OCR Text |
Show TiiK Last Art Union drawing t lho Pii'iiff Art Gsllfry will ami oil" on lho Ult i n t- A in nttmos w tinted t" c,,init t t o i;t- Tho pictures nr- now oq eiliit-itk-n. Hj lw .Vi'osi'-C" Ciii'ni.ATK is the be? t in (!;e Wurid. t'f (.iillEAiiDELLl 3. 8 KvsKyiiour hay that our ono )ullar luclureajird tho cbeap'-'tt in town. 'ow's Hi" tiiiiD M iK'Cjnil'j your wall?, fio-n. fio-n. . r Art Gallery. f 15 1 x I',ttfs' tia tho Bpripjf coal take Hint Gilbert Vanschoonboven, aliasGib h(ener, i.-i no longer connected with oumtnil Coat Co. All orders will be received by lhe undersigned, "VV, t iiubiinsf. uilicc with Mttj. Bird, agent, over ilrs. Coibrook's, Alain st. Ki'iZ')OTic. Dinwoodey'e mules nitre gul it, but his oxen have not ; therefore lie still delivurj furniture free of cnaree. nW Valentin K9 at Hai.f-PRicK.-Dwyer is selling, to-day. at half-price, tho best and largest stuck of Valentines ever brought to this city, to make room for a lare stock of Aew Books, Kussia Leather Lea-ther l'ockot and JJill liooke, Letter Cases, Card Cases, i'ine Pocket Cutlery aud .Fancy Goods, now on the way. f 14 Kemkmhkr that Lfwyer is closing out the balance of big tine stock of Valentines, Valen-tines, at half-price. f 14 For Valkntisks of every variety and at any price, from ono cant to twn dollars; go to W. b KAYBUULD'S, north ot Uio Big Bout, fe'J A Labub etockof FUKNITUKK to be sold cheap to make room tor new etock, at J ojsleu's, Groefibeck's buildings build-ings fu7 Keller's Wisis and Brandies, at Morurn'r; old "City Liquor tiloro." fl Ik the ' epizoot" has attacked your Imrse?, loio no tune ia calling on Vm. tihowull, l'ionuur stables, Xad South struct, and savo money. jau21 A- 0. Bkckwitu is appointed General Superintendent and Alanagor of the Summit Coal Company, in place of i uckols, resigned. Air. W. Bolding, Agent in Ball Lako City. ,B AXEMAN & BUEL. f 14 HuY tuk Imperial Oil ISO lire test, tho purest and safest oil in tho markoL no9 Call at WOULF'B Gonts' Furnishing Furnish-ing Sioro, two doors north of Salt Lake House, and too tho old suspondors thrown oil' for tho Celebrated Pivot Action Brace and Buspender, tho best made- f 13 LIGHT for tho World. 10,000 gallons gal-lons of FLUID arrived at Bkk.sk & Co' s. did 1:hk nonk other but Guirardklli's K AG L E CHOCOLATE. 7 Urnuink Enulimi Gin at Morton's; old "City Liquor Store. fl Oil is selling at retail at lho Pionoor Lamp Store, as follows: Common brands f-Oc. per gallon. Crown standard TtK.'. per gallon. Imperial loO lire lest Toe. per gallon. noU Thb Herald Bindery turns out work expeditiously. All work warranted. war-ranted. fl3 Gso. Showkll, Scavenger for the City. o2 For Salk Top Onion Seed, in large or small quantities- apply to Anson Call, Bountiful janl'J LIGHT, Light," 'Liitht. Live no longer in the dark. 10,000 gallons of BEST OIL just received at KEESE & Co'n. dlo Sklliko off Cukat, Ladies' and Children's Shoes at cost- J- Payne, Jnd South Street. feb'J 100 Corps ov Wo d. and plenty of GOOD COAL, at .Newman tto Co.'s yard, near depot Delivered by ox teams. lo Kathsuld hiva itio btsl VALENTIN VALEN-TIN ES in town; to prove it see his show-window, show-window, north of Big Boot, l1-' Coal, Coal, Coal, by the Ton or single hundred weight, delivered, or at the yard, 37 Commercial Street, and at the Kailroad Depot. UOOPJSK, HAWKINS & Co. j7 Grass Canyon Coal delivered at $10.60 per ton. fn "For Parlor SsTSin endless variety. Call at Joklsoh's, Groesbeck's buildings. build-ings. f"7 Kxoklsior Coal, from Kock Springs Bitter Creek. Little waste; strong heat, very small trace of sulphur. Leave orders with J. W. SNJ5LL, Idaho Bloro. jal7 For tk Staff of Life, also cakes buns, crackers, and pure home made candy, wholesale and retail, go to the GLOBE BAKEKY. ja3 Caution to tho Traveling Public: Upon your arrival at Ogden City Utah Territory, the junction of the Union Un-ion Pacific and Central Pacific railroads, you should know where a first-claes hotel can be found, and where the bustle and aoiso of the engines may bo avoided; avoid-ed; also a comfortable house where the danger of tire, which is apt at any time to occur at the depots, is averted. The town of Ogden is half a milo from the depots, and in the business part of the town and its principal street, travelers will tind one of the most comfortable hotels in Utah, tho Oqdkn Hodsk. It is well known throughout America and Europe, to bo one of the coziest and cleanest hotels in Utah. Tho Ogden Mouse keeps carnages wnicu aro in attendance at-tendance upon the arrival and departure depar-ture of all trains, io convoy passengers to and from the depots, free of charge. It is a two-story brick building, and built expressly for the accommodation of guests. The Ogden House employs no runners, but employs a porter to assist as-sist its patrons and take charge of their baggago. All visiting Salt Lake City will tind it to their advantage on returning re-turning to tako tho evening train and come to Ogden, thus saving tho annoyance annoy-ance of rising at 4 o'clock in the morning. morn-ing. ja24. IT. DimvooDKY is doing a lively business m furniture, and guarantees satisfaction in prices and quality to all that buy of him. nlO Vasdi-kk Coal. Ism selling VAN DYK E COAL at $10 al tho depot, and $11 delivered. Leave orders at Kahn Bros., or at new box in post otlice, or depot Bo sure you got Vandyke. Win, W. Funge. f8 Eml'TY Barrklls for sale at Mor, ton s; old "City Liquor Stoie.'' fl BatkMAN & Bl'bl are receiving Cos! from the Celebrated SPHIGG6 MINE, which they oiler in lots to suit. OlEee over Mrs. Celebroos,'?, Main street. Lock Box F. Belding, City Agent. . jS Tourists and thk travjclinq Public Pub-lic going ast are respectfully aolified that" the Utah Hotel, at Ogden City, is a first-class house, and by coming to Ogden on the previous evening, either by Mail or Freight Train, they avoid tlie annoyance of rising at 4 o'clock to Lake the morning train at Salt Lake Citv. n , To pleasuro seekers Ogdon promises much to interest in its excellent Shooting Shoot-ing and Trout tishing, wniie lho grand-our grand-our of its eanvons "is unsurpassed by anything of tie kind known in tho United guiles. , The Hotel is provided with Barber Shop and Bath Booms, and runs its coach free of expense to guests. Tho proprietors, thankful for past favors, will spare no pains to p;oase guests, and will provide guns and ammunition, am-munition, with guides and carriages ta the sh-oting or ashing grounds, by getting get-ting timely notice thereof. E.UD1M & Wiu.uws Propr 113 Last Ykar'b .Magazines and Periodicals Period-icals neatly and expeditiously bound at the Hkrald Book Misdski. flu You Can get your Magazines and Periodicals bound on short notice at ihe Hbrald Bindesy. Terms reasonable-f!3 Grass Canyos Coal delivered at I $10.60 per ton. fll Use Ghirardelli's EAGLE CHOCOLATE. CHOCO-LATE. It is the best. jl Grass Canyost Coal delivered at $10.50 per ion fll Ask your grocor for Ghirardelli's CHOCOLATE and COCOA. d5 A'eroua Debility, With its gloomy attendants, low spirits, depression, involuntary emmissions, loss of semen, spermatorrhoea, loss of power, dizzy h.ead, loss of memory, and threatened threat-ened impotence and imbecility, nnd a sovereign euro in Humphrey's Homeopathic Homeo-pathic Specific No. Twenty-Eight. Composed of Lhe most valuable, mild and potent Curatives, they strikeatonce at the root of lhe matter, tone up the system, arrest the discharges, and impart im-part vigor and energy, life and vitality lo lhe entire man. Ihey have cured thousands of cases. Prico, $6 per pack-ago pack-ago of five boxes and a large $2 vial, which is very important in obstinate- or old cases, or $1 per single box. Sold by all Druggists, aud seni by mail on receipt re-ceipt ot price. Address, Humphrey's Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co., Broadway, New York. For Sale at Z. C. M. I, and Godbe's Drug Store. a9 CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA &c. Ilegciuaii'a Gmuluo Cod JLlver Oil Our Cod Liver Oil is warrnDtcd ptiro NEWFOUNDLAND NEW-FOUNDLAND OIL. It has stood tho tost of ovor ttvenLy years' oxperionco, and can bo roliod on in ovory particular. Manufactured by llcuKiLUt Co., Cheilitis and Druggists, Now York, and sold by ail Druggists. iLU MICE li? TMSTEfc'S Sill. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TDE undersUncd will soil at public venduo, lo tbohisaost bidder fur cash, at tho south front I door ot" tho Court Bouao, Li Suit Lako City, 1 Sail Lako County, Torritorj ol Utah, on tho ; j citihtaentli day of Fobruary. ISi'S, at olovon I o'clock in lho toronoon, tho lollowing described 1 troporty and real itato, siluatud in said Suit .ako City and County to iri;: Known and do- scribod as lA rods south front by iu rods north : commencing on tho south lino of lot two, 15 rods cast of lho iouth-west cornor of said lot, running thenco north 10 rods, thonco oast rotU.ihouc" south iu rods, thonco west -l1, roda to tho placo of bos inning, boinga port of lot 2, in block eighty-tivo S.j), containing 20 squro rods of ground as plotted in plot "A" of Salt Lako City Survey, situated in tho 17th Uish-oi's Uish-oi's Ward of saidSalt Lako City. Tho property to bo offered lor salo at said timo and placo is tho samo conveyed to tho undersigned on tho oghth day ot March, A.D. 1S71, by a deetl of trust oxocutcd by John VV. Jenkins aud Eliza J enk int. his wile, as parties of tbo first part to tho undurtiened as parties of lho second part, to tecu; u tho payment of a certain proiui.-jory note dated tho eighth day of March, A. 1. whoroin and whereby lor value received, promised to pay lo Pbillip l'ugsley or order, the sum of six hundred and lifty-ono dollars and tony-six cants', with intor-ost intor-ost thereon at lho rato ol two per cent ptr month lroiu lhe date thereof until paid, inior-ost inior-ost to bo paid monthly; which (Hid nut is now overdue and unpaid. Sjid dved of trust is recorded re-corded in DiongttRO record book C, pagej 111. 1 12, and 1 13, in the County Recorder's Uiiico of suidalt Laao Count)', t'lo which record reference refer-ence is hereby mado tr greater particularity. Xckms ot' S.iLt.: Said property will bo sold , to tho highest bidder lor cash, the unuey to be paid aud deed delivered immediately after aaliv LEWIS S. IITLLS. Sail Lako City, V. I., Jan. id. 1&7X j2i "Gardner Fire Extinguisher,' The Lait, Best, Clicnpeat, nd Moil KfTectlve. DLtTircDt from,nd SITERIOR TO ALL OTHERS OVKK A TlIOlAXD 11RKS PUT Ol T WIT U .IT. MORE THAN $10,000,000 Worth of IVTCrty Saved by it Use. Fire Porartment in the Principal Cities of the Union have adopted them. CHIEFS OF FIRE DEPARTMENTS EN-iliTso EN-iliTso ;lietn as thk ikst. It h.L- been approved ap-proved l'v the Secretary of the 1 rw.iry, for ii 'c on Steam YeSfiJf. an.! ndurted by the i!ov-ernment i!ov-ernment lor the Army and Navy. U nff rd ab-'Miito jT"tocii'.'n from fire, bcinn always ready for in-tant use. ptTfecily 'inline in cper-ation cper-ation and prompt aud eScieat in action. The "Gardner Firs Extinguisher"' Is a Fire D era "meet in itsc'.f. Prlc irhtn-oc ar;ci,chnikal;; SjO.OO ExtraXharscs a! ays en haEd-ST.JO r-cr doito SEND 1'OS THEIR RECOItn. Fctftc Coatl Agcucy.-llcad OSce, Salt Lake City, Utah Klmbll Itlock, Cor. Flrtl South St. JAS, SMITH & CO., t!& General Agents. First National Bank OP1 XJTAH, AL.r la kk city DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND u-iva vn i i. a n k T-j t n w THE UNITED STATES. Waekih Hcsbit, President. , Asthon t 8orBi, Cashlsr. Authorized Caplto.1, - - 300,08') PAID t'P CAPITAL, . SISO,000. BAKH1NQS, - 136,000. Dividend in 1371, 50 per cent. Oldest BanJct'ng Institution in ftaK A. Oonerol Banking Busineii Transacted. AGRNCIES IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIMK! DRvnsiTS. ns WM LAN AH AN i SON, DISTILLXKS AND JOBBERS OF RYE WHISKEYS, WtrhiM Ho.30 LlRht Btrt, BALTIMORE, ut2I NOTICE. T0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. TUI8 1 crt. :io? that Dr. J. D- 1,-rob huld rcr t.-erof t;..rr."y l-r this Tcrrir-ry. nd is iuj aulhurut-M to trar-rt li i-j-ine-; for ni. UMKLi.-; 1'. 11 AY W A KT. aJt Lako Ciry. I'tb. U. Ti. febiS : To whom it may concern U'Ji, tho BDdr;.rT.i. claim nd cim twlfe hi-.Biired i'-j") ireu ir.c.udme So- U' ad iar-e ( , in tbe T-.tas h.e. in Lit'Jo C-ntonwr.od cnyon, nd hnld tL uq b; df-i from tin onriaal locilr.ri; r.d have cmpl" with the lawi of tk dir trirt in evorr ro-pect- Aid wc tareo Mition all rwioui ot t tr&de. bar or barter ieriaid daiau, without oar Do&tent. C.H- BASSETT.J A ilm'uMirtr? ol tb I.IVINS, lt m of Aathonj Irin IfiftAKI, mag. GUARANTEED PERFECTLY PURi AND OF THE HICHEST CRADE. MANSFIELDT ATCHISON. WHOLESALE AGENTS, SALT LAKE CITY. Agent In I th for Pinet, Castillon & Co.'s COO-NAC. Charles lleitlaick's CHAMPAGNE. UfiBANA WINE COMPANY, AS D DEALERS. IX CALIFORNIA WINES, ENCLISH & SCOTCH ALiES fc PORTER. BAR GLASSWARE, etc. fe4 IMPORTANT QUESTION!! WHY ? WB.Y ? WHY? Why aro the Sa'es of tho Mason & iSamlin ORviAiVS LARGER THAN THKCOMBINED Sales of al! tbe other Ten Makers offered in the Territory ? Becausb their Brilliant aod Be-witohiog Be-witohiog Tones entrance the mind of the listener. Because all the priocipal MUSICIANS MUSI-CIANS and J UPtjES pronounce them THE BEST. Because '.hey hive stood the Teat of this trying Climate for more than Twelve Years. Becausb tbey are ALWAYS rc-oomDioded rc-oomDioded by Purchasers. Because they havo never been SURPASSED OR EQUALLED By any Reed Organ? io THE WORLD. Testimonial from Local Slualclani nnd Judges. Of all tho varieties of Orfjms with which wo aro ac.unin'od. wo unhesitatingly rocom-mend rocom-mend tho -MASON &. 11 A Al L. I N Urgans a ihe BKSX and iiiro to give purchasers perfect satisfaction. JOS. U. RIDGES, Dosifrnor and Builder of tho Salt Lake Ureal Organ. )EO. CARELESS, Conductor of tho Tabernacle Taber-nacle Choir. ORSON PRATT, Jus., Teacher of Musio, and Onronist of Ca'holin Church. MARK. CR0XALL, Captain of Salt Lako Brass Band. O J. THOMAS, Conductor of Theatre Orchestra. JOHN dlAMBEULAIN, Teacher of Musio and organist. E. BEESLEY, Captain of Martial Band, a Y. TAG 13 ART, Piano Tunor. Testimonials from more than Fivo Hundred Purchasers, including our xuo prominent oitiiona, con bo had on application to CALDER & CARELESS, 37 EAST TEMPLE STREET. SALT LAKB CITY. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Admiral Kelsou Tunnel and Mining Min-ing C" nip any, Loc.iti n of works, Emma Bill, Little Coiionn-ood Mining District, jalt Lako County, Utah Territory. Principal placo of business, in tho city of ban Francisco, California. Notice is hereby given, that at a mooting of tho Board of Trustees ofaaid Company, nwld en the iTth day of January A. 1). )l7.-i, an assessment as-sessment of Ten Cenls per eharo was levied upon tha capital stock of tu'o corporation, payable immediately in United States gold and silver coin, to the Secretary of tho Company, Com-pany, at his office, Room No. 1, in tho building build-ing known as Montgomery lilook,1.on tho south-east corner of Montgomery and Washington Wash-ington streets, in tho oily of San Francisco, California. Any stock upon which said a s ess me nt shall remain unpaid on Saturday, tho fith day of March, A. D. 1&73, will bo delinquent, and will bo duly advertised fur sale at public auction, auc-tion, and unless payuiunt shall bo mado before, be-fore, will bo sold on Monday, the J 1st day of March, A. D. 1.--73, to pay tho faid delinquent assessment, together with costs of advertising and oiponsos of salo. By order of tho Board ol Trustews. R, H.SIXT0N, Secretary. Oflico, No-L Montgomery Block, San Fran-ciico. Fran-ciico. fob! HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Co lam bug, OHIO. Cash Asrcts, Dec. .list, 1S72, $800,730.76. Cash in Bank and (.iovernment Bonds. t7.tK; 35 Montage Loans, Collateral Loans, December Premiums 7"',i.MJ IW Real E.'late, Personal Property, and Agency lialancos. PCI1) 14 All othur Securities bi.ji 16 This Company isuos Policio" insuring against LOS? or DAMAGE by KIKE nr LUiHTMNli! on Dwellinn Houses and contents, burns and ci n tents, Churches, School J louses and Public Buildings for a terms of years at favorable rates. Business Eiiildintr?, Mcrchandi-e Stoka, Elevators, Grain. ct'ros. Mills, and Manuliic-torios Manuliic-torios insured nt rstos which will furnho indemnity to tho insured tnd pre i ctiontih capital eniplm ed. Swal! linos a ppi.rialit v. M. A. DAlGllEHTY, PrcsL.; J. PEKlBEY, Secretary. fcl H IT. It. MANX Co., Agtiil . Fresh Mince Pies r.vBim DAY at WALLACE'S. FRESH CREAM CAKES Every Dny at WALLACE'S, FRE8H MARRANCS Every day at Wallace'. FRESH POUXD CAKES Every day at WALLACE'S. FRESH BUNS Every Ay, at Wallace's. LICORICE LOZENCES, The Beit Thing for CooRhi and Cold's, fur Salo only at WALLACE'S IRST SOUTH S1MFT, SS.T LIKE CITV H. M. TRrF, J". U .rilA, hi rtaeti. TRUE, BURNS & MAhTlK, Real Estate, Mining and Loan Bn-kerB, V9 Kimball's Blnrtc, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TKP.R1T0RY. Rcr.l Flute Ivmrht and Ii.ii" and ".nr,r;-1 iiii real estate acd mints pn-.n.r iy a:tsr.jt-ito. io'olJ GEORGJG CHANDLER Bop to .infsrm his friends nd patrons that ho hu opened a MMartetiDliisM Warl, 0a tklt south ol Cod? Post. iaaX - CHICAGO '.TRADE ' i il ! t J r s ( o T, Kiti. ltS A 1T0 Slale Sirect, Opposite Palmer's Orasd Uotel, C 3rET X O A- G O , Manufacturers rf SCHOOL, CHURCH OFFICE FURNITURE, GLOBES, CI1A1KS of all styles-School styles-School Outline Maps, Charts, etc. Everything in the way of Sche . College or Church Fixtures at Lowest Oah ir ices-Send ices-Send for illustrated Caialo u and Price List to A. 11. ANDREWS, A CO. d 3- ' IS : !S" b s ITT ,?TtfVC7'' g s &o Bpj M. D. WELLS & CO., Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealer in Boots and Shoes, 018 Wabaah Aw; Cbleasjo. M. D. Wells, H. J. Maofarlana. &.BenedioL a34 6. P. Melnurra. , PAGE, BRO. & Co., Importers ansl Dealnn Id ! LEATHER AXD FINDINGS "OLD CITY HOTEL CORNER," Cornar of itftto ud Lake stroeU. w. W. Pao. Boston, CHH'AGO, C. E. PM, 'jcmoiso. invlS 'The Old Salamander.'' REMOVAL.! YA2T SCEAACK, STEVENSON & REID, Wholesale. DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, Have rem ivod 10 their v Stf-res, 9"- a no LAUJ rllKUT, corner Dearborc Street, ton trie old site) i HIUAGO, wboro. with buil iigr creei od expressly tor the buxiHeSs, cSiui K ovtora, eto-. they havt upasea at-an i mm eoso Stout, aafiurpasssd in the northwest. Spsetal mention flven to Territoria bojinDsa, jji FIELD, LEITER & CO., Ill PORTERS JLHD J0BBEO8 OP DRY GQ0D3 AUD CARPETS MAOIS0NANBMWKH:EfS, C II X C Gr O . LARGEST STOCK AND LOWEST PRIUES GUARANTEED. Special Attention Given to Orders. WIS N. E. PETERSON, GAS FIXTURES. Im mouse slock; and low prices. 14T Slate Street, Chlcige. dl8 F. & E. JAEGER, ' T3 Wabash ATenae, ucar Randolili, CHICAGO, ILL., IHfttCT IV I'DKTRBS OK Crockery. China, flla.sware. Lamps, Looking-Glasses, Looking-Glasses, Cutlery, liritannia and Sih'or plutod Goods. The largost llouso in tho Wost. dl a. ci-AT proTT, b. ovinoto. W. H. OVLiOTOIf, K. J. oVl.tUT05. Scott &. Ovington Bro's, Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in eimt. cam m, PARIAN, BRONZE, TLATED WARE, LAMPS, CUTLER 1', MLKKORS, &c, No. 210 West Madison St., Chicaco, 11L Wedding and Holiday Gifts, Ulass and China Marie to Order, OVINGTON BROTH EKS. 2t". 24. Z'O St Z' Fulmn Sirect. Urwiklyu, .N. Y. Rue Do 1'aradis -A, J'aris. Soutli Side UfTicf with Snmt'les fhr Whnle-aale Whnle-aale Only-iSX .Mndiwja Strt-ot. Corner Hub ArenuoKooms-li. 11. bA V AGE, Alalia-of. W24 N. MATSON & CO., Importers and Wholesalo Dealers in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Jewelry and Silverware, Con mADIfcO-1 A. HO'HUK STf.r CHICAGO, ILLS., Ol.r'.i'o I'ulm.i'. Gr.nd II' teL HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION FIRE and El Rf.IAR PBOOK 3 j. jy HI S ! Tie. Best Sifo ia tte World 1 HERRING be CO., 46 Bute trtreet, aod corner 14th Ftrce aD(i Iodiana Avenue, CHICAGO. Biriaiss! Earii3;is! Barpiis LIDDELL i BROM'X GENT CL ITIU.NG, 1'ii.r GO ) S. r.LANM-TS . nd NOTIONS, N'Lieli tier bav inirurt:oru lo el so o.t REGARDLESS CF COST- They have t3o received a splendid line of STAPLE &. FANCY & PROVISIONS, Which they are serins CHEAPER -han the CHEAPEST. Pon't Trstt 'h i.lae. A FEW DOCKS SoK 1 11 of the Pi. ST OFFICE nol CKICaUU rHAUt. johfo i 8 w ELirrcT wholesale: ' NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, NL W OOLENS. Urflest Stock West of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sts , CHICAGO. J.VV. BUTLER & CO., Manufacturers and Whot&sale PAPER DEALERS, OFFICK AXD WEST SIDE STORE: 24 & 84 South JcSrrion Street, SOUTH SIPE STORE: 343 317 Slate Strret, CHICAGO. Print. Book. Flat Caiv. Foluw, Mediums, DemVj Huled and Colored. Printing Papers. Envelopesol every description, descrip-tion, Caul Hoards. Straw and Tar Boards. Wrappnij; Papers, Pa-pers, Twines and Paper Pa-per Dags. jaai HAMLIN. HALE & CO,, WHOL.ESALK DEALERS DRY GOODS, K0TI0.S, WOOLENS, AND HOSIERY, roKLR or MADISON A FRANKLIN STREETS, C HlOAOO. IW TORI (SDTiHOIR AlWATS FOlLOWta, el KEW YUBK THALifc. BENEDICT. HALL i Co. Manufaotorttr and Wholesale DeaJcr In BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 138 tinnd IU, New era, Corner OrBsby, one bloek oast of Broadwiy d!4 L. M. BATES Sl CO., 1 til Broadwtr JIICW rUKK, Dipoanaa ass joiblt ir Fancy Dry Goods, HOKIItKY. WUITS OOOD8, WOOLEKS, SHAWLS, TAKKES NOTIONS, (S-c J. fl. BI'LnKK. i.i Thus. m. akgall &Ca7 Men's, Tonthf' Bor' and Children'! CLOT HINQ, AT WBOUPALU, 313 3I BroRdnsy, Kw York. W "nw A i i iii: New Auction House, Woslol Ki tubal I Jt Latvronco's, all kind of BKPUIKOiuil I.Ol!Ni.i; Made to order Cnet Mndo. Cleaned and put dmrn. Cf-niee.1 nmk'. r'urnitnro pulithed, viiruisbt'd and lupanol. h'tiriniure nnd I' laiios mo vod, liouso 1'uj'oiuii: and C-lfuimnini. jaW HENRY WACENER, Nll Luke t il)', Ltht CALIFORNIA BREWERY, LAUEB Ki:R, AI.E AMI l'OBTER, ITHiiLFtBiLl 4Brt RKTaN., SFCnNPKniiTII STKKKT. thre doom al Kloi'lint Sli.tB. now C3r3ST. Feed youk Houses WARM Bran Mash, TWICE A LAV. 40,000 LBS, OF BRAN I list rcrolvpd nnd Tup kiiIp. IT KNOWLDEH'S. Dd ,11 will bo O K. GEO. II. KX0WLDEN. Grain Dealer, VK!T mm 1.MX STHKCT. FURSWATiTD. Highest Cah Prlco Paid fir Fun. AI.0 JInvnna Cinn lVh'o)l, ana Rouil. THOMAS CAR I ER, Al Sitcl Bro' nn.lnr 8kH L. llniui, III |