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Show RAILROADS. cjp. n. r. U Kith, 117a. thai an Wll.i. IKAVK UCOfcX DAILY AH OL-LOHNI OL-LOHNI OvarLiml Pwntnit.r Train for Tian'y, Cariui, W ifji..,.w;, WL-twna, Or-.-fi), i-:fiiiu.into, r.Vj'-.ht'.a, Uilt-.p, M ..! 'i-,r Y...-.ar..u. 1 tl.ij.n M'.r I.-m ArlRjJ, 30 J:o and ,-,un t iA.iK.if.',, - f-M. 0irlurit Kfnht and A-.,mui'-'l- L1UO '1 lUlll luf SAW t fJIUJUK", - " 6-lift A. N. TOWN K. T. li OOOriMAV, ."Joiil dup't (inn. r.n. and Ticket Aant- OLO. li. t'.H'i-:. Autar, .-'.ilt I.ttkn City. ',rti.-.. itli Marshall Carter, Ot W. P. 4 Cs bank. iWIlI RAILROAD. Trains run between Hrizham June-lion 2 with CP. K.K., i: LOGAN. On ami tiftr PV.ninrv M, 171, Daily Trains, Lavn UrulHirii .(nil. (.mil at- V"",1''!.'1' Armo if Mnl.-n - Arnvo .it l,mixti a rn Am7Xi..ic.:";;;:::;;:;;:":;:!i! ' Arn L llriyluiui P;"'- n. i:i)iuuot wiili trains fur Uicdon and Dim Laku. m. trains Run onSalt Lake Time. Stannn rnnnfwt wllh Trnina to and from ...i V.,.i i. I- IVha (.'minlVTIll- WfckaLV. I'AU US i Between Logan and alt Lako 8j J Mi!.n l" Moiidon ami Suit Laku ;' dtm 2 76 Reduced ltatos to Excursion Parties. I'ftsaeDKcra will plcauo purchase thoir Tiokotaat the Olucoa. For all Infnrmrition eonoorniBK Froiht or Fmdiwii, api'W lo CHAN. Nim,i:Y, Uenwal i'minut and Tickot Agent Uen'l dmi't UTAH CENTRAL UAILIIOAI). PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. ua i after woaeuibw ;ai),;im. Dally Trains LuTt Bait Lake City at 5 a-m. and 2:45 pan Arrive at Ogdon 7 a. m. and 4:45 p. m. Leave Ogden at 8 iv. ax. and 5:30 v. m. Airiisat tiall Lake City 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.nt la addition to the above MIXB1D TRA.I3NT ' Will inn i DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED I Leaving Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and 6.30 D.iUi, and Ogden at 5 a.m. and i 5.50 p.m. ! - will please Paraai their Tlekete at the Offleea. Flftj Cents additional will bo ehargod when tha far is oollooted on tha tra.n. for all Information concerning freight passage, apply to J AS. 111 A BP, Qonsral freight and Ticket Ag't JOHN SHAEP, SUTBftlMTIKMMT UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. Air-" jfmu liif On nd .rt.r IoeoHi.r SOlh, 187a DAILY TKA11VS Loavo the ITtah Central R.R. Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 2.30 p.m: Arrive at Lehi at 9 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Leave Lehi at 9.30 ft.ru. and 5 p.m. Arrivo at Salt Lake City at 11.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. ', la addition to the above MIXED TRAINS ' Will run daily, Sunday excepted, Leaving the Utah Central 11R. depot, fait Lake City, at I p.m. and Lehi at 6 ft.ni. Vasenars will please purchase their Tiekecs at the Offices. .Htty cents additional ad-ditional will be charged when the laro is collected on the train. For all information eoneerniog freight or passage, apply tc J AS. SIIAK1, 'Sen. Fraigtit acd Tlakvt Asnb IJOUS SHABP, 8DP ft&lXTXKDftNT. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Harness Saddlery, Lcatlier. j. c.Jonysox & CO., 101 S- 10d Front Street. ' S.4.V FKASCISCO. ttffrr tnt permission to Jlr. H. B Clone-go, Clone-go, juprrttuetiu of tno J. C- X. 1. cli Einstein Bro's &. Co, Manufacturers aad Impcrturs of BOOTS & SHOES, Asd dealers in LEATHER, FINDING?, Etc, and 31 BATTERY STHFKT. di CAN 1 iwUVlliCO. 3. P. HQLDEN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, S3 sansoMb street, ' ISAM FRANCISCO. JOB PRINTING. The varied wants lof tie MIXER, AttTIZAN aud TRAVELER fO JOB PRINTING CAM n Kl F I I. I. K. I) AT TH : HERALD JOB OFFICE. The unanimoufl satisfaction given by the work don at our office in the post has justified ua io continually importing im-porting all the Newest Attractions with whioh to ploase otu patroni in Elegance iND Style, and perform Job rPrinting to oompiro favorably with Dy imporU-tion imporU-tion in thia lino from tho East or West. Anything in tho nature or . PAMPHLETS, : POSTERS, SHOW CARDS, MINING BLANKS, BUSINESSIBLANKS, CERTIFICATES, HANDBILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BANK CHECKS, COUOTINGHOUSE WORK! RECEIPTS, BALL TICKETS, CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS, CARDS, ETC., ETC., done to order in black, colors or Jgold, We do not profess to work Wlow oost, nor work for the sake of working, nor give baits of any nature, but by a system of calculating prioes, make a rule to compete with outside Quality & Figures Salt Lake Iron Co. CHAS. ROOME, President. Hli-NKV J. DAVISON, Secretary. ilAXUI-'ACirUEKS OF MINING X M1LLIU 3IACI11NEKY. Engines and Boilers Mads and Repaired to Order. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, MODEL WORK. Agrlctiltural MaclilnerT. OiJcr. WviaHl. KkxuIwI in k m.ii' ike Manner. Old Cas Iron Bulit C Ui. I. V. Sl'TUF.KLlND, Manager. jiS WOJ.K.t: Block auuih of iJepoL P. 0, bvx, 569, Jxxlixxfci Bauer t&s Co., GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED KNABB PI AMOS J THEZBEST for Touch, Tone and Durability now in use; ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAVORITE BAUER PIANOS. EVERY INSTRUMENT FULLY WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF BAND INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. CATALOGUES AND PRICE LIST SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. JULIUS BAUEE & CO., 650 Broadway, 390 , 392 394 & 396 Wabash Avenue NEW YORK. CHICAGO, jyi8 STOVES! Z. S. 1, I. Grocery and Hardware Department MONITOR, CHARTER OAK, NEW ERA, LOYAL COOK Also a groat variety of other COOKING and HEATING STOVES, com prisiDg tho largest assortmout to be found in any Btock in Utah; prices ver; tew, call and see, oot20 H. B. CLAWSON, Supt. GROCERY DEP'1 Z. C. IMI. JL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, Moves, Crockery Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a lew Leading Articles at Low Prices, .AJTT-i OUR GOODS O-rfEAP- DEALERS IN THE SETTLEMENTS AND MINING TOWNS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL I AND ENQUIRE PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. M31 n. a. CLAWSQ. np.rl, , Salt Hials.e City, GENERAL MACHINERY WACOrT DEPOT, COUNCIL HOUSE YARD, NEAR THE TEMPLE BLOCK. Pitt's and other Thrashing Macliines, Mood's Mower and Combined Machiu e, Excelsior Mower and lteaper, Morld Mcwer and Keaper, Cliauiinon Mower and lieaper, Sulky Hakes, "Welcome" and "Superior." Turbine Wheels, "Enreka" Smutter. Cane Mills, Machine Extras ! ! ! Uark the riace COUNCIL HOUSE YARU SALT L.AIIE CITY. We arc expecting an immediate shipment of the well-known and justly celebrated "SGHUTTLER WAGON," Th,a factory having just got frirly running aicce the 1RFAT CHICAGO FIRE I H. B. CT WSON, Superintendent. Z. C. M. I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, SION OF THE -j i a- o o i GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS GENTS' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES GENTS' SLIPPERS, LADIES' SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS For fine weather or stormy weather; Tor wnlk inK. dancing, working, sfarkino, climbing riding, ashing, mining, etc, otc A largo and choice aortmont of tho above our own mako and imported, at the most roa eonabla prices. We make to order any style am quality deilred and insure satisfaction. OLD UOOTfi ASD SHOES Mado at good oa new almoBt SELLING OFF OUB OLD STOCK BELOW COST! Sole Leather! Upper Leather! Harness Leather Imported Calf SkiDS, American Calf SkiDS, Morocco and Kid Skins Shoe Findings, "KIT" Of ALL KINDS; HORSE COLLARS! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!: ALL AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail Orders by M.il reeclTe iptc ll M prompt attention. HIDES AND W00L BOUGHT H. a CLAWSON, Sup' Sewing1 Machine. y E respectfully invite the Publio 10 call and soe our uudlunt variety o. Seving Machines, Plaiu,Beautiful aud Elaborate Styles of Workmanship AND GREATLY UIl'KOVED W1TU THE FANTON C STOBS. The lotol Salei of the SINGER MA CJUINU are now THREE QUAUTEltS OF A MILLION . THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, 2. & S. 9 S O An eviil&Doe that it i. fu.t winDinr supromo favor lu the household. The Sinoeb Com'iany sold ovor tho other Companion, 52,731. teir Tho Chicago Relief Committee furnished sullerers by tho Fire to March 18, 1872, 8,944; 8.151 Singer Macllilies, all other makes, 793. Applicants mado their sclootion, with sumo discount on all. OUR SALES IN UTAH EXCEED ANY OTHER HOUSE IN TH1 SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE 01" CHICAGO. Wecourtooiul; invite tho Ladies to boo our Tim broidery Attaolamont It attracts gonoral attention and udinimion. We also desire you to sco our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS, NEEDLE- SPTTFRS. SUITABLE FOR ALL KLNJJS OF SHUTTLE SliWXNa MACX1INES. WE GUARANTEE EVERY MACHINE WE SELL TO GIVE ENTMIE SATISFAO lion, as ouoiiono is tliurouuhly adjuatod, triod und toatod by oxnoriunood .Moohtuiiotl and rtlluro warruntod to sow with oiuo all kinds of goods, from the coarsest to tho finest, Knee, Muslin, Cambric, JJoiuestic, Deuitus, Tickiugs Diickiug5 Beaver, Buckskin and JLeather. V& iDstruotioD given free of charge by competent attendants, and tonne of sale to suit all oiroumstauccs. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE REA-SONABLE TERMS. We extend a cordial invitation to all to GOME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whctbor they wish to purohaso or not. IT TUB SISGBB SEWING MACHINE DEPARTMENT G. Til X. General Agents, Two doors eouth of Eagle Emporium, Salt Lakb Cmr. MEDICAL. NEW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage," For the Debilitated SerTOm Sytm. DR. JORDAN, of the Anatomical Maaoaua, 818 Montgomery itrooi, (near California,) BAN 1 FEAN0IS00, California, lina pnLliHliod fourof I rnosl unporlaut and inatrnctivo Lectures, in a neat Tolumo, for tliofl who cannot atteod tho Lectnrci 1 at tho Mmeuiu. Every nnmarriod and marriod man alio aid read and study theao Important Loc- j turoi for the good of himself and offsiiriag; My addressing tiio tocrotary of lim Anatomical Musonm, San Francisco, and oncloiing Twonty-Fivo Twonty-Fivo ConU in pontage etanips to pay postage, tlio Book will be forwarded to any jwrt ol the titatea or Territorlea. Dr. Jordan can bo oooinltod l-i:n- d7 UNION PACIFIC , RAILROAD ME TABLE, DNTIL further notico, Traing will leave and arrive at Ogdon Daily, as follows : t LEA vi, 1 Abrivb. Daily EpreBB-M a.m. I Daily Exp's, S-10 p.m. Mixed, - 6-30 p.m. Mixed, - 2 35 p.m. ' Freight, - 10-33 B-m. Freight. - G-10 a.iu ;' Daily connections mado at Ofjden with Utah Central Pacific Koad trora '; Salt Lake city and all points in South-' South-' ern Utah. At Bryan with, stages for Sweetwater mines. At Choyonno with Denver PaciHc Railroad for Denver, Central city, Georgetown and all points in Colorado and New lloiico. At Omaha with Chicago and North "Western, Chicago, Kock Island and Pacific, Burlington and Missouri River, Kansas city. St. Joe and Council B lull's Railroads and Missouri liivor Line of Steamers for all points East and South Tickets for sale to all poinU Kast at office of Wells, Fargo & Co., East Temple Tem-ple street, and at the ollica of Utah Central Cen-tral Railroad, in Salt Lako city; also at Union Pacific Railroad ticket office in Ogden, at which office berths on sleeping sleep-ing cars can be secured. Arrangements have been made whereby where-by passengers desiring to visit Denver on their way East can avail themsalves of an excursion rate from Cheyenne to Denver, and return at greatly reduced rates. i'or particulars and ali information in regard Lo passage, apply at Ticket Offices. Of-fices. Passengers should be careful to sccuro their passage tickets to ali Eastern and Southern points via Oil Ali A, and thus avail themselves of the advantages of a through sleeping car; comfortable accommodations ac-commodations and quick time. THOS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket .Agent, T. E. Sick els, Chf. Engineer and Superintendent. iS I Herald Bindery i OUR BINDERY IS PREPARED 10 fie pair, ia a worimanliie manner, Albania, Old Dookl, etc., etn J ' And Btsdt tLA QAZIN . PERIODICALS I ' MINES FOR SALE. DR. PAUL GREGORY owns four excellent Gih-or mi n os within one uilo of each other. Wood tind and water plentiful on all of thorn- Tho inino3 aro rich. Uroa runnine from SUM up to S7W imr tun, cun bo obtained from each of thorn, in paying ijunntity. Tljo crorico of IhoUrofjory lodo id twonty-Bovon foot wido;a streak of lour fcot will run 8:500 por ton. Bomg dosirous oi Bonding hurneu nico prouont from Utah, I will soil an interest in ono or all, or sell nil at lair Qguroa. Luc h lodo contains 1,600 foot, and tho Gregory ledo is down 10U foot and touka Cno. This lodo is directly up tho gulch from tho Ontario one-half mile, and tho same distance below tho llowlund loao, in Jlluo Lodgo Mining district, Wasatch County, I have just inovod my camp to tho Wild bill cabin, whoro I ahull be ploasod to shotr my mines, They aro each now claims and but little known, and tho jealousy, 1 rogrot to say, existing ex-isting amongst thoso owning claims horo, to a grout cxtont, have kopt thoso Booking such property from calling on mo. X oak capitalists to come and boo. I will show you all I promise to do. PAUL GREGORY, M.'D.o Four miles from tinydortvilt IEON & STEEL. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., DEALERS LN J WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, AND ALL KINDS OF rV?!M!!C TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PIPE & ALL. K1XI.S OF FITTIUS FOB FURNACES A: MILLS. HABDWABE, BURDEN'S HOUSE & MULE SHOES, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTUiiil BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS FOK Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Hercules Powder. Ali LOW FOR CASH. AGKXTH FOB Ammonical Preparation For the Prorentin and Ucuuval of Boilor FAB WEST FREIGHT CO. Ha.d (iuBi-teri, St. Louli, Mo. DURA.NT &CUTTI.G, FOR WAR DING COMMISSION MERCIIAATS AGENTS SALT LAKE CITY, L TAIL. X'E are rrrred to aoc.rs-t f-r aiip-Tf aiip-Tf ec-.u ir-.a piru .r ilr Kwl our Line hai ic LDi'-ie ptsriil aTr.hgiii. en la fi,- Cb:rrarf'i. bu LouL- aJ all Lu'ra Cmei.'io aa: Lite 5' a-e off-iriK extra ir.docemenu for the (hiret aid Lal.ioa to ail i.i-ern PCIIrM. 0tic x K"4KIH,1r-(!-;Klrit lilock o nth of Depot, t-m.it I,ak City. DTRAST CLTTISO- j SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. MACONDRAY & CO., Importers of CHINA & JAPAN TEAS, SHIPPING ANU C0IY1IYIISSI0N MERCHANTS JW and SAXSOMK STRKUT tAS t'llA-Ntlst'O. Wo aro i-fTi-itiintlv in rvntt of froh In. f..ii-w ui CHINA and JAl'AN TKAS, and al, dlvltii'Uuus of Kir lnuu and Sikaits gi'K. d BOOTS AND SHOES. California Manufacture, POll W I10L.KS AL, 1C TllAUK, Weaver Si Taylor, Hl Market 6lreeU San Jranoisoo. Ol. mU E. A. FARGO & CO. i Importers and Jobber of Branrliss. Wines and Liquors, 310 Front St., cor. Commerelftl, D. B. KYI. i'tf SAN FRANCISCO i.r... " 'Wio. J. BAUM & CO., Tmportor. and Maaulactorert of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. 21 S 3c 220 San.ome St., Inn Vranclico. No 18 Warren St.. Now York. IU UKCUX, BHO'S & Co. BOOTS, SHOKS At LK ATI! Kit 106 SansomvSt., San J-YuwIioo, And tl A li! l'earl St U us tun. HVVKLSQUA.JiK IIKCUT, Manufacturer, of Uie "EITRA QUALITT" CALIfOlmA 100 TI AND IHOII. oil A. J. (iltlFFITU, PIOKIiXlZ) fAt BMOK.UI SALMON AHD HERRINGS, 11 Waihlngtoa Btrt, All kloda of Dried, Smoked aod Dokled THh eonatanUy on band. J4 PARKER, WATTSON & CO,' (Suooessors to Weil k Co.,) Importers aud Manufacturers of TOBACCO AND CIGARS. 221, 223 and 225 Front at., cor. Saoramonto, a5 BAN FRAHC1SCO, CAL,. I. OQIILOTTOn. WALTia UMI, U. B. UOBT. SI. OHCIMTjOVIOH t oo., lniorU)ra anil wlioleaalo Jealora In FIRE WINES A- LIQUORS, boli aainia roa IESSE, MOORb & CD'S FINE OLD BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES. 1IBI0T r ft 0 II LOQIUTILLI, I!. 601 Front St.. BAN FRANOI800. i Kfltabliflhod tn 1851. G. VENARD, ManufaotQrer of the Original Cliartrcs Coffee, And alt khida o.f Spices and California Mustard, 625 and 627 Front Street, betwoon Jaokion and Paoiiio. BAN FKAiVCXtiCO. ao STABL1SIIED 1800. Importers of Teas, East India 213 and 215 Front Street, Saji Francisco. o'2Q CJHAM) HOTEL, On Markot. Mew Monteomerj and aw irnajrciaoo, t?. u. b JOHNSON & Co., PaoPttHToas. E. MARTIfJ 8l CO. Wholesale Lipr Dealers, tot VroMt Strt, Saa Vraailiio, Proprietors of HIJULBU'8 K I Til A ULDBOUUBOI And sole agontu for , t, CUTTER'S EXTPA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Constantly on hand, a full assortment of all the Standard Dranda of WhlikUi, if In Braadlli, rorelgH aad DomeetU Winn, Tfl5 blttwra. Oordlalg, . L. A. Sanderson, T. L. Horn. SANDERSON & HORN Importers and Jobbers of CIGARS AND TOBACCO, (Froprletora or La Enpanola Cigar Factory,) Sole manufacturers of the celebrcUd 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 rt'ront Wtreof, Btwn Waihlngtoa and Clay, SAM FRANCISCO. MURPHY.GRANT&CO. Importers of American and Buropoan Staple and Fancy DRY &OODS, HA.IV FHANCIHCO, CALIFORNIA, Call the attention of tiaTrade to cheb Urn and oompleto stock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS' Which thoy are now rwefYin direct from iaropgan Manufacturers, oomprUini in part French Harlmoa, Wool Satlmea, Wool Plaids, I reneh and German, Irish and French Poplin, Kmpriu Clothe, Tamlaa, black and colored, V.W.UtBI, Alpaaaa, black and oolered, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS. A LAO Kid. Back. Berlin CLadiw'. Mines', Sents) Sents' Underwear And all kindj of Gents' Furnishing Goods. noslarf teom?l( lD all )u branch. M hit. Goodi, H4odkrchlri, Shlrtlrift L.ln.ne, (lallta, htl r,4 er.r.T4 Damaaka, brown I'Xjtn anl l.lched, Towali, rinri, rjlf--r, Tirklnh. Napklna and Uoyllaa, Ata., Kte., Eta. SPRUANCE, STANLEY & Co- Importers and Dealcn in Fine Old Bourbon RYE WHISKIES, Erandies, Gins Wines, etc., XL Jh V 'i !ri.l"ll K ill.li CulihL'us: i:X" 410 FRONT STREET, dl SAN I'RANCUiCO. TRAVEL. REDUCTION IN PASSAGE, UU10N LINE BKTWKKN New Yorki QuoenstowD, und Liverpool. CarryiDK tho V'niloJ States Mails MINN i:('TA. .it" -TN i:i!K.SlU .M A N 11 AT TAN'SJl- W U"VYO.ll.NU. wiou.NsiN, bSm-imaj SAlLl.NtJ Flt'iM Nl'WYOUK EVKtiY KliNKSDAY. CA1UX Pn.s-uk-0 irum Now York an, lui pnld. Stalurooiiu on tho sumo deck as Sulm.n. S'l'lCKHAUK: S-'W from Now York; fcaiVon: Livorpiml nr ym-oiistoH n, puyublo in crrinp I'tuik'tt lrMin or t iltTiuanv. Franco, Nui W;iv, S uilin, nio-, nt l.utt .v-t Untas. lU'iiuitJinfus to lirotii Britain, Ireland and tln CuniLisoiit. Apply lo WILUAMSA UUinX.-.M Broad-Way; Broad-Way; or 11 S. KUHllilKJK, dZl Suit Lnko Cilr. THE CHICAGO & NORTH- WESTERN RAILWAY Iti 1 V10NKKK KOUTK betwoon ONU.UA and C1UUAUO, complol.-d fnur yOHra Ht), ainuo which tiuio tlio UoinpHiiv havo tfimrod noithur mli.ai.or oxponao in purfoctiiiB; iU rwad bti Kiid track, and uLiitMinK it with roll inn etotjk.of tiio must iiu)durn iinprovuuiOHU; this, UKt)l,lur w'1" l'10 lflcl' ' ilfl lioltiE tho Shortest Line, utlurs to thoTmvor-iiiK thoTmvor-iiiK l'ublic a roiilu uiiHitrpasdud In Lhis country for Bpotul, comlorU sal'oty and sury comioctkiua. FA UTICULA It CAUTION should bo Utkun by iKisHiinntir in at'lwtinfr, tiioir rnutr, tind not bt) ildi'oivod by falao inlvurtisotiumtH uti'l rcprcsohtHtinns by intoroHti'd purtiOB of CompuLinit hnua in roRnrtl to ti mo, dita.uicos, niUw, nlc, This populnr routo ruiuiros no faUo atato iuu n Ls, rtilying on ita trim uturlti, it noods only to bo known by tho iriwol-ing iriwol-ing publio to bo apprcciatod. TIMfc: San Francisco to Omtiba, four days and bov tm hours. Via (JhicHKo and North WobU.'. Kailwiiy, Ouiuhft to (Jhioao, twouly-tkreo twouly-tkreo hours. UtnuhuLc Now York, sixty hours. Uumha to Boston, nixty-l'uur hours. Pulluian" "laoe, Hotel, and Ht.ii. InK Care Aro run on all through trslm from Omaha to Chicago. ilow to Socuro aiooping Borths m- foro KoachuiR Onmha: I'asBoiiHora doairouH of securing 8loop-ing 8loop-ing llorttiB, Sections or tilato Koomi in tho Blooping Oar from Ontaha Eitst, can do bo by tolograiibing from any of tho stations on tlio Union Paoilio Kail road, to W. A. (larpOBtor. Ooneral AgonL, (J & K. W. Kailway, Omaha, stating whsl thoy want. This is all thoy nood to do until thoy reach tho 0. & N. W. Hail, way Depot on tlio oast side of tho Mii-aouri Mii-aouri Liivor, thon go to tho Sleoping (Jar Conductor, give him thoir namoi, a por tologram, and thoy will lind that bo has thoir berths resorvod for them. PftBBongorB going Kast will conaull their own intorost by aocuring Thrmigk TickoU via C11IAOO & NOUTU WJCSTEHN BAILWAY, which can be procurod at all principal tickot oiilcoB in California and tho West, and at railroad oflicoB to Han Francisco, Halt Jjako City, Ogdon, Omaha and Uounci' Blutls. JZNO. C. GAULT, General bup't Chicago, H. P. 8TAN WOOU, n Uonortil Tickot Agent, Ohloagi. 8 GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES THROUGH Utah, ouili - cast Nevada & Alon-tana, Alon-tana, Leaving Salt Lake CWyDallf, ! nlnft South to TLntio, American Fork, Mount Nebo, Sovier, St. Gcorgo, Utah ; tnd Piooho, INcyads ; Passlne; through Provo, Springvillo, SpaniBh Fork,Py' son, Salt Creek, Chicken Creek, Round Valley, FLLimoro.Corn Greok, J3ca7cr, Miner ville, and AU the principal toumi and mfafaf camps in southern Utah and toulh-tad Nevada. Alao leave Corlnai, Utah, dallfi rnanlog north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Bcnten, Deer Lodge, Cedar Creek miae, and passing through aD the principal townB and mining min-ing eampa in Moo-tana, Moo-tana, phikcipal orncR, Wells, Fvgo 4 Co. Building Inn Salt Lake City Leo WiQ. H.P.Xlaballi SAlT lake, opimi And Tintic Stage and Express RUNI11BO BA1I. KUU ,AJ" 1.AKK CITY, l-AKK TOW, TOOELE CITY, BTOCKTO AMD OPIUM TO TITIC Tit root, tu been retotk"J !lJflS did Coooord CoMbM. n Sunk . ,id t, lb. iKiafor- ; 1 oonvoli Qood avomnwdationi m the f TIlROLjOn BY DAnJOH1- Cheap Fare and Quick Time. ob.. W.H., ,c. ci.r. WINES t KIMBAtU |