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Show MEDICAL. W. F. ANOERSON, M.D. H. J. RICHARDS. M.D, Surgeons and Physicians, OfifM. for the prwent, at their rwreli.e rMideDCM ia lb. LJlfl aad Uth n ard,. EW JlEDICiL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage." For the Debilitated 5trvm System. I.R. JORDAN, of the AnaUmlcal Mawura, 31 ) Mouuoiuiryiueot.dwir California. BAN r-rtANOIdRO, CaMoraia. U pnblnh-i four. bf ... ii'-t luiiiriAiil .L'l laslruetue Lecture, lu a m-t .,lum for lUiSe wli'j caunut elt&J itie Lecture at tlio Mntun. Bery nntnarriffd and luarriwl n. .n ihuulJ read wl study Uim important Uo-tur Uo-tur f-r the K'od of himself and f Or .riD. Ilr a-idr-iwii-K Hie secretary of the Analoaiical M'l-'im, Sn l-rancuco, and encloainB Tw..-uty-KivCnW In poaUeo ilamps to p poitat;, the B-k ill U forwarded to any art of luu (States Dr.'jrdari can be conitilt! by Iottr. i& HOTELS, ETC. towIHdhgISe, SALT LAKE CITY. T II E LEADING HOTEL OP UTAH. JAMES TOWN SEN D PROPRIETOR. This Hon.! Is centrally and pleasantly lo-eated. lo-eated. well furnished, and hu aoaomraoda-Uonsfor aoaomraoda-Uonsfor l guests. THE PROPRIETOR U now preparing o build lane additions to his Hotel, whUh when finished, will render it the Mott CvmpUi Establishment Lo the HOCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil "walker house; fast Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Opi'ii for the Reception ortiucsts Monday, Sept. 2d, 1812. II. S. GREELEY & CO., PHOPItiETOItS. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, tfeit Side Slain Street. IMPROVEMENTS Constantly being mado fop tho accommodation accommo-dation of Guest. HOT AND COLD U ATI IS. TAYLOR & CUTLER, myll Proprietors. AMERICA HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. OIK BLOCK IE AST OF THEATRE, HALT LAKE OITY. Trmil3.00 per day. Board with, out rooms SIIJ.UQ per week. Untlii free lo guud. J. CLITTLK, loolH Proprietor. Washington House Vltlrd Houth Htreet, SALT LAKE CITY Uoard and Lodging, per Week 7 00 Uay Uoard " 5 00 French Spring Oede 3 00 Uede, per Might - SO Aleale - ... US iU I New Commercial Mm Rooms, ' 45, Oomtuorcial St., Salt Lake Uity. 0. W. TAFPAN, Proprietor. j O P K N ALL N I O H T . Bprlncr Dtiti, '45, 37 and 50 ct. per Night) fl.au to BlLOO per Week. Slimlr Hddiiii, SO and 7 So. per Night) il.UUlu It.SU per Week. Double liooine, 91-00 to 91.90 per GRIiAT WESTERN 1I0TEL, US THM KUKOPKAM PLAN, Rituntod In businoM pnrt of tho olty, with accommodation for :tUUguesU. 11,lST-CLASSBcoolnn.odatiou forPamilles 1 and Iravolcra. tlootit, flOo., 750-, 91. 00 and ll.BO Dining Hnll and Restaurant uudor tho ut:tnnuoiUDUL of M. 11- Ueardsloy, Ulr of the Morrison Uouro. Out t ha. and TLohnor lion io. Linoolu, Nob, Unard per week, t? nieale,a0o. Stsos tonvo dully for the ruinos. Laundry oonnooted with the hotel. SMITH . DIOA7.K, niyH 1'roiirlptoni. Right About Facel Co-operative Store Keepers 1 AND 01 UK HI. WhoInUh to luauln tho.a bThoHl.bor I. Ut.I BUY UP THE WOOL! and hiiTo It manufactured at home, and therebr tare fout-tifthi of the nmoey you "ill have to pay for ground-up hats, rage, etc., in the chare of Cloth, from the east. ,-E WILL PAY YOU THE HKHIEST MARKET PRICE FOR WOOL, and io'Ij-ou Uoode for the Lowoet Cuh Price, and (uarantee eyer! aitiolo. ai re pro on ted by uJ. We will alio EXCHANGE CLOTH rOa PROVISIONS, Whore we cam make them available for our bands, and receive Uwm and tho Wool at Tour Store. We are taaking, and hare oh hand. BEADY-MADE CLOTHING, MIXERS' SSIRTS, eta FULLED CLOTH, of ont-clui (tylo and quality; also 'ciit( L.ltmy, both pUin and f.ncr; F annle of nil color?: tot-tonnitr, tot-tonnitr, Unifoii Cover. Tnble Clot ll To i-1 lug, UuckliiK, Stocktitg Yam, all und p;rt out ton. Kunry Wool Vent, for Knitting, ot-t ot-t o it U m I I I ii k, and Carpet Yarn, etc., etc.. eto. Yon will plc.vo (o objervo tbr.t wo rrido ourselves oa hawing tne bout colored iiioJa in tho TorrUory and work m on who cannot bo excollcd. JOSEPH BIRCH, Agent of Z. 0. Rio Virgen Manufactoriiu Co., tit. Qoorgtj ua Waaliiiieioa, NOTARIES PUBLIC. VM. Td. G!LLEi!E- V. W. TT00D3 GILLKSI'IE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, '-ASD SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. ArKxowr.f:tx;EMBNTS taken for tho several Status a.m- Tkuki tuki L3. Office houn. 3 k, m., to 9 p. il. Itoo-n Ne. 5 over l-'irst National Uank. Cfalt Lako City, Cub To riitjry. s5 Jaa. f. Stainourn. Chas. A. Gould. STAINBURN & GOULD, NOTARIESPUBLIC, Searchers of Records, OOnVBY ANOH . , AHD COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS FOE New York. Mwsachusotta, Pcnn'rlvania, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, N'obraaka, Wyoming. Wyom-ing. Montana, Novada. California, Oregon, Texas, Colorado. District ot Columbia and othor Slates and Territories. S- Api'lications for Pat on U, Mining Dee-Is, Agreements and Bonds Ijr Deeds, MoriKiigea. Powers of Attorney, Leases. Contracts and other instrument of writing drnwn with accural and diHpatch. Qllulug and other Companlea In. corporattil andir the Liwi of Utah. A bs tract! of Titles to Mining and other progeny m.'ide in tho moat complete form. Mining property examined and rc. ported on. Orxicn t REID3 BUILDING. EAST TEilPLE ST.. SALT LAKE CITY. U. T- A Notary Pubuo always in tre Office from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Transcripts furnished f'ora tho first Mining Roc rd- io tho County of Salt Lake, to wU those ..f tho Mnuntam Lake Mining District (now Uig und Liitie Cottonwood DiBtnets), and from tbc of the Uig Cottonwood Mining Min-ing Di-trlct. my21 CMAW. "VV. BTAYNKB, PJOTaRY public, Duly (iialinod and commissioned by the Gov.-rnor Uilico 1st doer south of Savage's Photograph (iallory. jialt Lake City. nuJ KW YUilK TRADE. Cuuliran, McLean & Co. Importers and Jobbers of DEY GOODS, Wlilioli 'oiU, II ttiery, Xutiuas, Woolens, Liootis, Embroidorioa and l'i-2, Itil and 1W BROADWAY, E. ii. r. wniuiir. S'KW YORK. jyj k 1 C , GO OWIN, WALKER & CO., Importer, anil Jobbors of SILK AND FA NOT DRY GOODS, ITlS, 17U and nii Broadway NLW YORK. W. Q. BARNEY. - j2d L. M. SATES & CO., L 493 Broadway, VEW YORK, mroituas aits jobdim ih Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIERY, WHITE (900PS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, ' YANKEE NO HONS, Ac J. H. DULQEK. Jol BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers aad WholMal Doalera In BOOTS AND SHOES 13 and 130 Grand St., New York, Corn or Crosby, one blook out of Brc-adwa dU JEH1AL READ & Co., Manufacturora and Wholes ale Dealers in FUR AND WOOL HATS, Straw Goods, Umbrdlas t&c, Ho. 408, Broadway, NEW YORK. Jo. Jim Uuntor. jo THOS. M. ARGALL & Co., Mon's, Youths' Boys' and Children's a x. o T h i kt a-, AT WnOLKBALa", 313 311 Broadway, New York. J. I. cnwLKB. f27 HOWUND & ASPINWALL, 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. Will nd vnuoc liberally on consignment consign-ment of Ore and Uiilllon, Bullion purchnaed at hlgheat market ruin a27 LEGAL JOTICE. XTTH'K IS HKItliHY OIVRN, ihat wo, i Ucotko lUarii, Jacob Uoff, Cyrus Q. Liawlo.- t:-l Hubert C Cnuiber!. do olaim twonty-t ii ,i :.un ret loot ia lunata. by two huuliolfcct in wiJlb on tho Homestead .Mining Cliuu) ibeiim a silver bearing vein of! ru"k in plnce.l and tho land and promises iipi'ertuiiiinii to s nd mine, all situated in toe Ohio Mining lhiricl, 0''nty nf Piute, i Territory Ht I' tnh. tho location nnd eitont ihcrrot being more tolly described as follows, to wit: I Ciimiuenoing at a rint south seventy four dew roo ami thirty minutes east, two thous-, ami f'ur hundred and oitbly (-,4i01 feet from U S. Mineral Monumonljfo, I. Thence nurlti twrnty-two hun.itod (iSOOi foe'U i Thcnco cut two hundred viv) foot. Thonco soutli twenty-two hundred feet Tnanee . west two hundred TJiH1) feet to tho place of brr.-innirK'. Containing ten and ten hun-dTthitus hun-dTthitus kliUV acres a set forth in the diagram dia-gram ; and wo do hereby give further notice, that, having occupied and im-provi im-provi d tho ta.d lede and premises. Ri'oording to tbo local custom and rales of miners in (Aid Mining District, aud having expended in actual labor and improvements im-provements thereon, an oiuount not less than Ono Thoujand Dollars, and having at this tiiiio actual peaceable possession of said mining proi'crty, we have as pi ted for a patent for the said premises, under the Act of Conitrc entitled "Ad Aot granting the K'pht of wy to Ditch and Canal Owners over tho Publlo Lac di, and for other Pur-iio'tf,'' Pur-iio'tf,'' approved July -t 11, and the amondaiory Act, approved Ju yi, 1670. an Aot of Congro?(, approved May 10, lSTi entitled "An Act to promote the development develop-ment of tho Mineral resources of the United State.1' witness our hanjs and leal this twenty-fourth twenty-fourth day ol August; Jacob Iltss, by R. C. Chamhers, hit atfy in raot. CVKtS B. lliWLKT, by K. C. Chamber-, his att'y in fact. R. C. Olahsi'.ks. i,,-. i . 5I- Kirkratrick, AtlC;l . M y Clements. U. S Land Office, SMI L-ikoC-iy, 1 th. Aue. H, 1ST1 T ccrtH)- thit the above notice and a diacram ol'iho jvd Mining Claim was this day tiled in tins ot'.U'o, together with a notice ot intention inten-tion to apply lor a patent therefor from the Government of the 1 cited State., as rro-TiJod rro-TiJod in an Act of Con ere.-., entitled An Aot traniiiiK the Kuht c: Way to Ditch and Canal .'.vncrj over tue Public Lmds. and for other I'lirrufC', ' a 'proved July and a niiiendfd iy Act of t'ongrci artrored July 1,:". An Act "f Conercss, approved May U1. entitled "An Act to promote the development of the Mining resources of tho I'm tea ritates." I direct f.iid notico to bo printed in the Salt Lako "Herald,'' a nowipai'or publislied nearest tho location of the claim. a.u QU At MAXWELL, RocLjtw. LEGAL FRANK TILFORD, 1TTOBSEY - A T - L A W. Office at present with S. J. Jona-;on, Ea.?t Temj-lo street, just Cwuth of salt L.ito Uouse. a-li J. E. Roaborough, S. A. Mcrritt J. M. Carter. Rosborough, Merritt & Carter, ATTORNEY S A T L A W , Salt Lake City, Utah. Office, 1st South Street, first building cast of Doseret Bank corner. aus 21 TTiL H1TMX, C. K. GILCHRIST. HAY DON & GILCHRIST, ATTORNEYS - AT- LAW. SALT LAKE C1TT. Office over 1st National Bank of Utah. al2 THOS. UA&3HAIX. J. C. BOYLE. MARSHALL & ROYLE, A TTORNE YS-A T- LA W. Office over Wells, Fargo. Co'a Bank, Salt Lake City, Utah. al GEORGE C. BATES, ATT 0 R N E Y -AT-L A W. C. MYRON IIAWLEY, Attorney -a t-Law, Clerk of the Supreme Court and Territorial Librariaji. J. W. HASK1N8, Office in Kimball's blook, near U.S. Mar-jli Mar-jli sharsofiioo. CHARLES G. LOEBER, ATTORN KY-AT-LAW. Offieo Room No. 6. over First National Bank, Salt Lake City. my!2 0. H. Hempstead, M.Kirkpatriok, HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, At torneya-a t-Law, Main Street, opposite Vi oil?, Fargo Jfc Co.. Salt lakh city. alO P. L. WILLIAM a. L OBASD YOtJKQ WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Ofnce, half-a-block south of Theatre, Salt Lake City. jl2 2, SNOW. I. D. HOOK. SNOW 6l HOGE, Attorneys and Oonniaion at Law Salt Lake City, Utah. Oflloeat Snow's corner, 1st Boat Street. Jab THOS, 7ITCH. GIO. I. WHITSKY. FITCH & WHITNEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-L A. W, 36 First South Street, f20 SALT LAKE CITY. S. -A. . MAisris, AT TORUE Y -AT-LAW, No. 36 First South Street. fi Salt Lake City, Utah. JOHN H. MILNER, AT10RNEY-AT-LAW, Provo City, Utah. Celleotions made La tho lit and 2nd Judicial Judi-cial Districts, Special attention given to Mining oases. Offioe at residence, Ceutre St. Provo City, j5 Warner EarU. F. M. Smith. EARLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT LA.KI OITY, First Snath Street, Rooms 11 and 12, No 1 106, Kimball Blook. DANIEL. S. DANA, j ATTORN E Y-A T-L A W, ; Bait Lake City, Utah. Officewest side of East Temple Street. dZ7 D- OOOPEB, ATTOKN5T AND COUNSELLOB, Baat Temple Street, Colcbrook'i Now Bulldlug, up-atalrst n3S SALT LAKl OITY. Ayer's Hair Vigor For restoring to Gray Hair Its natural nat-ural Vitality and Color. A dressing f si which is at 7f on0Q Rflrcoa ' v Wealthy, and off3Ctuiil r A, or preserving .Ll10 hair- 11 ft 335-W hair t0 its ori9 " jvcSr' inal eolor with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair chocked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can rostoro tho hair whore tho follicles are destroyed, destroy-ed, or tho glands atrophied and decayed; but such as romain can bo savod by this application, and stimulated into activity, so that a now growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it cloan and vigorous. Its occasional use will ptovont the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldnoes. The restoration of vitality it give, to tho scalp arrests and provonts the formation of dandruff, which is often so uncleanly and offensive-. -Freo from those doleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous, and injurious inju-rious to Lhe hair, tho Vigor oan only benefit but not harm it. If wanted moroly for a HAIZ4 DRESSING, nothing noth-ing olso ;an bo found so desirablo. Containing Con-taining neither oil nor dye, it doos not soil whito cambric, and yet laata long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chcmlsta LOWELL, MASS. ForS.lnt. O. M. I. Druit Dop t g - PATENT IT" NOV 30'- S 186 WITH PORCELAIN-LIXED CAP, The Moat Reliable. FRUIT PRESERVER Enown. For Sale at the Grocery and Hardware DEPARTMENT, !Z. O. Tr. I. a B. CLAWSON, Snp't. inl9 W. J. HOOPER & CO. trwi ITQOaaSftOlAI. ITREBV. INSURANCE. AGENCY OF THE Home Mutual 'mum C0MP1Y, OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL $650,000. JOHN II. RF.mN'fciTOX, President., CHARLES R. N TORY, (secretary. Principal Office, 433 California St., SAN FRANCISCO. H. R. MANN, Agent, Office: Banking IIouso, A. W. White k Co. a2 TRIUMPH FIRE LSUH1CB CO.'S, CINCINNATI. Capital - - $3,000,000 Reliable Underwriting. Perfect Indemnity. Wc ask Fair Kates and Promise to Pay Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah II. R. MARA, Asenl, SALT LAKE CITY: nillcc: Bauklng Iluude of A. W. White Co. P. O. Boi KM. 1 FIRE INSURANCE. HUME INSURANCE CO., ColTzmbus, Ohio. M. A. DATJOUBRTY, JACOB PEETRV. Presidenu . tiuoreury. Cash Assets - - $s:i,-152.Sl. By reason of a heavy cash capital and a large business, well distributed, wo oflor to the publio indouiniLj1 that ts socond to none. Our Chicago roo.ird ia a euarantee of prompt and oimitablo adjustiueut aud paj-ment paj-ment of losses. H. R. MANN, Agent. Offices Banking Hona of A. W, White t'o. Post Offio Box, No, SM. mylO DI1Z0N LSl!RANCE CO. JT. R. JirWKTT - - President. U. I. HLST . - - Secretary. Cincinnati, Ohio. ASSETS, JUAB 0, lblH. Cosh on hand, in bank, and la course of trim.-; mission- Slll.WS 57 United States Bunds, markot value lii.liiy 09 Mortgages 3tiU,U-i 07 Collateral Loans 123,7 00 Accrued IntorosL 2U o42 5S Hills Rccoivablo 3ti,'JJ7 15 Stato Bonds and Mweolkiaooua E HIT 1W Duo from Agonts SS.U67 55 iWjO.WO 70 LIABILITIES. Outst on ding Losses and other Lia' biliues 877,711 W H. R. MANN- Agent, Ofllcci RniikliiR lions, of A. W. WUitetfcCo. 1. O. Boi, 05. S28 s M . i 8 3 g g . & : a w I 0 il 0. H. BASSETT, HARDWARS STORE All kinds HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron mil Ktecl, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agrlewltural Itupleinento And Bllning Tools, At Loweat Rate a. OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOUBB RAILROAD EXCHANGE, NOW OPEN, Southeast corner of South Temple and Third West streets, opposite the Railroad Depot. Early Breakfjut for morning trains. Worm Lnaolt from 11-30 to 2 o'clock. Lonck Baskets for travelers furnished on a few minutes' notice. ICE OE,E-A.avi: AS 3 SUMMKU DHIX KS. f. ham rn SICK, in Proprietor. Hifiliest Price for Bullira, Of Kvery Grade, by w.T.:iucnM0XD4 ca lay 17 om, J.q iuabaU'i loU SAH FRANCISCO TRADE, Special Notice. CARD TO THE TRADE. Mission & Pacific Men Mills, Depot. Xos. 51T die 619 Market St., SAX FRAN CISCO. C AL,; Offer to the trade ti L&ree and Well selected Assortment of Woolen Goods, Manufactured at their celebrated Mills, Con is tine of BLANKETS of evory description; HOUSE BLANKETS and BUGGY KOBES; HORSE and SLUICE Blanketings, various widths and qualities; CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and TWEEDS of every dosoription; GENTS', LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SHAWLS in great variety ; 0PEKA and FANCY FLANNELS; SHIRTING FLANNELS ; TWEED, CASSIA! KRE and FLANNEL SHIRTS and UNDERWEAR, WATER PROOFS and RE-PELLANTS, RE-PELLANTS, various ah ados and stylos. Knit All-Wool andilerino Ijsderwkas and IIosjkky for mon, wouion and children, especially es-pecially adapted for tho Pacitic Coast Woolen Yarn in all shades by tho package. All Goods in our lino marjufactnrod "to order" t short notico, and at tho lowest markot prices. Price LiiU sent on application. MISSION asd PACIFIC WOOLEN MILI.S. Depot, Xos. 517 & 510 Haricot 8, SAN FIUNCISC0, CAL. ! au27 . . i S. L. Stanley, O. O. Chapman, John Spruance. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Successors to H. Webster Co. aud J. St J. Sp,-uuioQ, Importers and Doalers in WINES AND LIQUORS, aJO 410 FRONT STREET. HENDRIEBRO'S 33 MAIS STRKKT,; SALT LAKE CITY, Manufacture! California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contracts taken for tho erection of STAMP MILLS AND SMELTING SMELT-ING FURNACES COMPLETE COM-PLETE in any of the Mining Districts, wo manofaoturo the Vamey fc Wbecler Pans, Patent Pressed SUoe aud Dies, PntcutSieiu Unities, and tlie JUacbtiiery complete for STAMP 3VniXi31.S REDUCTION WORKS. of which wo make a soeatatty ani tuarantee satisfaction in alloacs. j Manufacture llolllioff's Rail Pulverizer, POll DRY CRUSHING, Will do tho work of 15 Stamp!, Price. $1500" Manufacturora' Agents for thoSaleof Ntnrtevant A. Root Dlowers, Karle &. Cameron Mcnm Piimpn, Uolstlntt, Portable and Stationary Knylnes, Wire IIoIhi Ing Hope, (Flat and R aund.) Tunnel ttall iron, io, Li and 1 lbs . u the yard. Iron Pipe for Gas and Water. Dodge ifc Blake Ore Crusner, 31 In I ii g Cnrnuud Iron It uckoll. Argllle Ktrt Urlck, and mining- uppllctf. ESTIMATES and DRAWINGS furniihed FOR ALL OUR WORK. alO Svmimer Resort. THE PARK HOUSE. TW EN TT-FIVE MILKS EAST 07 SALT Lnk. Ci tx. is now opes for tiuem; Mr. Win. II. Kimball biu perlocted aij Daw euro line to Ibo PARLEY'S PARK MINES, UlueLedtre, McHenrr. t'intnh and Uowland D;stric;s; alio io Maj. Gordon's Military Camp. A cottcli will 'leave Wells, Farjro k Co'i office daily, at 10 a.m., coin moncioK on Wed-ncsdav. Wed-ncsdav. July 21th. A Hack will connect at Kimball's Park House, tho followine momiriK, with tho daily oach to the mines. Fi i ile aniuialf furnished to order. Fishing- and Hunting abound. Wm. 11. K mailt, HI Proprietor. STOVES! STOVES I THE CHEAPEST STOVES -OF TIIE- GREATEST VARIETY AT W. HARRISON'S I "X" I I 1 ZNT I -A.ND STOVE STORE, OPPOSITE EISI10P HO"TEr.-3 EAST TEMPLE STREET. Call and Examine; yon axe Bare to be atuted. 4 ARRIVED THIS DAY A BIG STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Conslstlns orEverjIhlns In the Staple Line; also LATEST STYLE LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Which wo axe offerinc at VERY LOW PRICES. OUR GROCERY STOCK IS NOW FULL; AND EITHER Wholesale or Retail WE WILL SELL AS LOW AS ANYONE IN THE TRADE. Taylor & Cutler, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. CiTr Gas Works. Tho underei&'ned ia now opening up he largest and meat complete stock and p-ssortment of Gas fixings evor brought to the western country. Store 42 Main street, third door nortn of Deseret Rank. GUt, Broiize, and all the latest styles of Chandeliers, Brackets and drop lights of every pattern to suit the purchaser. Have now on hand and will continue to keep the largest slock of Gaa and Steam pipos to be found in Utah or on the Pa-oifle Pa-oifle Coast, and am now prepared to contract for the piping of houses, offices, buildings and dwellings generally at rates that will defy competition. Over 50,000 feet of gas piping now on hand and tin receiving it daily. My Gaa Fittings and Fixtures will be suppl iod to the inhabitants of Salt Lake City -at tMfl lowest possible rates. I fc'se keep on hand a full and complete com-plete assortment of tho latest improved pumpi for mining and domestic use. The Celebrated Knowles Steam Pump with boiler connections complete always on hand. All work connected with Pumps and Plumbing of every description, and with Gas, "Water and Steam Fittings will be doiva with dispatch. B. LTONS, i i Main Street, Three Doors North ol Deseret Sank, Office of Salt Lake City Gas Company. jn5 SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., WHOLESALE ad RETAIL - DEALEK3 IS IEON & STEEL, WRICHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, AND ALL KINDS OF - WINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PIPE AAT.L KIND OF FITTIKUS FOB TVKTi ACES MILLS. H -A. B. 3D "W A. K. E , BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS FOE Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, C. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOB CASH. To whom it may concern. W'E, lhe nndenirned. claim and own twelve hundred 0W) feet, including Son. t0 (2 and three Ci. in the Titus lode, in Little Cottonwood can re n. and hold the same by doedi from the original loc-starr; and hare complied witn th laws of tie district dis-trict in every reiperL And we hereby oaation all persons not to trade, buy or barter for said claims, without out consent. CH. BASSETT. 1 Administrate rt ol the I.I V IN 3, J estate of Antbonj I Tins deceased. , URAEL IVTNB. SaltLaaJ.atj. Ju2UkUTe W Z. C. M. I. Shoe Factory-iD Factory-iD EP ABTME1TT, 99 East Temple Street, SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. We rupectfull; inrite tho att nlioa of tho Publio to tho DISPLAY OF BOOTS and SHOES, All oar own make in our HAXDSOME N E W SHOW WINDOW Hariaff ostabluhod a reputation for HXOHIjIjEIN'OH In Style, Quality and Fit, We intend to maintain it by continuing to manufacture goods that we can G XT A-R .AJST TEE. BOOT and SHOE MAKERS, You will find here EVERYTHING Roqulred by the trado, in the shapo of LEATHER, FINDINGS AND KIT, At the lowest rates, I WHOLESALE and RETAIL. SADDLE KS A HAItXESHipi AKEBS Remember we make a specialty of Horse Collars Of which wo always koop a largo assortment of tho bestland cheapest; HARXE.NS LEATHER, and all othor kinds, at Lowest Prices, Jwholo-s&lo Jwholo-s&lo and retail. yE orosollinBthoaboTO classes of goods Remarkably Cheap, at prosont, preparatory to renewing our aloclc Tor Autumn and Winter Trade. Orders by nail roootrc careful and prompt attention from Mr. CBOMPTONi" whose lengthy exporioncu ia tho trudo enables him to select goods that will satisfy our patrons, KEPAIR1XU DOXE. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT. n. B. CLAWSON, Sup't. JUST RECEIVED - BY - TEASDEL & CO., EAGLE HOUSE, 65, 67 Sc 69 East Temple Street, LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK CF STOVES, STOVES, STOVES, Him WE ARE NOW SELLING AT THE VERY LOWEST MARKET. lltlt KS. We beg to call the atteutlon of tlte 1'ubllc to our assortment. THE LOYAL COOK STOVE. the emm CITY COOK STOVE. THE FAVORITE COOK STOVE. THE ART. Z AN COOK STOVE. The Peri Parlor Stove. The Opal Parlor Stove. The Gem Parlor Stove. The Orion Parlor Stove. Complete with all descriptions ol Stove Furnishings at Toasdel & Co's. BANKERS. First National Bank of Utah ISALI LAKH CITY. A. W. WHITE 4. CO, IB A. 1ST K E -R SJ K AST TK.HPLK STKKKT, 8.lt L.k. City. .Dolors in GOLD DUST.COIN AND BULLION. Exchange on all tne Principal tti ttfthc United States aul Europe. Particular attention siren to Collection, and proceeds remitted at Current rate of Exchange on day of pay menu G0. B. "VVHlTiJKY, Attorney COBBabPONDKNTIi Bank Of California - S"10 Cwk Count v National Bank - - Chicago UokeU Bnk BV T Stale Bank of-'Xobnwka - - UrunJia BANKS DESERET Salt Lake City, Utah; Tnl .flank has organised a SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. and will receive deposits of one dollar snd upwards, on which interest will be allowed at the rate ef eight per cent, per annum oom pounded semi-annually, C L.S. UILLs, CashUfi SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK aJlt l.alio City. Uuk T?er. Authorized Capital - $500,000? BenJ. H. DuKtll, frcudsnt. Hugh White, Cashier. tliMrBTiiD A KiRKraraioa, Attorney!. CORRESPONDENTS I wN vnmr I National Park Bank. NfaW YOKF - rjonnell. Lawson Jt Co, SAS FRANCIaCO-Oaliforoia Trust Co. LOSDON Jay Ouoke. MoOullooh A Co. WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPRESS FOR WARDERS, Bankers aud Dealers In Exchange Draft on Europe. Kuropean Collect tons promptly attended to. m .at Tempi ctLreet, Halt Lal Otty . mia Taao. F. TaAor, Aiiont. Bank of Deseret, Bnooeeeor t HOOPER, ELOREDGE 4 Co., Ooruer Baat Temple and Ftrit ftontk 8 tree at, SALT LAKB CITf". UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - 1134,0001 RH1GB AM TOUNG. President,' U. a. RLDKRHOB, VloePres, IVM. H. HOOFKlt, WM. JEXNINGa, BixtAtarfc JOHN SBAttP, FKttAMOKZ LITTLK, X., Ulli iwi, Cashier, Tal b OOLD DtlB'ii COIN, BIOHANQB LAUD WAltrlANTB, OOU LUUIA 0UH.1P, k.s. OoUootioofl made and iiromptly ro tuittod. FOREIGN EXCHANQE FOR SALE. MORE ARRIVALS. f Difforont Sizes and A7 Stylos of DOORS. Different Sizes of WINDOWS. The most complete Slock ever brought lo Hull, A T LlTIMRJiVLOR&CO'S LUMBERYARD, SASH and DOOR FACTORY, One block west of .the Tabernacle. T. LATrMKR. "W. II. WO ,ROM O. TAYLOK. O. humnky. FAR EST FREIGHT CO. Head Xaartra, It. Laals, Ho DUKANT &CUTTISG, FORWARDING AID COMMISSION MRCniVfS AOENTS ALT LAKB CITY, L'TAIU WE are prepared to contract for shipment ship-ment fr'nn all pnrts of the Kat, our LinehaTlnR made speoial arranaemenU for the nfe and n-ee'ly tranportai ion of all Freisht from Now York, ButoL, Laltimore, Cbieaco. bL Louis and ail Kastern Cities, to Salt Lake City. w ire ofJerins; extra Indnoemente for tho shipment of Ore and Bullion to all B as Urn poinU. Omca avb WiaanoCB; Flrat block aouth of Depot, Bait Lake City. DURAHT ek. CCTTUIO' |