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Show SI3IIMA SIMIMBt'S CURANTIR. HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS. HAVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST ample experience, an en lire success: Sim-plo Sim-plo Prompt Eiiicient and Reliable. They aro tho only modicums perfectly adapted to popular use su siiuplo that mistakes can not bo mndo in using thorn; so harmless as to be free from danger, and su efficient as to bo always reliable. Thoy havo raisod tho highest high-est common da ion Ire in all, and will always rondur suUsfaciion. Sos. Cents. Cures 1, " I'tvfrs, Congestion, Inflammations.. 25 2, Worms, Worm Fover, Worm Colic... 2o 3, " Crylng-Cflicor teething of Infanu...2o 4, ' JmrrJitt;a,of Childron or Adults. 35 5, " Ityn tuiTj-, Griping. Bilious Colic...2a , ( iKjIera-Jloruus, Vomiting 25 7, " CougUs. Colds, Bronchitis 35 8, " eui-nlgln, Toothache, Fuceacho 26 U, u licuuticjiea, Sick Headache, Vertieo 25 10, " Dyspepsia, Billiou-t ritumach 3o It, " Suppressed. ur Painful Periods 35 y2, " unci, too l'rofuso Periods 25 " Croup, Cough, Dulicult Breathing 25 11, " Snli lilieuiii, trysipelas, Erupiions..25 1), " ltlieumiiiUm, llhoumauo Pains 25 l(i, " Fevor uud Ague, Chill Fevor, Agues 50 17, " Plica, blind or bleeding 60 IS, " Opliililanij-, ondswroor weak Fyes 50 J9, " Catarrh, acutoor chronic lnfluonza-.50 20, " w hooplng-tougu, violent eouyhs 50 21, " Antlim-, opprei-sod Breathing Jti 32, " tar Discharge, impairod hearing 50 23, " Scrofula, enhirod glands, Swellings Swell-ings CO 21, " General DobtUty, physical weak ness 50 25, " Dropsy and scanty Secretions 60 2ti, " Sea-Mckic8B,iicknoss from riding-60 27, " Kitiiiey-D'scase, Gravel 60 3S, " Strvoun Debility, hnulnnl Kuiiulssloun, involuntary Discharges 10Q Five U im, with ono 32 vial of powder, vorv necessary in sor ious cases 500 2f), " Norc .Houtli, Canker .-. 50 3U, " I rlnary tteaknc,, wotting bcd-.SO " Pnluiul PerlinlB, ,vuh Spasins 50 32, " Suirerliigi at change of Ufa .1U0 Si, " tpllcpsy, Spasms, at- Vitus' Danco 100 34, " Dlpihcrla, ulcerated sore throat 50 FAMILY CAStS Of 35 to 60 Large vlnli, morocco or rosewood cnur, containing a upi-ulllc fur every ordinary din unite n family 1 subject to, and book. of diroctloiis,...froui $10 to $35 Smaller Family ond Travel-lnK Travel-lnK cases, with 20 to 33 vials, from 55 to SS Specific for all Private Diseases, Dis-eases, both fur Curl iiff and for Preventive trealiuoul, in vials and Pocket coses 8& to $5 j Pond's Extract, I Ciirra Burns, Drulscs, Lnmciicm, ; NortnfSH, Sore Throat, Nprnlua, Toothache, KnrncUt, Xturulgln, lheuuintlni, J.tnubnKo, Pllcu, ItollH, , .Stings, Sore i:yeH, JUccdlug of the 1 Luiik! Nose, -lomach, or of PUcsj J Corns, llccm, Old sores. l'rlce, G ox., 5U cciilMt Pints, 81.50 tuartn, SI. 7 j. &w Tboso remedies, except POND'S EX-THACT, EX-THACT, by the caao or single hox, aro sont to any part of tho country, by mail or express, freo of charge, on rocoipt of tho price Address, Ad-dress, Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. O(lico and Depot, No. 5t2 Broadway, Hew Yoiik. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, And at 0. M. I. and Uodbo's Drug Store. SPECIAL ADVERT1SE.11E.MS BOARDERS WANTED. GOOD ACCOMODATION FOR THREE or l'our (icntlcinon Hoarders, in a small private lamily uu the Tuwnaead Bluck. Apply at the EoLuiooulli Ward Store. sc22 FOR RENT, " A HOUSE, WITH THE FURNITURE for tale, centrally located. Rent ?J per muiilh; fin-en rooms, now and olepantly lur-ni-hed throughout; wjll sell at a bargain on account 01 Uopanuro. Apply ut Wolls, l argo Co. 'a. S022 WASTED. or LABORERS, FOR THE CITY GAS i J Works. Apply to-day at works, on block directly west of V. C, R. R. Depot. E- 1'. LiLoa SUCBBY) Supt INFORMATION A3 TO THE WIIEREA-l WIIEREA-l bout or uddreiJ of Robert Lowia and John Liner -vn, ivho io!t England in IMS or Aii-iriiUa, anil who ai mm- fiippiued to br in C.ili..rm.tur lUh A-hln-a J. A., bo 171, 1'ost Ullice, oalt Lake City. tOJ rou SALE. 'imviicar Loams calhuuma wmtK 1 M' l.i.-. to rrivo ill Ulvn. Thursday, "lh. For n.irlicuhir-i apply lu T. 1L J0M..1, or to the ui.m 111 charuc. eols V 1K. GROVES, 1 OCloo. Second South Stroot. Three dour wast of Uroat W cittern Hotel, half a block tut of tlophaot titore, 81 1 LiLka City. ua ftm I LB. Ut p.M. Bill NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALT LAKE THEATRE Monday Ev'g, Sept. 23d, '72, QR AND FAREWEIX BENEFIT Autl I'oiltlvcly L AST APPEARANCE Of Mr. Geo. D. Chaplin. Miss Jean Clara WALTERS AS NAOMI TIG UK AS D PRINCE LEANDER, Will bo presented tho brilliant Coinodj entitled SCHOOL, to conclude with tho verv ."iicce-'sful burlesque-of burlesque-of tho INVISIBLE PRINCE. Victoria and Imperial Tunnel and Mining Company. LOCATION OF WOHKS: Utile Co t-lumvood, t-lumvood, l tali Territory. Notice. Thero nro delinquent, upon tho following described tock, on account of Assessment As-sessment levied on tho 1-tth day of August, lfu2, tho several niuounts set opposito tbo names of tho respective. Shareholders tu follows: fol-lows: NAMES. 1 X Ain't. Ridloman J. B. i 7 100 10 00 llidleiuan J. Ii. US j 100 1 0 00 liidloman J. R. tv.t 1 .ill 5 00 Uidloman H. J. 1 tvl ! 3MW 200 00 liidloman 11. J. 1 frl 111OO 100 00 Ridloman II. J. (ST) 500 50 00 liidloman II. J. 06 2-iO 2o 00 Coburn S- A. 8 50 5 00 Cobnrn S. A. 1-1 H) 5 00 Coburn S. A. l.i j PHI 10 00 Cobnrn S. A. 16 , HX) 10 00 Coburn S. A. 17 100 10 00 Cobnrn S. A. IS HH) 10 00 Coburn S. A. 10 100 10 00 Livcrmoro II. G. 11 2.'iHI 200 00 Raymond Henry -H '2-' 00 Raymond Henry -15 '2-'i) 25 00 Raymond Henry 4(5 '2i0 25 00 Ravmond Henry -17 250 25 00 Raymond Henry 4S Z'ti 2 00 Raymond Henry 10 2-V) 25 00 Raymond Henry 50 2."0 25 00 Ravmond Henry 51 250 35 00 Tilden Thomas 52 3M 20 00 Tilden Thomas ! 53 200 20 00 Tilden Thomas 54 200 20 00 Tilden Thomas 5-5 200 20 00 Tilden Thomas riti 1 2"0 20 00 Tilden Thomas 57 2"0 20 00 Tilden Thomas 5S 2"0 20 00 Tilden Thomas oil 2J 20 00 Tilden Thomas : 00 1 -jui 20 00 Tilden Thomas 61 200 20 00 IV ash burn C. A- 20 500 50 00 Washburn C. A. 21 iVhl 50 00 Wash burn C. A. 22 500 50 00 Washburn C. A. 2-1 100 10 00 Washburn C. A. 25 50 5 00 . Washburn C. A. 27 50 5 00 ashburn C. A. 3S 50 5 00 Washburn C. A. 20 25 2 50 W nah burn C. A. :flt i 25 2 50 Washburn C. A. :il j 25 2 50 VVu-hburn C. A. 32 25 2 50 Virgin R-J. (unissued) ! 3050 457 50 And in accordanco with law, and an order of tho Board of Trustees, mado on tho Hth day of Auitust, 1872, so many shares of each parcel of said tock as may be necessary, will bo sold at public auction ai the office of tho Company, Room 5. No. 302 ilontsoincry Street. San Francisco, Fran-cisco, California, on Saturday, tho 12th day of October, JS72, at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m. of said day, to pay said delinquent Assessment thereon, together with costs of Advertising and expenses of sale- WM. ir. 1VATSOX, Secretary. Oflioo: Room 5, No. o02 Montgomery Street, San 1'ranciseo, California. bc22 NOTICE. ALL FERPOX8 WHO UAVE CLAIMS atainst iho Estate of HUMAN CULT-Rl.V, CULT-Rl.V, deceased, aro required to present tho samo for adjustment according to law. Persons Per-sons knowing themselves indebted to said Estato ore re ine-ted to settle immediately. SARA 11 COLTR1N, Solo Esccutrix, Rrmniifal, itavis County, U-T. September lbth, lii ge2J ASSIGNEES SALE. THE ADJOURNED SALE OF LOT SEVEN Block 101, l'lut A. Salt Lako City survov; as also of South Half of Lot 4, Block 117, Plot A; and tho South Half of North Half of Lot 4, Block 117, Plot A. will take ploco Saturday, September 2i'th, 1672, at 2 o'clock p.m. se22 JU. HORDEN, Assignee SHEEP. FULL-BLOOD KENTUCKY COTS WOLD. Breeding Bucks and Ewrs, fully pedigreed, pedi-greed, recently imported, for sa!o by VLL-iOKD VLL-iOKD WOUDRUt'F and LORLN FARR. Prices roosooablo and torms conroniont slo o p5 1 pq 1 1 H ' 1 pin CO H Rock Springs COAL! Wyoming Coal and Mining Company. ARTHUR STAYNER, AGENT. Ou door loutli or Savage's Gallery. u27 W1MBD IMHEDUTELY. Mule and Ox Teams TO HAI L Kiii uiirr TO PIOCHE, from LEHI. (Tcrmlim. Utah lonthcrn Itnllroail.) Ai i-ly To CORDON Sl MURRAY, ST. LOUIS TRADE. SEIYIPLE, BIRGE & Co., Manufacturers and Agents AGRICULTURAL GOODS, Hardware Specialties, WHITEWATER WAGOSS. OfEoe iu, Sample,: 13 SOOTH MAIN STREET, Warehouse: mjl8 1U. 116. 118 ELM STREET. HAYBEN, WILSONS & ALLEN M&nnfaoturom and De&lora in Saddlery Hardware CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, BENT STOCK, LEATHER, Etc., No. 51 North Main street, mjl9 8T. LOUIS. MO. "'viiiHu ARE UNDOUBTEDLY THE Cheapest to Buy, Best to Use, Easiest to Sell, and never fall to give entire satisfaction. HA-rma A FULL STOCK OF COOKING & HEATING STOVES FOB TflK USE OF BOTH WOOD AND SOFT COAL, AND ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE WASTS OF THE WESTERN PEOPLE We are prepared to nil orders promptly at prlcei that will be satisfactory sat-isfactory to the trade. Our stock, and apartment of STAMPED, JA-PAXNED JA-PAXNED and FRENCH H AKE, and TIN N ERS Stock is one of the largest larg-est In the West, and we GUARANTEE GUARAN-TEE Ol'B PRICES as low as the same class of goods can be purchased anywhere. any-where. Kew Prlce-Iiists now ready. Addrsssi EXCELSIOR Jlili. CO., 612 &614 Main Street, ST. LOUIS, mo. TAKEN UP. TWO HEIFERS CAME INTO MY GAR-l GAR-l den on cdnosday niphL Ono dark bundle bun-dle with white face, branded with circlo on riht hip, brand on horn not d-stinct. Ihe other a brindlo and white neifor, branded brand-ed with a circlo on right hip, brand on horn not distinct. Tho ownors aro requested to call, pay expenses, ex-penses, and tako them uway. AVAI. JEXXI2TGS. Suteonth W ard, Salt Lako City, Sept. 1'ith, 1872. Bell GROUND TO REST. TWO HUNDRED FEET FRONT BY twonty-sis feet doop, in lots to suit, on tho now stroot just opened out to Edward Martin's houso, opposite tho southern wing of tho Towns end House. Enquiro on tho premises of aelB KOUEKX L. CAMPBELL. HATS ! HATS ! ! SILK HATS, BEAVER HATS, BOMBAZINE HATS, FELT HATS, GRANT HATS, GREELEY HATS, and HATS of every kiod for the million mil-lion at Z, C. JAL. I. CLOTMG DEP1RTJO. tlS H. B. CLAWSON, Supl. TRUSTEE'S SALE. "VfOTrCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATTHE X undersigned will soil, nt public auction, in front of tho Banking Uouso of A. W. W'bilo &Co.,oti East Temiilo stroot, inthocity ofiialt Lako, Territory of lit ah, on rriday, tho iXith day of Sejitomnor, 1672, at cloven o'clock in tho loronoon, tho following described property, prop-erty, to-wit: An undivided intorost ofUno Thousand foot in the mining proporty located in l'orcupino tiulch, Bingnnm Canon, Vost Mountain mining district- Salt Lake county, Utah Torritory, known as tho Silver Hill lode or mine, containing twenty-four hundred foot in alL Tho interest offiTjd for salo and to bo sold atsaidtiuio and placo it tho sumo interest convoyod to tho undersiftnod by Deed of Trust, os ecu ted by Churlca H. Morgan as Sarty of tho first part, dated tho fourteenth ay of Decombor, 1071, tosoeuro tho payment of certain prointssary notes therein sot out, from said Charles Ji. Morgan to Silas K. Beobo.tho party of tho third part in said deed of trust, which said notos aro now overdue and unpaid; said trust dood was on tbo sauio day recorded in Mortgage Kocord Book C, pages 'Sil, 37-2 and oTH, in tho County Recorder's otHco of said Slt Lako county, (to whioh record roforonoo is hereby mado for further particularity). Said property will bo sold to the highest bidder for cash, tho money to bo paid and dood delivered immediately after tho sale. A. W. WHITE, Trustee. Salt Lako City, Augustanth, 1ST2. a30 In accordanco with an order of tho Chancellor Chancel-lor of tho Third Judicial District Court of tbo Territory, tho abovo sale is postponed until tho LTth Jay of Soptombor, 1$72, at tho same hour and placo. A. W. WHITE, Trustee, JUST RECEIVED Express Wagons, Hobby Horses, &c, &c, &c. A FIXE STOCK OF CIG-ARS ri'O BE CLOSED OUT AT "WH O L E S A. L E OR BY THE BOX AT COST- TEA, SUGAR, COFFEE, SPICES & GROCEKS SIXDRIES KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. BREAD, CAKES, FIES aud CRACKERS baki:d on the puemiks ET7"D IV 13 "i" AND SOLD REASONABLY 11 Y Damel Gkemg, EAST SIDE EAST TE.Ml'LK THELT, Aboro SccudiI South StrcoU iuiU IE&2J&JK2 THIS ! We, the undersigned citizens of Salt Lake City hereby certify that our families are using the COLBY WASHEE, CHAS. W. STAYNER, that it cives entire satisfaction. IT WASHES CLEAN; NEVER BREAKS BUTTONS; DOES NOT INJURE IN-JURE THE CLOTHES; CAN BE HANDLED BY A CHILD, and is certainly the best we have seen, IT. K. WI1ITXKY, President's Office. I W. C. DUNBAR, Hcmld Office. WILLIAM KULLKR, Herald Office. B. H. YOUNG, 13th Ward. J. NICHOLSON, Dcs. News Office JOHN E. EVANS, Herald Office. Cttas. "W. 3 1 ayn g x, NEXT TO SAVAGE'S AJLLE81V, MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. WALKElt BR0-S. CUXNINGTON i CO Walker Bro?s & Co., WHOLESALE AD HETAIL DEALERS IS WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. Have a splendid stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, BRANDIES, GINS &c, BEST KENTUCKY WHISKIES, And an immense quantity of CASE LIQUORS AND HITTERS, AND HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. Having opened an EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR HOUSE and keeping THE LARGEST STOCK EVER HELD IN UTAH we offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. Sole Agents in Utah for J. H. CUTTER and S. T. Suit & Co's celebrated Kentucky whiskies. WALKER BRO S & CO. au21 One door East of Elephant Store. BLAM BOOKS, STATIONERY, SEWIXG MACHINES. m fB3 k CALDER & SEARS. IE8 S O S , We aro Ajrents for the ARION, STEIN WAY & SONS, ClIICKERING fc SONS, DEUKKR & BARNS and other loading makers, and respecttully invite our Patrons and the Public to call and examine our stock of the above named instruments. We are also General Agents for the MASON & HAMLIN world-renowned CAMIMET ORGANS, Which we have proved beyond all doubt to be the best and most suitable organs for this climate; and have also the WOODS, ESTEY, SMITH and other ORGANS in stock. Wc have the Largest Stock west of Chicago of Musical Merchandise, INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL STUDIES, and everything required by Amateurd, Teachers and Musicians. MUSI GAL INSTRUMENTS. Our Stook consists in part of 1'IAXOS, ACOItnKONS, CONCERTINAS. DOt ni.E It NNKS. OlMiAVH, lKI,olIA.S, V10l.:( KI.I.OS, SXAKE DIM H?, woi.iNs, a i it its, ri, iJEOLtrrs, it ass diihis, B.OJOS, 1'Ll liMSi l'U'OLOS, IOJLAs, Etc., Ktc. MUSICAL MEECIIANDISE. plnnoN(ooli, Vinlln Slrliitg, Gttltnr Slrlnga, Violin Furnishings, (iultnr 1 iiiiiUKliisi, Arcordrou I'unilHliip, Irum Fiirtilslilnf;, Tuulng Forks and I' I pen. Music Paper, lllnnk JI nnic Itooki mid Cnrila, Sheet .tluslC) Inud'iictlou Uooki for all IiutrumcnU, Ktc., ttt., fcilc. ! Wo avo jeoured tho sorvkM of Professor Careless, so long and favorably known in tins com-i com-i iu unity, that our tatrons may havo tho benolit of liif iiuwional sorvicos in making i their selection of Lusirumauu anil musical merchandise. BOOKS -A. 3NTID STATIONERY. Our Stock coni5Ls in part yf The Puhllcnl loiii of the A merle nn Tract Society, MlacflUnrnui mid Sub-ki-rlplliiii llnnki, Itlauk HooUi of nil desert pt lont, Inkfttnntla, Milting Ink, filed 1'rilM, lu 1,'it'iit -variety, lcu llolilers. I'encllN, Fuulikh I Of lie t linivca ouil Solsnora, Mnuu'i Patent Parchment Copying Jluokii all iuaimw anil iTcifhts of Note, Letter, Tnp, Hill, I-egnl, Flat Cap, Folio Poit, French Note, Initial Note, Kuvelope, all ulicn mid quallltra. Card Hoard, all color. Forclgu Tlaauc I'nprr, all color, Drawing Pnprr, Drawing llooka. SCHOOL F D II M B U I U S OF EVERY DESl IllI'TIOX, SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTS. Wo havo a large and splendid assorted stock of Cards and Books from tho larre Publishing IJouso uf T. Nelson A ions, which wo o:!"or at their regular Wholesale aiij Kcuil pricea. L. PRANG & CO'S PUBLICATIONS. H-ivinnbrnn nurninlM Sulo AjjonM f.T l'l:ih. Tor tho s:ilo ,if their iu:iKni!!.-,nt C:iuU nml It,.,.k t'.-r S.-h. ...- ami inrtli.- I'url.T. o iiro I'loj.imvl t.i fiuni-h tli- Trad.' mul ,'li....l Com-uiitlcc Com-uiitlcc livin our BduL ol L'liuk-e hi'lwtiuii.1 at tlio I'ubli.'hcra W hido.-ale uttd Hotail I'lioe.-. THE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Wo respectfully invite the Pul.lie to call nnd examine our Sowing iMachiues before pureliasitiK elsewhere, which wo claim to h tho best, eiieapot, uud iiiii-.t duiahle in the ui:irk t. Wo uariiiteo every Mncliine wo to ive entiro .latiMacium. All nro warranted to new, with perfect ease, lieaver, i'u,-k.iut, Tiekinc. P.-uiuis, Iotne.-ue, ('.uiibrie, Jjitien, Jluslin, Juee, o., ami will Tuck, Hem, 1'VU, liraid, Umd, Cord. Gather, in i'.ict will do all kinds ol work. A five J 'art guarantee Riven with each maehiuo. lustruetioud Jrao by an cxiort on tho premiBOfl. MISCELLANEOUS. iULl, H.lTULt .Jlll, STEELE & Jllllu, IVholoaali dfAk-ri Id Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, UQUlrtS, FLOUR AND BACON, ulsrjlS. Council Bluffs, a. Stya""of"l.'r''cl'Z";.."'' D"""" THIS WELL KX0WMJ1UND OF JAPAN TEAS - TOR SALE AT - c3. jai. a. Grocery Department. nil H. li. CLAVSuX,Sjr W.I. 11 E V NO LIS CO., E. II. V.A 1 HI K , v San Fraaciacw. Suit LiU cit. 1 WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOFSE. ZABRISKIE 4 CO. HAVE FOR. SALE A FINE LINE OP WiNtS AND LIQUORS, To wbich tbey cull tbo attention of SEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed: SOLE AGENTS FOR "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WUISIQES. THE FINEST B A IR IN THE CITY CONNECTED WITH TIIE HOUSt 64 MAIN STREET" Two donri louih of Well, F.rgo A Co'. Bank. m5 Furuaceiueu, Aiteution. A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. AB lOBXTB rOB THI GOLDEN C1IY FIU1C BittCK, Which ar eqaaJ if not uierio.- r ii? bt F.flish. Special rat eiven bv the fr rvtl'J music i mm ML'SICiL ITHlj'.!l.Vf!i) Of all kindi, includinc tho BAUER 1MPROVKD ORGANS, Cheaper than ever. J. DAYNE3 & SON, First South Stkkct, Two doors cost of GyuW; lira,: iio:t. augH H. A. BT.F.P. C. S. KXHi REED & KING, AUCTION AND CCIYWSS.N MthLHA'iTJ, m.ST SOUTH 1 IT. K'l', Wtit of lilmlMill I.awrcuct K, SALT LAKE CITV. Liberal cash advances mado on evei" mciiLs. ill i ci ! ice: FIFTY TON'S OF ICE. of (ir?t rate quaiiL'. at $XO per tou. R. II. MAHUKTTS. I'l-.h Prewery. sol3 s-.ilt Lake tity. Herstey's Torsicn Wagon Sjriy This is the best Wagon Spring in Die, u: tu awardoi tho FIRST rKEJIIl AVI) .11 II DAL) ever tbo Kll'ptio and all other comfftlt-r". at ibe AiucrkiOi Institute iu tho cny .1 Sf Vorfr, in'oveLuber, li70 1 ii no bi-ir. ' plil by t-ie W lt l)r PA TM t:N r tjo.-erotuoDt tjo.-erotuoDt Wi.-ons K.tng on tao Pliviai-It Pliviai-It l LigUter, It ocvjiplcii lesa Spncc, It rnit.es the Wuoit ltu than any other Surinp, a: d it u:iliif '' mcst iorfec; ui-as ot eiasti i:r id tin-DAiuely tin-DAiuely the tor;i -n tiriacii-lo. oirrn-i -''''1" ciyfr:n to ih. wita a c.ft advAtitaneo the Spring is Mil i a: a E'JfS er price tor the .-auio cirryiag eux-'J ' ny other Spring in u-e. L For full particulars app'y at "a:f- 11 son'l wiinD siiop, Una S-jth twe:'-.:fI donr wos: of Wil'ari A OrrV life' ; ' . Simples can alo bo sien : v -ham A Co'e. a".d at K ilin I Ir.'V - " KEM'lt A. HEJkOLlLS'JN. LUMBER YW All Kinds of Liuiilur DOORS, ' Wl.N'M""' Blii'DS, MOULMNO'S, SHINGLES, LATHS, I T. R. JOETE5 Rlf-Mk onk ofO. 0. Dr, Pure Manilla Rope. TE HAVE bonappintoKfTbhsJ:1- aborts iortbi-.iUot ti.-ir rv: !v; To mi" ors it i iai tiouliirl? r.v - , Win. all ,.urcMm .i.t not Sisl ur I'tiior lufermr uiatviial. Special price given to the TiJ STURTEVANT BLOWERS. Several cii on har.J. Site n'! dered nt lowwt rsiiv by b w Golden CityFiro Brick. A k of Anb u.l f r" ' sivrr, i)i M' l " n |