and bouth Tickets for sale lo all points Kaet at office of Wells, -Kargo & Co., Jiasl Temple Tem-ple street, and at tlio olllco of Utnh Con-Iral Con-Iral Railroad, in Sail Lake city; also al Union Pacific Railroad ticket office in Ok den, al which office bonne, on sleeping sleep-ing cars can bo secured. Arranguuionts have been made whore-by whore-by p&ssungurs dosinuu to visit Donvur on Ihoir way Kant cun avail themselvo of an excursion rale from Cheyonno lo Denver, and return at graally roduced ratos. Kor particulars and all informalion in regard 10 passage, apply at 'J'icKei Offices. Of-fices. Passengers should bo careful to secure their passage tickets Ui all Kalern and Southern points fin OMAliA, and tbue avail ibemelvos of the adranlagns of a through sleeping carf comlorlable accommodations ac-commodations and auick timo. TUOS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket A gent. T. E. Sickkls, Cbf. Engineer Hiid Superintendent JS C. H. BASSETT, BARDWARE STORfc All klDl, of HEAVY UARDWARK Iron nnd Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSmiTII TOULI, Afrtenltau-al Implements Ad miKlatsj Voala, At Lwet IUUi. UPPUIITK IALT LAUB IIOt'lB -.is More Light! 20,000 HALLOAS t't llio eel br tod IMPERIAL OIL, li Kire Tct. C O W , lin Standard l'ire Te-t, V"R h.M.H, Ul UIE IiA HK1,L Oil CAsE. IN IJTS TO ST JT. PETROLEUM '(in-KpIo-lvc lliild, SIXTY CK.N'TS l'KR GALLON. LAMPS A.D LIMP GOODS FOR TUE MILLIOX! .PioneerLampStore Nearly opi'Oitc lh: Market. E. KEESE & CO. rr" , W. J. HOOPER &. CO. j w7 mi COIIKkCl At-BTaEitT i J BA.LS. A. W. WHITE & CO, BANKS KAM TLMt'Lti ..TlilCli T, S.tt L.ke Oil. GOLD DUST.COIN AND EuLLIOM x;kr.!tt on .!. ; , . -. u Cit.m Partk'clar a;:en:i. n ,..(r, C. g and pro.'eojs ri':un:.vi m C-.rr-f. a:e GSO. K. WUt i -a .'i7 - v fi Bank cf iV.f ri.a - - - u A w::or - - N. " - ' k AvkOiii-.n Njiuaa! K;k ....- UMkolI Ktuk Mi 1-1. stau- lijtuk ol Not.'rka - t.lia WELLS, FARGO L. LQ Bankers aud l Ik r:n V;'.i.i.;c Drafts on Kurcto. I'uro c - a d'.i r-oi iir s promptly a:;t.J.r.: sD tat Tem(ile SI red, Salt l.ait uiiy, BiU Tmo. f : i v. :.1:. First National Eaak sf Uiah' SALI itii: Cli'V. SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK Walt Lnku City, TTljiVi Tor. Authorized Capital - $500,000 BeiaJ- 11- Daltsll, ITt..tltK. Huah White, Caalilrr. HiMPeTiiu A KiRkriTK'.ct, Attornoyl. CORHtSPONOtNTBl NEW YORK g"'.' K-'.tVo, SAN i .t ANClOo --11. A. -mm i.-ii'i ; u. National Bank SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. raid up CapUal, S'-MHUHM. Authorized Capital, ?1,UJU,iuu. RimillAM Y'H'Ni:. IVcitlonl, I ti. i;i.ui;Li'i;i;, v i i i . i U'y. 11. lhM,'l-:ii, I . J l-;.S M.ii-, hliirtvu.i-s. Juil.N MlAHf. I t'Lii a m u i.rrri.K. i L. S. U1L1.S, Ca.-Liu'i. I uoi.i) ntsr, ii, KM'iiixiit;, Lt.MI HAIIIUVI'O, 'C'.- i.i.i.i: tti i, Co!lccULna ui-.'ic and luouifLO tt-mittcd, tt-mittcd, FOREIGN EX CHANGE. FOS SALE. l.NTlillKST 1'AIU UN et fa, V i U S M Oleosa its. LEGAL. Z, 8NUW. . 1. UOUI. SNOW S. slOii., Kttorneja aud Uonnseiort at Lt Ball UkeClty, Utah. Omoeat niiuw's cumci, Ul IumI Cii.t. jue r. L. WII.LIatia, LIUHlllB TOUNtl WILLIAMS A, YOUiiQ, aTTORNKVa-AT-LAW, Ofnoa. half a-hiook suutli ul Tlio;tir, Uull Julio wiiy. jl'J C. E. WHITNEY, AT T UKN H V - A T - LAW , Olllco over I'tinl -i.l A S. i;-' Mi.io, MAIN M HI. II', N.tLl 1 A Ii I. Ul V. THOMAS FITCH, ATT 0 U N J-; V - AT - L A W , U1U U Mm 1, Hn II. . Erpecial aLlviiU-jn i ; 1 it ' ul'iiun n 1 iiuil BATE8 & CRIWSCLE, AK Pit- S-T iinliKKi mid Snlf of Mlllo Al I. undo, Urn. ('. Uatih, I AU'Ti)")', - ' . I lij , CtiAHi.i a. W. Mh-im i ) I IHI.. ffarner Karll. V M. i?,miJ,. KAIILL K1 I I II, AUO K N K Y H A T LAW, iJLT Laxi (JITf. First bt uti, Mu en. fi -,-iu- ii fci.il 1, Mo Jk liul t, Jamks (;.u i i-.c, ATTOHNLY - AT - LAW, Um'joo-r l-t . ill. o-iK i.i i j t ,i , . i i'.j irr. r. TIl iV'-KTi. c a. X.'-.. TILFORD 6t feiAUrJ, A I T K A fc 1 N - A 1 - I. A VV , ."o. ;tn I'lrol Noiallt Min i. t-1 J.U. KoplivuKli. ... A y.vn.V A T T O R Y, V h A 1 L A V. , hull Lake If , I Inli. 'fli-r. li N.uili Mim.t, lir.t h.j.i'j.Ni: I -f Lt-U.;ll.-,k t'-ll.t-'l. IIAYIJU.N V. LtlU'lllil.r, A J X 0 K N Y. Y ii - A J - L A U . IALT LAKE CITY. ftfTi-,, vei )i-t Nati'itial l.nnk .f I ihIi. s ; C. H llfmi'io, M l. ;.4ii,'. HEMPSTEAO & KIRKPATniUK, AH"-...--'-'--Main Ktre-l, '-M-ii's V. til'. J'..tjo u C'.., UJih'JiKLT fc'TLAM CHA'JJiJ.K I ACTUKV, '.JI'jJ. ):),' ii - LJ,"' i. CRACK KItS 8UPERIOR QUALITY, Whi-.-h w- ..fi-r i.i Utnonnal.lt ITI". Vltt.l..!. nu.l JW IM.i. M"r'.lian: aro t i" I t-. ci-') m.'l i no mi Kirtlcy u ri:!, V. 0. i. Bait Laa tilj, vv. l.ij, 1tV. |