OCR Text |
Show La-DIkV. Missis', and ChiMron's Sh'i. in large quantities, at Uunf.'rd Ji .S-jn'i. eel" Monet to Loaw. $1,000 to loan for ri; vnar on unencumbered real estate -urity. Apply to J. M. Smith, Keal K-ttilo Agent, over First National Bunk. Fob Ymu Furniture, go 10 Barratt's. jlti Ot.i Oovkkvwknt J iiva Cotfee, nt Kirn-lull Kirn-lull St Lawrence's. Hillh, Cards, and Cmcur-AR, in liitst stylos, printed at the Herald Uilico. selii Office Chairs and Desks at Far-rall's. Far-rall's. . jylG U. K. All UN's famous XXX and XX FAMILY FLOUK for sale at Z.U. M. I. l'ro'i e Department, first dour north ot Bank of Uonorot. my 22 The Qctexn truitjar, an glass, at Kim-tmll Kim-tmll Ji Lawrence's. aiil Bbht Rkd Out. The wonderful I WOVEN Wilt K M ATTK KS.S fur siile at Henry Dinwoudey's, 31 Eftrt Tuiuplo and 75 First South streets, a 1-1 Via New Orleans, China and Crockery at Barratt's. jy lt M. II. Callahan hits received two car loads of Euroka coal oil, which he oll'ura to dealers at tho lowest market rnUiS. THIS OIL has gained a reputation reputa-tion in this city iu I ho safest in use. For Matrass os and Curtains go to Barratt's. "j!6 Magazines, Pamphlots, Periodicals" Music Books, Scrap Baoks, etc, otc, bound in all forms and stylos at tho Herald Bindery, uj Buffalo Meat, in ennvuss, at Kim- : ball & Lawronco'e. aiil 1 HoniTfflON's Best Wkukr Coal sold by J. It. HtalMngs, at the U. i Depot. Lnvo your orders on tho sluto t O, II. Knowidon's, Main street, or 1. O. box 7i)'2. Delivered in all parts i of tli o city. b0 Ha me and Harness trimmings, at Kinilmll & Lawrence's. nlll Duikikr! printed cheaply and tastefully taste-fully at tlio II KRAi.ii .Jub Otlico. f o-iil Mkek Muas, liar Tumblers, arrived at liarratl's. j Hi For compi.kt mining outfit, go to Kimball & Lawrence's. h'M ! Window olass of all sir.es at Kimball Kim-ball fc Lawrence's. 3I Knives, Forks and Spoons at narrate, nar-rate, jylii Dead. Tho following telegram rc- 0 lived yestorday over the Descret Telegraph wire, gives the fatal result of tho accident in Logan, an account of which appeared in yesterday mort- 1 ig's Herald : Logan, U., 21. W. P. Hubarjd.tho man injured yestorday by falling from Peacock's building.died at three o'clock this morning. Cll and skb u. Dinwovxloy's new , (ttln of Bedroom b'urnitur before you E piirohiisn elsewhere, 81 East Temple and 76 First South streets. auU I Fine Chamber and Parlor Setts at f Barratt's. jy 16 Ui-v the celebrated ROCKY MOT NT A IN CO vL $7.60 PEB TOJf AT Til K 0 KToT OR SS 1' K H TON DB-L1VKKKU DB-L1VKKKU in m-iin part of tho city. I, "live orders at Wells, Fargo & Co.'s ullict', or at our coal houso on the U C It K block. bo16 ( Barratt's stock is next door to tho Post OlUee. jy!6 For S.w-x, 40 bv 105 f.'t of a city lot, 8th Ward. U. W. Crocheron at Teas-del Teas-del Je Co. (17 Strkkt Catis. The public will please take not'eo that the street ears are now I running regnUrlr botwoen the railroad , d-pot and Third South street. Tickots $7.00 per 100. Single faro 10 cents. j2 Jon Pkintixu all siz".- and style Vmio promptly and cheaply at the IlKliALD OllW. selo I For Mirrors, Largo and Small, go to Barratt's. j 16 Cuttinq & Co's California Cannod FruiLs, Jellies, Jams, etc., are far superior supe-rior to all other brands. For sale by ail first-class grocers. my 14 Grxet variztt of Fancy Brackets and Clock Shelves, at H. Dinwoodey's. au!4 Fob Cheat Furniture, "o to Barratt's. Bar-ratt's. jlti For TOTjTt Family Groceries go to Kimball & Lawrence's. a31 Basement to Rent under 3 Taylor & Cutler's. Notice. All persons holding orders or due bills against our firm, must present pre-sent them for payment bo fore the 6th day of October. BeI8 DAY & CULMER. For Super Extra Japan Tea, go to Kimball & Lawrence's. a'-il I To outfit Your House, go to Barratt's. Bar-ratt's. jlti Netvebt Attractions in Job Printing Print-ing at tho Herald OtHce. Another Trmmph by Steam Power FOUR DIPLOMAS awarded to P. D. C"de & Co., of San Francisco for J KL-LIK-. PICKLKI) and CAiN'.N ED FRUITSand VEGETABLES. al2 Great Pummrr Tonic. Hegeman's Cordial Eliiir of Calisaya Bark. A pleasant Cordial which strengthens and improves tho DigeHion, an excellent proTontativo of Fev ers. Fever and A gue, Ac, and a groat Renovator and Tonic for Invalids and debilitated persons. Hkqkman & Co., Now York, solo manufacturers. man-ufacturers. Sold by all Druggists. my 29 Foa Cisterns, where the water has become offensive, put half pint of Bromo Chioraiitm in pail of water and i sprinkle over tho surface of tlio water. For salo at Z. C. M. 1. Drug Store. The hsst Family .Mackerel at Kimball Kim-ball & Law ron co's. a31 Anothkr Shipment. Genta Fall Style Dress Hats. sci'J Dunford & Sons, Tourists and the Traveling Pub- I ', Lie going ea't aro respectfully notifled that tlie Utah Hotel, at Ogden City, ib a tirst-class house, ai.d by coming to Ogden on tho previous evening, either by Mail or Freight Train, thoy avoid Lbe annoyance of rising at 4 o'clock to take the morning train at Salt Lake City. To pleasure seekers Ogden promises much to interest in its excellent Shooting Shoot-ing and Trout tishing, while tho grandeur grand-eur of its canyons is unsurpassed by anytbing of ibe kind known in the. United S:ntes. The Hotel is provided with Barher Shop and Hath Koorai, and runs its coaeh free of expense to guests. Tho proprietors, thankful for past favors, will spare no pains to .please guests, and will provide guns and ammunition, am-munition, with guides and carriages te the shooting or lishing grounds, by getting get-ting timely notice thereof. Eupky o; Williams, Propr'a. sol3 KK It VOl'S DKIIILITT. W itu iu gloomy attendants, low spiriLs, depress io;i, involuntary emissions, emis-sions, los of semen, spermatorrhea, loss of p'wer, dizzy head, loss of memory, mem-ory, and threatened impotence and imbecility, im-becility, tind a sovereign cure in Hum- I'HKKY S IIOMKOPATUIC SPECIFIC Ho. Twr.nty-Kiuut. Composed of the most valuable mild aud potent Curatives, Cura-tives, they strike at once at the root of j the matter tone up tho system, arrnst tne uisciiarper, ana impart vigor ana energy, life and vitality to the entire man. They have cured thousands of cases. Price, per package of five boxes and a large vial, which is very important in obptmalo or aid cases, or $1 per single box. Sold by all Druggists, Drug-gists, and sent by mail on receipt of price. Addr, Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co., &ti2 Broadway, Broad-way, New York. For Sale at Z. C. M. 1. and Godbe's Drug Store, 9 NOTICE! Dr.T. P. P. VAN DENBERGH " ILL louve SnTt T.nko Ciw on Port- T-th V i'?r .vm I ninci'co. rd will return on or.tb-'ii ih-J :h o: L';t. bjr Dttt, .icd lima ho Tiil Vt r-TiiiAr.tlT. !T- nbv.id ro- ... v l.. : ru :.ic . ;:r ;; r-.lr Lako Ciiy ., , i .,. i rv :.v h !! rImup to l-r.iiri,'e Rl" M s-urK::l l'r.':c5.-in 'jl p-'T :n hH r-r in K'iropc and ;h 1 :-.;ioa ;;.uo;. ;h "U.u bo a eunrutcc oi Lis I Uce. ori - ?ito Theatre, Sal: Lake City. 915 Dissolution cf Partnership. TMIK OMMRTNKK.-HIP LATELY EX-1 EX-1 I t - h:;i riiv-n. h.i thH ,Uv hren divlve.l by muiu.il r,.;-...T.l. Mr. l-.i.i.,ra -Morris havirt ' b. su.il ir.t.-r. " Yi .1 . Kn.l in too :ir:ii. l"! r.- r-rm -f M- m- .t u. d lard I all i-.itmhti.-- and i ays all d-bL- a. i iv oil as ci'ilecLi Ail ualflacduisa duo Uic late I h,m' K KISI7L A S'TPARD. M'jiaU k tiOIAiUX First National Bank OF UTAH, HALT LAliE CIXV. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT "OF THE UNITED STATES. TimiM H dibit, C. L. Dahlib. Prwidant. Viot PtmL Arthokt Qodbb. Cashier. Authorized Capital, - 500,000 PAID UP CAPITAL, - 3150,000. EARNINGS, - 130,000. Dividend In 1871, 50 per cent. Oldat BanJeing Institution in Utah. A Q-eneral Banking Buttiness TranHBCtod. AG UNCI KB IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Hfi SPEC IAL INDUCEMENTS -IH- DRY GOODS. Wishing to olose out our entire DRY GOODS DEPAETME 1ST T, We will offer oar large stock of Statle and Fancy dey goods & notions -AI- PRIME COST FOR TUE Next Sixty Days. KIMBALL Sl LAWRENCE, PITTSBURGH TRADE. ESTABLISHED 1S30.J Win. Mc Cully & Co., Manuacturera of tho St.nd.id Brasdt of WINDOW CLASS DRCG GISTS' GLASSWARE. Maie a jrwialtT ef larc sizes of Window Glasj, and ail odd sixes cat w ordac OtHce IS Mid iO Wond afreet. Pittsburgh., Pcna. P. ?. Earing tha most extenriva fwtori in ihU en nr.; :r. ar.d making a la;irer line of pwdi, dealers will find it to their inloreet to jet our quotations before purchasing. AMERICAN IRON WORKS. Jones & Laughlins, Pittstoursli" roima-) Manufacturers of Iron and Nails, . T. Kails. Fish Bars and Bolts, Patent Cold Rolled Shafting, Patent Coid Rolled Piston Rods, Couplings, Pulleys, HaDpers aud Collars. Warehouses and Office Second Averjua, Try itro6t and Third Avenue . Branch Houso Not. 190 to 190 Sontti Canal street, Chicago, Ills. i25 We make only Strictly Pure Goods! Potters' Lead, - wli? Mars. IIP , Kvery ki-R of our V,'bite Lead bears ihf fbllowinjr warrant, mirl s pmirautae a deEroo ef tlnenpju fiai i THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS ! Pure While I-pni! 01 parta. I Linked Oil 9 ' " - 100 SJ' IX COt.D will ) f r.-iid to any ono find-Jnc find-Jnc tli print i-nts vt lliia keg aifferxot from lbs i U A VIS, CHAMBERS ft CO. SOLD BY DEALERS EVERY! HEFi. j&30 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ' DISTRICT OF XETADA, In the OOtcc of tlic Cleric of tHe C B. District Court, To will . ' ySX Be itro- y'--T t -, ;. ' --VN. memboro d. V---"Vy-'-V-'" -A That on tho t'.j :'-? Sovoiitoonth ?''' day of Octo- i " . - - , '' - -'l ber. Anno. ? "'""VV- v-'. 4 Uomini. Ono fr:-,f . ;ty'--py3 tbouiand fr ''';): ioiftht hirn- - '3- 'r. u! hfiaid 5ajg35i!- dopositod in this office a labol entitled "II4MMERS COLLAR GALL 0INrT,M EXT." tho right whereof ho claims as Proprietor, in conformity with an Act of Con-ETcss, Con-ETcss, entitled "An Act to amend the aoveral Acta rejecting copyrights." W. P. RODGERS. RfiU. Clorkof saidDistrict, U. R. District Court, by Geo. R. Axmonu. District of Nevada. ' .Deputy EnrrrM n-.-,ir,liiii; i, Acmrrtn-;. c-jin iht Hfrk't OJ)ii.r!tii.l!J.llislr(rl(;oiirt.i- riclPl Nnada ' OINTMENT Tor Collar Galls. rncinallod fur the Hnrceseftil euro of CnllnrUMK Sure Bucks. Wc Blpnushet, 'Craoked Her-U, Grease, anil nil troublcaonio ; SercH. tf?-Tlits Ointment (loot nol Bcnb over, llit ilrien nnil iitnls a. Foro from It is iitml, 9g Prepixrtd only by KING 3c CO., Proprietors, Carson City, Nevada, from 111 c nv ipe of a ccleljnitol En-lis h Vctcrtiuiriiu J Hcdingtonft Co., Wholesale Agents, J. D. LAMB & CO., GENERAL ACENT8. SALT LAKE OITY. .23 THE HEWS BUSINESS. News Agents throughout the Wfest, and all others who contemplate engaging in the business, are respectfully requested re-quested to send iuroue of the Price Lists of the "WESTERN "WES-TERN NEWS COMPANY," Chicago. Full information in relation to the nature of the business will be found therein. Druggists, Postmasters, and others who have a little spare room in their stores, will find that they can add the News Business with easa and profit to themselves. It will pay of itself, besides being a benefit ben-efit to their other trade. Individuals In-dividuals who wish to procure any Books or Periodicals published pub-lished in this country, can obtain them free of postage by forwarding the retail price as above. We refer to any of the Newspaper Publishers of Chicago. Address ISE WESTERS HIS CDMPASY. X. W.Cor. Randolph. JtfTeraon Ht., III4 At0, ILLS. aZH Herald Bindery. OUR BINDERY IS PREPARED TO Ktnair, in a worlticA&kie nuiner, Albums, Old Booki, tc etc., And Bind MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS. SCRAP BU08. to S3. O- 'WE. IEFL ETAIL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, October 2nd, 1873. Grand Pall and Winter O 3E TC" X CS- . Seasonable and Fashionable Goods; Shawls, Cloaks, Sacques, and Sother desirable WRAPS. FULL LINE OF COLLARS. GUFFS & LACE G000S. SHOE DSPAHTMEXT "WILL B E FULLY STOCKED. For more complete enumeration ace our description circulars to be issued in a few days. m29 H. B. CIAWSON, Supennwndont. UTAH fWRTHERPI Trains are now Running Daily, BRIGHAM JUNCTION with C. P. R. R. HAMPTON'S ?or MONTANA. Dis. GOIXG SOUTH x.u. v. M. Fsiro Pis GOING NORTH 1 r. v J jFare. Lcava Hampton's at 4:00 12:43, iLoavo Hrielinm at 8:13 7:15 7 " DwroyrilU " 4:35 1:20 ! 50 4s " Box Elder " S:.10 7:30 , ii 11 " Honoyrillo" 4:50 1:35 j 75 ll',4 " Cull l'ort " 9:00 8:00 ; 60 13 " Calls Fort " 5:00 1:15 I ! M " Jlonoyvillo" 9:10 8:10 j 75 20 " Box Elder " 5:30 2:15 j L25 IS " Dowoyvillo" 8:25 1 00 26 Arrive at Brigham 5:45 2:30 ljso 25 Arrivo at Uamnlon's 10:00 :00 1 50 . SPECIAL RATES TO EXCURSION PARTIES. Passengers will please purchase their tickets at tho Company s Offices, or 50 cents additional will be oharRed when th Law U ciH eled on tho train. Arrancementa ha7e been made with the Central Pacific and Utah Central Railroad Companies whereby paweouors oan pirohuo T.ekots at the U. C. Office in Salt i-ake City or O. P OlBje at Og'ln for II n E -Ir or Hampton s on the U. N. R. R., and from Hampton's or Box Elder to Otc len or bait Lake City at greatly reduced rates. Through Connection as follows : OOTN'G SOUTH A.M. P.M. GOING NORTH. A.M.jp. M. Loaro Uftpton'a at 4:00 U:io Loiivo Salt Lako City, UUKlt., at f-:00 2:45 Arrire at Brigham, U. N. R. R. 5:15 2:30 Arrive at 0den. " 7:00 4:43 Leave Brigham. C. P.R. B. at 6:10 2:30 Loavo Ogden, C. P. R. R-, at 7:15 0:00 Arrive at Ogden, C. P. R. R. 7:00 3:50 Arrive at Brigliam, " " 8:15 7:00 Leave Ogdon, U. C. R. R. S:00 5:30 Leave Brigham, U. N. H. H., at 8:15 7:15 Arrive at Salt Lako City 10:00 7:30 Arrive at Hampton's " " 10:00 tt:00 THE TIME TABLES ARE CALCULATED ON SALT LAKE TIME. TARES, Hampton's to Oftdan. 2 50 1 Salt Lako City to Bos Elder.. S3 25 io Salt Lako City, - 4 6(1 ". HniniHon's 4 f Box Elder to " 3 2-5 I Ogden to llam.ni-n, 2 to Ogdon, 1 lij 1 " " Box hldor 1 2- H. G. Miller & Co's Express leaves Hampton's every morning for Logar on arrival of tho 10 a.m. train, and tri-weckly, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, for principal settlements in Cache county, returning daily from Logan to connect with the 12:45 p.m. train, and Howe's Express every Tuesday Tues-day morning from Franklin to Soda SpriDgs, returning therefrom every Friday Fri-day morning. !1S JOHN W. YOUNG, Gen'l Snpt. MANUFACTURERS OF THE DIPROVED BAUER ORGAMS AND1 TAE E Li O D B O N 8. Every Imtramt FULLY WARRANTED for FIVE YEAES. Upward of 26,000 now in use. CATALOGUES sent FREE to ""7 aJJrcus tiwn application. ALSO IMPORTEIIS AND DEAJ.EKS I.N r PIANOS ani ALL KINDS of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. f JULIUS U-AUEIt & CO., 650 Broadway. 390, 392, 394 & 396 Wabash Ave. NEW YORK. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. J. DAYNESiX SON, Agents for Utah, 1st South St., i,19 TWO DOOM EAST OK GODHK S DltlJO STOUe I n JISI1? WQDDCHDPPtHSASD COALDEALELS Offic Salt Lake City Gas Company, 42 Main Street. JnD.1.1hT2. T1.33LK KTOTIOB! T'HK pnb'ic are hereby notified that the Salt Lake Ciu Ou Company will pro- i-r'.n rmmK timW on T'r.itM oel ferthwiih to ereet tbeir works, and will A inr.r. f ,r r- al. will l. .twk-q be prepared to foroi.b ttu for federal at. TiTrt aboattbelft of January BexU Thoie de- ,,iy(i i ,n"H nil tri)'.a"m -n public liripf to ui Ou in their utoren, office or latda, who cut Umb-r f r-.al .unm. d.dlian.w..Md. w.U u ..(, th. com- rw hMMlmiit' pany. at the earliect day pomidIs, that ar- Auku'I l'. lh auc 17 ranemenU for metrei and itrriee maj be - - mace- Ihe price of Uaa will be four dollar i ilia V 1'- ft 4 per one thousand cubic feet. Y f tJ'j:a JLj DANIEL H. WELLS, President. pKn P.orKSOF national wkaltii. P. LALOR 5HERHE1, i own it. iwiiidnido 8upenntendcQti Addrtu, ft. n, bi.air, jyl2 Sia P.O. Box 180, Bftlt Lake City, CHICAGO TRADE. PAGE, BRO. & Co., Importers mi Il.rs io LEATHER AND FINDINGS OrTillr JCfciaasO. C. V Tace. J jujW COGSWELL & CO. JOREUKS OK WATCHES, JEWELRY, And every OunK in tho way of JEWELERS' SUITLIES, 30ti fl'ot Madison St., CHICAGO. SolO WHITE LEAD 170 i V2 ItAMIOl.l'II STUrKT. OfTor Special inducement to Inrpo buyora and t ho Jubbins Xrndo of I'lnh Icrritory. J y It) K'i:illihcd isrl Williams, Miller A. OlnisU'iul, l Formerly Kitch. Williams .t Oo.,) iioltv-ale Dualurs in Eats, Caps, Furs and Buck Goods, , 125aiid 127 MARKET STKEKT.j augH (UltAliO. H. M. KNICKERBOCKER, (Formerly of O. 11. i L. Lal'LiK)! Whulefiilo PAPER DEALER, SO, b4 W. ltandoliih St., CHICAGO, 1L.LS VAnt fur tho salo o OWEN' PAVl-.n Co-r. I'Ai'l'.io. Uond I'acer. "the bust in thu world," I'rint I'apor, white and tvl-rud, Klut I'ai'crsof ull do-oni'tit'tif, Knvoliiie, Curd lli'jird. Bill. Lettorand IotO lloada, Statomontj. etc A Most Coiii'lctk I'ihstkbs' Stock. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED; juj-t A. 15. MeeUer cV Co., PIG IRON AND COAL At Lowcit Slnrket Hate, 376 Wabasb Avenuo, yI7 CHIOAGO. SEEBERGER & BREAKEY, WholtiaU Dealers la HARDWARE & CLTLERY, 38 and 40 Lako street, CHICAGO, tf)- Orders by mail Bolioitcd and saUni action guaranteed. jy7 Damon, Teiu)lo & Co., IiniKirtora, Mimufnoturors and Jobber of 1ST IB G IK -TIES And alKlooilsfur GKNT'S NKUK WEAR, LINEN AND PAl'KR 0O1.LA113 AND CUFrf. Ill uid 118 Wnbnjth Ar& jy3 C11ICAUU. IU.. "The Old Salamander." REMOVAL, YAE SCEAACE, STEVENSON & REID, Wholeiate DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, Have removed to thrlr "ew Stret RtlCl Jl Li A li. K SI'HIiliT, o'.rDor L)04rhi)rn (iroet. dm Itio t.ld H(tu HlOACJtl, whore, wilb buildniK or oc led eiro3ly lor tlio ouxinoMB, Sieuin V. ovitw. oio.. ihoy have ponci ui an immcaHo Stock. UDiurjuLnsod id tbe norlhwcFi. 8ti"lal attention given to Territorial VI. D. WELLS & CO., Manufacturer of and Wholesale Dealer In Boots and Shoes, OIH Waliaib Ave, Chicago. II. 1. Weill, U. .). M.-frlaD, K. llotiediot, M 6. P. Mcluiyro. KIRK, COLEMAN & CO'i Manufaoturort and dealers Ln IRON", ilesvy Ilnrlwnr, H'on uil 'xrrliK Wood Stock, And Woniorn boad'tuarton for BURDEN'S HORSE AND MULE SHOES ;ul Northwciltrn florae Hnilt otc. 31 and '.U Scutli Canal Street, & OH 1CAOQ. PIONEER MANUFACTURINBOO., -M umirn-turprK .f Prrfnoicd Tut U I anil SHAN' I i U IS O A JJ S , 61 and X South Canul etroot, CUIcngo, r.t,,,. F. Sw.lWh-t.L ""'HI, W)i.H.,B.hN.roi.ry. brrt!?ilo' b''j'r,U ',t8 KiV0D 10 Jobbor!' and immi mm mm FIRE aud It( ((il.Att I'KOOK The Beat Hafca In lUe World. HERRING & CO., 16 State Ktrccl, and corner 1-ith street and Id diana Avenue, I c II i c g o . No. 715, 717, 71K uid 721. ' j I.N'JWAXA AVE. ' CHICAGO. c Allunlic and 1'iicillc TOBACCO WORKS. let of a few of lour loading brandj: FlNfi CUT CHEWING, FINF TUT SM0K1NB A. A. I1., , Swf-t H'.mo, Atlantic, I'hIw.- ni.il,. y!tl-:r Wild Itfso. Cbnui-ion. Uobart, Dwelle k Co., f ropriotortt VI. D. WELLS & CO., Mannfavtnrer of and Wholesale Dealer ln Boots and Shoes, OIH We.lia.an Ave, Chicago. II. 1. Weill, U. .). M.-frlan4, K. llotiediot, M 6. P. Mcluiyre. KIRK, COLEMAN & CO'i Manufaoturort and dealers Ln IRON", Heavy Hardware. Wajn ami I'urrliKe Wood Stock, And WoMerD hoad'tuarton for BURDEN'S HORSE AND MULE SHOES ;ul Northwciltrn Ilorae Halle. otc. 31 a?id .'Ml Scutli Canal Street, & OH ICAGQ. PIONEER MANUFACTURINBOO., -M uniirn-turprK .f Prrfnoicd Tullrl and SHAN' I i U rS i A JJ S , 61 and X South Canul etroot, Chicago, r.t,,,. F. Su-!,,'r..Mdl-.L ""'HI, Wn.H.rroury. brrt!?ilo' b''j'r,U ',t8 KiV0D 10 Jubbor!,anl immi mm mm FIRE aud ItriUil.AK I'KOOK The Beat Safce In lUe World. HERRING & CO., 16 State utrccl, and corner 1-ith street and Indiana Avenue, CHICAGO. nyI7 |